@prefix adms: . @prefix cc: . @prefix cpsv: . @prefix cpsvno: . @prefix cv: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dcatap: . @prefix dcatno: . @prefix dct: . @prefix eli: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix locn: . @prefix org: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix time: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xkos: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix sh: . @prefix : . ### About this SHACL: dcat:accessURL ; dcat:downloadURL ; dcatap:availability ; dct:format ; dct:conformsTo ; dct:creator [ foaf:homepage ; foaf:name "Digitaliseringsdirektoratet"@nb , "Norwegian Digitalisation Agency"@en ; ]; foaf:homepage ; foaf:maker [ foaf:mbox ; foaf:name "Informasjonsforvaltning, Digitaliseringsdirektoratet" ; foaf:page ]; dct:license ; cc:attributionURL ; dct:publisher ; dct:title "SHACL-rules for CPSV-AP-NO v.1.x"@en ; dct:description "This document specifies the constraints on properties and classes in CPSV-AP-NO v.1.x, expressed in SHACL."@en ; dct:modified "2023-10-10"^^xsd:date ; rdfs:commet "Validated SUCCESS at https://www.itb.ec.europa.eu/shacl/shacl/upload"@en ; owl:versionInfo "1.001" ; adms:versionNotes "Updated hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfWeek"@en ; . ### --- Class shapes: ### Klassen Adresse: :AddressShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Address"@en, "Adresse"@nb; sh:property # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAdminUnitL1, # admin enhet nivå 1, cv:adminUnitL1 :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAdminUnitL2, # admin enhet nivå 2, cv:adminUnitL2 :hasMin0Max1Shape-locnAddressId, # adresseId, locn:adressID :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAddressArea, # adresseringsområde, locn:addressArea :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnLocatorName, # adressetilleggsnavn, locn:locatorName :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnFullAddress, # fullstendig adresse, locn:fullAddress :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnThoroughfare, # gate-/vei-/områdenavn, locn:thoroughfare :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnLocatorDesignator, # husnummer m.m., locn:locatorDesignator :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnPoBox, # postboks, locn:poBox :hasMin0Max1Shape-locnPostCode, # postnummer, locn:postCode :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnPostName # poststed, locn:postName ; sh:targetClass locn:Address . # sjekker om minst en egenskap har verdi, siden alle er valgfrie :AddressShape2 a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Address"@en, "Adresse"@nb; sh:or ( [sh:property [ sh:path locn:adminUnitL1; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:adminUnitL2; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:addressId; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:addressArea; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:locatorName; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:fullAddress; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:thoroughfare; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:locatorDesignator; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:poBox; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:postCode; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [ sh:path locn:postName; sh:minCount 1]] ); sh:message "Although all the properties are optional, at least one property should have value."@en, "Selv om alle egenskaper er valgfrie, bør minst én ha verdi."@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning; sh:targetClass locn:Address . ### Klassen Aktør (foaf:Agent) :AgentShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Agent"@en, "Aktør"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier , # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dt:title) # recommended properties: # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAddress, # adresse (locn:address) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvParticipates # deltar (cv:participates) ; sh:targetClass foaf:Agent ; . ### Klassen Begrensning (cv:Constraint) :ConstraintShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Constraint"@en, "Begrensning"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-cvConstrains, # begrenser, cv:constrains :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn, dct:title # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # optional: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsRequirementOf, # er subkrav av, cv:isRequirementOf :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDerivedFrom, # er utledet av, cv:isDerivdFrom :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctPublisher, # er utstedt av, dct:publisher :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasEvidenceTypeList, # har dokumentasjonslitestype, cv:hasEvidenceTypeList :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasQualifiedRelation, # har kvalifisert relasjon til andre krav, cv:hasQualifiedRelation :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasRequirement, # har mer spesifikt krav, cv:hasRequirement :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasSupportingEvidence, # har understøttende dokumentajson, cv:hasSupportingEvidence :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFulfils, # tilfredsstiller regel, cv:fulfils :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType # type, dct:type ; sh:targetClass cv:Constraint . ### Klassen Datasett (dcat:Dataset) :DatasetShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Dataset"@en, "Datasett"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # tittel, dct:title :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctPublisher, # utgiver, dct:publisher # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier # optional: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctHasPartService, # har del, dct:hasPart :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatLandingPage # landingsside, dcat:landingPage ; sh:targetClass dcat:Dataset . ### Klassen Deltagelse (cv:Participation) :ParticipationShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Participation"@en, "Deltagelse"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier # :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvRole # rolle, cv:role :hasShapeCV-cvRoleMin1MaxN # rolle, kontrollert vokabular, cv:role ; sh:targetClass cv:Participation . ### Klassen Dokumentasjon (cv:Evidence) :EvidenceShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Evidence"@en, "Dokumentasjon"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifer :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # tittel, dct:title # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN, # språk, kontrollert vokabular, dct:language # optional properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvIsProvidedBy, # distributør, cv:isProvidedBy :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSupportsValue, # gir understøttende opplysning cv:supportsValue :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctSubjectEvidence, # gjelder dct:subject in Evidence :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvValidityPeriod, # gyldighetsperiode cv:validityPeriod :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctConformsToEvidence, # i samsvar med dct:conformsTo in Evidence :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvConfidentialityLevelType, # konfidensialitetsnivå cv:confidentialityLevelType :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctCreator, # produsent dct:creator :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafPage,# relatert informasjon foaf:page # :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctType, # type dct:type :hasShapeCV-dctTypeEvidenceMin0Max1, # type, kontrollert vokabular dct:type :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSupportsConcept, # understøtter informasjonsbegrep cv:supportsCocnept :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSupportsRequirement, # understøtter krav cv:supportsRequirement :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctPublisher # utsteder dct:publisher ; sh:targetClass cv:Evidence . ### Klassen Dokumentasjonstype :EvidenceTypeShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Evidence type"@en, "Dokumentasjonstype"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator dct:identifier # recommended: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvEvidenceTypeClassification, # dokumentasjonstypekategori cv:evidenceTypeClassification # optional: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsSpecifiedIn, # er spesifisert i cv:isSpecifiedIn :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvValidityPeriodConstraint, # gyldighetsperiode, begrensning cv:validityPeriodConstraint :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvIssuingPlace # utstedelsessted cv:issuingPlace ; sh:targetClass cv:EvidenceType . ### Klassen Dokumentasjonstypeliste :EvidenceTypeListShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Evidence type list"@en, "Dokumentasjonstypeliste"@nb; sh:propertye # mandatory: :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvSpecifiesEvidenceType, # spesifiserer dokumentasjonstype cv:specifiesEvidenceType # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier :hasMin0MaxNShape-skosPrefLabel # navn, skos:prefLabel ; sh:targetClass cv:EvidenceTypeList . ### Klassen Gebyr (cv:Cost) :CostShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Cost"@en, "Gebyr"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifer # recommended properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvHasValue, # beløp, cv:hasValue :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvCurrency, # valuta, cv:currency :hasShapeCV-cvCurrencyMin0Max1, # valuta, kontrollert vokabular, cv:currency # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDefinedBy, # er bestemt av, cv:isDefinedBy :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvIfAccessedThrough # hvis tilbys gjennom, cv:ifAccessedThrough ; sh:targetClass cv:Cost . ### Felles for Klassene Hendelse (cv:Event), Livshendelse (cv:LifeEvent), Virksomhetshendelse (cv:BusinessEvent) :EventAndSubclassesShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Event, Live Event, Business Event"@en, "Hendelse, Livshendelse, Virksomhetshendelse"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn, dct:title # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSubject, # begrep, dct:subject :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatDistribution, # distribusjon, dcat:distribution :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType # type, dct:type ; sh:targetClass cv:Event, cv:LifeEvent, cv:BusinessEvent . ### Klassen Hendelse (cv:Event) # det som er spesifikt for Hendelse (cv:Event) :EventShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Event"@en, "Hendelse"@nb; sh:property # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoMayTrigger, # kan sette i gang # optional properties: :hasShapeCV-dctTypeEventMin0MaxN # type, kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cv:Event . ### Klassen Informasjonsbegrep cv:InformationConcept :InformationConceptShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Catalog"@en, "Katalog"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-cvExpressionOfExpectedValue, # uttrykk av forventet verdi, cv:expressionOfExpectedValue # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # optional: :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier :hasMin0MaxNShape-skosPrefLabel, # navn, skos:prefLabel :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctType # type, dct:type ; sh:targetClass cv:InformationConcept . ### Klassen Informasjonskrav cv:InformationRequirement :InformationRequirementShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Information Requirement"@en, "Informasjonskrav"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn, dct:title # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # optional: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsRequirementOf, # er subkrav av, cv:isRequirementOf :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDerivedFrom, # er utledet fra, cv:isDerivedFrom :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctPublisher, # er utstedt av, dct:publisher :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasEvidenceTypeList, # har dokumentasjonstypeliste cv:hasEvidenceTypeList :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasConcept, # har informasjonsbegrep cv:hasConcept :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasQualifiedRelation, # har kvalifisert relasjon til andre krav cv:hasQualifiedRelation :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasRequirement, # har mer spesifikt krav (cv:hasRequirement) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasSupportingEvidence, # har understøttende dokumentasjon (cv:hasSupportingEvidence) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFulfils, # tilfredsstiller regel (cv:fulfils) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType # type (dct:type) ; sh:targetClass cv:InformationRequirement . ### Klassen Katalog (dcat:Catalog) :CatalogShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Catalog"@en, "Katalog"@nb; sh:property # mandatory :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvContactPoint, # har kontaktpunkt (cv:contactPoint) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dcatnoContainsService, # inneholder tjeneste :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # tittel (dct:title) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctPublisher, # utgiver (dct:publisher) # recommended :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSpatial, # dekningsområde (dct:spatial) :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctModified, # endringsdato (dct:modified) # :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctAccrualPeriodicity, # frekvens (dct:accrualPeriodicity) :hasShapeCV-dctAccrualPeriodicityMin0Max1, # frekvens (dct:accrualPeriodicity) kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0Max1Shape-foafHomepage, # hjemmeside (foaf:homepage) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatnoContainsEvent, # inneholder hendelse (dcatno:containsEvent) # :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctLicense, # lisens (dct:license)s :hasShapeCV-dctLicenseMin0Max1, # lisens (dct:license) kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctProvenance, # opphav (dct:provenance) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk (dct:language) :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN, # språk (dct:language) kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatThemeTaxonomy, # temaer (dcat:themeTaxonomy) :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIssued, # utgivelsesdato (dct:issued) # optional :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIsPartOfCatalog, # er del av (dct:isPartOf) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctHasPartCatalog, # har del (dct:hasPart) :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctCreator, # produsent (dct:creator) :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctRights # rettigheter (brukervilkår) (dct:rights) ; sh:targetClass dcat:Catalog . ### Klassen Kontaktpunkt (cv:ContactPoint) @@@@@ NB! Sjekk om EU endrer på denne :ContactPointShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Contact Point"@en, "Kontaktpunkt"@nb; sh:property # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSpecialOpeningHoursSpecification, # begrenset åpningstid (cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvEmail, # e-post (cv:email) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardLanguage, # har språk (vcard:language) :hasShapeCV-vcardLanguagMin0MaxN, # har språk (vcard:language) kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvContactPage, # kontaktside (cv:contactPage) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvOpeningHours, # ordinær åpningstid (cv:openingHours) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvTelephone, # telefon (cv:telephone) :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardCategory # type kontaktpunkt (vcard:category) ; sh:targetClass cv:ContactPoint . # sjekker om minst en egenskap har verdi, selv om alle er valgfrie :ContactPointShape2 a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Contact Point"@en, "Kontaktpunkt"@nb; sh:or ( [sh:property [sh:path cv:email; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [sh:path cv:contactPage; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [sh:path cv:telephone; sh:minCount 1]] ); sh:message "At least one of the properties cv:email, cv:contactPage or cv:telephone should have value, although all are optional."@en, "Minst én av egenskapene cv:email, cv:contactPage eller cv:telephone bør ha verdi, selv om alle er valgfrie"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning; sh:targetClass cv:ContactPoint . ### Klassen Krav (cv:Requirement) :RequirementShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Constraint"@en, "Begrensning"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator, dct:identifier :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn, dct:title # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse, dct:description # optional: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsRequirementOf, # er subkrav av, cv:isRequirementOf :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDerivedFrom, # er utledet av, cv:isDerivdFrom :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctPublisher, # er utstedt av, dct:publisher :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasEvidenceTypeList, # har dokumentasjonslitestype, cv:hasEvidenceTypeList :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasConcept, # har informasjonsbegrep (cv:hasConcept) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasQualifiedRelation, # har kvalifisert relasjon til andre krav, cv:hasQualifiedRelation :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasRequirement, # har mer spesifikt krav, cv:hasRequirement :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasSupportingEvidence, # har understøttende dokumentajson, cv:hasSupportingEvidence :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFulfils, # tilfredsstiller regel, cv:fulfils :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType # type, dct:type ; sh:targetClass cv:Requirement . ### Klassen Kriterium (cv:Criterion) :CriterionShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Criterion"@en, "Kriterium"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title) # recommended: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) # optional: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvBias, # bias (cv:bias) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsRequirementOf, # er subkrav av, cv:isRequirementOf :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDerivedFrom, # er utledet av, cv:isDerivdFrom :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctPublisher, # er utstedt av, dct:publisher :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasEvidenceTypeList, # har dokumentasjonslitestype, cv:hasEvidenceTypeList :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasConcept, # har informasjonsbegrep (cv:hasConcept) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasQualifiedRelation, # har kvalifisert relasjon til andre krav, cv:hasQualifiedRelation :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasRequirement, # har mer spesifikt krav, cv:hasRequirement :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasSupportingEvidence, # har understøttende dokumentajson, cv:hasSupportingEvidence :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFulfils, # tilfredsstiller regel, cv:fulfils :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType, # type, dct:type :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvWeight, # vekting (cv:weight) :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvWeightingType, # vektingstype (cv:weightingType) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvWeightingConsiderationDescription # vektingsvurderingsbeskrivelse (cv:weightingConsiderationDescription) ; sh:targetClass cv:Criterion . ### Klassen Livshendelse (cv:LifeEvent) # det som er i tillegg til / forskjellig fra klassen Hendelse (cv:Event) :LifeEventShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Life Event"@en, "Livshendelse"@nb; sh:property # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoMayTriggerNeedFor, # kan utløse behov for (cpsvno:mayTriggerNeedFor) # optional properties: :hasShapeCV-dctTypeLifeEventMin0MaxN # type (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cv:LifeEvent . ### Offentlig organisasjon (cv:PublicOrganisation) :PublicOrganizationShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:name "Public organization"@en, "Offentlig organisasjon"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctSpatial, # dekningsområde (dct:spatial) :hasMin1MaxNShape-skosPrefLabel, # foretrukket navn (skos:prefLabel) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) # :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title), finnes ikke lenger fom. CPSV-AP 3.1.1 # recommended properties: # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType, # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeAgentMin0Max1, # type (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAddress, # adresse (locn:address) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvParticipates, # deltar i (cv:participates) :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafHomepage # hjemmeside (foaf:homepage) ; sh:targetClass cv:PublicOrganisation . ### Klassen Offentlig tjeneste (cpsv:PublicServicve) :PublicServiceShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Public Service"@en , "Offentlig tjeneste"@nb ; sh:property # mandatory properties :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvHasCompetentAuthority, # har kompetent organ (cv:hasCompetentAuthority) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvContactPoint, # har kontaktpunkt (cv:contactPoint) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cpsvProduces, # produserer (cpsv:produces) # recommended properties :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSubject, # begrep (dct:subject) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSpatial, # dekningsområde (dct:spatial) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctIsPartOfService, # er del av (dct:isPartOf) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctHasPartService, # har del (dct:hasPart) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvHasInput, # har dokumentasjonskrav (cpsv:hasInput) :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafHomepage, # hjemmeside (foaf:homepage) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType, # hovedformål (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypePublicServiceMin0MaxN, # hovedformål (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular # :hasMin0Max1Shape-admsStatus, # status (adms:status) :hasShapeCV-admsStatusMin0Max1, # status (adms:status), kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvThematicArea, # temaområde (cv:thematicArea) # optional properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvProcessingTime, # behandlingstid (cv:processingTime) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDescribedAt, # beskrivende datasett (cv:isDescribedAt) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsGroupedBy, # er gruppert ved (cv:isGroupedBy) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsClassifiedBy, # er klassifisert under (cv:isClassifiedBy) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasChannel, # er tilgjengelig via (cv:hasChannel) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvFollows, # følger regel (cpsv:follows) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasParticipation, # har deltagelse (cv:hasParticipation) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasInputType, # har dokumentasjonstype (cv:hasInputType) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasCost, # har gebyr (cv:hasCost) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHoldsRequirement, # har krav (cv:holdsRequirement) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasLegalResource, # har relatert regelverk (cv:hasLegalResource) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRequires, # krever (dct:requires) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatKeyword, # nøkkelord (dcat:keyword) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRelatedService, # relatert tjeneste (cv:relatedService) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSector, # sektor (cv:sector) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk (dct:language) :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN # språk (dct:language), kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cpsv:PublicService . ### Klassen Organisasjon (org:Organization) :OrganizationShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Organization"@en, "Organisasjon"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1MaxNShape-skosPrefLabel, # foretrukket navn (skos:prefLabel) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSpatial, # dekningsområde (dct:spatial) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType, # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeAgentMin0Max1, # type (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAddress, # adresse (locn:address) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvParticipates, # deltar i (cv:participates) :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafHomepage # hjemmeside (foaf:homepage) ; sh:targetClass org:Organization . ### Klassen Referanserammeverk (cv:ReferenceFramework) :ReferenceFrameworkShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Reference framework"@en, "Referanserammeverk"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctTitle # tittel (dct:title) ; sh:targetClass cv:ReferenceFramework . ### Klassen Regel (cpsv:Rule) :RuleShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Rule"@en, "Regel"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title) # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvImplements, # implementerer (cpsv:implements) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk (dct:language) :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN, # språk (dct:language), kontrollert vokabular # optional properties: # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeRuleMin0MaxN # språk (dct:language) kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cpsv:Rule . ### Klassen Regulativ ressurs (eli:LegalResource) :LegalResourceShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Legal Resource"@en, "Regulativ ressurs"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin0MaxNShape-rdfsSeeAlso, # referanse (rdfs:seeAlso) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk (dct:language) :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN, # språk (dct:language), kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctTitle, # tittel (dct:title) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType, # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeLegalResourceMin0MaxN, # type (dct:type) kontrollert vokabular # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRelationEliLegalResource # relatert regulativ ressurs (dct:relation) ; sh:targetClass eli:LegalResource . # sjekker om minst en egenskap har verdi, selv om ingen obligatorisk :LegalResourceShape2 a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Legal Resource"@en, "Regulativ ressurs"@nb; sh:or ( [sh:property [sh:path dct:description; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [sh:path rdfs:seeAlso; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [sh:path dct:title; sh:minCount 1]] ); sh:message "At least one of the properties dct:description, rdfs:seeAlso or dct:title should have value, although none of them are mandatory."