#! /usr/bin/env python # Python script for the Interoute Virtual Data Centre API: # Name: loadbased-autoscaler.py # Purpose: Perform autoscaling of webserver virtual machines in VDC based on loading of an HAProxy frontend load-balancer # Requires: class VDCApiCall in the file vdc_api_call.py # See the repo: https://github.com/Interoute/API-fun-and-education # # You can pass options via the command line: type 'python loadbased-autoscaler.py -h' for usage information # # This program must be run with 'sudo' because it rewrites the file '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' # # Based on an original VDC implementation and Perl script by Stefan Bienek # # Copyright (C) Interoute Communications Limited, 2016 # # NOTES AND REFERENCES # Rewriting 'haproxy.cfg': http://www.kloppmagic.ca/auto-scaling-with-haproxy/ # Using a threading timer to repeat a function call: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12435211/python-threading-timer-repeat-function-every-n-seconds from __future__ import print_function import vdc_api_call as vdc import requests import sys import getpass import json import os import string import time import datetime import argparse import re import math from subprocess import call def write_logfile(logfile_handle, message): timeNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() timestamp = timeNow.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000") logfile_handle.write("%s : %s\n" % (timestamp, message)) # SETUP: Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", default=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.vdcapi'), help="path/name of the config file to be used for the API URL and API keys (default is ~/.vdcapi)") parser.add_argument("-r", "--region", choices=['Europe','europe','USA','usa','Asia','asia'], default='Europe', help="specify the VDC region: Europe, USA or Asia (default Europe)") parser.add_argument("-i", "--interval", default=240, help="specify the time interval in seconds for running the autoscaler process (default 240 seconds)") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", default=300, help="specify the deploy 'timeout': if deploy time exceeds this, the VM deploy will be abandoned (default 300 seconds)") parser.add_argument("-l", "--logfile", default='./autoscaler.log', help="path/name of the logfile to be used to log the runs of the autoscaler process (default ./autoscaler.log)')") vdcRegion = parser.parse_args().region config_file = parser.parse_args().config repeat_interval = parser.parse_args().interval deploy_timeout = parser.parse_args().timeout logfile = parser.parse_args().logfile # TEMPORARY: Hard configuration settings (these should be set via a configuration file) # REPLACE [INSERT] WITH YOUR OWN VALUES haproxyStatsURL = 'http://[INSERT]/haproxy?stats;csv' haproxyStatsUser = '[INSERT]' haproxyStatsPassword = '[INSERT]' zoneID = '7144b207-e97e-4e4a-b15d-64a30711e0e7' templateID = '[INSERT]' serviceofferingID = '4cb92069-e001-4637-8848-76d74f406bb8' networkIDs = '[INSERT],[INSERT]' haproxyConfigFileStatic = 'haproxy_cfg_static' haproxyConfigFile = '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' # name stem for VMs, a timestamp and count digits will be added vmName = 'Webcluster-Frankfurt-web-' # min and max numbers of VMs to run maxVM = 10 minVM = 1 # the target loading of the cluster is a mean number of web sessions per VM sessionPerVM = 5 # SETUP: If config file is found, read its content, else query user for the URL, API key, Secret key if os.path.isfile(config_file): with open(config_file) as fh: data = fh.read() config = json.loads(data) api_url = config['api_url'] apiKey = config['api_key'] secret = config['api_secret'] else: print('API url (e.g.', end='') api_url = raw_input() print('API key:', end='') apiKey = raw_input() secret = getpass.getpass(prompt='API secret:') # SETUP: Create the api access object for VDC api = vdc.VDCApiCall(api_url, apiKey, secret) # THE REST OF THE PROGRAM RUNS IN A REPEATING LOOP, WITH A DELAY OF repeat_interval SECONDS AT THE END OF THE LOOP repeatOn = True logfile_handle = open(logfile, 'w', 1) while repeatOn: # STEP: Program starting message timeNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() timestamp = timeNow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") write_logfile(logfile_handle, 'Starting') print("\n\n********************************************") print("loadbased_autoscaler: Starting at %s" % timestamp) print("********************************************") # STEP: Check the number of running VMs vmresult1 = api.listVirtualMachines({'region': vdcRegion, 'zone': zoneID, 'state': 'Running', 'name': vmName}) ## add VMs with state=Starting because the VM deploy time could be longer than the run frequency of this script vmresult2 = api.listVirtualMachines({'region': vdcRegion, 'zone': zoneID, 'state': 'Starting', 'name': vmName}) if vmresult2 != {} and vmresult1 != {}: currentVmCount = vmresult1['count'] + vmresult2['count'] currentVmList = [[vm['id'],vm['name'],vm['state']] for vm in vmresult1['virtualmachine']] + [[vm['id'],vm['name'],vm['state']] for vm in vmresult2['virtualmachine']] elif vmresult1 != {}: currentVmCount = vmresult1['count'] currentVmList = [[vm['id'],vm['name'],vm['state']] for vm in vmresult1['virtualmachine']] else: currentVmCount = 0 currentVmList = [] # sort list alphabetically by VM names currentVmList.