package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang package psi import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap import import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import com.intellij.openapi.module.{JavaModuleType, Module, ModuleUtil} import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.roots.{ProjectFileIndex, ProjectRootManager} import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange import com.intellij.psi._ import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettingsManager import com.intellij.psi.impl.light.LightModifierList import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.PsiFileImpl import com.intellij.psi.scope.PsiScopeProcessor import{GlobalSearchScope, LocalSearchScope, SearchScope} import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet import com.intellij.psi.util._ import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.caches.CachesUtil import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.editor.typedHandler.ScalaTypedHandler import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.extensions._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.formatting.settings.ScalaCodeStyleSettings import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.parser.util.ParserUtils import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.patterns.{ScBindingPattern, ScCaseClause, ScPatternArgumentList} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.types._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.xml.ScXmlExpr import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.params._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.imports.usages.ImportUsed import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.imports.{ScImportExpr, ScImportStmt} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.packaging.{ScPackageContainer, ScPackaging} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.templates.ScTemplateBody import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.typedef._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.{InferUtil, ScPackageLike, ScalaFile, ScalaRecursiveElementVisitor} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.ScalaPsiManager.ClassCategory import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.toplevel.typedef.TypeDefinitionMembers import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.{ScalaPsiElementFactory, ScalaPsiManager} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.implicits.ScImplicitlyConvertible.ImplicitResolveResult import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.implicits.{ImplicitCollector, ScImplicitlyConvertible} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.stubs.ScModifiersStub import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.Compatibility.Expression import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.nonvalue.{Parameter, ScMethodType, ScTypePolymorphicType, TypeParameter} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.result.{Success, TypeResult, TypingContext} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.refactoring.util.ScTypeUtil.AliasType import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.processor._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.{ResolvableReferenceExpression, ResolveUtils, ScalaResolveResult} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.structureView.ScalaElementPresentation import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.ScalaLanguageLevel.Scala_2_11 import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.settings.ScalaCompilerConfiguration import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.{ModuleExt, ProjectPsiElementExt} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.util.ScEquivalenceUtil import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.collection.{Seq, Set, mutable} import scala.reflect.NameTransformer /** * User: Alexander Podkhalyuzin */ object ScalaPsiUtil { def nameWithPrefixIfNeeded(c: PsiClass): String = { val qName = c.qualifiedName if (ScalaCodeStyleSettings.getInstance(c.getProject).hasImportWithPrefix(qName)) qName.split('.').takeRight(2).mkString(".") else } def typeParamString(param: ScTypeParam): String = { var paramText = if (param.typeParameters.nonEmpty) { paramText +="[", ", ", "]") } param.lowerTypeElement foreach { case tp => paramText = paramText + " >: " + tp.getText } param.upperTypeElement foreach { case tp => paramText = paramText + " <: " + tp.getText } param.viewTypeElement foreach { case tp => paramText = paramText + " <% " + tp.getText } param.contextBoundTypeElement foreach { case tp => paramText = paramText + " : " + tp.getText } paramText } def debug(message: => String, logger: Logger) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug(message) } } def functionArrow(project: Project): String = { val useUnicode = ScalaCodeStyleSettings.getInstance(project).REPLACE_CASE_ARROW_WITH_UNICODE_CHAR if (useUnicode) ScalaTypedHandler.unicodeCaseArrow else "=>" } @tailrec def drvTemplate(elem: PsiElement): Option[ScTemplateDefinition] = { val template = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(elem, true, classOf[ScTemplateDefinition]) if (template == null) return None template.extendsBlock.templateParents match { case Some(parents) if PsiTreeUtil.isContextAncestor(parents, elem, true) => drvTemplate(template) case _ => Some(template) } } @tailrec def firstLeaf(elem: PsiElement): PsiElement = { val firstChild: PsiElement = elem.getFirstChild if (firstChild == null) return elem firstLeaf(firstChild) } def isBooleanBeanProperty(s: ScAnnotationsHolder, noResolve: Boolean = false): Boolean = { if (noResolve) { s.annotations.exists { case annot => Set("scala.reflect.BooleanBeanProperty", "reflect.BooleanBeanProperty", "BooleanBeanProperty", "scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty", "beans.BooleanBeanProperty"). contains(annot.typeElement.getText.replace(" ", "")) } } else { s.hasAnnotation("scala.reflect.BooleanBeanProperty").isDefined || s.hasAnnotation("scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty").isDefined } } def isBeanProperty(s: ScAnnotationsHolder, noResolve: Boolean = false): Boolean = { if (noResolve) { s.annotations.exists { case annot => Set("scala.reflect.BeanProperty", "reflect.BeanProperty", "BeanProperty", "scala.beans.BeanProperty", "beans.BeanProperty"). contains(annot.typeElement.getText.replace(" ", "")) } } else { s.hasAnnotation("scala.reflect.BeanProperty").isDefined || s.hasAnnotation("scala.beans.BeanProperty").isDefined } } @tailrec def withEtaExpansion(expr: ScExpression): Boolean = { expr.getContext match { case call: ScMethodCall => false case g: ScGenericCall => withEtaExpansion(g) case p: ScParenthesisedExpr => withEtaExpansion(p) case _ => true } } def convertMemberName(s: String): String = { if (s == null || s.isEmpty) return s val s1 = if (s(0) == '`' && s.length() > 1) s.tail.dropRight(1) else s NameTransformer.decode(s1) } def memberNamesEquals(l: String, r: String): Boolean = { if (l == r) return true convertMemberName(l) == convertMemberName(r) } def cachedDeepIsInheritor(clazz: PsiClass, base: PsiClass): Boolean = { val manager = ScalaPsiManager.instance(clazz.getProject) manager.cachedDeepIsInheritor(clazz, base) } def lastChildElementOrStub(element: PsiElement): PsiElement = { element match { case st: ScalaStubBasedElementImpl[_] if st.getStub != null => val stub = st.getStub val children = stub.getChildrenStubs if (children.size() == 0) element.getLastChild else children.get(children.size() - 1).getPsi case _ => element.getLastChild } } @tailrec def fileContext(psi: PsiElement): PsiFile = { if (psi == null) return null psi match { case f: PsiFile => f case _ => fileContext(psi.getContext) } } /** * If `s` is an empty sequence, (), otherwise TupleN(s0, ..., sn)) * * See SCL-2001, SCL-3485 */ def tuplizy(s: Seq[Expression], scope: GlobalSearchScope, manager: PsiManager, place: PsiElement): Option[Seq[Expression]] = { s match { case Seq() => // object A { def foo(a: Any) = ()}; A foo () ==>>, or ==>> () ) Some(Seq(new Expression(types.Unit, place))) case _ => val exprTypes: Seq[ScType] = = true, isShape = false, None)).map { case (res, _) => res.getOrAny } val qual = "scala.Tuple" + exprTypes.length val tupleClass = ScalaPsiManager.instance(manager.getProject).getCachedClass(scope, qual).orNull if (tupleClass == null) None else Some(Seq(new Expression(ScParameterizedType(ScDesignatorType(tupleClass), exprTypes), place))) } } def getNextSiblingOfType[T <: PsiElement](sibling: PsiElement, aClass: Class[T]): T = { if (sibling == null) return null.asInstanceOf[T] var child: PsiElement = sibling.getNextSibling while (child != null) { if (aClass.isInstance(child)) { return child.asInstanceOf[T] } child = child.getNextSibling } null.asInstanceOf[T] } def processImportLastParent(processor: PsiScopeProcessor, state: ResolveState, place: PsiElement, lastParent: PsiElement, typeResult: => TypeResult[ScType]): Boolean = { val subst = state.get(ScSubstitutor.key).toOption.getOrElse(ScSubstitutor.empty) lastParent match { case _: ScImportStmt => typeResult match { case Success(t, _) => (processor, place) match { case (b: BaseProcessor, p: ScalaPsiElement) => b.processType(subst subst t, p, state) case _ => true } case _ => true } case _ => true } } /** *Pick all type parameters by method maps them to the appropriate type arguments, if they are */ def inferMethodTypesArgs(fun: PsiMethod, classSubst: ScSubstitutor): ScSubstitutor = { fun match { case fun: ScFunction => fun.typeParameters.foldLeft(ScSubstitutor.empty) { (subst, tp) => subst.bindT((, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tp)), new ScUndefinedType(new ScTypeParameterType(tp: ScTypeParam, classSubst), 1)) } case fun: PsiMethod => fun.getTypeParameters.foldLeft(ScSubstitutor.empty) { (subst, tp) => subst.bindT((, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tp)), new ScUndefinedType(new ScTypeParameterType(tp: PsiTypeParameter, classSubst), 1)) } } } def findImplicitConversion(e: ScExpression, refName: String, ref: PsiElement, processor: BaseProcessor, noImplicitsForArgs: Boolean): Option[ImplicitResolveResult] = { lazy val funType = Option( ScalaPsiManager.instance(e.getProject).getCachedClass( "scala.Function1", e.getResolveScope, ScalaPsiManager.ClassCategory.TYPE ) ) collect { case cl: ScTrait => ScParameterizedType(ScType.designator(cl), => new ScUndefinedType(new ScTypeParameterType(tp, ScSubstitutor.empty), 1))) } flatMap { case p: ScParameterizedType => Some(p) case _ => None } def specialExtractParameterType(rr: ScalaResolveResult): (Option[ScType], Seq[TypeParameter]) = { def inner(tp: ScType) = { tp match { case f@ScFunctionType(_, _) => Some(f) case _ => funType match { case Some(ft) => if (tp.conforms(ft)) { Conformance.undefinedSubst(ft, tp).getSubstitutor match { case Some(subst) => Some(subst.subst(ft).removeUndefines()) case _ => None } } else None case _ => None } } } val typeParams = rr.unresolvedTypeParameters match { case Some(tParams) if tParams.nonEmpty => tParams case _ => Seq.empty } (inner(InferUtil.extractImplicitParameterType(rr)), typeParams) } //TODO! remove this after find a way to improve implicits according to compiler. val isHardCoded = refName == "+" && e.getTypeWithoutImplicits().map(_.isInstanceOf[ValType]).getOrElse(false) val kinds = processor.kinds var implicitMap: Seq[ScalaResolveResult] = Seq.empty def checkImplicits(secondPart: Boolean, noApplicability: Boolean, withoutImplicitsForArgs: Boolean = noImplicitsForArgs) { def args = processor match { case _ if !noImplicitsForArgs => Seq.empty case m: MethodResolveProcessor => m.argumentClauses.flatMap( _.getTypeAfterImplicitConversion(checkImplicits = false, isShape = m.isShapeResolve, None)._1.getOrAny )) case _ => Seq.empty } val exprType = ImplicitCollector.exprType(e, fromUnder = false).getOrElse(return) if (exprType.equiv(types.Nothing)) return //do not proceed with nothing type, due to performance problems. val convertible = new ImplicitCollector(e, ScFunctionType(types.Any, Seq(exprType))(e.getProject, e.getResolveScope), ScFunctionType(exprType, args)(e.getProject, e.getResolveScope), None, true, true, predicate = Some((rr, subst) => { ProgressManager.checkCanceled() specialExtractParameterType(rr) match { case (Some(ScFunctionType(tp, _)), _) => if (!isHardCoded || !tp.isInstanceOf[ValType]) { val newProc = new ResolveProcessor(kinds, ref, refName) newProc.processType(tp, e, ResolveState.initial) val res = newProc.candidatesS.nonEmpty if (!noApplicability && res && processor.isInstanceOf[MethodResolveProcessor]) { val mrp = processor.asInstanceOf[MethodResolveProcessor] val newProc = new MethodResolveProcessor(ref, refName, mrp.argumentClauses, mrp.typeArgElements, rr.element match { case fun: ScFunction if fun.hasTypeParameters => TypeParameter(_)) case _ => Seq.empty }, kinds, mrp.expectedOption, mrp.isUnderscore, mrp.isShapeResolve, mrp.constructorResolve, noImplicitsForArgs = withoutImplicitsForArgs) newProc.processType(tp, e, ResolveState.initial) val candidates = newProc.candidatesS.filter(_.isApplicable()) if (candidates.nonEmpty) { rr.element match { case fun: ScFunction if fun.hasTypeParameters => val newRR = newRR.resultUndef match { case Some(undef) => undef.getSubstitutor match { case Some(uSubst) => Some(rr.copy(subst = newRR.substitutor.followed(uSubst), implicitParameterType =, subst.followed(uSubst)) case _ => Some(rr, subst) } case _ => Some(rr, subst) } case _ => Some(rr, subst) } } else None } else if (res) Some(rr, subst) else None } else None case _ => None } })) implicitMap = convertible.collect() } //This logic is important to have to navigate to problematic method, in case of failed resolve. //That's why we need to have noApplicability parameter checkImplicits(secondPart = false, noApplicability = false) if (implicitMap.size > 1) { val oldMap = implicitMap checkImplicits(secondPart = false, noApplicability = false, withoutImplicitsForArgs = true) if (implicitMap.isEmpty) implicitMap = oldMap } else if (implicitMap.isEmpty) { checkImplicits(secondPart = true, noApplicability = false) if (implicitMap.size > 1) { val oldMap = implicitMap checkImplicits(secondPart = false, noApplicability = false, withoutImplicitsForArgs = true) if (implicitMap.isEmpty) implicitMap = oldMap } else if (implicitMap.isEmpty) checkImplicits(secondPart = false, noApplicability = true) } if (implicitMap.length == 1) { val rr = implicitMap.head specialExtractParameterType(rr) match { case (Some(ScFunctionType(tp, _)), typeParams) => Some(ImplicitResolveResult(tp, rr.getElement, rr.importsUsed, rr.substitutor, ScSubstitutor.empty, isFromCompanion = false, //todo: from companion parameter unresolvedTypeParameters = typeParams)) case _ => None } } else None } @tailrec def findCall(place: PsiElement): Option[ScMethodCall] = { place.getContext match { case call: ScMethodCall => Some(call) case p: ScParenthesisedExpr => findCall(p) case g: ScGenericCall => findCall(g) case _ => None } } def approveDynamic(tp: ScType, project: Project, scope: GlobalSearchScope): Boolean = { val cachedClass = ScalaPsiManager.instance(project).getCachedClass(scope, "scala.Dynamic").orNull if (cachedClass == null) return false val dynamicType = ScDesignatorType(cachedClass) tp.conforms(dynamicType) } def processTypeForUpdateOrApplyCandidates(call: MethodInvocation, tp: ScType, isShape: Boolean, isDynamic: Boolean): Array[ScalaResolveResult] = { val isUpdate = call.isUpdateCall val methodName = if (isDynamic) ResolvableReferenceExpression.getDynamicNameForMethodInvocation(call) else if (isUpdate) "update" else "apply" val args: Seq[ScExpression] = call.argumentExpressions ++ ( if (isUpdate) call.getContext.asInstanceOf[ScAssignStmt].getRExpression match { case Some(x) => Seq[ScExpression](x) case None => Seq[ScExpression](ScalaPsiElementFactory.createExpressionFromText("{val x: Nothing = null; x}", call.getManager)) //we can't to not add something => add Nothing expression } else Seq.empty) val (expr, exprTp, typeArgs: Seq[ScTypeElement]) = call.getEffectiveInvokedExpr match { case gen: ScGenericCall => // The type arguments are for the apply/update method, separate them from the referenced expression. (SCL-3489) val referencedType = gen.referencedExpr.getNonValueType(TypingContext.empty).getOrNothing referencedType match { case tp: ScTypePolymorphicType => //that means that generic call is important here (gen, gen.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrNothing, Seq.empty) case _ => (gen.referencedExpr, gen.referencedExpr.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrNothing, gen.arguments) } case expression => (expression, tp, Seq.empty) } val invoked = call.getInvokedExpr val typeParams = invoked.getNonValueType(TypingContext.empty).map { case ScTypePolymorphicType(_, tps) => tps case _ => Seq.empty }.getOrElse(Seq.empty) val emptyStringExpression = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createExpressionFromText("\"\"", call.getManager) val processor = new MethodResolveProcessor(expr, methodName, if (!isDynamic) args :: Nil else List(List(emptyStringExpression), args), typeArgs, typeParams, isShapeResolve = isShape, enableTupling = true, isDynamic = isDynamic) var candidates: Set[ScalaResolveResult] = Set.empty exprTp match { case ScTypePolymorphicType(internal, typeParam) if typeParam.nonEmpty && !internal.isInstanceOf[ScMethodType] && !internal.isInstanceOf[ScUndefinedType] => if (!isDynamic || approveDynamic(internal, call.getProject, call.getResolveScope)) { val state: ResolveState = ResolveState.initial().put(BaseProcessor.FROM_TYPE_KEY, internal) processor.processType(internal, call.getEffectiveInvokedExpr, state) } candidates = processor.candidatesS case _ => } if (candidates.isEmpty && (!isDynamic || approveDynamic(exprTp.inferValueType, call.getProject, call.getResolveScope))) { val state: ResolveState = ResolveState.initial.put(BaseProcessor.FROM_TYPE_KEY, exprTp.inferValueType) processor.processType(exprTp.inferValueType, call.getEffectiveInvokedExpr, state) candidates = processor.candidatesS } if (!isDynamic && candidates.forall(!