#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2018 The Outline Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Script to install the Outline Server docker container, a watchtower docker container # (to automatically update the server), and to create a new Outline user. # You may set the following environment variables, overriding their defaults: # SB_IMAGE: The Outline Server Docker image to install, e.g. quay.io/outline/shadowbox:nightly # CONTAINER_NAME: Docker instance name for shadowbox (default shadowbox). # For multiple instances also change SHADOWBOX_DIR to an other location # e.g. CONTAINER_NAME=shadowbox-inst1 SHADOWBOX_DIR=/opt/outline/inst1 # SHADOWBOX_DIR: Directory for persistent Outline Server state. # ACCESS_CONFIG: The location of the access config text file. # SB_DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME: Default name for this server, e.g. "Outline server New York". # This name will be used for the server until the admins updates the name # via the REST API. # SENTRY_LOG_FILE: File for writing logs which may be reported to Sentry, in case # of an install error. No PII should be written to this file. Intended to be set # only by do_install_server.sh. # WATCHTOWER_REFRESH_SECONDS: refresh interval in seconds to check for updates, # defaults to 3600. # # Deprecated: # SB_PUBLIC_IP: Use the --hostname flag instead # SB_API_PORT: Use the --api-port flag instead # Requires curl and docker to be installed set -euo pipefail function display_usage() { cat <] [--api-port ] [--keys-port ] --hostname The hostname to be used to access the management API and access keys --api-port The port number for the management API --keys-port The port number for the access keys EOF } readonly SENTRY_LOG_FILE=${SENTRY_LOG_FILE:-} # I/O conventions for this script: # - Ordinary status messages are printed to STDOUT # - STDERR is only used in the event of a fatal error # - Detailed logs are recorded to this FULL_LOG, which is preserved if an error occurred. # - The most recent error is stored in LAST_ERROR, which is never preserved. FULL_LOG="$(mktemp -t outline_logXXXXXXXXXX)" LAST_ERROR="$(mktemp -t outline_last_errorXXXXXXXXXX)" readonly FULL_LOG LAST_ERROR function log_command() { # Direct STDOUT and STDERR to FULL_LOG, and forward STDOUT. # The most recent STDERR output will also be stored in LAST_ERROR. "$@" > >(tee -a "${FULL_LOG}") 2> >(tee -a "${FULL_LOG}" > "${LAST_ERROR}") } function log_error() { local -r ERROR_TEXT="\033[0;31m" # red local -r NO_COLOR="\033[0m" echo -e "${ERROR_TEXT}$1${NO_COLOR}" echo "$1" >> "${FULL_LOG}" } # Pretty prints text to stdout, and also writes to sentry log file if set. function log_start_step() { log_for_sentry "$@" local -r str="> $*" local -ir lineLength=47 echo -n "${str}" local -ir numDots=$(( lineLength - ${#str} - 1 )) if (( numDots > 0 )); then echo -n " " for _ in $(seq 1 "${numDots}"); do echo -n .; done fi echo -n " " } # Prints $1 as the step name and runs the remainder as a command. # STDOUT will be forwarded. STDERR will be logged silently, and # revealed only in the event of a fatal error. function run_step() { local -r msg="$1" log_start_step "${msg}" shift 1 if log_command "$@"; then echo "OK" else # Propagates the error code return fi } function confirm() { echo -n "> $1 [Y/n] " local RESPONSE read -r RESPONSE RESPONSE=$(echo "${RESPONSE}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') || return [[ -z "${RESPONSE}" || "${RESPONSE}" == "y" || "${RESPONSE}" == "yes" ]] } function command_exists { command -v "$@" &> /dev/null } function log_for_sentry() { if [[ -n "${SENTRY_LOG_FILE}" ]]; then echo "[$(date "+%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M:%S")] install_server.sh" "$@" >> "${SENTRY_LOG_FILE}" fi echo "$@" >> "${FULL_LOG}" } # Check