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Current virtual machines: %d" % currentVmCount) print("Current virtual machines: %d" % currentVmCount) print("VM list:") for v in currentVmList: print("%s: %s (state: %s)" % (v[0],v[1],v[2])) # STEP: Query to HAProxy VM statistics and extract the number of current sessions # Do this twice with a time gap to get a more reliable number haproxydata = requests.get(haproxyStatsURL, auth=(haproxyStatsUser, haproxyStatsPassword)).text currentSessions1 = float((haproxydata.split('\n')[1]).split(',')[4]) time.sleep(10) haproxydata = requests.get(haproxyStatsURL, auth=(haproxyStatsUser, haproxyStatsPassword)).text currentSessions2 = float((haproxydata.split('\n')[1]).split(',')[4]) currentSessionsCount = int(math.ceil(0.5*(currentSessions1 + currentSessions2))) write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Current web sessions: %d" % currentSessionsCount) print("Current web sessions: %d" % currentSessionsCount) # STEP: Calculate number of VMs required for current session loading if currentSessionsCount % sessionPerVM == 0: requiredVmCount = currentSessionsCount / sessionPerVM else: requiredVmCount = currentSessionsCount / sessionPerVM + 1 # FOR TESTING: SET THIS VARIABLE TO OVERRIDE THE SESSION-BASED CALCULATION ##requiredVmCount = 3 if requiredVmCount > maxVM: requiredVmCount = maxVM if requiredVmCount < minVM: requiredVmCount = minVM changeVMNum = requiredVmCount - currentVmCount print("Required VMs (for target loading of %d sessions per VM): %d" % (sessionPerVM, requiredVmCount)) print("Change to VMs: %d" % changeVMNum) # STEP: Create new VM, or delete VM, or no changes required if changeVMNum == 0: write_logfile(logfile_handle, "No changes to VMs required.") print("No changes to VMs required.") elif changeVMNum > 0: write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Creating %d VMs now..." % changeVMNum) print("Creating %d VMs now..." % changeVMNum) timeNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() timestamp = timeNow.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") newVmDict = {} for i in range(changeVMNum): vmNewName = vmName + timestamp + '-' + "%03d" % (i+1) print(" creating: %s" % vmNewName) newVmDict[vmNewName] = {} try: deployResult = api.deployVirtualMachine({'region':vdcRegion, 'name':vmNewName, 'displayname':vmNewName, 'zoneid': zoneID, 'templateid': templateID, 'serviceofferingid': serviceofferingID, 'networkids': networkIDs}) newVmDict[vmNewName]['deployjobid'] = deployResult['jobid'] newVmDict[vmNewName]['deploycomplete'] = False except: write_logfile(logfile_handle, "ERROR while trying to deploy VM %s. Carrying on but results may not be correct." % vmNewName) pass # NEED TO WAIT FOR DEPLOYS TO COMPLETE SO THAT NEW VMs' IP ADDRESSES ARE AVAILABLE TO HAPROXY CONFIG checkDelay = 2 displayProgress = True deployAllComplete = False countdown = len(newVmDict) deployStartTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() while not deployAllComplete: for v in newVmDict: if not newVmDict[v]['deploycomplete']: try: result = api.queryAsyncJobResult({'region': vdcRegion, 'jobid': newVmDict[v]['deployjobid']}) except KeyError: pass elapsedTime = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - deployStartTime).seconds if 'jobresult' in result: countdown = countdown - 1 newVmDict[v]['deploycomplete'] = True print('') print("VM deploy completed: %s. %d deploys left to complete." % (v, countdown)) elif elapsedTime > deploy_timeout: countdown = countdown - 1 newVmDict[v]['deploycomplete'] = True print('') print("TIMEOUT for VM %s: deploy took too long. %d deploys left to complete." % (v, countdown)) if countdown == 0: deployAllComplete = True write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Finished the deployment of virtual machines.") print("Finished the deployment of virtual machines.") else: if displayProgress: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(checkDelay) elif changeVMNum < 0: write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Deleting %d VMs now..." % abs(changeVMNum)) print("Deleting %d VMs now..." % abs(changeVMNum)) for i in range(abs(changeVMNum)): print(" deleting: %s" % currentVmList[i][1]) try: api.destroyVirtualMachine({'region':vdcRegion, 'id': currentVmList[i][0], 'expunge':True}) except: write_logfile(logfile_handle, "ERROR while trying to destroy VM %s. Carrying on but results may not be correct." % currentVmList[i][1]) pass # Pause so that the deleted VMs have time to switch off, and won't be detected at the next step time.sleep(30) write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Finished deleting virtual machines.") # STEP: Rewrite the HAProxy config file if there is a change if changeVMNum != 0: # Get network IP addresses for currently running VMs vmresult = api.listVirtualMachines({'region': vdcRegion, 'zone': zoneID, 'state': 'Running', 'name': vmName}) vmAddressList = [[vm['name'].replace('-','').lower(), [net for net in vm['nic'] if net['networkid']==networkIDs.split(',')[0]][0]['ipaddress']] for vm in vmresult['virtualmachine']] vmAddressList.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) with open(haproxyConfigFileStatic) as fh: haproxyConfigStatic = fh.read() with open(haproxyConfigFile, 'w') as outfh: outfh.write(haproxyConfigStatic) for v in vmAddressList: outfh.write('\n server %s %s:80 check' % (v[0], v[1])) write_logfile(logfile_handle, "New configuration written to config file %s" % haproxyConfigFile) print("New configuration written to config file %s" % haproxyConfigFile) # Restart the HAProxy service call(['sudo', 'service', 'haproxy', 'restart']) write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Service haproxy restarted.") print("Service haproxy restarted.") # STEP: Program finished write_logfile(logfile_handle, "Finished.\n\n") timeNow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() timestamp = timeNow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") print("********************************************") print("loadbased_autoscaler: Finished at %s" % timestamp) print("********************************************") # Autoscale loop finished, so wait 'repeat_interval' seconds time.sleep(float(repeat_interval))