_.isApplicable())) { processor.resetPrecedence() //should think about implicit conversions findImplicitConversion(expr, methodName, call, processor, noImplicitsForArgs = candidates.nonEmpty) match { case Some(res) => ProgressManager.checkCanceled() val function = res.element var state = ResolveState.initial.put(ImportUsed.key, res.importUsed). put(CachesUtil.IMPLICIT_FUNCTION, function) res.getClazz match { case Some(cl: PsiClass) => state = state.put(ScImplicitlyConvertible.IMPLICIT_RESOLUTION_KEY, cl) case _ => } state = state.put(BaseProcessor.FROM_TYPE_KEY, state = state.put(BaseProcessor.UNRESOLVED_TYPE_PARAMETERS_KEY, res.unresolvedTypeParameters) processor.processType(res.getTypeWithDependentSubstitutor, expr, state) case _ => } candidates = processor.candidatesS } candidates.toArray } def processTypeForUpdateOrApply(tp: ScType, call: MethodInvocation, isShape: Boolean): Option[(ScType, collection.Set[ImportUsed], Option[PsiNamedElement], Option[ScalaResolveResult])] = { def checkCandidates(withDynamic: Boolean = false): Option[(ScType, collection.Set[ImportUsed], Option[PsiNamedElement], Option[ScalaResolveResult])] = { val candidates: Array[ScalaResolveResult] = processTypeForUpdateOrApplyCandidates(call, tp, isShape, isDynamic = withDynamic) PartialFunction.condOpt(candidates) { case Array(r@ScalaResolveResult(fun: PsiMethod, s: ScSubstitutor)) => def update(tp: ScType): ScType = { if (r.isDynamic) ResolvableReferenceExpression.getDynamicReturn(tp) else tp } val res = fun match { case fun: ScFun => (update(s.subst(fun.polymorphicType)), r.importsUsed, r.implicitFunction, Some(r)) case fun: ScFunction => (update(s.subst(fun.polymorphicType())), r.importsUsed, r.implicitFunction, Some(r)) case meth: PsiMethod => (update(ResolveUtils.javaPolymorphicType(meth, s, call.getResolveScope)), r.importsUsed, r.implicitFunction, Some(r)) } call.getInvokedExpr.getNonValueType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(ScTypePolymorphicType(_, typeParams), _) => res.copy(_1 = res._1 match { case ScTypePolymorphicType(internal, typeParams2) => ScalaPsiUtil.removeBadBounds(ScTypePolymorphicType(internal, typeParams ++ typeParams2)) case _ => ScTypePolymorphicType(res._1, typeParams) }) case _ => res } } } checkCandidates(withDynamic = false).orElse(checkCandidates(withDynamic = true)) } /** * This method created for the following example: * {{{ * new HashMap + (1 -> 2) * }}} * Method + has lower bound, which is second generic parameter of HashMap. * In this case new HashMap should create HashMap[Int, Nothing], then we can invoke + method. * However we can't use information from not inferred generic. So if such method use bounds on * not inferred generics, such bounds should be removed. */ def removeBadBounds(tp: ScType): ScType = { tp match { case tp@ScTypePolymorphicType(internal, typeParameters) => def hasBadLinks(tp: ScType, ownerPtp: PsiTypeParameter): Option[ScType] = { var res: Option[ScType] = Some(tp) tp.recursiveUpdate {tp => tp match { case t: ScTypeParameterType => if (typeParameters.exists { case TypeParameter(_, _, _, _, ptp) if ptp == t.param && ptp.getOwner != ownerPtp.getOwner => true case _ => false }) res = None case _ => } (false, tp) } res } def clearBadLinks(tps: Seq[TypeParameter]): Seq[TypeParameter] = { { case t@TypeParameter(name, typeParams, lowerType, upperType, ptp) => TypeParameter(name, clearBadLinks(typeParams), () => hasBadLinks(lowerType(), ptp).getOrElse(Nothing), () => hasBadLinks(upperType(), ptp).getOrElse(Any), ptp) } } ScTypePolymorphicType(internal, clearBadLinks(typeParameters)) case _ => tp } } @tailrec def isAnonymousExpression(expr: ScExpression): (Int, ScExpression) = { val seq = ScUnderScoreSectionUtil.underscores(expr) if (seq.nonEmpty) return (seq.length, expr) expr match { case b: ScBlockExpr => if (b.statements.length != 1) (-1, expr) else if (b.lastExpr.isEmpty) (-1, expr) else isAnonymousExpression(b.lastExpr.get) case p: ScParenthesisedExpr => p.expr match {case Some(x) => isAnonymousExpression(x) case _ => (-1, expr)} case f: ScFunctionExpr => (f.parameters.length, expr) case _ => (-1, expr) } } def isAnonExpression(expr: ScExpression): Boolean = isAnonymousExpression(expr)._1 >= 0 def getModule(element: PsiElement): Module = { val index: ProjectFileIndex = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(element.getProject).getFileIndex index.getModuleForFile(element.getContainingFile.getVirtualFile) } val collectImplicitObjectsCache: ConcurrentMap[(ScType, Project, GlobalSearchScope), Seq[ScType]] = ContainerUtil.newConcurrentMap[(ScType, Project, GlobalSearchScope), Seq[ScType]]() def collectImplicitObjects(_tp: ScType, project: Project, scope: GlobalSearchScope): Seq[ScType] = { val tp = ScType.removeAliasDefinitions(_tp) val cacheKey = (tp, project, scope) var cachedResult = collectImplicitObjectsCache.get(cacheKey) if (cachedResult != null) return cachedResult val visited: mutable.HashSet[ScType] = new mutable.HashSet[ScType]() val parts: mutable.Queue[ScType] = new mutable.Queue[ScType] def collectParts(tp: ScType) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled() if (visited.contains(tp)) return visited += tp tp.isAliasType match { case Some(AliasType(_, _, upper)) => upper.foreach(collectParts) case _ => } def collectSupers(clazz: PsiClass, subst: ScSubstitutor) { clazz match { case td: ScTemplateDefinition => td.superTypes.foreach { tp => collectParts(subst.subst(tp)) } case clazz: PsiClass => clazz.getSuperTypes.foreach { tp => val stp = ScType.create(tp, project, scope) collectParts(subst.subst(stp)) } } } tp match { case ScDesignatorType(v: ScBindingPattern) => v.getType(TypingContext.empty).foreach(collectParts) case ScDesignatorType(v: ScFieldId) => v.getType(TypingContext.empty).foreach(collectParts) case ScDesignatorType(p: ScParameter) => p.getType(TypingContext.empty).foreach(collectParts) case ScCompoundType(comps, _, _) => comps.foreach(collectParts) case p@ScParameterizedType(a: ScAbstractType, args) => collectParts(a) args.foreach(collectParts) case p@ScParameterizedType(des, args) => ScType.extractClassType(p, Some(project)) match { case Some((clazz, subst)) => parts += des collectParts(des) args.foreach(collectParts) collectSupers(clazz, subst) case _ => collectParts(des) args.foreach(collectParts) } case j: JavaArrayType => val parameterizedType = j.getParameterizedType(project, scope) collectParts(parameterizedType.getOrElse(return)) case proj@ScProjectionType(projected, _, _) => collectParts(projected) proj.actualElement match { case v: ScBindingPattern => v.getType(TypingContext.empty).map(proj.actualSubst.subst).foreach(collectParts) case v: ScFieldId => v.getType(TypingContext.empty).map(proj.actualSubst.subst).foreach(collectParts) case v: ScParameter => v.getType(TypingContext.empty).map(proj.actualSubst.subst).foreach(collectParts) case _ => } ScType.extractClassType(tp, Some(project)) match { case Some((clazz, subst)) => parts += tp collectSupers(clazz, subst) case _ => } case ScAbstractType(_, lower, upper) => collectParts(upper) case ScExistentialType(quant, _) => collectParts(quant) case ScTypeParameterType(_, _, _, upper, _) => collectParts(upper.v) case _ => ScType.extractClassType(tp, Some(project)) match { case Some((clazz, subst)) => val packObjects = clazz.contexts.flatMap { case x: ScPackageLike => x.findPackageObject(scope).toIterator case _ => Iterator() } parts += tp packObjects.foreach(p => parts += ScDesignatorType(p)) collectSupers(clazz, subst) case _ => } } } collectParts(tp) val res: mutable.HashMap[String, Seq[ScType]] = new mutable.HashMap def addResult(fqn: String, tp: ScType): Unit = { res.get(fqn) match { case Some(s) => if (s.forall(!