from phBot import * import QtBind from threading import Timer from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import struct import random import json import os import subprocess pName = 'xAcademy' pVersion = '1.4.6' pUrl = '' # User settings SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_NUMBER = 100 # If Custom Nickname is set like "Jelly", it will try to create "Jelly100","Jelly101", ... NOTIFICATION_SOUND_PATH = 'c:\\Windows\\Media\\chimes.wav' # ______________________________ Initializing ______________________________ # # Globals isCreatingCharacter = False isDeletingCharacter = False CreatingNickname = "" isRestarted = False # Graphic user interface gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName) cbxEnabled = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Enabled',6,9) # Profiles _x = 350 _y = 10 lblProfileName = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Config profile name :",_x,_y) tbxProfileName = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",_x+102,_y-3,110,19) btnSaveConfig = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnSaveConfig_clicked'," Save ",_x+102+110+3,_y-5) btnLoadConfig = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnLoadConfig_clicked'," Load ",_x+102+110+3+75,_y-5) # Basic config _x = 6 _y = 40 cbxSelectChar = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Select ( if level < 40 )',_x,_y-1) cbxSelectCharOnAcademy = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Select ( if level 40~50 and has academy )',_x+200,_y-1) _y+=20 cbxCreateChar = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Create ( if none has been selected )',_x,_y-1) _y+=20 cbxDeleteChar = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Delete ( if level 40~50 )',_x,_y-1) # Creation config _x = 518 _y = 40 lblNickname = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Custom Nickname :",_x,_y) tbxNickname = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",_x+94,_y-3,102,19) _y+=20 lblSequence = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Number sequence :",_x,_y) tbxSequence = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",_x+95,_y-3,101,19) _y+=20 lblRace = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Custom Race :",_x,_y) cmbxRace = QtBind.createCombobox(gui,_x+72,_y-3,124,19) QtBind.append(gui,cmbxRace,"CH") QtBind.append(gui,cmbxRace,"EU") # Some actions _y = 130 _x = 6 lblFullCharacters = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"The next action(s) will be executed if not possible create more characters :",_x,_y) _y+=20 lblCMD = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Run system command (CMD) :",_x+10,_y) tbxCMD = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",163,_y-3,205,19) _y+=20 cbxExit = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Close bot',_x+9,_y) _y+=20 cbxNotification_Full = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Show phBot notification',_x+9,_y) _y+=20 cbxSound_Full = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Play sound. Path : ',_x+9,_y) tbxSound_Full = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,'',128,_y-1,240,19) _y+=20 cbxLog_Full = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'cbxDoNothing','Log into a file',_x+9,_y) # ______________________________ Methods ______________________________ # # Return folder path def getPath(): return get_config_dir()+pName+"\\" # Return character configs path (JSON) def getConfig(name): if not name: name = pName; return getPath()+name+".json" # Load default configs def loadDefaultConfig(): # Clear data QtBind.setText(gui,tbxProfileName,"") QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxEnabled,False) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSelectChar,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxCreateChar,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxDeleteChar,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSelectCharOnAcademy,False) QtBind.setText(gui,tbxNickname,"") QtBind.setText(gui,tbxSequence,str(SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_NUMBER)) QtBind.setText(gui,cmbxRace,"CH") QtBind.setText(gui,tbxCMD,"") QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNotification_Full,False) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSound_Full,False) QtBind.setText(gui,tbxSound_Full,NOTIFICATION_SOUND_PATH) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxLog_Full,False) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxExit,False) # Loads all config previously saved def loadConfigs(fileName=""): # Reset config loadDefaultConfig() # Check config exists to load if os.path.exists(getConfig(fileName)): data = {} with open(getConfig(fileName),"r") as f: data = json.load(f) # Load all data QtBind.setText(gui,tbxProfileName,fileName) if "Enabled" in data and data['Enabled']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxEnabled,True) if "SelectChar" in data and not data['SelectChar']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSelectChar,False) if "CreateChar" in data and not data['CreateChar']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxCreateChar,False) if "DeleteChar" in data and not