#!/usr/bin/env bash # Environment variables for AWS Cluster deployment. # # Copy as `setenv.sh`, edit and then install with `source setenv.sh` # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following variables are required to compile machine images on AWS, # orchestrate the cluster or use S3 state storage. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AWS API access key, secret key and default region. # Required by the orchestrator to create resources on the cloud provider. export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=SetMe export AWS_SECRET_KEY=SetMe export AWS_REGION=SetMe # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following variables are required to orchestrate the cluster # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The SSH key-pair name known by the cloud provider and expected to be located # in the root of this project. If you use 'okdo-keypair' (the default name) # the project's .gitignore will prevent it from being committed to the # repository. The private part fo the keypair file needs to have this name # and be located in the orchestrator project's root directory. # # Cloud compute instances will be created using this key-pair and you will # need it to connect to them. You need to change this if you have # used a different key-pair. export TF_VAR_keypair_name=okdo-keypair # Your Let's Encrypt/Certbot email address. # `You need to set this is you are expecting the deployment # to generate SSL certificates for your master instance. # If you set the deployment's export TF_VAR_master_certbot_email=SetMe # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following variables are required to interact with OpenShift/OKD # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The password for the initial 'admin' and 'developer' accounts. # These will be created on the cluster after the OKD software is installed. # The admin password must be defined. # The developer password can be blank if you do not want a developer account. export TF_VAR_okd_admin_password=SetMe export TF_VAR_okd_developer_password= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following (Optional) variables can be defined # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The path to your deployments directory. If not defined the default directory # (deployments) will be used to locate the named deployment configuration. # # DO NOT: use '$HOME' or '~' if you're using the container # as these will translate to the container user's home directory, # not yours. # # You must use the fully qualified path if using the container to launch # the cluster and have the environment variable defined # before entering the container, i.e. you should have done something like # 'source provider-env/setenv.sh' before './okdo-start.sh'. #export TF_VAR_deployments_directory=/Users/me/okd-deployments