# Contributing 1. Build the plugin and install it to local maven repo `./gradlew mirakle:build mirakle:publishMiraklePublicationToMavenLocal -x mirakle` 2. Add `mavenLocal()` to Mirakle's init script ``` initscript { repositories { mavenLocal() jcenter() } } ``` 3. Make sure your init script uses the same Mirakle version that you defined in root [build.gradle](https://github.com/Instamotor-Labs/mirakle/blob/development/build.gradle#L2). Increment it just in case. 4. Mirakle is targeting `localhost` in tests, so make sure you can `ssh localhost` without password. If not: - If it saying about `Connection refused` for Mac OSX read [this](https://stackoverflow.com/a/22255174), for Linux google... - If it required password do [this](https://stackoverflow.com/a/16651742) 5. Run the tests `./gradlew plugin-test:test -x mirakle`