#!/bin/sh # # starlnk.sh - an Asuswrt-Merlin script to monitor and make changes to the # Starlink Dishy # # You can check status, run a speedtest, reboot and stow the dish # And examine some of the existing dish configuration # # this version (starlnk.sh) uses dialog for a more graphical UI # but also supports a non-interactive mode # # location where configutration data is read from the Sagemcom and stored SCRIPTNAME="starlnk" SCRIPTDIR="/jffs/addons/$SCRIPTNAME" SCRIPTLOC="/jffs/scripts/$SCRIPTNAME.sh" SCRIPTVER="0.2.2" CONFIG="$SCRIPTDIR/config.txt" STRLTMP="$SCRIPTDIR/stl.tmp" SLSTATETMP="$SCRIPTDIR/lstate.tmp" SLHISTORY="$SCRIPTDIR/slhistory.log" SPDLOG=/jffs/logs/starlnklog INTESTMODE=1 DEBUG=0 GRPCURLAPP="https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/releases/download/v1.8.9/grpcurl_1.8.9_linux_arm64.tar.gz" GRPZIP="$SCRIPTDIR/grpcurl.zip" # dialog text formatting BOLD="\Zb" NORMAL="\Zn" RED="\Z1" GREEN="\Z2" # dialog variables DIALOG_CANCEL=1 DIALOG_ESC=255 DIALOG_QUIT="Q" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=0 display_file() { dialog --title "$1" \ --no-collapse \ --textbox "$2" 0 0 } display_info() { dialog --infobox "$1" "$2" "$3" sleep "$4" } showorking() { dialog --infobox "Working..." 4 20 } # # setup links and any stored configuration # init_starlnk() { if [ -d "/opt/bin" ] && [ ! -L "/opt/bin/starlnk" ]; then ln -s "/jffs/scripts/starlnk.sh" /opt/bin/starlnk chmod 0755 "/opt/bin/starlnk" fi write_starlnk_config } write_starlnk_config() { mkdir -p "${SCRIPTDIR}" echo "# Starlink settings #" > "${CONFIG}" echo "USER="admin"" >> "${CONFIG}" echo "STARLNKIP=" >> "${CONFIG}" if [ ! -x /opt/bin/opkg ]; then echo "NOMENU=1" >> "${CONFIG}" else echo "NOMENU=0" >> "${CONFIG}" fi } starlinkon() { if ! ping -q -c 1 -W 1 "$STARLNKIP" >/dev/null; then cat << EOF Starlink does not appear to be online at $STARLNKIP. Please check your network and Starlink router. If the IP address is not $STARLNKIP (highly unusual) then edit $CONFIG and update the IP address. EOF exit 1 fi } starlnkcmd() { grpcurl -plaintext -d {\"$1\":{}} $STARLNKIP:9200 SpaceX.API.Device.Device/Handle | \ sed /{/d | sed /}/d | sed 's/,//' | sed 's/"//g' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" }; { print $1 $2 }' > "$2" } starlnkstatus() { starlnkcmd get_status "$STRLTMP" } showall() { starlnkcmd get_status "$STRLTMP" } showstats() { gospeed 1 } showdevinfo() { starlnkcmd get_device_info "$STRLTMP" } pullarg() { cat "$1" | sed /{/d | sed /}/d | sed 's/,//' | sed 's/"//g' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" }; { print $1 $2 }' | grep "$2" | awk '{ print $2 }' } getarg() { echo $(grep -m 1 "$1" $STRLTMP | awk '{print $2}') } rebootstarlink() { if [ "$INTESTMODE" = "0" ]; then echo starlnkcmd reboot "$STRLTMP" else echo testmode fi } stowdish() { if [ "$INTESTMODE" = "0" ]; then echo starlnkcmd dish_stow "$STRLTMP" else echo testmode fi } unstowdish() { if [ "$INTESTMODE" = "0" ]; then echo grpcurl -plaintext -d {\"dish_stow\":{\"unstow\":true}} SpaceX.API.Device.Device/Handle else echo testmode fi } monitorall() { while true do showstats dialog --title "Starlink Dish Link Throughput" --no-collapse --infobox "$dynamicstats" 4 90 if read -r -t 5; then clear menu