-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dorg.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true systemProp.file.encoding=UTF-8 # Enable new incremental compiation kotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot=true org.gradle.parallel=true org.gradle.caching=true org.gradle.configuration-cache=true org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.allWarningsAsErrors=true # Please keep it in sync with repo/gradle-build-conventions/ # It's currently needed for proper configuration cache work, the reason will be investigated later\ JDK_1_8,JDK_18,\ JDK_9_0,JDK_9,\ JDK_10_0,JDK_10,\ JDK_11_0,JDK_11,\ JDK_15_0,JDK_15,\ JDK_16_0,\ JDK_17_0 cacheRedirectorEnabled=true defaultSnapshotVersion=2.0.255-SNAPSHOT kotlinLanguageVersion=2.0 # Should be less or equal to the Kotlin stdlib version used inside IntelliJ IDEA repository, see KT-62510. # IntelliJ IDEA Kotlin stdlib version can be found at kotlinApiVersionForProjectsUsedInIntelliJKotlinPlugin=1.9 #maven.repository.mirror= #bootstrap.kotlin.repo= #bootstrap.kotlin.version=1.1.50-dev-1451 bootstrap.kotlin.default.version=2.0.20-dev-2651 #signingRequired=true ## The following properties can be added to your file to customize the build: kotlin.options.suppressFreeCompilerArgsModificationWarning=true #attachedIntellijVersion=203 (or any other platform version) ## Used for compare gradle and jps build # Don't add the Kotlin standard library dependencies by default # TODO: add this flag in a granular way to the modules that don't need stdlib? kotlin.stdlib.default.dependency=false kotlin.js.stdlib.dom.api.included=false # Suppress warnings about using deprecated and unstable plugins in kotlin-stdlib kotlin.internal.mpp12x.deprecation.suppress=true kotlin.mpp.stability.nowarn=true kotlin.wasm.stability.nowarn=true kotlin.js.compiler.nowarn=true # Suppress the build tools API version consistency checks because of workaround. # Check out bootstrapCompilerClasspath and bootstrapBuildToolsApiClasspath configurations for details. kotlin.internal.suppress.buildToolsApiVersionConsistencyChecks=true kotlin.native.enabled=false # Enable JPS build #jpsBuild=true # Enable compilation of project using FIR compiler # Enable FIR compiler for kotlin-stdlib, kotlin-reflect, kotlin-test. # Disable -Werror compiler flag # Render internal diagostic names # Enable bootstrap from local build of compiler (build from ./gradlew publish) #bootstrap.local=true # By default bootstrap compiler is located in ./build/repo directory # If it differs from default use next flag: #bootstrap.local.path=/path/to/repo # Set number of threads which are used for running JUnit 5 tests in concurrent mode # If not set then min(number of CPU cores, 16) will be used #kotlin.test.junit5.maxParallelForks=4 # Those properties are used to automatically generate run configurations for modularized # and full pipeline tests for different sets of test data # Generate ModularizedTest configurations # Generate FullPipeline configurations #kotlin.fir.modularized.fp.configurations=true # Generate additional configurations for Kotlin project #kotlin.fir.modularized.additional.configurations # Specify paths to projects for modularized tests #kotlin.fir.modularized.testdata.kotlin=/path/to/kotlin/project/testdata #kotlin.fir.modularized.testdata.intellij=/path/to/intellij/project/testdata #kotlin.fir.modularized.testdata.youtrack=/path/to/youtrack/project/testdata # ===================== # JS & Wasm Tests # Any property whose name starts with "fd." will be forwarded to unit test process without "fd." prefix and the same value, # including properties from root # The property to control IR dump strategy. # For `KotlinLike` it uses `e.dumpKotlinLike()` which is more readable & concise but may omit some information, # otherwise "classic" `e.dump()` which is more verbose. # Customize wasm unit test runner, possible values: # * none | false | 0 (default) # - Do nothing special. # * debug | true | 1 # - Prints paths to current test's kt file and other generated files. # - Generates .wat file. # - Generate html file to run a test inside browser. # - Generate verbose js for running a test (log "test passed"). # * super_debug | 2 # - All from previous. # - Dump IR after each phase. #fd.kotlin.wasm.debugMode=debug