function fileList = getAllFiles(dirPath) % Retrieves a list of all files within a directory % % Syntax: fileList = getAllFiles(dirName) % % Inputs: % dirPath - The relative or full path of the directory to recursivley % search. % % Outputs: % fileList - A cell array list of the full path for each file found. % % Example: % searchPath = [matlabroot filesep 'examples']; % files = getAllFiles(searchPath); % % % Author: Jacob Donley % University of Wollongong % Email: % Date: 22 January 2015 % Revision: 0.1 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Just incase this function tries to recursively call within a class folder we % should create a function handle for this function to use infun = dbstack('-completenames'); funcName =; funcPath = infun.file; classDirs = getClassDirs(funcPath); thisFuncHandle = str2func([classDirs funcName]); % Find the files dirData = dir(dirPath); % Get the data for the current directory dirIndex = [dirData.isdir]; % Find the index for directories fileList = {dirData(~dirIndex).name}'; %'# Get a list of the files if ~isempty(fileList) fileList = cellfun(@(x) fullfile(dirPath,x),... % Prepend path to files fileList,'UniformOutput',false); end subDirs = {dirData(dirIndex).name}; % Get a list of the subdirectories validIndex = ~ismember(subDirs,{'.','..'}); % Find index of subdirectories that are not '.' or '..' for iDir = find(validIndex) % Loop over valid subdirectories nextDir = fullfile(dirPath,subDirs{iDir}); % Get the subdirectory path fileList = [fileList; thisFuncHandle(nextDir)]; % Recursively call getAllFiles end end function classDirs = getClassDirs(FullPath) classDirs = ''; classes = strfind(FullPath,'+'); for c = 1:length(classes) clas = FullPath(classes(c):end); stp = strfind(clas,filesep); classDirs = [classDirs clas(2:stp(1)-1) '.']; end end