package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang package psi package types import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.psi._ import import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiModificationTracker import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.extensions._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.params.{ScClassParameter, ScTypeParam} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.{ScTypeAlias, ScTypeAliasDefinition, ScValue} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.ScTypedDefinition import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.typedef._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.ScalaPsiManager import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.toplevel.synthetic.ScSyntheticClass import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.toplevel.templates.ScTemplateBodyImpl import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.result.{Success, TypingContext} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.refactoring.util.ScTypeUtil.AliasType import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.processor.ResolveProcessor import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.{ResolveTargets, ScalaResolveResult} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.macroAnnotations.{ModCount, CachedMappedWithRecursionGuard} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.util.ScEquivalenceUtil import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer /** * @author ilyas */ object ScProjectionType { def apply(projected: ScType, element: PsiNamedElement, superReference: Boolean /* todo: find a way to remove it*/): ScType = { val res = new ScProjectionType(projected, element, superReference) projected match { case c: ScCompoundType => res.isAliasType match { case Some(AliasType(td: ScTypeAliasDefinition, _, upper)) if td.typeParameters.isEmpty => upper.getOrElse(res) case _ => res } case _ => res } } def unapply(proj: ScProjectionType): Option[(ScType, PsiNamedElement, Boolean)] = { Some(proj.projected, proj.element, proj.superReference) } } /** * This type means type projection: * SomeType#member * member can be class or type alias */ class ScProjectionType private (val projected: ScType, val element: PsiNamedElement, val superReference: Boolean /* todo: find a way to remove it*/) extends ValueType { def copy(superReference: Boolean): ScProjectionType = new ScProjectionType(projected, element, superReference) override protected def isAliasTypeInner: Option[AliasType] = { if (actualElement.isInstanceOf[ScTypeAlias]) { actualElement match { case ta: ScTypeAlias if ta.typeParameters.length == 0 => val subst: ScSubstitutor = actualSubst Some(AliasType(ta,, case ta: ScTypeAlias => //higher kind case ta match { case ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition => //hack for simple cases, it doesn't cover more complicated examples ta.aliasedType match { case Success(tp, _) => actualSubst.subst(tp) match { case ScParameterizedType(des, typeArgs) => val taArgs = ta.typeParameters if (taArgs.length == typeArgs.length && { case (tParam: ScTypeParam, ScTypeParameterType(_, _, _, _, param)) if tParam == param => true case _ => false }) return Some(AliasType(ta, Success(des, Some(element)), Success(des, Some(element)))) case _ => } case _ => } case _ => } val args: ArrayBuffer[ScExistentialArgument] = new ArrayBuffer[ScExistentialArgument]() val genericSubst = ScalaPsiUtil. typesCallSubstitutor( => (, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tp))), => { val name = + "$$" args += new ScExistentialArgument(name, Nil, types.Nothing, types.Any) ScTypeVariable(name) })) val s = actualSubst.followed(genericSubst) Some(AliasType(ta, => ScExistentialType(s.subst(scType), args.toList)), => ScExistentialType(s.subst(scType), args.toList)))) case _ => None } } else None } private var hash: Int = -1 override def hashCode: Int = { if (hash == -1) { hash = projected.hashCode() + element.hashCode() * 31 + (if (superReference) 239 else 0) } hash } override def removeAbstracts = ScProjectionType(projected.removeAbstracts, element, superReference) override def recursiveUpdate(update: ScType => (Boolean, ScType), visited: HashSet[ScType]): ScType = { if (visited.contains(this)) { return update(this) match { case (true, res) => res case _ => this } } update(this) match { case (true, res) => res case _ => ScProjectionType(projected.recursiveUpdate(update, visited + this), element, superReference) } } override def recursiveVarianceUpdateModifiable[T](data: T, update: (ScType, Int, T) => (Boolean, ScType, T), variance: Int = 1): ScType = { update(this, variance, data) match { case (true, res, _) => res case (_, _, newData) => ScProjectionType(projected.recursiveVarianceUpdateModifiable(newData, update, 0), element, superReference) } } @CachedMappedWithRecursionGuard(element, None, ModCount.getBlockModificationCount) private def actualImpl(projected: ScType, superReference: Boolean): Option[(PsiNamedElement, ScSubstitutor)] = { val emptySubst = new ScSubstitutor(Map.empty, Map.empty, Some(projected)) val resolvePlace = { def fromClazz(clazz: ScTypeDefinition): PsiElement = { clazz.extendsBlock.templateBody.flatMap(_.asInstanceOf[ScTemplateBodyImpl].getLastChildStub.toOption). getOrElse(clazz.extendsBlock) } ScType.extractClass(projected, Some(element.getProject)) match { case Some(clazz: ScTypeDefinition) => fromClazz(clazz) case _ => projected match { case ScThisType(clazz: ScTypeDefinition) => fromClazz(clazz) case _ => element } } } def resolveProcessor(kinds: Set[ResolveTargets.Value], name: String): ResolveProcessor = { new ResolveProcessor(kinds, resolvePlace, name) { override protected def addResults(results: Seq[ScalaResolveResult]): Boolean = { candidatesSet ++= results true } } } def processType(name: String): Option[(PsiNamedElement, ScSubstitutor)] = { import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.ResolveTargets._ val proc = resolveProcessor(ValueSet(CLASS), name) proc.processType(projected, resolvePlace, ResolveState.initial) val candidates = proc.candidates if (candidates.length == 1 && candidates(0).element.isInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement]) { val defaultSubstitutor = emptySubst followed candidates(0).substitutor if (superReference) { ScalaPsiUtil.superTypeMembersAndSubstitutors(candidates(0).element).find { == element } match { case Some(node) => Some(element, defaultSubstitutor followed node.substitutor) case _ => Some(element, defaultSubstitutor) } } else Some(candidates(0).element, defaultSubstitutor) } else None } element match { case a: ScTypeAlias => processType( case d: ScTypedDefinition if d.isStable => val name = import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.ResolveTargets._ val proc = resolveProcessor(ValueSet(VAL, OBJECT), name) proc.processType(projected, resolvePlace, ResolveState.initial) val candidates = proc.candidates if (candidates.length == 1 && candidates(0).element.isInstanceOf[PsiNamedElement]) { //todo: superMemberSubstitutor? However I don't know working example for this case Some(candidates(0).element, emptySubst followed candidates(0).substitutor) } else None case d: ScTypeDefinition => processType( case d: PsiClass => processType(d.getName) case _ => None } } private def actual: (PsiNamedElement, ScSubstitutor) = { actualImpl(projected, superReference).getOrElse(element, ScSubstitutor.empty) } def actualElement: PsiNamedElement = actual._1 def actualSubst: ScSubstitutor = actual._2 override def equivInner(r: ScType, uSubst: ScUndefinedSubstitutor, falseUndef: Boolean): (Boolean, ScUndefinedSubstitutor) = { def isSingletonOk(typed: ScTypedDefinition): Boolean = { typed.nameContext match { case v: ScValue => true case p: ScClassParameter if !p.isVar => true case _ => false } } actualElement match { case a: ScTypedDefinition if isSingletonOk(a) => val subst = actualSubst val tp = subst.subst(a.