### How to contribute If you are not a JetBrains' employee you must sign [Contributor License Agreement](https://www.jetbrains.org/display/IJOS/Contributor+Agreement) first. You may do it [electronically](https://www.jetbrains.com/agreements/cla/). After that send your changes as a pull request or commit them directly to a branch. ### Versioning Update `projectVersion` property in gradle.properties file before doing the change: * increase the patch component of the version if you're changing a javadoc * increase the minor component of the version if you're adding a new element into an existing annotation or add a new annotation highly related to an existing one * increase the major component of the version if you're adding a completely new annotation. During the new version release: * Update version number in the examples in README.md * Add a new section in CHANGELOG.md describing the changes in the new version * Add a tag with the version number to the corresponding commit * Push changes * Use 'Draft a new release' button on the Releases GitHub page; select the added tag; copy it to the release title field; copy the added changelog section into the release details field. ### Backward compatibility All the changes should be backward compatible i.e. you can only add new annotations and new elements into existing annotation. If it's absolutely necessary to remove an annotation or its element we must firstly release a new major version where the corresponding element is marked as deprecated and then remove it in one of the next major versions. ### Retention policy No annotation in this package should have `RUNTIME` retention policy. Only `SOURCE` and `CLASS` policy is accepted. The `CLASS` policy is preferred. The `SOURCE` policy could be used in rare cases when compilation could not preserve all the necessary information (e.g. `@MagicConstant` annotation).