var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); var addressColumn = 1; var latColumn = 2; var lngColumn = 3; var foundAddressColumn = 4; var qualityColumn = 5; var sourceColumn = 6; googleGeocoder = Maps.newGeocoder().setRegion( PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty('GEOCODING_REGION') || 'us' ); function geocode(source) { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var cells = sheet.getActiveRange(); if (cells.getNumColumns() != 6) { ui.alert( 'Warning', 'You must select 6 columns: Location, Latitude, Longitude, Found, Quality, Source', ui.ButtonSet.OK ); return; } var nAll = 0; var nFailure = 0; var quality; var printComplete = true; for (addressRow = 1; addressRow <= cells.getNumRows(); addressRow++) { var address = cells.getCell(addressRow, addressColumn).getValue(); if (!address) {continue} nAll++; if (source == 'US Census') { nFailure += withUSCensus(cells, addressRow, address); } else { nFailure += withGoogle(cells, addressRow, address); } } if (printComplete) { ui.alert('Completed!', 'Geocoded: ' + (nAll - nFailure) + '\nFailed: ' + nFailure, ui.ButtonSet.OK); } } /** * Geocode address with Google Apps */ function withGoogle(cells, row, address) { location = googleGeocoder.geocode(address); if (location.status !== 'OK') { insertDataIntoSheet(cells, row, [ [foundAddressColumn, ''], [latColumn, ''], [lngColumn, ''], [qualityColumn, 'No Match'], [sourceColumn, 'Google'] ]); return 1; } lat = location['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']; lng = location['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']; foundAddress = location['results'][0]['formatted_address']; var quality; if (location['results'][0]['partial_match']) { quality = 'Partial Match'; } else { quality = 'Match'; } insertDataIntoSheet(cells, row, [ [foundAddressColumn, foundAddress], [latColumn, lat], [lngColumn, lng], [qualityColumn, quality], [sourceColumn, 'Google'] ]); return 0; } /** * Geocoding with US Census Geocoder */ function withUSCensus(cells, row, address) { var url = '' + 'geocoder/locations/onelineaddress?address=' + encodeURIComponent(address) + '&benchmark=Public_AR_Current&format=json'; var response = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)); var matches = (response.result.addressMatches.length > 0) ? 'Match' : 'No Match'; if (matches !== 'Match') { insertDataIntoSheet(cells, row, [ [foundAddressColumn, ''], [latColumn, ''], [lngColumn, ''], [qualityColumn, 'No Match'], [sourceColumn, 'US Census'] ]); return 1; } var z = response.result.addressMatches[0]; var quality; if (address.toLowerCase().replace(/[,\']/g, '') == z.matchedAddress.toLowerCase().replace(/[,\']/g, '')) { quality = 'Exact'; } else { quality = 'Match'; } insertDataIntoSheet(cells, row, [ [foundAddressColumn, z.matchedAddress], [latColumn, z.coordinates.y], [lngColumn, z.coordinates.x], [qualityColumn, quality], [sourceColumn, 'US Census'] ]); return 0; } /** * Sets cells from a 'row' to values in data */ function insertDataIntoSheet(cells, row, data) { for (d in data) { cells.getCell(row, data[d][0]).setValue(data[d][1]); } } function censusAddressToPosition() { geocode('US Census'); } function googleAddressToPosition() { geocode('Google'); } function onOpen() { ui.createMenu('Geocoder') .addItem('with US Census', 'censusAddressToPosition') .addItem('with Google (limit 1000 per day)', 'googleAddressToPosition') .addToUi(); }