<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="auto">
            var INDEXLANGUAGE = 0;
            var SEPARATION = 700;
            var FIX = 500;
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title class="skiptranslate">Babelin Speech 1.1 / Speech Recording with Web Speech API</title>
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    <body onkeydown="keyEvent(event)" onpaste="pasteURLVideo(event)">
        <div class="skiptranslate">
            <div id="idHelp" class="divHelp" title="" onclick="idFrame.src=vyt;idModal.style.display = 'block'">?</div>
        <div class="divTop">
            <div class="divControlSpeech skiptranslate" id="idControlsUP">
                <div id="idGroup1">
                    <input type="file" id="idFileVideo" name="File Video" accept="video/*,.mkv,audio/*" class="visually-hidden">
                    <label for="idFileVideo" id="idLabelVideo" title="You can drag and drop the video on this page or select the video file.">Load Video</label>
                    <select id="idSelectLanguage" onchange="updateCountry()" title="Select the language of the video. You can set the default language that is loaded by modifying line 5 of this file"></select>
                    &nbsp;&nbsp;<select id="idSelectDialect"></select>
                <div id="idGroup2">
                    <button id="idButtonRecognition" type="button" onclick="startStopRecognition()" title="Start/stop video recognition speech. Ctrl + Q"/>Start Recognition</button>
                    <div class="inputGroup" title="CPS (characters per second). Used to make corrections to start times as well as table colors. For English 10-14 CPS, Spanish 10-15 CPS, Japanese/Chinese/Korean 4-6 CPS , 10 CPS Belgium, 16 Finland">
                        <label>CPS: </label>
                        <input type="number" id="idCPS" value=10 min="1" max="20">
                    <div class="inputGroup">
                        <select id="idFilter" name="filter">
                            <option value="0">All</option>
                            <option value="1">Only separations</option>
                            <option value="2" selected>Only Groups</option>
                    <div id="idGSeparation"  style="display:none" class="inputGroup" title="If the silence between sentences exceeds this time, a new line is created for the subtitle">
                        <label>Separation (ms): </label>
                        <input type="number" id="idDistanceSentences" value=0 min="0" max="3000">
                    <div class="inputGroup" title="Fix delay Recognition in milliseconds (0-2000). There is a time delay between when you start speaking and the time the program recognizes the word. Here you can make the correction of the times of the generated subtitles.">
                        <label>Fix(ms): </label>
                        <input type="number" id="idDelayRecognition" value=0 min="0" max="2000">
            <div class="divVideo skiptranslate">
                <video id="idVideo" width="100%" height="100%" controls>
                    <source src="" onerror="" type="video/mp4">
                    <track kind="subtitles" id="idFileVTT" label="File">
            <div class="divTranscript">
                <div id="idCountCharacters" data-diff="false"></div>
                <div id="idTranscript"></div>
                <div class="divControlsEdit" id="idControlEdit" style="display:none">
                    <a href="http://www.deepl.com" target="_blank">DeepL</a>
                    <a href="http://translate.yandex.com" target="_blank">Yandex</a>
                    <a href="http://www.bing.com/translator" target="_blank">Bing</a>
                    <a href="http://translate.google.com/" target="_blank">Google</a>
                    <div onclick='cBusy(); setTimeout("updateTable()", 500) ' title="Updates the table with the text line by line, if the lines are different, it does not update the table.">Update</div>
                    <div onclick="closeEdit()" title="Returns to the previous mode. The data in the table is not modified.">Close</div>
            <div id="idControlsSubs" class="divControlsSubs skiptranslate">
                <div id="idGroup3">
                    <select id="idCaptions" title="Select subtitles/captions for the video. File: Subtitle loaded from a file. Raw: It is the transcript of the video. Translations: This is the one that should be used to upload the translations. Real-Time: it is only used when the recognition is performed in real time.">
                        <option value="File">File</option>
                        <option value="Raw">Raw</option>
                        <option value="Translation">Translation</option>
                        <option value="MySubtitle">My Subtitle</option>
                    <input type="file" id="idFileSubtitle" name="File Subtitle" accept=".ass,.vtt,.srt" class="visually-hidden">
                    <label title=" Load subtitles (ass,vtt, srt) for video" for="idFileSubtitle" id="idLabelSubtitle">Load Subtitle</label>
                <div id="idGroup4">
                    <button id="idButtonDown" type="button" title="Creates a table based on the video's subtitles (File, Raw, Translation), that is, subtitles loaded by voice recognition or by opening a subtitle file (alt+Click Mix with table)">⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩</button>
                    <button id="idButtonUp" type="button" onclick="tableToTrack(currentTrack)" title="The table is uploaded to the track the video (File, Raw, Translation).">⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧⇧</button>
                    <label title="Automatically updates the transcript of the selected track when any changes are made to the table.">
                        <input type="checkbox" id="idUpdateTrack">⇧⇧⇧ Auto-Update:
                    <label style="color:yellow; vertical-align:bottom;" id="idLabelTrackUpdate"></label>
                    <button id="idButtonFixTime" type="button" onclick="fixTimeStartTable()" title="Correct start times based on subtitle CPS. It is very important to establish the CPS based on the language. Chinse/Japanese/Korean 4-6 CPS, 9-15 (english, belgium, spanish, italian, german)">Fix Time Start (10 CPS)</button>
                    <button id="idDownloadTable" type="button" onclick="downloadTable()" title="Download subtitles from table">Download Table</button>
                    <button id="idDownloadTrack" type="button" onclick="downloadTrack(currentTrack)" title="Download subtitles from the video track selected">Download Track</button>
                    <div id="idDownloadSubtiles" class="inputGroup DowloadSubtitle">
                        <b id="idLabelDownload">Download Subtitles (Translation):</b>
                        <a id="idVTT" href="">.vtt</a>
                        <a id="idSRT" href="">.srt</a>
                        <a id="idASS" href="">.ass</a>
        <div class="divHidden" id="idWatchTranslation">- </div>
            <div class="divBottom">
                <table border="1" cellpadding="5" id="idTable" border="0">
                        <tr class="skiptranslate">
                            <th>Settings cue</th>
                            <th onclick="cleanTable()" >
                                <img id="idRecycleBin">
                                Text <span id="editAll" onclick="editTable()" title="Allows you to edit only the text, it is useful when you want to use other translation options, such as: www.deepl.com, www.bing.com/translator, translate.yandex.com/">(Edit All)</span>
        <div id="idModal" class="idModal skiptranslate">
            <div class="idModal-content">
                <div class="idModal-header">
                    <span class="close">&times;</span>
                    <h2>Babelin Speech For voice recognition and real-time translation</h2>
                <div class="idModal-body">
                        It uses the recognition and translation services offered by web browsers, which in this case is Chrome.
					For this, it is only necessary to change the microphone <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd3moKLV5sE" target="_blank">input to Stereo Mix.</a>
                    <iframe id="idFrame" width="420" height="315" src=""></iframe>
                        In local mode, permission will always be asked to access the microphone for safety. If a web server is running, it will only ask for permission once.
						<a href="https://www.python.org/downloads/" target="_blank">Python </a>
                        (python.exe -m http.server 8000 --bind, or <a href="https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/http/" target="_blank">Everthing </a>
                        can be used as web servers.