_.equiv(tp))) { res.remove(fqn) res += ((fqn, s :+ tp)) } case None => res += ((fqn, Seq(tp))) } } while (parts.nonEmpty) { val part = parts.dequeue() //here we want to convert projection types to right projections val visited = new mutable.HashSet[PsiClass]() @tailrec def collectObjects(tp: ScType) { tp match { case types.Any => case tp: StdType if Seq("Int", "Float", "Double", "Boolean", "Byte", "Short", "Long", "Char").contains( => val obj = ScalaPsiManager.instance(project). getCachedClass("scala." +, scope, ClassCategory.OBJECT) obj match { case o: ScObject => addResult(o.qualifiedName, ScDesignatorType(o)) case _ => } case ScDesignatorType(ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition) => collectObjects(ta.aliasedType.getOrAny) case p: ScProjectionType if p.actualElement.isInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDefinition] => collectObjects(p.actualSubst.subst(p.actualElement.asInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDefinition]. aliasedType.getOrAny)) case ScParameterizedType(ScDesignatorType(ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition), args) => val genericSubst = ScalaPsiUtil. typesCallSubstitutor( => (, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tp))), args) collectObjects(genericSubst.subst(ta.aliasedType.getOrAny)) case ScParameterizedType(p: ScProjectionType, args) if p.actualElement.isInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDefinition] => val genericSubst = ScalaPsiUtil. typesCallSubstitutor(p.actualElement.asInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDefinition] => (, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tp) )), args) val s = p.actualSubst.followed(genericSubst) collectObjects(s.subst(p.actualElement.asInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDefinition]. aliasedType.getOrAny)) case _ => for { (clazz: PsiClass, subst: ScSubstitutor) <- ScType.extractClassType(tp, Some(project)) if !visited.contains(clazz) } { clazz match { case o: ScObject => addResult(o.qualifiedName, tp) case _ => getCompanionModule(clazz) match { case Some(obj: ScObject) => tp match { case ScProjectionType(proj, _, s) => addResult(obj.qualifiedName, ScProjectionType(proj, obj, s)) case ScParameterizedType(ScProjectionType(proj, _, s), _) => addResult(obj.qualifiedName, ScProjectionType(proj, obj, s)) case _ => addResult(obj.qualifiedName, ScDesignatorType(obj)) } case _ => } } } } } collectObjects(part) } cachedResult = res.values.flatten.toSeq collectImplicitObjectsCache.put(cacheKey, cachedResult) cachedResult } def mapToLazyTypesSeq(elems: Seq[PsiParameter]): Seq[() => ScType] = { => () => param match { case scp: ScParameter => scp.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrNothing case p: PsiParameter => val treatJavaObjectAsAny = p.parents.findByType(classOf[PsiClass]) match { case Some(cls) if cls.qualifiedName == "java.lang.Object" => true // See SCL-3036 case _ => false } p.exactParamType(treatJavaObjectAsAny) } ) } /** * This method doesn't collect things like * val a: Type = b //after implicit convesion * Main task for this method to collect imports used in 'for' statemnts. */ def getExprImports(z: ScExpression): Set[ImportUsed] = { var res: Set[ImportUsed] = Set.empty val visitor = new ScalaRecursiveElementVisitor { override def visitExpression(expr: ScExpression) { //Implicit parameters expr.findImplicitParameters match { case Some(results) => for (r <- results if r != null) res = res ++ r.importsUsed case _ => } //implicit conversions def addConversions(fromUnderscore: Boolean) { res = res ++ expr.getTypeAfterImplicitConversion(expectedOption = expr.smartExpectedType(fromUnderscore), fromUnderscore = fromUnderscore).importsUsed } if (ScUnderScoreSectionUtil.isUnderscoreFunction(expr)) addConversions(fromUnderscore = true) addConversions(fromUnderscore = false) expr match { case f: ScForStatement => f.getDesugarizedExpr match { case Some(e) => res = res ++ getExprImports(e) case _ => } case call: ScMethodCall => res = res ++ call.getImportsUsed super.visitExpression(expr) case ref: ScReferenceExpression => for (rr <- ref.multiResolve(false) if rr.isInstanceOf[ScalaResolveResult]) { res = res ++ rr.asInstanceOf[ScalaResolveResult].importsUsed } super.visitExpression(expr) case _ => super.visitExpression(expr) } } } z.accept(visitor) res } def getPsiElementId(elem: PsiElement): PsiElement = { try { elem match { case typeParam: ScTypeParam => typeParam.getPsiElementId case p: PsiTypeParameter => val cc = for { owner <- Option(p.getOwner) clazz <- Option(owner.containingClass) } yield clazz cc.orNull case _ => elem } } catch { case _ : PsiInvalidElementAccessException => null } } def getSettings(project: Project): ScalaCodeStyleSettings = { CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(project).getCustomSettings(classOf[ScalaCodeStyleSettings]) } def getElementsRange(start: PsiElement, end: PsiElement): Seq[PsiElement] = { if (start == null || end == null) return Nil val file = start.getContainingFile if (file == null || file != end.getContainingFile) return Nil val commonParent = PsiTreeUtil.findCommonParent(start, end) val startOffset = start.getTextRange.getStartOffset val endOffset = end.getTextRange.getEndOffset if (commonParent.getTextRange.getStartOffset == startOffset && commonParent.getTextRange.getEndOffset == endOffset) { var parent = commonParent.getParent var prev = commonParent if (parent == null || parent.getTextRange == null) return Seq(prev) while (parent.getTextRange.equalsToRange(prev.getTextRange.getStartOffset, prev.getTextRange.getEndOffset)) { prev = parent parent = parent.getParent if (parent == null || parent.getTextRange == null) return Seq(prev) } return Seq(prev) } val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[PsiElement] var child = commonParent.getNode.getFirstChildNode var writeBuffer = false while (child != null) { if (child.getTextRange.getStartOffset == startOffset) { writeBuffer = true } if (writeBuffer) buffer.append(child.getPsi) if (child.getTextRange.getEndOffset >= endOffset) { writeBuffer = false } child = child.getTreeNext } buffer.toSeq } def getParents(elem: PsiElement, topLevel: PsiElement): List[PsiElement] = { @tailrec def inner(parent: PsiElement, k: List[PsiElement] => List[PsiElement]): List[PsiElement] = { if (parent != topLevel && parent != null) inner(parent.getParent, {l => parent :: k(l)}) else k(Nil) } inner(elem, (l: List[PsiElement]) => l) } def getFirstStubOrPsiElement(elem: PsiElement): PsiElement = { elem match { case st: ScalaStubBasedElementImpl[_] if st.getStub != null => val stub = st.getStub val childrenStubs = stub.getChildrenStubs if (childrenStubs.size() > 0) childrenStubs.get(0).getPsi else null case file: PsiFileImpl if file.getStub != null => val stub = file.getStub val childrenStubs = stub.getChildrenStubs if (childrenStubs.size() > 0) childrenStubs.get(0).getPsi else null case _ => elem.getFirstChild } } def getPrevStubOrPsiElement(elem: PsiElement): PsiElement = { def workWithStub(stub: StubElement[_ <: PsiElement]): PsiElement = { val parent = stub.getParentStub if (parent == null) return null val children = parent.getChildrenStubs val index = children.indexOf(stub) if (index == -1) { elem.getPrevSibling } else if (index == 0) { null } else { children.get(index - 1).getPsi } } elem match { case st: ScalaStubBasedElementImpl[_] => val stub = st.getStub if (stub != null) return workWithStub(stub) case file: PsiFileImpl => val stub = file.getStub if (stub != null) return workWithStub(stub) case _ => } elem.getPrevSibling } def isLValue(elem: PsiElement) = elem match { case e: ScExpression => e.getParent match { case as: ScAssignStmt => as.getLExpression eq e case _ => false } case _ => false } def getNextStubOrPsiElement(elem: PsiElement): PsiElement = { elem match { case st: ScalaStubBasedElementImpl[_] if st.getStub != null => val stub = st.getStub val parent = stub.getParentStub if (parent == null) return null val children = parent.getChildrenStubs val index = children.indexOf(stub) if (index == -1) { elem.getNextSibling } else if (index >= children.size - 1) { null } else { children.get(index + 1).getPsi } case _ => elem.getNextSibling } } def getPlaceTd(placer: PsiElement, ignoreTemplateParents: Boolean = false): ScTemplateDefinition = { val td = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(placer, true, classOf[ScTemplateDefinition]) if (ignoreTemplateParents) return td if (td == null) return null val res = td.extendsBlock.templateParents match { case Some(parents) => if (PsiTreeUtil.isContextAncestor(parents, placer, true)) getPlaceTd(td) else td case _ => td } res } @tailrec def isPlaceTdAncestor(td: ScTemplateDefinition, placer: PsiElement): Boolean = { val newTd = getPlaceTd(placer) if (newTd == null) return false if (newTd == td) return true isPlaceTdAncestor(td, newTd) } def typesCallSubstitutor(tp: Seq[(String, PsiElement)], typeArgs: Seq[ScType]): ScSubstitutor = { val map = new collection.mutable.HashMap[(String, PsiElement), ScType] for (i <- 0 to math.min(tp.length, typeArgs.length) - 1) { map += ((tp(i), typeArgs(i))) } new ScSubstitutor(Map(map.toSeq: _*), Map.empty, None) } def genericCallSubstitutor(tp: Seq[(String, PsiElement)], typeArgs: Seq[ScTypeElement]): ScSubstitutor = { val map = new collection.mutable.HashMap[(String, PsiElement), ScType] for (i <- 0 to Math.min(tp.length, typeArgs.length) - 1) { map += ((tp(tp.length - 1 - i), typeArgs(typeArgs.length - 1 - i).getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny)) } new ScSubstitutor(Map(map.toSeq: _*), Map.empty, None) } def genericCallSubstitutor(tp: Seq[(String, PsiElement)], gen: ScGenericCall): ScSubstitutor = { val typeArgs: Seq[ScTypeElement] = gen.arguments genericCallSubstitutor(tp, typeArgs) } def namedElementSig(x: PsiNamedElement): Signature = new Signature(, Seq.empty, 0, ScSubstitutor.empty, x) def superValsSignatures(x: PsiNamedElement, withSelfType: Boolean = false): Seq[Signature] = { val empty = Seq.empty val typed = x match {case x: ScTypedDefinition => x case _ => return empty} val clazz: ScTemplateDefinition = nameContext(typed) match { case e @ (_: ScValue | _: ScVariable | _:ScObject) if