REBOL [ Title: "Web Console Editor" Author: "Ingo Hohmann" Todo: { - race conditions on startup - better return values - Rebol highlighting - Styling - store editor data - localstorage - download? - direct access to github? } ] do %db.r remove-editor: js-native []{ var editorPane = document.getElementById( "editorPane") if (editorPane) { editorPane.parentNode.removeChild( editorPane) } } add-editor: js-native[]{ var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] var editorPane = document.createElement('div') = "editorPane" editorPane.onkeydown = function( e) { e.stopPropagation() } editorPane.addEventListener( 'keypress', function( e) { e.stopPropagation() }) editorPane.innerHTML = `
Edit me
` body.appendChild( editorPane); // load the ace editor var script = document.createElement( 'script') script.src = "" document.head.appendChild( script) script.onload = function() {aceEditor = ace.edit( "editor")} var style = document.createElement( 'style') style.innerHTML = ` body { display: flex; } .container { flex: 50%; } #editorPane { flex: 50%; } #editor { width: 100%; height: 90%; display: block; } #buttonrow { text-align: center; background-color: gray; height: 10%; } button { width: 32%; height: 20px; } ` document.head.appendChild( style) var buttondo = document.getElementById( "buttondo") buttondo.onclick = function( e) { var replPad = document.getElementById( "replpad") var line = document.createElement( "div") line.class = "line" try { //reb.Value( "do", reb.T(document.getElementById( 'editor').innerHTML)) //var val = reb.Spell( reb.V( "append copy/part mold (err: trap [_value: do", reb.T(aceEditor.getValue()),"]) then [err] else [_value]", "20", "{ ...}" )) var val = reb.Spell( reb.V( "append copy/part mold do", reb.T(aceEditor.getValue()), "60", "{ ...}" )) line.innerText = "(Editor)\n== " + val } catch { console.log( "Error") line.innerHTML = "‌== ; Editor error" } replPad.insertBefore( line, replPad.lastChild) } var buttondosel = document.getElementById( "buttondosel") buttondosel.onclick = function( e) { var replPad = document.getElementById( "replpad") var line = document.createElement( "div") line.class = "line" try { var val = reb.Spell( reb.V( "append copy/part mold do", reb.T(aceEditor.getSelectedText()), "60", "{ ...}" )) line.innerText = "(Editor)\n== " + val } catch { console.log( "Error") line.innerHTML = "‌== ; Editor error" } replPad.insertBefore( line, replPad.lastChild) } // var buttondoline = document.getElementById( "buttondoline") // buttondoline.onclick = function( e) { // var replPad = document.getElementById( "replpad") // var line = document.createElement( "div") // line.class = "line" // try { // var val = reb.Spell( reb.V( "append copy/part mold do", reb.T(aceEditor.getValue()), "60", "{ ...}" )) // line.innerText = "(Editor)\n== " + val // } catch { // console.log( "Error") // line.innerHTML = "‌== ; Editor error" // } // replPad.insertBefore( line, replPad.lastChild) // } } ; Test function t: js-native [x]{ alert( reb.Spell( reb.V( "mold do", reb.ArgR( "x")))) } jsedit: js-native [ "Set the editor text" src [text!] ]{ //var e = document.getElementById( "editor") // using a div //e.innerText = reb.Spell(reb.ArgR("src")) // using a textarea // e.value = reb.Spell(reb.ArgR("src")) // using ace aceEditor.setValue( reb.Spell(reb.ArgR("src"))) } edit: function [ "Convert to text / read data, and open the editor on it" src [text! binary! url!] /only "take input as is (better names? as-is / mold" ][ if only [ mold src ] if url? src [ ; for CORS you need to access https sites if parse src ["http://" to end] [insert at src 5 "s"] trap [src: to text! read src] ] if binary? src [ src: to text! src ] if text? src [ jsedit src ] else [ fail "unable to get text from source" ] ] editor: make object! [ current-file: "" get-text: js-native []{ return reb.Text( aceEditor.getValue()) } set-text: js-native [text]{ aceEditor.setValue( reb.Spell(reb.ArgR("src"))) } save: func [ "Save current text" ][ save-as current-file ] save-as: func [ name ][ current-file: name db/set unspaced ["editor-file-" name "-curr"] get-text ] load: func [ name /version [integer!] ][ v: either version [rejoin ["-v" version]["-curr"]] jsedit db/get unspaced ["editor-file-" name v] ] ] ; For testing remove-editor add-editor edit