fi # clear done } showslstate() { showstats uptimestate dialog --title "Starlink Status" --no-collapse --cr-wrap --msgbox "Starlink state is $(starlnkstate 0)\\n \ Uptime: $csecs\\n \ Dish Link Throughput: $dynamicstats\\n" 10 120 } slobstruct() { starlnkcmd get_history "$SLHISTORY" nodown=$(grep -c NO_DOWNLINK $SLHISTORY) noping=$(grep -c NO_PINGS $SLHISTORY) obstruct=$(grep -c OBSTRUCTED $SLHISTORY) } slmaxmin() { starlnkcmd get_history "$SLHISTORY" sed -n '/downlink/,/]/p' "$SLHISTORY" > /tmp/spd.tmp maxdown=$(human_print_bps $(sort -g /tmp/spd.tmp | tail -1) 1) mindown=$(human_print_bps $(sed -n '3p' /tmp/spd.tmp) 1) sed -n '/uplink/,/]/p' "$SLHISTORY" > /tmp/spd.tmp maxup=$(human_print_bps $(sort -g /tmp/spd.tmp | tail -1) 1) minup=$(human_print_bps $(sed -n '3p' /tmp/spd.tmp) 1) if [ "$1" = "p" ]; then printf "Downlink Max: %sbps Min: %sbps\\n" "$maxdown" "$mindown" printf "Uplink Max: %sbps Min: %sbps\\n" "$maxup" "$minup" fi } slgpsinfo() { starlnkstatus gpsvalid=$(grep -m 1 gpsValid $STRLTMP | awk '{print $2}') if [ "$gpsvalid" = "true" ]; then numsats=$(grep -m 1 gpsSats $STRLTMP | awk '{print $2}') azimuth=$(grep -m 1 boresightAzimuthDeg $STRLTMP | awk '{print $2}') elevation=$(grep -m 1 boresightElevationDeg $STRLTMP | awk '{print $2}') tilt=$(grep -m 1 tiltAngleDeg $STRLTMP | awk '{print $2}') starlnkcmd get_location "$STRLTMP" latitude=$(getarg lat) longitude=$(getarg lon) altitude=$(getarg alt) printf "\\nGPS is aquired, data valid\\n" > $STRLTMP printf "Number of GPS sats acquired: %s\\n" $numsats >> $STRLTMP printf "\\nDish Location and Position (in degrees)\\n" >> $STRLTMP printf " Latitude: %3.2f Longitude: %3.2f Altitude: %3.2f meters\\n" $latitude $longitude $altitude >> $STRLTMP printf " Azimuth: %3.2f Elevation: %3.2f Tilt Angle: %3.2f\\n" $azimuth $elevation $tilt >> $STRLTMP else printf "\\nGPS is not acquired, no valid data\\n" > $STRLTMP fi } slfilestate() { showstats uptimestate printf "\\nStarlink is $(starlnkstate)\\n" > $SLSTATETMP echo "Uptime: $csecs" >> $SLSTATETMP slgpsinfo cat $STRLTMP >> $SLSTATETMP printf "\\nSatalite Link Rates and Latency:\\n %s\\n" "$dynamicstats" >> $SLSTATETMP slmaxmin s printf "History Logged Throughput\\n" >> $SLSTATETMP printf " Downlink Max: %sbps Min: %sbps\\n Uplink Max: %sbps Min: %sbps\\n" $maxdown $mindown $maxup $minup >> $SLSTATETMP slobstruct printf "Link Issues:\\n" >> $SLSTATETMP printf " Lost Downlink: %s Failed Ping: %s Obstructed: %s\\n" $nodown $noping $obstruct >> $SLSTATETMP printf "\\nRouter Information:\\n" >> $SLSTATETMP showdevinfo cat $STRLTMP >> $SLSTATETMP } convertsecs() { d=$(($1 / 86400)) if [ $d -gt 0 ]; then daysec=$(( $d \* 86400)) secs=$(( $1 - $daysec)) else secs=$1 fi h=$(($secs / 3600)) m=$(( $secs % 3600 / 60)) s=$(( $secs % 60)) if [ $2 = "0" ]; then printf "\\n%3d days %2d:%02d:%02d" $d $h $m $s else csecs=$(printf "%3d days %2d:%02d:%02d" $d $h $m $s) fi } human_print_bps(){ printf "%f" "$1" | numfmt --to=iec --format '%.1f' # $(printf "%f" "$1" | numfmt --to=iec --format '%.1f') } human_set_bps(){ spdis="$(printf "%f" "$1" | numfmt --to=iec --format '%.1f')" } gospeed() { starlnkstatus downlink=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" "downlink") human_set_bps $downlink 1 