                    <li>Sometimes it is better to stop the recognition, for each person speaking.</li>
                    <li>Use shortcuts in full screen</li>
                    <h4>Known Issues.</h4>
                    <li>After a few seconds of silence, the automatic recognition stops. </li>
                    <li>Sometimes it stops recognizing the voice after a period of time, stop and start</li>
                <div class="idModal-footer">
                    <h4>Is open source - FREE</h4>
const vyt = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/Q-7P6Xgqwb0"
const imgRecycleBin = "";
idRecycleBin.src = imgRecycleBin;
idDelayRecognition.value = FIX;
idDistanceSentences.value = SEPARATION;
var allTranscript = [], arrTranscript = [],arrSeparations=[], resultFinal=[],languageName = "", languageCode = "";
var allResult, lastTranscript;
var trackRaw = idVideo.addTextTrack("subtitles", "Raw");
var trackTranslation = idVideo.addTextTrack("subtitles", "Translation");
var trackMySubtitle = idVideo.addTextTrack("subtitles", "MySubtitle");
var trackRealTime = idVideo.addTextTrack("subtitles", "RealTime");
var currentTrack, lastCueActive, aLastCueActive = [], cueRec, cueRealTime, indexCueNext = 0;
var sRecRed = "<c.recordRed> ⊙ </c>",sRecWhite = "<c.recordWhite> ⊙ </c>";
var timer,count, countP, cueCount, bStatusRecognition = false,bGroup=false;
var nameVideo = "", ID_G = 0, timeWaitFinish = -1,waitTerminate = false;
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
var observerTranscript = new MutationObserver(function(event) {vttRealTime(idTranscript.textContent)});
var observerTranslation = new MutationObserver(()=>changeTranslation());
var observerTable = new MutationObserver(changeTable);
const observerOptionsTable = {attributes: false,childList: true,characterData: true,subtree: true};
observerTranscript.observe(idTranscript, {attributes: false, childList: true,characterData: true,subtree: true });
observerTranslation.observe(idWatchTranslation, {childList: true});
observerTable.observe(idTable, observerOptionsTable);
idFileVideo.onchange = (evt)=>loadSrcVideo(evt.target.files);
idFileSubtitle.onchange = (evt)=>{loadSrcSubtitle(evt.target.files);evt.target.value = null};
idVideo.onloadedmetadata = loadedVideo;
idVideo.textTracks.onchange = changeTracks;
idVideo.onended = ()=>bStatusRecognition && startStopRecognition();
idVideo.onkeydown = newSubtitle;
idVideo.onkeyup = newSubtitle;
idCPS.onchange = textButtonFixTime;
idFilter.onchange = ()=>idGSeparation.style.display = idFilter.value==2?"none":"inline-block";
idCaptions.onchange = ()=>showingTrack(idVideo.textTracks[idCaptions.selectedIndex]);
idButtonDown.onclick = (e)=>{cBusy();setTimeout(()=>{VTTtoTable(currentTrack,e)},400)};
span.onclick = ()=>idModal.style.display = "none";
window.onclick = (e)=>{if (e.target == idModal)idModal.style.display = "none"}
document.body.addEventListener("dragenter", dragStop, false);
document.body.addEventListener("dragover", dragStop, false);
document.body.addEventListener("drop", drop, false);
Number.prototype.toTime = function() {return new Date(this * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 12)};
String.prototype.toSeconds = function() {return  +this.split(':').reduce((acc,time)=>(60 * acc) + +time).toFixed(3)};
String.prototype.countCharacters = function() {return  Array.from(this).length};
String.prototype.toListItems = function() {return  "<li>" + this.split("\n").join("</li><li>") + "</li>"};
String.prototype.removeExtension = function() {return this.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.') || this};

