# 8.0.4 Fixes: - Added in the ability to require chief via `f1-dom/chief` # 8.0.3 Fixes: - Brought in the module `scientific-to-decimal` to convert all numbers passed to css `transform`. Safari does not allow for numbers in scientific notation in `transform`. # 8.0.2 Fixes: - `transform` is now set via building strings of tranformations vs building a matrix. This seems to be more consistent accross browsers. # 8.0.1 Fixes: - A quick fix so the world doesnt break. Dropped in a perspective calculation into the matrix3d call because it seems that Chrome doesn't always render perspective properly. # 8.0.0 Fixes: - Needed to remove perspective handling from `f1-dom` because `perspective-origin` was completely calculated wrong. Now if developers want to have 3d transforms that use perspective you must define `perspective` on the parent container element. Sorry...