## Qubes Cheatsheet ## *a summary of useful qubes commands* version: 3.2 ### Mini Glossary - Xen - *Hypervisor* - VM - *Virtual Machine* - Qube - *Qubes OS specific alias for VM* - Dom0 - *Priviledged Xen VM (runs Qubes Manager)* - DomU - *Normal Xen VM* - QWT - *Qubes Windows Tools* - PV - *Paravirtualized VM* - HVM - *Hardware Virtual Machine* - HVM + PV drivers - *HVM with PV drivers (Windows + QWT)* - GUI - *Graphical User Interface* ### VM Management *NOTE: All commands are executed in `@Dom0` terminal (Konsole, Terminal, Xterm etc.)* #### qubes-manager \- *Graphical VM Manager* usage: `qubes-manager` #### qvm-block \- *Lists/attaches VM PCI devices* usage: * `qvm-block -l [options]` * `qvm-block -a [options] ` * `qvm-block -d [options] ` * `qvm-block -d [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-block -A personal dom0:/home/user/extradisks/data.img` - *attaches an additional storage for the personal-vm* #### qvm-clone \- *Clones an existing VM by copying all its disk files* usage: `qvm-clone [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-clone fedora-23 fedora-23-dev` - *create a clone of fedora-23 called fedora-23-dev* #### qvm-firewall \- *Manage VM firewall rules* usage: `qvm-firewall -l [-n] ` \-\-\- `qvm-firewall -l personal` - *displays the firewall settings for the personal-vm* `qvm-firewall -l -n fedora-23` - *displays the firewall settings for the personal-vm with port numbers* #### qvm-ls \- *Lists VMs and various information about their state* usage: `qvm-ls [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-ls` - *lists all vms* `qvm-ls -n` - *show network addresses assigned to VMs* `qvm-ls -d` - *show VM disk utilization statistics* #### qvm-prefs \- *List/set various per-VM properties* usage: * `qvm-prefs -l [options] ` * `qvm-prefs -s [options] [...]` \-\-\- `qvm-prefs win7-copy` - *lists the preferences of the win7-copy* `qvm-prefs win7-copy -s mac 00:16:3E:5E:6C:05` - *sets a new mac for the network card* `qvm-prefs lab-win7 -s qrexec_installed true` - *sets the qrexec to installed* `qvm-prefs lab-win7 -s qrexec_timeout 120` - *usefull for windows hvm based vms* `qvm-prefs lab-win7 -s default_user joanna` - *sets the login user to `joanna`* #### qvm-run \- *Runs a specific command on a vm* usage: `qvm-run [options] [] []` \-\-\- `qvm-run personal xterm` - *runs xterm on personal* `qvm-run personal xterm --pass-io` - *runs xterm and passes all sdtin/stdout/stderr to the terminal* `qvm-run personal "sudo dnf update" --pass-io --nogui` - *pass a `dnf update` command directly to the VM* #### qvm-start \- *Starts a vm* usage: `qvm-start [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-start personal` - *starts the personal-vm* `qvm-start ubuntu --cdrom personal:/home/user/Downloads/ubuntu-14.04.iso` - *starts the ubuntu-vm with the ubuntu installation CD* #### qvm-shutdown \- *Stops a vm* usage: `qvm-shutdown [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-shutdown personal` - *shutdowns the personal-vm* `qvm-shutdown --all` - *shutdowns all non-nested VM's (no wait queue)* `qvm-shudown --all --wait` - *shutdowns all VM's (shutdown is queued by the --wait option and includes nested VM's, such as sys-net and sys-firewall. (Currently only tested on Qubes 4.0.)* #### qvm-kill \- *Kills a VM - same as pulling out the power cord - immediate shutdown* usage: `qvm-kill [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-kill personal` - *pull the power cord for the personal-vm - immediate shutdown* #### qvm-trim-template \- *Trims the disk space of a template* usage: `qvm-trim-template ` \-\-\- `qvm-trim-template debian-8` - *helpful after upgrading or removing many packages/files in the template* #### qvm-sync-appmenus \- *Updates desktop file templates for given StandaloneVM or TemplateVM* usage: `qvm-sync-appmenus [options] ` \-\-\- `qvm-sync-appmenus archlinux-template` - *useful for custom .desktop files or distributions not using dnf* ### Dom0 #### qubes-dom0-update \- *Updates or installes software in dom0* usage: `qubes-dom0-update [--enablerepo][--disablerepo][--clean][--check-only][--gui][--action=*][]` or usage: `qubes-dom0-update` \-\-\- `qubes-dom0-update --check-only` - *checks if new dom0 updates are available* `sudo qubes-dom0-update` - *updates dom0* `sudo qubes-dom0-update --gui` - *allows to update dom0 through a graphical