#!/usr/bin/env -S python -u ''' Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' # Script to highlight adb logcat output for console # Originally written by Jeff Sharkey, http://jsharkey.org/ # Piping detection and popen() added by other Android team members # Package filtering and output improvements by Jake Wharton, http://jakewharton.com import argparse import sys import re import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE __version__ = '2.1.0' LOG_LEVELS = 'VDIWEF' LOG_LEVELS_MAP = dict([(LOG_LEVELS[i], i) for i in range(len(LOG_LEVELS))]) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Filter logcat by package name') parser.add_argument('package', nargs='*', help='Application package name(s)') parser.add_argument('-w', '--tag-width', metavar='N', dest='tag_width', type=int, default=23, help='Width of log tag') parser.add_argument('-l', '--min-level', dest='min_level', type=str, choices=LOG_LEVELS+LOG_LEVELS.lower(), default='V', help='Minimum level to be displayed') parser.add_argument('--color-gc', dest='color_gc', action='store_true', help='Color garbage collection') parser.add_argument('--always-display-tags', dest='always_tags', action='store_true',help='Always display the tag name') parser.add_argument('--current', dest='current_app', action='store_true',help='Filter logcat by current running app') parser.add_argument('-s', '--serial', dest='device_serial', help='Device serial number (adb -s option)') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', dest='use_device', action='store_true', help='Use first device for log input (adb -d option)') parser.add_argument('-e', '--emulator', dest='use_emulator', action='store_true', help='Use first emulator for log input (adb -e option)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--clear', dest='clear_logcat', action='store_true', help='Clear the entire log before running') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', dest='tag', action='append', help='Filter output by specified tag(s)') parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore-tag', dest='ignored_tag', action='append', help='Filter output by ignoring specified tag(s)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__, help='Print the version number and exit') parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', dest='all', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print all log messages') args = parser.parse_args() min_level = LOG_LEVELS_MAP[args.min_level.upper()] package = args.package base_adb_command = ['adb'] if args.device_serial: base_adb_command.extend(['-s', args.device_serial]) if args.use_device: base_adb_command.append('-d') if args.use_emulator: base_adb_command.append('-e') if args.current_app: system_dump_command = base_adb_command + ["shell", "dumpsys", "activity", "activities"] system_dump = subprocess.Popen(system_dump_command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0] running_package_name = re.search(".*TaskRecord.*A[= ]([^ ^}]*)", str(system_dump)).group(1) package.append(running_package_name) if len(package) == 0: args.all = True # Store the names of packages for which to match all processes. catchall_package = list(filter(lambda package: package.find(":") == -1, package)) # Store the name of processes to match exactly. named_processes = list(filter(lambda package: package.find(":") != -1, package)) # Convert default process names from : (cli notation) to (android notation) in the exact names match group. named_processes = map(lambda package: package if package.find(":") != len(package) - 1 else package[:-1], named_processes) header_size = args.tag_width + 1 + 3 + 1 # space, level, space stdout_isatty = sys.stdout.isatty() width = -1 try: # Get the current terminal width import fcntl, termios, struct h, width = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack('hh', 0, 0))) except: pass BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = range(8) RESET = '\033[0m' def termcolor(fg=None, bg=None): codes = [] if fg is not None: codes.append('3%d' % fg) if bg is not None: codes.append('10%d' % bg) return '\033[%sm' % ';'.join(codes) if codes else '' def colorize(message, fg=None, bg=None): return termcolor(fg, bg) + message + RESET if stdout_isatty else message def indent_wrap(message): if width == -1: return message message = message.replace('\t', ' ') wrap_area = width - header_size messagebuf = '' current = 0 while current < len(message): next = min(current + wrap_area, len(message)) messagebuf += message[current:next] if next < len(message): messagebuf += '\n' messagebuf += ' ' * header_size current = next return messagebuf LAST_USED = [RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN] KNOWN_TAGS = { 'dalvikvm': WHITE, 'Process': WHITE, 'ActivityManager': WHITE, 'ActivityThread': WHITE, 'AndroidRuntime': CYAN, 'jdwp': WHITE, 'StrictMode': WHITE, 'DEBUG': YELLOW, } def allocate_color(tag): # this will allocate a unique format for the given tag # since we dont have very many colors, we always keep track of the LRU if tag not in KNOWN_TAGS: KNOWN_TAGS[tag] = LAST_USED[0] color = KNOWN_TAGS[tag] if color in LAST_USED: LAST_USED.remove(color) LAST_USED.append(color) return color RULES = { # StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=319 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskWriteViolation: policy=31 violation=1 re.compile(r'^(StrictMode policy violation)(; ~duration=)(\d+ ms)') : r'%s\1%s\2%s\3%s' % (termcolor(RED), RESET, termcolor(YELLOW), RESET), } # Only enable GC coloring if the user opted-in if args.color_gc: # GC_CONCURRENT freed 3617K, 29% free 20525K/28648K, paused 4ms+5ms, total 85ms key = re.compile(r'^(GC_(?:CONCURRENT|FOR_M?ALLOC|EXTERNAL_ALLOC|EXPLICIT) )(freed >>>> ([a-zA-Z0-9._:]+) \[ userId:0 \| appId:(\d+) \]$') PID_KILL = re.compile(r'^Killing (\d+):([a-zA-Z0-9._:]+)/[^:]+: (.