def getDriverDate() { return "2024-03-26" + orangeRed(" (beta)") } // **** DATE OF THE DEVICE DRIVER // ^^^^^^^^^^ UPDATE THIS DATE IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES ^^^^^^^^^^ /* * Inovelli VZM36 Zigbee Canopy * * Author: Eric Maycock (erocm123) * Contributor: Mark Amber (marka75160) * Platform: Hubitat * * Copyright 2023 Eric Maycock / Inovelli * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * ------------------------------ * CHANGE LOG * ------------------------------ * * 2024-03-26(EM) removing incorrect fingerprint * 2024-03-20(EM) fix endpoint binding and child device creation upon device pairing * 2024-02-16(EM) optimize processing of adding and removing from groups * 2024-02-15(EM) adding ability to add ep1 and ep2 to a group directly from the driver * 2024-01-23(EM) fix parameter 26 wrong size (Github Issue #28) * 2024-01-04(MA) fix bindTarget (Github Issue #24) * 2023-12-20(MA) fix cycleSpeed and setSpeed * 2023-12-18(MA) Move configParams Map down to the bottom * 2023-12-14(MA) Initial BETA release ***VERY ROUGH*** this is a copy of the VZM31 driver, modified to be the VZM36 canopy parent * */ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.device.HubAction import hubitat.device.HubMultiAction import hubitat.device.Protocol import hubitat.helper.HexUtils import metadata { definition (name: "Inovelli VZM36 Zigbee Canopy", namespace: "InovelliUSA", author: "M.Amber/E.Maycock", filename: "Inovelli-Zigbee-Canopy", importUrl:"") { capability "Actuator" //device can "do" something (has commands) capability "Sensor" //device can "report" something (has attributes) //capability "ChangeLevel" capability "Configuration" //capability "EnergyMeter" //Fan does not support energy monitoring but Dimmer does //capability "FanControl" //capability "HoldableButton" capability "Initialize" //capability "LevelPreset" //capability "PowerMeter" //Fan does not support power monitoring but Dimmer does //capability "PushableButton" capability "Refresh" //capability "ReleasableButton" capability "SignalStrength" //placeholder for future testing to see if this can be implemented //capability "Switch" //capability "SwitchLevel" //attribute "lastButton", "String" //last button event //attribute "ledEffect", "String" //last LED effect requested (may have timed-out and not necessarily displaying currently) attribute "internalTemp", "String" //Internal Temperature in Celsius (read-only P32) attribute "numberOfBindings", "String" //Group bindings count as 2 (read only P51) attribute "overHeat", "String" //Overheat Indicator (read-only P33) attribute "powerSource", "String" //Neutral/non-Neutral (read-only P21) attribute "remoteProtection", "String" //Enabled or Disabled (read-only P257) //attribute "smartBulb", "String" //Smart Bulb mode enabled or disabled //attribute "smartFan", "String" //Smart Fan mode enabled or disabled //attribute "switchMode", "String" //Dimmer or On/Off only attribute "LQI", "String" //Link Quality Indicator attribute "RSSI", "String" //Received Signal Strength Indicator // Uncomment these lines if you would like to test your scenes with digital button presses. /** command "pressUpX1" command "pressDownX1" command "pressUpX2" command "pressDownX2" command "pressUpX3" command "pressDownX3" command "pressUpX4" command "pressDownX4" command "pressUpX5" command "pressDownX5" command "holdUp" command "holdDown" command "releaseUp" command "releaseDown" command "pressConfigX1" command "pressConfigX2" command "pressConfigX3" command "pressConfigX4" command "pressConfigX5" command "holdConfig" command "releaseConfig" **/ //command "bind", [[name:"Command String", type:"STRING", description: "passthru for Binding Apps but may be used to manually enter ZDO Bind/Unbind commands"]] //command "bindInitiator", [[name:"use this 2nd on source (initiator) switch to COMPLETE binding with slave switch"]] //command "bindTarget", [[name:"use this 1st on slave (target) switch to START binding with source switch"]] //command "configure", [[name:"Option", type:"ENUM", description:"blank=current states and user-changed settings, All=configure all settings, Default=set all settings to default", constraints:[" ","All","Default"]]] command "getRssiLQI", [[name:"Get radio signal strength and link quality"]] command "getTemperature", [[name:"Get the switch internal operating temperature"]] command "identify", [[name:"Seconds", type:"NUMBER", description:"number of seconds to blink the LED bar so it can be identified (leave blank to see remaining seconds in the logs)"], [name:"number of seconds to blink the LED bar so it can be identified (leave blank to see remaining seconds in the logs)"]] command "initialize", [[name:"create child devices, refresh current states"]] /* command "ledEffectAll", [[name:"Effect*", type:"ENUM", description: "255=Stop, 1=Solid, 2=Fast Blink, 3=Slow Blink, 4=Pulse, 5=Chase, 6=Open/Close, 7=Small-to-Big, 8=Aurora, 9=Slow Falling, 10=Medium Falling, 11=Fast Falling, 12=Slow Rising, 13=Medium Rising, 14=Fast Rising, 15=Medium Blink, 16=Slow Chase, 17=Fast Chase, 18=Fast Siren, 19=Slow Siren, 0=LEDs off", constraints: ["255=Stop","1=Solid","2=Fast Blink","3=Slow Blink","4=Pulse","5=Chase","6=Open/Close","7=Small-to-Big","8=Aurora","9=Slow Falling","10=Medium Falling","11=Fast Falling","12=Slow Rising","13=Medium Rising","14=Fast Rising","15=Medium Blink","16=Slow Chase","17=Fast Chase","18=Fast Siren","19=Slow Siren","0=LEDs off"]], [name:"Color", type:"NUMBER", description: "0-254=Hue Color, 255=White, default=Red"], [name:"Level", type:"NUMBER", description: "0-100=LED Intensity, default=100"], [name:"Duration", type:"NUMBER", description: "1-60=seconds, 61-120=1-120 minutes, 121-254=1-134 hours, 255=Indefinitely, default=60"]] command "ledEffectOne", [[name:"LEDnum*", type:"ENUM", description: "LED 1-7", constraints: ["7 (top)","6","5","4 (middle)","3","2","1 (bottom)","123 (bottom half)","567 (top half)","12 (bottom 3rd)","345 (middle 3rd)","67 (top 3rd)","147 (bottom-middle-top)","1357 (odd)","246 (even)"]], [name:"Effect*", type:"ENUM", description: "255=Stop, 1=Solid, 2=Fast Blink, 3=Slow Blink, 4=Pulse, 5=Chase, 6=Falling, 7=Rising, 8=Aurora, 0=LED off", constraints:["255=Stop","1=Solid","2=Fast Blink","3=Slow Blink","4=Pulse","5=Chase","6=Falling","7=Rising","8=Aurora","0=LED off"]], [name:"Color", type:"NUMBER", description:"0-254=Hue Color, 255=White, default=Red"], [name:"Level", type:"NUMBER", description:"0-100=LED Intensity, default=100"], [name:"Duration", type:"NUMBER", description:"1-60=seconds, 61-120=1-120 minutes, 121-254=1-134 hours, 255=Indefinitely, default=60"]] command "presetLevel", [[name:"Level", type:"NUMBER", description:"Level to preset (1 to 101)"]] */ //command "refresh", [[name:"Option", type:"ENUM", description:"blank=current states and user-changed settings, All=refresh all settings", constraints: [" ","All"]]] //command "remoteControl", [[name:"Option*", type:"ENUM", description:"ability to control the switch remotely", constraints: [" ","Enabled","Disabled"]]] //command "resetEnergyMeter" //Fan does not support power/energy reporting but Dimmer does //command "setParameter", [[name:"Parameter*",type:"NUMBER", description:"Parameter number"], // [name:"Raw Value", type:"NUMBER", description:"Value for the parameter (leave blank to get current value)"], // [name:"Enter the internal raw value. Percentages and Color Hues are entered as 0-255. Leave blank to get current value"]] //uncomment this command if you need it for backward compatibility //command "setPrivateCluster", [[name:"Number*", type:"NUMBER", description:"setPrivateCluster is DEPRECIATED. Use setParameter instead"], // [name:"Value*", type:"NUMBER", description:"setPrivateCluster is DEPRECIATED. Use setParameter instead"], // [name:"Size*", type:"ENUM", description:"setPrivateCluster is DEPRECIATED. Use setParameter instead", constraints: ["8", "16","1"]], // [name:"DEPRECIATED", description:"This command is depreciated. Use setParameter instead"]] //Dimmer does not support setSpeed commands but Fan does //command "setSpeed", [[name:"FanSpeed*", type:"ENUM", constraints:["off","low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","up","down"]]] //command "setZigbeeAttribute", [[name:"Cluster*", type:"NUMBER", description:"Cluster (in decimal) ex. Inovelli Private Cluster=0xFC31 input 64561"], // [name:"Attribute*",type:"NUMBER", description:"Attribute (in decimal) ex. 0x0100 input 256"], // [name:"Value", type:"NUMBER", description:"Enter the value (in decimal, ex. 0x0F input 15) Leave blank to get current value without changing it"], // [name:"Size", type:"ENUM", description:"8=uint8, 16=uint16, 32=unint32, 1=bool",constraints: ["8", "16","32","1"]]] /* command "startLevelChange", [[name:"Direction*",type:"ENUM", description:"Direction for level change", constraints: ["up","down"]], [name:"Duration", type:"NUMBER", description:"Transition duration in seconds"]] command "toggle" */ command "updateFirmware", [[name:"Firmware in this channel may be \"beta\" quality"]] fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0B05,1000,FC31,FC57", outClusters:"0019", model:"VZM36", manufacturer:"Inovelli" } preferences { userSettableParams().each{ i -> switch(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].type){ case "number": switch(i){ case readOnlyParams().contains(i): //read-only params are non-settable, so skip user input break case 23: //special case for Quick Start is below break default: input "parameter${i}", "number", title: "${i}. " + bold(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name), description: italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description + "
Range=" + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range + " Default=" + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default), //defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, range: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range break } break case "enum": switch(i){ case readOnlyParams().contains(i): //read-only params are non-settable, so skip user input break case 23: //special case for Quick Start is below break case 22: //Aux Type case 52: //Smart Bulb Mode case 158: //Switch Mode Zwave case 258: //Switch Mode Zigbee //these are important parameters so display in red to draw attention input "parameter${i}", "enum", title: "${i}. " + indianRed(bold(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name)), description: italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description), defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, options: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range break case 95: case 96: //special case for custom color is below break default: input "parameter${i}", "enum", title: "${i}. " + bold(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name), description: italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description), //defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, options: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range break } break } if (i==23) { //quickStart is implemented in firmware for the fan, emulated in this driver for 2-in-1 Dimmer (experimental) if (state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35") { input "parameter${i}", "number", title: "${i}. " + orangeRed(bold(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name + " Level (experimental)")), description: orangeRed(italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description + "
Range=" + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range + " Default=" + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default)), //defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, range: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range } else { input "parameter${i}", "number", title: "${i}. " + bold(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name + " Duration"), description: italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description + "
Range=" + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range + " Default=" + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default), //defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, range: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range } } if (i==95 || i==96) { if ((i==95 && parameter95custom==null)||(i==96 && parameter96custom==null)){ input "parameter${i}", "enum", title: "${i}. " + hue((settings?."parameter${i}"!=null?settings?."parameter${i}":configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default)?.toInteger(), bold(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name)), description: italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description), //defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, options: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range } else { input "parameter${i}", "enum", title: "${i}. " + hue((settings?."parameter${i}"!=null?settings?."parameter${i}":configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default)?.toInteger(), strike(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name)) + hue((settings?."parameter${i}custom"!=null?(settings."parameter${i}custom"/360*255):configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default)?.toInteger(), italic(bold(" Overridden by Custom Hue Value"))), description: italic(configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].description), //defaultValue: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].default, options: configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].range } input "parameter${i}custom", "number", title: settings?."parameter${i}custom"!=null? (hue((settings."parameter${i}custom"/360*255)?.toInteger(), bold("Custom " + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name))): ( bold("Custom " + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name)), description: italic("Hue value to override " + configParams["parameter${i.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].name+".