window* \-\-\- `sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=search ` - *searches for package in dom0 repositories* example: `sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=search qubes` - *searches for all `qubes` package in dom0 repositories* *NOTE: The tool excludes all templates (community and ITL) by default* \-\-\- `sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=info ` - *displays infos about the package* example: `sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=info qubes-core-dom0` - *displays infos about the `qubes-core-dom0` package* #### qubes-hcl-report \- *Generates a report about the system hardware information* usage: `qubes-hcl-report [-s] []` \-\-\- `qubes-hcl-report` - *prints the hardware information on the console (terminal)* `qubes-hcl-report personal` - *sends the hardware information to the personal-vm under `/home/user`* `qubes-hcl-report -s` - *prints the hardware information on the console (terminal) and generates more detailed report* `qubes-hcl-report -s personal` - *sends the detailed hardware information report to the personal-vm* **Note:** `qubes-hcl-report -s []` generates a more detailed report. This report can contain sensitive information. Please do not upload the report if you do not want to share those information. #### virsh \- *Management user tool for libvirt (hypervisor abstraction)* usage: `virsh -c xen:/// []` \-\-\- `virsh -c xen:/// list` - *list running VM's with additional information* `virsh -c xen:/// list --all` - *list all VM's with additional information* `virsh -c xen:/// dominfo personal` - *lists status of personal VM* #### xl \- *Xen management tool, based on LibXenlight* usage: `xl []` \-\-\- `xl top` - *Monitor host and domains in realtime* ### DomU #### qvm-copy-to-vm \- *Copy file from one VM to another VM* usage: `qvm-copy-to-vm []` - *file* can be a single file or a folder \-\-\- `qvm-copy-to-vm work Documents` - *copy the `Documents` folder to the work VM* `qvm-copy-to-vm personal text.txt` - *copy the `text.txt` file to the personal VM* **Example** - Open a terminal in AppVM A (e. g. your personal vm) - Let's assume we want to copy the `Documents` folder to AppVM B (e. g. your work VM) - The command would be: `qvm-copy-to-vm work Documents` #### qvm-open-in-vm \- *Opens file in another VM* usage: `qvm-open-in-vm ` - *file* can only be a single file \-\-\- `qvm-open-in-vm personal document.pdf` - *opens `document.pdf` in the personal VM* `qvm-copy-to-vm personal download.zip` - *opens `download.zip` in the personal VM* ### DomU and Dom0 #### List Qubes commands 1. Enter in console: - `qvm-*` - `qubes*` 2. Press 2x times `TAB` Output: List of `qvm-*` or `qubes*` commands. #### List installed Qubes OS packages \- *List all installed Qubes OS packages* **Fedora Dom0** In VM or Dom0: `rpm -qa \*qubes-\*` - *list (qubes-) installed packages* ### Files/Folders from and to Dom0 #### Move Dom0 -> VM ##### Qubes 3.1+ \- *Windows + Linux* `dom0` console: `qvm-move-to-vm []` - *`file` can be a single file or a folder* \-\-\- `qvm-move-to-vm work screenshot-qubes-gui.png` - *moves `screenshot-qubes-gui.png` to the `personal` VM into the `/home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0` folder* `qvm-move-to-vm personal *.png` - *moves all `.png` to the `personal` VM into the `/home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0` folder* `qvm-move-to-vm work Pictures/` - *moves the `Pictures` folder and it's content to the `personal` VM into the `/home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0` folder* #### Copy Dom0 -> VM ##### Qubes 3.1+ \- *Windows + Linux* `dom0` console: `qvm-copy-to-vm []` - *file* can be a single file or a folder \-\-\- `qvm-copy-to-vm personal screenshot-qubes-gui.png` - *copies `screenshot-qubes-gui.png` to the `personal` VM in the `/home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0` folder* `qvm-copy-to-vm personal *.png` - *copies all `.png` to the `personal` VM in the `/home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0` folder* `qvm-copy-to-vm work Pictures/` - *copies the `Pictures` folder and it's content to the `personal` VM in the `/home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0` folder* ##### Qubes < 3.1 \- *Linux only* ~~~ cat /path/to/file_in_dom0 | qvm-run --pass-io 'cat > /path/to/file_name_in_appvm' ~~~ \-\-\- ~~~ @dom0 Pictures]$ cat my-screenshot.png | qvm-run --pass-io personal 