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) if (ScType.isSingletonType(tp)) { val resInner = Equivalence.equivInner(tp, r, uSubst, falseUndef) if (resInner._1) return resInner } case _ => } isAliasType match { case Some(AliasType(ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition, lower, _)) => return Equivalence.equivInner(lower match { case Success(tp, _) => tp case _ => return (false, uSubst) }, r, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => } r match { case t: StdType => element match { case synth: ScSyntheticClass => Equivalence.equivInner(synth.t, t, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => (false, uSubst) } case param@ScParameterizedType(proj2@ScProjectionType(p1, element1, _), typeArgs) => r.isAliasType match { case Some(AliasType(ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition, lower, _)) => Equivalence.equivInner(this, lower match { case Success(tp, _) => tp case _ => return (false, uSubst) }, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => (false, uSubst) } case proj2@ScProjectionType(p1, element1, _) => proj2.actualElement match { case a: ScTypedDefinition if isSingletonOk(a) => val subst = actualSubst val tp = subst.subst(a.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) if (ScType.isSingletonType(tp)) { val resInner = Equivalence.equivInner(tp, this, uSubst, falseUndef) if (resInner._1) return resInner } case _ => } r.isAliasType match { case Some(AliasType(ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition, lower, _)) => Equivalence.equivInner(this, lower match { case Success(tp, _) => tp case _ => return (false, uSubst) }, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => } if (actualElement != proj2.actualElement) { actualElement match { case o: ScObject => case t: ScTypedDefinition if t.isStable => val s: ScSubstitutor = new ScSubstitutor(Map.empty, Map.empty, Some(projected)) followed actualSubst t.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(tp, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(tp) => return Equivalence.equivInner(s.subst(tp), r, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => } case _ => } proj2.actualElement match { case o: ScObject => case t: ScTypedDefinition => val s: ScSubstitutor = new ScSubstitutor(Map.empty, Map.empty, Some(p1)) followed proj2.actualSubst t.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(tp, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(tp) => return Equivalence.equivInner(s.subst(tp), this, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => } case _ => } return (false, uSubst) } Equivalence.equivInner(projected, p1, uSubst, falseUndef) case ScThisType(clazz) => element match { case o: ScObject => (false, uSubst) case t: ScTypedDefinition if t.isStable => t.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(singl, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(singl) => val newSubst = actualSubst.followed(new ScSubstitutor(Map.empty, Map.empty, Some(projected))) Equivalence.equivInner(r, newSubst.subst(singl), uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => (false, uSubst) } case _ => (false, uSubst) } case _ => (false, uSubst) } } override def isFinalType = actualElement match { case cl: PsiClass if cl.isEffectivelyFinal => true case alias: ScTypeAliasDefinition => alias.aliasedType.exists(_.isFinalType) case _ => false } def visitType(visitor: ScalaTypeVisitor) { visitor.visitProjectionType(this) } def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[ScProjectionType] override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match { case that: ScProjectionType => (that canEqual this) && projected == that.projected && element == that.element && superReference == that.superReference case _ => false } override def typeDepth: Int = projected.typeDepth } /** * This type means type, which depends on place, where you want to get expression type. * For example * * class A { * def foo: this.type = this * } * * class B extneds A { * val z = foo // <- type in this place is B.this.type, not A.this.type * } * * So when expression is typed, we should replace all such types be return value. */ case class ScThisType(clazz: ScTemplateDefinition) extends ValueType { clazz.getClass //throw NPE if clazz is null... override def equivInner(r: ScType, uSubst: ScUndefinedSubstitutor, falseUndef: Boolean): (Boolean, ScUndefinedSubstitutor) = { (this, r) match { case (ScThisType(clazz1), ScThisType(clazz2)) => (ScEquivalenceUtil.areClassesEquivalent(clazz1, clazz2), uSubst) case (ScThisType(obj1: ScObject), ScDesignatorType(obj2: ScObject)) => (ScEquivalenceUtil.areClassesEquivalent(obj1, obj2), uSubst) case (_, ScDesignatorType(obj: ScObject)) => (false, uSubst) case (_, ScDesignatorType(typed: ScTypedDefinition)) if typed.isStable => typed.