function [ spect, frqs ] = LTASS( speech_folder_OR_vec, nfft, fs ) % Computes the Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum from a folder of speech files or vector of speech samples % % Syntax: [ spect, frqs ] = LTASS( speech_folder_OR_vec, nfft ) % % Inputs: % speech_folder_OR_vec - The path to the folder containing the speech % files OR a vector of concatenated speech signals % nfft - The number of FFT points used to compute the LTASS % fs - The sampling frequency to use (if not provided then the sampling % frequency of the file is used) % % Outputs: % spect - The LTASS spectrum % frqs - The frequency vector for the spectrum % Author: Jacob Donley % University of Wollongong % Email: % Copyright: Jacob Donley 2017 % Date: 17 June 2016 % Revision: 0.4 (30 March 2017) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if isa(speech_folder_OR_vec,'char') % if a character array (string) % Just incase this function tries to call getAllFiles within a class folder we % should create a function handle for getAllFiles regardless inf = dbstack('-completenames'); funcName = 'getAllFiles'; funcPath = inf.file; classDirs = getClassDirs(funcPath); getAllFiles_ = str2func([classDirs funcName]); %% Start LTASS files = getAllFiles_(speech_folder_OR_vec); speech=[]; F = length(files); for file = 1:F try [audioSig,fs_] = audioread(files{file}); if nargin < 3, fs = fs_; end audioSig = audioSig ./ rms(audioSig(:)); catch err if strcmp(err.identifier, 'MATLAB:audiovideo:audioread:FileTypeNotSupported') continue; % Skip unsupported files end end speech = [speech; audioSig]; end if nargin < 2 nfft = numel(speech); end if logical(mod(nfft,2)) % if isodd( nfft ) nfft = nfft-1; % Force nfft to be even so that pwelch returns normalised frequencies [0,...,1] end else speech = speech_folder_OR_vec; end %% win_=rectwin(nfft); ovlap = 0; [spect,frqs]=pwelch(speech,win_,nfft*ovlap,nfft,fs,'power'); % Power spectrum spect = sqrt(spect); % Magnitude spectrum end function classDirs = getClassDirs(FullPath) classDirs = ''; classes = strfind(FullPath,'+'); for c = 1:length(classes) clas = FullPath(classes(c):end); stp = strfind(clas,filesep); classDirs = [classDirs clas(2:stp(1)-1) '.']; end end