e.getParent.isInstanceOf[ScTemplateBody] || e.getParent.isInstanceOf[ScEarlyDefinitions] => e.asInstanceOf[ScMember].containingClass case e: ScClassParameter if e.isEffectiveVal => e.containingClass case _ => return empty } if (clazz == null) return empty val s = namedElementSig(x) val signatures = if (withSelfType) TypeDefinitionMembers.getSelfTypeSignatures(clazz) else TypeDefinitionMembers.getSignatures(clazz) val sigs = signatures.forName( var res: Seq[Signature] = (sigs.get(s): @unchecked) match { //partial match case Some(node) if !withSelfType || == x => {} case Some(node) => { }.filter { _.namedElement != x } :+ case None => //this is possible case: private member of library source class. //Problem is that we are building signatures over decompiled class. Seq.empty } val beanMethods = typed.getBeanMethods beanMethods.foreach {method => val sigs = TypeDefinitionMembers.getSignatures(clazz).forName( (sigs.get(new PhysicalSignature(method, ScSubstitutor.empty)): @unchecked) match { //partial match case Some(node) if !withSelfType || == method => res ++= {} case Some(node) => res +:= res ++= { }.filter { _.namedElement != method } case None => } } res } def superTypeMembers(element: PsiNamedElement, withSelfType: Boolean = false): Seq[PsiNamedElement] = { superTypeMembersAndSubstitutors(element, withSelfType).map( } def superTypeMembersAndSubstitutors(element: PsiNamedElement, withSelfType: Boolean = false): Seq[TypeDefinitionMembers.TypeNodes.Node] = { val clazz: ScTemplateDefinition = nameContext(element) match { case e @ (_: ScTypeAlias | _: ScTrait | _: ScClass) if e.getParent.isInstanceOf[ScTemplateBody] => e.asInstanceOf[ScMember].containingClass case _ => return Seq.empty } if (clazz == null) return Seq.empty val types = if (withSelfType) TypeDefinitionMembers.getSelfTypeTypes(clazz) else TypeDefinitionMembers.getTypes(clazz) val sigs = types.forName( (sigs.get(element): @unchecked) match { //partial match case Some(x) if !withSelfType || == element => x.supers case Some(x) => x.supers.filter { != element } :+ x case None => //this is possible case: private member of library source class. //Problem is that we are building types over decompiled class. Seq.empty } } def nameContext(x: PsiNamedElement): PsiElement = { var parent = x.getParent def isAppropriatePsiElement(x: PsiElement): Boolean = { x match { case _: ScValue | _: ScVariable | _: ScTypeAlias | _: ScParameter | _: PsiMethod | _: PsiField | _: ScCaseClause | _: PsiClass | _: PsiPackage | _: ScGenerator | _: ScEnumerator | _: ScObject => true case _ => false } } if (isAppropriatePsiElement(x)) return x while (parent != null && !isAppropriatePsiElement(parent)) parent = parent.getParent parent } object inNameContext { def unapply(x: PsiNamedElement): Option[PsiElement] = nameContext(x).toOption } def getEmptyModifierList(manager: PsiManager): PsiModifierList = new LightModifierList(manager, ScalaFileType.SCALA_LANGUAGE) def adjustTypes(element: PsiElement, addImports: Boolean = true, useTypeAliases: Boolean = true) { TypeAdjuster.adjustFor(Seq(element), addImports, useTypeAliases) } def getMethodPresentableText(method: PsiMethod, subst: ScSubstitutor = ScSubstitutor.empty): String = { method match { case method: ScFunction => ScalaElementPresentation.getMethodPresentableText(method, fast = false, subst) case _ => val PARAM_OPTIONS: Int = PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_NAME | PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_TYPE | PsiFormatUtilBase.TYPE_AFTER PsiFormatUtil.formatMethod(method, getPsiSubstitutor(subst, method.getProject, method.getResolveScope), PARAM_OPTIONS | PsiFormatUtilBase.SHOW_PARAMETERS, PARAM_OPTIONS) } } def getModifiersPresentableText(modifiers: ScModifierList): String = { if (modifiers == null) return "" val buffer = new StringBuilder("") modifiers match { case st: StubBasedPsiElement[_] if st.getStub != null => for (modifier <- st.getStub.asInstanceOf[ScModifiersStub].getModifiers) buffer.append(modifier + " ") case _ => for (modifier <- modifiers.getNode.getChildren(null) if !isLineTerminator(modifier.getPsi)) buffer.append(modifier.getText + " ") } buffer.toString() } def isLineTerminator(element: PsiElement): Boolean = { element match { case _: PsiWhiteSpace if element.getText.indexOf('\n') != -1 => true case _ => false } } def allMethods(clazz: PsiClass): Iterable[PhysicalSignature] = TypeDefinitionMembers.getSignatures(clazz).allFirstSeq().flatMap(_.filter { case (_, n) =>[PhysicalSignature]}). map { case (_, n) =>[PhysicalSignature] } def getMethodsForName(clazz: PsiClass, name: String): Seq[PhysicalSignature] = { for ((n: PhysicalSignature, _) <- TypeDefinitionMembers.getSignatures(clazz).forName(name)._1 if clazz.isInstanceOf[ScObject] || !n.method.hasModifierProperty("static")) yield n } def getApplyMethods(clazz: PsiClass): Seq[PhysicalSignature] = { getMethodsForName(clazz, "apply") } def getUnapplyMethods(clazz: PsiClass): Seq[PhysicalSignature] = { getMethodsForName(clazz, "unapply") ++ getMethodsForName(clazz, "unapplySeq") ++ (clazz match { case c: ScObject => c.allSynthetics.filter(s => == "unapply" || == "unapplySeq"). map(new PhysicalSignature(_, ScSubstitutor.empty)) case _ => Seq.empty[PhysicalSignature] }) } def getUpdateMethods(clazz: PsiClass): Seq[PhysicalSignature] = { getMethodsForName(clazz, "update") } /** * For one classOf use PsiTreeUtil.getParenteOfType instead */ def getParentOfType(element: PsiElement, classes: Class[_ <: PsiElement]*): PsiElement = { getParentOfType(element, false, classes: _*) } /** * For one classOf use PsiTreeUtil.getParenteOfType instead */ def getParentOfType(element: PsiElement, strict: Boolean, classes: Class[_ <: PsiElement]*): PsiElement = { var el: PsiElement = if (!strict) element else { if (element == null) return null element.getParent } while (el != null && !classes.exists(_.isInstance(el))) el = el.getParent el } @tailrec def getParentWithProperty(element: PsiElement, strict: Boolean, property: PsiElement => Boolean): Option[PsiElement] = { if (element == null) None else if (!strict && property(element)) Some(element) else getParentWithProperty(element.getParent, strict = false, property) } def contextOfType[T <: PsiElement](element: PsiElement, strict: Boolean, clazz: Class[T]): T = { var el: PsiElement = if (!strict) element else { if (element == null) return null.asInstanceOf[T] element.getContext } while (el != null && !clazz.isInstance(el)) el = el.getContext el.asInstanceOf[T] } /** * For one classOf use PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType instead */ def getContextOfType(element: PsiElement, strict: Boolean, classes: Class[_ <: PsiElement]*): PsiElement = { var el: PsiElement = if (!strict) element else { if (element == null) return null element.getContext } while (el != null && !classes.exists(_.isInstance(el))) el = el.getContext el } def getCompanionModule(clazz: PsiClass): Option[ScTypeDefinition] = { getBaseCompanionModule(clazz) match { case Some(td) => Some(td) case _ => clazz match { case x: ScTypeDefinition => x.fakeCompanionModule case _ => None } } } //Performance critical method def getBaseCompanionModule(clazz: PsiClass): Option[ScTypeDefinition] = { if (!clazz.isInstanceOf[ScTypeDefinition]) return None val td = clazz.asInstanceOf[ScTypeDefinition] val name: String = val scope: PsiElement = td.getContext val arrayOfElements: Array[PsiElement] = scope match { case stub: StubBasedPsiElement[_] if stub.getStub != null => stub.getStub.getChildrenByType(TokenSets.TYPE_DEFINITIONS_SET, JavaArrayFactoryUtil.PsiElementFactory) case file: PsiFileImpl => val stub = file.getStub if (stub != null) { file.getStub.getChildrenByType(TokenSets.TYPE_DEFINITIONS_SET, JavaArrayFactoryUtil.PsiElementFactory) } else scope.getChildren case _ => scope.getChildren } td match { case _: ScClass | _: ScTrait => var i = 0 val length = arrayOfElements.length while (i < length) { arrayOfElements(i) match { case obj: ScObject if == name => return Some(obj) case _ => } i = i + 1 } None case _: ScObject => var i = 0 val length = arrayOfElements.length while (i < length) { arrayOfElements(i) match { case c: ScClass if == name => return Some(c) case t: ScTrait if == name => return Some(t) case _ => } i = i + 1 } None case _ => None } } object FakeCompanionClassOrCompanionClass { def unapply(obj: ScObject): Option[PsiClass] = Option(obj.fakeCompanionClassOrCompanionClass) } def withCompanionSearchScope(clazz: PsiClass): SearchScope = { getBaseCompanionModule(clazz) match { case Some(companion) => new LocalSearchScope(clazz).union(new LocalSearchScope(companion)) case None => new LocalSearchScope(clazz) } } def hasStablePath(o: PsiNamedElement): Boolean = { @tailrec def hasStablePathInner(m: PsiMember): Boolean = { m.getContext match { case f: PsiFile => return true case _: ScPackaging | _: PsiPackage => return true case _ => } m.containingClass match { case null => false case o: ScObject if o.isPackageObject || o.qualifiedName == "scala.Predef" => true case o: ScObject => hasStablePathInner(o) case j if j.getLanguage.isInstanceOf[JavaLanguage] => true