#!/bin/bash #This is the updater script for FitFirl-Repack-List.txt, to create an up to date version within the current directory #Use the script.sh in the repo for extraction of download mirrors for each repack. #this script will break if changes are made to the pagination system within: https://fitgirl-repacks.site/all-my-repacks-a-z #depends: apt-get install curl -y apt-get install lynx -y rm -rf RepackList.txt #{1..x} where x is the max page depth within pagination: https://fitgirl-repacks.site/all-my-repacks-a-z for page in {1..61} do #download source and run tests to turnicate: rm -rf test.html && rm -rf fitsource.txt && rm -rf test2.html curl -sS https://fitgirl-repacks.site/all-my-repacks-a-z/?lcp_page0=$page#lcp_instance_0 >> fitsource.txt && wait sed -n "/entry-content\">/,/lcp_paginator/p" fitsource.txt >> test.html && sed 's/<\/a><\/li><\/ul>