/** * @name CustomPanelForSendingPictures * @authorName Japanese Schoolgirl (Lisa) * @version 0.5.9 * @description Adds panel that loads pictures via settings file with used files and links, allowing you to send pictures in chat with or without text by clicking on pictures preview on the panel. Settings file is automatically created on scanning the plugin folder or custom folder (supports subfolders and will show them as sections/groups). * @invite nZMbKkw * @authorLink https://github.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl * @donate https://donate.qiwi.com/payin/Schoolgirl * @website https://github.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl/DiscordPlugin-CustomPanelForSendingPictures * @source https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl/DiscordPlugin-CustomPanelForSendingPictures/main/CustomPanelForSendingPictures.plugin.js * @updateUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl/DiscordPlugin-CustomPanelForSendingPictures/main/CustomPanelForSendingPictures.plugin.js */ module.exports = (() => { /*========================| Info |========================*/ const config = { info: { name: "CustomPanelForSendingPictures", author: { name: "Japanese Schoolgirl (Lisa)", github_username: "Japanese-Schoolgirl", discord_server: "https://discord.gg/nZMbKkw", steam_link: "https://steamcommunity.com/id/EternalSchoolgirl/", twitch_link: "https://www.twitch.tv/EternalSchoolgirl" }, version: "0.5.9", description: "Adds panel that loads pictures via settings file with used files and links, allowing you to send pictures in chat with or without text by clicking on pictures preview on the panel. Settings file is automatically created on scanning the plugin folder or custom folder (supports subfolders and will show them as sections/groups).", github: "https://github.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl/DiscordPlugin-CustomPanelForSendingPictures", github_raw: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl/DiscordPlugin-CustomPanelForSendingPictures/main/CustomPanelForSendingPictures.plugin.js" }, changelog: [ { title: `Fixed a critical bug after Discord's massive rework`, type: "fixed", // without type || fixed || improved || progress items: [`Discord replaced "-" in names of classes with "__", which prevented plugin from finding essential elements using selectors. After a quick thought, I just got rid of those spellings, so everything should work now.`] } ] }; /*========================| Essential functions |========================*/ const getModule_ = (module) => { // || window.require; try { return require(module); } catch(err) { console.warn(err); return false; }; }; const PluginApi_ = window.EDApi ? window.EDApi : window.BdApi ? window.BdApi : window.alert("PLUGIN API NOT FOUND"); // Window scope is needed here const BufferFromFormat_ = getModule_("buffer").from; /*(content, format) => {// This library will be used when the "Buffer" module breaks: https://unpkg.com/base64-js@1.5.1/base64js.min.js if(format == "base64") { return base64js.toByteArray(content); } else { return Uint8Array.from(content, (v) => v.charCodeAt(0)); } }*/ /*========================| Modules |========================*/ const request_ = getModule_("request"); const electron_ = getModule_("electron"); const fs_ = getModule_("fs"); const path_ = getModule_("path"); const open_folder_ = electron_ ? electron_.shell.openPath : false; const messageModule = (channelID, sendText, reply = null) => { try { // Replace for broken DiscordAPI.currentChannel.sendMessage let SEND = PluginApi_.findModule(m => m._sendMessage && typeof m._sendMessage === "function")._sendMessage; SEND(channelID, {content: sendText, validNonShortcutEmojis: Array(0)}, {/* messageReference:{"channel_id":"channelID","message_id":"messageID"} */}); } catch(err) { console.warn(err); } }; const uploadModule = (channelID, file, sendText = null) => { // Sending text before file if(sendText) { messageModule(channelID, sendText); } try { // Found module from BdApi/EDApi for uploading files can be replaced with WebpackModules.getByProps("upload").upload and etc. //Previous method: PluginApi_.findModule(m => m.upload && typeof m.upload === "function").upload({channelId:channelID, file: file}); let UPLOAD = PluginApi_.findModule(m => m.instantBatchUpload && typeof m.instantBatchUpload === "function").instantBatchUpload; // Check if user have old version of Discord's upload module let isUpdatedModule = !UPLOAD.toString().match(/^function\(e,t,n\)/); if(isUpdatedModule) { UPLOAD({ channelId: channelID, files: [file] }); } else { UPLOAD(channelID, [file]); } } catch(err) { console.warn(err); } }; /*========================| DEPRECATED |========================*/ /* # Buffer_ replaced with BufferFromFormat_: const Buffer_ = typeof Buffer !== "undefined" ? Buffer : getModule_("buffer").Buffer; # Modules that have stopped working: const util_ = getModule_("util"); # Might be useful later: const https_ = getModule_("https"); const ComponentDispatchModule = PluginApi_.findModule(m => m.ComponentDispatch && typeof m.ComponentDispatch === "object").ComponentDispatch; // For insert text with .dispatchToLastSubscribe and etc. */ /*========================| Core |========================*/ //-----------| Check at ZeresPlugin Library |-----------// return !global.ZeresPluginLibrary ? class { constructor() { this._config = config; } getName() {return config.info.name;} getAuthor() {return config.info.author.name;} getVersion() {return config.info.version;} getDescription() {return config.info.description;} load() { PluginApi_.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The library plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it.`, { confirmText: "Download Now", cancelText: "Cancel", onConfirm: () => { request_.get("https://rauenzi.github.io/BDPluginLibrary/release/0PluginLibrary.plugin.js", async (err, res, body) => { if(err) return electron_.shell.openExternal("https://betterdiscord.net/ghdl?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rauenzi/BDPluginLibrary/master/release/0PluginLibrary.plugin.js"); await new Promise(r => fs_.writeFile(path_.join(PluginApi_.Plugins.folder, "0PluginLibrary.plugin.js"), body, r)); }); } }); } start() { } stop() { } } : (([Plugin, Api]) => { const plugin = (Plugin, Api) => { const { Patcher, Modals, DiscordModules, DiscordSelectors, Settings, PluginUtilities } = Api; //-----------| Create Settings and Variables |-----------// var picsGlobalSettings = {}; var pluginPath, settingsPath, configPath, picturesPath, DiscordLanguage, isWindows; pluginPath = PluginApi_.Plugins.folder; settingsPath = path_.join(pluginPath, config.info.name + '.settings.json'); configPath = path_.join(pluginPath, config.info.name + '.configuration.json'); picturesPath = path_.join(pluginPath, config.info.name); DiscordLanguage = navigator.language; // Output is "en-US", "ru" etc. isWindows = navigator.platform.toLowerCase() == 'win32' ? true : false; // For not Windows OS support var lastSent = {}; let sendingCooldown = {time: 0, duration: 0}; let sentType = '.sent'; let srcType = '.src'; let emptyIMG = ''; let NotFoundIMG = 'https://i.imgur.com/r0OCBLX.png'; // Old is 'https://i.imgur.com/jz767Z6.png', src as base64 also ok; let imgPreviewSize = {W: '48px', H: '48px'}; let mainFolderName = 'Main folder!/\\?'; // It'll still be used for arrays and objects. Change in configuration only affects at section's name let folderListName = `?/\\!FolderList!/\\?`; var Configuration = { // Almost all Default values need only as placeholder UseSentLinks: { Value: true, Default: true, Title: `Use "Sent Links"`, Description: `To create and use ${sentType} files that are replacing file sending by sending links.` }, SendTextWithFile: { Value: false, Default: false, Title: `Send text from textbox before sending file`, Description: `To send text from textbox before sending local or web file. Doesn't delete text from textbox. Doesn't send message over 2000 symbols limit.` }, OnlyForcedUpdate: { Value: false, Default: false, Title: `Only forced update`, Description: `Doesn't allow plugin to automatically update settings via scan with used files without user interaction.` }, sentType2srcType: { Value: false, Default: false, Title: `Treat ${sentType} as ${srcType}`, Description: `To use ${sentType} as ${srcType}.` }, RepeatLastSent: { Value: false, Default: false, Title: `Repeat last sent`, Description: `To use Alt+V hotkey for repeat sending your last sent file or link (without text) to current channel.` }, SizeLimitForFile: { Value: true, Default: true, Title: `Prevent sending files larger than 25 MB`, Description: `Prevents a message from being sent if the file size is larger than 25 MB.` }, AutoClosePanel: { Value: false, Default: false, Title: `Auto close panel`, Description: `To autoclose pictures panel after sending any file when pressed without Shift modificator key.` }, SendingFileCooldown: { Value: 0, Default: '0', Title: `Sending file cooldown`, Description: `To set cooldown in millisecond before you can send another file. Set 0 in this setting to turn this off. This option exists to prevent double/miss clicks so it doesn't apply to hotkey sending.