{ "category": "Operating Systems", "dashboards": [ { "dashboard_widgets": [ { "cache_time": 10, "col": 1, "configuration": { "lower_is_better": true, "query": "gl2_source_input:5798cfc1321fc1446097b9a7 AND _exists_:ADFSUsername", "timerange": { "range": 86400, "type": "relative" }, "trend": true }, "description": "Number of failed authentication", "height": 1, "row": 1, "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "width": 1 }, { "cache_time": 60, "col": 2, "configuration": { "interval": "minute", "query": "gl2_source_input:5798cfc1321fc1446097b9a7 AND _exists_:ADFSUsername", "timerange": { "range": 86400, "type": "relative" } }, "description": "Failed authentications over time", "height": 1, "row": 1, "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "width": 1 }, { "cache_time": 60, "col": 3, "configuration": { "field": "ADFSUsername", "query": "gl2_source_input:5798cfc1321fc1446097b9a7 AND _exists_:ADFSUsername", "show_data_table": true, "show_pie_chart": false, "timerange": { "range": 86400, "type": "relative" } }, "description": "Failed authentications", "height": 3, "row": 1, "type": "QUICKVALUES", "width": 1 }, { "cache_time": 10, "col": 0, "configuration": { "lower_is_better": false, "query": "gl2_source_input:5798cfc1321fc1446097b9a7 AND EventID:307", "timerange": { "range": 86400, "type": "relative" }, "trend": false }, "description": "Configuration Changes", "height": 0, "row": 0, "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "width": 0 }, { "cache_time": 10, "col": 0, "configuration": { "interval": "hour", "query": "gl2_source_input:5798cfc1321fc1446097b9a7 AND EventID:320", "timerange": { "range": 86400, "type": "relative" } }, "description": "SAML Signature Failed", "height": 0, "row": 0, "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "width": 0 } ], "description": "Key figures", "title": "ADFS" } ], "description": "## Contains ##\n* an input for ADFS event logs\n* a set of extractors for some events\n* a simple dashboard\n\n## nxlog fowarder configuration ##\n\n\t## AD FS logs to the right collector\n\n\t\n\t Module im_msvistalog\n\t\tExec if ($SourceName !~ /^AD FS/) drop();\n\t\n\n\t\n\t Module om_udp\n\t Host your-graylog-server.youdomain.here\n\t Port 5001\n\t OutputType GELF\n\t\n\n\t\n\t Path in => out\n\t\n\n\n## INSTALL ##\n\nYou must perform two search and replace before importing the JSON file in Graylog:\n- CONTOSO.COM by your full domain name\n- CONTOSO by your short domain name\nThat is because user may log in with UPN or not and the logs do not standardize the login representation.", "grok_patterns": [], "inputs": [ { "configuration": { "bind_address": "", "override_source": null, "port": 5001, "recv_buffer_size": 262144 }, "extractors": [ { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The Federation Service could not authorize token issuance", "configuration": { "regex_value": "for caller '.+\\\\([^']+)'" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSUsername", "title": "Get ADFS username on failed token issuance", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "Token validation failed.", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Error message:\\s+.+\\\\([^-]*)-" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSUsername", "title": "Get ADFS username on failed authentication", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The Federation Service could not authorize token issuance", "configuration": { "regex_value": "for the relying party '([^']+)'" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "RelyingParty", "title": "Get ADFS relying party on failed token issuance", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "Token validation failed", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Error message:\\s+(\\S+)@(?i)CONTOSO" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSUsername", "title": "Get ADFS username on failed authentication with @CONTOSO logins", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "Token validation failed", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Error message:\\s+(\\S+@\\S+\\.[a-z]{2,})" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSUsername", "title": "Get ADFS username on failed authentication with email address", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The Federation Service configuration was changed.", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Account: (\\S+)" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "Account", "title": "Extract ADFS configuration change owner", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The following user account has been locked out due to too many bad password attempts", "configuration": { "regex_value": "CONTOSO.COM\\\\([a-z]{4,6}\\d{2})" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSUsername", "title": "Get ADFS username on account lockout (CONTOSO.COM\\username)", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The following user account has been locked out due to too many bad password attempts.", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Client IP:\\s+([0-9.]+|[a-zA-Z0-9:]+)" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ClientIP", "title": "Get ADFS client first IP on lockout account", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "Token validation failed", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Client IP:\\s+([0-9.]+|[a-zA-Z0-9:]+)" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ClientIP", "title": "Get ADFS client first IP", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The following user account was in a locked out state and the correct password was just provided.", "configuration": { "regex_value": "CONTOSO.COM\\\\([a-z]{4,6}\\d{2})" }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSUsername", "title": "Get ADFS username on account unlocked", "type": "REGEX" }, { "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "The verification of the SAML message signature failed.", "configuration": { "regex_value": "Message issuer: https?://([-a-z0-9.]+) " }, "converters": [], "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "order": 0, "source_field": "full_message", "target_field": "ADFSRelyingParty", "title": "Get ADFS relying party on SAML signature failed", "type": "REGEX" } ], "global": true, "static_fields": {}, "title": "ADFS", "type": "org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput" } ], "name": "ADFS Insight", "outputs": [], "streams": [] }