Range: 0-360 chosen from a "+ underline(''' '''+ hue(0,"h")+hue(15,"u")+hue(30,"e")+hue(70," c")+hue(85,"o")+hue(100,"l")+hue(120,"o")+hue(140,"r")+hue(160," w")+hue(180,"h")+hue(200,"e")+hue(220,"e")+hue(240,"l")+"")), required: false, range: "0..360" } } //input name: "groupBinding1", type: "number", title: bold("Group Bind #1"), description: italic("Enter the Zigbee Group ID or leave blank to UNBind"), defaultValue: null, range: "1..65527" //input name: "groupBinding2", type: "number", title: bold("Group Bind #2"), description: italic("Enter the Zigbee Group ID or leave blank to UNBind"), defaultValue: null, range: "1..65527" //input name: "groupBinding3", type: "number", title: bold("Group Bind #3"), description: italic("Enter the Zigbee Group ID or leave blank to UNBind"), defaultValue: null, range: "1..65527" input name: "group1", type:"STRING", title: bold("EP 1 Groups"), description: italic("Add the light endpoint (1) to these groups. Comma separated") input name: "group2", type:"STRING", title: bold("EP 2 Groups"), description: italic("Add the fan endpoint (2) to these groups. Comma separated") input name: "infoEnable", type: "bool", title: bold("Enable Info Logging"), defaultValue: true, description: italic("Log general device activity
(optional and not required for normal operation)") input name: "traceEnable", type: "bool", title: bold("Enable Trace Logging"), defaultValue: false, description: italic("Additional info for trouble-shooting (not needed unless having issues)") input name: "debugEnable", type: "bool", title: bold("Enable Debug Logging"), defaultValue: false, description: italic("Detailed diagnostic data
"+fireBrick("(only enable when asked by a developer)")) input name: "disableInfoLogging", type: "number", title: bold("Disable Info Logging after this number of minutes"), description: italic("(0=Do not disable, default=20)"), defaultValue: 20 input name: "disableTraceLogging", type: "number", title: bold("Disable Trace Logging after this number of minutes"), description: italic("(0=Do not disable, default=10)"), defaultValue: 10 input name: "disableDebugLogging", type: "number", title: bold("Disable Debug Logging after this number of minutes"), description: italic("(0=Do not disable, default=5)"), defaultValue: 5 } } def userSettableParams() { //controls which options are available depending on whether the device is configured as a switch or a dimmer. if (parameter258 == "1") return [] //on/off mode else return [] //dimmer mode } def readOnlyParams() { return [21,32,33,51,157,257] } def infoLogsOff() { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Disabling Info logging after timeout") device.updateSetting("infoEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) //device.updateSetting("disableInfoLogging",[value:"",type:"number"]) } def traceLogsOff() { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Disabling Trace logging after timeout") device.updateSetting("traceEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) //device.updateSetting("disableTraceLogging",[value:"",type:"number"]) } def debugLogsOff() { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Disabling Debug logging after timeout") device.updateSetting("debugEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) //device.updateSetting("disableDebugLogging",[value:"",type:"number"]) } private String byteReverseParameters(String oneString) { byteReverseParameters([] << oneString) } private String byteReverseParameters(List parameters) { StringBuilder rStr = new StringBuilder(128) for (hexString in parameters) { if (hexString.length() % 2) throw new Exception("In method reverseParametersZCL, trying to reverse a hex string that is not an even number of characters in length. Error in Hex String: ${hexString}, All method parameters were ${parameters}.") for(Integer i = hexString.length() -1 ; i > 0 ; i -= 2) { rStr << hexString[i-1..i] } } return rStr } def group1(groups) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} group1(${groups})" state.lastCommandSent = "group1(${groups})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() addGroup = (groups?.split(',')?: []) - (state.groups1?.split(',')?: []) delGroup = (state.groups1?.split(',')?: []) - (groups?.split(',')?: []) state.groups1=groups def cmds = [] addGroup.each { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Adding endpoint 1 to group ${it}" cmds += zigbee.command(0x0004,0x00,[destEndpoint:1],0,"${byteReverseParameters(zigbee.convertToHexString(it.toInteger(),4))} 00") } delGroup.each { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Deleting endpoint 1 from group ${it}" cmds += zigbee.command(0x0004,0x03,[destEndpoint:1],0,"${byteReverseParameters(zigbee.convertToHexString(it.toInteger(),4))} 00") } sendHubCommand(new HubMultiAction(cmds, Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } def group2(groups) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} group2(${groups})" state.lastCommandSent = "group2(${groups})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() addGroup = (groups?.split(',')?: []) - (state.groups2?.split(',')?: []) delGroup = (state.groups2?.split(',')?: []) - (groups?.split(',')?: []) state.groups2=groups def cmds = [] addGroup.each { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Adding endpoint 2 to group ${it}" cmds += zigbee.command(0x0004,0x00,[destEndpoint:2],0,"${byteReverseParameters(zigbee.convertToHexString(it.toInteger(),4))} 00") } delGroup.each { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Deleting endpoint 2 from group ${it}" cmds += zigbee.command(0x0004,0x03,[destEndpoint:2],0,"${byteReverseParameters(zigbee.convertToHexString(it.toInteger(),4))} 00") } sendHubCommand(new HubMultiAction(cmds, Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } //def bind(cmds=[]) { // if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} bind(${cmds})" // state.lastCommandSent = "bind(${cmds})" // state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() // return cmds //} // //def bindGroup(action="", group=0) { // if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} bindGroup($action, $group))" // state.lastCommandSent = "bindGroup($action, $group))" // state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() // def cmds = [] // if (action=="bind" || action=="unbind") { // cmds += ["zdo $action 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {${zigbee.convertToHexString(group.toInteger(),4)}}"] // cmds += ["zdo $action 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {${zigbee.convertToHexString(group.toInteger(),4)}}"] // cmds += "delay 60000" //binding can take up to 60 seconds // cmds += getParameter(51) //update number of bindings counter // sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(cmds, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) // } else { // if (infoEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Invalid Bind action: '$action'") // } // if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} bindGroup $cmds" // return //} // //def bindInitiator() { // if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} bindInitiator()" // state.lastCommandSent = "bindInitiator()" // state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() // def cmds = zigbee.command(0xfc31,0x04,["mfgCode":"0x122F"],shortDelay,"0") // if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} bindInitiator $cmds" // return cmds //} // //def bindTarget(Integer timeout=30) { // if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} bindTarget($timeout)" // state.lastCommandSent = "bindTarget($timeout)" // state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() // def cmds = [] // cmds += "he cmd 0x${parent.deviceNetworkId} 0x${device.deviceNetworkId?.substring(device.deviceNetworkId.length()-2)?:"00"} 0x0003 0x00 {${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(timeout)} 00}" // if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} bindInitiator $cmds" // sendHubCommand(new HubMultiAction(delayBetween(cmds, shortDelay), Protocol.ZIGBEE)) //} def calculateParameter(paramNum) { paramNum = paramNum?:0 def value = Math.round((settings?."parameter${paramNum}"!=null?settings?."parameter${paramNum}":getDefaultValue(paramNum))?.toFloat())?.toInteger() switch (paramNum){ case 9: //Min Level case 10: //Max Level case 13: //Default Level (local) case 14: //Default Level (remote) case 15: //Level after power restored case 55: //Double-Tap UP Level case 56: //Double-Tap DOWN Level value = convertPercentToByte(value) //convert levels from percent to byte values before sending to the device break case 18: //Active Power Reports (percent change) case 97: //LED Bar Intensity(when On) case 98: //LED Bar Intensity(when Off) value = Math.min(Math.max(value.toInteger(),0),100) break case 95: //custom hue for LED Bar (when On) case 96: //custom hue for LED Bar (when Off) //360-hue values need to be converted to byte values before sending to the device if (settings."parameter${paramNum}custom" =~ /^([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{3})$/) { value = Math.round((settings."parameter${paramNum}custom").toInteger()/360*255) } else { //else custom hue is invalid format or not selected if(settings."parameter${paramNum}custom"!=null) { device.removeSetting("parameter${paramNum}custom") if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Cleared invalid custom hue: ${settings."parameter${paramNum}custom"}") } } break } return value?:0 } def calculateSize(size) { if (traceEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} calculateSize(${size})" if (size==null || size==" ") size = configParams["parameter${number.toString().padLeft(3,'0')}"]?.size?:8 if (size.toInteger() == 1) return 0x10 //1-bit boolean else if (size.toInteger() == 8) return 0x20 //1-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 16) return 0x21 //2-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 24) return 0x22 //3-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 32) return 0x23 //4-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 40) return 0x24 //5-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 48) return 0x25 //6-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 56) return 0x26 //7-byte unsigned integer else if (size.toInteger() == 64) return 0x27 //8-byte unsigned integer else return 0x20 //default to 1-byte unsigned if no other matches } def clearSetting(i) { i = i?:0 def cleared = false if (settings."parameter${i}"!=null) {cleared=true; device.removeSetting("parameter" + i)} if (state."parameter${i}value"!=null) {cleared=true; state.remove("parameter" + i + "value")} if (cleared && (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable)) "${device.displayName} cleared P${i} since it is the default" } def clusterLookup(cluster) { if (cluster==null) return "null ClusterID" else { //return zigbee.clusterLookup(cluster) return zigbee.clusterLookup(cluster)?:cluster==0x8021?"Binding Cluster": cluster==0x8022?"UNBinding Cluster": cluster==0x8032?"Routing Table Cluster": cluster==0xFC31?"Private Cluster": "Cluster:0x${zigbee.convertToHexString(cluster,4)}" } } def configure(option) { //THIS GETS CALLED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN NEW DEVICE IS ADDED OR WHEN CONFIGURE BUTTON SELECTED ON DEVICE PAGE option = (option==null||option==" ")?"":option if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} configure($option)" state.lastCommandSent = "configure($option)" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() //sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtons", value: 14) def cmds = [] if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} re-establish lifeline bindings to hub" cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0000 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Basic Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0000 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Basic Cluster ep2 cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0003 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Identify Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0003 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Identify Cluster ep2 cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0004 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Group Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0004 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Group Cluster ep2 cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0005 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Scenes Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0005 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Scenes Cluster ep2 cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //On_Off Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //On_Off Cluster ep2 cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Level Control Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Level Control Cluster ep2 cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0019 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //OTA Upgrade Cluster if (state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35") { //Fan does not support power/energy reports cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0702 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Simple Metering - to get energy reports cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0B04 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Electrical Measurement - to get power reports } cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x8021 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Binding Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x8022 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //UnBinding Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0xFC31 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Private Cluster cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0xFC31 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}"] //Private Cluster ep2 // Delete obsolete children getChildDevices().each {child-> if (!child.deviceNetworkId.startsWith( || child.deviceNetworkId == "${}-00") { "Deleting ${child.deviceNetworkId}" deleteChildDevice(child.deviceNetworkId) } } // Create Child Devices for (i in 1..2) { def childId = "${}-0${i}" def existingChild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == childId} if (existingChild) { "${device.displayName} Child device ${childId} already exists (${existingChild})" } else { "Creating device ${childId}" if(i == 1) { addChildDevice("InovelliUSA","Inovelli VZM36 Zigbee Canopy Light",childId,[isComponent:true,name:"Canopy Light EP0${i}",label: "${device.displayName} Light"]) } else { if(i == 2) { addChildDevice("InovelliUSA","Inovelli VZM36 Zigbee Canopy Fan", childId,[isComponent:true,name:"Canopy Fan EP0${i}", label: "${device.displayName} Fan"]) } } } } if (option=="") { //IF we didn't pick an option refresh() //THEN refresh read-only and key parameters } else { //ELSE read device attributes and pass on to update settings. if (option=="Default") settings.each {settings.remove(it)} //if DEFAULT was requested then clear any user settings readDeviceAttributes() updated(option) } if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} configure $cmds" return delayBetween(cmds, longDelay) } def convertByteToPercent(int value=0) { //convert a 0-254 range where 254=100%. 