package org.joml; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * Class for polygons/point intersection tests when testing many points against the same static concave or convex polygons. *

* This is an implementation of the algorithm described in and augmented with using a * custom interval tree to avoid testing all polygon edges against a point, but only those that intersect the imaginary ray along the same y co-ordinate of the * search point. *

* Additionally this algorithm is able to handle a set of (overlapping/intersecting) polygons. *

* The method {@link #pointInPolygons(float, float)} in this class is not thread-safe! *

* Reference: * * @author Kai Burjack */ public class PolygonsPointIntersection { static class ByStartComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Interval i1 = (Interval) o1; Interval i2 = (Interval) o2; if (i1.start < i2.start) return -1; else if (i1.start > i2.start) return +1; return 0; } } static class ByEndComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Interval i1 = (Interval) o1; Interval i2 = (Interval) o2; if (i1.end < i2.end) return +1; else if (i1.end > i2.end) return -1; return 0; } } static class Interval { float start, end; int i, j; int polygonIndex; } static class IntervalTree { float center; IntervalTree left; IntervalTree right; List/* */byBeginning; List/* */byEnding; int maxCount; int traverse(float y, Interval[] ivals, int i) { if (y == center) { int size = byBeginning.size(); for (int b = 0; b < size; b++) { Interval ival = (Interval) byBeginning.get(b); ivals[i++] = ival; } } else if (y < center) { if (left != null) i = left.traverse(y, ivals, i); if (byBeginning != null) { int size = byBeginning.size(); for (int b = 0; b < size; b++) { Interval ival = (Interval) byBeginning.get(b); if (ival.start > y) break; ivals[i++] = ival; } } } else if (y > center) { if (right != null) i = right.traverse(y, ivals, i); if (byEnding != null) { int size = byEnding.size(); for (int b = 0; b < size; b++) { Interval ival = (Interval) byEnding.get(b); if (ival.end < y) break; ivals[i++] = ival; } } } return i; } } private static final ByStartComparator byStartComparator = new ByStartComparator(); private static final ByEndComparator byEndComparator = new ByEndComparator(); private float[][] polygons; private float minX, minY, maxX, maxY; private float centerX, centerY, radiusSquared; private Interval[] intervals; // <- used as working memory for the pointInPolygon() method private IntervalTree tree; private BitSet evenOddPerPolygon = new BitSet(); // <- used as working memory for the pointInPolygon() method /** * Create a new {@link PolygonsPointIntersection} object with the given polygons. *

* The polygons array contains the a float array per polygon with the x and y coordinates of all the vertices of that polygon. This array will * not be copied so its content must remain constant for as long as the PolygonsPointIntersection is used with it. * * @param polygons * contains the x and y coordinates of all vertices of all polygons */ public PolygonsPointIntersection(float[][] polygons) { set(polygons); } /** * Reinitialize this {@link PolygonsPointIntersection} object with the given polygons. *