function textButtonFixTime(){idButtonFixTime.textContent = `Fix Time Start:(${idCPS.value} CPS)`;if (idTable.children[1]) for (row of idTable.children[1].rows) checkCPS(row)}
function cleanTable() { (idTable.lastChild.nodeName == "TBODY") && idTable.removeChild(idTable.lastChild)}
function cBusy() { document.body.style.cursor = "wait"}
function normalize(val, max, min) { return (val - min) / (max - min)}
//function stadistics(sentence, paragraph) {cueCount.text = "     ";  cueCount.text = ` <c.countS>Lines ${[0,1].includes(+idFilter.value)?sentence:""}  ${[0,2].includes(+idFilter.value)?" Groups: " + paragraph:""} < /c> `;}
function uCue(cue, text) { cue.text = text;cue.startTime=idVideo.currentTime-.1 }
function removeAllCues(trackM) { while (trackM.cues.length > 0) trackM.removeCue(trackM.cues[0]) };
function dragStop(e) {e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault()};
function drop(e) {
    const dt = e.dataTransfer;
    const files = dt.files;
    [".srt", ".ass", ".vtt"].find((ext)=>files[0].name.toLowerCase().endsWith(ext)) ? loadSrcSubtitle(files) : loadSrcVideo(files);
    e.target.value = null;
function listCuesCurrentTrackFilter() { return Object.values(currentTrack.cues).filter((c)=>c.line == "auto");}
function pasteURLVideo(e) {
    if (e.target.tagName != "BODY") return;
    paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text');
    if (paste.includes("http")) idVideo.src = paste;
function getParentByTagName(node, tagname) {
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	if (node === null || tagname === '') return;
	parent  = node.parentNode;
	tagname = tagname.toUpperCase();

	while (parent.tagName !== "HTML") {
		if (parent.tagName === tagname) {
			return parent;
		parent = parent.parentNode;

	return parent;
function changeTable(me) {
    idDownloadSubtiles.style.visibility = "hidden";
    idUpdateTrack.checked && tableToTrack(currentTrack);
	for (m of me )
		if (m.target.nodeName == "#text" && m.target.textContent != "")   
		else if (m.target.nodeName == "TD")
		if (m.target.parentNode.nodeName == "FONT")

function colorCells(target) {
    let tStart = target.parentNode.children[1].textContent.toSeconds();
    let tEnd = target.parentNode.children[2].textContent.toSeconds();
    let text = target.parentNode.children[5].textContent;
    let indexCell = Array.prototype.findIndex.call(target.parentNode.children, (c)=>c === target)
    if (tStart >= tEnd)
        target.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255,0,0)";
        target.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255,255,255)";

    if ([1, 2, 5].includes(indexCell)) {
        let cpsText = text.length / (tEnd - tStart)
        target.parentNode.children[0].style.backgroundColor = `rgba(255,0 , 0,${normalize(cpsText, +idCPS.value * 3, +idCPS.value)} )`
        if (indexCell == 1)
            checkTimePrevious(target, tStart);

        else if (indexCell == 2)
            if (target.parentNode.nextSibling)
                checkTimePrevious(target.parentNode.nextSibling.children[1], target.parentNode.nextSibling.children[1].textContent.toSeconds());
function checkTimePrevious(target, tStart) {
    if (target.parentNode.previousSibling) {
        previousTimeEnd = target.parentNode.previousSibling.children[2].textContent.toSeconds();
        target.parentNode.children[1].style.backgroundColor = `rgba(255,255,0,${+(previousTimeEnd > tStart)} )`;
        target.parentNode.previousSibling.children[2].style.backgroundColor = `rgba(255,255,0,${+(previousTimeEnd > tStart)} )`;

function cueNear(listCues, m) {
    let t = idVideo.currentTime, i;
    for (i = 0; i < listCues.length; i++)
        if (t <= listCues[i].startTime)
            return m == "NEXT" ? i - 1 : i;

    return i;
function nextCue(m) {
    if (!currentTrack || !currentTrack.cues.length) return;
    ;let listCues = listCuesCurrentTrackFilter();
    if (listCues) {
        indexCueNext = currentTrack.activeCues.length ? (listCues.indexOf(lastCueActive)) : cueNear(listCues, m);
        indexCueNext += (m == "NEXT") ? (indexCueNext < listCues.length - 1 ? 1 : 0) : (indexCueNext > 0 ? -1 : 0);
        let nCue = listCues[indexCueNext];
        nCue && (idVideo.currentTime = nCue.startTime + .01);
        //add .01 seconds, sometimes it doesn't show the subtitle
function changeTracks() {
    currentTrack = undefined;
    for (let t of idVideo.textTracks) {
        if (t.mode == "showing")
            currentTrack = t;
    idDownloadSubtiles.style.visibility = "hidden";
    if (currentTrack) {
        idGroup4.hidden = false;
        idTable.hidden = false;
        idCaptions.value = currentTrack.label;
        currentTrack.oncuechange = cueActives;
        idDownloadTrack.innerText = "Download Track: " + currentTrack.label;
        idLabelTrackUpdate.textContent = currentTrack.label;
    } else {
        idGroup4.hidden = true;
        idTable.hidden = true;
function changeTranslation() {
    if (bStatusRecognition) {
    if (document.documentElement.className.match('translated')) {
    idDownloadSubtiles.style.visibility = "hidden";