downspeed="$spdis" uplink=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" "uplink") human_set_bps $uplink 1 upspeed="$spdis" latency=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" Latency) printf "Down: %s Up: %s\\n" $downlink $uplink >> /jffs/scripts/starlink/updown if [ $1 = "0" ]; then printf "\\nDownlink: %sbps Uplink: %sbps Latency: %.1f mSec" $downspeed $upspeed $latency else dynamicstats=$(printf "Downlink: %sbps Uplink: %sbps Latency: %.1f mSec" $downspeed $upspeed $latency) fi } gospeedlog() { on=$(date +"%m-%d %H:%M") downlink=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" "downlink") downspeed=$(human_print_bps $downlink 1) uplink=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" "uplink") upspeed=$(human_print_bps $uplink 1) latency=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" Latency) printf "$downspeed/$upspeed $latency $on\\n" >> $SPDLOG printf "$on,$downlink,$uplink,$latency\\n" >> $SPDLOG.csv } goall() { seconds=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" "uptime") convertsecs $seconds 0 gospeed } uptimestate() { seconds=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" "uptime") convertsecs $seconds 1 } starlnkstate() { starlnkuptime if [ -z "$2" ] || [ $2 = "0" ]; then pprint=0 else pprint=1 fi if [ $uptime -gt 0 ]; then if [ $pprint = "0" ]; then echo "Up" else echo "${GREEN}Up" fi else if [ $pprint = "0" ]; then echo "Down" else echo "${RED}Down" fi fi } installgrpcurl() { /usr/sbin/curl -fL --retry 3 "$GRPCURLAPP" -o "$GRPZIP" if [ ! -z "$GRPZIP" ]; then /bin/tar xzf "$GRPZIP" -C "$SCRIPTDIR" cp "$SCRIPTDIR/grpcurl" /opt/sbin rm "$SCRIPTDIR/grpcurl" "$GRPZIP" else echo "Error downloading grpcurl..." fi } starlnkinstall() { if [ -x "$SCRIPTLOC" ] && [ -f "$CONFIG" ]; then printf "\\nIt looks like starlnk has already been installed\\n" printf "Install again (Y/N)? " read a if [ "$a" = "n" ] || [ "$a" = "N" ]; then exit else printf "\\nOk, running install again\\n" fi fi if [ "$(uname -m)" != "aarch64" ]; then printf "Sorry, $SCRIPTNAME requires an aarch64 type router...\\n" exit 1 fi cat << EOF This will install the Starlink addon - starlnk This addon requires an additional program called grpcurl which will be downloaded from the grpcurl project page on github. A request has been made to the Entware team to include grpcurl in the Entware repository. starlnk requires grpcurl to retrieve information from the Starlink system. If you do not want this installed, (starlnk will be removed as well) Press [N] EOF read a if [ "$a" = "N" ] || [ "$a" = "n" ]; then echo "No problem, hopefully Entware supports it soon!" echo "Removing starlnk.sh" rm -f ./starlnk.sh exit 1 fi if [ ! -x /opt/bin/opkg ]; then printf "\\nstarlnk requires Entware to be installed\\n" printf "\\nInstall Entware using amtm and run starlnk.sh install again.