{ "translate": "English (en)", "invent": "Inventory", "script_version": "Version", "script_revision": "Revision", "changes": "Whats new?", "language": "Language", "download": "Download", "no_ads": "No ads", "ads": "Ads", "update_message": "The script has been updated! Please download the latest version.", "donate_title": "Support development", "donate_text": "If you want to help development, or simply show your appreciation, use one of the following ways", "donate_paypal": "Buy Me a Coffee", "tyty": "Thank you", "inventory": { "adventures": "Adventures", "labor_points": "Labor points", "duels": "Duels", "energy": "Energy", "skills": "Skill points", "fort_battles": "Fort battles", "speed": "Speed", "health": "Health points", "events": "Event stuff", "unpacks": "Unpacks", "crafted_items": "Crafted items", "field_cook": "Field Cook", "tonic_peddler": "Tonic Peddler", "blacksmith": "Blacksmith", "master_saddler": "Master Saddler", "recipes": "Recipes", "quest_items": "Quest products", "work_items": "Work products", "coll_cards": "Collector cards", "craft_cards": "Collector cards", "from_set": "Set item", "upgraded": "Upgraded", "premium": "Bonus medals", "xp": "Experience", "luck_money": "Luck and money", "others": "Other", "sets": "Set Items", "twir_menu": "Menu", "bonds_money": "Bonds and dollars", "waytime_shortening": "Waytime shortening", "work_motivation": "Work motivation", "duel_motivation": "Duel motivation", "avatar_part": "Avatar part", "weapons": "Weapons", "ride": "Horse & Saddle", "clothes": "Clothing", "other_sets": "Other", "event": "Event", "subcat": "Subcategory", "property": "Item property", "item_type": "Item Type", "regen": "Regeneration", "custom": "Custom", "set_window": "Item Sets", "item_use": "Use", "bonus_items": "Bonus products", "useable_items": "Useable", "crafting_items": "Crafting", "buffs_items": "Buffs", "search_new": "Search Equipment For", "search_title": "Backpack", "debuff": "Debuff", "use_effect": "Usage effect", "fullslot": "All" }, "tooltips": { "jobdrop": "Droppable from job", "not_auctionable": "Not auctionable", "upgradeable": "Upgradeable", "craftable": "Craftable", "missing_items": "Missing Items", "partial_items_bonus": "Set Bonus", "market_price": "Market price", "suggested_price": "Suggested", "minimal_price": "Min", "maximal_price": "Max", "listings": "listings", "items": "items", "items_short": "pcs", "seen": "Seen %1 times", "last_seen": "Last seen", "average": "Average", "average_since": "Average %1 days", "each": "each", "quests": "quests", "collection": "Needed to complete the collection", "uniq_sellers": "%1 unique sellers", "job_danger": "Danger", "open_title": "Open %1 and center it on map", "opener_tooltip": "SHIFT+Click to mass open", "learnable_recipe": "Learnable recipe", "seen_with_limit": "Seen %1 times and more..", "most_offers": "Most selled by %1" }, "organizing": { "none": "None", "all_items": "Show all", "bonus": "Include stats", "bonus_search": "Bonus search", "show": "Show", "upgradeable": "Upgradeable", "sellable": "Sellable", "auctionable": "Auctionable", "tradeable": "Tradeable", "droppable": "Droppable", "duplicates": "Duplicates", "gender": "Character", "collectibles": "Collectible", "sort_up": "Ascending", "sort_down": "Descending", "sort_ab": "Item name", "sort_buyprice": "Price (buy)", "sort_sellprice": "Price (sell)", "sort_id": "Item ID", "sort_reqlvl": "Level (required)", "sort_upglvl": "Level (upgrade)", "sort_quantity": "Stack size", "sort_setname": "Set name", "sort_marketprice": "Price (market)", "value": "Value", "sort_ups": "Price (UPS)", "msg": "Send message", "msg_fb_ali": "Allied team", "msg_fb_enemy": "Enemy team", "msg_fb_all": "All players", "msg_town_mem": "Town members", "msg_town_lead": "Town leaders", "msg_ali_mem": "Alliance members", "msg_ali_lead": "Alliance leaders", "allitems": "All items", "setitems": "Set items", "yield": "Products", "recipe": "Recipes", "pin": "Pin it", "unpin": "Unpin it", "color_picker_title": "Pick a Color", "exact": "Exact", "wearable_only": "Usable by me", "lvl_range": "Level Range", "save": "Save", "save_n_reload": "Save & reload", "sort_damage": "Damage", "sort_values": "Its values", "exclude": "Exclude" }, "stats": { "stats": "Statistics", "sales_value": "Sales value", "quantities": "Quantities", "total_buy_price": "Total buy price", "total_sell_price": "Total sell price", "distinct_items": "Distinct items", "distinct_products": "Distinct products", "wear": "Equipped", "backpack": "Backpack", "items": "Items", "products": "Products", "item": "Item", "product": "Product", "recipes": "Recipes", "dropped": "Dropped", "duplicates": "Duplicates", "buffs": "Buffs", "crafting": "Crafting", "count_text": "The