from phBot import * import phBotChat import QtBind import json import os import re pName = 'xTrivia' pVersion = '0.1.3' pUrl = '' # ______________________________ Initializing ______________________________ # # Globals character_data = None trivia_data = [] trivia_last_question = '' # Graphic user interface gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName) lblDescription = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"xTrivia can automatically save all the questions with the answers if you supply the correct pattern (regex).\nIt is working with Notice chat only and sending the question to General chat by default.",6,10) lblQuestionPattern = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Question Pattern :",6,45) tbxQuestionPattern = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",98,43,350,19) lblAnswerPattern = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Answer Pattern :",6,65) tbxAnswerPattern = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",90,63,358,19) lblReplyTo = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Reply To :",480,55) tbxReplyTo = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",530,53,80,19) btnSaveConfig = QtBind.createButton(gui,'saveConfigs'," Save ",645,4) lblQuestion = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Question :",6,105) tbxQuestion = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",59,103,180,19) lblAnswer = QtBind.createLabel(gui,"Answer :",59+180+6,105) tbxAnswer = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",59+180+6+48,103,90,19) btnAddTrivia = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnAddTrivia_clicked'," Add ",59+180+6+48+90+6,105-4) btnRemTrivia = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemTrivia_clicked'," Remove ",720-75-6,105-4) lstTriviaData = QtBind.createList(gui,6,125,720-12,18*8-3) # ______________________________ Methods ______________________________ # # Return folder path def getPath(): return get_config_dir()+pName+"\\" # Return character configs path (JSON) def getConfigPath(): return getPath()+character_data['server'] + "_" + character_data['name'] + ".json" # Return trivia config path for the server def getTriviaPath(): return getPath()+"_"+character_data['server'] + "_Trivia.json" # Check if character is ingame def isJoined(): global character_data character_data = get_character_data() if not (character_data and "name" in character_data and character_data["name"]): character_data = None return character_data # Save all config def saveConfigs(): # Save if data has been loaded if isJoined(): # Save all data data = {} data['QuestionPattern'] = QtBind.text(gui,tbxQuestionPattern) data['AnswerPattern'] = QtBind.text(gui,tbxAnswerPattern) data['ReplyTo'] = QtBind.text(gui,tbxReplyTo) # Overrides with open(getConfigPath(),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) log("Plugin: "+pName+" configs has been saved") # Load default configs def loadDefaultConfig(): # Clear data QtBind.setText(gui,tbxQuestionPattern,"") QtBind.setText(gui,tbxAnswerPattern,"") QtBind.setText(gui,tbxReplyTo,"") QtBind.clear(gui,lstTriviaData) # Loads all config previously saved def loadConfigs(): loadDefaultConfig() if isJoined(): # Check config exists to load if os.path.exists(getConfigPath()): data = {} with open(getConfigPath(),"r") as f: data = json.load(f) # Load data if "QuestionPattern" in data and data["QuestionPattern"]: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxQuestionPattern,data["QuestionPattern"]) if "AnswerPattern" in data and data["AnswerPattern"]: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxAnswerPattern,data["AnswerPattern"]) if "ReplyTo" in data and data["ReplyTo"]: QtBind.setText(gui,tbxReplyTo,data["ReplyTo"]) # Try to load trivia data for first time UpdateTriviaData() # Load the trivia data def UpdateTriviaData(): # Clean it global trivia_data trivia_data = [] QtBind.clear(gui,lstTriviaData) # Check the trivia data if os.path.exists(getTriviaPath()): # Try to Load trivia file with open(getTriviaPath(),"r") as f: trivia_data = json.load(f) # Load the listview for trivia in trivia_data: QtBind.append(gui,lstTriviaData,'Q: "'+trivia['q']+'" A: "'+trivia['a']+'"') # Return True if the question exist into the array def QuestionExists(_array,_question): for _value in _array: if _value['q'] == _question: return True return False # Add question answer to database def AddQuestionAnswer(question,answer): # Check question existence if not QuestionExists(trivia_data,question): # Create trivia object trivia = {'q':question,'a':answer} # Insert ordered into the list index = 0 for data in trivia_data: if data['q'] > question: break