@en, "Minst én av egenskapene dct:description, rdfs:seeAlso eller dct:title bør ha verdi, selv om ingen av dem er obligatoriske."@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning; sh:targetClass eli:LegalResource . ### Klassen Tidsenhet (time:TemporalEntity) :TemporalEntityShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Temporal Entity"@en , "Tidsenhet"@nb ; sh:property # recommended properties :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasEnd, # sluttidspunkt (time:hasEnd) :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasBeginning, # starttidspunkt (time:hasBeginning) # optional propertyes :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFrequency # frekvens (cv:frequency) ; sh:targetClass time:TemporalEntity . ### Klassen Tidspunkt (time:Instant) :TemporalEntityShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Time Instant"@en , "Tidspunkt"@nb ; sh:property # mandatory properties :hasMin1Max1Shape-timeDateTime # tidspunktangivelse (time:inDateTime) ; sh:targetClass time:Instant . ### Klassen Tidspunktbeskrivelse (time:DateTimeDescription) :TemporalEntityShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Time Instant"@en , "Tidspunkt"@nb ; sh:property # mandatory properties :hasMin1Max1Shape-timeUnitType, # enhetstype (time:unitType) # optional properties :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfMonth, # dag i måneden (time:day) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfWeek, # dag i uken (time:dayOfWeek) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfYear, # dag i året (time:dayOfYear) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeMinute, # minutt (time:minute) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeMonth, # måned (time:month) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeMonthOfYear, # måned i året (time:monthOfYear) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeSecond, # sekund (time:second) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeTimeZone, # tidssone (time:timeZone) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeHour, # time (time:hour) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeWeek, # ukenummer (time:week) :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeYear # år (time:year) ; sh:targetClass time:DateTimeDescription . ### Klassen Tidsrom (time:ProperInterval) :PeriodOfTimeShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Proper interval"@en , "Tidsrom"@nb ; sh:property # recommended properties :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasEnd, # sluttidspunkt (time:hasEnd) :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasBeginning, # starttidspunkt (time:hasBeginning) :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasXsdDuration # tidsrom (time:hasXSDDuration) ; sh:targetClass time:ProperInterval . # sjekker om minst en av egenskapene har verdi, selv om ingen er obligatoriske :PeriodOfTimeShape2 a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Proper interval"@en , "Tidsrom"@nb ; sh:or ( [sh:property [sh:path time:hasEnd; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [sh:path time:hasBeginning; sh:minCount 1]] [sh:property [sh:path time:hasXSDDuration; sh:minCount 1]] ); sh:message "At least one of the properties should have value, alhough none of them are mandatory."@en, "Minst én av egenskapene bør ha verdi, selv om ingen av dem er obligatoriske."@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning; sh:targetClass time:ProperInterval . ### Klassen Tjeneste (cpsvno:Servicve) :ServiceShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Service"@en , "Tjeneste"@nb ; sh:property # mandatory properties :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvOwnedBy , # eies av (cv:ownedBy) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvContactPoint, # har kontaktpunkt (cv:contactPoint) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cpsvProduces, # produserer (cpsv:produces) # recommended properties :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSubject, # begrep (dct:subject) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSpatial, # dekningsområde (dct:spatial) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctIsPartOfService, # er del av (dct:isPartOf) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctHasPartService, # har del (dct:hasPart) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvHasInput, # har dokumentasjonskrav (cpsv:hasInput) :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafHomepage, # hjemmeside (foaf:homepage) # :hasMin0Max1Shape-admsStatus, # status (adms:status) :hasShapeCV-admsStatusMin0Max1, # status (adms:status), kontrollert vokabular :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvThematicArea, # temaområde (cv:thematicArea) # optional properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvProcessingTime, # behandlingstid (cv:processingTime) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDescribedAt, # beskrivende datasett (cv:isDescribedAt) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsGroupedBy, # er gruppert ved (cv:isGroupedBy) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsClassifiedBy, # er klassifisert under (cv:isClassifiedBy) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasChannel, # er tilgjengelig via (cv:hasChannel) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvFollows, # følger regel (cpsv:follows) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasParticipation, # har deltagelse (cv:hasParticipation) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvHasInputType, # har dokumentasjonstype (cv:hasInputType) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasCost, # har gebyr (cv:hasCost) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHoldsRequirement, # har krav (cv:holdsRequirement) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasLegalResource, # har relatert regelverk (cv:hasLegalResource) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRequires, # krever (dct:requires) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctAudience, # målgruppe (dct:audience) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatKeyword, # nøkkelord (dcat:keyword) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRelatedService, # relatert tjeneste (cv:relatedService) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSector, # sektor (cv:sector) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk (dct:language) :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN, # språk (dct:language), kontrollert vokabular # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType, # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeServiceMin0MaxN # type (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cpsvno:Service . ### Klassen Tjenestekanal (cv:Channel) :ChannelShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Channel"@en, "Tjenestekanal"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) # recommended properties: # :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctType, # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeServiceChannelMin0Max1, # type (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular # optinal properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSpecialOpeningHoursSpecification, # begrenset åpningstid (cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification) :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvProcessingTime, # behandlingstid (cv:processingTime) :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoDataService, # datatjeneste (cpsvno:dataService) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvOwnedBy, # eies av (cv:ownedBy) :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasAddress, # har adresse (vcard:hasAddress) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvHasInput, # har dokumentasjonskrav (cpsv:hasInput) :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasEmail, # har e-post (vcard:hasEmail) :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasTelephone, # har telefon (vcard:hasTelephone) :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasURL, # har URL (vcard:hasURL) :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvOpeningHours # ordinær åpningstid (cv:openingHours) ; sh:targetClass cv:Channel . ### Klassen Tjenestekonsesjonskontrakt (cv:ConcessionContract) :ConcessionContractShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Concession contract"@en, "Konsesjonskontrakt"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvHasEconomicOperator, # har leverandør (cv:hasEconomicOperator) :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvHasContractingAuthority, # har oppdragsgiver (cv:hasContractingAuthority) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title) # optional: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvEstablishedUnder # etablert i henhold til (cv:establishedUnder) ; sh:targetClass cv:ConcessionContract . ### Klassen Tjenesteresultat (cv:Output) :OutputShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Output"@en, "Tjenesteresultat"@nb; sh:property # mandatory properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier, # identifikator (dct:identifier) :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle, # navn (dct:title) # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription, # beskrivelse (dct:description) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage, # språk (dct:language) :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN, # språk (dct:language), kontrollert vokabular # optional properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-xkosCauses, # kan skape (xkos:causes) # :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType # type (dct:type) :hasShapeCV-dctTypeServiceOutputMin0MaxN # type (dct:type), kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cv:Output . ### Klassen Understøttende opplysning (cv:SupportedValue) :SupportedValueShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Supported value"@en, "Understøttende opplysning"@nb; sh:property # mandatory: :hasMin1Max1Shape-cvProvidesValueFor, # gir verdi for (cv:providesValueFor) # optional: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvQuery, # spørring (cv:query) :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvValue # verdi (cv:value) ; sh:targetClass cv:SupportedValue . ### Klassen Virksomhetshendelse (cv:BusinessEvent) # det som er spesielt for klassen virksomhetshendelse (i tillegg til klassen Hendelse) :BusinessEventShape a sh:NodeShape; rdfs:label "Business event"@en, "Virksomhetshendelse"@nb; sh:property # recommended properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoMayTriggerNeedFor, # kan utløse behov for (cpsvno:mayTriggerNeedFor) # optional properties: :hasShapeCV-dctTypeBusinessEventMin0MaxN # type kontrollert vokabular ; sh:targetClass cv:BusinessEvent . ################################## ################################## ### Property shapes: ## -- adms-properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-admsStatus a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "status"@en, "status"@nb; sh:path adms:status; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property adms:status SHOULD appear only once and MUST be instance of skos:Concept"@en , "Egenskapen adms:status kan ha maks 1 verdi som skal være instans av skos:Concept"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Warning . ## -- cpsv-properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvFollows a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "follows"@en, "følger regel"@nb; sh:path cpsv:follows; sh:class cpsv:Rule; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cpsv:follows MUST refer to an instance of cpsv:Rule"@en, "Egenskapen cpsv:follows skal referere til en instans av cpsv:Rule"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvHasInput a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has input"@en, "dokumentasjonskrav"@nb; sh:path cpsv:hasInput; sh:class cv:Evidence; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cpsv:hasInput MUST refer to an instance of cv:Evidence"@en, "Egenskapen cpsv:hasInput skal referere til en instans av cv:Evidence"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvHasInputType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has input"@en, "dokumentasjonskrav"@nb; sh:path cv:hasInputType; sh:class cv:EvidenceType; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:hasInputType MUST refer to an instance of cv:EvidenceType"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasInputType skal referere til en instans av cv:EvidenceType"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvImplements a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "implements"@en, "implementerer"@nb; sh:path cpsv:implements; sh:class eli:LegalResource; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cpsv:implements MUST refer to an instance of eli:LegalResource"@en, "Egenskapen cpsv:implements skal referere til en instans av eli:LegalResource"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cpsvProduces a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "produces"@en, "produserer"@nb; sh:path cpsv:produces; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:Output] [sh:class dcat:Dataset]) ; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cpsv:produces MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of cv:Output or dcat:Dataset"@en, "Egenskapen cpsv:produces skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til instans av cv:Output eller