function recognitionStart() {
    window.onbeforeunload = (e)=>{e.returnValue = true};
	document.body.style.cursor = ""
    idButtonRecognition.style.borderStyle = 'inset'
    arrTranscript = [];
    (!cueRec.track) && initTrackRealTime();
    count = 0;
    countP = 0;
    cueRec.text = sRecRed;
    bStatusRecognition = true;
    idButtonRecognition.innerHTML = "Stop Recognition";
function recognitionTerminate() {
    waitTerminate = true;
    timeWaitFinish = setTimeout(cleanTerminate, 1000);//wait transcript final.
function cleanTerminate() {
    cueRec.text = "";
    idButtonRecognition.style.borderStyle = "outset";
    idButtonRecognition.innerHTML = "Start Recognition";
    bStatusRecognition = false;
    waitTerminate = false;
    timeWaitFinish = -1;
function showingTrack(trackM) {
    for (let t of idVideo.textTracks) {
        if (t == trackM)
            t.mode = "showing";
            t.mode = "hidden";
function VTTtoTable(trackM,e) {
    if (trackM.cues.length == 0) { document.body.style.cursor = ""; return }
    idDownloadSubtiles.style.visibility = "hidden";
    editAll.style.display = "block";
	bmixTable=(e && (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey))?true:false;

		tbody = idTable.createTBody();
		tbody.id = "idTBody";
    for (let cue of trackM.cues) {
        rowTable(cue.startTime, cue.endTime, settingCue(cue), cue.text, -1);
    document.body.style.cursor = "";
    observerTable.observe(idTable, observerOptionsTable);
function rowTable(tStart, tEnd, settingscue, transcription, indexRow) {

    if (typeof idTBody=="undefined") return;
	let row = idTBody.insertRow(indexRow);
    let td0 = document.createElement("td");
    let td1 = document.createElement("td");
    let td2 = document.createElement("td");
    let td3 = document.createElement("td");
    let td4 = document.createElement("td");
    let td5 = document.createElement("td");
    let newImage = document.createElement('img');
    td1.name = "TimeStart";
    td2.name = "TimeEnd";
    td5.name = "transcription";
    newImage.src = imgRecycleBin;
    newImage.onclick = ()=>idTable.deleteRow(row.rowIndex);
    td0.className = "skiptranslate";
    td1.className = "skiptranslate";
    td2.className = "skiptranslate";
    td3.className = "skiptranslate";
    td0.innerHTML = "<li></li>";
    td1.textContent = tStart.toTime();
    td2.textContent = tEnd.toTime();
    td1.onkeypress = addRemMiliseconds;
    td2.onkeypress = addRemMiliseconds;
    td1.contentEditable = true;
    td2.contentEditable = true;
    td3.contentEditable = true;
    td4.contentEditable = false;
    td5.contentEditable = true;
    td3.textContent = settingscue;
    td5.textContent = transcription;
    checkTimePrevious(td1, tStart);
    if (tStart >= tEnd)
        row.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(255,0,0)";

    row.onclick = ()=>{idVideo.currentTime = row.children[1].textContent.toSeconds();colorCells(row.children[1]); }
function checkCPS(row)
    let cells = row.children;
	let cpsText = cells[5].textContent.length / (cells[2].textContent.toSeconds() - cells[1].textContent.toSeconds() );
    cells[0].style.backgroundColor = `rgba(255,0 , 0, ${normalize(cpsText, +idCPS.value * 3, +idCPS.value)})`;
function settingCue(cue) {
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    p2 = (cue.line == "auto") ? "" : `line:${cue.line};` ;
    p3 = (cue.position == "auto") ? "" : `position:${cue.position};` ;
    p4 = (cue.size == 100) ? "" : `size:${cue.size};` ;
    p5 = (cue.vertical == "") ? "" : `vertical:${cue.vertical};` ;
    return p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5;
function downloadTrack(trackM) {
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        document.body.style.cursor = "";
    for (let cue of trackM.cues) { 
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    arrayToSubtitle(arrayS, trackM.label);
function downloadTable() {
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function arrayToSubtitle(arrayS, labelText) {
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    let i = 1, j = 1;
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        let tStart = row[0], tEnd = row[1],setting = row[2], text = row[3];
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        let textVTT = `${j}\r\n${tStart} --> ${tEnd} ${setting.replace(";", " ")}\r\n${text}\r\n\r\n` ;
        let textASS = `Dialogue: 0,${tStart.slice(1, -1)},${tEnd.slice(1, -1)},Default,,0,0,0,,${text}\r\n`;
        if (setting.includes("line:0")) // line is different default/auto, 
            textASS = textASS.replace(",Default,,", ",Top,,");
        } else //srt does not allow times overlaps
    let cc = "";
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        idLabelDownload.innerHTML = "Download Subtitles (Translation):";
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        idLabelDownload.innerHTML = `Download Subtitles (${labelText}):`;
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    idASS.download = `${nameVideo}${cc}.ass`;
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function tableToTrack(trackM) {
    if (!idTable.children[1] || trackM.constructor.name != "TextTrack" || !trackM.cues)  return;
    let cueVtt, p, p0, p1;
    for (let row of idTable.children[1].rows) {
        let tStart = row.children[1].textContent, tEnd = row.children[2].textContent, setting = row.children[3].textContent;
        let text = row.children[5].textContent;
        cueVtt = new VTTCue(tStart.toSeconds(),tEnd.toSeconds(),text);
        for (let a of setting.split(";")) {
            if (a == "")
            p = a.split(":");
            //clean quotation marks
            p0 = (p[0] != undefined) ? p[0].replace('"', '').replace('"', '').trim() : "";
            p1 = (p[1] != undefined) ? p[1].replace('"', '').replace('"', '').trim() : "";
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            (p0 == "line") && (cueVtt.line = isNaN(p1) ? "auto" : +p1);
            (p0 == "position") && (cueVtt.position = isNaN(p1) ? "auto" : +p1);
            (p0 == "size") && (cueVtt.size = isNaN(p1) ? 100 : +p1);
            (p0 == "vertical") && (cueVtt.vertical = p1);
    let cc = "";
    idCaptions.value == "Raw" && (cc = "." + languageCode);
    idCaptions.value == "Translation" && (cc = "." + navigator.language.split("-")[0]);
function closeEdit() {
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function editTable() {
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    idSelectDialect.style.visibility = "hidden";
    idTranscript.title = "Here you can copy the text (ctrl-a + ctrl-c), translate it in other translators such as yandex or deepl, and paste the translated text, and update the table."
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function updateTable() {
    if (idTable.tBodies[0].childNodes.length != idTranscript.innerText.split("\n").length) {
        alert(`Table length:${idTable.tBodies[0].childNodes.length} and translation ${idTranscript.innerText.split("\n").length} are different`);
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            tags.length == 1 && tags.push(text);
        row.children[5].textContent = (tags.length) ? tags.join("") : text;
    document.body.style.cursor = "";
function fixTimeStartTable() {

