package com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus; import; import com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.core.Config; import com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.core.LiveEvent; import com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.core.LiveEventBusCore; import com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.core.Observable; import com.jeremyliao.liveeventbus.core.ObservableConfig; /** * _ _ _____ _ ______ * | | (_) | ___| | | | ___ \ * | | ___ _____| |____ _____ _ __ | |_| |_/ /_ _ ___ * | | | \ \ / / _ \ __\ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __| ___ \ | | / __| * | |___| |\ V / __/ |___\ V / __/ | | | |_| |_/ / |_| \__ \ * \_____/_| \_/ \___\____/ \_/ \___|_| |_|\__\____/ \__,_|___/ * * * * Created by liaohailiang on 2019/1/21. */ public final class LiveEventBus { /** * get observable by key with type * * @param key key * @param type type * @param T * @return Observable */ public static Observable get(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Class type) { return LiveEventBusCore.get().with(key, type); } /** * get observable by key * * @param key String * @param T * @return Observable */ public static Observable get(@NonNull String key) { return (Observable) get(key, Object.class); } /** * get observable from eventType * * @param eventType Class * @param T * @return Observable */ public static Observable get(@NonNull Class eventType) { return get(eventType.getName(), eventType); } /** * use the inner class Config to set params * first of all, call config to get the Config instance * then, call the method of Config to config LiveEventBus * call this method in Application.onCreate * @return Config */ public static Config config() { return LiveEventBusCore.get().config(); } /** * use the inner class Config to set params * first of all, call config to get the Config instance * then, call the method of Config to config LiveEventBus * call this method in Application.onCreate * @param key String * @return Config */ public static ObservableConfig config(@NonNull String key) { return LiveEventBusCore.get().config(key); } }