case _ => false } } nameContext(o) match { case member: PsiMember => hasStablePathInner(member) case _: ScPackaging | _: PsiPackage => true case _ => false } } def getPsiSubstitutor(subst: ScSubstitutor, project: Project, scope: GlobalSearchScope): PsiSubstitutor = { case class PseudoPsiSubstitutor(substitutor: ScSubstitutor) extends PsiSubstitutor { def putAll(parentClass: PsiClass, mappings: Array[PsiType]): PsiSubstitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY def isValid: Boolean = true def put(classParameter: PsiTypeParameter, mapping: PsiType): PsiSubstitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY def getSubstitutionMap: java.util.Map[PsiTypeParameter, PsiType] = new java.util.HashMap[PsiTypeParameter, PsiType]() def substitute(`type` : PsiType): PsiType = { ScType.toPsi(substitutor.subst(ScType.create(`type`, project, scope)), project, scope) } def substitute(typeParameter: PsiTypeParameter): PsiType = { ScType.toPsi(substitutor.subst(new ScTypeParameterType(typeParameter, substitutor)), project, scope) } def putAll(another: PsiSubstitutor): PsiSubstitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY def substituteWithBoundsPromotion(typeParameter: PsiTypeParameter): PsiType = substitute(typeParameter) def ensureValid() {} } PseudoPsiSubstitutor(subst) } @tailrec def newLinesEnabled(element: PsiElement): Boolean = { if (element == null) true else { element.getParent match { case block: ScBlock if block.hasRBrace => true case _: ScMatchStmt | _: ScalaFile | null => true case argList: ScArgumentExprList if argList.isBraceArgs => true case argList: ScArgumentExprList if !argList.isBraceArgs => false case _: ScParenthesisedExpr | _: ScTuple | _: ScTypeArgs | _: ScPatternArgumentList | _: ScParameterClause | _: ScTypeParamClause => false case caseClause: ScCaseClause => import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.lexer.ScalaTokenTypes._ val funTypeToken = caseClause.findLastChildByType(TokenSet.create(tFUNTYPE, tFUNTYPE_ASCII)) if (funTypeToken != null && element.getTextOffset < funTypeToken.getTextOffset) false else newLinesEnabled(caseClause.getParent) case other => newLinesEnabled(other.getParent) } } } /* ******** any subexpression of these does not need parentheses ********** * ScTuple, ScBlock, ScXmlExpr * ******** do not need parentheses with any parent *************** * ScReferenceExpression, ScMethodCall, * ScGenericCall, ScLiteral, ScTuple, * ScXmlExpr, ScParenthesisedExpr, ScUnitExpr * ScThisReference, ScSuperReference * * ********* * ScTuple in ScInfixExpr should be treated specially because of auto-tupling * Underscore functions in sugar calls and reference expressions do need parentheses * ScMatchStmt in ScGuard do need parentheses * ********** other cases (1 - need parentheses, 0 - does not need parentheses ***** * * \ Child ScBlockExpr ScNewTemplateDefinition ScUnderscoreSection ScPrefixExpr ScInfixExpr ScPostfixExpr Other * Parent \ * ScMethodCall 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 * ScUnderscoreSection 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 * ScGenericCall 0 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 * ScReferenceExpression 0 special 1 1 1 1 | 1 * ScPrefixExpr 0 0 0 1 1 1 | 1 * ScInfixExpr 0 0 0 0 special 1 | 1 * ScPostfixExpr 0 0 0 0 0 1 | 1 * ScTypedStmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 * ScMatchStmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 1 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * */ def needParentheses(from: ScExpression, expr: ScExpression): Boolean = { def infixInInfixParentheses(parent: ScInfixExpr, child: ScInfixExpr): Boolean = { import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.parser.parsing.expressions.InfixExpr._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.parser.util.ParserUtils._ if (parent.lOp == from) { val lid = parent.operation.getText val rid = child.operation.getText if (priority(lid) < priority(rid)) true else if (priority(rid) < priority(lid)) false else if (associate(lid) != associate(rid)) true else if (associate(lid) == -1) true else false } else { val lid = child.operation.getText val rid = parent.operation.getText if (priority(lid) < priority(rid)) false else if (priority(rid) < priority(lid)) true else if (associate(lid) != associate(rid)) true else if (associate(lid) == -1) false else true } } def tupleInInfixNeedParentheses(parent: ScInfixExpr, from: ScExpression, expr: ScTuple): Boolean = { if (from.getParent != parent) throw new IllegalArgumentException if (from == parent.lOp) false else { parent.operation.bind() match { case Some(resolveResult: ResolveResult) => val startInParent: Int = from.getStartOffsetInParent val endInParent: Int = startInParent + from.getTextLength val parentText = parent.getText val modifiedParentText = parentText.substring(0, startInParent) + from.getText + parentText.substring(endInParent) val modifiedParent = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createExpressionFromText(modifiedParentText, parent.getContext) modifiedParent match { case ScInfixExpr(_, newOper, tuple: ScTuple) => newOper.bind() match { case Some(newResolveResult) => newResolveResult.getElement == resolveResult.getElement && newResolveResult.tuplingUsed case _ => true } case _ => true } case _ => false } } } def parsedDifferently(from: ScExpression, expr: ScExpression): Boolean = { if (newLinesEnabled(from)) { expr.getParent match { case ScParenthesisedExpr(_) => val text = expr.getText val dummyFile = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createScalaFile(text, expr.getManager) dummyFile.firstChild match { case Some(newExpr: ScExpression) => newExpr.getText != text case _ => true } case _ => false } } else false } if (parsedDifferently(from, expr)) true else { val parent = from.getParent (parent, expr) match { //order of these case clauses is important! case (_: ScGuard , _: ScMatchStmt) => true case _ if !parent.isInstanceOf[ScExpression] => false case _ if expr.getText == "_" => false case (_: ScTuple | _: ScBlock | _: ScXmlExpr , _) => false case (infix: ScInfixExpr , tuple: ScTuple) => tupleInInfixNeedParentheses(infix, from, tuple) case (_: ScSugarCallExpr | _: ScReferenceExpression , elem: PsiElement) if ScUnderScoreSectionUtil.isUnderscoreFunction(elem) => true case (_ , _: ScReferenceExpression | _: ScMethodCall | _: ScGenericCall | _: ScLiteral | _: ScTuple | _: ScXmlExpr | _: ScParenthesisedExpr | _: ScUnitExpr | _: ScThisReference | _: ScSuperReference) => false case (_: ScMethodCall | _: ScUnderscoreSection , _) => true case (_ , _: ScBlock) => false case (_: ScGenericCall , _) => true case (_: ScReferenceExpression , _: ScNewTemplateDefinition) => val lastChar: Char = expr.getText.last lastChar != ')' && lastChar != '}' && lastChar != ']' case (_: ScReferenceExpression , _) => true case (_ , _: ScNewTemplateDefinition | _: ScUnderscoreSection) => false case (_: ScPrefixExpr , _) => true case (_ , _: ScPrefixExpr) => false case (par: ScInfixExpr , child: ScInfixExpr) => infixInInfixParentheses(par, child) case (_ , _: ScInfixExpr) => false case (_: ScPostfixExpr | _: ScInfixExpr , _) => true case (_ , _: ScPostfixExpr) => false case (_: ScTypedStmt | _: ScMatchStmt , _) => true case _ => false } } } def isScope(element: PsiElement): Boolean = element match { case _: ScalaFile | _: ScBlock | _: ScTemplateBody | _: ScPackageContainer | _: ScParameters | _: ScTypeParamClause | _: ScCaseClause | _: ScForStatement | _: ScExistentialClause | _: ScEarlyDefinitions | _: ScRefinement => true case e: ScPatternDefinition if e.getContext.isInstanceOf[ScCaseClause] => true // {case a => val a = 1} case _ => false } def stringValueOf(e: PsiLiteral): Option[String] = e.getValue.toOption.flatMap(_.asOptionOf[String]) def readAttribute(annotation: PsiAnnotation, name: String): Option[String] = { annotation.findAttributeValue(name) match { case literal: PsiLiteral => stringValueOf(literal) case element: ScReferenceElement => element.getReference.toOption .flatMap(_.resolve().asOptionOf[ScBindingPattern]) .flatMap(_.getParent.asOptionOf[ScPatternList]) .filter(_.allPatternsSimple) .flatMap(_.getParent.asOptionOf[ScPatternDefinition]) .flatMap(_.expr.flatMap(_.asOptionOf[PsiLiteral])) .flatMap(stringValueOf) case _ => None } } /** * Finds the n-th parameter from the primiary constructor of `cls` */ def nthConstructorParam(cls: ScClass, n: Int): Option[ScParameter] = cls.constructor match { case Some(x: ScPrimaryConstructor) => val clauses = x.parameterList.clauses if (clauses.isEmpty) None else { val params = clauses.head.parameters if (params.length > n) Some(params(n)) else None } case _ => None } /** * @return Some(parameter) if the expression is an argument expression that can be resolved to a corresponding * parameter; None otherwise. */ @tailrec def parameterOf(exp: ScExpression): Option[Parameter] = { def fromMatchedParams(matched: Seq[(ScExpression, Parameter)]) = { matched.collectFirst { case (e, p) if e == exp => p } } exp match { case