        let tStart = row.children[1].textContent.toSeconds();
        let tEnd = row.children[2].textContent.toSeconds();
        let text = row.children[5].textContent.length;

        let tEstimated = text / +idCPS.value;
        if (tEnd - tStart < tEstimated) {
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            timePrevious = row.previousSibling&&row.previousSibling.children[2]&&row.previousSibling.children[2].textContent&&row.previousSibling.children[2].textContent.toSeconds();
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                tCorrected = timePrevious > tCorrected ? timePrevious + .1 : tCorrected;

            row.children[1].textContent = tCorrected.toTime();
function loadedVideo() {
    ID_G = 0;
    allTranscript = [];
function initTrackRealTime() {
    cueRealTime = new VTTCue(0,idVideo.duration,"");
	cueRealTime.snapToLines=true;//For bug Version 106, lines jump down to top (setTimeout)
    cueRec = new VTTCue(0,idVideo.duration,"");
    cueRec.align = "left";
    cueRec.line = 0;
    cueCount = new VTTCue(0,idVideo.duration,"");
    cueCount.align = "right";
    cueCount.line = 2;

function fixTimeStart(tStart, tEnd, text,arrTimesEnd)
	if (tStart>=tEnd) {
		tStart = tEnd - (text.length / +idCPS.value);
		let aTimesEnd=arrTimesEnd.filter((a)=>a<tEnd);
		let last = aTimesEnd&&aTimesEnd.slice(-1)[0];
		let lastTimeEnd=last?last:0;
		if (lastTimeEnd > tStart)  
			tStart = lastTimeEnd + .1;
	if (tEnd-tStart<0.5) tStart=tEnd-0.5;
	return [tStart, tEnd, text]

function timesPhrase(arr,arrTimesEnd)  // [ [2.34,"my","ID_0_1"],[3.52,"my Trans","ID_0_1"],[4.49,"my Transcription","ID_0_1"] ]
		let aSep=[],tLastStart,tLastEnd,textLast,fixR=0;
		let tBreak = idDistanceSentences.value/1000;
		arr.forEach(function(a, index, array) {
			if (index == 0 || tLastStart < 0) { tLastStart = a[0];tLastEnd = a[0];textLast = a[1];idGroupLast=a[2];  }
			if (  ( a[0] - tLastEnd + fixR> tBreak && textLast!=a[1] ) || idGroupLast!=a[2] || index == array.length - 1 ) 
				aSep.push(   [tLastStart, tLastEnd, textLast,idGroupLast] );
				if (index == array.length - 1 && textLast!=a[1] ) {