dcat:Dataset"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . ## -- cpsvno-properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoDataService a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "data service"@en, "datatjeneste"@nb; sh:path cpsvno:dataService; sh:class dcat:DataService; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cpsvno:dataService MUST refer to an instance of dcat:DataService"@en, "Egenskapen cpsvno:dataService skal referere til en instans av dcat:DataService"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoMayTrigger a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "may trigger"@en, "kan sette i gang"@nb; sh:path cpsvno:mayTrigger; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cpsvno:mayTrigger MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService"@en, "Egenskapen cpsvno:mayTrigger skal referere til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cpsvnoMayTriggerNeedFor a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "triggers need for"@en, "utløser behov for"@nb; sh:path cpsvno:cpsvno:mayTriggerNeedFor; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cpsvno:mayTriggerNeedFor MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService"@en, "Egenskapen cpsvno:mayTriggerNeedFor skal referere til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . ## -- cv-properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvBias a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "bias"@en, "bias"@nb; sh:path cv:bias; sh:datatype xsd:decimal; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:bias may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:decimal"@en, "Egenskapen cv:bias kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:decimal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvConfidentialityLevelType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "confidentiality level type"@en, "konfidensialitetsnivå"@nb; sh:path cv:confidentialityLevelType; sh:class skos:Concept; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:confidentialityLevelType may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:confidentialityLevelType kan ha maks. 1 verdu som skal referere til en instans va skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin1Max1Shape-cvConstrains a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "constrains"@en, "begrenser"@nb; sh:path cv:constrains; sh:class cv:InformationConcept; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:constrains MUST have min. 1 and max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of cv:InformationConcept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:constrains skal ha min. 1 og maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:InformationConcept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvContactPage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "contact page"@en, "kontaktside"@nb; sh:path cv:contactPage; ### De aller fleste sidene ville ha gitt valideringsfeil, derfor "slås av" denne type-sjekk # sh:class foaf:Document; ### sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:contactPage MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Document"@en, "Egenskapen cv:contactPage skal referere til en instans av foaf:Document"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvCurrency a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "currency"@en, "valuta"@nb; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:currency may have max. 1 value which SHOULD refer to a defined concept representing the currency"@en, "Egenskapen cv:currency kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til begrep for valutaen"@nb; sh:path cv:currency; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvEmail a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "email"@en, "e-post"@nb; sh:path cv:email; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:message "The property cv:email MUST be Literal"@en, "Egenskapen cv:email skal være Literal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvEstablishedUnder a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "established under"@en, "etablert i henhold til"@nb; sh:path cv:establishedUnder; sh:class eli:LegalResource; sh:message "The property cv:establishedUnder MUST refer to an instance of eli:LegalResource"@en, "Egenskapen cv:establishedUnder skal referere til en instans av eli:LegalResource"@nb; sh:severity sh:Voilation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvEvidenceTypeClassification a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "evidence type classification"@en, "dokumentasjonstypekategori"@nb; sh:path cv:evidenceTypeClassification; sh:class skos:Concept; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:evidenceTypeClassification may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:evidenceTypeClassification kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin1Max1Shape-cvExpressionOfExpectedValue a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "expression of expected value"@en, "uttrykk av forventet verdi"@nb; sh:path cv:expressionOfExpectedValue; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:expressionOfExpectedValue MUST have min. 1 and max. 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen cv:expressionOfExpectedValue skal ha min. 1 og maks. 1 verdi"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFrequency a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "frequency"@en, "frekvens"@nb; sh:path cv:frequency; sh:class skos:Concept; sh:message "The property cv:frequency MUST refer to an instance of kos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:frequency skal referere til en instans av kos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvFulfils a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "fulfils"@en, "tilfredsstiller regel"@nb; sh:path cv:fulfils; sh:class cpsv:Rule; sh:message "The property cv:fulfils MUST refer to an instance of cpsv:Rule"@en, "Egenskapen cv:fulfils skal referere til en instans av cpsv:Rule"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasChannel a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has channel"@en, "er tilgjengelig via"@nb; sh:path cv:hasChannel; sh:class cv:Channel; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:hasChannel MUST refer to an instance of cv:Channel"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasChannel skal referere til en instans av cv:Channel"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvHasCompetentAuthority a sh:PropertyShape; # sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation; # Enhetsreg bruker ikke denne klasse/type sh:name "has competent authority"@en, "har kompetent organ"@nb; sh:path cv:hasCompetentAuthority; sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:hasCompetentAuthority MUST have min. 1 which MUST refer to an instance of cv:PublicOrganisation"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasCompetentAuthority skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:PublicOrganisation"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasConcept a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has concept"@en, "har informasjonsbegrep"@nb; sh:path cv:hasConcept; sh:class cv:InformationConcept; sh:message "The property cv:hasConcept MUST refer to an instance of cv:InformationConcept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasConcept skal referere til en instans av cv:InformationConcept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvContactPoint a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "contact point"@en, "kontaktpunkt"@nb; sh:path cv:contactPoint; sh:class cv:ContactPoint; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:contactPoint MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of cv:ContactPoint"@en, "Egenskapen cv:contactPoint skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:ContactPoint"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvHasContractingAuthority a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has contracting authority"@en, "har oppdragsgiver"@nb; sh:path cv:hasContractingAuthority; sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:hasContractingAuthority MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of cv:PublicOrganisation"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasContractingAuthority skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:PublicOrganisation"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasCost a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has cost"@en, "gebyr"@nb; sh:path cv:hasCost; sh:class cv:Cost; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:hasCost MUST refer to an instance of cv:Cost"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasCost skal referere til en instans av cv:Cost"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvHasEconomicOperator a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has economic operator"@en, "har leverandør"@nb; sh:path cv:hasEconomicOperator; sh:class org:Organization; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:hasEconomicOperator MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of org:Organization"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasEconomicOperator skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av org:Organization"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasEvidenceTypeList a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has evidence type list"@en, "har dokumentasjonstypeliste"@nb; sh:path cv:hasEvidenceTypeList; sh:class cv:EvidenceTypeList; sh:message "The property cv:hasEvidenceTypeList MUST refer to an instance of cv:EvidenceTypeList"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasEvidenceTypeList skal referere til en instans av cv:EvidenceTypeList"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasInputType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has input type"@en, "har dokumentasjonstype"@nb; sh:path cv:hasInputType; sh:class cv:EvidenceType; sh:message "The property cv:hasInputType MUST refer to an instance of cv:EvidenceType"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasInputType skal referere til en instans av cv:EvidenceType"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasLegalResource a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has legal resource"@en, "relatert regelverk"@nb; sh:path cv:hasLegalResource; sh:class eli:LegalResource; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:hasLegalResource MUST refer to an instance of eli:LegalResource"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasLegalResource skal referere til en instans av cv:hasLegalResource"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasParticipation a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has participation"@en, "har deltagelse"@nb; sh:path cv:hasParticipation; sh:class cv:Participation; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:hasParticipation MUST refer to an instance of cv:Participation"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasParticipation skal referere til en instans av cv:Participation"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasQualifiedRelation a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has qualified relation"@en, "har kvalifisert relasjon til andre krav"@nb; sh:path cv:hasQualifiedRelation; sh:class cv:Requirement; sh:message "The property cv:hasQualifiedRelation MUST refer to an instance of cv:Requirement"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasQualifiedRelation skal referere til en instans av cv:Requirement"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasRequirement a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has requirement"@en, "har mer spesifikt krav"@nb; sh:path cv:hasRequirement; sh:class cv:Requirement; sh:message "The property cv:hasRequirement MUST refer to an instance of cv:Requirement"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasRequirement skal referere til en instans av cv:Requirement"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHasSupportingEvidence a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has supporting evidence"@en, "har understøttende dokumentasjon"@nb; sh:path cv:hasSupportingEvidence; sh:class cv:Evidence; sh:message "The property cv:hasSupportingEvidence MUST refer to an instance of cv:Evidence"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasSupportingEvidence skal referere til en instans av cv:Evidence"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvHasValue a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "value"@en, "beløp"@nb; sh:path cv:hasValue; sh:datatype xsd:double; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:hasValue may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:double"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasValue kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:double"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvHoldsRequirement a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "holds requirement"@en, "har krav"@nb; sh:path cv:holdsRequirement; sh:class cv:Requirement; sh:message "The property cv:holdsRequirement MUST refer to an instance of cv:Requirement"@en, "Egenskapen cv:holdsRequirement skal referere til en instans av cv:Requirement"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvIfAccessedThrough a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "if accessed through"@en, "hvis tilbys gjennom"@nb; sh:path cv:ifAccessedThrough; sh:class cv:Channel; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:ifAccessedThrough may have max. 1 value referring to an instance of cv:Channel"@en, "Egenskapen cv:ifAccessedThrough kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:Channel"; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDefinedBy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "isDefinedBy"@en, "er