255 is reserved for special meaning. //if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} convertByteToPercent(${value})" value = value==null?0:value //default to 0 if null value = Math.min(Math.max(value.toInteger(),0),255) //make sure input byte value is in the 0-255 range value = value>=255?256:value //this ensures that byte values of 255 get rounded up to 101% value = Math.ceil(value/255*100) //convert to 0-100 where 254=100% and 255 becomes 101 for special meaning return value } def convertPercentToByte(int value=0) { //convert a 0-100 range where 100%=254. 255 is reserved for special meaning. //if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} convertPercentToByte(${value})" value = value==null?0:value //default to 0 if null value = Math.min(Math.max(value.toInteger(),0),101) //make sure input percent value is in the 0-101 range value = Math.floor(value/100*255) //convert to 0-255 where 100%=254 and 101 becomes 255 for special meaning value = value==255?254:value //this ensures that 100% rounds down to byte value 254 value = value>255?255:value //this ensures that 101% rounds down to byte value 255 return value } def cycleSpeed() { // FOR FAN ONLY def cmds =[] if (parameter158=="1" || parameter258=="1") cmds += toggle() //if we are in on/off mode then do a toggle instead of cycle else { def currentLevel = device.currentValue("level")==null?0:device.currentValue("level").toInteger() if (device.currentValue("switch")=="off") currentLevel = 0 boolean smartMode = device.currentValue("smartFan")=="Enabled" def newLevel = 0 def newSpeed ="" if (currentLevel<=0 ) {newLevel=20; newSpeed="low" } else if (currentLevel<=20) {newLevel=smartMode?40:60; newSpeed=smartMode?"medium-low":"medium"} else if (currentLevel<=40) {newLevel=60; newSpeed="medium"} else if (currentLevel<=60) {newLevel=smartMode?80:100; newSpeed=smartMode?"medium-high":"high"} else if (currentLevel<=80) {newLevel=100; newSpeed="high"} else {newLevel=0; newSpeed="off"} if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} cycleSpeed(${device.currentValue("speed")}->${newSpeed})" state.lastCommandSent = "cycleSpeed(${device.currentValue("speed")}->${newSpeed})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() cmds += zigbee.setLevel(newLevel) if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} cycleSpeed $cmds" } return cmds } private String getChildId(childDevice) { return childDevice.deviceNetworkId?.substring(childDevice.deviceNetworkId.length() - 2)?:"00" } def getDefaultValue(paramNum=0) { paramValue=configParams["parameter${paramNum.toString()?.padLeft(3,"0")}"]?.default return paramValue?:0 } def getRssiLQI(){ if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} getRssiLQI()" state.lastCommandSent = "getRssiLQI()" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0b05, 0x011c, [destEndpoint: 0x01], 50) //CLUSTER_BASIC Mfg cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0b05, 0x011d, [destEndpoint: 0x01], 50) return cmds } def getTemperature() { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} getTemperature()" state.lastCommandSent = "getTemperature()" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xfc31, 0x0021, ["mfgCode": "0x122f"], 100) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xfc31, 0x0020, ["mfgCode": "0x122f"], 100) return cmds } def identify(seconds) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} identify(${seconds==null?"":seconds})" state.lastCommandSent = "identify(${seconds==null?"":seconds})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = setZigbeeAttribute(3,0,seconds,16) if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} identify $cmds" return cmds } def initialize() { //CALLED DURING HUB BOOTUP IF "INITIALIZE" CAPABILITY IS DECLARED IN METADATA SECTION "${device.displayName} initialize()" //save the group IDs before clearing all the state variables and reset them after if (state.groupBinding1) saveBinding1 = state.groupBinding1 if (state.groupBinding2) saveBinding2 = state.groupBinding2 if (state.groupBinding3) saveBinding3 = state.groupBinding3 state.clear() state if (saveBinding1) state.groupBinding1 = saveBinding1 if (saveBinding2) state.groupBinding2 = saveBinding2 if (saveBinding3) state.groupBinding3 = saveBinding3 state.lastCommandSent = "initialize()" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() state.driverDate = getDriverDate() state.model = device.getDataValue('model') device.removeSetting("parameter23level") device.removeSetting("parameter95custom") device.removeSetting("parameter96custom") //def cmds = [] //cmds += ledEffectOne(1234567,255,0,0,0) //clear any outstanding oneLED Effects //cmds += ledEffectAll(255,0,0,0) //clear any outstanding allLED Effects refresh() if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} initialize $cmds" return } def installed() { //THIS IS CALLED WHEN A DEVICE IS INSTALLED "${device.displayName} installed()" state.lastCommandSent = "installed()" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() state.driverDate = getDriverDate() state.model = device.getDataValue('model') "${device.displayName} Driver Date $state.driverDate" "${device.displayName} Model=$state.model" //configure() //I confirmed configure() gets called at Install time so this isn't needed here return } def intTo8bitUnsignedHex(value) { return zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(),2) } def intTo16bitUnsignedHex(value) { return zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(),4) } def intTo32bitUnsignedHex(value) { return hexStr = zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(),8) } def ledEffectAll(effect=255, color=0, level=100, duration=60) { effect = effect.toString().split(/=/)[0] def effectName = "unknown($effect)" switch (effect){ case "255": effectName = "Stop"; break case "1": effectName = "Solid"; break case "2": effectName = "Fast Blink"; break case "3": effectName = "Slow Blink"; break case "4": effectName = "Pulse"; break case "5": effectName = "Chase"; break case "6": effectName = "Open/Close"; break case "7": effectName = "Small-to-Big"; break case "8": effectName = "Aurora"; break case "9": effectName = "Slow Falling"; break case "10": effectName = "Medium Falling"; break case "11": effectName = "Fast Falling"; break case "12": effectName = "Slow Rising"; break case "13": effectName = "Medium Rising"; break case "14": effectName = "Fast Rising"; break case "15": effectName = "Medium Blink"; break case "16": effectName = "Slow Chase"; break case "17": effectName = "Fast Chase"; break case "18": effectName = "Fast Siren"; break case "19": effectName = "Slow Siren"; break case "0": effectName = "LEDs Off"; break default: effectName = "Unknown Effect #$effect"; break } sendEvent(name:"ledEffect", value: "$effectName All") if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} ledEffectAll(${effect},${color},${level},${duration})" state.lastCommandSent = "ledEffectAll(${effect},${color},${level},${duration})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() effect = Math.min(Math.max((effect!=null?effect:255).toInteger(),0),255) color = Math.min(Math.max((color!=null?color:0).toInteger(),0),255) level = Math.min(Math.max((level!=null?level:100).toInteger(),0),100) duration = Math.min(Math.max((duration!=null?duration:60).toInteger(),0),255) def cmds =[] Integer cmdEffect = effect.toInteger() Integer cmdColor = color.toInteger() Integer cmdLevel = level.toInteger() Integer cmdDuration = duration.toInteger() cmds += zigbee.command(0xfc31,0x01,["mfgCode":"0x122F"],shortDelay,"${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdEffect)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdColor)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdLevel)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdDuration)}") if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} ledEffectAll $cmds" return cmds } def ledEffectOne(lednum, effect=255, color=0, level=100, duration=60) { lednum = lednum.toString().split(/ /)[0].replace(",","") effect = effect.toString().split(/=/)[0] def effectName = "unknown($effect)" switch (effect){ case "255": effectName = "Stop"; break case "1": effectName = "Solid"; break case "2": effectName = "Fast Blink"; break case "3": effectName = "Slow Blink"; break case "4": effectName = "Pulse"; break case "5": effectName = "Chase"; break case "6": effectName = "Falling"; break case "7": effectName = "Rising"; break case "8": effectName = "Aurora"; break case "0": effectName = "LEDs Off"; break default: effectName = "Unknown Effect #$effect"; break } sendEvent(name:"ledEffect", value: "$effectName LED${lednum.toString().split(/ /)[0]}") if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} ledEffectOne(${lednum},${effect},${color},${level},${duration})" state.lastCommandSent = "ledEffectOne(${lednum},${effect},${color},${level},${duration})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() effect = Math.min(Math.max((effect!=null?effect:255).toInteger(),0),255) color = Math.min(Math.max((color!=null?color:0).toInteger(),0),255) level = Math.min(Math.max((level!=null?level:100).toInteger(),0),100) duration = Math.min(Math.max((duration!=null?duration:60).toInteger(),0),255) def cmds = [] lednum.toString().each { it= Math.min(Math.max((it!=null?it:1).toInteger(),1),7) Integer cmdLedNum = (it.toInteger()-1) //lednum is 0-based in firmware Integer cmdEffect = effect.toInteger() Integer cmdColor = color.toInteger() Integer cmdLevel = level.toInteger() Integer cmdDuration = duration.toInteger() cmds += zigbee.command(0xfc31,0x03,["mfgCode":"0x122F"],100,"${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdLedNum)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdEffect)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdColor)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdLevel)} ${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(cmdDuration)}") } if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} ledEffectOne $cmds" return cmds } def nowFormatted() { if(location.timeZone) return new Date().format("yyyy-MMM-dd h:mm:ss a", location.timeZone) else return new Date().format("yyyy MMM dd EEE h:mm:ss a") } def off(childDevice) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} off($childDevice)" state.lastCommandSent = "off($childDevice)" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] //cmds += //cmds = sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction("he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${getChildId(childDevice)} 0x0006 0x0 {}", hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) cmds += "he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0xFF 0x0006 0x0 {}" if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} off $cmds" //return sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(delayBetween(cmds, shortDelay), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) return cmds } def on(childDevice) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} on($childDevice)" state.lastCommandSent = "on($childDevice)" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] //if (settings.parameter23?.toInteger()>0) cmds += quickStart() //do quickStart if enabled //else cmds += zigbee.on(shortDelay) //ELSE just turn On //cmds += sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction("he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${getChildId(childDevice)} 0x0006 0x1 {}", hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) cmds += "he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0xFF 0x0006 0x1 {}" if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} on $cmds" //return sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(delayBetween(cmds, shortDelay), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) return cmds } def traceCluster(String description) { Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) //try { def eventDesc=zigbee.getEvent(description)} //catch (e) {def eventDesc=null} def traceClusterName= clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt?.toInteger()) log.trace "${device.displayName} ${darkOrange(traceClusterName)} " + "(cluster:${descMap.clusterId!=null?descMap.clusterId:descMap.cluster}" + (descMap.endpoint==null?" ep:${descMap.sourceEndpoint}":" ep:${descMap.endpoint}") + (descMap.attrId ==null?"":" attr:${descMap.attrId}") + (descMap.value ==null?"":" value:${descMap.value}") + ( ==null?"":" data:${}") + ")" } def parse(String description) { Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) if (traceEnable||debugEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} parse($descMap)" try { if ((traceEnable||debugEnable) && (zigbee.getEvent(description)!