` }, ScaleSizeForPictures: { Value: { type: 'width', num: '45', subpanel: true, exp: false }, Default: '', Title: `Set size for scaling (on by default)`, Description: `For automatic proportional scaling of pictures from local or web files to set size. Value is set only either for width or height. Clicking while holding Ctrl key will ignore enabling of this option. Remove value in this setting to turn this off.` }, SetLinkParameters: { Value: '', Default: '?width=45&height=45', Title: `Set parameters for web file (off by default)`, Description: `To automatically add custom parameters for sending links. Remove value in this setting to turn this off.` }, mainFolderPath: { Value: picturesPath, Default: picturesPath, Title: `There is your folder for pictures:`, Description: `You can set your Main folder which will be scanned for pictures and subfolders. Please try to avoid using folders with very big amount of files. Chosen directory should already exist.` }, mainFolderNameDisplay: { Value: 'Main folder', Default: 'Main folder', Title: `Displayed section name for Main folder`, Description: `You can set this section name to Main folder:` }, SectionTextColor: { Value: '#000000bb', Default: '#000000bb', Title: `Section's name color`, Description: `Your current color is:` } }; //-----------| Start of Styles section |-----------// var CPFSP_Styles = () => { return ` /* Extract from "emojiList" and etc classes + additional margin and fixes */ :root { --sectionText: ${Configuration.SectionTextColor.Value}; --sectionTextFlash: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2); } @keyframes spin360 { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes loadingCircle { 0% { box-shadow: 2px 3px 4px var(--sectionTextFlash) inset, 2px 2px 2px var(--sectionText) inset, 2px -2px 2px var(--sectionText) inset; } 100% { box-shadow: 2px 3px 4px var(--sectionTextFlash) inset, 2px 2px 2px var(--sectionText) inset, 2px -2px 2px var(--sectionText) inset; } } #CPFSP_Panel { overflow: hidden; position: relative; background-color: transparent; } .CPFSP_List { top: ${5+22+27}px; /* 5 + height from search bar + height from buttons panel */ right: 0px; bottom: 8px; left: 8px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden scroll; padding-right: 5px; } .CPFSP_Section { height: 100%; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 18px; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; color: var(--sectionText); /* color: var(--header-primary); */ text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px white, 0px 0px 10px white, 0px 0px 5px black, 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 1px purple; } .CPFSP_ul { /* height: 56px; display: inline-block; grid-auto-flow: column; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,56px); */ } .CPFSP_li { display: inline-block; margin: 5px 0px 0px 5px; /* background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--sectionText) 0%, var(--sectionTextFlash) 100%); */ } .CPFSP_li[waitload] { box-shadow: 2px 3px 4px var(--sectionText) inset; /* in case if animation not starts */ border-radius: 50%; animation: spin360 1s linear infinite, loadingCircle 2s alternate infinite; /* Causes lags */ } .CPFSP_IMG { min-width: ${imgPreviewSize.W}; max-width: ${imgPreviewSize.W}; min-height: ${imgPreviewSize.H}; max-height: ${imgPreviewSize.H}; cursor: pointer; background-size: 48px 48px; } .CPFSP_li[waitload] .CPFSP_IMG { content: url(${emptyIMG}); } #CPFSP_btnsPanel, #CPFSP_scaleSubpanelID { height: 27px; /* old is 30px */ line-height: 27px; /* old is 32px */ width: 100%; display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 110px; /* or 75% 25%; */ font-size: 15px; font-weight: 600; /* column-gap: 5px; */ } .CPFSP_btnDefault { cursor: pointer; color: var(--channels-default); background-color: var(--background-tertiary); text-align: center; min-width: 48px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; /*border-radius: 60px 60px 60px 60px;*/ } .CPFSP_btnDefault:hover { color: var(--interactive-hover); } .CPFSP_btnDefault:active { color: var(--interactive-active); } #CPFSP_ButtonGo { /* ? */ } .CPFSP_activeButton { background-color: var(--background-accent); color: #fff; } #CPFSP_spoilerCheckbox { max-width: 22px; color: var(--channels-default); background-color: var(--background-tertiary); border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 0px; z-index: 1; } #CPFSP_spoilerCheckbox input { margin-left: 5px; transform: scale(1.5); vertical-align: middle; } #CPFSP_spoilerCheckbox p { margin: 0px 0px 10px 2px; line-height: 1; writing-mode: vertical-lr; text-orientation: upright; font-weight: bolder; } #CPFSP_scaleSubpanelID { position: absolute; justify-content: right; grid-template-columns: none; } #CPFSP_scaleSubpanelID input { max-width: 75px; } .CPFSP_searchBar { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 150px; width: 100%; font-size: 16px; } #CPFSP_searchBarInput { height: 26px; line-height: 26px; box-sizing: border-box; color: var(--text-normal); padding: 0 8px; background-color: var(--background-tertiary); border-color: var(--channels-default); border: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px; overflow: hidden; resize: none; } #CPFSP_searchBarOptions { text-align-last: center; border-radius: 80px 80px 80px 80px; background-color: var(--background-tertiary); color: var(--interactive-active); } #CPFSP_scaleType { cursor: pointer; color: var(--channels-default); font-weight: 600; } #CPFSP_scaleExp, #CPFSP_scaleSubpanel { color: var(--channels-default); font-weight: 600; } #CPFSP_scaleExp input, #CPFSP_scaleSubpanel input { cursor: pointer; margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px; } `}; var CPFSP_imgFilter = (value, options) => { return ` /* Adds filter that sets display none to all imgs that match with it */ #CPFSP_Panel .CPFSP_List li.CPFSP_li:not([${options.lettercase}${options.match}="${value}"]) { display: none !important; } .CPFSP_Section text { display: none !important; } .CPFSP_ul { display: inline !important; } `}; var searchNames = { emojisGUI: 'div[role="tablist"]', // Panel with menu and buttons (aria label is Expression Picker) emojisPanel: 'div[role="tabpanel"]', // Or emojisGUI.lastElementChild (cause bug with scale subpanel); emojisClassGUI: 'div[class*="contentWrapper"]' // Whole panel } var elementNames = { id: 'CPFSP_StyleSheet', filter: 'CPFSP_StyleFilter', CPFSP_panelID: 'CPFSP_Panel', CPFSP_scalePanelID: 'CPFSP_scaleSubpanelID', CPFSP_buttonGoID: 'CPFSP_ButtonGo', CPFSP_activeButton: 'CPFSP_activeButton', elementList: 'CPFSP_List', folderSection: 'CPFSP_Section', elementRow: 'CPFSP_ul', elementCol: 'CPFSP_li', newPicture: 'CPFSP_IMG', buttonsPanel: 'CPFSP_btnsPanel', buttonDefault: 'CPFSP_btnDefault', buttonRefresh: 'CPFSP_btnRefresh', buttonOpenFolder: 'CPFSP_btnOpenFolder', spoilerCheckbox: 'CPFSP_spoilerCheckbox', searchBar: 'CPFSP_searchBar', searchBarInput: 'CPFSP_searchBarInput', searchBarOptions: 'CPFSP_searchBarOptions', emojiTabID: 'emoji-picker-tab', gifTabID: 'gif-picker-tab', stickerTabID: 'sticker-picker-tab', Config_scaleType: 'CPFSP_scaleType', Config_scaleSubpanel: 'CPFSP_scaleSubpanel', Config_scaleExp: 'CPFSP_scaleExp' } var labelsNames = { Modal_OkDownload: `Download Now`, Modal_Cancel: `Cancel`, Modal_Missing: `Library Missing`, Modal_MissingLibs: `The library plugin needed for turned on options in plugin ${config.info.name} is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it.`, Constants_Missing: `Some importants constants in plugin ${config.info.name} is missing`, Yamete: `Yamete!`, tooBig: `It's too big!`, forYou: `For you:`, symbolsLimit: `B-baka, your text wasn't sent with image because your text is over 2000 symbols!`, filesizeLimit: `B-baka, your message wasn't sent because your file size is larger than 25 MB!`, Pictures: `Pictures`, btnRefresh: `Refresh`, btnOpenFolder: `Open folder`, btnFolderPath: `Folder path`, searchPicture: `Search picture`, spoilerCheckbox: `Spoiler`, spoilerTooltip: `If it is checked, then links and files will be sent as spoilers`, filterAnyMatch: `Any match`, filterStrictMatch: `Strict match`, filterAnyLetterCase: `Case-insensitive`, filterInAnyPlace: `In any place`, configMenu: `Configuration Menu`, width: `Width`, height: `Height`, intNumber: `Integer number`, scaleSubpanel: `Adds the subpanel for image resizing to the emoji panel`, scaleExperimental: `Experimental support for animations (will be used external module)` } var funcs_ = {}; // Object for store all custom functions var tempVars_ = {}; // Object for store all temp vars //-----------| End of Styles section |-----------// //-----------| Functions |-----------// funcs_.warnsCheck = () => { if(!