					if (a[0] - tLastEnd + fixR> tBreak) { aSep.push( [ a[0], a[0], a[1], a[2] ] ) }
					else { aSep[aSep.length - 1][1] = a[0]; aSep[aSep.length - 1][2] = a[1]	}
				tLastStart = a[0];
			fixR = (index != 0 && textLast == a[1] && idGroupLast==a[2])?a[0]-tLastEnd:0; //Fix time for same text repeat
			tLastEnd = a[0];textLast = a[1]; idGroupLast=a[2] });
		//remove text duplicate previous line and Fix Start Times
		aSep.forEach( function(a,index)
				a[2] =  (index==0 || a[3]!=aSep[index-1][3] )?a[2]:findDifference(backText[index-1],a[2]);
				[a[0]] = fixTimeStart(a[0], a[1], a[2], arrTimesEnd )
 return aSep; //[ 2.34, 4.49, "Transcription","ID_0_1" ]
function recognitionResult(e) {
    allResult = e;//log
    //uCue(cueRec, sRecWhite);
    let IDGroupSentence = "ID_" + ID_G + "_" + e.resultIndex;
    transcript = e.results[e.resultIndex][0].transcript;
	isFinal= e.results[e.resultIndex].isFinal;
    allTranscript.push([idVideo.currentTime, transcript, IDGroupSentence, isFinal]);
    if(!isFinal) {arrSeparations.push([idVideo.currentTime,transcript,IDGroupSentence]), allTimend.push(idVideo.currentTime)}
	//add transcription final (group transcription/good)
    if (isFinal) {
		let arrTemp=timesPhrase( arrSeparations, allTimend );
		tStart = arrTemp.length?arrTemp[0][0]:idVideo.currentTime;
		tEnd = arrTemp.length?arrTemp.slice(-1)[0][1]:idVideo.currentTime;
		[tStart] = fixTimeStart(tStart, tEnd, transcript, resultFinal.map((a)=>a[1]) );
		if (timeWaitFinish != -1) {clearTimeout(timeWaitFinish);cleanTerminate();};
	else {
	if (transcript==lastTranscript) return;
	timer = setTimeout(	 function(){lastTranscript=transcript;}, idDistanceSentences.value   );
	idTranscript.innerHTML = idFilter.value==2?transcript:findDifference(lastTranscript,transcript);

//update text/transcript in video(real-time)
function vttRealTime(text) {
    if (!trackRealTime || !cueRealTime) return;

    if (document.documentElement.className.match('translated')) //prevents mixing translations and text raw(transcript) for real-time when translated/google active.
        if (idTranscript.lastChild.nodeName == "#text")

	if (idTranscript.hasAttribute("_msttexthash")) 
		if (!idTranscript.hasAttribute("_msthash")) 
	cueRealTime.text = `<c.${bGroup?"textGreen":"textWhite"}> ${text}`+"</c>" ;
function loadTranscriptToRawVTT() {
	let delay=idDelayRecognition.value / 1000 ;
	idFilter.value != 2 && arrTranscript.forEach(  function (t,i){
		let text=t[2];
		let cueVtt = new VTTCue(t[0] - delay ,t[1] - delay,text);
	idFilter.value !=1 && resultFinal.forEach(  function (t,i){
		let cueVtt = new VTTCue(t[0] - delay,t[1] - delay,t[2]);
		if (+idFilter.value == 0) cueVtt.line = 0;