=[:])) log.trace "${device.displayName} zigbee.getEvent ${zigbee.getEvent(description)}" } catch (e) { if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} "+magenta(bold("There was an error while calling zigbee.getEvent: $description")) } def attrId= descMap.attrId def attrInt= descMap.attrInt def clusterId= descMap.clusterId?:descMap.cluster def clusterInt= descMap.clusterInt def clusterName=clusterLookup(clusterInt) def endpoint= descMap.endpoint?:descMap.sourceEndpoint def endpointInt=endpoint.toInteger() def valueInt //declared empty at top level so values can be assigned in each case and then displayed at the bottom //try { // def valueInt=Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) //} catch (e) { // def valueInt=null //} def valueStr = descMap['value']?:"unknown" def childId = "${}-${endpoint}" def currentChild = getChildDevices()?.find {it.deviceNetworkId == childId} currentChild = currentChild?:device //currentChild.parse(description) //return switch (clusterInt){ case 0x0000: //BASIC CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName}:$endpoint ZCL Version=$valueStr" state.zclVersion = valueStr break case 0x0001: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Application Version=$valueStr" state.applicationVersion = valueStr break case 0x0002: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Stack Version=$valueStr" state.stackVersion = valueStr break case 0x0003: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} HW Version=$valueStr" state.hwVersion = valueStr break case 0x0004: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Mfg=$valueStr" state.manufacturer = valueStr if (device.getDataValue('manufacturer')!= valueStr) device.updateDataValue('manufacturer',valueStr) break case 0x0005: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Model=$valueStr" state.model = valueStr if (device.getDataValue('model')!= valueStr) device.updateDataValue('model',valueStr) break case 0x0006: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} FW Date=$valueStr" state.fwDate = valueStr break case 0x0007: valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) valueStr = (valueInt==0?"Non-Neutral":(valueInt==1?"Neutral":"undefined")) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Power Source=$valueInt ($valueStr)" sendEvent(name:"powerSource", value:valueStr) state.parameter21value = valueInt device.updateSetting("parameter21",[value:"${valueInt}",type:"enum"]) break case 0x4000: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} FW Version=$valueStr" state.fwVersion = valueStr break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0001: //Power configuration //if (infoEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} " + darkOrange("Power_Configuration Cluster:") + (debugEnable?descMap:"") if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) break case 0x0002: //Device temperature configuration //if (infoEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} " + darkOrange("Device_Temperature Cluster:") + (debugEnable?descMap:"") if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) break case 0x0003: //IDENTIFY CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Remaining Identify Time=${zigbee.convertHexToInt(valueStr)}s" break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} "+fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0004: //GROUP CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Group Name Support=$valueStr" break default: if (attrInt==null && descMap.messageType=="00" && descMap.direction=="01") { def groupNumHex =[2][1] def groupNumInt = zigbee.convertHexToInt(groupNumHex) switch (descMap.command) { case "00": if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Add Group $groupNumInt (0x$groupNumHex)" //bindGroup("bind",groupNumInt) //if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding1==null || currentChild.settings.groupBinding1?.toInteger()==groupNumInt || state.groupBinding1?.toInteger()==groupNumInt) { // currentChild.updateSetting("groupBinding1",[value:groupNumInt,type:"number"]) // state.groupBinding1=groupNumInt //} else if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding2==null || currentChild.settings.groupBinding2?.toInteger()==groupNumInt || state.groupBinding2?.toInteger()==groupNumInt) { // currentChild.updateSetting("groupBinding2",[value:groupNumInt,type:"number"]) // state.groupBinding2=groupNumInt //} else if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding3==null || currentChild.settings.groupBinding3?.toInteger()==groupNumInt || state.groupBinding3?.toInteger()==groupNumInt) { // currentChild.updateSetting("groupBinding3",[value:groupNumInt,type:"number"]) // state.groupBinding3=groupNumInt //} break case "01": if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} View Group $groupNumInt (0x$groupNumHex)" break case "02": if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Get Group $groupNumInt (0x$groupNumHex)" break case "03": //if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Remove Group $groupNumInt (0x$groupNumHex)" //bindGroup("unbind",groupNumInt) //if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding1?.toInteger()==groupNumInt || state.groupBinding1?.toInteger()==groupNumInt) {currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding1"); state.remove(groupBinding1)} //else if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding2?.toInteger()==groupNumInt || state.groupBinding2?.toInteger()==groupNumInt) {currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding2"); state.remove(groupBinding2)} //else if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding3?.toInteger()==groupNumInt || state.groupBinding3?.toInteger()==groupNumInt) {currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding3"); state.remove(groupBinding3)} break case "04": if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Remove All Groups" //currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding1"); state.remove(groupBinding1) //currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding2"); state.remove(groupBinding2) //currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding3"); state.remove(groupBinding3) break case "05": if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Add group if Identifying" break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break } // remove duplicate groups //if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding3!=null && currentChild.settings.groupBinding3==currentChild.settings.groupBinding2) {currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding3"); state.remove(groupBinding3); "${currentChild.displayName} Removed duplicate Group Bind #3"} //if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding2!=null && currentChild.settings.groupBinding2==currentChild.settings.groupBinding1) {currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding2"); state.remove(groupBinding2); "${currentChild.displayName} Removed duplicate Group Bind #2"} //if (currentChild.settings.groupBinding1!=null && currentChild.settings.groupBinding1==currentChild.settings.groupBinding3) {currentChild.removeSetting("groupBinding3"); state.remove(groupBinding3); "${currentChild.displayName} Removed duplicate Group Bind #3"} } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0005: //SCENES CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Scene Count=$valueStr" break case 0x0001: if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Current Scene=$valueStr" break case 0x0002: if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Current Group=$valueStr" break case 0x0003: if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Scene Valid=$valueStr" break case 0x0004: if (infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Scene Name Support=$valueStr" break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0006: //ON_OFF CLUSTER if (currentChild!=device) { currentChild.parse(description) return } if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) valueStr = (valueInt==0?"off":(valueInt==1?"on":"undefined")) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName}:$endpoint Switch=$valueInt ($valueStr)" currentChild.sendEvent(name:"switch", value: valueStr) def currentLevel = currentChild.currentValue("level")==null?0:currentChild.currentValue("level").toInteger() if (state.model?.substring(0,5)=="VZM35") { //FOR FAN ONLY if (currentChild.currentValue("smartFan")=="Enabled") { if (currentLevel<=20) newSpeed="low" else if (currentLevel<=40) newSpeed="medium-low" else if (currentLevel<=60) newSpeed="medium" else if (currentLevel<=80) newSpeed="medium-high" else if (currentLevel<=100) newSpeed="high" } else { if (currentLevel<=33) newSpeed="low" else if (currentLevel<=66) newSpeed="medium" else if (currentLevel<=100) newSpeed="high" } if (valueStr=="off") newSpeed="off" else if (parameter158=="1" || parameter258=="1") newSpeed="high" if (traceEnable||debugEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName}:$endpoint Speed=${newSpeed}" currentChild.sendEvent(name:"speed", value: "${newSpeed}") } } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x4000: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Global Scene Control " + descMap } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x4001: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} On Time=${valueInt/10}s" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x4002: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Off Wait Time=${valueInt/10}s" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x4003: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) valueStr = (valueInt==0?"off":(valueInt==1?"on":(valueInt==2?"toggle":(valueInt==255?"Previous":"undefined")))) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Power-On State=$valueInt ($valueStr)" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break default: if (descMap.profileId=="0000" && descMap.command=="00" && descMap.direction=="00") { if (traceEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("MATCH DESCRIPTOR REQUEST Device:${[2]}${[1]} Profile:${[4]}${[3]} Cluster:${[7]}${[6]}") } else if (attrInt==null && descMap.command=="0B" && descMap.direction=="01") { if (currentChild.settings?.parameter51) { //not sure why the firmware sends these when there are no bindings if ([0]=="00" && infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Switch OFF" if ([0]=="01" && infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Switch ON" if ([0]=="02" && infoEnable) "${currentChild.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Toggle" } } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0008: //LEVEL CONTROL CLUSTER if (currentChild!=device) { currentChild.parse(description) return } if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) valueInt=Math.min(Math.max(valueInt.toInteger(),0),254) def percentValue = convertByteToPercent(valueInt) valueStr = percentValue.toString()+"%" if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName}:$endpoint Level=$valueInt ($valueStr)" currentChild.sendEvent(name:"level", value: percentValue, unit: "%") def newSpeed ="" if (state.model?.substring(0,5)=="VZM35") { //FOR FAN ONLY if (device.currentValue("smartFan")=="Enabled") { if (percentValue<=20) newSpeed="low" else if (percentValue<=40) newSpeed="medium-low" else if (percentValue<=60) newSpeed="medium" else if (percentValue<=80) newSpeed="medium-high" else if (percentValue<=100) newSpeed="high" } else { if (percentValue<=33) newSpeed="low" else if (percentValue<=66) newSpeed="medium" else if (percentValue<=100) newSpeed="high" } if (device.currentValue("switch")=="off") newSpeed="off" else if (parameter158=="1" || parameter258=="1") newSpeed="high" if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName}:$endpoint Speed=${newSpeed}" currentChild.sendEvent(name:"speed", value: "${newSpeed}") } } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0001: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Remaining Time=${valueInt/10}s" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0002: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Min Level=${valueInt}s" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0003: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Max Level=${valueInt/10}s" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x000F: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Level Control Options: 0x${zigbee.convertToHexString(valueInt,2)}" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0010: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} On/Off Transition=${valueInt/10}s" state.parameter3value = valueInt device.updateSetting("parameter3",[value:"${valueInt}",type:configParams["parameter003"].type?.toString()]) } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0011: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) valueStr = (valueInt==255?"Previous":convertByteToPercent(valueInt).toString()+"%") if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Default On Level=$valueInt ($valueStr)" } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0012: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} On Transition=${valueInt/10}s" state.parameter3value = valueInt state.parameter4value = valueInt device.updateSetting("parameter3",[value:"${valueInt}",type:configParams["parameter003"].type?.toString()]) device.updateSetting("parameter4",[value:"${valueInt}",type:configParams["parameter004"].type?.toString()]) } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x0013: if(descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Off Transition=${valueInt/10}s" state.parameter7value = valueInt state.parameter8value = valueInt device.updateSetting("parameter7",[value:"${valueInt}",type:configParams["parameter007"].type?.toString()]) device.updateSetting("parameter8",[value:"${valueInt}",type:configParams["parameter008"].type?.toString()]) } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x4000: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) valueStr = (valueInt==255?"Previous":convertByteToPercent(valueInt).toString()+"%") if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Power-On Level=$valueInt ($valueStr)" state.parameter15value = convertByteToPercent(valueInt) device.updateSetting("parameter15",[value:"${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}",type:configParams["parameter015"].type?.toString()]) } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break default: if (attrInt==null && descMap.command=="0B" && descMap.direction=="01") { if (parameter51) { //not sure why the firmware sends these when there are no bindings if ([0]=="00" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Move To Level" if ([0]=="01" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Move Up/Down" if ([0]=="02" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Step" if ([0]=="03" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Stop Level Change" if ([0]=="04" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Move To Level (with On/Off)" if ([0]=="05" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Move Up/Down (with On/Off)" if ([0]=="06" && infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Bind Command Sent: Step (with On/Off)" } } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0013: //ALEXA CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) else if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} " + darkOrange("Alexa Heartbeat") //+ " $descMap" break case 0x0019: //OTA CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) else if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} " + darkOrange("OTA Cluster") //+ " $descMap" switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Server ID=$valueStr" break case 0x0001: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} File Offset=$valueStr" break case 0x0006: if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Upgrade Status=$valueStr" break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0300: //COLOR CONTROL CLUSTER if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) break case 0x0702: //SIMPLE METERING CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0000: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) float energy energy = valueInt/100 if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Energy=${energy}kWh" sendEvent(name:"energy",value:energy ,unit: "kWh") } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0B04: //ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) switch (attrInt) { case 0x0501: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) float amps amps = valueInt/100 if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Amps=${amps}A" sendEvent(name:"amps",value:amps ,unit: "A") } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x050b: if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) float power power = valueInt/10 if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Power=${power}W" sendEvent(name: "power", value: power, unit: "W") } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } break case 0x0B05: //DIAGNOSTICS CLUSTER if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ switch (attrInt) { case 0x011C: valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) sendEvent(name:"LQI", value: "${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}", unit: "%") break case 0x011D: valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) sendEvent(name:"RSSI", value: "${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)-100}", unit: "%") break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Attribute:$attrInt ") //+ descMap break } } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break case 0x8021: //BINDING CLUSTER if (infoEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} " + darkOrange("Binding Cluster ") + (debugEnable?descMap:("":"data:${}")) if (traceEnable) traceCluster(description) break case 0x8022: //UNBINDING CLUSTER if (infoEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} "+darkOrange("UNBinding Cluster ") + (debugEnable?descMap:("":"data:${}")) if (traceEnable) traceCluster(description) break case 0x8032: //ROUTING TABLE CLUSTER //if (infoEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} "+darkOrange("Routing_Table Cluster ") + (debugEnable?descMap:"") if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) break case 0xfc31: //PRIVATE CLUSTER if (currentChild!=device) { currentChild.parse(description) return } if (traceEnable||debugEnable) traceCluster(description) if (attrInt == null) { if (descMap.isClusterSpecific) { if (descMap.command == "00") ZigbeePrivateCommandEvent( //Button Events if (descMap.command == "04") bindInitiator() //Start Binding if (descMap.command == "24") ZigbeePrivateLEDeffectStopEvent( //LED start/stop events } } else if (descMap.command == "01" || descMap.command == "0A" || descMap.command == "0B"){ valueInt = Integer.parseInt(descMap['value'],16) def valueHex = intTo32bitUnsignedHex(valueInt) def infoDev = "${device.displayName} " def infoTxt = "Report: P${attrInt}=${valueInt}" def infoMsg = infoDev + infoTxt switch (attrInt){ case 0: infoMsg += " (temporarily stored level during transitions)" break case 1: infoMsg += " (Remote Dim Rate Up: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"default)") break case 2: infoMsg += " (Local Dim Rate Up: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 1)") break case 3: infoMsg += " (Remote Ramp Rate On: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 1)") break case 4: infoMsg += " (Local Ramp Rate On: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 3)") break case 5: infoMsg += " (Remote Dim Rate Down: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 1)") break case 6: infoMsg += " (Local Dim Rate Down: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 2)") break case 7: infoMsg += " (Remote Ramp Rate Off: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 3)") break case 8: infoMsg += " (Local Ramp Rate Off: " + (valueInt<127?((valueInt/10).toString()+"s)"):"sync with 4)") break case 9: //Min Level infoMsg += " (min level ${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)" break case 10: //Max Level infoMsg += " (max level ${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)" break case 11: //Invert Switch infoMsg += valueInt==0?" (not Inverted)":" (Inverted)" break case 12: //Auto Off Timer infoMsg += " (Auto Off Timer " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):"${valueInt}s") + ")" break case 13: //Default Level (local) infoMsg += " (default local level " + (valueInt==255?" = previous)":" ${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)") currentChild.sendEvent(name:"levelPreset", value:convertByteToPercent(valueInt)) break case 14: //Default Level (remote) infoMsg += " (default remote level " + (valueInt==255?" = previous)":"${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)") break case 15: //Level After Power Restored infoMsg += " (power-on level " + (valueInt==255?" = previous)":"${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)") break case 17: //Load Level Timeout infoMsg += (valueInt==0?" (do not display load level)":(valueInt==11?" (always display load level)":"s load level timeout")) break case 18: infoMsg += " (Active Power Report" + (valueInt==0?red(" disabled"):" ${valueInt}% change") + ")" break case 19: infoMsg += "s (Periodic Power/Energy " + (valueInt==0?red(" disabled"):"") + ")" break case 20: infoMsg += " (Active Energy Report " + (valueInt==0?red(" disabled"):" ${valueInt/100}kWh change") + ")" break case 21: //Power Source infoMsg += (valueInt==0?red(" (Non-Neutral)"):limeGreen(" (Neutral)")) sendEvent(name:"powerSource", value:valueInt==0?"Non-Neutral":"Neutral") break case 22: //Aux Type switch (state.model?.substring(0,5)){ case "VZM31": //Blue 2-in-1 Dimmer case "VZW31": //Red 2-in-1 Dimmer infoMsg += " " + (valueInt==0?"(No Aux)":(valueInt==1?"(Dumb 3-way)":(valueInt==2?"(Smart Aux)":(valueInt==3?"(No Aux Full Wave)":"(unknown type)")))) state.auxType = (valueInt==0? "No Aux": (valueInt==1? "Dumb 3-way": (valueInt==2? "Smart Aux": (valueInt==3? "No Aux Full Wave": "unknown type $valueInt")))) break case "VZM35": //Fan Switch infoMsg += " " + (valueInt==0?"(No Aux)":"(Smart Aux)") state.auxType = valueInt==0? "No Aux": "Smart Aux" break default: infoMsg = infoDev + indianRed(infoTxt + " unknown model $state.model") state.auxType = "unknown model ${state.model}" break } break case 23: //Quick Start (in firmware on Fan, emulated in this driver for dimmer) if (state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35") infoMsg += " (Quick Start " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):"${valueInt}%") + ")" else infoMsg += " (Quick Start " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):"${valueInt} seconds") + ")" break case 25: //Higher Output in non-Neutral infoMsg += " (non-Neutral High Output " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):limeGreen("enabled")) + ")" break case 30: //non-Neutral AUX med gear learn value infoMsg += " (non-Neutral AUX medium gear)" break case 31: //non-Neutral AUX low gear learn value infoMsg += " (non-Neutral AUX low gear)" break case 32: //Internal Temperature (read only) valueStr = "${Math.round(valueInt*9/5+32)}°F" infoMsg += " (Internal Temp: " + hue(100-valueInt.toInteger(),"${valueStr}") + ")" sendEvent(name:"internalTemp", value:valueStr) break case 33: //Overheat (read only) infoMsg += " (Overheat: " + (valueInt==0?limeGreen("False"):valueInt==1?red("TRUE"):"undefined") + ")" sendEvent(name:"overHeat",value:valueInt==0?"False":valueInt==1?"TRUE":"undefined") break case 50: //Button Press Delay infoMsg += " (${valueInt*100}ms Button Delay)" break case 51: //Device Bind Number infoMsg += " (Bindings)" currentChild.sendEvent(name:"numberOfBindings", value:valueInt) break case 52: //Smart Bulb/Fan Mode if (state.model?.substring(0,5)=="VZM35") { infoMsg += " (SFM " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled)"):limeGreen("enabled)")) currentChild.sendEvent(name:"smartFan", value:valueInt==0?"Disabled":"Enabled") } else { infoMsg += " (SBM " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled)"):limeGreen("enabled)")) + ")" currentChild.sendEvent(name:"smartBulb", value:valueInt==0?"Disabled":"Enabled") } break case 53: //Double-Tap UP infoMsg += " (Double-Tap Up " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):limeGreen("enabled")) + ")" break case 54: //Double-Tap DOWN infoMsg += " (Double-Tap Down " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):limeGreen("enabled")) + ")" break case 55: //Double-Tap UP level infoMsg += " (Double-Tap Up level ${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)" break case 56: //Double-Tap DOWN level infoMsg += " (Double-Tap Down level ${convertByteToPercent(valueInt)}%)" break case 58: //Exclusion Behavior infoMsg += " (Exclusion: " + (valueInt==0?"LED Bar does not pulse":valueInt==1?"LED Bar pulses blue":valueInt==2?"do not Exclude":"unknown") + ")" break case 59: //Association Behavior infoMsg += " (Association: " + (valueInt==0?"None":valueInt==1?"Local":valueInt==2?"Hub":"Local+Hub") + ")" break case 60: case 65: case 70: case 75: case 80: case 85: case 90: case 95: //LED(x) color when On if (valueInt<255 || attrInt==95) infoMsg += " " + hue(valueInt,"(LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} color when On: ${Math.round(valueInt/255*360)}°)") else infoMsg += " (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} color " + hue(settings.parameter95?.toInteger(),"sync with P95") + " when On)" break case 61: case 66: case 71: case 76: case 81: case 86: case 91: case 96: //LED(x) color when Off if (valueInt<255 || attrInt==96) infoMsg += " " + hue(valueInt,"(LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} color when Off: ${Math.round(valueInt/255*360)}°)") else infoMsg += " (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} color " + hue(settings.parameter96?.toInteger(),"sync with P96") + " when Off)" break case 62: case 67: case 72: case 77: case 82: case 87: case 92: case 97: //LED(x) intensity when On if (valueInt<101 || attrInt==97) infoMsg += "% (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} intensity when On)" else infoMsg += " (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} intensity sync with P97 when On)" break case 63: case 68: case 73: case 78: case 83: case 88: case 93: case 98: //LED(x) intensity when Off if (valueInt<101 || attrInt==98) infoMsg += "% (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} intensity when Off)" else infoMsg += " (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} intensity sync with P98 when Off)" break case 64: case 69: case 74: case 79: case 84: case 89: case 94: case 99: //LED(x) Notification [zwave] def effectHex = valueHex.substring(0,2) int effectInt = Integer.parseInt(effectHex,16) infoMsg += " [0x${valueHex}] (LED${attrInt/5-11<8?(attrInt/5-11).toInteger():" bar"} Effect " + (effectInt==255?"Stop":"${effectInt}") + ")" break case 100: //LED Bar Scaling infoMsg += " (LED Scaling " + (valueInt==0?blue("VZM-style"):red("LZW-style")) + ")" break case 123: //Aux Switch Scenes infoMsg += " (Aux Scenes " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):limeGreen("enabled")) + ")" break case 125: //Binding Off-to-On Sync Level infoMsg += " (Send Level with Binding " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):limeGreen("enabled")) + ")" break case 156: //Local Protection case 256: infoMsg += " (Local Control " + (valueInt==0?limeGreen("enabled"):red("disabled")) + ")" break case 157: //Remote Protection case 257: infoMsg += " (Remote Control " + (valueInt==0?limeGreen("enabled"):red("disabled")) + ")" break case 158: //Switch Mode case 258: switch (state.model?.substring(0,5)){ case "VZM31": //Blue 2-in-1 Dimmer case "VZW31": //Red 2-in-1 Dimmer infoMsg += " " + (valueInt==0?"