to see if docker is installed. function verify_docker_installed() { if command_exists docker; then return 0 fi log_error "NOT INSTALLED" if ! confirm "Would you like to install Docker? This will run 'curl https://get.docker.com/ | sh'."; then exit 0 fi if ! run_step "Installing Docker" install_docker; then log_error "Docker installation failed, please visit https://docs.docker.com/install for instructions." exit 1 fi log_start_step "Verifying Docker installation" command_exists docker } function verify_docker_running() { local STDERR_OUTPUT STDERR_OUTPUT="$(docker info 2>&1 >/dev/null)" local -ir RET=$? if (( RET == 0 )); then return 0 elif [[ "${STDERR_OUTPUT}" == *"Is the docker daemon running"* ]]; then start_docker return fi return "${RET}" } function fetch() { curl --silent --show-error --fail "$@" } function install_docker() { ( # Change umask so that /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg has the right permissions. # See https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/issues/951. # We do this in a subprocess so the umask for the calling process is unaffected. umask 0022 fetch https://get.docker.com/ | sh ) >&2 } function start_docker() { systemctl enable --now docker.service >&2 } function docker_container_exists() { docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}'| grep --quiet "^$1$" } function remove_shadowbox_container() { remove_docker_container "${CONTAINER_NAME}" } function remove_watchtower_container() { remove_docker_container watchtower } function remove_docker_container() { docker rm -f "$1" >&2 } function handle_docker_container_conflict() { local -r CONTAINER_NAME="$1" local -r EXIT_ON_NEGATIVE_USER_RESPONSE="$2" local PROMPT="The container name \"${CONTAINER_NAME}\" is already in use by another container. This may happen when running this script multiple times." if [[ "${EXIT_ON_NEGATIVE_USER_RESPONSE}" == 'true' ]]; then PROMPT="${PROMPT} We will attempt to remove the existing container and restart it. Would you like to proceed?" else PROMPT="${PROMPT} Would you like to replace this container? If you answer no, we will proceed with the remainder of the installation." fi if ! confirm "${PROMPT}"; then if ${EXIT_ON_NEGATIVE_USER_RESPONSE}; then exit 0 fi return 0 fi if run_step "Removing ${CONTAINER_NAME} container" "remove_${CONTAINER_NAME}_container" ; then log_start_step "Restarting ${CONTAINER_NAME}" "start_${CONTAINER_NAME}" return $? fi return 1 } # Set trap which publishes error tag only if there is an error. function finish { local -ir EXIT_CODE=$? if (( EXIT_CODE != 0 )); then if [[ -s "${LAST_ERROR}" ]]; then log_error "\nLast error: $(< "${LAST_ERROR}")" >&2 fi log_error "\nSorry! Something went wrong. If you can't figure this out, please copy and paste all this output into the Outline Manager screen, and send it to us, to see if we can help you." >&2 log_error "Full log: ${FULL_LOG}" >&2 else rm "${FULL_LOG}" fi rm "${LAST_ERROR}" } function get_random_port { local -i num=0 # Init to an invalid value, to prevent "unbound variable" errors. until (( 1024 <= num && num < 65536)); do num=$(( RANDOM + (RANDOM % 2) * 32768 )); done; echo "${num}"; } function create_persisted_state_dir() { readonly STATE_DIR="${SHADOWBOX_DIR}/persisted-state" mkdir -p "${STATE_DIR}" chmod ug+rwx,g+s,o-rwx "${STATE_DIR}" } # Generate a secret key for access to the Management API and store it in a tag. # 16 bytes = 128 bits of entropy should be plenty for this use. function safe_base64() { # Implements URL-safe base64 of stdin, stripping trailing = chars. # Writes result to stdout. # TODO: this gives the following errors on Mac: # base64: invalid option -- w # tr: illegal option -- - local url_safe url_safe="$(base64 -w 0 - | tr '/+' '_-')" echo -n "${url_safe%%=*}" # Strip trailing = chars } function generate_secret_key() { SB_API_PREFIX="$(head -c 16 /dev/urandom | safe_base64)" readonly SB_API_PREFIX } function generate_certificate() { # Generate self-signed cert and store it in the persistent state directory. local -r CERTIFICATE_NAME="${STATE_DIR}/shadowbox-selfsigned" readonly SB_CERTIFICATE_FILE="${CERTIFICATE_NAME}.crt" readonly SB_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE="${CERTIFICATE_NAME}.key" declare -a openssl_req_flags=( -x509 -nodes -days 36500 -newkey rsa:4096 -subj "/CN=${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}" -keyout "${SB_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE}" -out "${SB_CERTIFICATE_FILE}" ) openssl req "${openssl_req_flags[@]}" >&2 } function generate_certificate_fingerprint() { # Add a tag with the SHA-256 fingerprint of the certificate. # (Electron uses SHA-256 fingerprints: https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/9624bc140353b3771bd07c55371f6db65fd1b67e/atom/common/native_mate_converters/net_converter.cc#L60) # Example format: "SHA256 Fingerprint=BD:DB:C9:A4:39:5C:B3:4E:6E:CF:18:43:61:9F:07:A2:09:07:37:35:63:67" local CERT_OPENSSL_FINGERPRINT CERT_OPENSSL_FINGERPRINT="$(openssl x509 -in "${SB_CERTIFICATE_FILE}" -noout -sha256 -fingerprint)" || return # Example format: "BDDBC9A4395CB34E6ECF1843619F07A2090737356367" local CERT_HEX_FINGERPRINT CERT_HEX_FINGERPRINT="$(echo "${CERT_OPENSSL_FINGERPRINT#*=}" | tr -d :)" || return output_config "certSha256:${CERT_HEX_FINGERPRINT}" } function join() { local IFS="$1" shift echo "$*" } function write_config() { local -a config=() if (( FLAGS_KEYS_PORT != 0 )); then config+=("\"portForNewAccessKeys\": ${FLAGS_KEYS_PORT}") fi if [[ -n "${SB_DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME:-}" ]]; then config+=("\"name\": \"$(escape_json_string "${SB_DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME}")\"") fi config+=("\"hostname\": \"$(escape_json_string "${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}")\"") config+=("\"metricsEnabled\": ${SB_METRICS_ENABLED:-false}") echo "{$(join , "${config[@]}")}" > "${STATE_DIR}/shadowbox_server_config.json" } function start_shadowbox() { # TODO(fortuna): Write API_PORT to config file, # rather than pass in the environment. local -r START_SCRIPT="${STATE_DIR}/start_container.sh" cat <<-EOF > "${START_SCRIPT}" # This script starts the Outline server container ("Shadowbox"). # If you need to customize how the server is run, you can edit this script, then restart with: # # "${START_SCRIPT}" set -eu docker stop "${CONTAINER_NAME}" 2> /dev/null || true docker rm -f "${CONTAINER_NAME}" 2> /dev/null || true docker_command=( docker run -d --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" --restart always --net host # Used by Watchtower to know which containers to monitor. --label 'com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true' # Use log rotation. See https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/configure/. --log-driver local # The state that is persisted across restarts. -v "${STATE_DIR}:${STATE_DIR}" # Where the container keeps its persistent state. -e "SB_STATE_DIR=${STATE_DIR}" # Port number and path prefix used by the server manager API. -e "SB_API_PORT=${API_PORT}" -e "SB_API_PREFIX=${SB_API_PREFIX}" # Location of the API TLS certificate and key. -e "SB_CERTIFICATE_FILE=${SB_CERTIFICATE_FILE}" -e "SB_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=${SB_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE}" # Where to report metrics to, if opted-in. -e "SB_METRICS_URL=${SB_METRICS_URL:-}" # The Outline server image to run. "${SB_IMAGE}" ) "\${docker_command[@]}" EOF chmod +x "${START_SCRIPT}" # Declare then assign. Assigning on declaration messes up the return code. local STDERR_OUTPUT