#!/bin/bash VER=1.0.15 ####################################################################### ## ## BACKUP TOOL for RSA Security Analytics 10.3 - 10.6 ## ## The script compresses configuration files of all available SA components ## into the backup directory specified in BACKUPPATH. ## Old backups are removed after "n" days specified in RETENTION_DAYS. ## ## Author : Maxim Siyazov ## URL: https://github.com/Jazzmax/rsa_sa_backup ## License: GNU General Public License v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/) ## ## Copyright (C) 2015 Maxim Siyazov ## This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ## ####################################################################### # # New in this version # 1.0.15 + Added Incident Management remote database backup # * Fixed backuponly option, minor fixes # * Let SA 10.6 backup # * check_SAVersion checks the sarelease file first # 1.0.14 * Removed an absolute path to Erlang epmd # 1.0.13 * Added ERLANG kill to the RabbitMQ backup # * Fixed SA version detection - excluded rsa-mcollective-agents # 1.0.12 * Fixed the backup folder creation # 1.0.11 + Remote backup to NFS # + Added components backup ordering. Thanks to Lee McCotter # - Removed MCollective backup as redundant (fully puppet managed service) # * Excluded feeds from Core appliance backup # * Bug fixes and stability improvements # * Fixed the backup folder creation # 1.0.10 * Excluded log files from ESA, SMS, IM backup # * Improved Puppet backup. Stopping the puppet master only on SA server. # 1.0.9 * Fixed: MongoDB is not identified # 1.0.8 * Fixed a typo in the ESA backup configuration #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # TO DO: # - Check if enough disk space to create a backup # - Encrypt backup file # - platform.db to take lobs.db/* or dump the db as per docs ####################################################################### # Configuration section BACKUP_TYPE=local # local | nfs BACKUPPATH=/root/sabackups # Local backup directory LOG=sa_backup.log # The backup log file LOG_MAX_DIM=10000000 # Max size of log file in bytes - 10MB RETENTION_DAYS=0 # Local and NFS backups retention in days (0 - no cleanup) # System files SYS_ENABLED=true # SA server / Jetty server SASERVER_ENABLED=true # Reporting engine RE_ENABLED=true RE_FULLBACKUP=1 # 0 - backup only RE configuration; # 1 - full RE backup # Puppet PUPPET_ENABLED=true # RabbitMQ server RABBITMQ_ENABLED=true # Core Appliance Services CORE_ENABLED=true # MongoDB MONGODB_ENABLED=true # Malware Analysis MALWARE_ENABLED=true # ESA ESA_ENABLED=true # Incident Management IM_ENABLED=true # Incident Management database IMDB_ENABLED=true IM_MONGO_PASS="im" # Password for the MongoDB IM database . # Host, db name, and db user will be gathered from the SA IM configuration file # Log collector database LC_ENABLED=true # Warehouse Connector database WHC_ENABLED=true # PostgreSQL DB PGSQL_ENABLED=true # SMS SMS_ENABLED=true # Additional/custom folders and files to backup CUSTOM_ENABLED=true CUSTOM="" # Exclude list for the custom backup CUSTOM_EXCLUDE="" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remote NFS NFSMOUNT="" # local mount point. No backslash at the end of this. e.g. "/mount-point" NFSDIR="" # NFS exported directory. No backslash at the end of this. e.g. "nfsservername:/backups/SA/COREs" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remote NAS - NOT IMPLEMENTED #SSH_HOST= #SSH_USERNAME=backup #REMOTE_DIR=/home/backup/ss_backups #SSH_IDENTITY_FILENAME=/root/ # Nothing to change below this line #====================================================================== HOST="$(hostname)" timestamp=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M) SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$(test -L "$0" && readlink "$0" || echo "$0")")" BACKUP="" SYSLOG_PRIORITY=local0.alert TARVERBOSE="" PID_FILE=/var/run/sa_backup.pid # Colouring output COL_BLUE="\x1b[34;01m" COL_GREEN="\x1b[32;01m" COL_RED="\x1b[31;01m" COL_YELLOW="\x1b[33;01m" COL_CYAN="\x1b[36;01m" COL_RESET="\x1b[39;49;00m" COREAPP=/etc/netwitness/ng NWLOGS=/var/log/netwitness REPORTING=/home/rsasoc/rsa/soc/reporting-engine SASERVER1=/var/lib/netwitness/uax JETTYSRV=/opt/rsa/jetty9/etc PUPPET1=/var/lib/puppet PUPPET2=/etc/puppet MCO=/etc/mcollective RSAMALWARE=/var/lib/netwitness/rsamalware ESASERVER1=/opt/rsa/esa IM=/opt/rsa/im RSASMS=/opt/rsa/sms LOGCOL=/var/netwitness/logcollector RABBITMQ=/var/lib/rabbitmq # on log collector symlink to /var/netwitness/logcollector/rabbitmq WHC=/var/netwitness/warehouseconnector POSTGRESQL=/var/lib/pgsql TESTMODE=0 # Test mode BACKUPONLY="" declare -A COMPONENT declare -a ARGS # Markers are used to detect the components declare -A COMPONENT_MARKER=( \ [SYS]="/etc" [CUSTOM]="/tmp/sa_backup_custom" [PUPPET]="/var/lib/puppet" [RABBITMQ]="/var/lib/rabbitmq" \ [CORE]="/etc/netwitness/ng" [MONGODB]="/etc/init.d/tokumx" [SASERVER]="/var/lib/netwitness/uax" \ [RE]="/home/rsasoc/rsa/soc/reporting-engine" [MALWARE]="/var/lib/netwitness/rsamalware" \ [ESA]="/opt/rsa/esa" [IM]="/opt/rsa/im" [LC]="/var/netwitness/logcollector" \ [WHC]="/var/netwitness/warehouseconnector" [PGSQL]="/var/lib/pgsql" [SMS]="/opt/rsa/sms" \ [IMDB]="/opt/rsa/im/conf/mongoDbConfig.json" ) # Backup function names declare -A COMPONENT_BK_FUNCT=( \ [SYS]="backup_etc" [CUSTOM]="backup_Custom" [PUPPET]="backup_Puppet" [RABBITMQ]="backup_RabbitMQ" \ [CORE]="backup_CoreAppliance" [MONGODB]="backup_Mongo" [SASERVER]="backup_Jetty" \ [RE]="backup_RE" [MALWARE]="backup_Malware" \ [ESA]="backup_ESA" [IM]="backup_IM" [LC]="backup_LC" \ [WHC]="backup_WHC" [PGSQL]="backup_PostgreSQL" [SMS]="backup_SMS" [IMDB]="backup_IM_DB") # Components descriptions declare -A COMPONENT_DESC=( \ [SYS]="OS configuration files" [CUSTOM]="Custom files" [PUPPET]="Puppet master/agent" [RABBITMQ]="RabbitMQ server" \ [CORE]="Core Appliance Services" [MONGODB]="MongoDB dump" [SASERVER]="SA web server" \ [RE]="Reporting Engine" [MALWARE]="Malware Analysis" \ [ESA]="Event Stream Analysis" [IM]="Incident Management configuration" [LC]="Log Collector database" \ [WHC]="Warehouse Connector database" [PGSQL]="PostgreSQL database" [SMS]="System Management Server" [IMDB]="Incident Management database") # Backup order declare -a SERVICE_BK_ORDER=( RABBITMQ RE SMS ESA IM MALWARE PGSQL LC SASERVER MONGODB IMDB WHC PUPPET CORE SYS CUSTOM ) CONFIGFILE="" #################################################################### # Syslog a message #################################################################### function syslogMessage() { MESSAGE=$1 logger -p $SYSLOG_PRIORITY "$HOST: $MESSAGE" } #################################################################### # Write to a log file and to stdout function writeLog() { echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') | $$ | $1" >> $LOG echo -e "$1" } #################################################################### # If the supplied return value indicates an error, exit immediately #################################################################### function exitOnError() { local RETVAL=$1 if [ $RETVAL != 0 ]; then syslogMessage "SA Appliance Backup Failed [$RETVAL] - Log File: $LOG" writeLog ${COL_RED}"$2"${COL_RESET} exit 1 # $RETVAL fi } #################################################################### # If the supplied return value indicates an error, syslog a message but not exit #################################################################### function syslogOnError() { local RETVAL=$1 if [ $RETVAL != 0 ]; then syslogMessage "$2" echo -e "${COL_RED}$2 - exit code: [$RETVAL] - Log File: $LOG${COL_RESET}" >&2 return $RETVAL fi } #################################################################### # Check is run as root #################################################################### function check_root(){ if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then writeLog "ERROR: This script must be run as root!" exitOnError 1 "ERROR: This script must be run as root!" fi } #################################################################### ## Cleanup the Backup Staging Area #################################################################### function do_Cleanup { local _CLEANUP_PATH=${BACKUPPATH} if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then _CLEANUP_PATH=$1 fi if [[ $TESTMODE -eq 0 ]]; then writeLog "Cleaning up ${_CLEANUP_PATH}." if [[ ${RETENTION_DAYS} -ne 0 ]]; then find "${_CLEANUP_PATH}" -maxdepth 1 -name "${HOST}-*" -mtime +${RETENTION_DAYS} -exec rm -Rvf {} \; 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG; fi fi rm -rf $PID_FILE ${COMPONENT_MARKER[CUSTOM]} } trap do_Cleanup HUP INT QUIT TERM #################################################################### # Check if another instance is running #################################################################### function check_isRun() { if [ -f $PID_FILE ]; then OLD_PID=$(cat $PID_FILE) DRES=$( ps auxwww | grep $OLD_PID | grep "$1" | grep -v grep | wc -l) if [[ "$DRES" = "1" ]]; then exitOnError 1 "ERROR: Exit because process sa_backup.sh is already running with pid $OLD_PID" else writeLog "INFO: Clean pid file because related to a dead process" fi fi echo $$ > $PID_FILE } #################################################################### # Rotate log file based on dimension #################################################################### function rotate_Logs() { if [ -f $LOG ]; then DIM=$(ls -la $LOG|awk '{print $5}') if [ $DIM -gt $LOG_MAX_DIM ]; then writeLog "INFO: Rotating log because of max size - $LOG is $DIM byte" mv $LOG $LOG.old fi fi } #################################################################### # Check if the SA version is 10.3 or higher (based on Josh Newton's sa_diag) #################################################################### function check_SAVersion() { if [ -f '/etc/yum/vars/sarelease' ]; then SA_RELEASE_VER=$(cat /etc/yum/vars/sarelease) else SA_APP_VER_TEMP=`mktemp` # Get the (apparent) installed SA version SA_APP_TYPE_TEMP=$(rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' | grep -E '^(nw|jetty|rsa-[a-z,A-Z]*|rsa[m,M]|re-server)' | grep -Ev 'rsa-sa-gpg-pubkeys|rsa-mcollective-agents') for SA_PKG_NAME in ${SA_APP_TYPE_TEMP} ; do rpm -q "${SA_PKG_NAME}" --qf '%{VERSION}\n' 2> /dev/null >> "${SA_APP_VER_TEMP}" done SA_RELEASE_VER=$(cat ${SA_APP_VER_TEMP} | grep '^10\.' | sort -Vr | head -n 1) rm -f "${SA_APP_VER_TEMP}" # Sanity check to make sure version string looks like a version number if [ -z "${SA_RELEASE_VER}" ] ; then exitOnError 1 "Could not determine appliance type from installed packages. Is this a Security Analytics\nappliance? This tool does not function on NetWitness appliances.