(Dimmer mode)":"(On/Off mode)") sendEvent(name:"switchMode", value:valueInt==0?"Dimmer":"On/Off") break case "VZM35": //Fan Switch infoMsg += " " + (valueInt==0?"(Multi-Speed mode)":"(On/Off mode)") sendEvent(name:"switchMode", value:valueInt==0?"Multi-Speed":"On/Off") break case "VZM36": //Canopy Module if (endpointInt==1) { infoMsg += " " + (valueInt==0?"(Dimmer mode)":"(On/Off mode)") sendEvent(name:"switchMode", value:valueInt==0?"Dimmer":"On/Off") } else { infoMsg += " " + (valueInt==0?"(Multi-Speed mode)":"(On/Off mode)") sendEvent(name:"switchMode", value:valueInt==0?"Multi-Speed":"On/Off") } break default: infoMsg += " " + red(" unknown model $state.model") sendEvent(name:"switchMode", value:"unknown model") break } break case 159: //On-Off LED case 259: infoMsg += " (On-Off LED mode: " + (valueInt==0?"All)":"One)") break case 160: //Firmware Update Indicator case 260: infoMsg += " (Firmware Update Indicator " + (valueInt==0?red("disabled"):limeGreen("enabled")) + ")" break case 161: //Relay Click case 261: infoMsg += " (Relay Click " + (valueInt==0?limeGreen("enabled"):red("disabled")) + ")" break case 162: //Double-Tap config button to clear notification case 262: infoMsg += " (Double-Tap config button " + (valueInt==0?limeGreen("enabled"):red("disabled")) + ")" break case 163: //LED bar display levels case 263: infoMsg += " (LED bar display levels: ${valueInt?:'full range'})" break default: infoMsg += " [0x${valueInt<=0xFF?valueHex.substring(6):valueInt<=0xFFFF?valueHex.substring(4):valueHex}] " + orangeRed(bold("Undefined Parameter $attrInt")) break } if (infoEnable) infoMsg + ((traceEnable||debugEnable)?" [P:$attrInt V:$valueInt D:${getDefaultValue(attrInt)}]":"") if ((attrInt==9) || (attrInt==10) || (attrInt==13) || (attrInt==14) || (attrInt==15) || (attrInt==55) || (attrInt==56)) { valueInt = convertByteToPercent(valueInt) //these attributes are stored as bytes but displayed as percentages } if ((attrInt==95 && parameter95custom!=null)||(attrInt==96 && parameter96custom!=null)) { //if custom hue was set, update the custom user setting also device.updateSetting("parameter${attrInt}custom",[value:"${Math.round(valueInt/255*360)}",type:configParams["parameter${attrInt.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"].type?.toString()]) state."parameter${attrInt}custom" = Math.round(valueInt/255*360) } if ((state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35"||state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM36") && (attrInt==21 || attrInt==22 || attrInt==158 || attrInt==258)) { //fan does not support leading/trailing edge dimming state.dimmingMethod = "Leading Edge" //default to Leading Edge if (parameter21=="1") { //if neutral wiring then select based on remote switch type if (parameter22=="0") state.dimmingMethod = "Trailing Edge" //no aux if (parameter22=="1") state.dimmingMethod = "Leading Edge" //dumb 3-way if (parameter22=="2") state.dimmingMethod = "Trailing Edge" //smart aux if (parameter22=="3") { if (parameter158=="1" || parameter258=="1") { //Switch Mode is On-Off state.dimmingMethod = "Full Wave" } else { //Switch Mode is Dimmer state.dimmingMethod = "Trailing Edge" device.updateSetting("parameter22",[value:"0",type:"enum"]) state.parameter22value=0 } } } if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} Dimming Method = ${state.dimmingMethod}" } //Update UI setting with value received from device if ((valueInt==getDefaultValue(attrInt)) //IF value is the default && (!readOnlyParams().contains(attrInt)) //AND not a read-only param && (![22,52,158,258].contains(attrInt))) { //AND not a key parameter clearSetting(attrInt) //THEN clear the setting (so only changed settings are displayed) } else { //ELSE update local setting device.updateSetting("parameter${attrInt}",[value:"${valueInt}",type:configParams["parameter${attrInt.toString().padLeft(3,"0")}"]?.type?.toString()]) } if (settings."parameter${attrInt}"!=null) { //IF device setting is not null state."parameter${attrInt}value" = settings."parameter${attrInt}"?.toInteger() //THEN set state variable to device setting } } else log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("${clusterName} Unknown Command:$descMap.command ") //+ descMap break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Unknown Cluster($clusterName) ") + description break } state.lastEventCluster = clusterName state.lastEventTime = nowFormatted() state.lastEventAttribute = attrInt state.lastEventValue = descMap.value return } def presetLevel(value,childDevice) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} presetLevel(${value})" state.lastCommandSent = "presetLevel(${value})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] Integer scaledValue = value==null?null:Math.min(Math.max(convertPercentToByte(value.toInteger()),1),255) //ZigBee levels range from 0x01-0xfe with 00 and ff = 'use previous' cmds += childDevice.setParameter(13, scaledValue) cmds += childDevice.setParameter(14, scaledValue) if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} preset $cmds" return sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(delayBetween(cmds, shortDelay), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } def quickStart() { quickStartVariables() def startLevel = device.currentValue("level").toInteger() def cmds= [] if (settings.parameter23?.toInteger()>0 ) { //only do quickStart if enabled if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} quickStart(" + (state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35"?"${settings.parameter23}%)":"${settings.parameter23}s)") if (state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35") { //IF not the Fan switch THEN emulate quickStart if (startLevel80) {newLevel=smartMode?80:60} else if (currentLevel>60) {newLevel=60} else if (currentLevel>40) {newLevel=smartMode?40:20} else if (currentLevel>20) {newLevel=20} else if (currentLevel>0) {newLevel=currentLevel} cmds += zigbee.setLevel(newLevel) break } if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setSpeed $cmds" return cmds } def setZigbeeAttribute(cluster, attributeId, value, size) { if (traceEnable) log.trace value!=null?"${device.displayName} setZigbeeAttribute(${cluster}, ${attributeId}, ${value}, ${size})":"${device.displayName} getZigbeeAttribute(${cluster}, ${attributeId})" state.lastCommandSent = value!=null? "setZigbeeAttribute(${cluster}, ${attributeId}, ${value}, ${size})": "getZigbeeAttribute(${cluster}, ${attributeId})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] Integer setCluster = cluster.toInteger() Integer attId = attributeId.toInteger() Integer attValue = (value?:0).toInteger() Integer attSize = calculateSize(size).toInteger() if (value!=null) cmds += setAttribute(setCluster,attId,attSize,attValue,[:],attId==258?longDelay:shortDelay) cmds += getAttribute(setCluster, attId) if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setZigbeeAttribute $cmds" return cmds } def startLevelChange(direction, duration=null) { def newLevel = direction=="up"?100:device.currentValue("switch")=="off"?0:1 duration = duration!=null?duration:(calculateParameter(1)/10) if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} startLevelChange(${direction}" + (duration==null?")":", ${duration}s)") state.lastCommandSent = "startLevelChange(${direction}" + (duration==null?")":", ${duration}s)") state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] cmds += duration==null?zigbee.setLevel(newLevel):zigbee.setLevel(newLevel, duration.toInteger()*10) if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} startLevelChange $cmds" return cmds } def stopLevelChange() { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} stopLevelChange()" // at level " + device.currentValue("level") state.lastCommandSent = "stopLevelChange()" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] cmds += ["he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${device.endpointId} ${CLUSTER_LEVEL_CONTROL} ${COMMAND_STOP} {}","delay $shortDelay"] if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} stopLevelChange $cmds" return cmds } def toggle() { def toggleDirection = device.currentValue("switch")=="off"?"off->on":"on->off" if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} toggle(${toggleDirection})" state.lastCommandSent = "toggle(${toggleDirection})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] cmds += zigbee.command(CLUSTER_ON_OFF, COMMAND_TOGGLE) //// if having trouble keeping multiple bulbs in sync then comment-out the toggle command //// and use the below code to emulate toggle with on/off commands //if (device.currentValue("switch")=="off") { // if (settings.parameter23?.toInteger()>0) { // cmds += quickStart() //IF quickStart is enabled THEN quickStart // } else { // cmds += zigbee.on(shortDelay) // } //} else { // cmds += //} if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} toggle $cmds" return cmds } def updated(option) { // called when "Save Preferences" is requested option = (option==null||option==" ")?"":option if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} updated(${option})" + (traceEnable||debugEnable)?" $settings":"" state.lastCommandSent = "updated(${option})" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] def nothingChanged = true int defaultValue int newValue configParams.each { //loop through all parameters int i = it.value.number.toInteger() newValue = calculateParameter(i) defaultValue=getDefaultValue(i) if ([9,10,13,14,15,55,56].contains(i)) defaultValue=convertPercentToByte(defaultValue) //convert percent values back to byte values if ((i==95 && parameter95custom!=null)||(i==96 && parameter96custom!=null)) { //IF a custom hue value is set if ((Math.round(settings?."parameter${i}custom"?.toInteger()/360*255)==settings?."parameter${i}"?.toInteger())) { //AND custom setting is same as normal setting device.removeSetting("parameter${i}custom") //THEN clear custom hue and use normal color if (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable) "${device.displayName} Cleared Custom Hue setting since it equals standard color setting" } } switch (option) { case "": if ((userSettableParams().contains(i)) //IF this is a valid parameter for this device mode && (settings."parameter$i"!=null) //AND this is a non-default setting && (!readOnlyParams().contains(i))) { //AND this is not a read-only parameter cmds += setParameter(i, newValue) //THEN set the new value nothingChanged = false } break case "All": case "Default": if (option=="Default") newValue = defaultValue //if user selected "Default" then set the new value to the default value if (((i!=158)&&(i!=258)) //IF we are not changing Switch Mode && (!readOnlyParams().contains(i))) { //AND this is not a read-only parameter cmds += setParameter(i, newValue) //THEN Set the new value nothingChanged = false } else { //ELSE this is a read-only parameter or Switch Mode parameter cmds += getParameter(i) //so Get current value from device } break default: if (traceEnable||debugEnable) log.error "${device.displayName} Unknown option 'updated($option)'" break } if ((i==23)&&(state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35")) { //IF not Fan switch THEN manually update the quickStart state variables since Dimmer does not store these quickStartVariables() } } group1(settings.group1) group2(settings.group2) if (settings?.groupBinding1 && !state?.groupBinding1) { bindGroup("bind",settings.groupBinding1?.toInteger()) //device.updateSetting("groupBinding1",[value:settings.groupBinding1?.toInteger(),type:"number"]) state.groupBinding1=settings.groupBinding1?.toInteger() nothingChanged = false } else { if (!settings?.groupBinding1 && state?.groupBinding1) { bindGroup("unbind",state.groupBinding1?.toInteger()) device.removeSetting("groupBinding1") state.groupBinding1=null nothingChanged = false } } if (settings?.groupBinding2 && !state?.groupBinding2) { bindGroup("bind",settings.groupBinding2?.toInteger()) //device.updateSetting("groupBinding2",[value:settings.groupBinding2?.toInteger(),type:"number"]) state.groupBinding2=settings.groupBinding2?.toInteger() nothingChanged = false } else { if (!settings?.groupBinding2 && state?.groupBinding2) { bindGroup("unbind",state.groupBinding2?.toInteger()) device.removeSetting("groupBinding2") state.groupBinding2=null nothingChanged = false } } if (settings?.groupBinding3 && !state?.groupBinding3) { bindGroup("bind",settings.groupBinding3?.toInteger()) //device.updateSetting("groupBinding3",[value:state.groupBinding3?.toInteger(),type:"number"]) state.groupBinding3=state.groupBinding3?.toInteger() nothingChanged = false } else { if (!settings?.groupBinding3 && state?.groupBinding3) { bindGroup("unbind",state.groupBinding3?.toInteger()) device.removeSetting("groupBinding3") state.groupBinding3=null nothingChanged = false } } // remove duplicate groups if (settings.groupBinding3!=null && settings.groupBinding3==settings.groupBinding2) {device.removeSetting("groupBinding3"); state.groupBinding3 = null; if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Removed duplicate Group Bind #3"} if (settings.groupBinding2!=null && settings.groupBinding2==settings.groupBinding1) {device.removeSetting("groupBinding2"); state.groupBinding2 = null; if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Removed duplicate Group Bind #2"} if (settings.groupBinding1!