from phBot import * from threading import Timer import struct pName = 'xCarnivalBalloon' pVersion = '1.0.2' pUrl = '' # ______________________________ Initializing ______________________________ # INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP = 6 INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY = 4.0 # seconds isInflating = False inflatingLevel = 0 # ______________________________ Methods ______________________________ # # Search an item by name or servername through lambda expression and return his information. def GetItemByExpression(_lambda): items = get_inventory()['items'] for slot, item in enumerate(items): if item: # Search by lambda if _lambda(item['name'],item['servername']): # Save slot location item['slot'] = slot return item return None # Inflates a balloon def InflateNewBalloon(): item = GetItemByExpression(lambda n,s: s.startswith('ITEM_ETC_E101216_BALLOON_')) # Check if balloon has been found if item: # Tracking balloon level global inflatingLevel inflatingLevel = 1 # Build packet and use it p = struct.pack('B',item['slot']) p += b'\x30\x0C\x09\x00' log('Plugin: Using "'+item['name']+'"...') inject_joymax(0x704C,p,True) # Start leveling it after passing delay Timer(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY,LevelUpBalloon).start() else: global isInflating isInflating = False # Start bot and get back to town log('Plugin: Balloons not found, using return scroll...') use_return_scroll() # All done, just Start it start_bot() # Inflates a balloon to the next level def LevelUpBalloon(): global inflatingLevel # Check if can claim it if inflatingLevel >= INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP: # Claim balloon log('Plugin: Getting balloon reward (Lv.'+str(inflatingLevel)+')') inject_joymax(0x7574,b'\x02',False) inflatingLevel = 0 # Continue Timer(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY,LevelUpBalloon).start() # Check if ballon is alive elif inflatingLevel: # Try level up log('Plugin: Inflating balloon...') inject_joymax(0x7574,b'\x01',False) # Try to level up it again Timer(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVELUP_DELAY,LevelUpBalloon).start() # Try to inflate another one else: InflateNewBalloon() # Made for condition usage only def InflateBalloons(): # avoid trigger it multiple times if not isInflating: inflate_balloons([]) # ______________________________ Events ______________________________ # # Starts inflating balloons through script command def inflate_balloons(args): item = GetItemByExpression(lambda n,s: s.startswith('ITEM_ETC_E101216_BALLOON_')) # Check if balloon has been found if item: # Stop scripting stop_bot() # Start inflating process global isInflating isInflating = True log('Plugin: Starting to inflate balloons...') # Avoid interpreter lock Timer(0.001,InflateNewBalloon).start() else: log('Plugin: Balloons not found on your inventory') return 0 # All packets received from game server will be passed to this function # Returning True will keep the packet and False will not forward it to the game client def handle_joymax(opcode,data): # SERVER_BALLOON_UP_RESPONSE if opcode == 0xB574 and isInflating: # inflated if data[0] == 1: global inflatingLevel # update new level if data[1] == 1: # up inflatingLevel += 1 elif data[1] == 2: # fail inflatingLevel = 0 return True # Plugin loaded log('Plugin: '+pName+' v'+pVersion+' successfully loaded')