(Patcher && Modals && DiscordModules && DiscordSelectors && Settings && PluginUtilities)) { console.warn(labelsNames.Constants_Missing); } } funcs_.setStyles = (command = null) => { if(document.getElementById(elementNames.id) && command == 'delete') { return document.getElementById(elementNames.id).remove(); } if(document.getElementById(elementNames.id)) { return } let pluginStyles = document.createElement('style'); pluginStyles.setAttribute('id', elementNames.id); pluginStyles.innerHTML = CPFSP_Styles(); return document.body.append(pluginStyles); } funcs_.setStyleFilter = (event = null, command = null) => { let text = document.getElementById(elementNames.searchBarInput) ? document.getElementById(elementNames.searchBarInput).value : null; if(!text) { command = 'delete'; } if(text) { if(!text.length) { command = 'delete'; } } if(document.getElementById(elementNames.filter) && command == 'delete') { return document.getElementById(elementNames.filter).remove(); } if(!event || command == 'delete') { return } let options = document.getElementById(elementNames.searchBarOptions) ? document.getElementById(elementNames.searchBarOptions).value : null; switch(options) { case 'AnyMatch': options = { lettercase: 'lowerPicName', match: '*' }; break; case 'StrictMatch': options = { lettercase: 'strictPicName', match: '^' }; break; case 'AnyLetterCase': options = { lettercase: 'lowerPicName', match: '^' }; break; case 'InAnyPlace': options = { lettercase: 'strictPicName', match: '*' }; break; default: options = { lettercase: 'lowerPicName', match: '*' }; } text = options.lettercase == 'lowerPicName' ? text.toLowerCase() : text; if(document.getElementById(elementNames.filter)) { return document.getElementById(elementNames.filter).innerHTML = CPFSP_imgFilter(text, options); } let pluginStyleFilter = document.createElement('style'); pluginStyleFilter.setAttribute('id', elementNames.filter); pluginStyleFilter.innerHTML = CPFSP_imgFilter(text, options); return document.body.append(pluginStyleFilter); } funcs_.setLanguage = () => { // Janky localization switch(DiscordLanguage) { case 'ru': config.info.description = `Добавляет панель, которая подгружает картинки через файл настроек с используемыми файлами и ссылками, позволяя отправлять картинки с текстом или без текста нажатием по превью картинок на панели. Файл настроек автоматически создаётся при сканировании выбранной папки или папки плагина (поддерживает подпапки и будет отображать их как секции/группы).`; // Only config constanta, not keys inside labelsNames.Modal_OkDownload = `Скачать сейчас`; labelsNames.Modal_Cancel = `Отмена`; labelsNames.Modal_Missing = `Отсутствует библиотека`; labelsNames.Modal_MissingLibs = `Отсутствует библиотека, необходимая для работы включённых опций в плагине ${config.info.name}. Пожалуйста, нажмите "${labelsNames.Modal_OkDownload}" для её установки.`; labelsNames.Constants_Missing = `Отсутствуют некоторые константы, важные для плагина ${config.info.name}.`; labelsNames.Yamete = `Ямете!`; labelsNames.tooBig = `Это слишком велико!`; labelsNames.forYou = `Для тебя:`; labelsNames.symbolsLimit = `Б-бака, твой текст не был отправлен с файлом, потому что в нём больше 2000 символов!`; labelsNames.filesizeLimit = `Б-бака, твоё сообщение не было отправлено, потому что размер файла больше 25 МБ!`; labelsNames.Pictures = `Картинки`; labelsNames.btnRefresh = `Обновить`; labelsNames.btnOpenFolder = `Открыть папку`; labelsNames.btnFolderPath = `Путь папки`; labelsNames.searchPicture = `Искать картинку`; labelsNames.spoilerCheckbox = `Спойлер`; labelsNames.spoilerTooltip = `Если отмечено галочкой, то ссылки и файлы отправляются как спойлеры`; labelsNames.filterAnyMatch = `Любое совпадение`; labelsNames.filterStrictMatch = `Строгое совпадение`; labelsNames.filterAnyLetterCase = `Любой регистр`; labelsNames.filterInAnyPlace = `В любом месте`; labelsNames.configMenu = `Меню Конфигурации`; labelsNames.width = `Ширина`; labelsNames.height = `Высота`; labelsNames.intNumber = `Целое число`; labelsNames.scaleSubpanel = `Добавляет субпанель для масштабирования картинок к панели с эмодзи`; labelsNames.scaleExperimental = `Экспериментальная поддержка анимаций (будет использоваться посторонний модуль)`; Configuration.UseSentLinks.Title = `Использовать "Отправленные Ссылки"`; Configuration.UseSentLinks.Description = `Включает создание и использование ${sentType} файлов, которые заменяют отправку файлов отправкой ссылок.`; Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Title = `Отправлять текст из чата перед отправляемым файлом`; Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Description = `Включает отправку текста из чата перед отправляемым локальным или веб файлом. Не удаляет текст из чата. Не отправляет сообщение превышающее 2000 символов.`; Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Title = `Только принудительное обновление`; Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Description = `Не позволяет плагину автоматически обновлять настройки через сканирование с используемыми файлами без участия пользователя.`; Configuration.sentType2srcType.Title = `Рассматривать ${sentType} как ${srcType}`; Configuration.sentType2srcType.Description = `Для использования ${sentType} в качестве ${srcType}.`; Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Title = `Повторение последний отправки`; Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Description = `Включает использование сочетания клавиш Alt+V для повторения отправки последнего отправленного файла или ссылки (без текста) в текущий канал.`; Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Title = `Не отправлять файл размером больше 25 МБ`; Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Description = `Предотвращает отправку сообщения, если размер отправляемого файла в нём больше 25 МБ.`; Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Title = `Автоматическое закрытие панели`; Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Description = `Для автоматического закрытия панели с картинками после отправки любого файла по нажатию, если не зажата клавиша Shift.`; Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Title = `Минимальная задержка перед отправкой`; Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Description = `Присваивает минимальную задержку в миллисекундах перед отправкой следующего файла. При присвоении значения 0 опция будет отключена. Эта опция существует для предотвращения удвоенных/случайных нажатий мышкой и поэтому не применяется на отправку по быстрой клавише.`; Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Title = `Присвоить размер для масштабирования (включено по умолчанию)`; Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Description = `Для автоматического пропорционального масштабирования размера картинок из локальных или веб файлов к заданному размеру. Значение указывается только для ширины или высоты. Клик с зажатой клавишей Ctrl игнорирует включение этой опции. Удаление значения в этой настройке выключает её.`; Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Title = `Присваивать параметры веб файлу (выключено по умолчанию)`; Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Description = `Включает автоматическое добавление параметров для отправляемой ссылки. Удаление значения в этой настройке выключает её.`; Configuration.mainFolderPath.Title = `Здесь располагается папка под картинки:`; Configuration.mainFolderPath.Description = `Позволяет указать Главную папку, которая будет сканироваться на картинки и подпапки. Пожалуйста, постарайтесь избежать использования папок с большим количеством файлов. Выбранная директория должна быть созданной.`; Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Title = `Отображаемое имя секции для Главной папки`; Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Description = `Присваивает выбранное название для секции с Главной папкой:`; Configuration.SectionTextColor.Title = `Цвет имени секций`; Configuration.SectionTextColor.Description = `Текущий цвет это:`; break default: // is "en-US" break } } funcs_.openFolder = (event = null) => { function openMethod() { if(open_folder_) { // For Linux child_process_.exec(`xdg-open "${Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value}"`); // let openFolderMethod = isWindows ? `start ""` : `xdg-open`; // child_process_.exec(`${openFolderMethod} "${Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value}"`); // New method (via "electron" module): open_folder_(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value); } else { Modals.showAlertModal(labelsNames.btnFolderPath + ":", Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value); } } switch(fs_.existsSync(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value)) { case false: try { fs_.mkdirSync(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value); } catch (err) { console.warn(err.code); break; } // Try create folder default: openMethod(); // Open Main folder in explorer } } funcs_.checkLibraries = async () => { if(!Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.exp) { return } /* Maybe it will be useful later. P.S. resizePluginName was 'gifsicle' and this func wasn't async if(fs_.existsSync(path_.join(pluginPath, resizePluginName + '.exe'))) { return } Modals.showConfirmationModal(labelsNames.Modal_Missing, labelsNames.Modal_MissingLibs, { confirmText: labelsNames.Modal_OkDownload, cancelText: labelsNames.Modal_Cancel, onConfirm: () => { https_.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Japanese-Schoolgirl/DiscordPlugin-CustomPanelForSendingPictures/main/ExtraMethods/gifsicle.exe", async (response) => { // gifsicle.exe by https://www.lcdf.org/gifsicle/ await new Promise((e) => { response.pipe(fs_.createWriteStream( (path_.join(pluginPath, resizePluginName+'.exe')) )) }); }); } }); */ // For latest version: https://unpkg.com/gifsicle-wasm-browser/dist/gifsicle.min.js || https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gifsicle-wasm-browser/dist/gifsicle.min.js funcs_.gifsicle = await import("https://unpkg.com/gifsicle-wasm-browser@1.5.16/dist/gifsicle.min.js").then((module) => { return module.default; }); } funcs_.readLocalFile = (filePath, format, sendFile) => { if(!filePath) { return false } if(!format) { return fs_.readFileSync(filePath); } if(!sendFile) { return fs_.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: format }); } return BufferFromFormat_(fs_.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: format }), format); } // Currently not working: "fs_.promises" & "util_.promisify()" funcs_.readLocalFileAsync = (filePath, format) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs_.readFile(filePath, format, (err, data) => { if(err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(data); } }) }); } funcs_.writeFile = (filePath, content) => { // Async alternative for fs_.writeFileSync fs_.writeFile(filePath, content, (err) => { if(err) { throw err }; }); } funcs_.scaleTo = (oldWidth, oldHeight, knownType, knownValue) => { if(!knownType || !knownValue || !oldWidth || !oldHeight) { return } let newWidth = knownType == 'width' ? knownValue : null; let newHeight = knownType == 'height' ? knownValue : null; if(newWidth) { return Math.round(newHeight = (oldHeight / (oldWidth / newWidth))); } if(newHeight) { return Math.round(newWidth = (oldWidth / (oldHeight / newHeight))); } } funcs_.resizeGif = async (gifPath, newWidth, newHeight, gifName) => { if(!gifPath || !newWidth || !newHeight) { return false } /* Deprecated gifsicle.exe method if(!fs_.existsSync(path_.join(pluginPath, resizePluginName + '.exe'))) { console.warn(`${resizePluginName}.exe not found!`); return false } let gifsiclePath = path_.join(pluginPath, resizePluginName); let gifsicleOutput = gifsiclePath + '.output'; try { child_process_.execSync(`"${gifsiclePath}" "${gifPath}" --resize ${newWidth}x${newHeight} -o "${gifsicleOutput}"`); } catch(err) { console.warn(err); } if(!fs_.existsSync(gifsicleOutput)) { console.warn("Why output file doesn't exist?!"); return false } let outputData = funcs_.readLocalFile(gifsicleOutput, "base64", true); fs_.unlinkSync(gifsicleOutput); */ var outputData; try { let inputName = "gifsicleInput"; let outputName = "gifsicleOutput"; let gifFile = (new File([funcs_.readLocalFile(gifPath, "base64", true)], inputName)); outputData = funcs_.gifsicle.run({ input: [{ file: gifFile, name: inputName }], command: [`${inputName} --resize ${newWidth}x${newHeight} -o /out/${outputName} `] }).then((outfiles) => { return outfiles[0]; }); } catch(err) { console.warn(err); } return await outputData; } funcs_.saveSettings = (data, once = null) => { if(Object.keys(data).length < 2) { return funcs_.loadDefaultSettings(); } // This happen when folder is empty try { funcs_.writeFile(settingsPath, JSON.stringify(data)); } catch(err) { console.warn('There has been an error saving your setting data:', err.message); } if(once) { return picsGlobalSettings; } // to avoid endless engine return funcs_.loadSettings(); // DEBUG // console.log('Path: ', __dirname); } funcs_.loadSettings = (anotherTry = null) => { let newPicsGlobalSettings = {}; if(!fs_.existsSync(settingsPath)) { return funcs_.loadDefaultSettings(); } // This happen when settings file doesn't exist try { newPicsGlobalSettings = JSON.parse(funcs_.readLocalFile(settingsPath)); } catch(err) { console.warn('There has been an error parsing your settings JSON:', err.message); if(!anotherTry) { return funcs_.loadSettings(true) } return picsGlobalSettings; } if(!Object.keys(newPicsGlobalSettings).length) { return funcs_.loadDefaultSettings(); } // This happen when settings file is empty picsGlobalSettings = newPicsGlobalSettings; return picsGlobalSettings; } funcs_.loadDefaultSettings = () => { picsGlobalSettings = {}; picsSettings = [ { name: 'AnnoyingLisa', link: 'https://i.imgur.com/l5Jf0VP.png' }, { name: 'AngryLisaNoises', link: 'https://i.imgur.com/VMXymqg.png'} ]; // Placeholder picsGlobalSettings[folderListName] = [ { name: mainFolderName, path: Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value } ]; picsGlobalSettings[mainFolderName] = picsSettings; //funcs_.saveSettings(picsGlobalSettings); funcs_.saveSettings(picsGlobalSettings, true); return picsGlobalSettings; } funcs_.loadConfiguration = () => { let newData; if(!fs_.existsSync(configPath)) { return } // This happen when settings file doesn't exist try { newData = JSON.parse(funcs_.readLocalFile(configPath)); } catch(err) { console.warn('There has been an error parsing your config JSON:', err.message); return } if(!newData || !Object.keys(newData).length) { return } // This happen when settings file is empty Object.keys(Configuration).forEach((key) => { if(newData[key] == undefined) { return }; // I hope that I will not forget that not to do !newData[key] here :0 Configuration[key].Value = newData[key]; }); if(Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Value) { document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', funcs_.RepeatLastSentFunc); document.body.addEventListener('keydown', funcs_.RepeatLastSentFunc); } funcs_.setLanguage(); funcs_.checkLibraries(); Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Default = labelsNames.intNumber; // Fix placeholder } funcs_.setConfigValue = (event, key, newValue = null, specialKey = null) => { //console.log(event, key, newValue, specialKey); if(!event || !key || newValue == null) { return false } if(!specialKey) { Configuration[key].Value = newValue; } else { Configuration[key].Value[specialKey] = newValue; } funcs_.saveConfiguration(); return true } funcs_.saveConfiguration = () => { let exportData = {}; Object.keys(Configuration).forEach((key) => { exportData[key] = Configuration[key].Value; }); try { funcs_.writeFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(exportData)); } catch(err) { console.warn('There has been an error saving your config data:', err.message); } funcs_.loadConfiguration(); } funcs_.createSetting = (...args) => { let type = args[0]; if(!type) { return } switch(type) { //case 'Switch': return new Settings.Slider(args[1], args[2], 0, 1, Number(args[3]), args[4], { markers: [0, 1], stickToMarkers: true }); // Temporary fix case 'Switch': return new Settings.Switch(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); case 'Textbox': return new Settings.Textbox(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); case 'ColorPicker': return new Settings.Textbox(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); // Temporary fix //case 'ColorPicker': return new Settings.ColorPicker(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); case 'Keybind': return new Settings.Keybind(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); case 'Dropdown': return new Settings.Dropdown(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); case 'RadioGroup': return new Settings.RadioGroup(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); case 'Slider': return new Settings.Slider(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); default: break; } } funcs_.scanDirectory = (forced = null, repeat = null) => { // Scanning plugin folder if((Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Value && !forced) && !repeat) { return funcs_.loadSettings(); } if(fs_.existsSync(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value)) { // Exist funcs_.findPictures(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value); return funcs_.loadSettings(); // funcs_.findPictures will store data in picsGlobalSettings, so with state it possible to decide when new data is received } else { // Not Exist if(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value.length < 2) { Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value = Configuration.mainFolderPath.Default; } // Protection against shoot on foots try { fs_.mkdirSync(Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value); } // Try create folder catch (err) { console.warn(err.code); } if(!repeat) { funcs_.scanDirectory(forced, true); } // Fixed issue with necessary double scan when user delete folder return picsGlobalSettings; } } funcs_.closeCurrentReply = () => { // Exits the reply mode by it's close button if(!document.querySelector(DiscordSelectors.Textarea.attachedBars)) { return } try { document.querySelector(DiscordSelectors.Textarea.attachedBars).querySelector('div[class*="replyBar"] div[class*="closeButton"]').click(); } catch(err) {}; } funcs_.findPictures = (scanPath, newAllPicsSettings = {}, folderName = null, foldersForScan = [], emtpyFoldersList = []) => { // Scanning for pictures in select folder, "foldersForScan" store folders from plugin directory let newPicsSettings = []; let files; let isFirstScan = !folderName; // !(Object.keys(newAllPicsSettings).length); if(!scanPath) { return funcs_.loadSettings(); } if(!fs_.existsSync(scanPath)) { return funcs_.loadSettings(); } if(!folderName) { folderName = mainFolderName; } // function getDirs(scanPath) { return fs_.readdirSync(scanPath).filter(file => fs_.statSync(path_.join(scanPath, file)).isDirectory()); } try { files = fs_.readdirSync(scanPath); } catch(err) { console.warn('Unable to scan directory:' + err); return funcs_.loadSettings(); } let alreadySentFiles = []; if(isFirstScan) { foldersForScan.push({ name: mainFolderName, path: Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value }); } // Adds necessary information about main folder if(isFirstScan) { newAllPicsSettings[folderListName] = foldersForScan; } // Unnecessary reordering fix? let currentFolder = isFirstScan ? mainFolderName : folderName; // Get name of current folder let index = 0; files.forEach((file, absoluteIndex) => { let isFolder = fs_.statSync(path_.join(scanPath, file)).isDirectory(); let fileTypesAllow = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.png', '.webp', '.gif', srcType, sentType]; let fileType = path_.extname(file).toLowerCase(); let filePath = path_.join(scanPath, file); let webLink; if(isFolder && isFirstScan) { foldersForScan.push({name: file, path: filePath }); } // Add each folder only in this cycle due isFirstScan there prevents scans subfolders in subfolders. However this code not organize for subsubsubsubfolders scan yet if(isFolder && isFirstScan && !absoluteIndex) { newPicsSettings[index] = { name: 'Placeholder', link: 'https://i.imgur.com/VMXymqg.png?AlwaysSendThisImageToNextUniverse/\\?????' }; } // Adds as placeholder only once due Main folder can't be "emtpy" if(fileTypesAllow.indexOf(fileType) == -1) { return } // Check at filetype if(fileType == sentType || fileType == srcType) { try { webLink = JSON.parse(funcs_.readLocalFile(filePath)); } catch(err) { console.warn(`There has been an error parsing ${sentType} file:`, err.message); return } if(Configuration.sentType2srcType.Value) { fileType = srcType; } } if(fileType == sentType) { if(!Configuration.UseSentLinks.Value) { return } // Doesn't uses this files type if user don't turn on it alreadySentFiles.push({ name: file, link: webLink }); return } if(fileType == srcType) { newPicsSettings[index] = { name: file, link: webLink }; } else if(fileTypesAllow.indexOf(fileType) != -1) { newPicsSettings[index] = { name: file, link: 'file:///' + filePath }; } index++; // Index will increase ONLY if file is allowed }); // DEBUG // console.log(newPicsSettings); // DEBUG // console.log(alreadySentFiles); alreadySentFiles.forEach((file) => { // Replace all local links with web links let found = newPicsSettings.find(el => el.name == file.name.slice(0, -sentType.length)); if(found) { found.link = file.link; } }); if(!Object.keys(files).length || !Object.keys(newPicsSettings).length) { // Detect and adds emtpy folder to list for delete //foldersForScan.splice(foldersForScan.findIndex((el) => el.name == currentFolder), 1); // Didn't work properly //foldersForScan.find((el) => el.name == currentFolder).name = 'undefined'; //newAllPicsSettings[folderListName] = foldersForScan; //Variants above don't work correctly emtpyFoldersList.push(foldersForScan.find((el) => el.name == currentFolder)); } if(Object.keys(newPicsSettings).length) { newAllPicsSettings[currentFolder] = newPicsSettings; } // Prevents adding empty folder if(Object.keys(foldersForScan).length) { // There subfolders scan request if(isFirstScan) { newAllPicsSettings[folderListName] = foldersForScan; } // isFirstScan there prevents scans subfolders in subfolders. However this blah blah blah I already said this let needSkip; foldersForScan.some((folder, folderIndex) => { if(currentFolder == folder.name && folderIndex < Object.keys(foldersForScan).length-1) // it is X < X, where X count of folders { funcs_.findPictures(foldersForScan[folderIndex+1].path, newAllPicsSettings, foldersForScan[folderIndex+1].name, foldersForScan, emtpyFoldersList); return (needSkip = true); } }); if(needSkip) { return false } // If funcs_.findPictures used inside itself then this method will end there } // DEBUG // console.log(folders, newAllPicsSettings, newPicsSettings, isFirstScan); emtpyFoldersList.forEach((emtpyFolder) => { newAllPicsSettings[folderListName].splice(newAllPicsSettings[folderListName].findIndex((folder) => folder.name == emtpyFolder.name && folder.path == emtpyFolder.path), 1); }); try { // Remove placeholder and delete Main folder from section. This happen if in Main folder only folders with pictures if((1 < newAllPicsSettings[folderListName].length) && (newAllPicsSettings[mainFolderName].length < 2)) { let placeholder = newAllPicsSettings[mainFolderName][0]; if((placeholder.name === 'Placeholder') && (placeholder.link === 'https://i.imgur.com/VMXymqg.png?AlwaysSendThisImageToNextUniverse/\\?????')) { newAllPicsSettings[folderListName].splice([newAllPicsSettings[folderListName].findIndex((el) => el.name == mainFolderName)], 1); delete newAllPicsSettings[mainFolderName]; } } } catch(err) { console.warn(err); } return funcs_.saveSettings(newAllPicsSettings); // Apply new settings } funcs_.moveToPicturesPanel = (elem = null, once = null) => { // once for funcs_.scanDirectory and waitingScan check let command = (elem == 'refresh') ? 'refresh' : elem ? elem.target.getAttribute('command') : null; let buttonCPFSP = document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID); if(!buttonCPFSP) { return } let emojisGUI = buttonCPFSP.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // Up to "contentWrapper-" let emojisPanel = emojisGUI.querySelector(searchNames.emojisPanel); // Emojis panel, old way for getting this is querySelector('div[role*="tabpanel"]'), but Stickers tab doesn't have any role :I if(!emojisPanel) { return } let allPicsSettings; //# Previous button click fix: START let emojisMenu = emojisGUI.querySelector(searchNames.emojisGUI); let previousButton = emojisMenu.querySelector('button[aria-selected*="true"]'); // Will return Button tag let previousButtonID = previousButton ? previousButton.id : null; if(previousButtonID) { buttonCPFSP.setAttribute('from', previousButtonID); // Necessary for fixing previous button function previousButtonFix(event) { let buttonCPFSP = document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID); let from = buttonCPFSP.getAttribute('from'); let fix = (from == elementNames.emojiTabID) ? elementNames.gifTabID : elementNames.emojiTabID; // Select other button and after this select previous button again document.getElementById(fix).addEventListener("click", document.getElementById(from).click(), { once: true } ); // Maybe not better idea document.getElementById(fix).click(); buttonCPFSP.classList.remove(elementNames.CPFSP_activeButton); // DEBUG // console.log('Fixed', event); } function additionalButtonFix(event) { let buttonCPFSP = document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID); buttonCPFSP.classList.remove(elementNames.CPFSP_activeButton); } try { // Unselecting previous button previousButton.addEventListener("click", previousButtonFix, { once: true } ); previousButton.classList.value = previousButton.classList.value.replace('ButtonActive', 'Button'); // To not choose the already selected emojisMenu.querySelectorAll('button[class*="navItem"]').forEach((el) => { // For each Button with label if(el.id == previousButtonID || el.id == elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID) { return } el.removeEventListener("click", additionalButtonFix, { once: true } ); // Just in cases of incidental duplicate el.addEventListener("click", additionalButtonFix, { once: true } ); el.classList.value = el.classList.value.replace('ButtonActive', 'Button'); }) } catch(err) { console.warn(err); } } //# Previous button click fix: END function creatingPanel() { allPicsSettings = funcs_.scanDirectory(command); if((document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_panelID) && command != 'refresh')) { return } // Will repeat if command == refresh emojisPanel.innerHTML = ''; // Clear panel emojisPanel.setAttribute('id', elementNames.CPFSP_panelID); // Change panel ID emojisPanel.removeAttribute('class'); // Removes classes for avoid styles problems buttonCPFSP.classList.add(elementNames.CPFSP_activeButton); // Add CSS for select funcs_.setStyleFilter(undefined, 'delete'); // Remove last filter /*let previousButton = document.getElementById(buttonCPFSP.getAttribute('from')); try { // Unselecting previous button previousButton.classList.value = previousButton.classList.value.replace('ButtonActive', 'Button'); } catch(err) { console.warn(err); }*/ // Adds buttons let buttonsPanel = document.createElement('div'); // Panel for buttons buttonsPanel.setAttribute('id', elementNames.buttonsPanel); let buttonRefresh = document.createElement('div'); // Refresh button buttonRefresh.setAttribute('class', elementNames.buttonDefault); buttonRefresh.setAttribute('command', 'refresh'); buttonRefresh.innerText = labelsNames.btnRefresh; //buttonRefresh.removeEventListener('click', funcs_.moveToPicturesPanel); // Insurance buttonRefresh.addEventListener('click', funcs_.moveToPicturesPanel); buttonsPanel.append(buttonRefresh); let buttonOpenFolder = document.createElement('div'); // Open folder button buttonOpenFolder.setAttribute('class', elementNames.buttonDefault); buttonOpenFolder.innerText = open_folder_ ? labelsNames.btnOpenFolder : labelsNames.btnFolderPath; buttonOpenFolder.addEventListener('click', funcs_.openFolder); buttonsPanel.append(buttonOpenFolder); emojisPanel.insertBefore(buttonsPanel, emojisPanel.firstChild); // Adds button to panel // Adds checkbox for spoiler let SpoilerCheckbox = document.createElement('div'); SpoilerCheckbox.setAttribute('id', elementNames.spoilerCheckbox); SpoilerCheckbox.setAttribute('title', labelsNames.spoilerTooltip); SpoilerCheckbox.innerHTML = `


`; buttonsPanel.append(SpoilerCheckbox); // Adds search bar let SearchBarPanel = document.createElement('div'); // Panel for Search bar SearchBarPanel.setAttribute('class', elementNames.searchBar); let picturesSearch = document.createElement('input'); // Search in pictures with CSS filter picturesSearch.setAttribute('id', elementNames.searchBarInput); picturesSearch.setAttribute('placeholder', labelsNames.searchPicture); picturesSearch.addEventListener('input', funcs_.setStyleFilter); SearchBarPanel.append(picturesSearch); let picturesSearchOptions = document.createElement('select'); // Options select for Search bar picturesSearchOptions.addEventListener('change', funcs_.setStyleFilter); picturesSearchOptions.setAttribute('id', elementNames.searchBarOptions); picturesSearchOptions.add(new Option(labelsNames.filterAnyMatch, 'AnyMatch', true, true)); picturesSearchOptions.add(new Option(labelsNames.filterStrictMatch, 'StrictMatch', false, false)); picturesSearchOptions.add(new Option(labelsNames.filterAnyLetterCase, 'AnyLetterCase', false, false)); picturesSearchOptions.add(new Option(labelsNames.filterInAnyPlace, 'InAnyPlace', false, false)); SearchBarPanel.append(picturesSearchOptions) emojisPanel.insertBefore(SearchBarPanel, emojisPanel.firstChild); // Adds imgs preview let elementList = document.createElement('div'); let folderSection = document.createElement('div'); elementList.setAttribute('class', elementNames.elementList); emojisPanel.append(elementList); // Adds list to panel folderSection.setAttribute('class', elementNames.folderSection); let elementRow = document.createElement('ul'); let rowIndex = 1; let colIndex = 1; let currentSection; async function setCurrentSection(folder) { // Sets name to section with uses variables above currentSection = folder.name; if(currentSection === mainFolderName) { currentSection = Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Value; } let textEl = document.createElement('text'); textEl.innerText = currentSection; folderSection.append(textEl); } async function setImagesSRC(newPicture, elementCol, file) { try { if(file.link.includes('file:///')) { async function loadImagesSRC(newPicture) { // Convert local file to base64 for preview let filePath = newPicture.getAttribute('path').replace('file:///', ''); // both "path" attribute and "file.link" variable contains "file:///path..." funcs_.readLocalFileAsync(filePath, 'base64') // Async creating base64 data .then(data => { newPicture.setAttribute('src', `data:image/${path_.extname(filePath).slice(1)};base64,${data}`); }) .catch(err => { console.warn(err); newPicture.setAttribute('src', NotFoundIMG); }); } let emojisPanel = document.querySelector(searchNames.emojisPanel); var GodForgiveMeObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { // I was very tired and couldn't think of a better solution entries.forEach((entry) => { // If user not see this element on screen if(!entry.isIntersecting) { return elementCol.removeAttribute('waitload'); } elementCol.setAttribute('waitload', ''); loadImagesSRC(newPicture); GodForgiveMeObserver.disconnect(); }); }, { root: emojisPanel }); GodForgiveMeObserver.observe(newPicture); } else { newPicture.setAttribute('src', file.link); } } catch(err) { newPicture.setAttribute('src', NotFoundIMG); console.error(err); } } async function appendElements(folder, indexFolder, file, indexFile) { if(indexFolder === 0 && indexFile === 0) { setCurrentSection(folder); } // Set first section for first element if(currentSection != folder.name && folder.name != mainFolderName) { folderSection.append(elementRow); // Adds emojis to special section before section change rowIndex++; colIndex = 1; setCurrentSection(folder); elementRow = document.createElement('ul'); } elementRow.setAttribute('class', elementNames.elementRow); elementRow.setAttribute('role', 'row'); elementRow.setAttribute('aria-rowindex', rowIndex); let elementCol = document.createElement('li'); elementCol.setAttribute('class', elementNames.elementCol); elementCol.setAttribute('strictPicName', file.name); // This need for search bar elementCol.setAttribute('lowerPicName', file.name.toLowerCase()); // This need for search bar elementCol.setAttribute('role', 'gridcell'); elementCol.setAttribute('aria-rowindex', rowIndex); elementCol.setAttribute('aria-colindex', colIndex); let newPicture = document.createElement('img'); newPicture.setAttribute('width', imgPreviewSize.W); // for lazy loading newPicture.setAttribute('height', imgPreviewSize.H); // for lazy loading newPicture.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy'); // asynchronously img loading newPicture.setAttribute('onerror', `this.removeAttribute('onerror'); this.setAttribute('src', '${NotFoundIMG}');`); newPicture.setAttribute('path', file.link); elementCol.setAttribute('waitload', ''); // for CSS loading animation, after img loads it will delete this attribute setImagesSRC(newPicture, elementCol, file); newPicture.setAttribute('aria-label', file.name); newPicture.setAttribute('alt', file.name); newPicture.setAttribute('title', file.name); // For displaying pictures name newPicture.setAttribute('class', elementNames.newPicture); newPicture.setAttribute('onload', `this.removeAttribute('onload'); this.parentNode.removeAttribute('waitload');`); // Delete onload attribute and indicate about load for li (parentNode) newPicture.addEventListener('click', funcs_.send2ChatBox); elementCol.append(newPicture); // Adds IMG to "li" elementRow.append(elementCol); // Adds "li" to "ul" colIndex++; } // DEBUG // console.log(allPicsSettings); allPicsSettings[folderListName].some((_folder, _indexFolder) => { allPicsSettings[_folder.name].some((_file, _indexFile) => { if(!document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_panelID)) { return true; } appendElements(_folder, _indexFolder, _file, _indexFile); }); folderSection.append(elementRow); // Adds emojis to special section elementList.append(folderSection); // Adds all sections to list }); } // Creating subpanel for image resizing function createScaleSubpanel() { if(document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_scalePanelID)) { return } let scaleSubpanel = document.createElement('div'); scaleSubpanel.setAttribute('id', elementNames.CPFSP_scalePanelID); let subpanelInput = document.createElement('input'); subpanelInput.setAttribute('placeholder', labelsNames.intNumber); subpanelInput.value = Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.num; subpanelInput.addEventListener('change', ()=>funcs_.SSFPFunc.validateNum(subpanelInput.value, scaleSubpanel)); scaleSubpanel.append(subpanelInput); scaleSubpanel.append(funcs_.SSFPFunc.createSelect()); let emojisPanel = document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_panelID); emojisPanel.parentNode.append(scaleSubpanel); } creatingPanel(); if(Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.subpanel) { createScaleSubpanel(); } } funcs_.addPicturesPanelButton = (emojisGUI) => { if(!emojisGUI) { return } // I know that in Discord there is no "s" // let emojiButton = document.querySelector('button[class*="emojiButton"]'); // Emojis button in chat let emojisMenu = emojisGUI.querySelector(searchNames.emojisGUI); if(!emojisMenu) { return } if(document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID)) { return } let buttonCPFSP = document.createElement('button'); buttonCPFSP.innerText = labelsNames.Pictures; buttonCPFSP.setAttribute('id', elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID); let buttonClass = emojisMenu.querySelector('button').classList.value.replace('ButtonActive', 'Button'); // Copy class from other button in this menu buttonCPFSP.setAttribute('class', buttonClass); buttonCPFSP.removeEventListener('click', funcs_.moveToPicturesPanel); // Insurance buttonCPFSP.addEventListener('click', funcs_.moveToPicturesPanel); emojisMenu.append(buttonCPFSP); } // Functions for ScaleSizeForPictures setting funcs_.SSFPFunc = {}; funcs_.SSFPFunc.validateNum = (text, el) => { text = Number(text); if(9999 < text) { // Against freezes text = 9999; setTimeout(()=>{ el.querySelector('input').value = 9999}, 200); Modals.showAlertModal(labelsNames.Yamete, labelsNames.tooBig); } if(!Number.isInteger(text) || text <= 0) { setTimeout(()=>{ el.querySelector('input').value = ''}, 200); Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.num = ''; } else { Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.num = Math.abs(Math.round(text)); } funcs_.saveConfiguration(); return true; } funcs_.SSFPFunc.createSelect = () => { let selectList = document.createElement('select'); selectList.setAttribute('id', elementNames.Config_scaleType); let isWidth = (Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.type == 'width'); let isHeight = (Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.type == 'height'); selectList.add(new Option(labelsNames.width, 'width', isWidth, isWidth)); selectList.add(new Option(labelsNames.height, 'height', isHeight, isHeight)); selectList.addEventListener('change', (e)=>funcs_.setConfigValue(e, 'ScaleSizeForPictures', document.getElementById(elementNames.Config_scaleType).value, 'type')); return selectList; } funcs_.send2ChatBox = (from) => // from is event { if(!from) { return } if(from.target.getAttribute('src') === NotFoundIMG) { return } // For not found images if(!!Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value && Number.isInteger(Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value) && Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value > 0) { // Cooldown if(!sendingCooldown.time) { sendingCooldown.time = Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value; sendingCooldown.duration = (setTimeout(()=> { sendingCooldown.time = 0 }, Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value)); } else if(sendingCooldown.time != Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value) { clearTimeout(sendingCooldown.duration); sendingCooldown.time = Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value; sendingCooldown.duration = (setTimeout(()=> { sendingCooldown.time = 0 }, Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value)); } else { console.log(config.info.name, 'message: default cooldown time is', sendingCooldown.time); return } } else if(sendingCooldown.time) { sendingCooldown.time = 0; } let _link = from.target.getAttribute('src'); // Only for events from clicking at imgs if(!_link) { return } let _path = decodeURI(from.target.getAttribute('path').replace('file:///', '')); // I know this stupid, but file:/// I need for features, maybe..? Well let _name = from.target.getAttribute('alt'); let _bufferFile = null; let isWebFile = _link.indexOf(';base64,') != -1 ? false : true; let isLocalFile = !isWebFile; let asSpoiler = document.querySelector(`#${elementNames.spoilerCheckbox} input`).checked; let channelID = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop(); // Old is DiscordAPI.currentChannel.id; or if from other library: BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getSelected().id let ChatBox = document.querySelector(DiscordSelectors.Textarea.textArea.value).querySelector('div[role*="textbox"]') ? document.querySelector(DiscordSelectors.Textarea.textArea.value).querySelector('div[role*="textbox"]') : document.querySelector(DiscordSelectors.Textarea.textArea.value); // User's textbox, old way: document.querySelector('div[class*="channelTextArea-"]').querySelector('div[role*="textbox"]') if(!ChatBox) { return } // Stop method if user doesn't have access to chat let ChatBoxText = ChatBox.innerText ? ChatBox.innerText : ChatBox.value ? ChatBox.value : ''; // Sending text if(!Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Value) { ChatBoxText = null; } else { if(ChatBoxText.replace(/\s/g, '').length <= 0) { ChatBoxText = null; } else if(ChatBoxText.length > 2001) // 2001 is limit for text length { // +-return for interrupt action; or BdApi.showConfirmationModal ChatBoxText = null; Modals.showAlertModal(labelsNames.forYou, labelsNames.symbolsLimit); } } function sendLocalFile(_bufferFile) { _bufferFile = _bufferFile ? _bufferFile : funcs_.readLocalFile(_path, "base64", true); if(asSpoiler) { // Making spoiler from text using stupid way _name = "SPOILER_"+_name; } let _fileNew = new File([_bufferFile], _name); // test func, add option for this later if(Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Value && (_fileNew.size > (25*1024*1024))) { return Modals.showAlertModal(labelsNames.forYou, labelsNames.filesizeLimit); }; funcs_.closeCurrentReply(); uploadModule(channelID, _file = _fileNew, ChatBoxText); // add ", {content:'new with file'}" for adding text _fileNew = null; lastSent = { file: _file, link: null }; } if(Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Value) { if(document.getElementById(elementNames.CPFSP_buttonGoID) && !from.shiftKey) { // Below code will run if panel is displayed && click without shift key let clickEvent = ChatBox.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, ChatBox.ownerDocument.defaultView, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); // Thanks stackoverflow.com ;) ChatBox.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); } } if(Object.keys(Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value).length && !from.ctrlKey) { // Adds autoscaling parameters let scaleSize = { type: Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.type, value: Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.num }; if(!(!scaleSize.type || !(0 < scaleSize.value) || !Number.isInteger(scaleSize.value))) { let naturalWidth = from.target.naturalWidth; let naturalHeight = from.target.naturalHeight; let newWidth, newHeight; let foundValue = funcs_.scaleTo(naturalWidth, naturalHeight, scaleSize.type, scaleSize.value); if(scaleSize.type.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'width') { newWidth = scaleSize.value; newHeight = foundValue; } if(scaleSize.type.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'height') { newWidth = foundValue; newHeight = scaleSize.value; } if(isWebFile && newWidth && newHeight) { _link = (_link+`?width=${newWidth}&height=${newHeight}`); } if(isLocalFile && newWidth && newHeight) { // Sending local picture with scaled size let _dataType = _link.split(';base64,')[0].split('data:')[1]; let _fileType = _dataType.split('/')[1]; let _FileU8Array = BufferFromFormat_(_link.split(';base64,')[1], 'base64'); let isAnimated; // Detect if png or webp can containt animation. Gif anyway cannot be resized with standard canvas method properly if(_fileType == 'png') { isAnimated = (_FileU8Array.indexOf("acTL") != -1 && _FileU8Array.indexOf("IDAT") != -1) ? (_FileU8Array.indexOf("acTL") < _FileU8Array.indexOf("IDAT")) : null; } if(_fileType == 'webp') { isAnimated = (_FileU8Array.indexOf("VP8X") != -1 && _FileU8Array.indexOf("ANMF") != -1) ? (_FileU8Array.indexOf("VP8X") < _FileU8Array.indexOf("ANMF")) : null; } if(_fileType != 'gif' && !isAnimated) { let DisCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); let DisIMG = new Image(); let DisBlob; DisIMG.src = _link; DisCanvas.width = newWidth; DisCanvas.height = newHeight; DisCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(DisIMG, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); DisCanvas.toBlob((e) => { Promise.resolve(DisBlob = e).then((e) => { sendLocalFile(DisBlob); DisCanvas = null, DisIMG = null, DisBlob = null; }) }, _dataType, 1); return // End method after sending resized picture } if(Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.exp && _fileType == 'gif') { // Special support for format (async () => { let _bufferFile = await funcs_.resizeGif(_path, newWidth, newHeight, _name); sendLocalFile(_bufferFile); })(); return } } } } if(isLocalFile) { // Sending local picture sendLocalFile(_bufferFile); return } if(asSpoiler) { // Making spoiler from text using stupid way _link = "||"+_link+"||"; } /* // DEPRECATED (c)0.0.1 version // _link = (escape(ChatBoxText) == "%uFEFF%0A") ? _link : `\n${_link}`; // "%uFEFF%0A" is empty chat value for Discord ComponentDispatchModule.dispatchToLastSubscribed(DiscordModules.DiscordConstants.ComponentActions.INSERT_TEXT, { content: `${_link}` }); // Adds text to user's textbox */ lastSent = { file: null, link: _link}; // For Last Sent option if(Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Value.length) { _link = (_link+Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Value); } // Adds user additional parameters if(ChatBoxText) { messageModule(channelID, ChatBoxText); } // Sending link of picture return messageModule(channelID, _link, {asSpoiler: asSpoiler}); } funcs_.RepeatLastSentFunc = (event) => { if(!Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Value) { return } if(!event.altKey || event.which != 86) { return } // 86 is V key, 18 is Alt if(funcs_.IsPressed_KeyWhich(86)) { return } // Will return if V not released if(!lastSent) { return } if(!lastSent.file && !lastSent.link) { return } let channelID = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop(); // Old is DiscordAPI.currentChannel.id; if(lastSent.file) { funcs_.closeCurrentReply(); uploadModule(channelID, lastSent.file); } else if(lastSent.link) { messageModule(channelID, lastSent.link); } } funcs_.createSentFiles = (event) => { console.log(event.file) /* let filePath, fileData; try { fs_.writeFileSync(filePath+sentType, JSON.stringify(fileData)); } catch(err) { console.warn(`There has been an error saving your ${sentType} file:`, err.message); }*/ } funcs_.IsPressed_KeyWhich = (keyWhich) => { // Check pressed keys and detect when it release. It uses Which for supporting different language if(!tempVars_) { console.warn('Error with keeping temp variable!'); return false } if(tempVars_['IsPressed_'+'KeyWhich_'+keyWhich]) { return true } tempVars_['IsPressed_'+'KeyWhich_'+keyWhich] = true; let detectKeyRelease = (event) => { if(event.which != keyWhich) { return document.body.addEventListener('keyup', detectKeyRelease, { once: true }); } try { tempVars_['IsPressed_'+'KeyWhich_'+keyWhich] = false; } catch(err) { return console.warn('Error with keeping temp variable!', err); } } document.body.addEventListener('keyup', detectKeyRelease, { once: true }); return false } funcs_.DiscordMenuObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { // To find "emoji-picker-tab-panel" and "gif-picker-tab-panel" and "wrapper-OxgYJ1" (sticker panel) exist mutations.forEach((mutation) => { if(!mutation.target.parentNode) { return } if(!mutation.target.parentNode.parentNode) { return } if(!mutation.target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) { return } if(!document.querySelector(searchNames.emojisClassGUI)) { return } funcs_.addPicturesPanelButton(document.querySelector(searchNames.emojisClassGUI)); // contentWrapper }); }) return class CustomPanelForSendingPictures extends Plugin { constructor() { super(); } //-----------| Load Info |-----------// getName() { return config.info.name; } getAuthor() { return config.info.author.name; } getVersion() { return config.info.version; } getDescription() { return config.info.description; } //-----------| Default Methods |-----------// onStart() { try { if(!funcs_) { return console.warn('There is error with functions declaration'); } funcs_.loadConfiguration(); funcs_.loadSettings(); // despite the fact that the same method is called in the directory scan - the plugin has an option to turn off automatic scan, so doesn't remove this funcs_.setStyles(); console.log(config.info.name, 'loaded'); funcs_.warnsCheck(); funcs_.scanDirectory(); funcs_.DiscordMenuObserver.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true }); //DiscordModules.Dispatcher.subscribe(DiscordModules.DiscordConstants.ActionTypes.UPLOAD_COMPLETE, createSentFiles); } catch(err) { console.warn('There is error with starting plugin:', err); } } onStop() { try { funcs_.DiscordMenuObserver.disconnect(); //DiscordModules.Dispatcher.unsubscribe(DiscordModules.DiscordConstants.ActionTypes.UPLOAD_COMPLETE, createSentFiles); funcs_.setStyles('delete'); funcs_.setStyleFilter(undefined, 'delete'); document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', funcs_.RepeatLastSentFunc); funcs_ = null; console.log(config.info.name, 'stopped'); Patcher.unpatchAll(); } catch(err) { console.warn('There is error with stoping plugin:', err); } } getSettingsPanel() { const Panel = document.createElement('div'); var PanelElements = {}; function _ScaleSizeForPictures() { let inputField = PanelElements.ScaleSizeForPictures.getElement().querySelector('input'); if(!inputField || document.getElementById(elementNames.Config_scaleType)) { return } // List with width or height setting inputField.parentNode.append(funcs_.SSFPFunc.createSelect()); // List with experimental setting function createOptionCheckbox(option_name, option_param, el_name, el_label) { let specialOptionDiv = document.createElement('div'); specialOptionDiv.setAttribute('id', el_name); let isChecked = Configuration[option_name]["Value"][option_param] ? 'checked' : ''; specialOptionDiv.innerHTML = `${el_label}: `; specialOptionDiv.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', (e)=>funcs_.setConfigValue(e, option_name, document.querySelector(`#${el_name} input`).checked, option_param)); inputField.parentNode.append(specialOptionDiv); } createOptionCheckbox('ScaleSizeForPictures', 'subpanel', elementNames.Config_scaleSubpanel, labelsNames.scaleSubpanel); createOptionCheckbox('ScaleSizeForPictures', 'exp', elementNames.Config_scaleExp, labelsNames.scaleExperimental); } function fixMissingColorPicker() { // This function planned as Temporary fix and should be removed after ColorPicker starts work again let inputField = PanelElements.SectionTextColor.getElement().querySelector('input'); if(!inputField) { return } inputField.setAttribute('type', 'color'); } let detectCreation = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { // For activating all additional functions after panel creation (can be replaced if used onAdded()). God is not contributor _ScaleSizeForPictures(); fixMissingColorPicker(); // Temporary fix for ColorPicker observer.disconnect(); // Disconnect observer after panel creating }); Panel.setAttribute('class', 'form'); Panel.setAttribute('style', 'width:100%;'); const PanelSG = new Settings.SettingGroup(`${this.getName()} (${this.getVersion()}) ${labelsNames.configMenu}`, { shown:true }).appendTo(Panel) // Use Sent Links .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.UseSentLinks.Title, Configuration.UseSentLinks.Description, Configuration.UseSentLinks.Value, checked => { Configuration.UseSentLinks.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // Send Text With File .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Title, Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Description, Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Value, checked => { Configuration.SendTextWithFile.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // Only Forced Update .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Title, Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Description, Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Value, checked => { Configuration.OnlyForcedUpdate.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // sentType to srcType .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.sentType2srcType.Title, Configuration.sentType2srcType.Description, Configuration.sentType2srcType.Value, checked => { Configuration.sentType2srcType.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // Repeat Last Sent .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Title, Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Description, Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Value, checked => { Configuration.RepeatLastSent.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // Don't send local files if size more than 25 MB .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Title, Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Description, Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Value, checked => { Configuration.SizeLimitForFile.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // Auto Close Panel .append(funcs_.createSetting('Switch', Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Title, Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Description, Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Value, checked => { Configuration.AutoClosePanel.Value = !!checked; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); })) // Sending File Cooldown .append(funcs_.createSetting('Textbox', Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Title, Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Description, Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value, text => { text = Number(text); if(!Number.isInteger(text)) { Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value = Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Default; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); return } Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Value = text; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); }, { placeholder: Configuration.SendingFileCooldown.Default })) // Scale Size For Pictures .append(PanelElements.ScaleSizeForPictures = funcs_.createSetting('Textbox', Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Title, Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Description, Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value.num, text => { if(funcs_.SSFPFunc.validateNum(text, PanelElements.ScaleSizeForPictures.getElement())) { return }; // Validate and save value // Saving all settings after size change //let valueType = document.getElementById(elementNames.Config_scaleType).value; //let valueSubpanel = document.querySelector(`#${elementNames.Config_scaleSubpanel} input`).checked; //let valueExp = document.querySelector(`#${elementNames.Config_scaleExp} input`).checked; //Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Value = { type: valueType, num: Math.abs(Math.round(text)), subpanel: valueSubpanel, exp: valueExp }; //funcs_.saveConfiguration(); }, { placeholder: Configuration.ScaleSizeForPictures.Default })) // Set Link Parameters .append(funcs_.createSetting('Textbox', Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Title, Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Description, Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Value, text => { Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Value = text; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); }, { placeholder: Configuration.SetLinkParameters.Default })) // Main Folder Path .append(funcs_.createSetting('Textbox', Configuration.mainFolderPath.Title, Configuration.mainFolderPath.Description, Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value, text => { if(!text.length) { return } if(!fs_.existsSync(text)) { Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value = Configuration.mainFolderPath.Default; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); return } Configuration.mainFolderPath.Value = text; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); }, { placeholder: Configuration.mainFolderPath.Default })) // Main Folder Name Display .append(funcs_.createSetting('Textbox', Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Title, Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Description, Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Value, text => { if(!text.length) { return } Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Value = text; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); }, { placeholder: Configuration.mainFolderNameDisplay.Default })) // Section Text Color .append(PanelElements.SectionTextColor = funcs_.createSetting('ColorPicker', Configuration.SectionTextColor.Title,/*Configuration.SectionTextColor.Description*/ '', Configuration.SectionTextColor.Value, color => { // Currently Configuration.SectionTextColor.Description isn't needed Configuration.SectionTextColor.Value = color; funcs_.saveConfiguration(); funcs_.setStyles('delete'); funcs_.setStyles(); })); detectCreation.observe(PanelSG.getElement(), { childList: true, subtree: true }); // Wait for creating panel return Panel; } }; }; return plugin(Plugin, Api); })(global.ZeresPluginLibrary.buildPlugin(config)); })();