=null && settings.groupBinding1==settings.groupBinding3) {device.removeSetting("groupBinding3"); state.groupBinding3 = null; if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} Removed duplicate Group Bind #3"} if (nothingChanged && (infoEnable||traceEnable||debugEnable)) "${device.displayName} No DEVICE settings were changed" "${device.displayName} Info logging " + (infoEnable?limeGreen("Enabled"):red("Disabled")) log.trace "${device.displayName} Trace logging " + (traceEnable?limeGreen("Enabled"):red("Disabled")) log.debug "${device.displayName} Debug logging " + (debugEnable?limeGreen("Enabled"):red("Disabled")) if (infoEnable && disableInfoLogging) { "${device.displayName} Info Logging will be disabled in $disableInfoLogging minutes" runIn(disableInfoLogging*60,infoLogsOff) } if (traceEnable && disableTraceLogging) { log.trace "${device.displayName} Trace Logging will be disabled in $disableTraceLogging minutes" runIn(disableTraceLogging*60,traceLogsOff) } if (debugEnable && disableDebugLogging) { log.debug "${device.displayName} Debug Logging will be disabled in $disableDebugLogging minutes" runIn(disableDebugLogging*60,debugLogsOff) } return cmds } List updateFirmware() { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} updateFirmware(switch's fwDate: ${state.fwDate}, switch's fwVersion: ${state.fwVersion})" state.lastCommandSent = "updateFirmware()" state.lastCommandTime = nowFormatted() def cmds = [] //if (state?.lastUpdateFw && now() - state.lastUpdateFw < 2000) { // state.remove("lastUpdateFw") cmds += zigbee.updateFirmware() if (debugEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} updateFirmware $cmds" //} else { // log.warn "Firmware in this channel may be \"beta\" quality. Please check before proceeding. Double-click \"Update Firmware\" to proceed" // state.lastUpdateFw = now() // runIn(2,lastUpdateFwRemove) //} return cmds } //def lastUpdateFwRemove() {if (state?.lastUpdateFw) state.remove("lastUpdateFw")} void ZigbeePrivateCommandEvent(data) { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} SceneButton=${data[0]} ButtonAttributes=${data[1]}" Integer ButtonNumber = Integer.parseInt(data[0],16) Integer ButtonAttributes = Integer.parseInt(data[1],16) switch(zigbee.convertToHexString(ButtonNumber,2) + zigbee.convertToHexString(ButtonAttributes,2)) { case "0200": //Tap Up 1x //if (state.model?.substring(0,5)!="VZM35") quickStart() //If not Fan then emulate quickStart for local button push (this doesn't appear to work - not sure why) buttonEvent(1, "pushed", "physical") break case "0203": //Tap Up 2x buttonEvent(2, "pushed", "physical") break case "0204": //Tap Up 3x buttonEvent(3, "pushed", "physical") break case "0205": //Tap Up 4x buttonEvent(4, "pushed", "physical") break case "0206": //Tap Up 5x buttonEvent(5, "pushed", "physical") break case "0202": //Hold Up buttonEvent(6, "pushed", "physical") break case "0201": //Release Up buttonEvent(7, "pushed", "physical") break case "0100": //Tap Down 1x buttonEvent(1, "held", "physical") break case "0103": //Tap Down 2x buttonEvent(2, "held", "physical") break case "0104": //Tap Down 3x buttonEvent(3, "held", "physical") break case "0105": //Tap Down 4x buttonEvent(4, "held", "physical") break case "0106": //Tap Down 5x buttonEvent(5, "held", "physical") break case "0102": //Hold Down buttonEvent(6, "held", "physical") break case "0101": //Release Down buttonEvent(7, "held", "physical") break case "0300": //Tap Config 1x buttonEvent(8, "pushed", "physical") break case "0303": //Tap Config 2x buttonEvent(9, "pushed", "physical") break case "0304": //Tap Config 3x buttonEvent(10, "pushed", "physical") break case "0305": //Tap Config 4x buttonEvent(11, "pushed", "physical") break case "0306": //Tap Config 5x buttonEvent(12, "pushed", "physical") break case "0302": //Hold Config buttonEvent(13, "pushed", "physical") break case "0301": //Release Config buttonEvent(14, "pushed", "physical") break default: //undefined button function log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Undefined button function Scene=${data[0]} Attributes=${data[1]}") break } } void ZigbeePrivateLEDeffectStopEvent(data) { Integer ledNumber = Integer.parseInt(data[0],16)+1 //internal LED number is 0-based String ledStatus = ledNumber==17?"Stop All":ledNumber==256?"User Cleared":"Stop LED${ledNumber}" if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} ledEffectStopEvent=${ledStatus}" switch(ledNumber){ case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 17: //Full LED bar effects case 256: //user double-pressed the config button to clear the notification sendEvent(name:"ledEffect", value: "${ledStatus}") break default: log.warn "${device.displayName} " + fireBrick("Undefined LEDeffectStopEvent=${data[0]}") break } } void buttonEvent(button, action, type = "digital") { if (infoEnable) "${device.displayName} ${type} Button ${button} was ${action}" sendEvent(name: action, value: button, isStateChange: true, type: type) switch (button) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: sendEvent(name:"lastButton", value: "${action=='pushed'?'Tap '.padRight(button+4, '▲'):'Tap '.padRight(button+4, '▼')}") break case 6: sendEvent(name:"lastButton", value: "${action=='pushed'?'Hold ▲':'Hold ▼'}") break case 7: sendEvent(name:"lastButton", value: "${action=='pushed'?'Release ▲':'Release ▼'}") break case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: sendEvent(name:"lastButton", value: "Tap ".padRight(button-3, "►")) break case 13: sendEvent(name:"lastButton", value: "Hold ►") break case 14: sendEvent(name:"lastButton", value: "Release ►") break } } void hold(button) {buttonEvent(button, "held", "digital")} void push(button) {buttonEvent(button, "pushed", "digital")} void release(button) {buttonEvent(button, "released", "digital")} def pressUpX1() {buttonEvent(1, "pushed", "digital")} def pressDownX1() {buttonEvent(1, "held", "digital")} def pressUpX2() {buttonEvent(2, "pushed", "digital")} def pressDownX2() {buttonEvent(2, "held", "digital")} def pressUpX3() {buttonEvent(3, "pushed", "digital")} def pressDownX3() {buttonEvent(3, "held", "digital")} def pressUpX4() {buttonEvent(4, "pushed", "digital")} def pressDownX4() {buttonEvent(4, "held", "digital")} def pressUpX5() {buttonEvent(5, "pushed", "digital")} def pressDownX5() {buttonEvent(5, "held", "digital")} def holdUp() {buttonEvent(6, "pushed", "digital")} def holdDown() {buttonEvent(6, "held", "digital")} def releaseUp() {buttonEvent(7, "pushed", "digital")} def releaseDown() {buttonEvent(7, "held", "digital")} def pressConfigX1() {buttonEvent(8, "pushed", "digital")} def pressConfigX2() {buttonEvent(9, "pushed", "digital")} def pressConfigX3() {buttonEvent(10, "pushed", "digital")} def pressConfigX4() {buttonEvent(11, "pushed", "digital")} def pressConfigX5() {buttonEvent(12, "pushed", "digital")} def holdConfig() {buttonEvent(13, "held", "digital")} def releaseConfig() {buttonEvent(14, "released", "digital")} @Field static Integer shortDelay = 333 //default delay to use for zigbee commands (in milliseconds) @Field static Integer longDelay = 1000 //long delay to use for changing modes (in milliseconds) @Field static Integer defaultQuickLevel=50 //default startup level for QuickStart emulation @Field static Map configParams = [ parameter001 : [ number: 1, name: "Dimming Speed - Up (Remote)", description: "Sets the rate that the light dims up when controlled from the hub. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately on.
Default=2.5s", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s (default)","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s"], default: 25, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter002 : [ number: 2, name: "Dimming Speed - Up (Local)", description: "Sets the rate that the light dims up when controlled at the switch. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately on.
Default=Sync with parameter1", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter1"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter003 : [ number: 3, name: "Ramp Rate - Off to On (Remote)", description: "Sets the rate that the light fades on when controlled from the hub. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately on.
Default=Sync with parameter1", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter1"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter004 : [ number: 4, name: "Ramp Rate - Off to On (Local)", description: "Sets the rate that the light fades on when controlled at the switch. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately on.
Default=Sync with parameter3", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter3"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter005 : [ number: 5, name: "Dimming Speed - Down (Remote)", description: "Sets the rate that the light dims down when controlled from the hub. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately off.
Default=Sync with parameter1", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter1"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter006 : [ number: 6, name: "Dimming Speed - Down (Local)", description: "Sets the rate that the light dims down when controlled at the switch. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately off.
Default=Sync with parameter2", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter2"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter007 : [ number: 7, name: "Ramp Rate - On to Off (Remote)", description: "Sets the rate that the light fades off when controlled from the hub. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately off.
Default=Sync with parameter3", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter3"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter008 : [ number: 8, name: "Ramp Rate - On to Off (Local)", description: "Sets the rate that the light fades off when controlled at the switch. A setting of 'instant' turns the light immediately off.
Default=Sync with parameter4", range: ["0":"instant","5":"500ms","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms","10":"1.0s","11":"1.1s","12":"1.2s","13":"1.3s","14":"1.4s","15":"1.5s","16":"1.6s","17":"1.7s","18":"1.8s","19":"1.9s","20":"2.0s","21":"2.1s","22":"2.2s","23":"2.3s","24":"2.4s","25":"2.5s","26":"2.6s","27":"2.7s","28":"2.8s","29":"2.9s","30":"3.0s","31":"3.1s","32":"3.2s","33":"3.3s","34":"3.4s","35":"3.5s","36":"3.6s","37":"3.7s","38":"3.8s","39":"3.9s","40":"4.0s","41":"4.1s","42":"4.2s","43":"4.3s","44":"4.4s","45":"4.5s","46":"4.6s","47":"4.7s","48":"4.8s","49":"4.9s","50":"5.0s","51":"5.1s","52":"5.2s","53":"5.3s","54":"5.4s","55":"5.5s","56":"5.6s","57":"5.7s","58":"5.8s","59":"5.9s","60":"6.0s","61":"6.1s","62":"6.2s","63":"6.3s","64":"6.4s","65":"6.5s","66":"6.6s","67":"6.7s","68":"6.8s","69":"6.9s","70":"7.0s","71":"7.1s","72":"7.2s","73":"7.3s","74":"7.4s","75":"7.5s","76":"7.6s","77":"7.7s","78":"7.8s","79":"7.9s","80":"8.0s","81":"8.1s","82":"8.2s","83":"8.3s","84":"8.4s","85":"8.5s","86":"8.6s","87":"8.7s","88":"8.8s","89":"8.9s","90":"9.0s","91":"9.1s","92":"9.2s","93":"9.3s","94":"9.4s","95":"9.5s","96":"9.6s","97":"9.7s","98":"9.8s","99":"9.9s","100":"10.0s","101":"10.1s","102":"10.2s","103":"10.3s","104":"10.4s","105":"10.5s","106":"10.6s","107":"10.7s","108":"10.8s","109":"10.9s","110":"11.0s","111":"11.1s","112":"11.2s","113":"11.3s","114":"11.4s","115":"11.5s","116":"11.6s","117":"11.7s","118":"11.8s","119":"11.9s","120":"12.0s","121":"12.1s","122":"12.2s","123":"12.3s","124":"12.4s","125":"12.5s","126":"12.6s","127":"Sync with parameter4"], default: 127, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter009 : [ number: 9, name: "Minimum Level", description: "The minimum level that the light can be dimmed. Useful when the user has a light that does not turn on or flickers at a lower level.", range: "1..99", default: 1, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter010 : [ number: 10, name: "Maximum Level", description: "The maximum level that the light can be dimmed. Useful when the user wants to limit the maximum brighness.", range: "2..100", default: 100, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter011 : [ number: 11, name: "Invert Switch", description: "Inverts the orientation of the switch. Useful when the switch is installed upside down. Essentially up becomes down and down becomes up.", range: ["0":"No (default)", "1":"Yes"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter012 : [ number: 12, name: "Auto Off Timer", description: "Automatically turns the switch off after this many seconds. When the switch is turned on a timer is started. When the timer expires the switch turns off.
0=Auto Off Disabled.", range: "0..32767", default: 0, size: 16, type: "number", value: null ], parameter013 : [ number: 13, name: "Default Level (Local)", description: "Default level for the dimmer when turned on at the switch.
1-100=Set Level
101=Use previous level.", range: "1..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter014 : [ number: 14, name: "Default Level (Remote)", description: "Default level for the dimmer when turned on from the hub.
1-100=Set Level
101=Use previous level.", range: "1..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter015 : [ number: 15, name: "Level After Power Restored", description: "Level the dimmer will return to when power is restored after power failure (if Switch is in On/Off Mode any level 1-100 will convert to 100).
1-100=Set Level
101=Use previous level.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter017 : [ number: 17, name: "Load Level Indicator Timeout", description: "Shows the level that the load is at for x number of seconds after the load is adjusted and then returns to the Default LED state.", range: ["0":"Do not display Load Level","1":"1 Second","2":"2 Seconds","3":"3 Seconds","4":"4 Seconds","5":"5 Seconds","6":"6 Seconds","7":"7 Seconds","8":"8 Seconds","9":"9 Seconds","10":"10 Seconds","11":"Display Load Level with no timeout (default)"], default: 11, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter018 : [ number: 18, name: "Active Power Reports", description: "Percent power level change that will result in a new power report being sent.
0 = Disabled", range: "0..100", default: 10, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter019 : [ number: 19, name: "Periodic Power & Energy Reports", description: "Time period between consecutive power & energy reports being sent (in seconds). The timer is reset after each report is sent.", range: "0..32767", default: 3600, size: 16, type: "number", value: null ], parameter020 : [ number: 20, name: "Active Energy Reports", description: "Energy level change that will result in a new energy report being sent.