function findDifference(str1, str2) {
    let pos = 0;
        if (val != str1.charAt(i)) {
            pos = i;
            return true;
    return str2.substr(pos);
function startStopRecognition() {
    if (waitTerminate || idVideo.src == "")
    try {
        recognition.lang = idSelectDialect.value;
    } catch (e) {
function loadSrcVideo(files) {
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function loadSrcSubtitle(files) {
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    case "ass":
        const fAss = /(\d+:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d),(\d+:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d),(.*?),.*?,.*?,.*?,.*?,.*?,(.*)/g;
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var langs = [['English', ['en-AU', 'Australia'], ['en-CA', 'Canada'], ['en-IN', 'India'], ['en-KE', 'Kenya'], ['en-TZ', 'Tanzania'], ['en-GH', 'Ghana'], ['en-NZ', 'New Zealand'], ['en-NG', 'Nigeria'], ['en-ZA', 'South Africa'], ['en-PH', 'Philippines'], ['en-GB', 'United Kingdom'], ['en-US', 'United States']], ['Español/Spanish', ['es-AR', 'Argentina'], ['es-BO', 'Bolivia'], ['es-CL', 'Chile'], ['es-CO', 'Colombia'], ['es-CR', 'Costa Rica'], ['es-EC', 'Ecuador'], ['es-SV', 'El Salvador'], ['es-ES', 'España'], ['es-US', 'Estados Unidos'], ['es-GT', 'Guatemala'], ['es-HN', 'Honduras'], ['es-MX', 'México'], ['es-NI', 'Nicaragua'], ['es-PA', 'Panamá'], ['es-PY', 'Paraguay'], ['es-PE', 'Perú'], ['es-PR', 'Puerto Rico'], ['es-DO', 'República Dominicana'], ['es-UY', 'Uruguay'], ['es-VE', 'Venezuela']], ['中文/Chinese', ['cmn-Hans-CN', '普通话 (中国大陆)/Mandarin (Mainland China)'], ['cmn-Hans-HK', '普通话 (香港)/Mandarin (Hong Kong)'], ['cmn-Hant-TW', '中文 (台灣)/Chinese (Taiwan)'], ['yue-Hant-HK', '粵語 (香港)/Cantonese (Hong Kong)']], ['日本語/Japanese', ['ja-JP']], ['한국어/Korean', ['ko-KR']], ['Deutsch/German', ['de-DE']], ['Français/French', ['fr-FR']], ['Italiano/Italian', ['it-IT', 'Italia'], ['it-CH', 'Svizzera']], ['Português/Portuguese', ['pt-BR', 'Brasil'], ['pt-PT', 'Portugal']], ['Pусский/Esloven/Russian', ['ru-RU']], ['Nederlands/Dutch', ['nl-NL']], ['Català/Catalan', ['ca-ES']], ['Čeština/Czech', ['cs-CZ']], ['Polski/Polish', ['pl-PL']], ['Filipino', ['fil-PH']], ['Slovenčina', ['sk-SK']], ['Suomi/Finland', ['fi-FI']], ['Svenska/Swedish', ['sv-SE']], ['Tiếng Việt/Vietnamese', ['vi-VN']], ['Türkçe/Turkish', ['tr-TR']], ['Română/Romanian', ['ro-RO']], ['Українська/Ukrainian', ['uk-UA']], ['हिन्दी/Hindi', ['hi-IN']], ['Galego', ['gl-ES']], ['Dansk', ['da-DK']], ['Afrikaans', ['af-ZA']], ['አማርኛ/Amárico', ['am-ET']], ['Azərbaycanca', ['az-AZ']], ['বাংলা/Bengali', ['bn-BD', 'বাংলাদেশ'], ['bn-IN', 'ভারত']], ['Bahasa Indonesia', ['id-ID']], ['Bahasa Melayu', ['ms-MY']], ['Euskara/Basque', ['eu-ES']], ['Basa Jawa/Javanese base', ['jv-ID']], ['ગુજરાતી/Gujarati', ['gu-IN']], ['Hrvatski/Croatian', ['hr-HR']], ['IsiZulu', ['zu-ZA']], ['Íslenska/Icelandic', ['is-IS']], ['ಕನ್ನಡ/Kannada', ['kn-IN']], ['ភាសាខ្មែរ/Camboyan', ['km-KH']], ['Latviešu/Latvian', ['lv-LV']], ['Lietuvių/Lithuanian', ['lt-LT']], ['മലയാളം/Malayalam', ['ml-IN']], ['मराठी/Marathi', ['mr-IN']], ['Magyar/Hungarian', ['hu-HU']], ['ລາວ/Lao', ['lo-LA']], ['नेपाली भाषा/Nepali', ['ne-NP']], ['Norsk bokmål/Norwegian Bokmål', ['nb-NO']], ['සිංහල/the Sinhala', ['si-LK']], ['Slovenščina/Slovene', ['sl-SI']], ['Basa Sunda/Sundanese', ['su-ID']], ['Kiswahili', ['sw-TZ', 'Tanzania'], ['sw-KE', 'Kenya']], ['ქართული/Georgian', ['ka-GE']], ['Հայերեն/Armenian', ['hy-AM']], ['தமிழ்/Tamil', ['ta-IN', 'இந்தியா'], ['ta-SG', 'சிங்கப்பூர்'], ['ta-LK', 'இலங்கை'], ['ta-MY', 'மலேசியா']], ['తెలుగు/Telugu', ['te-IN']], ['اُردُو/Sindhi', ['ur-PK', 'پاکستان'], ['ur-IN', 'بھارت']], ['Ελληνικά/Greek', ['el-GR']], ['български/Bulgarian', ['bg-BG']], ['Српски/Serbian', ['sr-RS']], ['ภาษาไทย/Thailand', ['th-TH']]];
for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; i++) {
    idSelectLanguage.options[i] = new Option(langs[i][0],i);
idSelectLanguage.selectedIndex = INDEXLANGUAGE;
idSelectDialect.selectedIndex = 0;
function updateCountry() {
    for (var i = idSelectDialect.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var list = langs[idSelectLanguage.selectedIndex];
    for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
        idSelectDialect.options.add(new Option(list[i][1],list[i][0]));
    idSelectDialect.style.visibility = list[1].length == 1 ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
    languageName = langs[idSelectLanguage.value][0].replace(/\/.*/, "");
    languageCode = idSelectDialect.value.replace(/-.*/, "");
    idTranscript.innerText = languageName;
function keyEvent(e) {
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        (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "KeyQ" && !e.repeat) && startStopRecognition();
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        (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "KeyT") && cueNearFixTimeStartEnd(0); //Fix startTime for Next Cue
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        if (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == true && e.shiftKey == false && e.key == "+")  for (let cue of aLastCueActive) {cue.startTime += 0.1};
		if (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == true && e.shiftKey == false && e.key == "-")  for (let cue of aLastCueActive) {cue.startTime -= 0.1};
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        (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.key == "-") && (lastCueActive && (lastCueActive.startTime -= 0.1));
        (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == true && e.key == "+") && (lastCueActive && (lastCueActive.endTime += 0.1));
        (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == true && e.key == "-") && (lastCueActive && (lastCueActive.endTime -= 0.1));
        if (e.ctrlKey == true && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "Delete")for (cues of currentTrack.activeCues) {currentTrack.removeCue(cues)}
        (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "Delete") && (cueActives() && removeCueCurrentTrack(lastCueActive));

