@prefix datasetCommunities: . @prefix organisations: . @prefix dct: . @prefix gl: . @prefix pav: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . datasetCommunities:dataset a rdfs:Class; rdfs:label "Dataset"@en; rdfs:comment "A Dataset may combine many different parameters, collected at multiple times and locations, using different instruments. A Dataset is linked to its storage and retention information and the classification, including licensing, associated with the Dataset under a machine actionable data policy. This machine actionable data policy is derived from a set of business rules associated with the data classifications laid out in the institutional data policy. Therefore, a Dataset which is marked as containing personal data, as defined by the European General Data Protection Regulation or business sensitive data will not be made publicly available. Examples of a Dataset include an institution's entire research vessel Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profile archive; or a spatial dataset such as the distribution and abundance of cetacean species within an exclusive economic zone."@en; pav:lastUpdateOn "2019-11-18"^^xsd:Date; pav:authoredOn "2019-11-18"^^xsd:Date; pav:version "1"; dct:valid "True"@en; pav:authoredBy organisations:16; pav:createdBy organisations:16. datasetCommunities:datasetCollectionActivity a rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClassOf datasetCommunities:dataset; rdfs:label "Dataset Collection Activity"@en; rdfs:comment "A Dataset Collection Activity specialises the class of Dataset in that it has a mandatory end date and also a mandatory platform element, which indicates the vehicles, structures or organisms capable of bearing instruments or tools for the collection of physical, chemical, geological or biological samples or data. Examples of a Dataset Collection Activity include a research vessel survey or cruise; or the deployment of a moored buoy at a specific location for a given time period. "@en; pav:lastUpdateOn "2019-11-18"^^xsd:Date; pav:authoredOn "2019-11-18"^^xsd:Date; pav:version "1"; dct:valid "True"@en; pav:authoredBy organisations:16; pav:createdBy organisations:16. gl:Cruise rdfs:subClassOf datasetCommunities:datasetCollectionActivity. gl:Dive rdfs:subClassOf datasetCommunities:datasetCollectionActivity.