*)$') PID_LEAVE = re.compile(r'^No longer want ([a-zA-Z0-9._:]+) \(pid (\d+)\): .*$') PID_DEATH = re.compile(r'^Process ([a-zA-Z0-9._:]+) \(pid (\d+)\) has died.?$') LOG_LINE = re.compile(r'^([A-Z])/(.+?)\( *(\d+)\): (.*?)$') BUG_LINE = re.compile(r'.*nativeGetEnabledTags.*') BACKTRACE_LINE = re.compile(r'^#(.*?)pc\s(.*?)$') adb_command = base_adb_command[:] adb_command.append('logcat') adb_command.extend(['-v', 'brief']) # Clear log before starting logcat if args.clear_logcat: adb_clear_command = list(adb_command) adb_clear_command.append('-c') adb_clear = subprocess.Popen(adb_clear_command) while adb_clear.poll() is None: pass # This is a ducktype of the subprocess.Popen object class FakeStdinProcess(): def __init__(self): self.stdout = sys.stdin def poll(self): return None if sys.stdin.isatty(): adb = subprocess.Popen(adb_command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) else: adb = FakeStdinProcess() pids = set() last_tag = None app_pid = None def match_packages(token): if len(package) == 0: return True if token in named_processes: return True index = token.find(':') return (token in catchall_package) if index == -1 else (token[:index] in catchall_package) def parse_death(tag, message): if tag != 'ActivityManager': return None, None kill = PID_KILL.match(message) if kill: pid = kill.group(1) package_line = kill.group(2) if match_packages(package_line) and pid in pids: return pid, package_line leave = PID_LEAVE.match(message) if leave: pid = leave.group(2) package_line = leave.group(1) if match_packages(package_line) and pid in pids: return pid, package_line death = PID_DEATH.match(message) if death: pid = death.group(2) package_line = death.group(1) if match_packages(package_line) and pid in pids: return pid, package_line return None, None def parse_start_proc(line): start = PID_START_5_1.match(line) if start is not None: line_pid, line_package, target = start.groups() return line_package, target, line_pid, '', '' start = PID_START.match(line) if start is not None: line_package, target, line_pid, line_uid, line_gids = start.groups() return line_package, target, line_pid, line_uid, line_gids start = PID_START_DALVIK.match(line) if start is not None: line_pid, line_package, line_uid = start.groups() return line_package, '', line_pid, line_uid, '' return None def tag_in_tags_regex(tag, tags): return any(re.match(r'^' + t + r'$', tag) for t in map(str.strip, tags)) ps_command = base_adb_command + ['shell', 'ps'] ps_pid = subprocess.Popen(ps_command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) while True: try: line = ps_pid.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace').strip() except KeyboardInterrupt: break if len(line) == 0: break pid_match = PID_LINE.match(line) if pid_match is not None: pid = pid_match.group(1) proc = pid_match.group(2) if proc in catchall_package: seen_pids = True pids.add(pid) while adb.poll() is None: try: line = adb.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace').strip() except KeyboardInterrupt: break if len(line) == 0: break bug_line = BUG_LINE.match(line) if bug_line is not None: continue log_line = LOG_LINE.match(line) if log_line is None: continue level, tag, owner, message = log_line.groups() tag = tag.strip() start = parse_start_proc(line) if start: line_package, target, line_pid, line_uid, line_gids = start if match_packages(line_package): pids.add(line_pid) app_pid = line_pid linebuf = '\n' linebuf += colorize(' ' * (header_size - 1), bg=WHITE) linebuf += indent_wrap(' Process %s created for %s\n' % (line_package, target)) linebuf += colorize(' ' * (header_size - 1), bg=WHITE) linebuf += ' PID: %s UID: %s GIDs: %s' % (line_pid, line_uid, line_gids) linebuf += '\n' print(linebuf) last_tag = None # Ensure next log gets a tag printed dead_pid, dead_pname = parse_death(tag, message) if dead_pid: pids.remove(dead_pid) linebuf = '\n' linebuf += colorize(' ' * (header_size - 1), bg=RED) linebuf += ' Process %s (PID: %s) ended' % (dead_pname, dead_pid) linebuf += '\n' print(linebuf) last_tag = None # Ensure next log gets a tag printed # Make sure the backtrace is printed after a native crash if tag == 'DEBUG': bt_line = BACKTRACE_LINE.match(message.lstrip()) if bt_line is not None: message = message.lstrip() owner = app_pid if not args.all and owner not in pids: continue if level in LOG_LEVELS_MAP and LOG_LEVELS_MAP[level] < min_level: continue if args.ignored_tag and tag_in_tags_regex(tag, args.ignored_tag): continue if args.tag and not tag_in_tags_regex(tag, args.tag): continue linebuf = '' if args.tag_width > 0: # right-align tag title and allocate color if needed if tag != last_tag or args.always_tags: last_tag = tag color = allocate_color(tag) tag = tag[-args.tag_width:].rjust(args.tag_width) linebuf += colorize(tag, fg=color) else: linebuf += ' ' * args.tag_width linebuf += ' ' # write out level colored edge if level in TAGTYPES: linebuf += TAGTYPES[level] else: linebuf += ' ' + level + ' ' linebuf += ' ' # format tag message using rules for matcher in RULES: replace = RULES[matcher] message = matcher.sub(replace, message) linebuf += indent_wrap(message) print(linebuf.encode('utf-8'))