package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang package psi package impl package base package types import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager import com.intellij.psi._ import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.extensions._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.lexer.ScalaTokenTypes import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.InferUtil.SafeCheckException import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.types._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.{ScSuperReference, ScThisReference, ScUnderScoreSectionUtil} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.params.ScTypeParam import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.ScTypeParametersOwner import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.typedef.{ScObject, ScTemplateDefinition} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.{InferUtil, ScalaElementVisitor} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.toplevel.synthetic.ScSyntheticClass import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.Compatibility.Expression import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.nonvalue.{Parameter, ScMethodType, ScTypePolymorphicType, TypeParameter} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.result.{Failure, Success, TypeResult, TypingContext} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.ScalaResolveResult import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.macroAnnotations.{CachedWithRecursionGuard, ModCount} import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap /** * @author Alexander Podkhalyuzin * Date: 22.02.2008 */ class ScSimpleTypeElementImpl(node: ASTNode) extends ScalaPsiElementImpl(node) with ScSimpleTypeElement { override def toString: String = "SimpleTypeElement: " + getText def singleton = getNode.findChildByType(ScalaTokenTypes.kTYPE) != null def findConstructor: Option[ScConstructor] = { getContext match { case constr: ScConstructor => Some(constr) case param: ScParameterizedTypeElement => param.getContext match { case constr: ScConstructor => Some(constr) case _ => None } case _ => None } } protected def innerType(ctx: TypingContext): TypeResult[ScType] = innerNonValueType(ctx, inferValueType = true) override def getTypeNoConstructor(ctx: TypingContext): TypeResult[ScType] = innerNonValueType(ctx, inferValueType = true, noConstructor = true) @CachedWithRecursionGuard[ScSimpleTypeElement](this, Failure("Recursive non value type of type element", Some(this)), ModCount.getBlockModificationCount) override def getNonValueType(ctx: TypingContext, withUnnecessaryImplicitsUpdate: Boolean = false): TypeResult[ScType] = innerNonValueType(ctx, inferValueType = false, withUnnecessaryImplicitsUpdate = withUnnecessaryImplicitsUpdate) private def innerNonValueType(ctx: TypingContext, inferValueType: Boolean, noConstructor: Boolean = false, withUnnecessaryImplicitsUpdate: Boolean = false): TypeResult[ScType] = { ProgressManager.checkCanceled() val lift: (ScType) => Success[ScType] = Success(_, Some(this)) def parametrise(tp: ScType, clazz: PsiClass, subst: ScSubstitutor): ScType = { if (clazz.getTypeParameters.isEmpty) { tp } else { ScParameterizedType(tp, { case tp: ScTypeParam => new ScTypeParameterType(tp, subst) case ptp => new ScTypeParameterType(ptp, subst) }) } } def getConstructorParams(constr: PsiMethod, subst: ScSubstitutor): (Seq[Seq[Parameter]], Boolean) = { constr match { case fun: ScFunction => ( { p => val paramType: ScType = subst.subst(p.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) new Parameter(, p.deprecatedName, paramType, paramType, p.isDefaultParam,p.isRepeatedParameter, p.isCallByNameParameter, p.index, Some(p), p.getDefaultExpression.flatMap(_.getType().toOption)) }), fun.parameterList.clauses.lastOption.exists(_.isImplicit)) case f: ScPrimaryConstructor => ( { p => val paramType: ScType = subst.subst(p.