from phBot import * import QtBind import struct import json import os pName = 'xChanger' pVersion = '1.1.1' pUrl = '' # ______________________________ Initializing ______________________________ # # globals character_data = None ExchangeStatus = '' # opcodes CLIENT_GAME_PETITION_RESPONSE = 0x3080 SERVER_GAME_PETITION_REQUEST = 0x3080 SERVER_EXCHANGE_STARTED = 0x3085 SERVER_EXCHANGE_PLAYER_CONFIRMED = 0x3086 SERVER_EXCHANGE_COMPLETED = 0x3087 SERVER_EXCHANGE_CANCELED = 0x3088 CLIENT_EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_REQUEST = 0x7082 SERVER_EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RESPONSE = 0xB082 CLIENT_EXCHANGE_APPROVE_REQUEST = 0x7083 SERVER_EXCHANGE_INVITATION_RESPONSE = 0xB081 SERVER_EXCHANGE_APPROVE_RESPONSE = 0xB083 SERVER_EXCHANGE_EXIT_RESPONSE = 0xB084 # Initializing GUI gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName) _x=6 _y=9 QtBind.createLabel(gui,'* Exchangers list (Party required)',_x,_y) _y+=20 tbxExchangerName = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",_x,_y,100,20) QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnAddExchanger_clicked'," Add ",_x+101,_y-2) _y+=20 lvwExchangers = QtBind.createList(gui,_x,_y,176,60) _y+=60 QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemExchanger_clicked'," Remove ",_x+49,_y-2) _y+=20 + 10 cbxReplyAccept = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'checkbox_changed','Auto accept reply',_x,_y) _y+=20 cbxReplyApprove = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'checkbox_changed','Auto approve reply',_x,_y) _x+=185 _y=9 cbxAcceptAll = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui,'checkbox_changed','Accept all exchange invitations',_x,_y) # ______________________________ Methods ______________________________ # # Return folder path def get_path(): return get_config_dir()+pName+"\\" # Return character configs path (JSON) def get_config(): return get_path()+character_data['server'] + "_" + character_data['name'] + ".json" # Check if character is ingame def is_joined(): global character_data character_data = get_character_data() if not (character_data and "name" in character_data and character_data["name"]): character_data = None return character_data # Load default configs def load_default_config(): # Clear data QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxAcceptAll,False) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxReplyAccept,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxReplyApprove,True) QtBind.clear(gui,lvwExchangers) # Save all config def save_configs(): # Save if data has been loaded if is_joined(): # Save all data data = {} data["AcceptAll"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxAcceptAll) data["ReplyAccept"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxReplyAccept) data["ReplyApprove"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxReplyApprove) data["Exchangers"] = QtBind.getItems(gui,lvwExchangers) # Overrides with open(get_config(),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) log("Plugin: "+pName+" configs has been saved") # Loads all config previously saved def load_configs(): load_default_config() if is_joined(): # Check config exists to load if os.path.exists(get_config()): data = {} with open(get_config(),"r") as f: data = json.load(f) # Load data if "AcceptAll" in data and data['AcceptAll']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxAcceptAll,True) if "ReplyAccept" in data and not data['ReplyAccept']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxReplyAccept,False) if "ReplyApprove" in data and not data['ReplyApprove']: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxReplyApprove,False) if "Exchangers" in data: for charName in data["Exchangers"]: QtBind.append(gui,lvwExchangers,charName) # Called when any checkbox value changed def checkbox_changed(newValue): save_configs() # Return True if text exist at the list def string_in_list(vString,vList,ModeSensitive=False): if not ModeSensitive: vString = vString.lower() for i in range(len(vList)): if not ModeSensitive: vList[i] = vList[i].lower() if vList[i] == vString: return True return False # Add leader to the list def btnAddExchanger_clicked(): # Check in game data if character_data: player = QtBind.text(gui,tbxExchangerName) # Player nickname it's not empty and not added if player and not string_in_list(player,QtBind.getItems(gui,lvwExchangers)): QtBind.append(gui,lvwExchangers,player) save_configs() # saved successfully QtBind.setText(gui,tbxExchangerName,"") log('Plugin: Exchanger added ['+player+']') # Remove leader selected from list def btnRemExchanger_clicked(): # Check in game data if character_data: selectedItem = QtBind.text(gui,lvwExchangers) if selectedItem: QtBind.remove(gui,lvwExchangers,selectedItem) # saved successfully save_configs() log("Plugin: Exchanger removed ["+selectedItem+"]") # Return character name from player ID but only if is in party def get_charname(UniqueID): # Checking if UID is mine if UniqueID == character_data['player_id']: return character_data['name'] # Load players from party players = get_party() # Check UID existence if players: for key, player in players.items(): if player['player_id'] == UniqueID: return player['name'] return "" # Send the response to the last game petition def Inject_GamePetitionResponse(Accept,Type): if Accept: p = b'\x01\x01' else: # Party Invitation or Party Creation if Type == 2 or Type == 3: p = b'\x02\x0C\x2C' # Default else: p = b'\x01\x00' inject_joymax(CLIENT_GAME_PETITION_RESPONSE,p,False) # ______________________________ Events ______________________________ # # Called when the character enters the game world def joined_game(): load_configs() # All packets received from game server will be passed to this function # Returning True will keep the packet and False will not forward it to the game client def handle_joymax(opcode, data): if opcode == SERVER_GAME_PETITION_REQUEST: t = data[0] # petition type if t == 1: # exchange # Accept everyone if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxAcceptAll): Inject_GamePetitionResponse(True,t) return True # Try to extract nickname entityID = struct.unpack_from('