# pdfMachineEncrypt A Windows command line tool for encrypting a PDF file. http://www.pdfmachine.com/genp/pdfmachine-command-line-tools.html ### USAGE ``` pdfMachineEncrypt /f filename.pdf /p openpass /o ownerpass /accesability y|n /print y|n /change y|n /notes y|n /copy y|n /form y|n /assemble y|n where: f - PDF filename, required: true help - Help, required: false o - Password to change the PDF security settings, required: false p - Password to open the PDF for viewing, required: true accessability - Security setting : Accessability, required: false assemble - Security setting : document assembly, required: false change - Security setting : change, required: false copy - Security setting : Copy and extract, required: false form - Security setting : Form fill or sign, required: false notes - Security setting : add notes, required: false print - Security setting : print, required: false e.g. pdfMachineEncrypt /f x.pdf /p mypass pdfMachineEncrypt /f x.pdf /p mypass /o someotherpass /print n /copy n ``` # pdfMachineStamp A Windows command line tool for applying a text stamp or watermark to a PDF file. ### USAGE ``` pdfMachineStamp /f filename.pdf /t "some text" parameters: color - Text color. Can be a name such as green, black, darkmagenta, cornflowerblue etc, or a RGB hex value such as #aabbcc f - PDF filename, required. font - Font name. Can be any Windows font. help - Help opacity - Stamp opacity between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque) page - The page number to apply the stamp to. 0 means all pages. pos - Position: topleft, topcenter, topright, centerleft, center, centerright, bottomleft, bottomcenter, bottomright rot - Rotation in degrees size - Font size in points t - Stamp text, required. x - Position X in points. If 'pos' given is used as an offset. y - Position Y in points. If 'pos' given is used as an offset. e.g. pdfMachineStamp /f file.pdf /t "some text" /pos topcenter /color #fa0000 pdfMachineStamp /f file.pdf /t "some text" /pos center /rot 45 /font "Brush Script MT" /size 50 /color green /opacity 0.5 /page 1 ``` # pdfMachineSign A Windows command line tool for digitally signing a PDF file using a certificate in the Windows certificate store. ### USAGE ``` pdfMachineSign /f filename.pdf /sha1 thumbprint parameters: f - PDF filename, required. sha1 - SHA1 thumbprint identifying this certificate. Use certmgr.msc to find, required. reason - Reason for signing. location - Location page - The page number to put the signature on. image-file - The image file. Can be JPEG, BMP, GIF. show-cert-name - Text appearance - show certficate name, y|n show-dist-name - Text appearance - show certficate distinguished name, y|n show-location - Text appearance - show location, y|n show-reason - Text appearance - show reason, y|n show-date-time - Text appearance - show date time, y|n show-date - Text appearance - show date, y|n show-time - Text appearance - show time, y|n position - Valid values are: topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, center, centerleft, centerright, centertop, centerbottom. x - Horizontal position in points. If 'position' is set, works as an offset. y - Vertical position in points. If 'position' is set, works as an offset. width - Width in points. height - Height in points. timestamp-url - URL of a RFC 3161 compliant timestamping server. certified-permission - 0 - not certified (default), 1 - changes not allowed, 2 - changes to forms allowed, 3, - changes to annotations allowed. help - Help e.g. pdfMachineSign /f file.pdf /sha1 aabbccddeeff00112233445566114455 pdfMachineSign /f file.pdf /sha1 aabbccddeeff00112233445566114455 /image-file C:\sig\sig.jpg /date-time y /position bottomright /width 200 /height 100 ```