from phBot import * import QtBind from threading import Timer import struct import sqlite3 import json import os pName = 'xAvatarTester' pVersion = '1.1.0' pUrl = '' # ______________________________ Initializing ______________________________ # # Globals bot_path = os.getcwd() character_data = None AVATAR_TEST_UID_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFE avatarTestingUID = 0 isSearching = False # Graphic user interface gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName) # Search _y = 12 _x = 6 QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Item name :",_x,_y) tbxSearchItem = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",_x+63,_y-3,568,20) btnSearchItem = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnSearchItem_clicked'," Search ",_x+63+568+3,_y-5) _y+=22 lvwItems = QtBind.createList(gui,_x,_y,720-12,106) lvwItemsData = [] _y+=106 btnAddItem = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnAddItem_clicked'," Add ",_x,_y+3) # Builder _x+=90 _y+=10 QtBind.createLabel(gui,"* Hat",_x,_y) QtBind.createLabel(gui,"* Dress",_x+152+3,_y) QtBind.createLabel(gui,"* Accesory",_x+152+3+152+3,_y) QtBind.createLabel(gui,"* Flag",_x+152+3+152+3+152+3,_y) _y+=18 lvwHatItems = QtBind.createList(gui,_x,_y,152,80) lvwHatItemsData = [] lvwDressItems = QtBind.createList(gui,_x+152+3,_y,152,80) lvwDressItemsData = [] lvwAccesoryItems = QtBind.createList(gui,_x+152+3+152+3,_y,152,80) lvwAccesoryItemsData = [] lvwFlagItems = QtBind.createList(gui,_x+152+3+152+3+152+3,_y,152,80) lvwFlagItemsData = [] _y+=80 btnRemHatItem = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemHatItem_clicked'," Remove ",_x+36,_y) btnRemDressItem = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemDressItem_clicked'," Remove ",_x+36+152+3,_y) btnRemAccesoryItem = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemAccesoryItem_clicked'," Remove ",_x+36+152+3+152+3,_y) btnRemFlagItem = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemFlagItem_clicked'," Remove ",_x+36+152+3+152+3+152+3,_y) _x-=90 btnBuildModel = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnBuildModel_clicked'," Build ",_x,_y-25) btnClearModels = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnClearModels_clicked'," Clear All ",_x,_y) # ______________________________ Classes & Methods ______________________________ # class SRCoord: def __init__(self,PosX,PosY,Z,Region): # fix to positive region if Region < 0: Region = 65535+Region+1 self.region = Region if self.inDungeon(): self.xSector = Region & 0xFF self.ySector = Region >> 8 # phBot dungeon synchronization self.x = 10 * ( PosX - (self.xSector - 128) * 192 ) self.y = 10 * ( PosY - (self.ySector - 128) * 192 ) self.posX = 128 * 192 + self.x / 10 self.posY = 128 * 192 + self.y / 10 self.xSector = int(((128.0 * 192.0 + self.posX) / 192.0) - 128) self.ySector = int(((128.0 * 192.0 + self.posY) / 192.0) - 128) else: self.posX = PosX self.posY = PosY self.x = int(abs(PosX) % 192.0 * 10.0) if PosX < 0: self.x = 1920 - self.x self.y = int(abs(PosY) % 192.0 * 10.0) if PosY < 0: self.y = 1920 - self.y self.xSector = int(round((PosX - self.x / 10.0) / 192.0 + 135)) self.ySector = int(round((PosY - self.y / 10.0) / 192.0 + 92)) self.z = Z def inDungeon(self): return self.region > 32767 # Button clicked def btnSearchItem_clicked(): # vSRO only locale = get_locale() if locale != 22: return # Check is not empty itemName = QtBind.text(gui,tbxSearchItem) if not itemName: return # Check if process is running on background global isSearching if isSearching: return # Quick ingame check if not isJoined(): return # Clear list QtBind.clear(gui,lvwItems) global lvwItemsData lvwItemsData = [] isSearching = True Timer(0.001,SearchItem,[itemName]).start() # Search an item from silkroad/bot database def SearchItem(itemName): # Creates a connection to database from vsro server conn = GetDatabaseConnection(character_data['server']) if conn: # set cursor c = conn.cursor() # find items with same name c.execute('SELECT id,servername,name,tid3 FROM items WHERE tid1=1 AND tid2=13 AND name LIKE ?',('%'+itemName+'%',)) global lvwItemsData lvwItemsData = c.fetchall() # Fill listview QtBind.append(gui,lvwItems,'ID | ServerName | Name') # Header for item in lvwItemsData: QtBind.append(gui,lvwItems,str(item[0])+' | '+item[1]+' | '+item[2]) # query done conn.close() # Enable searching global isSearching isSearching = False # Create a connection to database def GetDatabaseConnection(server): # Load the server info data = {} with open(bot_path+"/vSRO.json","r") as f: data = json.load(f) # Match data with the current server for k in data: servers = data[k]['servers'] # Check if servers