Huely Palette Extractor - Sublime Plugin ======================================== A sublime plugin to extract and visualize colors in your code in a nice interactive palette. ![]( This is a plugin for [](, and requires an internet connection to work. ## Installation ___(Coming Soon)_ With Package Control__:
Run “Package Control: Install Package” command, find and install the Huely Palette plugin. Restart Sublime if necessary. __Manually__:
Clone or download git repo into your packages folder (in ST, find Browse Packages... menu item to open this folder) Restart Sublime if necessary. ## Usage Default OSX Keybinding: __ctrl+shift+h__ Setup your own keybinding by inserting the follow in your user keybindings file: { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+h"], "command": "huely_extract" } ## Technical Info, ICYW - The plugin submits a post request to the huely "API", with the text data in your current file. - If there are colors to be extracted, huely creates a palette and returns with 200:OK and the palette ID. - The plugin then uses webbrowser to open your browser to the palette page. - Don't count on your palettes being permanently reachable! Huely is currently hosted on and I don't own the DB.