    (e.ctrlKey == true && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "KeyQ" && !e.repeat) && startStopRecognition();
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    (e.ctrlKey == true && e.altKey == true && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "ArrowUp") && joinLines("PREV");
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        let nodeB = (sibling == "NEXT") ? document.activeElement.parentNode.nextSibling : document.activeElement.parentNode;
        if (!nodeB || !nodeA) return;
        if (nodeB.children[3].innerText || nodeA.children[3].innerText) return;

        nodeA.children[2].innerText = nodeB.children[2].innerText;
        nodeA.children[5].innerText = nodeA.children[5].innerText + " " + nodeB.children[5].innerText;

function newSubtitle(e) {
    if (!currentTrack || e.repeat || !(e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.code == "KeyC"))    return;
	if (e.type == "keydown") {
        cueVttNS = new VTTCue(0,idVideo.duration,"My New Line Subtitle");
        tstartCue = idVideo.currentTime;
    } else {
        cueVttNS.startTime = tstartCue;
        cueVttNS.endTime = idVideo.currentTime - .001;
        //currentTime different time actual, or cue forever showing
        cueVttNS.text = "";



function splitLine(e) {
    if (e.target.name != "transcription")  return;
    let cells = e.target.parentNode.children;
    let tStart = cells[1].textContent.toSeconds();
    let tEnd = cells[2].textContent.toSeconds();
    let r = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
    let text = r.startContainer.textContent.split("");
    let cpt = (tEnd - tStart) / text.length;
    endOffset = r.startOffset == r.endOffset ? text.length : r.endOffset;
    textExtracted = text.splice(r.startOffset, endOffset - r.startOffset).join("");
    tBoth = (tStart + (text.length * cpt));
    cells[2].textContent = tBoth.toTime();
    cells[5].textContent = text.join("");
    rowTable(tBoth + .001, tEnd, cells[3].textContent, textExtracted, cells[1].parentNode.rowIndex);
function addRemMiliseconds(e) {
    (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.key == "+") && (e.target.textContent = (e.target.textContent.toSeconds() + 0.1).toTime());
    (e.ctrlKey == false && e.altKey == false && e.shiftKey == false && e.key == "-") && (e.target.textContent = (e.target.textContent.toSeconds() - 0.1).toTime());
    if (isNaN(String.fromCharCode(e.which)))  e.preventDefault();

    idVideo.currentTime = e.target.textContent.toSeconds();

function removeCueCurrentTrack(cue) {
    let listCues = listCuesCurrentTrackFilter();
    if (listCues) {
        index = listCues.indexOf(cue);
        lastCueActive = index >= 1 ? listCues[index - 1] : undefined;

function cueActives() {
    if (!currentTrack || currentTrack.label == "RealTime" || !currentTrack.activeCues.length)	return false;
    aLastCueActive = [];
    for (let cue of currentTrack.activeCues) {
        if (cue.line == "auto")
            lastCueActive = cue;
        else if (currentTrack.activeCues.length == 1)
            lastCueActive = cue;
    return true;

function cueNearFixTimeStartEnd(iPrev) // 1 Previous Fix endTime ,   0 Next Fix startTime
    let i = 0, cueSelected = undefined;
    if (currentTrack.activeCues && currentTrack.activeCues.length == 0) {
        for (cue of currentTrack.cues) {
            if (cue.startTime >= idVideo.currentTime)
        cueSelected = currentTrack.cues[i - iPrev];
    } else cueSelected = currentTrack.activeCues[0];
    if (!cueSelected)  return;

    if (iPrev)
        cueSelected.endTime = idVideo.currentTime;
        cueSelected.startTime = idVideo.currentTime;


idHelp.title = `
‎Shortcuts General
Ctrl+Q: Start/Stop	 Recognition Speech
alt + PageDown: Next cue
alt + PageUp:	Previous cue

Ctrl+alt+ArrowUp: Join row previous
Ctrl+alt+ArrowDown: Join row next
Ctrl+alt+J: Split row in cursor or selection
- add 100 ms to start time
+ rest 100 ms to start time

Q: Start/Stop	 Recognition Speech
P: Play/Stop video
C: Hold down the key C, create a new subtitle line empty
Alt + ArrowUp: Forward 5 seconds
Alt + ArrowDown:	Rewind 5 seconds
Ctrl + ArrowUp: Forward 10 seconds
Ctrl + ArrowDown:	Rewind 10 seconds
PageDown: Next cue
PageUp:	Previous cue
M: Forward 1 second
Shift + M:  Forward 500 ms
N: Rewind 1 second
Shift + N: Rewind 500 ms
Del: Delete cue(s) active
Ctrl + Del: Delete all cue(s) active

+: add 100 ms to start time of last cue active.
-: rest 100 ms to star time of last cue active.
Alt + +: add 100 ms to start time of last cue active(All).
Alt + -: rest 100 ms to star time of last cue active(All).
ctrl + +: add 100 ms to end time of last cue active.
ctrl + -: rest 100 ms to end time of last cue active.
var headASS = `[Script Info]
WrapStyle: 0
ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes
PlayResX: 1280
PlayResY: 720
YCbCr Matrix: None

[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: Default,Arial,40,&H00FFFFFF,&H0300FFFF,&H00000000,&H02000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,1,2,10,10,10,1
Style: Top,Arial,35,&H00FFFFFF,&H00F6C8A5,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,-1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,8,10,10,10,1

Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text

const SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition
if (SpeechRecognition) {
    recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
    recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;
    recognition.continuous = true;
    recognition.interimResults = true;
    recognition.onstart = recognitionStart;
    recognition.onerror = (e)=>{ idTranscript.innerHTML = "<b>Error: </b>" + e.error;idVideo.pause();};
    recognition.onaudioend = recognitionTerminate;
    recognition.onresult = recognitionResult;
} else {
    idGroup2.style.visibility = "hidden";
    idTranscript.innerHTML = "Your browser not support Web Speech API, use last version Chrome/Edge";