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(tp, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(tp) => Equivalence.equivInner(this, tp, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => (false, uSubst) } case (_, ScProjectionType(_, o: ScObject, _)) => (false, uSubst) case (_, p@ScProjectionType(tp, elem: ScTypedDefinition, _)) if elem.isStable => elem.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(singl, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(singl) => val newSubst = p.actualSubst.followed(new ScSubstitutor(Map.empty, Map.empty, Some(tp))) Equivalence.equivInner(this, newSubst.subst(singl), uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => (false, uSubst) } case _ => (false, uSubst) } } def visitType(visitor: ScalaTypeVisitor) { visitor.visitThisType(this) } } /** * This type means normal designator type. * It can be whether singleton type (v.type) or simple type (java.lang.String). * element can be any stable element, class, value or type alias */ case class ScDesignatorType(element: PsiNamedElement) extends ValueType { override protected def isAliasTypeInner: Option[AliasType] = { element match { case ta: ScTypeAlias if ta.typeParameters.length == 0 => Some(AliasType(ta, ta.lowerBound, ta.upperBound)) case ta: ScTypeAlias => //higher kind case ta match { case ta: ScTypeAliasDefinition => //hack for simple cases, it doesn't cover more complicated examples ta.aliasedType match { case Success(tp, _) => tp match { case ScParameterizedType(des, typeArgs) => val taArgs = ta.typeParameters if (taArgs.length == typeArgs.length && { case (tParam: ScTypeParam, ScTypeParameterType(_, _, _, _, param)) if tParam == param => true case _ => false }) return Some(AliasType(ta, Success(des, Some(element)), Success(des, Some(element)))) case _ => } case _ => } case _ => } val args: ArrayBuffer[ScExistentialArgument] = new ArrayBuffer[ScExistentialArgument]() val genericSubst = ScalaPsiUtil. typesCallSubstitutor( => (, ScalaPsiUtil.getPsiElementId(tp))), => { val name = + "$$" args += new ScExistentialArgument(name, Nil, types.Nothing, types.Any) ScTypeVariable(name) })) Some(AliasType(ta, => ScExistentialType(genericSubst.subst(scType), args.toList)), => ScExistentialType(genericSubst.subst(scType), args.toList)))) case _ => None } } override def getValType: Option[StdType] = { element match { case o: ScObject => None case clazz: PsiClass => ScType.baseTypesQualMap.get(clazz.qualifiedName) case _ => None } } private var isStaticClass = false /** * You can use this method to check if it's Java class, * which is used for getting static context => no implicit conversion */ def isStatic = isStaticClass def this(elem: PsiNamedElement, isStaticClass: Boolean) { this (elem) this.isStaticClass = isStaticClass } override def equivInner(r: ScType, uSubst: ScUndefinedSubstitutor, falseUndef: Boolean): (Boolean, ScUndefinedSubstitutor) = { (this, r) match { case (ScDesignatorType(a: ScTypeAliasDefinition), _) => Equivalence.equivInner(a.aliasedType match { case Success(tp, _) => tp case _ => return (false, uSubst) }, r, uSubst, falseUndef) case (_, ScDesignatorType(element1)) => if (ScEquivalenceUtil.smartEquivalence(element, element1)) return (true, uSubst) if (ScType.isSingletonType(this) && ScType.isSingletonType(r)) { element match { case o: ScObject => case bind: ScTypedDefinition if bind.isStable => bind.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(tp, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(tp) => return Equivalence.equivInner(tp, r, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => } case _ => } element1 match { case o: ScObject => case bind: ScTypedDefinition if bind.isStable => bind.getType(TypingContext.empty) match { case Success(tp, _) if ScType.isSingletonType(tp) => return Equivalence.equivInner(tp, this, uSubst, falseUndef) case _ => } } } (false, uSubst) case _ => (false, uSubst) } } def visitType(visitor: ScalaTypeVisitor) { visitor.visitDesignatorType(this) } override def isFinalType = element match { case cl: PsiClass if cl.isEffectivelyFinal => true case _ => false } } object ScDesignatorType { def fromClassFqn(fqn: String, project: Project, scope: GlobalSearchScope): ScType = { ScalaPsiManager.instance(project).getCachedClass(scope, fqn) match { case Some(c) => ScType.designator(c) case _ => types.Nothing } } }