data['DeleteChar']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxDeleteChar,False) if "SelectCharOnAcademy" in data and data['SelectCharOnAcademy']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSelectCharOnAcademy,True) if "Nickname" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxNickname,data["Nickname"]) if "Sequence" in data and data["Sequence"]: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxSequence,data["Sequence"]) if "Race" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,cmbxRace,data["Race"]) if "CMD" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxCMD,data["CMD"]) if "NotificationFull" in data and data['NotificationFull']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNotification_Full,True) if "SoundFull" in data and data['SoundFull']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNotification_Full,True) if "SoundFullPath" in data and data["SoundFullPath"]: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxSound_Full,data["SoundFullPath"]) if "LogFull" in data and data['LogFull']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxLog_Full,True) if "Exit" in data and data['Exit']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxExit,True) return True return False # Save specific value at config def saveConfigs(fileName=""): data = {} # Save all data data["Enabled"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEnabled) data["SelectChar"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSelectChar) data["CreateChar"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxCreateChar) data["DeleteChar"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxDeleteChar) data["SelectCharOnAcademy"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSelectCharOnAcademy) data["Nickname"] = QtBind.text(gui,tbxNickname) sequence = QtBind.text(gui,tbxSequence) if sequence.isnumeric(): data["Sequence"] = sequence else: data["Sequence"] = str(SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_NUMBER) QtBind.setText(gui,tbxSequence,data["Sequence"]) data["Race"] = QtBind.text(gui,cmbxRace) data["CMD"] = QtBind.text(gui,tbxCMD) data["NotificationFull"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxNotification_Full) data["SoundFull"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSound_Full) data["SoundFullPath"] = QtBind.text(gui,tbxSound_Full) data["LogFull"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxLog_Full) data["Exit"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxExit) # Overrides with open(getConfig(fileName),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data,indent=4,sort_keys=True)) # Button event def btnSaveConfig_clicked(): # Check the config name strConfigName = QtBind.text(gui,tbxProfileName) saveConfigs(strConfigName) if strConfigName: log('Plugin: Profile ['+strConfigName+'] config has been saved') else: log("Plugin: Configs has been saved") # Button event def btnLoadConfig_clicked(): # Check the config name strConfigName = QtBind.text(gui,tbxProfileName) if loadConfigs(strConfigName): if strConfigName: log("Plugin: Profile ["+strConfigName+"] config has been loaded") else: log("Plugin: Configs has been loaded") elif strConfigName: log("Plugin: Profile ["+strConfigName+"] not found") # Create the character by injecting def CreateCharacter(): # select class race = QtBind.text(gui,cmbxRace) if race != 'EU': race = 'CH' model = get_monster_string('CHAR_CH_MAN_ADVENTURER') chest = get_item_string('ITEM_CH_M_HEAVY_01_BA_A_DEF') legs = get_item_string('ITEM_CH_M_HEAVY_01_LA_A_DEF') shoes = get_item_string('ITEM_CH_M_HEAVY_01_FA_A_DEF') weapon = get_item_string('ITEM_CH_SWORD_01_A_DEF') else: race = 'EU' model = get_monster_string('CHAR_EU_MAN_NOBLE') chest = get_item_string('ITEM_EU_M_HEAVY_01_BA_A_DEF') legs = get_item_string('ITEM_EU_M_HEAVY_01_LA_A_DEF') shoes = get_item_string('ITEM_EU_M_HEAVY_01_FA_A_DEF') weapon = get_item_string('ITEM_EU_SWORD_01_A_DEF') if not model or not chest or not legs or not shoes or not weapon: log('Plugin: Error, the CodeName has changed on this server') return global isCreatingCharacter isCreatingCharacter = True log('Plugin: Creating character ['+CreatingNickname+'] ('+race+')') p = b'\x01' p += struct.pack(' 4 : maxWidth = 4 numbers = pow(10,maxWidth)-1 name = str(name)+(str(random.randint(0,numbers))).zfill(maxWidth) return name # Get the sequence previously saved or start a new one if not def GetSequence(): sequence = QtBind.text(gui,tbxSequence) # Check valid value if sequence.isnumeric(): sequence = int(sequence) else: sequence = SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_NUMBER QtBind.setText(gui,tbxSequence,str(sequence+1)) saveConfigs(QtBind.text(gui,tbxProfileName)) return sequence # Check the name length and sequence and return it def GetNickSequence(nickname): seq = str(GetSequence()) nick = nickname+seq nickLength = len(nick) if nickLength > 12: # as max. character restriction nickLength -= 12 nick = nickname[:-nickLength]+seq return nick # Check nickname if is available def createNickname(): global CreatingNickname customName = QtBind.text(gui,tbxNickname) if customName: CreatingNickname = GetNickSequence(customName) else: CreatingNickname = GetRandomNick() log("Plugin: Checking nickname ["+CreatingNickname+"]") Inject_CheckName(CreatingNickname) # Kill