STDERR_OUTPUT="$({ "${START_SCRIPT}" >/dev/null; } 2>&1)" && return readonly STDERR_OUTPUT log_error "FAILED" if docker_container_exists "${CONTAINER_NAME}"; then handle_docker_container_conflict "${CONTAINER_NAME}" true return else log_error "${STDERR_OUTPUT}" return 1 fi } function start_watchtower() { # Start watchtower to automatically fetch docker image updates. # Set watchtower to refresh every 30 seconds if a custom SB_IMAGE is used (for # testing). Otherwise refresh every hour. local -ir WATCHTOWER_REFRESH_SECONDS="${WATCHTOWER_REFRESH_SECONDS:-3600}" local -ar docker_watchtower_flags=(--name watchtower --log-driver local --restart always \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock) # By itself, local messes up the return code. local STDERR_OUTPUT STDERR_OUTPUT="$(docker run -d "${docker_watchtower_flags[@]}" containrrr/watchtower --cleanup --label-enable --tlsverify --interval "${WATCHTOWER_REFRESH_SECONDS}" 2>&1 >/dev/null)" && return readonly STDERR_OUTPUT log_error "FAILED" if docker_container_exists watchtower; then handle_docker_container_conflict watchtower false return else log_error "${STDERR_OUTPUT}" return 1 fi } # Waits for the service to be up and healthy function wait_shadowbox() { # We use insecure connection because our threat model doesn't include localhost port # interception and our certificate doesn't have localhost as a subject alternative name until fetch --insecure "${LOCAL_API_URL}/access-keys" >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done } function create_first_user() { fetch --insecure --request POST "${LOCAL_API_URL}/access-keys" >&2 } function output_config() { echo "$@" >> "${ACCESS_CONFIG}" } function add_api_url_to_config() { output_config "apiUrl:${PUBLIC_API_URL}" } function check_firewall() { # TODO(JonathanDCohen) This is incorrect if access keys are using more than one port. local -i ACCESS_KEY_PORT ACCESS_KEY_PORT=$(fetch --insecure "${LOCAL_API_URL}/access-keys" | docker exec -i "${CONTAINER_NAME}" node -e ' const fs = require("fs"); const accessKeys = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(0, {encoding: "utf-8"})); console.log(accessKeys["accessKeys"][0]["port"]); ') || return readonly ACCESS_KEY_PORT if ! fetch --max-time 5 --cacert "${SB_CERTIFICATE_FILE}" "${PUBLIC_API_URL}/access-keys" >/dev/null; then log_error "BLOCKED" FIREWALL_STATUS="\ You won’t be able to access it externally, despite your server being correctly set up, because there's a firewall (in this machine, your router or cloud provider) that is preventing incoming connections to ports ${API_PORT} and ${ACCESS_KEY_PORT}." else FIREWALL_STATUS="\ If you have connection problems, it may be that your router or cloud provider blocks inbound connections, even though your machine seems to allow them." fi FIREWALL_STATUS="\ ${FIREWALL_STATUS} Make sure to open the following ports on your firewall, router or cloud provider: - Management port ${API_PORT}, for TCP - Access key port ${ACCESS_KEY_PORT}, for TCP and UDP " } function set_hostname() { # These are URLs that return the client's apparent IP address. # We have more than one to try in case one starts failing # (e.g. https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/issues/776). local -ar urls=( 'https://icanhazip.com/' 'https://ipinfo.io/ip' 'https://domains.google.com/checkip' ) for url in "${urls[@]}"; do PUBLIC_HOSTNAME="$(fetch --ipv4 "${url}")" && return done echo "Failed to determine the server's IP address. Try using --hostname ." >&2 return 1 } install_shadowbox() { local MACHINE_TYPE MACHINE_TYPE="$(uname -m)" if [[ "${MACHINE_TYPE}" != "x86_64" ]]; then log_error "Unsupported machine type: ${MACHINE_TYPE}. Please run this script on a x86_64 machine" exit 1 fi # Make sure we don't leak readable files to other