'cat > /home/user/my-screenshot.png' ~~~ #### VM -> Dom0 ~~~ qvm-run --pass-io 'cat /path/to/file_in_src_domain' > /path/to/file_name_in_dom0 ~~~ ### Copy text between VM A and B *On VM A (source):* 1. `CTRL+C` 2. `CTRL+SHIFT+C` *On VM B (destination):* 3. `CTRL+SHIFT+V` 4. `CTRL+V` ### Install Qubes Windows Tools (QWT) 1. `sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing qubes-windows-tools` - *install the windows tools (QWT)* 2. `qvm-start ` - *starts Windows VM* 3. open a `cmd.exe` or `PowerShell` and type `bcdedit /set testsigning on` 4. shutdown VM 5. `qvm-start --install-windows-tools` - *starts Windows VM and inserts Qubes Windows Tools installation CD* 6. double click on `qubes-tools-WIN7x64-.exe` - *execute and install Qubes OS Windows Tools* 7. restart Windows VM ### Troubleshoot #### Application in VM does not start \- *How to get more information if applications in a VM refuse to start* `qvm-run personal "command" --pass-io` - *pass command directly to the VM. Returns an error message command fails.* `qvm-run personal "xterm" --pass-io` - *pass `xterm` command directly to the VM. Returns an error message or starts xterm.* \-\-\- `qvm-run "command" --pass-io --nogui` - *pass command to VM without using the GUI* `qvm-run personal "ls" --pass-io --nogui` - *pass `ls` command directly to the VM. Returns error or output.* #### Console in VM \- *Attach a console to a VM* `virsh -c xen:/// console ` - *opens console in ``* \-\-\- *Why? Connect if GUI/qrexec does not work for any reason. This way you can restart/investigate a failed service.* - In Dom0 terminal: `virsh -c xen:/// console personal` - username: **root** without a password *(and when #1130 would be implmented the same for "user")* \-\-\- In console mode press `CTRL` + `^` + `]` on keyboard to escape from console mode. #### AppVM Log files \- *Log files in AppVMs* `/var/log/qubes` - *log file directory* log files per DomU VM: - `guid..log` - *graphical information* - `pacat..log` - *sound information* - `qrexec..log` - *inter VM communication information* - `qubesdb..log` - *qubesdb information* #### Get Qubes OS Version \- *Get the Qubes OS release version* `cat /etc/qubes-release` - *prints Qubes release in human readable form* `rpm -qa \*qubes-release\*` - *prints exact Qubes release number* #### Get Xen Version \- *Display the Xen version* `xl info | grep xen_version` - *prints the Xen version* #### Qubes OS / Xen Boot \- *Qubes OS and Xen system/kernel messages* `dmesg` - *prints error, warning and informational messages about device drivers and the kernel during the boot process as well as when we connect a hardware to the system on the fly.* `xl dmesg` - *prints error, warning and informational messages created during Xen's boot process* *TIP: use `dmesg` and `xl dmesg` in combination with `less`, `cat`, `tail` or `head`.* ### Grow disk #### qvm-grow-private \- *Increase private storage capacity of a specified VM* usage: `qvm-grow-private ` **Example** * In dom0 terminal: `qvm-grow-private personal 40GB` * In the personal VM: `sudo resize2fs /dev/xvdb` ### Enlarge AppVMs TMPFS Enlarge `/tmp` if you run out of space on the default ~200MB `sudo mount -o remount,size=1024M /tmp` - *enlarge the space to 1024MB* ### Inter VM Networking *NOTE: Does not expose services to the outside world!* Make sure: * Both VMs are connected to the same firewall VM * Qubes IP addresses are assigned to both VMs * Both VMs are started In Firewall VM terminal: ~~~ $ sudo iptables -I FORWARD 2 -s -d -j ACCEPT ~~~ * The connection will be unidirectional `A -> B` * Optional: Bidirectional `A <-> B` In Firewall VM terminal: ~~~ $ sudo iptables -I FORWARD 2 -s -d -j ACCEPT ~~~ * Check your settings (e. g. using ping) * Persist your settings: ~~~ Assume: IP of A: IP of B: ~~~ In Firewall VM terminal: ~~~ $ sudo bash # echo "iptables -I FORWARD 2 -s -d -j ACCEPT" >> /rw/config/qubes_firewall_user_script # chmod +x /rw/config/qubes_firewall_user_script ~~~ for bidirectional access: ~~~ # echo "iptables -I FORWARD 2 -s -d -j ACCEPT" >> /rw/config/qubes_firewall_user_script ~~~ #### Add USB Wifi card to sys-net VM \- *Attach a USB Wifi card to sys-net VM* The bus and device number can be different than shown in this example: 1. `qvm-pci -l sys-net` - *list all attached pci devices of sys-net* 2. `lsusb` - *e. g.