index+=1 trivia_data[index:index] = [trivia] trivia_text = 'Q: "'+question+'" A: "'+answer+'"' # Overwrite file with open(getTriviaPath(),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(trivia_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # Update all UpdateTriviaData() # Success message log('Plugin: Trivia ['+trivia_text+'] has been added') # Add trivia manually def btnAddTrivia_clicked(): # avoid empty data question = QtBind.text(gui,tbxQuestion) if not question: return answer = QtBind.text(gui,tbxAnswer) if not answer: return # update it at first UpdateTriviaData() # try to add it AddQuestionAnswer(question,answer) # reset data QtBind.setText(gui,tbxQuestion,'') QtBind.setText(gui,tbxAnswer,'') # Remove trivia manually def btnRemTrivia_clicked(): # get index selected index = QtBind.currentIndex(gui,lstTriviaData) if index >= 0: global trivia_data # save the data to be deleted trivia = trivia_data[index] # update it at first UpdateTriviaData() # search the trivia index to be deleted index = -1 for i in range(len(trivia_data)): if trivia_data[i]['q'] == trivia['q']: index = i break if index != -1: del trivia_data[index] QtBind.removeAt(gui,lstTriviaData,index) # Overwrite the file with open(getTriviaPath(),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(trivia_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # Success message log('Plugin: Trivia ['+trivia['q']+'] has been removed') # Binary search algorithm. Returns the index or -1 if is the element is not found def binarySearch(_array, _left, _right, _element): # Check base case if _right >= _left: mid = _left + (_right - _left) // 2 if _array[mid]['q'] == _element: return mid elif _array[mid]['q'] > _element: return binarySearch(_array, _left, mid-1, _element) else: return binarySearch(_array, mid+1, _right, _element) else: return -1 # Returns the answer to the question, otherwise empty is returned def FindAnswer(Question): UpdateTriviaData() # Check if is not empty if trivia_data: # Try to find it asap index = binarySearch(trivia_data,0,len(trivia_data)-1,Question) # Check existence of the question if index != -1: # Return the answer return trivia_data[index]['a'] # Nothing found return None # Send the message to the player or to all chat def SendAnswer(Answer): playerToReply = QtBind.text(gui,tbxReplyTo) if playerToReply: phBotChat.Private(playerToReply,Answer) else: phBotChat.All(Answer) # Search and reply the trivia question def ReplyQuestion(Question): global trivia_last_question # Try to find the answer answer = FindAnswer(Question) # Check answer if answer == None: log('Plugin: Trivia answer not found! ['+Question+']') # Keep in memory the last question made and not answered trivia_last_question = Question else: # Answering as quickly as possible (: SendAnswer(answer) log('Plugin: Trivia answer sent ['+answer+']') # clean it just in case trivia_last_question = "" # Save the trivia question/answer into the books ;) def SaveAnswer(Answer): # Cannot save it if there is no question previously saved if trivia_last_question: global trivia_data # Update it the gui and data at first UpdateTriviaData() # Try to add it AddQuestionAnswer(trivia_last_question,Answer) # Check if the message pattern is correct to reply to the question def CheckQuestionPattern(msg): # Check the question pattern questionPattern = QtBind.text(gui,tbxQuestionPattern) if questionPattern: try: if,msg): ReplyQuestion(msg) return True except Exception as ex: log("Plugin: Error at regex ["+str(ex)+"]") return False # Check if the answer pattern is correct to save the answer def CheckAnswerPattern(msg): # Check the answer pattern answerPattern = QtBind.text(gui,tbxAnswerPattern) if answerPattern: try: # The match needs to be grouped, otherwise is not going to work match = re.findall(answerPattern,msg) if match: if type(match[0]) is tuple: # Remove empty matches match[0] = list(filter(None, match[0]))[1] # Save first match SaveAnswer(match[0]) return True except Exception as ex: log("Plugin: Error at regex ["+str(ex)+"]") return False # ______________________________ Events ______________________________ # # Called when the character enters the game world def joined_game(): loadConfigs() # All chat messages received are sent to this function def handle_chat(t,player,msg): # Check a notice message if t == 7: # Just try to check stuffs on this message CheckQuestionPattern(msg) CheckAnswerPattern(msg) # Plugin loaded log('Plugin: '+pName+' v'+pVersion+' successfully loaded') if os.path.exists(getPath()): # Adding RELOAD plugin support loadConfigs() else: # Creating configs folder os.makedirs(getPath()) log('Plugin: '+pName+' folder has been created')