users. umask 0007 export CONTAINER_NAME="${CONTAINER_NAME:-shadowbox}" run_step "Verifying that Docker is installed" verify_docker_installed run_step "Verifying that Docker daemon is running" verify_docker_running log_for_sentry "Creating Outline directory" export SHADOWBOX_DIR="${SHADOWBOX_DIR:-/opt/outline}" mkdir -p "${SHADOWBOX_DIR}" chmod u+s,ug+rwx,o-rwx "${SHADOWBOX_DIR}" log_for_sentry "Setting API port" API_PORT="${FLAGS_API_PORT}" if (( API_PORT == 0 )); then API_PORT=${SB_API_PORT:-$(get_random_port)} fi readonly API_PORT readonly ACCESS_CONFIG="${ACCESS_CONFIG:-${SHADOWBOX_DIR}/access.txt}" readonly SB_IMAGE="${SB_IMAGE:-quay.io/outline/shadowbox:stable}" PUBLIC_HOSTNAME="${FLAGS_HOSTNAME:-${SB_PUBLIC_IP:-}}" if [[ -z "${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}" ]]; then run_step "Setting PUBLIC_HOSTNAME to external IP" set_hostname fi readonly PUBLIC_HOSTNAME # If $ACCESS_CONFIG is already populated, make a backup before clearing it. log_for_sentry "Initializing ACCESS_CONFIG" if [[ -s "${ACCESS_CONFIG}" ]]; then # Note we can't do "mv" here as do_install_server.sh may already be tailing # this file. cp "${ACCESS_CONFIG}" "${ACCESS_CONFIG}.bak" && true > "${ACCESS_CONFIG}" fi # Make a directory for persistent state run_step "Creating persistent state dir" create_persisted_state_dir run_step "Generating secret key" generate_secret_key run_step "Generating TLS certificate" generate_certificate run_step "Generating SHA-256 certificate fingerprint" generate_certificate_fingerprint run_step "Writing config" write_config # TODO(dborkan): if the script fails after docker run, it will continue to fail # as the names shadowbox and watchtower will already be in use. Consider # deleting the container in the case of failure (e.g. using a trap, or # deleting existing containers on each run). run_step "Starting Shadowbox" start_shadowbox # TODO(fortuna): Don't wait for Shadowbox to run this. run_step "Starting Watchtower" start_watchtower readonly PUBLIC_API_URL="https://${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}:${API_PORT}/${SB_API_PREFIX}" readonly LOCAL_API_URL="https://localhost:${API_PORT}/${SB_API_PREFIX}" run_step "Waiting for Outline server to be healthy" wait_shadowbox run_step "Creating first user" create_first_user run_step "Adding API URL to config" add_api_url_to_config FIREWALL_STATUS="" run_step "Checking host firewall" check_firewall # Echos the value of the specified field from ACCESS_CONFIG. # e.g. if ACCESS_CONFIG contains the line "certSha256:1234", # calling $(get_field_value certSha256) will echo 1234. function get_field_value { grep "$1" "${ACCESS_CONFIG}" | sed "s/$1://" } # Output JSON. This relies on apiUrl and certSha256 (hex characters) requiring # no string escaping. TODO: look for a way to generate JSON that doesn't # require new dependencies. cat < 0 )); do local flag="$1" shift case "${flag}" in --hostname) FLAGS_HOSTNAME="$1" shift ;; --api-port) FLAGS_API_PORT=$1 shift if ! is_valid_port "${FLAGS_API_PORT}"; then log_error "Invalid value for ${flag}: ${FLAGS_API_PORT}" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; --keys-port) FLAGS_KEYS_PORT=$1 shift if ! is_valid_port "${FLAGS_KEYS_PORT}"; then log_error "Invalid value for ${flag}: ${FLAGS_KEYS_PORT}" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; --) break ;; *) # This should not happen log_error "Unsupported flag ${flag}" >&2 display_usage >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if (( FLAGS_API_PORT != 0 && FLAGS_API_PORT == FLAGS_KEYS_PORT )); then log_error "--api-port must be different from --keys-port" >&2 exit 1 fi return 0 } function main() { trap finish EXIT declare FLAGS_HOSTNAME="" declare -i FLAGS_API_PORT=0 declare -i FLAGS_KEYS_PORT=0 parse_flags "$@" install_shadowbox } main "$@"