0 = Disabled
1-32767 = 0.01kWh-327.67kWh.", range: "0..32767", default: 10, size: 16, type: "number", value: null ], parameter021 : [ number: 21, name: "Power Source (read only)", description: "Neutral or Non-Neutral wiring is automatically sensed.", range: [0:"Non Neutral", 1:"Neutral"], default: 1, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter022 : [ number: 22, name: "Aux Switch Type", description: "Set the Aux switch type (Smart Bulb Mode does not work in Dumb 3-Way Switch mode)", range: ["0":"No Aux (default)", "1":"Dumb 3-Way Switch", "2":"Smart Aux Switch", "3":"No Aux Full Wave (On/Off only)"], default: 0, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter023 : [ //implemented in firmware for the fan, emulated in this driver for 2-in-1 Dimmer number: 23, name: "Quick Start", description: "EXPERIMENTAL (hub commands only): Startup Level from OFF to ON (for LEDs that need higher level to turn on but can be dimmed lower) 0=Disabled", range: "0..100", default: 0, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter025 : [ number: 25, name: "Higher Output in non-Neutral", description: "Ability to increase level in non-neutral mode but may cause problems with high level ficker or aux switch detection. Adjust max level (P10) if you have problems with this enabled.", range: ["0":"Disabled (default)","1":"Enabled"], default:0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter030 : [ number: 30, name: "non-Neutral AUX medium gear learn value (read only)", description: "In the case of non-neutral, to make the AUX switch better compatible.", range: "0..255", default: 90, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter031 : [ number: 31, name: "non-Neutral AUX low gear learn value (read only)", description: "In the case of non-neutral, to make the AUX switch better compatible.", range: "0..255", default: 110, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter032 : [ number: 32, name: "Internal Temperature (read only)", description: "Internal temperature in Celsius", range: "0..100", default: 25, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter033 : [ number: 33, name: "Overheat indicator (read only)", description: "Indicates if switch is in overheat protection mode", range: "0..1", default: 0, size: 1, type: "number", value: null ], parameter050 : [ number: 50, name: "Button Press Delay", description: "Adjust the button delay used in scene control. 0=no delay (disables multi-tap scenes), Default=500ms", range: ["0":"0ms","3":"300ms","4":"400ms","5":"500ms (default)","6":"600ms","7":"700ms","8":"800ms","9":"900ms"], default: 5, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter051 : [ number: 51, name: "Device Bind Number (read only)", description: "Number of devices currently bound and counts one group as two devices.", range: "0..255", default: 0, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter052 : [ number: 52, name: "Smart Bulb Mode", description: "For use with Smart Bulbs that need constant power and are controlled via commands rather than power.", range: ["0":"Disabled (default)", "1":"Enabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter053 : [ number: 53, name: "Double-Tap UP to parameter 55", description: "Enable or Disable setting brightness to parameter 55 on double-tap UP.", range: ["0":"Disabled (default)", "1":"Enabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter054 : [ number: 54, name: "Double-Tap DOWN to parameter 56", description: "Enable or Disable setting brightness to parameter 56 on double-tap DOWN.", range: ["0":"Disabled (default)", "1":"Enabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter055 : [ number: 55, name: "Brightness level for Double-Tap UP", description: "Set this level on double-tap UP (if enabled by P53)", range: "1..100", default: 100, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter056 : [ number: 56, name: "Brightness level for Double-Tap DOWN", description: "Set this level on double-tap DOWN (if enabled by P54)", range: "0..100", default: 1, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter058 : [ number: 58, name: "Exclusion Behavior", description: "How device behaves during Exclusion", range: ["0":"LED Bar does not pulse", "1":"LED Bar pulses blue (default)", "2":"Device does not enter exclusion mode (requires factory reset to leave network or change this parameter)"], default: 1, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter059 : [ number: 59, name: "Association Behavior", description: "Choose when the switch sends commands to associated devices", range: ["0":"Never", "1":"Local (default)", "2":"Z-Wave", "3":"Both"], default: 1, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter060 : [ number: 60, name: "LED1 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED1 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter061 : [ number: 61, name: "LED1 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED1 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter062 : [ number: 62, name: "LED1 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED1 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter063 : [ number: 63, name: "LED1 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED1 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter064 : [ number: 64, name: "LED1 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED1 Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter065 : [ number: 65, name: "LED2 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED2 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter066 : [ number: 66, name: "LED2 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED2 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter067 : [ number: 67, name: "LED2 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED2 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter068 : [ number: 68, name: "LED2 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED2 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter069 : [ number: 69, name: "LED2 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED2 Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter070 : [ number: 70, name: "LED3 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED3 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter071 : [ number: 71, name: "LED3 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED3 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter072 : [ number: 72, name: "LED3 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED3 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter073 : [ number: 73, name: "LED3 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED3 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter074 : [ number: 74, name: "LED3 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED3 Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter075 : [ number: 75, name: "LED4 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED4 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter076 : [ number: 76, name: "LED4 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED4 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter077 : [ number: 77, name: "LED4 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED4 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter078 : [ number: 78, name: "LED4 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED4 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter079 : [ number: 79, name: "LED4 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED4 Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter080 : [ number: 80, name: "LED5 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED5 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter081 : [ number: 81, name: "LED5 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED5 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter082 : [ number: 82, name: "LED5 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED5 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter083 : [ number: 83, name: "LED5 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED5 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter084 : [ number: 84, name: "LED5 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED5 Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter085 : [ number: 85, name: "LED6 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED6 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter086 : [ number: 86, name: "LED6 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED6 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter087 : [ number: 87, name: "LED6 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED6 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter088 : [ number: 88, name: "LED6 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED6 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter089 : [ number: 89, name: "LED6 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED6 Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter090 : [ number: 90, name: "LED7 Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of LED7 when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter091 : [ number: 91, name: "LED7 Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of LED7 when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 255, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter092 : [ number: 92, name: "LED7 Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of LED7 when the load is on.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter093 : [ number: 93, name: "LED7 Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of LED7 when the load is off.", range: "0..101", default: 101, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter094 : [ number: 94, name: "LED7 Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter095 : [ number: 95, name: "LED Bar Color (when On)", description: "Set the color of the LED Bar when the load is on.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 170, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter096 : [ number: 96, name: "LED Bar Color (when Off)", description: "Set the color of the LED Bar when the load is off.", range: ["0":"Red","14":"Orange","35":"Lemon","64":"Lime","85":"Green","106":"Teal","127":"Cyan","149":"Aqua","170":"Blue (default)","191":"Violet","212":"Magenta","234":"Pink","255":"White"], default: 170, size: 8, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter097 : [ number: 97, name: "LED Bar Intensity (when On)", description: "Set the intensity of the LED Bar when the load is on.", range: "0..100", default: 33, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter098 : [ number: 98, name: "LED Bar Intensity (when Off)", description: "Set the intensity of the LED Bar when the load is off.", range: "0..100", default: 3, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ], parameter099 : [ number: 99, name: "All LED Notification", description: "4-byte encoded LED Notification", range: "0..4294967295", default: 0xFF000000, size: 4, type: "number", value: null ], parameter100 : [ number: 100, name: "LED Bar Scaling", description: "Method used for scaling. This allows you to match the scaling when two different generations are in the same gang box", range: ["0":"Gen3 method (VZM-style)","1":"Gen2 method (LZW-style)"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter123 : [ number: 123, name: "Aux Switch Unique Scenes", description: "Have unique scene numbers for scenes activated with the aux switch", range: ["0":"Disabled (default)","1":"Enabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter125 : [ number: 125, name: "Binding Off-to-On Sync Level", description: "Send Move_To_Level using Default Level with Off/On to bound devices", range: ["0":"Disabled (default)","1":"Enabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter256 : [ number: 256, name: "Local Protection", description: "Ability to control switch from the wall.", range: ["0":"Local control enabled (default)", "1":"Local control disabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ] , parameter257 : [ number: 257, name: "Remote Protection (read only) use Remote Control command to change.", description: "Ability to control switch from the hub.", range: ["0":"Remote control enabled (default)", "1":"Remote control disabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter258 : [ number: 258, name: "Switch Mode", description: "Dimmer or On/Off only", range: ["0":"Dimmer", "1":"On/Off (default)"], default: 1, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter259 : [ number: 259, name: "LED Bar in On/Off Switch Mode", description: "When the device is in On/Off mode, use full LED bar or just one LED", range: ["0":"Full bar (default)", "1":"One LED"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter260 : [ number: 260, name: "Firmware Update-In-Progess Bar", description: "Display firmware update progress on LED Bar", range: ["1":"Enabled (default)", "0":"Disabled"], default: 1, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter261 : [ //not valid for fan switch number: 261, name: "Relay Click", description: "Audible Click in On/Off mode", range: ["0":"Enabled (default)", "1":"Disabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter262 : [ number: 262, name: "Double-Tap config to clear notification", description: "Double-Tap the Config button to clear notifications", range: ["0":"Enabled (default)", "1":"Disabled"], default: 0, size: 1, type: "enum", value: null ], parameter263 : [ //not valid for dimmer number: 263, name: "LED bar display levels", description: "Levels of the LED bar in Smart Bulb Mode
0=full range", range: "0..9", default: 3, size: 8, type: "number", value: null ] ] /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Everything below here are LIBRARY includes and should NOT be edited manually! * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private getCLUSTER_BASIC() { 0x0000 } private getCLUSTER_POWER() { 0x0001 } private getCLUSTER_IDENTIFY() { 0x0003 } private getCLUSTER_GROUP() { 0x0004 } private getCLUSTER_SCENES() { 0x0005 } private getCLUSTER_ON_OFF() { 0x0006 } private getCLUSTER_LEVEL_CONTROL() { 0x0008 } private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_POSITION() { 0x000d } private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_COVERING() { 0x0102 } private getCLUSTER_SIMPLE_METERING() { 0x0702 } private getCLUSTER_ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT() { 0x0b04 } private getCLUSTER_PRIVATE() { 0xFC31 } private getCOMMAND_MOVE_LEVEL() { 0x00 } private getCOMMAND_MOVE() { 0x01 } private getCOMMAND_STEP() { 0x02 } private getCOMMAND_STOP() { 0x03 } private getCOMMAND_MOVE_LEVEL_ONOFF() { 0x04 } private getCOMMAND_MOVE_ONOFF() { 0x05 } private getCOMMAND_STEP_ONOFF() { 0x06 } private getBASIC_ATTR_POWER_SOURCE() { 0x0007 } private getPOWER_ATTR_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_REMAINING() { 0x0021 } private getPOSITION_ATTR_VALUE() { 0x0055 } private getCOMMAND_OPEN() { 0x00 } private getCOMMAND_CLOSE() { 0x01 } private getCOMMAND_OFF() { 0x00 } private getCOMMAND_ON() { 0x01 } private getCOMMAND_TOGGLE() { 0x02 } private getCOMMAND_PAUSE() { 0x02 } private getENCODING_SIZE() { 0x39 } //Functions to enhance text appearance String bold(s) { return "$s" } String italic(s) { return "$s" } String mark(s) { return "$s" } //yellow background String strike(s) { return "$s" } String underline(s) { return "$s" } String hue(Integer h, String s) { h = Math.min(Math.max((h!=null?h:170),1),255) //170 is Inovelli factory default blue def result = '30&&h<70) result += 'style="background-color:DarkGray" ' if (h==255) result += 'color="White"' else result += 'color="' + hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.rgbToHEX(hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.hsvToRGB([(h/255*100), 100, 100])) + '"' result += ">$s" return result } //Reds String indianRed(s) { return '' + s + ''} String lightCoral(s) { return '' + s + ''} String crimson(s) { return '' + s + ''} String red(s) { return '' + s + ''} String fireBrick(s) { return '' + s + ''} String coral(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Oranges String orangeRed(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkOrange(s) { return '' + s + ''} String orange(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Yellows String gold(s) { return '' + s + ''} String yellow(s) { return '' + s + ''} String paleGoldenRod(s) { return '' + s + ''} String peachPuff(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkKhaki(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Greens String limeGreen(s) { return '' + s + ''} String green(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkGreen(s) { return '' + s + ''} String olive(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkOliveGreen(s) { return '' + s + ''} String lightSeaGreen(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkCyan(s) { return '' + s + ''} String teal(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Blues String cyan(s) { return '' + s + ''} String lightSteelBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String steelBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String lightSkyBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String deepSkyBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String dodgerBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String blue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String midnightBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Purples String magenta(s) { return '' + s + ''} String rebeccaPurple(s) { return '' + s + ''} String blueViolet(s) { return '' + s + ''} String slateBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkSlateBlue(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Browns String burlywood(s) { return '' + s + ''} String goldenrod(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkGoldenrod(s) { return '' + s + ''} String sienna(s) { return '' + s + ''} //Grays String lightGray(s) { return '' + s + ''} String darkGray(s) { return '' + s + ''} String gray(s) { return '' + s + ''} String dimGray(s) { return '' + s + ''} String slateGray(s) { return '' + s + ''} String black(s) { return '' + s + ''} //********************************************************************************** //****** End of HTML enhancement functions. //**********************************************************************************