/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NoXiousNet EFT FGD // // If there are any bugs with this file, or any additions that need to be made // // make a post at: http://www.noxiousnet.com/forums/index.php?topic=14910 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @include "base.fgd" @include "halflife2.fgd" @include "hl2mp.fgd" @BaseClass base(Targetname) = NoXToggle [ // Keys enabled(choices) : "Start Enabled?" : 1 : "Does the entity start enabled?" = [ 0: "No" 1: "Yes" ] // Inputs input setenabled(integer) : "0 for off, 1 for on." ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname) = EFTGoal [ // Keys teamid(choices) : "Team" : 1 : "The team's goal point." = [ 1 : "Red" 2 : "Blue" ] points(integer) : "Points Per Goal" : 1 : "Number of points that is given when scoring." ] @PointClass base(Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") color( 255 0 0 ) = info_player_red : "EFT: People on team red spawn here." [ ] @PointClass = logic_norandomweapons : "EFT: Stops random weapons from being dropped at spawnpoints." [ ] @PointClass base(Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = info_player_spectator : "EFT: People who want to spectate spawn here." [ ] @PointClass base(Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") color( 0 0 255 ) = info_player_blue : "EFT: People on team green spawn here." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_barrel : "EFT: Spawns a Nitro Barrel." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_docks/dock01_pole01a_128.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_bigpole : "EFT: Spawns a Big Pole." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_junk/garbage_glassbottle001a.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_boozebottle : "EFT: Spawns a Booze Bottle." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_vehicles/car002a.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_car : "EFT: Spawns a Clown Car." [ ] @PointClass base(Angles, Targetname) studio("models/props_junk/watermelon01.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_melon : "EFT: Spawns a Melon." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/weapons/w_rocket_launcher.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_melondriver : "EFT: Spawns a Melon Driver." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_c17/trappropeller_engine.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_mowertrap : "EFT: Spawns a Mower Trap." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_phx/amraam.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_tomahawk : "EFT: Spawns a Tomahawk Missle." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/props_trainstation/trashcan_indoor001b.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_trashbin : "EFT: Spawns a Trash Bin." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/weapons/w_stunbaton.mdl") color( 128 128 255 ) = prop_carry_beatingstick : "EFT: Spawns a Beatdown Stick." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/weapons/w_stunbaton.mdl") color( 255 128 128 ) = prop_carry_arcanewand : "EFT: Spawns an Arcane Wand." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/maxofs2d/hover_rings.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_gravityorb : "EFT: Spawns a Gravity Orb." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl") color( 255 255 255 ) = prop_carry_smokebomb : "EFT: Spawns a Smoke Bomb." [ ] @PointClass base(Angles,EFTGoal) = prop_goal : "EFT: Where the boring, basic goal spawns." [ ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, NoXToggle) = trigger_ballreset : "EFT: Change how the player should score with the ball." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname, NoXToggle) = logic_teamscore : "EFT: Called when a chosen team scores a point." [ // Inputs input getscore(void) : "Fires outputs containing the scores of each team" // Outputs output onscore(void) : "Called when anyone scores." output onredscore(void) : "Called when Red team scores." output onbluescore(void) : "Called when Blue team scores." output ongetredscore(void) : "Called and outputs red score when getscore input is used." output ongetbluescore(void) : "Called and outputs blue score when getscore input is used." ] @PointClass base(Targetname,Angles,Parentname) studio("models/roller.mdl") = prop_ball : "EFT: Where the ball spawns." [ // Outputs output onreturnhome(void) : "Called when the ball returns to the spawn position." output ondropped(void) : "Activator is the carrier who dropped the ball." output ondroppedbyred(void) : "Activator is the red player who dropped the ball." output ondroppedbyblue(void) : "Activator is the blue player who dropped the ball." output onthrown(void) : "Activator is the player who threw the ball." output onthrownbyred(void) : "Activator is the red player who threw the ball." output onthrownbyblue(void) : "Activator is the blue player who threw the ball." output onpickedup(void) : "Activator is the player who picks up the ball." output onpickedupbyred(void) : "Same as onpickedup but for red only." output onpickedupbyblue(void) : "Same as onpickedup but for blue only." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_teamsound : "EFT: Used to play sound when activated (can be either a sound file or in the format soundfile,pitch,volume)." [ // Inputs input playtoall(string) : "Plays the specified sound to all players including spectators." input playtored(string) : "Plays the specified sound to the red team." input playtoblue(string) : "Plays the specified sound to the blue team." input playtospectators(string) : "Plays the specified sound to spectators only." ] @SolidClass base(EFTGoal) = trigger_goal : "EFT: Change how the player should score with the ball." [ // Keys scoretype(choices) : "Score Type" : 1 : "EFT: Sets the score type." = [ 0 : "No Scoring" 1 : "Touch Only" 2 : "Throw Only" 3 : "Touch And Throw" ] // Inputs input setscoretype(integer) : "Change the score type of this entity." // Outputs output onscore(void) : "Called when this goal gets scored on." ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, NoXToggle) = trigger_abspush : "EFT: Push mechanic for the gamemode." [ // Keys knockdown(choices) : "Knock Down" : 1 : "Triggers a ragdoll knockdown or not." = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] starttouchonly(choices) : "Activate on Touch Only" : 1 : "Only trigger when object enters the field." = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] overridevelocity(choices) : "Override Velocity" : 0 : "Should the velocity of the object be overriden instead of added to?" = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] pushfromorigin(choices) : "Push from Origin" : 0 : "Push Velocity must be set on, pushes the object from the brushes origin." = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] pushplayers(choices) : "Push Players" : 1 : "Push the players?" = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] pushball(choices) : "Push Ball" : 1 : "Push the ball?" = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] pushphysobjects(choices) : "Push Physics Objects" : 1 : "Push any physics object? Includes the ball but does not override when set to off" = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] pushvelocity(string) : "Push Velocity" : "0 0 0" : "Should be either a vector or a number depending on what Push from Origin is set as." // Inputs input setstarttouchonly(integer) : "Choose if this entity is activated only on starting touch." input setoverridevelocity(integer) : "Choose if this entity overrides the object velocity." input setpushfromorigin(integer) : "Choose if this entity pushes from the orgin." input setpushplayers(integer) : "Choose if this entity pushes players." input setpushball(integer) : "Choose if this entity pushes the ball." input setpushphysobjects(integer) : "Choose if this entity pushes any object." input setpushvelocity(string) : "Set a vector or number for the velocity." ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, NoXToggle) = trigger_knockdown : "EFT: Knockdown trigger for the gamemode." [ // Keys starttouchonly(choices) : "Activate on Touch Only" : 1 : "Only trigger when object enters the field." = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] knockdowntime(float) : "Knockdown Time" : "3.0" : "Time in seconds to knock someone down." // Inputs input setstarttouchonly(integer) : "Choose if this entity is activated only on starting touch." input setknockdowntime(float) : "Set the time the player is knocked down for." // Outputs output onknockdown(void) : "Activates when activator is knocked down." ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, NoXToggle) = trigger_powerup : "EFT: Gives the ball a powerup when entering the volume." [ // Keys powerup(choices) : "Powerup" : "speedball" : "Which powerup to give the ball." = [ "speedball" : "Speed Ball" "blitzball" : "Blitz Ball" "waterball" : "Water Ball" "magnetball" : "Magnet Ball" "scoreball" : "Score Ball" "iceball" : "Ice Ball" "gravityball": "Gravity Ball" "boozeball" : "Booze Ball" "rubberball" : "Rubber Ball" ] poweruptime(integer) : "Powerup Time" : 20 : "How long the ball is powered up." // Inputs input setpoweruptime(integer) : "Set the powerup time." input setpowerup(string) : "Set which powerup the ball has." ]