package org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint import groovy.lang.Closure import org.gradle.api.Action import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectContainer import org.gradle.api.file.ConfigurableFileTree import org.gradle.api.file.ProjectLayout import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFileProperty import org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory import org.gradle.api.provider.MapProperty import org.gradle.api.provider.Property import org.gradle.api.provider.SetProperty import org.gradle.api.tasks.util.PatternFilterable import org.gradle.util.ConfigureUtil import org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.reporter.CustomReporter import org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.reporter.ReporterType /** * Extension class for configuring the [KtlintPlugin]. * @param filterTargetApplier When [KtlintExtension.filter] is called, this function is executed. */ @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") open class KtlintExtension internal constructor( objectFactory: ObjectFactory, projectLayout: ProjectLayout, customReportersContainer: NamedDomainObjectContainer, private val filterTargetApplier: FilterApplier, kotlinScriptAdditionalPathApplier: KotlinScriptAdditionalPathApplier ) { internal val reporterExtension = ReporterExtension( customReportersContainer, objectFactory ) /** * The version of KtLint to use. */ val version: Property = { set("1.0.1") } /** * Enable relative paths in reports */ val relative: Property = { set(false) } /** * Enable verbose mode. */ val verbose: Property = { set(false) } /** * Enable debug mode. */ val debug: Property = { set(false) } /** * Enable android mode. */ val android: Property = { set(false) } /** * Enable console output mode. */ val outputToConsole: Property = { set(true) } /** * Enabled colored output to console. */ val coloredOutput: Property = { set(true) } /** * Specify the color of the terminal output. */ val outputColorName: Property = { set("") } /** * Whether or not to allow the build to continue if there are warnings; * defaults to {@code false}, as for any other static code analysis tool. *

* Example: `ignoreFailures = true` */ val ignoreFailures: Property = { set(false) } /** * Configure Ktlint output reporters. * * _By default_ `plain` reporter is enabled, if no other reporter is configured, otherwise you need to specify * it explicitly. */ fun reporters(action: Action) { action.execute(reporterExtension) } /** * Enable experimental ktlint rules. * * You can find [here]( * list of experimental rules that will be enabled. * * @since ktlint `0.31.0` */ val enableExperimentalRules: Property = { set(false) } /** * Provide additional `.editorconfig` properties, that are not in the project or project parent folders. */ val additionalEditorconfig: MapProperty = objectFactory.mapProperty(, .apply { convention(emptyMap()) } /** * Disable particular rules, by default enabled in ktlint, using rule id. * * @since ktlint `0.34.2` */ @Deprecated("not supported with ktlint 0.48+") val disabledRules: SetProperty = objectFactory.setProperty { set(emptySet()) } /** * Baseline file location. * * Default location is `/config/ktlint/baseline.xml`. * * @since KtLint `0.41.0` */ val baseline: RegularFileProperty = objectFactory.fileProperty() .convention( projectLayout.projectDirectory.dir("config").dir("ktlint").file("baseline.xml") ) private val kscriptExtension = KScriptExtension(kotlinScriptAdditionalPathApplier) /** * Provide additional, relative to the project base dir, paths that contains kotlin script files. */ fun kotlinScriptAdditionalPaths(action: Action) { action.execute(kscriptExtension) } /** * Filter sources by applying exclude or include specs/patterns. * * See [PatternFilterable]( * for details how apply exclude or include specs/patterns. */ fun filter(filterAction: Action) { filterTargetApplier(filterAction) } class KScriptExtension( private val ksApplier: KotlinScriptAdditionalPathApplier ) { /** * Adds given [fileTree] to kotlin script check/format tasks search. */ fun include(fileTree: ConfigurableFileTree) { ksApplier(fileTree) } } class ReporterExtension( val customReporters: NamedDomainObjectContainer, objectFactory: ObjectFactory ) { internal val reporters: SetProperty = objectFactory.setProperty { set(emptySet()) } /** * Use one of default Ktlint output reporter * * _By default_ `plain` type is enabled if no reporter is explicitly specified. * * @param reporterType one of `plain`, `plain_group_by_file`, `checkstyle`, `json`, `sarif`. */ fun reporter(reporterType: ReporterType) { reporters.add(reporterType) } /** * Add 3rd party reporters. */ fun customReporters(configuration: Closure>) { // This method is needed for Groovy interop // See ConfigureUtil.configure(configuration, customReporters) } } }