Function port-scan-udp { param($hosts,$ports) if (!$ports) { Write-Host "usage: port-scan-udp " Write-Host " e.g.: port-scan-udp 445`n" return } $out = ".\scanresults.txt" foreach($p in [array]$ports) { foreach($h in [array]$hosts) { $x = (gc $out -EA SilentlyContinue | select-string "^$h,udp,$p,") if ($x) { gc $out | select-string "^$h,udp,$p," continue } $msg = "$h,udp,$p," $u = new-object $u.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 500 $u.Connect($h,$p) # Send a single byte 0x01 [void]$u.Send(1,1) $l = new-object[]::Any,0) $r = "Filtered" try { if ($u.Receive([ref]$l)) { # We have received some UDP data from the remote host in return $r = "Open" } } catch { if ($Error[0].ToString() -match "failed to respond") { # We haven't received any UDP data from the remote host in return # Let's see if we can ICMP ping the remote host if ((Get-wmiobject win32_pingstatus -Filter "address = '$h' and Timeout=1000 and ResolveAddressNames=false").StatusCode -eq 0) { # We can ping the remote host, so we can assume that ICMP is not # filtered. And because we didn't receive ICMP port-unreachable before, # we can assume that the remote UDP port is open $r = "Open" } } elseif ($Error[0].ToString() -match "forcibly closed") { # We have received ICMP port-unreachable, the UDP port is closed $r = "Closed" } } $u.Close() $msg += $r Write-Host "$msg" echo $msg >>$out } } } # Examples: # # port-scan-udp 137 # port-scan-udp (135,137,445) # port-scan-udp (gc .\ips.txt) 137 # port-scan-udp (gc .\ips.txt) (135,137,445) # 0..255 | foreach { port-scan-udp 10.10.0.$_ 137 } # 0..255 | foreach { port-scan-udp 10.10.0.$_ (135,137,445) }