\nPlease examine your installed packages.\n" fi fi OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' SA_VER_ARRAY=($SA_RELEASE_VER) IFS=$OIFS SAMAJOR=${SA_VER_ARRAY[0]} SAMINOR=${SA_VER_ARRAY[1]} BUILDTYPE=${SA_VER_ARRAY[2]} RELEASENUM=${SA_VER_ARRAY[3]} writeLog "Found RSA Security Analytics $SAMAJOR.$SAMINOR.$BUILDTYPE" if [[ $SAMAJOR != 10 || !( $SAMINOR =~ ^3|4|5|6$ ) ]]; then writeLog "SA Backup script can only work on SA version 10.3 - 10.6" exitOnError 1 "SA Backup script can only work on SA version 10.3 - 10.6" fi } #################################################################### # Returns original service's status # ARGUMENTS: # 1 - Service name # 2 - Service type (upstart|init) # 3 - Return variable (stop|start) # Returns 1 - service started; 0 - stopped #################################################################### function check_ServiceStatus() { local _SERVICE=$1 local _SERVICE_TYPE=$2 local _RESULTVAR=$3 local _RETURNVAL=0 local __RESTART="" [[ "$_SERVICE_TYPE" = "init" ]] && _RETURNVAL=$(service ${_SERVICE} status | grep -E "is running|running_applications" | wc -l); [[ "$_SERVICE_TYPE" = "upstart" ]] && _RETURNVAL=$(status ${_SERVICE} | grep "start/running" | wc -l); if [ $_RETURNVAL -eq 1 ]; then writeLog "${_SERVICE} is running" __RESTART="start" else writeLog "${_SERVICE} is not running" __RESTART="status" fi eval $_RESULTVAR="'$__RESTART'" return $_RETURNVAL } #################################################################### # Check if array contains the element function containsElement () { local e for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } #################################################################### # Determine components present on the box #################################################################### function what_to_backup() { local i local q if [[ -n "$CUSTOM" && "${CUSTOM_ENABLED}" = true ]]; then mkdir -p ${COMPONENT_MARKER[CUSTOM]} fi writeLog "The components to back up:" for service in "${SERVICE_BK_ORDER[@]}"; do q=$service"_ENABLED" # If service exists in COMPONENT_MARKER & COMPONENT_DESC if [[ ${COMPONENT_MARKER[$service]+_} && ${COMPONENT_DESC[$service]+_} ]]; then if [[ -e ${COMPONENT_MARKER[$service]} ]]; then echo -n "- ${COMPONENT_DESC[$service]} " 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG if [ "${!q}" = true ]; then COMPONENT+=([$service]="${COMPONENT_BK_FUNCT[$service]}") echo 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG else echo -e ${COL_YELLOW}"Disabled"${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi fi fi done if [ -n "$BACKUPONLY" ]; then if $(containsElement "$BACKUPONLY" "${SERVICE_BK_ORDER[@]}") ; then COMPONENT=([$BACKUPONLY]="${COMPONENT_BK_FUNCT[$BACKUPONLY]}") echo -e ${COL_YELLOW}"!!ATTENTION!! --backuponly option is enabled. Will backup the ${COMPONENT_DESC[$BACKUPONLY]} only. Other components will be ignored."${COL_RESET} else exitOnError 1 "ERROR: invalid component ${BACKUPONLY}." fi fi } #################################################################### ## CORE APPLIANCE SERVICES CONFIGURATION: # Log Decoder, Archiver, Decoder, Concentrator, Broker, Log Collector, IPDBExtrator # COREAPP=/etc/netwitness/ #################################################################### function backup_CoreAppliance() { writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Core appliance ${COREAPP}" writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc-netwitness.$timestamp.tar.gz ${COREAPP}" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc-netwitness.$timestamp.tar.gz ${COREAPP} --exclude=${COREAPP}/Geo*.dat --exclude=${COREAPP}/envision/etc/devices --exclude=${COREAPP}/logcollection/content --exclude=${COREAPP}/feeds 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive Core appliance configuration files ${COREAPP}." } #################################################################### # REPORTING ENGINE # REPORTING=/home/rsasoc/rsa/soc/reporting-engine #################################################################### function backup_RE { writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Reporting Engine ${REPORTING}" local EXCL_FILES='' local _RESTART #Backup only last 2 DB archives. Creating an exclude parameter for old DB archives files for i in $(ls -1tr ${REPORTING}/archives | head -n -2) do EXCL_FILES+=" --exclude=${REPORTING}/archives/${i}" done check_ServiceStatus rsasoc_re upstart _RESTART || stop rsasoc_re 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG if [ "$RE_FULLBACKUP" -eq 0 ]; then writeLog "Backing up Reporting Engine configuration files..." writeLog "tar --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-home-rsasoc-rsa-soc-reporting-engine.$timestamp.tar.gz ${REPORTING}" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-home-rsasoc-rsa-soc-reporting-engine.$timestamp.tar.gz ${REPORTING} \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/formattedReports \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/resultstore \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/livecharts \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/statusdb \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/subreports \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/temp/* \ --exclude=${REPORTING}/logs \ ${EXCL_FILES} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive Reporting engine conf files ${REPORTING}." else writeLog "Full Reporting Engine backup enabled." writeLog "tar --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-home-rsasoc-rsa-soc-reporting-engine.$timestamp.tar.gz ${REPORTING}" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-home-rsasoc-rsa-soc-reporting-engine.$timestamp.tar.gz ${REPORTING} --exclude=${REPORTING}/temp/* 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive Reporting engine files ${REPORTING}." fi; $_RESTART rsasoc_re 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################### ## SA SERVER and JETTY # SASERVER1=/var/lib/netwitness/uax # JETTYSRV=/opt/rsa/jetty9/etc #################################################### function backup_Jetty() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of SA server: ${SASERVER1}, ${JETTYSRV} and carlos keystore" check_ServiceStatus jettysrv upstart _RESTART || stop jettysrv 2>&1 && sleep 5 | tee -a $LOG local EXCL_FILES="" #Backup only last 2 H2 DB archives. Creating an exclude parameter for old H2 DB archives files for i in $(ls -1tr ${SASERVER1}/db/*.zip | head -n -2) do EXCL_FILES+=" --exclude=${i}" done writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-netwitness-uax.$timestamp.tar.gz ${SASERVER1} ${JETTYSRV}/keystore ${JETTYSRV}/jetty-ssl.xml /opt/rsa/carlos/keystore" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-netwitness-uax.$timestamp.tar.gz ${SASERVER1} \ ${JETTYSRV}/keystore ${JETTYSRV}/jetty-ssl.xml \ /opt/rsa/carlos/keystore \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/temp \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/trustedStorage \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/cache \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/yum \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/logs/*_index \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/content \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/lib \ --exclude=${SASERVER1}/scheduler \ ${EXCL_FILES} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive SA server conf files" $_RESTART jettysrv 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################### ## MONGODB INSTANCE #################################################### function backup_Mongo() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of MongoDB." # MongoDB must be running. check_ServiceStatus tokumx init _RESTART && service tokumx start 2>&1 && sleep 10 | tee -a $LOG # Lazy solution. If ESA server then temporarily disable auth to dump entire instance. if [ -d /opt/rsa/esa ]; then sed -i "s/\(auth *= *\).*/\1false/" /etc/tokumx.conf service tokumx restart 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG sleep 10 fi #Force file synchronization and lock writes #writeLog "Force file synchronization and lock writes" #mongo admin --eval "printjson(db.fsyncLock())" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "mongodump --out ${BACKUP}/$HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp" mongodump --out ${BACKUP}/$HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to dump the Mongo DB." #Unlock database writes #writeLog "Unlocking database writes" #mongo admin --eval "printjson(db.fsyncUnlock())" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG if [ -d /opt/rsa/esa ]; then sed -i "s/\(auth *= *\).*/\1true/" /etc/tokumx.conf service tokumx restart 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi service tokumx $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "tar -C ${BACKUP} --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp.tar.gz $HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp" tar -C ${BACKUP} --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp.tar.gz $HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive MongoDB dump." rm -Rf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-mongodb-dump.$timestamp } #################################################################### ## ESA # ESASERVER1=/opt/rsa/esa #################################################################### function backup_ESA() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of ESA server: ${ESASERVER1}" check_ServiceStatus rsa-esa init _RESTART || service rsa-esa stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-opt-rsa-esa.$timestamp.tar.gz $ESASERVER1 --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/lib --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/bin --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/geoip --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/db --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/temp --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/client" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-opt-rsa-esa.$timestamp.tar.gz $ESASERVER1 \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/log \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/lib \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/bin \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/geoip \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/db \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/temp/* \ --exclude=${ESASERVER1}/client 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive ESA files ${ESASERVER1}." service rsa-esa $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## Incident Management # IM=/opt/rsa/im #################################################################### function backup_IM() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Incident Management configuration: ${IM}" check_ServiceStatus rsa-im init _RESTART || service rsa-im stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-opt-rsa-im.$timestamp.tar.gz ${IM} --exclude=${IM}/log/* --exclude=${IM}/lib --exclude=${IM}/bin --exclude=${IM}/scripts --exclude=${IM}/db" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-opt-rsa-im.$timestamp.tar.gz ${IM} \ --exclude=${IM}/log \ --exclude=${IM}/lib \ --exclude=${IM}/bin \ --exclude=${IM}/scripts \ --exclude=${IM}/db 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive RSA IM files ${IM}." service rsa-im $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## Incident Management Database #################################################################### function backup_IM_DB() { local collections local coll writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Incident Management database" [[ -z "${IM_MONGO_PASS}" || ${IMDB_ENABLED} = false ]] && writeLog "Skipping IMDB. IM_MONGO_PASS is not configured." && return 1 # Get the database from the SA IM configuration file IM_MONGO_HOST=$(cat /opt/rsa/im/conf/mongoDbConfig.json | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['dictionary']['entry'][1]['value']['string']") IM_MONGO_DB=$(cat /opt/rsa/im/conf/mongoDbConfig.json | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['dictionary']['entry'][2]['value']['string']") IM_MONGO_USER=$(cat /opt/rsa/im/conf/mongoDbConfig.json | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['dictionary']['entry'][3]['value']['string']") writeLog "Getting collections list from IM database: ${IM_MONGO_HOST}:27017/${IM_MONGO_DB}" collections=$(echo "show collections" | mongo ${IM_MONGO_HOST}:27017/${IM_MONGO_DB} -u ${IM_MONGO_USER} -p ${IM_MONGO_PASS} --quiet | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -vE "system.indexes|system.users") if [[ -z ${collections} ]]; then syslogMessage 1 "Could determine the IM database collections. Incident Management data will not be backed up" else mkdir -p ${BACKUP}/${IM_MONGO_HOST}-IMDB.$timestamp for coll in $collections do writeLog "Exporting collection ${coll}" mongodump --host ${IM_MONGO_HOST} --port 27017 --db ${IM_MONGO_DB} --collection $coll --username ${IM_MONGO_USER} --password ${IM_MONGO_PASS} -o - | gzip > ${BACKUP}/${IM_MONGO_HOST}-IMDB.$timestamp/im_$coll.bson.gz | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to export IM database" done fi } #################################################################### ## RSA SMS # RSASMS=/opt/rsa/sms #################################################################### function backup_SMS() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of SMS: ${RSASMS}" check_ServiceStatus rsa-sms init _RESTART || service rsa-sms stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-opt-rsa-sms.$timestamp.tar.gz ${RSASMS} --exclude=${RSASMS}/lib --exclude=${RSASMS}/bin --exclude=${RSASMS}/scripts --exclude=${RSASMS}/db" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-opt-rsa-sms.$timestamp.tar.gz ${RSASMS} \ --exclude=${RSASMS}/log \ --exclude=${RSASMS}/lib \ --exclude=${RSASMS}/bin \ --exclude=${RSASMS}/scripts 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive RSA SMS files ${RSASMS}." service rsa-sms $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## RSAMALWARE # RSAMALWARE=/var/lib/netwitness/rsamalware #################################################################### function backup_Malware() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Malware Analysis: ${RSAMALWARE}" check_ServiceStatus rsaMalwareDevice upstart _RESTART || stop rsaMalwareDevice 2>&1 && sleep 5 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-netwitness-rsamalware.$timestamp.tar.gz $RSAMALWARE" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-netwitness-rsamalware.$timestamp.tar.gz $RSAMALWARE \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/jetty/javadoc \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/jetty/lib \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/jetty/logs \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/jetty/webapps \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/jetty/bin \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/lib \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/yara \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/logs \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/cache \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/temp \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/lib \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/repository \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/infectedZipWatch \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/spectrum/index \ --exclude=${RSAMALWARE}/saw 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive the RSA Malware files ${RSAMALWARE}." $_RESTART rsaMalwareDevice 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## LOG COLLECTOR # LOGCOL=/var/netwitness/logcollector #################################################################### function backup_LC() { writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Log Collector: ${LOGCOL}" check_ServiceStatus nwlogcollector upstart _RESTART || stop nwlogcollector 2>&1 && sleep 5 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "This may take long time. Please be patient..." writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-netwitness-logcollector.$timestamp.tar.gz $LOGCOL" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-netwitness-logcollector.$timestamp.tar.gz $LOGCOL --exclude=$LOGCOL/metadb/core.* 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive the Log Collector files ${LOGCOL}." $_RESTART nwlogcollector 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## WAREHOUSE CONNECTOR # WHC=/var/netwitness/warehouseconnector #################################################################### function backup_WHC() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Warehouse Connector: ${WHC}" check_ServiceStatus nwwarehouseconnector upstart _RESTART || stop nwwarehouseconnector 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-netwitness-warehouseconnector.$timestamp.tar.gz $WHC" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-netwitness-warehouseconnector.$timestamp.tar.gz $WHC --exclude=$WHC/core.* 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive the Warehouse connector files ${WHC}." $_RESTART nwwarehouseconnector 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## Operating System configuration files in /etc # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* # /etc/sysconfig/network # /etc/hosts # /etc/resolv.conf # /etc/ntp.conf # /etc/fstab - renamed to fstab.$hostname to prevent overwriting the original fstab on restore # /etc/krb5.conf #################################################################### function backup_etc() { writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of OS files /etc" for file in $(ls -1tr /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*[0-9]) do cp -uf ${file} "${file}.sa_backup" sed -e '/^HWADDR=/ s/^#*/#/' -i "${file}.sa_backup" done writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc.$timestamp.tar.gz /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*[0-9] /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf /etc/ntp.conf /etc/fstab /etc/krb5.conf" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE --transform s/.sa_backup// --transform s/fstab/fstab.${HOST}/ -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc.$timestamp.tar.gz /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*[0-9].sa_backup /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf /etc/ntp.conf /etc/fstab /etc/krb5.conf 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive system configuration files." writeLog "/etc/fstab was renamed to /etc/fstab.$HOST to prevent overwriting the original /etc/fstab on restore." rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*[0-9].sa_backup } #################################################################### ## MCOLLECTIVE # MCO=/etc/mcollective #################################################################### function backup_MCO() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of mcollective" check_ServiceStatus mcollective init _RESTART || service mcollective stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG #writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc-mcollective.$timestamp.tar.gz ${MCO}/ssl ${MCO}/client.cfg ${MCO}/server.cfg" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc-mcollective.$timestamp.tar.gz ${MCO}/client.cfg ${MCO}/server.cfg ${MCO}/ssl 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "Failed to archive the mcollective conf files ${MCO}." service mcollective $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## PUPPET + MCOLLECTIVE # PUPPET1=/var/lib/puppet # PUPPET2=/etc/puppet #################################################################### function backup_Puppet() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of Puppet (agent/master)" if [ -f /etc/init.d/puppetmaster ]; then check_ServiceStatus puppetmaster init _RESTART || service puppetmaster stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-puppet-etc.$timestamp.tar.gz ${PUPPET1}/ssl ${PUPPET1}/node_id ${PUPPET2}/puppet.conf ${PUPPET2}/csr_attributes.yaml" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-puppet-etc.$timestamp.tar.gz ${PUPPET1} ${PUPPET1}/node_id ${PUPPET2} --exclude=${PUPPET1}/lib --exclude=${PUPPET1}/bucket --exclude=${PUPPET1}/reports 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "Failed to archive the Puppet conf files." if [ -f /etc/init.d/puppetmaster ]; then service puppetmaster $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi # backup mcollective # backup_MCO } #################################################################### ## RABBITMQ # RABBITMQ=/var/lib/rabbitmq #################################################################### function backup_RabbitMQ() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of RabbitMQ DB: ${RABBITMQ}" check_ServiceStatus rabbitmq-server init _RESTART || service rabbitmq-server stop 2>&1 && sleep 10 | tee -a $LOG sleep 3 /usr/lib64/erlang/bin/epmd -kill writeLog "tar -czvf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-rabbitmq.$timestamp.tar.gz ${RABBITMQ}" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-rabbitmq.$timestamp.tar.gz ${RABBITMQ} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "Failed to archive the RabbitMQ files ${RABBITMQ}." # Backup the RabbitMQ configuration for 10.3 if [[ ! -h /etc/netwitness/ng/rabbitmq && $SAMINOR -eq 3 ]]; then writeLog "Backup of RabbitMQ Configuration - /etc/rabbitmq" tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-etc-rabbitmq.$timestamp.tar.gz /etc/rabbitmq 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi service rabbitmq-server $_RESTART 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## POSTGRESQL=/var/lib/pgsql #################################################################### function backup_PostgreSQL() { local _RESTART writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup of PostgreSQL" # in case it is upgraded making an afford to find any version of Postgres PGDATA=$(find /etc/init.d/ -name postgresql* -exec cat {} \; | grep -m 1 "PGDATA=" | sed 's/^PGDATA=//') if [[ -z ${PGDATA} ]]; then syslogMessage 1 "Could determine the data directory. PestgreSQL will not be backed up" return 1 fi if [[ $(find /etc/init.d/ -name postgresql* -exec {} status \; | grep -E "is running|running_applications" | wc -l) -eq 1 ]]; then _RESTART="start" find /etc/init.d/ -name postgresql* -exec {} stop \; 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG else _RESTART="stop" fi tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-var-lib-pgsql.$timestamp.tar.gz ${PGDATA} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "SA backup failed to archive PostgreSQL database ${PGDATA}." find /etc/init.d/ -name postgresql* -exec {} $_RESTART \; 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } #################################################################### ## Backup user custom files/folders #################################################################### function backup_Custom(){ local _EXCL_FILES="" writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Backup Custom files: ${CUSTOM}" #Creating an exclude parameter for i in ${CUSTOM_EXCLUDE} do _EXCL_FILES+=" --exclude=${i}" done echo ${CUSTOM} ${_EXCL_FILES} writeLog "tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-custom-files.$timestamp.tar.gz ${CUSTOM} " tar -C / --atime-preserve --recursion --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cphzf ${BACKUP}/$HOST-custom-files.$timestamp.tar.gz ${CUSTOM} ${_EXCL_FILES} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG syslogOnError ${PIPESTATUS[0]} "Failed to archive the custom files." } # create a single tarball function create_tarball(){ local _RPATH=$1 local _RETURNVAL writeLog "===================================================================" writeLog "Creating tarball ${HOST}-${timestamp}.tar" tar -C ${BACKUPPATH} --totals --checkpoint=. $TARVERBOSE -cvf ${_RPATH}/${HOST}-${timestamp}.tar ${HOST}-${timestamp} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG _RETURNVAL=${PIPESTATUS[0]} syslogOnError ${_RETURNVAL} "SA backup failed to tarball the backup files to ${_RPATH}" if [ ${_RETURNVAL} = 0 ]; then writeLog "The backup archive ${_RPATH}/${HOST}-${timestamp}.tar is created" writeLog "" rm -fR ${BACKUP} fi return ${_RETURNVAL} } function copy_RemoteSCP() { writeLog "Copying Backup To Remote Location: [START] " SSH_HOST=$1 SSH_USERNAME=$2 REMOTE_DIR=$3 if [[ ! -z $4 ]]; then SSH_IDENTITY_FILENAME="-i $4" fi SOURCE_FILENAME="${BACKUPPATH}/${HOST}-${timestamp}.tar" scp -B $SSH_IDENTITY_FILENAME $SOURCE_FILENAME $SSH_USERNAME@$SSH_HOST:$REMOTE_DIR 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG exitOnError $? "error" writeLog "Copying Backup To Remote Location: [DONE] " } function check_MountPoint() { # This function check if the given argument exists AND is a directory local _mount_point="${1}" if [[ ! -d ${_mount_point} ]] ; then echo -e ${COL_RED} "ERROR: Mount point does not exist (${_mount_point})" ${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG return 1 fi } function check_isMounted() { # This function checks if the given argument is already mounted local _mount_point="${1}" if mount | grep ${_mount_point} &>/dev/null ; then writeLog "Info : ${_mount_point} is already mounted" && return 1 fi } function mount_NFS () { # This function mount each given arguments (must be given as $1=exported_dir $2=mount_point) local _exported_dir="${1}" local _mount_point="${2}" # check if the required mount point exists if check_MountPoint ${_mount_point} ; then # if mount point exists if ! check_isMounted ${_mount_point} ; then # if it is already mounted return 0 else if mount -o nolock -t nfs ${_exported_dir} ${_mount_point} &>/dev/null ; then writeLog "${_exported_dir} is now mounted on ${_mount_point}" else echo -e ${COL_RED} "ERROR: ${_exported_dir} could not be mounted on ${_mount_point}"${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG return 1 fi fi else return 1 fi } function unmount_NFS () { local _mount_point="${1}" if umount ${_mount_point} &>/dev/null ; then writeLog "${_mount_point} has been unmounted." else echo -e ${COL_RED} "ERROR: {_mount_point} could not be unmounted."${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG return 1 fi } function check_Remote() { local _REMOTE_TYPE="$1" if [[ "${_REMOTE_TYPE}" = "nfs" ]]; then writeLog "Selected the remote backup to NFS." if [[ ! -z ${NFSDIR} && ! -z ${NFSMOUNT} ]]; then if ! mount_NFS ${NFSDIR} ${NFSMOUNT} ; then echo -e ${COL_YELLOW} "Unable to mount NFS. Switching to the local backup."${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG BACKUP_TYPE=local return 1 fi else echo -e ${COL_YELLOW}"WARN: NFSDIR and NFSMOUNT not set. Switching to a local backup."${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG BACKUP_TYPE=local return 1 fi fi return 0 } function do_Remote() { if [[ "${BACKUP_TYPE}" = "local" ]] ; then return 1 fi if [[ $TESTMODE -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "${BACKUP_TYPE}" = "nfs" ]] ; then writeLog "Copying the backup to the remote NFS ${NFSDIR} as a single TAR file." create_tarball ${NFSMOUNT} || return 1 do_Cleanup ${NFSMOUNT} unmount_NFS ${NFSMOUNT} fi else unmount_NFS ${NFSMOUNT} fi } function do_Backup() { if [[ $TESTMODE -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $SAMINOR -ge 4 ]]; then service puppet stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG service collectd stop 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi BACKUP="${BACKUPPATH}/${HOST}-${timestamp}" mkdir -p ${BACKUP} writeLog "The backup will be saved in ${BACKUP}" for i in "${SERVICE_BK_ORDER[@]}"; do if [[ ${COMPONENT[$i]+_} ]]; then ${COMPONENT[$i]} fi done if [[ $SAMINOR -ge 4 ]]; then service collectd start 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG service puppet start 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi else # Test mode echo -e ${COL_YELLOW}"Test mode: Nothing will be backed up. Exiting."${COL_RESET} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG fi } ######################### # The command line help # ######################### function display_help() { echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION...]" echo "BACKUP TOOL for RSA Security Analytics 10.3 - 10.6 - version ${VER}" echo "sa_backup takes a backup of configurations of Security Analytics components available on the appliance." echo echo "Please modify the configuration section in the script or use an external configuration file." echo echo "Examples:" echo " sa_backup --config=backup.conf --verbose " echo echo " sa_backup --backuponly=CORE " echo echo "Main operation mode:" echo echo "-c, --config=CONFIG_FILE config file" echo "-b, --backuponly=COMPONENTS backup only specified components: " echo " CORE - Core services" echo " SYS - OS configuration" echo " PUPPET - puppet master/agent configuration" echo " RABBITMQ - rabbitmq configuration" echo " MONGO - MongoDB/tokumx dump" echo " JETTY - SA application server settings" echo " RE - Reporting Engine " echo " MALWARE - Malware Analysis configuration" echo " ESA - Event Stream Analysis configuration" echo " IM - Incidint Management configuration" echo " IMDB - Incidint Management DB" echo " SMS - System Management System " echo " LC - Log collector " echo " WHC - Warehouse connector" echo " PGQSL - PostgreSQL database" echo " CUSTOM - Custom files" #echo "-q, --quite quite mode" #echo "-i, --interactive interactive mode" echo "-t, --test test mode; no backup performed" echo "-v, --verbose tar verbose switch" echo "-?, -h, --help give this help list" echo } function get_Args() { local i for i in "${ARGS[@]}" do case $i in -c=*|--config=*) CONFIGFILE="${i#*=}" if [ -n "$CONFIGFILE" ]; then writeLog "Using the configuration file $CONFIGFILE" . "$CONFIGFILE" else exitOnError 1 'ERROR: "-c|--config" requires a non-empty option argument.' fi ;; -b=*|--backuponly=*) BACKUPONLY="${i#*=}" if [ -n "$BACKUPONLY" ]; then writeLog "Backing up only ${COMPONENT_DESC[$BACKUPONLY]}" else exitOnError 1 'ERROR: "-b|--backuponly" requires a non-empty option argument.' fi ;; -q|--quite) QUITE=1 writeLog "Quite mode is enabled" ;; -v|--verbose) TARVERBOSE="-v" writeLog "TAR verbose mode is enabled" ;; -i|--interactive) INTERACTIVE=1 writeLog "Interactive mode is enabled" ;; -t|--test) TESTMODE=1 writeLog "Test mode is enabled" ;; -h|-\?|\?|--help) display_help exit 1 ;; *) writeLog 'ERROR: "Unknown option' display_help exit 1 ;; esac done } function main(){ echo -e ${COL_BLUE}"BACKUP TOOL version ${VER} for RSA Security Analytics 10.3 - 10.6"${COL_RESET} get_Args writeLog "STARTING $HOST BACKUP" writeLog "Backup path: ${BACKUPPATH}" check_root check_isRun $SCRIPT_NAME check_SAVersion check_Remote ${BACKUP_TYPE} rotate_Logs what_to_backup do_Backup #create_tarball #copy_RemoteSCP do_Remote do_Cleanup writeLog "END $HOST BACKUP" } if [ x"${0}" != x"-bash" ]; then ARGS=("$@") main exit 0 fi