* The polygons array contains the a float array per polygon with the x and y coordinates of all the vertices of that polygon. This array will * not be copied so its content must remain constant for as long as the PolygonsPointIntersection is used with it. * * @param polygons * contains the x and y coordinates of all vertices of all polygons */ public void set(float[][] polygons) { this.polygons = polygons; buildIntervalTree(); } private IntervalTree buildTree(List intervals, float center) { List left = null; List right = null; List byStart = null; List byEnd = null; float leftMin = 1E38f, leftMax = -1E38f, rightMin = 1E38f, rightMax = -1E38f; for (int i = 0; i < intervals.size(); i++) { Interval ival = (Interval) intervals.get(i); if (ival.start < center && ival.end < center) { if (left == null) left = new ArrayList(); left.add(ival); leftMin = leftMin < ival.start ? leftMin : ival.start; leftMax = leftMax > ival.end ? leftMax : ival.end; } else if (ival.start > center && ival.end > center) { if (right == null) right = new ArrayList(); right.add(ival); rightMin = rightMin < ival.start ? rightMin : ival.start; rightMax = rightMax > ival.end ? rightMax : ival.end; } else { if (byStart == null) { byStart = new ArrayList(); byEnd = new ArrayList(); } byStart.add(ival); byEnd.add(ival); } } if (byStart != null) { Collections.sort(byStart, byStartComparator); Collections.sort(byEnd, byEndComparator); } IntervalTree tree = new IntervalTree(); tree.byBeginning = byStart; tree.byEnding = byEnd; = center; int childMaxCount = 0; int ownMaxCount = Math.max(byStart != null ? byStart.size() : 0, byEnd != null ? byEnd.size() : 0); if (left != null) { tree.left = buildTree(left, (leftMin + leftMax) / 2.0f); childMaxCount = Math.max(childMaxCount, tree.left.maxCount); } if (right != null) { tree.right = buildTree(right, (rightMin + rightMax) / 2.0f); childMaxCount = Math.max(childMaxCount, tree.right.maxCount); } tree.maxCount = ownMaxCount + childMaxCount; return tree; } private void buildIntervalTree() { List intervals = new ArrayList(); minX = minY = 1E38f; maxX = maxY = -1E38f; // iterate over all polygons for (int p = 0; p < polygons.length; p++) { float[] verticesXY = polygons[p]; int i, j = verticesXY.length / 2 - 1; // for each (x, y) vertex of that polygon for (i = 0; i < verticesXY.length / 2; i++) { float yi = verticesXY[2 * i + 1]; float xi = verticesXY[2 * i + 0]; float yj = verticesXY[2 * j + 1]; minX = xi < minX ? xi : minX; minY = yi < minY ? yi : minY; maxX = xi > maxX ? xi : maxX; maxY = yi > maxY ? yi : maxY; Interval ival = new Interval(); ival.start = yi < yj ? yi : yj; ival.end = yj > yi ? yj : yi; ival.i = i; ival.j = j; ival.polygonIndex = p; intervals.add(ival); j = i; } } centerX = (maxX + minX) * 0.5f; centerY = (maxY + minY) * 0.5f; float dx = maxX - centerX; float dy = maxY - centerY; radiusSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy; tree = buildTree(intervals, centerY); this.intervals = new Interval[tree.maxCount]; } /** * Test whether the given point (x, y) lies inside any of the polygons stored in this {@link PolygonsPointIntersection} object, and return the * indices of all the polygons the point lies inside of, or null if the point lies inside none of the polygons. * * @param x * the x coordinate of the point to test * @param y * the y coordinate of the point to test * @return a {@link BitSet} whose i-th bit is set iff the point lies inside the i-th polygon; or null if the point is not inside * of any polygon */ public BitSet pointInPolygons(float x, float y) { // check bounding sphere first float dx = (x - centerX); float dy = (y - centerY); if (dx * dx + dy * dy > radiusSquared) return null; // check bounding box next if (maxX < x || maxY < y || minX > x || minY > y) return null; // ask interval tree for all polygon edges intersecting 'y' int c = tree.traverse(y, intervals, 0); evenOddPerPolygon.clear(); // check the polygon edges for (int r = 0; r < c; r++) { Interval ival = intervals[r]; float[] verticesXY = polygons[ival.polygonIndex]; int i = ival.i; int j = ival.j; float yi = verticesXY[2 * i + 1]; float yj = verticesXY[2 * j + 1]; float xi = verticesXY[2 * i + 0]; float xj = verticesXY[2 * j + 0]; if ((yi < y && yj >= y || yj < y && yi >= y) && (xi <= x || xj <= x)) { boolean old = evenOddPerPolygon.get(ival.polygonIndex); evenOddPerPolygon.set(ival.polygonIndex, old ^ (xi + (y - yi) / (yj - yi) * (xj - xi) < x)); } } return evenOddPerPolygon.isEmpty() ? null : evenOddPerPolygon; } }