bestemt av"@nb; sh:path cv:isDefinedBy; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation] [sh:class foaf:Agent] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:isDefinedBy MUST refer to an instance of cv:PublicOrganisation or foaf:Agent"@en, "Egenskapen cv:isDefinedBy skal referere til en instans av cv:PublicOrganisation eller foaf:Agent"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDerivedFrom a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is derived from"@en, "er utledet fra"@nb; sh:path cv:hasDerivedFrom; sh:class cv:ReferenceFramework; sh:message "The property cv:hasDerivedFrom MUST refer to an instance of cv:ReferenceFramework"@en, "Egenskapen cv:hasDerivedFrom skal referere til en instans av cv:ReferenceFramework"@nb; sh:severity sh:Voilation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsClassifiedBy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is classified by"@en, "er klassifisert ved"@nb; sh:path cv:isClassifiedBy; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:isClassifiedBy MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:isClassifiedBy skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsDescribedAt a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is described at"@en, "beskrivende datasett"@nb; sh:path cv:isDescribedAt; sh:class dcat:Dataset; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The propety cv:isDescribedAt MUST refer to an instace of dcat:Dataset"@en, "Egenskapen cv:isDescribedAt skal referere til en instans av dcat:Dataset"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsGroupedBy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is grouped by"@en, "er gruppert ved"@nb; sh:path cv:IsGroupedBy; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:Event] [sh:class cv:LifeEvent] [sh:class cv:BusinessEvent] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:IsGroupedBy MUST be a URI which MUST refer to an instance of cv:Event, cv:LifeEvent or cv:BusinessEvent"@en, "Egenskapen cv:IsGroupedBy skal være en URI som refererer til en instans av cv:Event, cv:LifeEvent eller cv:BusinessEvent"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvIsProvidedBy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is provided by"@en, "distributør"@nb; sh:path cv:isProvidedBy; sh:class foaf:Agent; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:isProvidedBy may have 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Agent"@en, "Egenskapen cv:isProvidedBy kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av foaf:Agent"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsRequirementOf a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is requirement of"@en, "er subkrav av"@nb; sh:path cv:isRequirementOf; sh:class cv:Requirement; sh:message "The property cv:isRequirementOf MUST refer to an instance of cv:Requirement"@en, "Egenskapen cv:Requirement skal referere til en instans av cv:Requirement"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvIsSpecifiedIn a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is spesified in"@en, "er spesifisert i"@nb; sh:path cv:isSpecifiedIn; sh:class cv:EvidenceTypeList; sh:message "The property cv:isSpecifiedIn MUST refer to an instance of cv:EvidenceTypeList"@en, "Egenskapen cv:isSpecifiedIn skal referere til en instans av cv:EvidenceTypeList"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvIssuingPlace a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "issuing place"@en, "utstedelsessted"@nb; sh:path cv:issuingPlace; sh:class dct:Location; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:issuingPlace may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of dct:Location"@en, "Egenskapen cv:issuingPlace kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instanse av dct:Location"@nb; sh:severity sh:Voilation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvOpeningHours a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "opening hours (text)"@en, "ordinær åpningstid fritekst"@nb; sh:path cv:openingHours; sh:class time:TemporalEntity; sh:message "The property cv:openingHours MUST refer to an instance of time:TemporalEntity"@en, "Egenskapen cv:openingHours skal referere til en instans av time:TemporalEntity"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvOwnedBy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "owned by"@en, "eies av"@nb; sh:path cv:ownedBy; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation] [sh:class org:Organisation] [sh:class foaf:Agent] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:ownedBy MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Agent, org:Organizatoin or cv:PublicOrganisation"@en, "Egenskapen cv:ownedBy skal referere til en instans av foaf:Agent, org:Organizatoin eller cv:PublicOrganisation"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvOwnedBy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "owned by"@en, "eies av"@nb; sh:path cv:ownedBy; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation] [sh:class org:Organization] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:ownedBy MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of org:Organization or cv:PublicOrganisation"@en, "Egenskapen cv:ownedBy skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av org:Organization eller cv:PublicOrganisation"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvParticipates a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "participates"@en, "deltar i"@nb; sh:path cv:participates; sh:class cv:Participation; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:participates MUST refer to an instance of cv:Participation"@en, "Egenskapen cv:participates skal referere til en instans av cv:Participation"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvProcessingTime a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "processing time"@en, "behandlingstid"; sh:path cv:processingTime; sh:datatype xsd:duration; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:processingTime man have max. 1 value which MUST be of datatype sd:duration"@en, "Egenskapen cv:processingTime kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type datatype xsd:duration"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1Max1Shape-cvProvidesValueFor a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "provides value for"@en, "gir verdi for"; sh:path cv:providesValueFor; sh:class cv:InformationConcept; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:providesValueFor MUST have min. 1 and max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of cv:InformationConcept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:providesValueFor skal ha min. 1 og maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:InformationConcept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvQuery a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "query"@en, "spørring"; sh:path cv:query; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:query may have max. 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen cv:query kan ha maks. 1 verdi"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvRole a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "role"@en, "rolle"@nb; sh:path cv:role; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:role MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:role skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:minCount 1; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSector a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "sector"@en, "næringsgruppering"@nb; sh:path cv:sector; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:sector MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:sector skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSpecialOpeningHoursSpecification a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "availability rescrition"@en, "begrenset åpningstid"@nb; sh:path cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification; sh:class time:TemporalEntity; sh:message "The property cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification MUST refer to an instance of time:TemporalEntity"@en, "Egenskapen cv:specialOpeningHoursSpecification skal referere til en instans av time:TemporalEntity"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin1MaxNShape-cvSpecifiesEvidenceType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "specifies evidence type"@en, "spesifiserer dokumentasjonstype"@nb; sh:path cv:specifiesEvidenceType; sh:class cv:EvidenceType; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:specifiesEvidenceType MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of cv:EvidenceType"@en, "Egenskapen cv:specifiesEvidenceType skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av cv:EvidenceType"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSupportsConcept a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "supports concept"@en, "understøtter informasjonsbegrep"@nb; sh:path cv:supportsConcept; sh:class cv:InformationConcept; sh:message "The property cv:supportsConcept MUST refer to an instance of cv:InformationConcept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:supportsConcept skal referere til en instans av cv:InformationConcept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSupportsRequirement a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "supports requirement"@en, "understøtter krav"@nb; sh:path cv:supportsRequirement; sh:class cv:Requirement; sh:message "The property cv:supportsRequirement MUST refer to an instance of cv:Requirement"@en, "Egenskapen cv:supportsRequirement skal referere til en instans av cv:Requirement"@nb; sh:severity sh:Voilation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvSupportsValue a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "supports value"@en, "gir understøttende opplysning"@nb; sh:path cv:supportsValue; sh:class cv:SupportedValue; sh:message "The property cv:supportsValue MUST refer to an instance of cv:SupportedValue"@en, "Egenskapen cv:supportsValue skal referere til en instans av cv:SupportedValue"@nb; sh:severity sh:Voilation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvTelephone a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "telehpone"@en, "telefon"@nb; sh:path cv:telephone; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:message "The property cv:telephone MUST be Literal"@en, "Egenskapen cv:telephone skal være Literal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvThematicArea a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "thematic area"@en, "temaområde"@nb; sh:path cv:thematicArea; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:thematicArea MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:thematicArea skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvValidityPeriod a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "validity period"@en, "gyldighetsperiode"@nb; sh:path cv:validityPeriod; sh:class time:ProperInterval; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property validityPeriod may have maks. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of time:ProperInterval"@en, "Egenskapen cv:validityPeriod kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til em instans av time:ProperInterval"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvValidityPeriodConstraint a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "validity period constraint"@en, "gyldighetsperiode, begrensning"@nb; sh:path cv:validityPeriodConstraint; sh:class time:ProperInterval; sh:message "The property cv:validityPeriodConstraint MUST refer to an instance of time:ProperInterval"@en, "Egenskapen cv:validityPeriodConstraint skal referere til em instans av time:ProperInterval"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvValue a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "value"@en, "verdi"@nb; sh:path cv:value; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:value may have maks. 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen cv:value kan ha maks. 1 verdi"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvWeight a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "weight"@en, "vekting"@nb; sh:path cv:weight; sh:datatype xsd:decimal; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:weight may have maks. 1 value which MUST be xsd:decimal"@en, "Egenskapen cv:weight kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være xsd:decimal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-cvWeightingType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "weighting type"@en, "vektingstype"@nb; sh:path cv:weightingType; sh:class skos:Concept; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:weightingType may have maks. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen cv:weightingType kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-cvWeightingConsiderationDescription a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "weighting consideration description"@en, "vektingsvurderingsbeskrivelse"@nb; sh:path cv:weightingConsiderationDescription; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property cv:weightingConsiderationDescription should be of type rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen cv:weightingConsiderationDescription bør være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . ## -- dcat-properties: :hasMin1MaxNShape-dcatContactPoint a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "contact point"@en, "kontaktpunkt"@nb; sh:path dcat:contactPoint; sh:or ( [ sh:class vcard:Kind ] [ sh:class vcard:Organization ] ) ; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property dcat:contactPoint MUST have min. 1 value which should refer to an instance of vcard:Organization"@en, "Egenskapen dcat:contactPoint skal ha minst 1 verdi som bør referere til en instans av vcard:Organization"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatDistribution a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "distribution"@en, "distribusjon"@nb; sh:path dcat:distribution; sh:class dcat:Distribution; sh:message "The property dcat:distribution MUST refer to an instance of dcat:Distribution"@en, "Egenskapen dcat:distribution skal referere til en instans av dcat:Distribution"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatKeyword a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "keyword"@en, "nøkkelord"@nb; sh:path dcat:keyword; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property dcat:keyword shuld be of the rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen dcat:keyword bør være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatLandingPage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "landing page"@en, "landingsside"@nb; sh:path dcat:landingPage; sh:class foaf:Document; sh:message "The property dcat:landingPage MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Document"@en, "Egenskapen dcat:landingPage skal referere til instans av foaf:Document"@nb; sh:severity sh:Voilation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatThemeTaxonomy a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "theme taxonomy"@en, "temaer"@nb; sh:path dcat:themeTaxonomy; sh:class skos:ConceptScheme; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dcat:themeTaxonomy MUST refer toan instance of skos:ConceptScheme"@en, "Egenskapen dcat:themeTaxonomy skal referere til en instans av skos:ConceptScheme"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . ## -- dcatno-properties :hasMin1MaxNShape-dcatnoContainsService a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "servicve"@en, "inneholder tjeneste"@nb; sh:path dcatno:containsService; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property dcatno:containsService MUST have min 1. value which MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService", "Egenskapen dcatno:containsService SKAL have min 1. verdi som SKAL være en URI som refererer til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dcatnoContainsEvent a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "servicve"@en, "inneholder tjeneste"@nb; sh:path dcatno:containsEvent; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:Event] [sh:class cv:LifeEvent] [sh:class cv:BusinessEvent] ); sh:message "The property dcatno:containsEvent MUST refer to an instance of cv:Event, cv:LifeEvent or cv:BusinessEvent", "Egenskapen dcatno:containsEvent skal referere til en instans av cv:Event, cv:LifeEvent eller cv:BusinessEvent"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . ## -- dct-properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctAccrualPeriodicity a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "accrual periodicity"@en, "frekvens"@nb; sh:path dct:accrualPeriodicity; sh:class dct:Frequency; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:accrualPeriodicity may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of dct:Frequency"@en , "Egenskapen dct:accrualPeriodicity kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av dct:Frequency"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctAudience a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "addressee"@en, "målgruppe"@nb; sh:path dct:audience; sh:class skos:Concept; sh:message "The property dct:audience MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en , "Egenskapen dct:audience skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctConformsToEvidence a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is conformant to"@en, "i samsvar med"@nb; sh:path dct:conformsTo; sh:class cv:EvidenceType; sh:message "The property dct:conformsTo MUST refer to an instance of cv:EvidenceType"@en, "Egenskapen dct:conformsTo skal referere til en instans av cv:EvidenceType"; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctCreator a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "creator"@en, "produsent"@nb ; sh:path dct:creator; sh:class foaf:Agent; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:creator may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Agent"@en , "Egenskapen dct:publisher kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av foaf:Agent"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctDescription a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "description"@en, "beskrivelse"@nb ; sh:path dct:description; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property dct:desription MUST be of type rdf:langString"@en , "Verdien til dct:description skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctDescription a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "description"@en, "beskrivelse"@nb; sh:path dct:description; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:description MUST have min. 1 value which MUST be of type rdf:langString"@en , "Egenskapen dct:description skal ha minst 1 verdi som skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctHasPartCatalog a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has part"@en, "har del"@nb ; sh:path dct:hasPart; sh:class dcat:Catalog; sh:message "The property dct:hasPart MUST refer to an instance of dcat:Catalog"@en, "Egenskapen dct:hasPart skal referere til en instans av dcat:Catalog"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctHasPartService a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has part"@en, "har del"@nb ; sh:path dct:hasPart; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); sh:message "The property dct:hasPart MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService"@en, "Egenskapen dct:hasPart skal referere til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIdentifier a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "identifier"@en, "identifikator"@nb ; sh:path dct:identifier; sh:nodeKind sh:IRIOrLiteral; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:identifier may have max. 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen dct:identifier kan ha maks. 1 verdi"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctIdentifier a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "identifier"@en, "identifikator"@nb ; sh:path dct:identifier; sh:nodeKind sh:IRIOrLiteral; sh:message "The property dct:identifier MUST be a URI or Literal"@en, "Egenskapen dct:identifier skal være en URI eller Literal"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctIdentifier a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "identifier"@en, "identifikator"@nb ; sh:path dct:identifier; sh:nodeKind sh:IRIOrLiteral; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:identifier MUST have min. 1 and max. 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen dct:identifier skal ha minst 1 og maks 1 verdi"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIsPartOfCatalog a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is part of"@en, "er del av"@nb ; sh:path dct:isPartOf; sh:class dcat:Catalog; sh:message "The property dct:isPartOf may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of dcat:Catalog"@en, "Egenskapen dct:isPartOf kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av dcat:Catalog"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctIsPartOfService a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is part of"@en, "er del av"@nb ; sh:path dct:isPartOf; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); sh:message "The property dct:isPartOf MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService"@en, "Egenskapen dct:isPartOf skal referere til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctIssued a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "issued (release date)"@en, "utgivelsesdato"@nb ; sh:path dct:issued; sh:or ( [sh:datatype xsd:date] [sh:datatype xsd:dateTime] ); sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:issued may have max. 1 value which MUST be of datatype xsd:date or xsd:dateTime"@en, "Egenskapen dct:issued kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal av datatype xsd:date eller xsd:dateTime"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctLicense a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "licence"@en, "lisens"@nb ; sh:path dct:license; sh:class dct:LicenseDocument; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:license may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of dct:LicenseDocument"@en, "Egenskapen dct:license kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av dct:LicenseDocument"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctLanguage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "language"@en, "språk"@nb ; sh:path dct:language; sh:class dct:LinguisticSystem; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dct:language MUST refer to an instance of dct:LinguisticSystem"@en, "Egenskapen dct:language skal referere til en instans av dct:LinguisticSystem"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctModified a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "modified (last update)"@en, "endringsdato"@nb; sh:path dct:modified; sh:or ( [sh:datatype xsd:date] [sh:datatype xsd:dateTime] ); sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:modified MUST be a value of datatype xsd:date or xsd:dateTime"@en, "Egenskapen dct:modified skal være av datatype xsd:date eller xsd:dateTime"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctProvenance a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "provenance (authenticity)"@en, "opphav"@nb ; sh:path dct:provenance; sh:class dct:ProvenanceStatement; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dct:provenance MUST refer to an instance of dct:ProvenanceStatement"@en , "Egenskapen dct:provenance skal referere til en instans av dct:ProvenanceStatement"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctPublisher a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "publisher"@en, "utgiver"@nb ; sh:path dct:publisher; sh:or ([sh:class foaf:Agent] [sh:class org:Organization] [sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:publisher may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Agent"@en , "Egenskapen dct:publisher kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av foaf:Agent"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1Max1Shape-dctPublisher a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "publisher"@en, "utgiver"@nb ; sh:path dct:publisher; sh:or ([sh:class foaf:Agent] [sh:class org:Organization] [sh:class cv:PublicOrganisation] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:publisher MUST have min. 1 and max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Agent"@en , "Egenskapen dct:publisher skal ha min. 1 og maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av foaf:Agent"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRelationEliLegalResource a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "related legal resource"@en, "relatert regukatuv ressurs"@nb; sh:path dct:relation; sh:class eli:LegalResource; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dct:relation must refer to an instance of eli:LegalResource"@en, "Egenskapen dct:relation skal referere til en instans av eli:LegalResource"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRelatedService a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "related service"@en , "relatert tjeneste"@nb; sh:path cv:relatedService; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property cv:relatedService MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService"@en, "Egenskapen cv:relatedService skal referere til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctRequires a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "requires"@en, "krever"@nb; sh:path dct:requires; sh:or ( [sh:class cpsvno:Service] [sh:class cpsv:PublicService] ); # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dct:requires MUST refer to an instance of cpsvno:Service or cpsv:PublicService"@en, "Egenskapen dct:requires skal referere til en instans av cpsvno:Service eller cpsv:PublicService"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctRights a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "rights (use terms)"@en, "rettigheter"@nb; sh:path dct:rights; sh:class dct:RightsStatement; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:rights may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of dct:RightsStatement"@en, "Egenskapen dct:rights kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av dct:RightsStatement"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSpatial a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "spatial"@en; sh:path dct:spatial; sh:class dct:Location; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dct:spatial should refer to an instance of dct:Location"@en , "Egenskapen dct:spatial bør referere til en instans av dct:Location"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctSpatial a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "spatial"@en; sh:path dct:spatial; sh:class dct:Location; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:spatial MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of dct:Location"@en, "Egenskapen dct:spatial skal ha minst 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av dct:Location"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctSubject a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "concept"@en, "begrep"@nb; sh:path dct:subject; sh:class skos:Concept; sh:message "The property dct:subject MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen dct:subject skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctSubjectEvidence a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "is about"@en, "gjelder"@nb; sh:path dct:subject; sh:class foaf:Agent; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:subject may have max 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Agent"@en, "Egenskapen dct:subject kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til instans av foaf:Agent"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctTitle a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "title/name"@en, "tittel/navn"@nb; sh:path dct:title; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property dct:title MUST be of type rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen dct:title skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctTitle a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "title/name"@en, "tittel/navn"@nb; sh:path dct:title; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:title MUST have min. 1 value which MUST be of type rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen dct:title skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb ; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-dctType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "type"@en, "type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:type may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-dctType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "type"@en, "type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property dct:type MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin1MaxNShape-dctType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "type"@en, "type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:class skos:Concept; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property dct:type MUST have min. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of skos:Concept"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av skos:Concept"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . #### foaf-properties: :hasMin0Max1Shape-foafHomepage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "homepage"@en, "hjemmeside"@nb; sh:path foaf:homepage; ### de aller fleste websider ville gitt valideringsfeil, derfor "slås av" denne type-sjekken # sh:class foaf:Document; ## sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property foaf:homepag may have max 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Document"@en, "Egenskapen foaf:homepag kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av foaf:Document"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafHomepage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "homepage"@en, "hjemmeside"@nb; sh:path foaf:homepage; ### De aller fleste sidene ville ha gitt valideringsfeil, derfor "slås av" denne type-sjekk # sh:class foaf:Document; ### sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property foaf:homepag MUST be an IRI referring to an instance of foaf:Document"@en, "Egenskapen foaf:homepag skal være en IRI som refererer til en instans av foaf:Document"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-foafPage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "page"@en, "relatert informasjon"@nb; sh:path foaf:page; ### De aller fleste sidene ville ha gitt valideringsfeil, derfor "slås av" denne type-sjekk # sh:class foaf:Document; ### sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property foaf:page MUST refer to an instance of foaf:Document"@en, "Egenskapen foaf:page skal referere til en instans av foaf:Document"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . #### locn-properties :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAddress a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "address"@en, "adresse"@nb; sh:path locn:address; sh:class locn:Address; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property locn:address MUST refer to an instance of locn:Address"@en, "Egenskapen locn:address skal referere til en instans av locn:Address"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAddressArea a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "address area"@en , "adresseringsområde"@nb ; sh:path locn:addressArea; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:addressArea MUST by of datatype rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:addressArea skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-locnAddressId a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "address ID"@en , "adresseId"@nb ; sh:path locn:addressId ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property locn:addressId may have max 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen locn:addressId kan ha maks. 1 verdi"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAdminUnitL1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "administrative unit level 1"@en , "administrativ enhet nivå 1"@nb ; sh:path locn:adminUnitL1; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:adminUnitL1 MUST have value of type rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:adminUnitL1 skal ha verdi av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnAdminUnitL2 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "administrative unit level 2"@en , "administrativ enhet nivå 2"@nb ; sh:path locn:adminUnitL2; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:adminUnitL2 MUST have value of type rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:adminUnitL2 skal ha verdi av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnLocatorName a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "locator name"@en , "adressetilleggsnavn"@nb ; sh:path locn:locatorName; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:locatorName MUST be of datatype rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:locatorName skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnLocatorDesignator a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "locator designator"@en , "bruksenhetsnummer"@nb ; sh:path locn:locatorDesignator; sh:datatype sh:Literal; sh:message "The property locn:locatorName should be of datatype sh:Literal"@en, "Egenskapen locn:locatorName bør være av datatype sh:Literal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnFullAddress a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "full address"@en , "fullstendig adresse"@nb ; sh:path locn:fullAddress; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:fullAddress MUST be of datatype rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:fullAddress skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnThoroughfare a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "thoroughfare"@en , "gate-/vei-/områdenavn"@nb ; sh:path locn:thoroughfare; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:thoroughfare MUST be of datatype rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:thoroughfare skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnPoBox a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "post box"@en , "postboks"@nb ; sh:path locn:poBox; sh:datatype sh:Literal; sh:message "The property locn:poBox should be of datatype sh:Literal"@en, "Egenskapen locn:poBox bør være av datatype sh:Literal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasMin0Max1Shape-locnPostCode a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "post code"@en , "postnummer"@nb ; sh:path locn:postCode; sh:maxCount 1; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:message "The property locn:postCode may have max 1 value"@en, "Egenskapen locn:postCode kan ha maks. 1 verdi"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-locnPostName a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "post name"@en , "poststed"@nb ; sh:path locn:postName; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property locn:postName MUST be of datatype rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen locn:postName skal være av type rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . #### rdfs-properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-rdfsSeeAlso a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "referanse"@en, "referanse"@nb; sh:path rdfs:seeAlso; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property rdfs:seeAlso MUST be an IRI"@en, "Egenskapen rdfs:seeAlso skal være en IRI"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . #### skos-properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-skosPrefLabel a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "preferred name / name"@en, "foretrukket navn / navn"@nb; sh:path skos:prefLabel; sh:datatype xsd:langString; sh:message "The property skos:prefLabel MUST have value of type xsd:langString"@en, "Egenskapen skos:prefLabel skal erdi som skal være av type xsd:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1MaxNShape-skosPrefLabel a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "preferred name / name"@en, "foretrukket navn / navn"@nb; sh:path skos:prefLabel; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:minCount 1; sh:message "The property skos:prefLabel MUST have min. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:langString"@en, "Egenskapen skos:prefLabel skal ha min. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . ### time-properties: :hasMin1Max1Shape-timeDateTime a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "in date-time description"@en, "tidspunktangivelse"@nb; sh:path time:inDateTime; sh:class time:DateTimeDescription; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:inDateTime MUST have min. 1 and max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of time:DateTimeDescription"@en, "Egenskapen time:inDateTime skal ha min. 1 og maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av time:DateTimeDescription"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfMonth a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "day (of month)"@en, "dag i måneden"@nb; sh:path time:day; sh:datatype xsd:gDay; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:day may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:gDay"@en, "Egenskapen time:day kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:gDay"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfWeek a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "day of week"@en, "dag i uken"@nb; sh:path time:dayOfWeek; # sh:class time:DayOfWeek; sh:or [ [sh:hasValue time:Monday] [sh:hasValue time:Tuesday] [sh:hasValue time:Wednesday] [sh:hasValue time:Thursday] [sh:hasValue time:Friday] [sh:hasValue time:Saturday] [sh:hasValue time:Sunday] [sh:hasValue schema:PublicHolidays] ] ; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:dayOfWeek may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of time:DayOfWeek"@en, "Egenskapen time:dayOfWeek kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av time:DayOfWeek"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeDayOfYear a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "day of year"@en, "dag i året"@nb; sh:path time:dayOfYear; sh:datatype xsd:nonNegativeInteger; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:dayOfYear may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@en, "Egenskapen time:dayOfYear kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasBeginning a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "start time"@en, "starttidspunkt"@nb; sh:path time:hasBeginning; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:hasBeginning may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xds:dateTime"@en, "Egenskapen time:hasBeginning kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xds:dateTime"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasEnd a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "end time"@en, "sluttidspunkt"@nb; sh:path time:hasEnd; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:hasEnd may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xds:dateTime"@en, "Egenskapen time:hasEnd kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xds:dateTime"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0Max1Shape-timeHasXsdDuration a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "duration"@en, "tidsrom"@nb; sh:path time:hasXSDDuration; sh:datatype xsd:duration; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:hasXSDDuration may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:duration"@en, "Egenskapen time:hasXSDDuration kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:duration"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeHour a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "hour"@en, "time"@nb; sh:path time:hour; sh:datatype xsd:nonNegativeInteger; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:hour may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@en, "Egenskapen time:hour kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeMinute a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "minute"@en, "minutt"@nb; sh:path time:minute; sh:datatype xsd:nonNegativeInteger; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:minute may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@en, "Egenskapen time:minute kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeMonth a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "month"@en, "måned"@nb; sh:path time:month; sh:datatype xsd:gMonth; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:month may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:gMonth"@en, "Egenskapen time:month kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:gMonth"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeMonthOfYear a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "month of year"@en, "måned i året"@nb; sh:path time:monthOfYear; sh:class time:MonthOfYear; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:monthOfYear may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of time:MonthOfYear"@en, "Egenskapen time:monthOfYear kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av time:MonthOfYear"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeSecond a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "second"@en, "sekund"@nb; sh:path time:second; sh:datatype xsd:decimal; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:second