swagger: '2.0' info: version: "5.0.0" title: 2FA Settings admin API description: Allows to configure 2FA settings programmatically license: name: Gluu Casa url: https://github.com/JanssenProject/jans/blob/main/LICENSE #Demo server host host: test-casa.jans.io basePath: /casa/rest/pl/strong-authn-settings schemes: - https security: - casa_auth: ['https://jans.io/casa.config'] consumes: - application/json produces: - text/plain paths: /config: get: description: Returns the current 2FA configuration produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Configuration' 500: description: There was a failure executing the operation. Error description in response body schema: type: string /config/basic: post: description: Sets values for 1) minimum number of credentials enrolled for 2FA to take place, 2) whether automatic turn on of 2FA occurs when users fulfils the minimum, and 3) whether users can explicitly turn 2FA on/off parameters: - name: settings in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Basic2FASettings' responses: 200: description: Successful operation. Empty response body 400: description: Inconsistent settings (eg. Trying to set option 2 and 3 to false simultaneously or setting option 1 to a number less than one). Error description in response body schema: type: string 500: description: There was a failure executing the operation. Error description in response body schema: type: string /config/enforcement-policies: post: description: Sets when 2FA should take place for authenticating users. While an array of enforcement policies is expected as input, its length is usually equal to one, being [LOCATION_UNKNOWN, DEVICE_UNKNOWN] the only exception parameters: - name: settings in: body required: true schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/EnforcementPolicy' responses: 200: description: Successful operation. Empty response body 400: description: Inconsistent settings (eg. [LOCATION_UNKNOWN, CUSTOM]). Error description in response body schema: type: string 500: description: There was a failure executing the operation. Error description in response body schema: type: string /config/trusted-devices: post: description: Sets the amount of days locations and devices are considered trusted for authentication (ie. no 2FA is required when accessing using the given location or device) parameters: - name: settings in: body required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TrustedDevicesSettings' responses: 200: description: Successful operation. Empty response body 400: description: Inconsistent settings (eg. negative numbers provided). Error description in response body schema: type: string 500: description: There was a failure executing the operation. Error description in response body schema: type: string definitions: Basic2FASettings: type: object properties: autoEnable: type: boolean default: false allowSelfEnableDisable: type: boolean default: true allowSelectPreferred: type: boolean default: true min_creds: type: integer default: 2 EnforcementPolicy: &ENFORCEMENTPOLICY type: string description: Check the plugin documentation or play around with this plugin in a Casa installation to learn more about these settings enum: &ENFORCEMENTPOLICY [EVERY_LOGIN, LOCATION_UNKNOWN, DEVICE_UNKNOWN, CUSTOM] TrustedDevicesSettings: type: object properties: location_exp_days: type: integer device_exp_days: type: integer Configuration: type: object properties: basic_2fa_settings: $ref: '#/definitions/Basic2FASettings' policy_2fa: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/EnforcementPolicy' trusted_dev_settings: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TrustedDevicesSettings' securityDefinitions: casa_auth: type: oauth2 description: An OAuth2 bearer token in the header must be passed flow: application tokenUrl: https://test-casa.jans.io/jans-auth/restv1/token