* **Bus 003** *Device 003: ID 148f:2870 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870 Wireless Adapter* 3. `readlink /sys/bus/usb/devices/003` - *Important Bus 003 -> 003* 4. The result of readlink: `../../../devices/pci-0/pci0000:00/0000:00:12.2/usb3` - *Important 00:12.2* 5. `qvm-pci -a sys-net 00:12.2` - *attach USB device 00:12.2 to sys-net* 6. `qvm-pci -l sys-ne` - *check if device 00:12.2* is ### Templates #### Fedora \- *Fedora template specific* **Installing the Template** `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-26` - *installs the Fedora 26 template* `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-25` - *installs the Fedora 25 template* `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-24` - *installs the Fedora 24 template* `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-23` - *installs the Fedora 23 template* **Updating, Searching & Installing Packages** Fedora > 21 - installing packages: `dnf install ` - search for a package: `dnf search ` - updating template: `dnf update` Fedora <= 21 - installing packages: `yum install ` - search for a package: `yum search ` - updating template: `yum update` #### Fedora Minimal \- *Fedora minimal template* Qubes OS: `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-26-minimal` - *installs the Fedora 26 minimal template* `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-25-minimal` - *installs the Fedora 25 minimal template* `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-24-minimal` - *installs the Fedora 24 minimal template* `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-23-minimal` - *installs the Fedora 23 minimal template* #### Debian \- *Debian template* **Installing the Template** - `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-debian-8` - *Debian 8 "Jessie"* Qubes OS <= 3.1: - `sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-debian-7` - *Debian 7 "Wheezy"* **Updating, Searching & Installing Packages** - installing packages: `apt-get install ` - search for a package: `apt-cache search ` - updating template: 1. `apt-get update` 2. `apt-get dist-upgrade` #### Qubes OS + Whonix \- *Whonix is an Debian based OS focused on anonymity, privacy and security* Whonix consists of two components: 1. Whonix-Gateway (uses TOR for all connections to the outside world) 2. Whonix-Workstation (for application) **Install Whonix** Whonix-Gateway TemplateVM Binary Install `@Dom0`: `sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community qubes-template-whonix-gw` Whonix-Workstation TemplateVM Binary Install `@Dom0`: 1. `export UPDATES_MAX_BYTES=$[ 4 * 1024 ** 3 ]` 2. `sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community qubes-template-whonix-ws` **Next Steps** 1. Create a Whonix-gateway ProxyVM, through Qubes VM Manager 2. Create a Whonix-workstation AppVM, through Qubes VM Manager 3. Update your Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation TemplateVMs (how to -> see debian) 4. (Re)Start Whonix-Gateway ProxyVM 5. Start Whonix-Workstation AppVM #### Archlinux \- *Archlinux template* **Installing the Template** In Qubes OS 3.2: `sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community qubes-template-archlinux` or manually Use the following instructions: [Archlinux Template](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/archlinux/) **Updating, Searching & Installing Packages** - installing packages: `pacman -S [...]` - search for a package: `pacman -Ss ` - updating template: `pacman -Syyu` #### Removing Templates \- *Which were installed using the package manager* ***Remove installed template*** @Dom0: `sudo dnf remove []` \-\-\- `sudo dnf remove qubes-template-debian-8` - *remove the Debian 8 VM and qubes-template-debian-8 package* ***List all installed templates*** @Dom0: `sudo dnf list installed qubes-template-*` ### Create VM from VMware or VirtualBox images 1. Download the image in an AppVM 2. Install `qemu-img` tools - *e. g. `dnf install qemu-img` for fedora* 3. Convert the image to a raw format: * VMware: `qemu-img convert ReactOS.vmdk -O raw reactos.img` * VirtualBox: `qemu-img convert ReactOS.vdi -O raw reactos.img` ### Qubes OS Directories #### Dom0 (Qubes OS) \- *Qubes OS specific directories* - `/var/log/qubes` - *Qubes OS VM log files* - `/var/lib/qubes` - *Qubes OS VMs and other Qubes OS specific files* ### Qubes OS Repositories - [http://yum.qubes-os.org](http://yum.qubes-os.org) - *Browsable Fedora repositories*