ScAssignStmt(ResolvesTo(p: ScParameter), Some(expr)) => Some(new Parameter(p)) case _ => exp.getParent match { case parenth: ScParenthesisedExpr => parameterOf(parenth) case named: ScAssignStmt => parameterOf(named) case block: ScBlock if block.statements == Seq(exp) => parameterOf(block) case ie: ScInfixExpr if exp == (if (ie.isLeftAssoc) ie.lOp else ie.rOp) => ie.operation match { case ResolvesTo(f: ScFunction) => => new Parameter(p)) case ResolvesTo(method: PsiMethod) => method.getParameterList.getParameters match { case Array(p) => Some(new Parameter(p)) case _ => None } case _ => None } case (_: ScTuple) childOf (inf: ScInfixExpr) => fromMatchedParams(inf.matchedParameters) case args: ScArgumentExprList => fromMatchedParams(args.matchedParameters) case _ => None } } } /** * If `param` is a synthetic parameter with a corresponding real parameter, return Some(realParameter), otherwise None */ def parameterForSyntheticParameter(param: ScParameter): Option[ScParameter] = { val fun = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(param, classOf[ScFunction], true) def paramFromConstructor(td: ScClass) = td.constructor match { case Some(constr) => constr.parameters.find(p => == // TODO multiple parameter sections. case _ => None } if (fun == null) { None } else if (fun.isSyntheticCopy) { fun.containingClass match { case td: ScClass if td.isCase => paramFromConstructor(td) case _ => None } } else if (fun.isSyntheticApply) { getCompanionModule(fun.containingClass) match { case Some(td: ScClass) if td.isCase => paramFromConstructor(td) case _ => None } } else None } def isReadonly(e: PsiElement): Boolean = { e match { case classParameter: ScClassParameter => return classParameter.isVal case _ => } if(e.isInstanceOf[ScParameter]) { return true } val parent = e.getParent if(parent.isInstanceOf[ScGenerator] || parent.isInstanceOf[ScEnumerator] || parent.isInstanceOf[ScCaseClause]) { return true } e.parentsInFile.takeWhile(!_.isScope).findByType(classOf[ScPatternDefinition]).isDefined } private def isCanonicalArg(expr: ScExpression) = expr match { case _: ScParenthesisedExpr => false case ScBlock(expr: ScExpression) => false case _ => true } def isByNameArgument(expr: ScExpression) = { isCanonicalArg(expr) && ScalaPsiUtil.parameterOf(expr).exists(_.isByName) } def isArgumentOfFunctionType(expr: ScExpression) = { isCanonicalArg(expr) && parameterOf(expr).exists(p => ScFunctionType.isFunctionType(p.paramType)) } object MethodValue { def unapply(expr: ScExpression): Option[PsiMethod] = { if (!expr.expectedType(fromUnderscore = false).exists { case ScFunctionType(_, _) => true case expected if isSAMEnabled(expr) => toSAMType(expected, expr.getResolveScope).isDefined case _ => false }) { return None } expr match { case ref: ScReferenceExpression if !ref.getParent.isInstanceOf[MethodInvocation] => referencedMethod(ref, canBeParameterless = false) case gc: ScGenericCall if !gc.getParent.isInstanceOf[MethodInvocation] => referencedMethod(gc, canBeParameterless = false) case us: ScUnderscoreSection => us.bindingExpr.flatMap(referencedMethod(_, canBeParameterless = true)) case ScMethodCall(invoked @(_: ScReferenceExpression | _: ScGenericCall | _: ScMethodCall), args) if args.nonEmpty && args.forall(isSimpleUnderscore) => referencedMethod(invoked, canBeParameterless = false) case mc: ScMethodCall if !mc.getParent.isInstanceOf[ScMethodCall] => referencedMethod(mc, canBeParameterless = false).filter { case f: ScFunction if f.paramClauses.clauses.size > numberOfArgumentClauses(mc) => true case _ => false } case _ => None } } @tailrec private def referencedMethod(expr: ScExpression, canBeParameterless: Boolean): Option[PsiMethod] = { expr match { case ref @ ResolvesTo(f: ScFunctionDefinition) if f.isParameterless && !canBeParameterless => None case ref @ ResolvesTo(m: PsiMethod) => Some(m) case gc: ScGenericCall => referencedMethod(gc.referencedExpr, canBeParameterless) case us: ScUnderscoreSection if us.bindingExpr.isDefined => referencedMethod(us.bindingExpr.get, canBeParameterless) case m: ScMethodCall => referencedMethod(m.deepestInvokedExpr, canBeParameterless = false) case _ => None } } private def isSimpleUnderscore(expr: ScExpression) = expr match { case _: ScUnderscoreSection => expr.getText == "_" case typed: ScTypedStmt => Option(typed.expr).map(_.getText).contains("_") case _ => false } private def numberOfArgumentClauses(mc: ScMethodCall): Int = { mc.getEffectiveInvokedExpr match { case m: ScMethodCall => 1 + numberOfArgumentClauses(m) case _ => 1 } } } /** Creates a synthetic parameter clause based on view and context bounds */ def syntheticParamClause(paramOwner: ScTypeParametersOwner, paramClauses: ScParameters, classParam: Boolean): Option[ScParameterClause] = { if (paramOwner == null) return None var i = 0 def nextName(): String = { i += 1 "ev$" + i } def synthParams(typeParam: ScTypeParam): Seq[(String, ScTypeElement => Unit)] = { val views = { vte => val needParenths = vte match { case _: ScCompoundTypeElement | _: ScInfixTypeElement | _: ScFunctionalTypeElement | _: ScExistentialTypeElement => true case _ => false } val vteText = if (needParenths) s"(${vte.getText})" else vte.getText val arrow = ScalaPsiUtil.functionArrow(vte.getProject) val code = s"${nextName()}: ${} $arrow $vteText" def updateAnalog(typeElement: ScTypeElement) { vte.analog = typeElement } (code, updateAnalog _) } val bounds = { (cbte: ScTypeElement) => val code = s"${nextName()}: ${cbte.getText}[${}]" def updateAnalog(typeElement: ScTypeElement) { cbte.analog = typeElement } (code, updateAnalog _) } views ++ bounds } val params: Seq[(String, (ScTypeElement) => Unit)] = paramOwner.typeParameters match { case null => Seq() case xs => xs.flatMap(synthParams) } val clauseText =",") if (params.isEmpty) None else { val fullClauseText: String = "(implicit " + clauseText + ")" val paramClause: ScParameterClause = { if (classParam) ScalaPsiElementFactory.createImplicitClassParamClauseFromTextWithContext(fullClauseText, paramOwner.getManager, paramClauses) else ScalaPsiElementFactory.createImplicitClauseFromTextWithContext(fullClauseText, paramOwner.getManager, paramClauses) } paramClause.parameters.foreachWithIndex { (param, index) => val updateAnalog: (ScTypeElement) => Unit = params(index)._2 updateAnalog(param.typeElement.get) () } Some(paramClause) } } def isPossiblyAssignment(ref: PsiReference): Boolean = isPossiblyAssignment(ref.getElement) //todo: fix it // This is a conservative approximation, we should really resolve the operation // to differentiate self assignment from calling a method whose name happens to be an assignment operator. def isPossiblyAssignment(elem: PsiElement): Boolean = elem.getContext match { case assign: ScAssignStmt if assign.getLExpression == elem => true case infix: ScInfixExpr if infix.isAssignmentOperator => true case ref1 @ ScReferenceExpression.withQualifier(`elem`) => ParserUtils.isAssignmentOperator(ref1.refName) case _ => false } def availableImportAliases(position: PsiElement): Set[(ScReferenceElement, String)] = { def getSelectors(holder: ScImportsHolder): Set[(ScReferenceElement, String)] = { val result = collection.mutable.Set[(ScReferenceElement, String)]() if (holder != null) { val importExprs: Seq[ScImportExpr] = holder.getImportStatements.flatMap(_.importExprs) importExprs.flatMap(_.selectors).filter(_.importedName != "_").foreach { s => if (s.reference.refName != s.importedName) result += ((s.reference, s.importedName)) } result.toSet } else Set.empty } if (position != null && position.getLanguage.getID != "Scala") return Set.empty var parent = position.getParent val aliases = collection.mutable.Set[(ScReferenceElement, String)]() while (parent != null) { parent match { case holder: ScImportsHolder => aliases ++= getSelectors(holder) case _ => } parent = parent.getParent } def correctResolve(alias: (ScReferenceElement, String)): Boolean = { val (aliasRef, text) = alias val ref = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createReferenceFromText(text, position.getContext, position) val resolves = aliasRef.multiResolve(false) resolves.exists { case rr: ScalaResolveResult => ref.isReferenceTo(rr.element) case _ => false } } aliases.filter(_._1.getTextRange.getEndOffset < position.getTextOffset).filter(correctResolve).toSet } def importAliasFor(element: PsiElement, refPosition: PsiElement): Option[ScReferenceElement] = { val importAliases = availableImportAliases(refPosition) val suitableAliases = importAliases.collect { case (aliasRef, aliasName) if aliasRef.multiResolve(false).exists(rr => ScEquivalenceUtil.smartEquivalence(rr.getElement, element)) => aliasName } if (suitableAliases.nonEmpty) { val newRef: ScStableCodeReferenceElement = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createReferenceFromText(suitableAliases.head, refPosition.getManager) Some(newRef) } else None } def isViableForAssignmentFunction(fun: ScFunction): Boolean = { val clauses = fun.paramClauses.clauses clauses.isEmpty || (clauses.length == 1 && clauses.head.isImplicit) } def