may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:decimal"@en, "Egenskapen time:second kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:decimal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeTimeZone a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "time zone"@en, "tidssone"@nb; sh:path time:timeZone; sh:class time:TimeZone; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:timeZone may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of time:TimeZone"@en, "Egenskapen time:timeZone kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av time:TimeZone"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin1Max1Shape-timeUnitType a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "unit type"@en, "enhetstype"@nb; sh:path time:unitType; sh:class time:TemporalUnit; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:unitType may have max. 1 value which MUST refer to an instance of time:TemporalUnit"@en, "Egenskapen time:unitType kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal referere til en instans av time:TemporalUnit"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeWeek a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "week"@en, "ukenummer"@nb; sh:path time:week; sh:datatype xsd:nonNegativeInteger; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:week may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@en, "Egenskapen time:week kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:nonNegativeInteger"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-timeYear a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "year"@en, "year"@nb; sh:path time:year; sh:datatype xsd:gYear; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property time:year may have max. 1 value which MUST be of type xsd:gYear"@en, "Egenskapen time:year kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal være av type xsd:gYear"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . #### vcard-properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardCategory a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "contact type"@en, "type kontaktpunkt"@nb; sh:path vcard:category; sh:datatype rdf:langString; sh:message "The property vcard:category MUST be of datatype rdf:langString"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:category skal være av datatype rdf:langString"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasAddress a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has address"@en, "har adresse"@nb; sh:path vcard:hasAddress; sh:class vcard:Address; # sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property vcard:hasAddress MUST refer to an instance of vcard:hasAddress"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:hasAddress skal referere til en instans av vcard:hasAddress"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasEmail a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has email"@en, "har e-post"@nb; sh:path vcard:hasEmail; # sh:class vcard:Email; sh:nodeKind sh:IRIOrLiteral; sh:message "The property vcard:hasEmail MUST refer to an instance of vcard:hasEmail"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:hasEmail skal referere til en instans av vcard:hasEmail"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasTelephone a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has telephone"@en, "har telefon"@nb; sh:path vcard:hasTelephone; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:message "The property vcard:hasTelephone MUST be Literal"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:hasTelephone skal være Literal"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardHasURL a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "has URL"@en, "har URL"@nb; sh:path vcard:hasURL; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:message "The property vcard:hasURL MUST be an IRI"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:hasURL skal være IRI"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasMin0MaxNShape-vcardLanguage a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "language"@en, "språk"@nb; sh:path vcard:language; sh:class dct:LinguisticSystem; sh:message "The property vcard:language MUST refer to an instance of dct:LinguisticSystem"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:language skal referere til en instans av dct:LinguisticSystem"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . #### xkos-properties: :hasMin0MaxNShape-xkosCauses a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "may cause"@en, "kan skape"@nb; sh:path xkos:causes; sh:or ( [sh:class cv:Event] [sh:class cv:LifeEvent] [sh:class cv:BusinessEvent] ) ; sh:message "The property xkos:causes MUST refer to an instance of cv:Event"@en, "Egenskapen xkos:causes skal referere til en instans av cv:Event"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . ### shapes for checks on usage of controlled voabularies: :hasShapeCV-admsStatusMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "status"@en, "status"@nb; sh:path adms:status; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://purl.org/adms/status/"] [sh:pattern "^https://purl.org/adms/status/"] ) ; sh:message "The property adms:status may have max. 1 value which MUST have value chosen from http://purl.org/adms/status/"@en, "Egenskapen adms:status kan ha max. 1 verdi som skal ha verdi hentet fra http://purl.org/adms/status/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasShapeCV-cvCurrencyMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "currency"@en, "valuta"@nb; sh:path cv:currency; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/currency/"] [sh:pattern "^https://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/currency/"] ) ; sh:maxCount 1; sh:message "The property cv:currency may have max. 1 value which MUST have value chosen from http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/currency/"@en, "Egenskapen cv:currency kan ha max. 1 verdi som skal ha verdi hentet fra http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/currency/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasShapeCV-cvRoleMin1MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "role"@en, "rolle"@nb; sh:path cv:role; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:minCount 1; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/role-type#"; sh:message "The property cv:role MUST have min. 1 value which SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/role-type#"@en, "Egenskapen cv:role skal ha min. 1 verdi som bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/role-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctAccrualPeriodicityMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "accrual periodicity"@en, "frekvens"@nb; sh:path dct:accrualPeriodicity; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency/"] [sh:pattern "^https://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency/"] ); sh:message "The property dct:accrualPeriodicity may have max. 1 value which MUST have value chosen from http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency/"@en, "Egenskapen dct:accrualPeriodicity kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal ha verdi hentet fra http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasShapeCV-dctLanguageMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "language"@en, "språk"@nb; sh:path dct:language; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"] [sh:pattern "^https://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"] ); sh:message "The property dct:language MUST have value chosen from http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"@en, "Egenskapen dct:language skal ha verdi hentet fra http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasShapeCV-dctLicenseMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "license"@en, "lisens"@nb; sh:path dct:license; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/licence/"] [sh:pattern "^https://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/licence/"] ); sh:message "The property dct:license may have max. 1 value which MUST have value chosen from http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/licence/"@en, "Egenskapen dct:license kan ha max. 1 verdi som skal ha verdi hentet fra http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/licence/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeAgentMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "type"@en, "type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://purl.org/adms/publishertype/"] [sh:pattern "^https://purl.org/adms/publishertype/"] ); sh:message "The property dct:type may have max. 1 value which MUST have value chosen from http://purl.org/adms/publishertype/"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type kan ha maks. 1 verdi som skal ha verdi hentet fra http://purl.org/adms/publishertype/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Violation . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeBusinessEventMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "business event - type"@en, "virksomhetshendelse - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/business-event-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/business-event-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/business-event-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeEventMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "Event - type"@en, "Hendelse - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/event-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/event-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/event-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeEvidenceMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "evidence - type"@en, "dokumentasjon - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/evidence-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type may have max. 1 value which SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/evidence-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type kan ha maks. 1 verdi som bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/evidence-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeLegalResourceMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:path dct:type; sh:name "legal resource - type"@en, "regulativ ressurs - type"@nb; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/legal-resource-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/legal-resource-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/legal-resource-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeLifeEventMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "life event - type"@en, "livshendelse - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/life-event-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/life-event-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/life-event-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypePublicServiceMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "public service - type"@en, "Offentlig tjeneste - hovedformål"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/main-activity"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/main-activity"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/main-activity"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeRoleMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "role - type"@en, "rolle - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/role-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/role-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/role-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeRuleMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "rule - type"@en, "regel - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/rule-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/rule-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/rule-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeServiceMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "service - type"@en, "tjeneste - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeServiceChannelMin0Max1 a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "service channel - type"@en, "tjenestekanal - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:maxCount 1; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-channel-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type may have max. 1 value which SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-channel-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type kan ha maks. 1 verdi som bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-channel-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-dctTypeServiceOutputMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "service outout - type"@en, "tjenesteresultat - type"@nb; sh:path dct:type; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:pattern "^https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-output-type#"; sh:message "The property dct:type SHOULD have value chosen from https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-output-type#"@en, "Egenskapen dct:type bør ha verdi hentet fra https://data.norge.no/vocabulary/service-output-type#"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . :hasShapeCV-vcardLanguagMin0MaxN a sh:PropertyShape; sh:name "language"@en, "språk"@nb; sh:path vcard:language; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:or ( [sh:pattern "^http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"] [sh:pattern "^https://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"] ); sh:message "The property vcard:language MUST have value chosen from http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"@en, "Egenskapen vcard:language skal ha verdi hentet fra http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/"@nb; sh:severity sh:Warning . ############################################