\\n\\n" exit 1 fi echo "Creating script directory ${SCRIPTDIR}" mkdir -p "${SCRIPTDIR}" echo "Checking for and installing required apps" opkg update for app in dialog jq ; do if [ ! -x /opt/bin/$app ]; then echo "Installing $app to /opt/bin" opkg install $app fi if [ ! -x /opt/bin/numfmt ]; then echo "Installing numfmt to /opt/bin" opkg install coreutils-numfmt fi done echo "Installing grpcurl to /opt/sbin" installgrpcurl if [ ! -x /opt/sbin/grpcurl ]; then echo "There was a problem installing grpcurl..." echo exit 1 fi init_starlnk cat <&1 starlnkuptime convertsecs $uptime 1 selection=$(dialog \ --backtitle "starlnk - Starlink Utility $SCRIPTVER" \ --title "Menu" \ --clear \ --colors \ --cancel-label "Exit" \ --menu "Please select:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH 4 \ "1" "Monitor Sat. Link Statistics" \ "2" "Show Present Status" \ "3" "Show Router Information" \ "4" "Show GPS Information" \ "5" "Show all Starlink information" \ "R" "Reboot Starlink System" \ "S" "Stow Starlink Dish" \ "U" "Uninstall starlnk.sh" \ 2>&1 1>&3) exit_status=$? exec 3>&- case $exit_status in $DIALOG_CANCEL) clear echo "Program terminated." exit ;; $DIALOG_ESC) clear echo "Program aborted." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac case $selection in 1 ) while true do showstats dialog --title "Starlink Dish Link Throughput" --no-collapse --infobox "$dynamicstats" 4 80 if read -r -t 3; then clear menu fi # clear done ;; 2) showorking slfilestate display_file "Starlink Status" $SLSTATETMP ;; 3 ) showdevinfo display_file "Device Info" $STRLTMP ;; 4 ) slgpsinfo display_file "GPS Info" $STRLTMP ;; 5 ) showall display_file "All Starlink Info" $STRLTMP ;; S ) dialog --title "Stow Starlink Dish" \ --backtitle "starlnk" \ --defaultno \ --yesno "Are you sure you want to stow the Starlink dish?" 7 60 response=$? case $response in 0) display_info "Stowing...(not really)" 4 30 5 stowdish display_info "To unstow and put back into service, power cycle the system..." 4 80 5 clear ;; 1) display_info "Not Rebooting" 5 20 2 ;; 255) display_info "Not Rebooting" 5 20 2 ;; esac ;; R ) dialog --title "Reboot Starlink" \ --backtitle "starlnk" \ --defaultno \ --yesno "Are you sure you want to reboot the Starlink System (takes ~3 min.s)?" 7 60 response=$? case $response in 0) display_info "Rebooting... (not really)" 4 30 5 rebootstarlink display_info "See you in 3+ minutes, exiting" 4 35 2 clear exit ;; 1) display_info "Not Rebooting" 5 20 2 ;; 255) display_info "Not Rebooting" 5 20 2 ;; esac ;; Q ) clear exit ;; U ) dialog --title "Uninstall starlnk" \ --defaultno \ --yesno "Are you sure you want to uninstall starlnk and all it's files ?" 7 60 response=$? case $response in 0) display_info "Uninstalling..." 4 20 3 removestarlnk display_info "starlnk uninstalled, exiting" 4 35 2 clear exit ;; 1) display_info "starlnk not removed" 5 20 2 ;; 255) display_info "starlnk not removed" 5 20 2 ;; esac esac done } pause() { echo echo -n "Paused, hit any key to continue..." read a } convertConfig() { cat $CONFIG | tr "," "\n" | tr -d "^ " | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/:/|/' | sed 's/{//g' | sed 's/}//g' | column -t -s "|" > $CONFIGC jq '.' $CONFIG > $CONFIGP } starlnkuptime() { starlnkcmd get_status "$STRLTMP" uptime=$(pullarg "$STRLTMP" uptime) } printhelp() { cat < /tmp/rbc && mv /tmp/rbc $REBOOTLOGFILE logger -t "starlnk.sh" "Logged Reboot Count" fi exit 0 ;; install) starlnkinstall exit 0 ;; menu) gomenu exit 0 ;; help) printhelp exit 0 ;; uninstall) starlnkuninstall exit 0 ;; update) starlnkupdate exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown command" exit 1 ;; esac