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) new Parameter(, p.deprecatedName, paramType, paramType, p.isDefaultParam, p.isRepeatedParameter, p.isCallByNameParameter, p.index, Some(p), p.getDefaultExpression.flatMap(_.getType().toOption)) }), f.parameterList.clauses.lastOption.exists(_.isImplicit)) case m: PsiMethod => (Seq( { p => new Parameter("", None, p.exactParamType(), false, p.isVarArgs, false, p.index) }), false) } } def updateImplicits(tp: ScType, withExpected: Boolean, params: Seq[Seq[Parameter]], lastImplicit: Boolean): ScType = { if (lastImplicit) { //Let's add implicit parameters val newTp = tp match { case ScTypePolymorphicType(i, p) => ScTypePolymorphicType(ScMethodType(i, params.last, isImplicit = true)(getProject, getResolveScope), p) case _ => ScMethodType(tp, params.last, isImplicit = true)(getProject, getResolveScope) } val res = InferUtil.updateTypeWithImplicitParameters(newTp, this, None, withExpected, fullInfo = false) implicitParameters = res._2 res._1 } else tp } def typeForConstructor(ref: ScStableCodeReferenceElement, constr: PsiMethod, _subst: ScSubstitutor, parentElement: PsiNamedElement): ScType = { val clazz = constr.containingClass val (constrTypParameters: Seq[ScTypeParam], constrSubst: ScSubstitutor) = parentElement match { case ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition => (Seq.empty, ScSubstitutor.empty) case s: ScTypeParametersOwner if s.typeParameters.nonEmpty => constr match { case method: ScMethodLike => val params = val subst = new ScSubstitutor( { case (tpClass: ScTypeParam, tpConstr: ScTypeParam) => ((, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tpClass)), new ScTypeParameterType(tpConstr, ScSubstitutor.empty)) }.toMap, Map.empty, None) (params, subst) case _ => (Seq.empty, ScSubstitutor.empty) } case _ => (Seq.empty, ScSubstitutor.empty) } val subst = _subst followed constrSubst val tp = parentElement match { case ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition => ta.aliasedType.getOrElse(return types.Nothing) case _ => parametrise(ScSimpleTypeElementImpl.calculateReferenceType(ref, shapesOnly = false). getOrElse(return types.Nothing), clazz, subst) } val res = subst.subst(tp) val (params: Seq[Seq[Parameter]], lastImplicit: Boolean) = getConstructorParams(constr, subst) val typeParameters: Seq[TypeParameter] = parentElement match { case tp: ScTypeParametersOwner if constrTypParameters.nonEmpty => TypeParameter(_)) case tp: ScTypeParametersOwner if tp.typeParameters.nonEmpty => TypeParameter(_)) case ptp: PsiTypeParameterListOwner if ptp.getTypeParameters.nonEmpty => TypeParameter(_)) case _ => updateImplicits(tp, withExpected = false, params = params, lastImplicit = lastImplicit) return res } getContext match { case p: ScParameterizedTypeElement => val zipped = val appSubst = new ScSubstitutor(new HashMap[(String, PsiElement), ScType] ++{ case (arg, typeParam) => ((, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(typeParam.ptp)), arg.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) }, Map.empty, None) val newRes = appSubst.subst(res) updateImplicits(newRes, withExpected = false, params = params, lastImplicit = lastImplicit) return newRes case _ => } findConstructor match { case Some(c) => var nonValueType = ScTypePolymorphicType(res, typeParameters) var i = 0 //We need to update type info for generics in the following order: //1. All clauses without last params clause or last arguments clause //2. According to expected type //3. Last argument clause //4. Implicit clauses if applicable //5. In case of SafeCheckException return to 3 to complete update without expected type while (i < params.length - 1 && i < c.arguments.length - 1) { nonValueType = InferUtil.localTypeInference(nonValueType.internalType, params(i), c.arguments(i) Expression(_)), nonValueType.typeParameters) i += 1 } def lastClause(withExpected: Boolean) { c.expectedType match { case Some(expected) if withExpected => def updateRes(expected: ScType) { nonValueType = InferUtil.localTypeInference(nonValueType.internalType, Seq(new Parameter("", None, expected, false, false, false, 0)), Seq(new Expression(InferUtil.undefineSubstitutor(nonValueType.typeParameters).subst(res.inferValueType))), nonValueType.typeParameters, shouldUndefineParameters = false, filterTypeParams = false) //here should work in different way: } val fromUnderscore = c.newTemplate match { case Some(n) => ScUnderScoreSectionUtil.underscores(n).nonEmpty case None => false } if (!fromUnderscore) { updateRes(expected) } else { expected match { case ScFunctionType(retType, _) => updateRes(retType) case _ => //do not