function [ res ] = pesq_mex_vec( reference_sig, degraded_sig, Fs, modeOfOperation ) % Accepts vectors for a mex compiled version of the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure % % Syntax: [ res ] = pesq_mex_vec( reference_sig, degraded_sig, Fs ) % % Inputs: % reference_sig - Reference (clean, talker, sender) speech signal % degraded_sig - Degraded (noisy, listener, receiver) speech signal % Fs - Sampling Frequency % modeOfOperation - This optional string argument is used to specify % whether the PESQ mex function runs in narrowband, % wideband or both. The possible values are % 'narrowband', 'wideband' (default) or 'both'. % % Outputs: % res - MOS-LQO result for given modeOfOperation (wideband by default). % If 'both' is specified as the modeOfOperation then res is a % column vector of the format [narrowband_result; wideband_result]. % % See also: pesq2mos.m % Author: Jacob Donley % University of Wollongong % Email: % Copyright: Jacob Donley 2017 % Date: 2 August 2017 % Revision: 0.3 (2 August 2017) % Revision: 0.2 (16 June 2016) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Just incase this function tries to call within a class folder we should % create a function handle for this function to use instead infun = dbstack('-completenames'); funcName = 'pesq_mex'; funcPath = infun.file; classDirs = getClassDirs(funcPath); pesq_mex_ = str2func([classDirs funcName]); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin < 4 modeOfOperation = 'wideband'; end switch lower(modeOfOperation) case 'narrowband' mOp = {''}; case 'wideband' mOp = {'+wb'}; case 'both' mOp = {'';'+wb'}; otherwise error(['''' modeOfOperation ''' is not a recognised ''modeOfOperation'' value.']) end max_val = max(abs([reference_sig(:); degraded_sig(:)])); tmpref = [tempname '.wav']; tmpdeg = [tempname '.wav']; audiowrite( tmpref, reference_sig / max_val, Fs); audiowrite( tmpdeg, degraded_sig / max_val, Fs); for m = 1:numel(mOp) pesqArgs = {['+' num2str(Fs)], ... mOp{m}, ... tmpref, ... tmpdeg}; res(m,:) = pesq_mex_(pesqArgs{~cellfun(@isempty,pesqArgs)}); end delete( tmpref, tmpdeg ); end function classDirs = getClassDirs(FullPath) classDirs = ''; classes = strfind(FullPath,'+'); for c = 1:length(classes) clas = FullPath(classes(c):end); stp = strfind(clas,filesep); classDirs = [classDirs clas(2:stp(1)-1) '.']; end end