Change Log ========== Version 0.3.0 ------------- *2020-08-12* * New: Update to Dagger 2.28.3 * Fix: Injecting a `Map>` now correctly lazily resolves the provider values such that you can break dependency cycles with it. Version 0.2.0 ------------- *2019-12-08* * New: Add lint artifact `dagger-reflect-lint` which will validate that qualifiers and map keys correctly specify runtime retention. * New: Include `@Generated` annotation on types created by `reflect-compiler`. * Fix: Support binding to a component or subcomponent instance inside that component or subcomponent. * Fix: Properly handle `@ClassKey` and other multibinding keys whose type contains a generic or wildcard. * Fix: Account for additional modules specified by `@ContributesAndroidInjector`. * Fix: Handle `@Multibinds` annotation. * Fix: Recursively expand type hierarchies for component dependencies. * Fix: Allow multiple interfaces in a component dependency hierarchy to expose the same type. * Fix: Allow non-provision methods on module instances and do not use them to determine whether a module instance is required. Version 0.1.0 ------------- *2019-07-01* Initial release.