update res, we haven't expected type } } case _ => } //last clause after expected types if (i < params.length && i < c.arguments.length) { nonValueType = InferUtil.localTypeInference(nonValueType.internalType, params(i), c.arguments(i) Expression(_)), nonValueType.typeParameters, safeCheck = withExpected) i += 1 } if (lastImplicit && i < params.length) { //Let's add implicit parameters updateImplicits(nonValueType, withExpected, params, lastImplicit) match { case t: ScTypePolymorphicType => nonValueType = t case _ => } } } val oldNonValueType = nonValueType try { lastClause(withExpected = true) } catch { case e: SafeCheckException => nonValueType = oldNonValueType lastClause(withExpected = false) } if (inferValueType) { val pts = nonValueType match { case t: ScTypePolymorphicType => t.polymorphicTypeSubstitutor case _ => ScSubstitutor.empty } pts.subst(nonValueType.internalType) } else nonValueType case None => res } } reference match { case Some(ref) => def updateForParameterized(subst: ScSubstitutor, elem: PsiNamedElement, p: ScParameterizedTypeElement): (ScType, ScSubstitutor) = { val tp = elem match { case ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition => ta.aliasedType.getOrElse(return (types.Nothing, ScSubstitutor.empty)) case clazz: PsiClass => parametrise(ScSimpleTypeElementImpl.calculateReferenceType(ref, shapesOnly = false). getOrElse(return (types.Nothing, ScSubstitutor.empty)), clazz, subst) } val res = subst.subst(tp) val typeParameters: Seq[TypeParameter] = elem match { case tp: ScTypeParametersOwner if tp.typeParameters.nonEmpty => TypeParameter(_)) case ptp: PsiTypeParameterListOwner if ptp.getTypeParameters.nonEmpty => TypeParameter(_)) case _ => return (res, ScSubstitutor.empty) } val zipped = val appSubst = new ScSubstitutor(new HashMap[(String, PsiElement), ScType] ++ { case (arg, typeParam) => ((, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(typeParam.ptp)), arg.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) }, Map.empty, None) (appSubst.subst(res), appSubst) } val constrRef = ref.isConstructorReference && !noConstructor def updateImplicitsWithoutLocalTypeInference(r: TypeResult[ScType], ss: ScSubstitutor): TypeResult[ScType] = { if (withUnnecessaryImplicitsUpdate) { { tp => ref.bind() match { case Some(r@ScalaResolveResult(method: PsiMethod, subst: ScSubstitutor)) => val (params, lastImplicit) = getConstructorParams(method, subst.followed(ss)) updateImplicits(tp, withExpected = false, params = params, lastImplicit = lastImplicit) tp case _ => tp } } } else r } ref.resolveNoConstructor match { case Array(ScalaResolveResult(tp: PsiTypeParameter, _)) => lift(ScalaPsiManager.typeVariable(tp)) case Array(ScalaResolveResult(tvar: ScTypeVariableTypeElement, _)) => lift(tvar.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) case Array(ScalaResolveResult(synth: ScSyntheticClass, _)) => lift(synth.t) case Array(ScalaResolveResult(to: ScTypeParametersOwner, subst: ScSubstitutor)) if constrRef && to.isInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement] && (to.typeParameters.isEmpty || getContext.isInstanceOf[ScParameterizedTypeElement]) => val (tp, ss) = getContext match { case p: ScParameterizedTypeElement if !to.isInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDeclaration] => val (parameterized, ss) = updateForParameterized(subst, to.asInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement], p) (Success(parameterized, Some(this)), ss) case _ => (ScSimpleTypeElementImpl.calculateReferenceType(ref, shapesOnly = false), ScSubstitutor.empty) } updateImplicitsWithoutLocalTypeInference(tp, ss) case Array(ScalaResolveResult(to: PsiTypeParameterListOwner, subst: ScSubstitutor)) if constrRef && to.isInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement] && (to.getTypeParameters.isEmpty || getContext.isInstanceOf[ScParameterizedTypeElement]) => val (result, ss) = getContext match { case p: ScParameterizedTypeElement if !to.isInstanceOf[ScTypeAliasDeclaration] => val (parameterized, ss) = updateForParameterized(subst, to.asInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement], p) (Success(parameterized, Some(this)), ss) case _ => (ScSimpleTypeElementImpl.calculateReferenceType(ref, shapesOnly = false), ScSubstitutor.empty) } updateImplicitsWithoutLocalTypeInference(result, ss) case _ => //resolve constructor with local type inference ref.bind() match { case Some(r@ScalaResolveResult(method: PsiMethod, subst: ScSubstitutor)) if !noConstructor => Success(typeForConstructor(ref, method, subst, r.getActualElement), Some(this)) case _ => ScSimpleTypeElementImpl.calculateReferenceType(ref, shapesOnly = false) } } case None => ScSimpleTypeElementImpl.calculateReferenceType(pathElement, shapesOnly = false) } } override def accept(visitor: ScalaElementVisitor) { visitor.visitSimpleTypeElement(this) } override def accept(visitor: PsiElementVisitor) { visitor match { case s: ScalaElementVisitor => s.visitSimpleTypeElement(this) case _ => super.accept(visitor) } } } object ScSimpleTypeElementImpl { def calculateReferenceType(path: ScPathElement, shapesOnly: Boolean): TypeResult[ScType] = { path match { case ref: ScStableCodeReferenceElement => calculateReferenceType(ref, shapesOnly) case thisRef: ScThisReference => thisRef.refTemplate match { case Some(template) => Success(ScThisType(template), Some(path)) case _ => Failure("Cannot find template for this reference", Some(thisRef)) } case superRef: ScSuperReference => val template = superRef.drvTemplate.getOrElse( return Failure("Cannot find enclosing container", Some(superRef)) ) Success(ScThisType(template), Some(path)) } } def calculateReferenceType(ref: ScStableCodeReferenceElement, shapesOnly: Boolean): TypeResult[ScType] = { val (resolvedElement, fromType) = (if (!shapesOnly) { if (ref.isConstructorReference) { ref.resolveNoConstructor match { case Array(r@ScalaResolveResult(to: ScTypeParametersOwner, subst: ScSubstitutor)) if to.isInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement] && (to.typeParameters.isEmpty || ref.getContext.isInstanceOf[ScParameterizedTypeElement]) => Some(r) case Array(r@ScalaResolveResult(to: PsiTypeParameterListOwner, subst: ScSubstitutor)) if to.isInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement] && (to.getTypeParameters.isEmpty || ref.getContext.isInstanceOf[ScParameterizedTypeElement]) => Some(r) case _ => ref.bind() } } else ref.bind() } else { ref.shapeResolve match { case Array(r: ScalaResolveResult) => Some(r) case _ => None } }) match { case Some(r@ScalaResolveResult(n: PsiMethod, _)) if n.isConstructor => (n.containingClass, r.fromType) case Some(r@ScalaResolveResult(n: PsiNamedElement, _)) => (n, r.fromType) case _ => return Failure("Cannot resolve reference", Some(ref)) } ref.qualifier match { case Some(qual) => qual.resolve() match { case pack: PsiPackage => val obj = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(resolvedElement, classOf[ScObject]) if (obj != null && obj.isPackageObject) { Success(ScProjectionType(ScDesignatorType(obj), resolvedElement, superReference = false), Some(ref)) } else { fromType match { case Some(ScDesignatorType(obj: ScObject)) if obj.isPackageObject => Success(ScProjectionType(ScDesignatorType(obj), resolvedElement, superReference = false), Some(ref)) case _ => Success(ScType.designator(resolvedElement), Some(ref)) } } case _ => calculateReferenceType(qual, shapesOnly) match { case failure: Failure => failure case Success(tp, _) => Success(ScProjectionType(tp, resolvedElement, superReference = false), Some(ref)) } } case None => ref.pathQualifier match { case Some(thisRef: ScThisReference) => thisRef.refTemplate match { case Some(template) => Success(ScProjectionType(ScThisType(template), resolvedElement, superReference = false), Some(ref)) case _ => Failure("Cannot find template for this reference", Some(thisRef)) } case Some(superRef: ScSuperReference) => val template = superRef.drvTemplate match { case Some(x) => x case None => return Failure("Cannot find enclosing container", Some(superRef)) } Success(ScProjectionType(ScThisType(template), resolvedElement, resolvedElement.isInstanceOf[PsiClass]), Some(ref)) case _ => resolvedElement match { case self: ScSelfTypeElement => val td = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(self, true, classOf[ScTemplateDefinition]) Success(ScThisType(td), Some(ref)) case _ => if (fromType.isEmpty) return Success(ScType.designator(resolvedElement), Some(ref)) Success(ScProjectionType(fromType.get, resolvedElement, superReference = false), Some(ref)) } } } } }