- back-end
- One of the two installation packages. The back-end reads and computes report data.
- calculated field
- A user-defined field whose value is calculated on-the-fly from other data source or calculated fields.
- category
- A user-defined grouping of reports or dashboards with a custom name.
- chart
- A built-in type of report part that displays data using graphical symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.
- common filter
- A filter present in all report parts included in a dashboard that will appear in the filter section of that dashboard.
- configuration database
- The database where Izenda stores all relevant reporting data. It is set up during the installation process and can be hosted on various types of databases.
- copy console
- A command-line tool to copy templates, reports and dashboards from one Izenda Configuration database to another.
- copy management
- A UI page to copy templates, reports and dashboards within the same configuration database (eg. copying a report from one tenant to another).
- cross filtering
- The option to filter data of two or more report parts together. Drilling down a report part will also drill down other report parts in the same report/dashboard that are selected for cross filtering.
- custom view
- A user-defined view, which allows user to limit data source fields, combine fields from multiple data sources or aggregate data into the result view.
- dashboard part
- A dashboard area that holds a report part.
- data source
- A database table, view or stored procedure, which can be selected for query inside a report.
- data source category
- A user-defined grouping of data sources with a custom name.
- data source field
- A field inside database table or view, or a stored procedure parameter, which can be selected for display, calculation or filter inside a report
- database mapping
- A user-specified link from a system connection to a tenant connection, so that a global report based on the system connection can also run for the tenant using the mapped tenant connection.
- form
- A built-in type of report part that allows WYSIWYG editting in HTML.
- front-end
- One of the two installation packages. The front-end shows the user interface and draws report.
- Fusion
- The Izenda database query engine, which leverages asynchronous querying in tandem with in memory query tree and map reduce technologies. This enables fast cross database querying and multi-step calculations. See Izenda Fusion.
- gauge
- A built-in type of report part that displays data using a speedometer.
- global report
- A system report saved in the special section “Global Categories”, accessible and runnable to tenants having database mapping to the system connection. See Global Report Setup Guide.
- grid
- A built-in type of report part that displays data in a tabular format
- IAdHocExtension
- A programming interface (abstract type) that defines the extension APIs that allows customization code to hook in the report life cycle. See IAdHocExtension.
- map
- A built-in type of report part that displays data on geographic maps, ranging from world map to continent and country maps.
- no lock
- A performance option that instructs the database engine to return the current version of data immediately, instead of waiting for all pending transactions to complete. Check the possible consequences here before using this option.
- offline mode
- Izenda license mode where the license key is validated using a token.
- online mode
- Izenda license mode where the license key is validated by connecting to a remote license server.
- password link
- A short-expiry url uniquely created from the user information, which is used to open the password setup page.
- query source category
- A grouping of data sources in the physical database, which is usually called schema in most database vendors.
- report part
- A report area that holds a specific bar chart, line chart, pie chart, map, data grid, etc.
- system variable
- A named place-holder that will be replaced by actual values while being used. See Izenda System Variables.
- template
- A pre-built report that serves as a medium to create quick ad-hoc reports. See Using Templates.