number of items in inventory", "shot": "Firearms", "hand": "Melee weapons", "shiftinfo": "Press [Shift] to show more info", "average": "Average", "total_market_price": "Total market price", "total": "Total" }, "market_watcher": { "add_name": "Market Watcher", "add_item": "watch", "offer_count": "and %1 other listings", "time_left": "time left", "price": "buyout", "bid": "bid", "bid_now": "Find on the market", "watched": "Watched items", "collections": "Collections", "last_scan": "Last scan", "buy_trader": "Open vendor trader", "import": "Import items", "export": "Export items", "progress_page": "Getting page", "progress_title": "Scanning market", "progress_found": "Seen", "remove_all": "Remove all", "curr_bid": "current bid", "no_bids": "No bids", "no_select": "No item selected", "buffs": "Buffs", "push_notification_text_single": "%1 has been seen on the market for %2", "threshold": "Threshold", "below_threshold": "Below Threshold", "above_threshold": "Above Threshold", "bid_threshold": "Bid Threshold", "buyout_threshold": "Buyout Threshold", "filter_auctions": "Filter Auctions", "seller_name": "Seller Name", "town_name": "Town Name", "cost_range": "Cost Range", "push_notification_text": "There are %1 new offers on the market that match your watch list" }, "features": { "preferences": "Preferences", "inventory_menus": "Inventory", "popup_tooltips": "Tooltips", "other": "Other preferences", "enable_addon": "Enable %1 on this world", "sort_inv": "Sort Customization" }, "feat_strings": { "pop_item_id": "Show the item ID", "pop_display_event": "Show the icon and the name of the event from which it is", "pop_owned_counts": "Show the number of items you own", "pop_job_table": "Show the name of the job where it can be found (products only)", "pop_crafting_recipe": "Show crafting requirements (crafting items)", "pop_recipe_table": "Show the name of the recipe (crafting items)", "pop_partial_bonus": "Show the partial bonus for the set (based on the number of items you wear)", "pop_short_currency": "Make currencies shorter", "pop_market_price": "Show average market price", "pop_ups_price": "Show UPS price", "pop_min_market_price": "Show the minimal price on the market (if it is not salable)", "pop_avg_dmg": "Show average damage of each weapon", "pop_bonus_calc": "Show the value of the refilled energy or HP next to the percentage (useable products)", "pop_trader": "Show the name of the store and its minimal level where it can be bought", "mw_item_price_tooltip": "Show Market price pop-up for items", "mw_product_price_tooltip": "Show Market price pop-up for products", "mw_bbcode_tooltip": "Show Market price in the item BB-code", "mw_alert_playsound": "Mute alert sound", "ml_market_collector": "Add a new button to show the \"Market Collector\" menu on the left side", "ml_sleep": "Add a new button to show the \"Sleep menu\" on the left side", "ml_npc": "Add a new button to show the \"Quest givers\" menu on the left side", "prof_craft_points": "Show the crafting points in player profiles", "fb_topic": "Show chat topic in the battle preparation window", "fb_travel_button": "Add a button to move to the fort in the fort battles window", "fb_online_status": "Add online status of players to the fort battle map's popup", "fb_ranks": "Add player's rank to the fort battle map's popup", "fb_ali_name": "Show Alliance name in the town overview", "mw_clear_time": "Automatically delete data from the market scan if they are older than", "mw_collections": "Watch items needed to complete collections", "mw_trader": "Get notified when a trader is selling a watched item", "fb_count": "Show the number of ongoing fort battles", "chat_smart": "Smarter chat (URL recognition)", "mw_status": "Show Progress Message during market scan", "inv_menu_size": "Maximum number of entries in a select menu", "pop_char_level": "Always show bonus value (per level) on your character level", "inv_cld_reminder": "Remind me that I have to use items that have a long cooldowns", "inv_cld_reminder_playsound": "Mute reminder sound", "pop_job_tooltip": "Improve job popup", "fb_char_icons": "Class specific icons in the fortbattle preparation window", "mw_recipes": "Watch learnable recipes", "mw_buyouts_only": "Buyouts only", "mw_push_notifications": "Enable push notifications", "mw_scan_limit": "Maximum number of saved scans (per item) from a different player", "quest_color": "Change the color of quests that I can complete", "inv_size": "Smaller inventory", "inv_max_slots": "Maximum number of rows in the inventory %1 note: higher numbers causing lag while scrolling", "smart_speed_set": "Smarter speed set calculation (without losing HP if possible)" }, "keyWords": { "xmas": [ "Christmas", "Holiday Sale" ], "valentine": "Valentine", "independence": "Independence day", "dotd": [ "Day of the Dead", "Dia de los Muertos" ], "easter": "Easter", "oktoberfest": "Octoberfest", "sale": "Sale" }, "menulink": { "market": "Market Collector", "npc": "Quest givers", "nearest": "Nearest hotel", "nearest_five": "Nearest 5 star hotel", "sleep": "Find a bed", "map_show": "Center position", "window_open": "Open window", "walk": "Go there", "market_map": "Market map", "quest_update": "Load/ Reload all quests" }, "informative": { "error404": "No items found", "error": "Invalid parameters", "sucess": "Saved successfully", "storage_error": "Local Storage is disabled", "years": "%1 years ago", "year": "year", "months": "%1 months ago", "days": "%1 days ago", "hours": "%1 hours ago", "minutes": "%1 minutes ago", "seconds": "%1 seconds ago", "valid_defined": "The selected item (%1) is already watched", "distance": "Distance", "error_hotel": "No hotel room found", "error_npc": "No employers found", "error_market": "There is nothing to pick up from the market", "travel_fort": "Move to the fort", "never": "Never", "any": "Any", "none": "None", "enemy": "Enemy players", "update_wait": "Hold on, this could take a while", "fb_att": "Attackers", "fb_def": "Defenders", "joined": "Joined", "missing_pos": "Not at the fort", "missing_ali": "Absent players", "hide": "Hide", "next": "Next", "cancel": "Cancel", "quest_update": "Current quests loaded", "later": "Later", "reset": "Reset", "u_sure": "Are you sure?", "processing": "Processing.." }, "calc": { "regen": "Regeneration", "pray": "Praying", "dollar": "Income", "luck": "Luck", "drop": "Drop chance", "attack": "Attacker", "defense": "Defender", "find_eq": "Find equipment", "fb": "Fortbattle", "js": "Jobs & skills", "ob": "Other", "ms": "Movement speed", "job": "Labor points", "experience": "Experience", "fort_offense": "Attack", "fort_defense": "Defense", "fort_resistance": "Resistance", "add_name": "Dressing helper", "bonus_count_title": "Bonuses from items and sets", "result_menu_title": "Other combinations", "equipment_number": "Combo %1", "show_inv": "Show in the inventory", "switch_w": "Switch weapon", "bonus_items_title": "Bonuses from items", "bonus_set_title": "Bonuses from items and set", "fort_damage": "Damage", "fort_hp": "HP", "combo_count": "%1 of %2", "level": "Level", "construct": "Construction", "speed": "Speed", "sector": "sector", "switch_speed_btn": "Use Speed Set" }, "update_changelog": "HERE's Changelog", "donate_text_2": "If you like this script and wish it's kept working or wish new features to be added, please consider a %donation%", "opener": { "loot_text": "You got", "open_btn": "Open", "open_question": "How many do you want to open?", "open_joke": "Really? Oh God, gimme a break!" }, "reminder": { "remind_msg": "Ready to collect" }, "combo_comparison": { "add_name": "Combo Comparison", "hint": "Add / Drop items here to get started!", "full_bonus": "Full stats", "item_bonus": "Bonuses from items", "set_bonus": "Bonuses from sets", "compare": "Compare" }, "script_description": "Better Inventory and Tools for The West!", "fortbattle": { "add_name": "Fortbattle Tracker", "round": "Round", "name": "Player Name", "health": "Health points", "damage_inflicted": "Damage inflicted", "last_hit": "Last hit", "target_name": "Hit target", "miss_shot": "MISS", "ko_shot": "KO", "damage_taken": "Damage taken", "per_round": "per round", "overall": "overall", "hits_taken": "Hits taken", "dodged_shots": "Dodged shots", "crit": "Critical hits", "overview": "Overview", "hits": "Hits", "dodges": "Dodges", "avg_dmg": "Average damage per hit", "wep_breakdown": "Weapons breakdown", "avg_wep_dmg": "Average gun damage", "damage_multiplier": "Damage Multiplier", "sectors_info": "Show sectors map" }, "bidder": { "bidder_text": "%1 pieces for %2 dollars", "bidder_question": "Type in the amount you want to bid", "bidder_bid": "Start bidding", "bidder_progress_msg": "Bidding %1 on %2" }, "sectors": { "1": "Large upper sector", "2": "Large lower sector", "3": "Large left sector", "4": "Large right sector", "5": "Large middle sector", "6": "Adventurer's tower", "7": "Dueller's tower", "8": "Soldier's tower", "9": "Worker's tower", "10": "Barracks", "11": "Resource stock", "12": "Headquarters", "13": "Wall", "14": "Gate", "15": "Flag", "north": "North Wall", "south": "South Wall", "west": "West Wall", "east": "East Wall" } }