#15.2.29 Added prop `containerClass` #15.2.27 When errored without a error-message, no empty error-box will be shown Caught promise on validation-error -> no uncaught-error will be shown in the console #15.2.26 Added property `showsuccess` to enable the `success-feedback`-icon to be shown initially. #15.2.24 Showed error-msg when error occured before sending, like filesize exceeded #15.2.23 Bugfix using the uploader again after whenever multiple files were uploaded (error: `instance._io.reject is not a function`) #version 15.2.21 Isomorphic bigfix #version 15.0.0 Upgrade support for react 15.0 #version 0.0.10 Prevent from override specific IE9-style which could shift the overlay-button on IE9 #version 0.0.9 Updated readme #version 0.0.8 Bugfix IE<10 #version 0.0.6 Bugfix safari