padWithWhitespaces(element: PsiElement) { val range: TextRange = element.getTextRange val previousOffset = range.getStartOffset - 1 val nextOffset = range.getEndOffset for { file <- element.containingFile prevElement = file.findElementAt(previousOffset) nextElement = file.findElementAt(nextOffset) parent <- element.parent } { if (!prevElement.isInstanceOf[PsiWhiteSpace]) { parent.addBefore(ScalaPsiElementFactory.createWhitespace(element.getManager), element) } if (!nextElement.isInstanceOf[PsiWhiteSpace]) { parent.addAfter(ScalaPsiElementFactory.createWhitespace(element.getManager), element) } } } def findInstanceBinding(instance: ScExpression): Option[ScBindingPattern] = { instance match { case _: ScNewTemplateDefinition => case ref: ScReferenceExpression if ref.resolve().isInstanceOf[ScObject] => case _ => return None } val nameContext = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(instance, classOf[ScVariableDefinition], classOf[ScPatternDefinition]) val (bindings, expr) = nameContext match { case vd: ScVariableDefinition => (vd.bindings, vd.expr) case td: ScPatternDefinition => (td.bindings, td.expr) case _ => (Seq.empty[ScBindingPattern], None) } if (bindings.size == 1 && expr.contains(instance)) Option(bindings.head) else { for (bind <- bindings) { if (bind.getType(TypingContext.empty).toOption == instance.getType(TypingContext.empty).toOption) return Option(bind) } None } } def intersectScopes(scope: SearchScope, scopeOption: Option[SearchScope]) = { scopeOption match { case Some(s) => s.intersectWith(scope) case None => scope } } private def addBefore[T <: PsiElement](element: T, parent: PsiElement, anchorOpt: Option[PsiElement]): T ={ val anchor = anchorOpt match { case Some(a) => a case None => val last = parent.getLastChild if (ScalaPsiUtil.isLineTerminator(last.getPrevSibling)) last.getPrevSibling else last } def addBefore(e: PsiElement) = parent.addBefore(e, anchor) def newLine: PsiElement = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createNewLineNode(element.getManager).getPsi val anchorEndsLine = ScalaPsiUtil.isLineTerminator(anchor) if (anchorEndsLine) addBefore(newLine) val anchorStartsLine = ScalaPsiUtil.isLineTerminator(anchor.getPrevSibling) if (!anchorStartsLine) addBefore(newLine) val addedStmt = addBefore(element).asInstanceOf[T] if (!anchorEndsLine) addBefore(newLine) else anchor.replace(newLine) addedStmt } def addStatementBefore(stmt: ScBlockStatement, parent: PsiElement, anchorOpt: Option[PsiElement]): ScBlockStatement = { addBefore[ScBlockStatement](stmt, parent, anchorOpt) } def addTypeAliasBefore(typeAlias: ScTypeAlias, parent: PsiElement, anchorOpt: Option[PsiElement]): ScTypeAlias = { addBefore[ScTypeAlias](typeAlias, parent, anchorOpt) } def changeVisibility(member: ScModifierListOwner, newVisibility: String): Unit = { val manager = member.getManager val modifierList = member.getModifierList if (newVisibility == "" || newVisibility == "public") { modifierList.accessModifier.foreach(_.delete()) return } val newElem = ScalaPsiElementFactory.createModifierFromText(newVisibility, manager).getPsi modifierList.accessModifier match { case Some(mod) => mod.replace(newElem) case None => if (modifierList.children.isEmpty) { modifierList.add(newElem) } else { val mod = modifierList.getFirstChild modifierList.addBefore(newElem, mod) modifierList.addBefore(ScalaPsiElementFactory.createWhitespace(manager), mod) } } } /** * @see */ def kindProjectorPluginEnabled(e: PsiElement): Boolean = { val plugins = e.module match { case Some(mod) => mod.scalaCompilerSettings.plugins case _ => ScalaCompilerConfiguration.instanceIn(e.getProject).defaultProfile.getSettings.plugins } plugins.exists(_.contains("kind-projector")) } /** * @see */ def kindProjectorPluginEnabled(p: Project): Boolean = { val modules = ModuleUtil.getModulesOfType(p, JavaModuleType.getModuleType) import collection.JavaConversions._ modules.exists { mod => mod.hasScala && mod.scalaCompilerSettings.plugins.exists(_.contains("kind-projector")) } } /** * Should we check if it's a Single Abstract Method? * In 2.11 works with -Xexperimental * In 2.12 works by default * * @return true if language level and flags are correct */ def isSAMEnabled(e: PsiElement) = e.scalaLanguageLevel match { case Some(lang) if lang < Scala_2_11 => false case Some(lang) if lang == Scala_2_11 => val settings = e.module match { case Some(module) => module.scalaCompilerSettings case None => ScalaCompilerConfiguration.instanceIn(e.getProject).defaultProfile.getSettings } settings.experimental || settings.additionalCompilerOptions.contains("-Xexperimental") case _ => true //if there's no module e.scalaLanguageLevel is None, we treat it as Scala 2.12 } /** * Determines if expected can be created with a Single Abstract Method and if so return the required ScType for it * * @see SCL-6140 * @see */ def toSAMType(expected: ScType, scalaScope: GlobalSearchScope): Option[ScType] = { def constructorValidForSAM(constructors: Array[PsiMethod]): Boolean = { //primary constructor (if any) must be public, no-args, not overloaded constructors.length match { case 0 => true case 1 => constructors.head.getModifierList.hasModifierProperty("public") && constructors.head.getParameterList.getParameters.isEmpty case _ => false } } ScType.extractClassType(expected) match { case Some((cl, sub)) => cl match { case templDef: ScTemplateDefinition => //it's a Scala class or trait val abst: Seq[ScFunction] = templDef.allMethods.toSeq.collect { case PhysicalSignature(fun: ScFunction, _) if fun.isAbstractMember => fun } val constrValid = templDef match { //if it's a class check its constructor case cla: ScClass => constructorValidForSAM(cla.constructors) case tr: ScTrait => true case _ => false } //cl must have only one abstract member, one argument list and be monomorphic val valid = constrValid && abst.length == 1 && abst.head.parameterList.clauses.length == 1 && !abst.head.hasTypeParameters if (valid) { val fun = abst.head fun.getType() match { case Success(tp, _) => val subbed = sub.subst(tp) extrapolateWildcardBounds(subbed, expected, fun.getProject, scalaScope) match { case s@Some(_) => s case _ => Some(subbed) } case _ => None } } else None case _ => //it's a Java abstract class or interface def overridesConcreteMethod(method: PsiMethod): Boolean = { method.findSuperMethods().exists(!_.hasAbstractModifier) } val abst: Array[PsiMethod] = cl.getMethods.filter { case method if method.hasAbstractModifier => true case _ => false } match { case array if array.length > 0 => array.filterNot(overridesConcreteMethod) case any => any } //must have exactly one abstract member and SAM must be monomorphic val valid = abst.length == 1 && !abst.head.hasTypeParameters && constructorValidForSAM(cl.getConstructors) if (valid) { //need to generate ScType for Java method val method = abst.head val project = method.getProject val returnType: ScType = ScType.create(method.getReturnType, project, scalaScope) val params: Array[ScType] = { param: PsiParameter => ScType.create(param.getTypeElement.getType, project, scalaScope) } val fun = ScFunctionType(returnType, params)(project, scalaScope) val subbed = sub.subst(fun) extrapolateWildcardBounds(subbed, expected, project, scalaScope) match { case s@Some(_) => s case _ => Some(subbed) } } else None } case None => None } } /** * In some cases existential bounds can be simplified without losing precision * * trait Comparinator[T] { def compare(a: T, b: T): Int } * * trait Test { * def foo(a: Comparinator[_ >: String]): Int * } * * can be simplified to: * * trait Test { * def foo(a: Comparinator[String]): Int * } * * @see * @see SCL-8956 */ private def extrapolateWildcardBounds(tp: ScType, expected: ScType, proj: Project, scope: GlobalSearchScope): Option[ScType] = { expected match { case ScExistentialType(ScParameterizedType(expectedDesignator, _), wildcards) => tp match { case ScFunctionType(retTp, params) => def convertParameter(tpArg: ScType, variance: Int): ScType = { tpArg match { case p@ScParameterizedType(des, tpArgs) => ScParameterizedType(des,, variance))) case ScExistentialType(param: ScParameterizedType, _) => convertParameter(param, variance) case _ => wildcards.find( == tpArg.canonicalText) match { case Some(wildcard) => (wildcard.lowerBound, wildcard.upperBound) match { case (lo, Any) if variance == ScTypeParam.Contravariant => lo case (Nothing, hi) if variance == ScTypeParam.Covariant => hi case _ => tpArg } case _ => tpArg } } } //parameter clauses are contravariant positions, return types are covariant positions val newParams =, ScTypeParam.Contravariant)) val newRetTp = convertParameter(retTp, ScTypeParam.Covariant) Some(ScFunctionType(newRetTp, newParams)(proj, scope)) case _ => None } case _ => None } } def isImplicit(namedElement: PsiNamedElement) = { namedElement match { case s: ScModifierListOwner => s.hasModifierProperty("implicit") case named: ScNamedElement => ScalaPsiUtil.nameContext(named) match { case s: ScModifierListOwner => s.hasModifierProperty("implicit") case _ => false } case _ => false } } }