is in list if server in servers: # Scan data folder for path in os.scandir(bot_path+"/Data"): # Check databases only if path.is_file() and".db3"): # Connect to check if the data matches conn = sqlite3.connect(bot_path+"/Data/" c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT * FROM data WHERE k="path" AND v=?',(data[k]['path'],)) if c.fetchone(): # match found return conn else: conn.close() return None # Add the avatar item to the specified list def btnAddItem_clicked(): selectedIndex = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lvwItems) # skip header if selectedIndex >= 1: item = lvwItemsData[selectedIndex-1] # Check it's the same genre isMale = IsMale(character_data['model']) if '_M_' in item[1] or '_W_' in item[1]: if (isMale and not '_M_' in item[1]) or (not isMale and not '_W_' in item[1]): log('Plugin: Selected item is not matching your character genre!') return else: # Special case - some servers using _F and _M instead if (item[1].endswith('_F') and isMale) or (item[1].endswith('_M') and not isMale): log('Plugin: Selected item is not matching your character genre!') return # Select the list view = None glist = None t = item[3] if t == 1: view = lvwHatItems glist = 'lvwHatItemsData' elif t == 2: view = lvwDressItems glist = 'lvwDressItemsData' elif t == 3: view = lvwAccesoryItems glist = 'lvwAccesoryItemsData' elif t == 4: view = lvwFlagItems glist = 'lvwFlagItemsData' glist = globals()[glist] # Add if doesn't exist if not item[0] in glist: glist.append(item[0]) QtBind.append(gui,view,item[2]) # Remove Hat from list def btnRemHatItem_clicked(): btnRemoveItem(lvwHatItems,'lvwHatItemsData') # Remove Dress from list def btnRemDressItem_clicked(): btnRemoveItem(lvwDressItems,'lvwDressItemsData') # Remove Accesory from list def btnRemAccesoryItem_clicked(): btnRemoveItem(lvwAccesoryItems,'lvwAccesoryItemsData') # Remove Flag from list def btnRemFlagItem_clicked(): btnRemoveItem(lvwFlagItems,'lvwFlagItemsData') # Remove avatar item from list def btnRemoveItem(listview,glistview): index = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,listview) if index >= 0: # Remove it glist = globals()[glistview] del glist[index] # From UI QtBind.removeAt(gui,listview,index) # Creates an avatar model to visualize avatar without buying it def btnBuildModel_clicked(): # Quick check if not isJoined(): return # Check what has been selected index = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lvwHatItems) hat_id = lvwHatItemsData[index] if index >= 0 else 0 index = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lvwDressItems) dress_id = lvwDressItemsData[index] if index >= 0 else 0 index = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lvwAccesoryItems) accesory_id = lvwAccesoryItemsData[index] if index >= 0 else 0 index = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lvwFlagItems) flag_id = lvwFlagItemsData[index] if index >= 0 else 0 # Create new avatar model Inject_Spawn_AvatarModel(hat_id,dress_id,accesory_id,flag_id) # Clear all avatar models created with this plugin def btnClearModels_clicked(): global avatarTestingUID delay = 0.001 if avatarTestingUID: for i in range(avatarTestingUID,AVATAR_TEST_UID_MAX+1): # delete one for one smoothly Timer(delay,Inject_Despawn,[i]).start() delay+=1 avatarTestingUID = 0 # Check if character is ingame def isJoined(): global character_data character_data = get_character_data() if not (character_data and "name" in character_data and character_data["name"]): character_data = None return character_data # Check if current character is male def IsMale(model): return (model >= 1907 and model <= 1919) or (model >= 14875 and model <= 14887) def IsChinese(model): return model < 14875 # Inject into the client an avatar to visualize the character model def Inject_Spawn_AvatarModel(hat_id=0,dress_id=0,accesory_id=0,flag_id=0): model = character_data['model'] # All will be done based on current character isMale = IsMale(model) isChinese = IsChinese(model) armor = get_item_string('ITEM_'+('CH' if isChinese else 'EU')+'_'+('M' if isMale else 'W')+'_LIGHT_01_BA_A_DEF')['model'] legs = get_item_string('ITEM_'+('CH' if isChinese else 'EU')+'_'+('M' if isMale else 'W')+'_LIGHT_01_LA_A_DEF')['model'] foots = get_item_string('ITEM_'+('CH' if isChinese else 'EU')+'_'+('M' if isMale else 'W')+'_LIGHT_01_FA_A_DEF')['model'] pos = get_position() coord = SRCoord(pos['x'],pos['y'],500,pos['region']) avatar = [dress_id,hat_id,accesory_id,flag_id] avatarCount = 0 for a in avatar: if a: avatarCount += 1 global avatarTestingUID avatarTestingUID = ( (avatarTestingUID-1) if avatarTestingUID else AVATAR_TEST_UID_MAX ) # Create packet p = struct.pack('