the bot process def KillBot(): log("Plugin: Closing bot...") # Suicide :( os.kill(os.getpid(),9) # Execute another bot with the same command line arguments as this one def RestartBotWithCommandLine(): # Flag to indicate it can be executed only once global isRestarted if isRestarted: return isRestarted = True # Get the path and arguments from the current bot cmd = ' '.join(get_command_line_args()) # Run on subprocess to avoid lock subprocess.Popen(cmd) # Start a timer to close this one log("Plugin: Your bot will be closed at 5 seconds..") Timer(5.0,KillBot).start() # ______________________________ Events ______________________________ # # All packets received from game server will be passed to this function # Returning True will keep the packet and False will not forward it to the game client def handle_joymax(opcode,data): # SERVER_CHARACTER_SELECTION_RESPONSE if opcode == 0xB007 and QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEnabled): # Filter packet parsing locale = get_locale() try: global isCreatingCharacter, isDeletingCharacter index = 0 # cursor action = data[index] index+=1 success = data[index] index+=1 if action == 1: if isCreatingCharacter: isCreatingCharacter = False if success == 1: log("Plugin: Character created successfully!") else: log("Plugin: Character creation failed") elif action == 3: if isDeletingCharacter: isDeletingCharacter = False if success == 1: log("Plugin: Character deleted successfully!") else: log("Plugin: Character deletion failed") elif action == 4: if isCreatingCharacter: if success == 1: log("Plugin: Nickname available!") CreateCharacter() else: log("Plugin: Nickname has been already taken!") Timer(1.0,createNickname).start() elif action == 2: if success == 1: # Main process charList = [] # Check all characters at selection screen nChars = data[index] index+=1 log("Plugin: xAcademy character list: "+ ("None" if not nChars else "")) for i in range(nChars): # Build character object character = {} character['model_id'] = struct.unpack_from('= 40 and charLevel <= 50 and charAcademyType != 0: # Check setting if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSelectCharOnAcademy): log("Plugin: Selecting character ["+charName+"] (Still on Academy)") select_character(charName) return # Condition for deleting character between 40~50 if charLevel >= 40 and charLevel <= 50: # Check setting if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxDeleteChar): # Try to delete it global isDeletingCharacter isDeletingCharacter = True log("Plugin: Deleting character ["+charName+"] (Between level 40 and 50)") Inject_DeleteCharacter(charName) # Asking the character list to avoid phbot getting stupid on popup window Timer(3.0,Inject_RequestCharacterList).start() return # Condition to check if character is below 40 if charLevel < 40: # Check setting if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSelectChar): log("Plugin: Selecting character ["+charName+"] (Lower than level 40)") select_character(charName) return # No conditions triggered if len(CharList) < 4: # Check setting if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxCreateChar): global isCreatingCharacter isCreatingCharacter = True # Wait 3 seconds, then start looking for nicknames Timer(3.0,createNickname).start() else: errMessage = "Plugin: Not enough space to create a new character!" log(errMessage) # Check actions cmd = QtBind.text(gui,tbxCMD) if cmd: log("Plugin: Trying to execute command ["+cmd+"]") # Run in subprocess to avoid lock it subprocess.Popen(cmd) # Try to show notification if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxNotification_Full): show_notification(pName+' v'+pVersion,errMessage) # Play sound if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSound_Full): try: # Check if path has been set somehow path = QtBind.text(gui,tbxSound_Full) play_wav(path if path else NOTIFICATION_SOUND_PATH) except: pass # Log into the file if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxLog_Full): from datetime import datetime logText ='%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S')+': '+errMessage profileName = QtBind.text(gui,tbxProfileName) logText += '\nProfile being used: '+ (profileName if profileName else 'None') with open(getPath()+'_log.txt','a') as f: f.write(logText) # Exit from bot if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxExit): log("Plugin: Your bot will be closed at 5 seconds..") Timer(5.0,KillBot).start() # Plugin loading ... log('Plugin: '+pName+' v'+pVersion+' successfully loaded') # Check configs folder if os.path.exists(getPath()): useDefaultConfig = True # Try to load config through command line bot_args = get_command_line_args() if bot_args: for i in range(len(bot_args)): param = bot_args[i].lower() if param.startswith('-xacademy-config='): # remove command configName = param[17:] # try to load config file if loadConfigs(configName): log("Plugin: "+pName+" profile ["+configName+"] loaded from commandline") useDefaultConfig = False else: log("Plugin: "+pName+" profile ["+configName+"] not found") break if useDefaultConfig: loadConfigs() else: loadDefaultConfig() # Creating configs folder os.makedirs(getPath()) log('Plugin: "'+pName+'" folder has been created')