# This file is the your config source for https://github.com/JoaquimLey/jcenter-config/deploy.gradle script # More info: https://github.com/JoaquimLey/jcenter-config # Text after '#' is example bintray.user = # joaquimley bintray.apikey = # bb3b3r3r3r3r33r3 bintray.dryRun = # false - Whether to run this as dry-run, without deploying bintray.publish = # true - If version should be auto published after an upload bintray.oss.user = # joaquimley bintray.oss.password = # secret bintray.gpg.password = # secret group = # com.github.joaquimley # Keep these equal for consistency version = # 1.0.0 -> pom version vcsTag = # 1.0.0 -> VersionControl tag versionName = # 1.0.0 -> Just for your package only # Keep these equal for consistency versionDescription = # Released new feature xyz repo = # maven -> This is the name you created under the organization name = # com.github.joaquimley:library -> not visible just for your own package userOrg = # joaquimleyapps description = # A multi-functional FAB component with customizable options websiteUrl = # https://joaquimley.com/FabOptions vcsUrl = # https://github.com/JoaquimLey/FabOptions.git issueTrackerUrl = # https://github.com/JoaquimLey/FabOptions/issues license = # Apache-2.0 publicDownloadNumbers = # true gpgSign = # true gpgPassphrase = # secret pomPackaging = # aar pomName = # A description like: A multi-functional FAB component with customizable options pomArtifactId = faboptions pomScmConnection = # scm:git@github.com/JoaquimLey/FabOptions.git pomScmDevConnection = # scm:git@github.com/JoaquimLey/FabOptions.git pomUrl = # https://github.com/JoaquimLey/FabOptions pomDeveloperId = # joaquimley pomDeveloperName = # Joaquim Ley pomDeveloperEmail = # joaquimley@gmail.com pomLicenseName = # The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 pomLicenseUrl = # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt