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🔥 Xiaohongshu Link Extraction/Content Collection Tool:Extract account-published, favorited, and liked content links; extract search result content links and user links; collect Xiaohongshu content information; extract Xiaohongshu content download addresses; download Xiaohongshu watermark-free content files!

⚠️ 2024/9/24: Due to rule updates on Xiaohongshu, there is a risk of account suspension for user scripts with version numbers lower than 1.7.1 Please update the user scripts in a timely manner before using them!

⭐ This project is completely free and open-source, with no paid features. Please do not be deceived!

⭐ Due to the author's limited energy, I was unable to update the English document in a timely manner, and the content may have become outdated, partial translation is machine translation, the translation result may be incorrect, Suggest referring to Chinese documentation. If you want to contribute to translation, we warmly welcome you.

📑 Project Features

⭐ The development plan and progress of XHS-Downloader can be found at Projects

📸 Program Screenshots

🎥 Click the images to watch the demo video

🔗 Supported Links

🪟 About the Terminal

⭐ It is recommended to use the Windows Terminal (default terminal for Windows 11) to run the program for the best display effect!

🥣 Usage

If you only need to download watermark-free content files, it is recommended to choose Program Run; if you have other needs, it is recommended to choose Source Code Run!

Starting from version 2.2, if there are no abnormalities in project functionality, there is no need to handle cookies separately!

🖱 Program Run

Mac OS, Windows 10 and above users can go to Releases to download the program package, unzip it, open the program folder, and double-click to run main to use.

Note: The executable file main for Mac OS may need to be launched from the terminal command line; Due to device limitations, the Mac OS executable file has not been tested and its availability cannot be guaranteed!

If you use the program in this way, the default download path for files is: .\_internal\Download; the configuration file path is: .\_internal\settings.json

⌨️ Docker Run

  1. Get Image
  2. Create Container

When running the project via Docker, the command line call mode is not supported. The clipboard reading and clipboard monitoring functions are unavailable, but pasting content works fine. Please provide feedback if other features are not functioning properly!

⌨️ Source Code Run

  1. Install the Python interpreter with a version no lower than 3.12
  2. Download the latest source code of this project or the source code released in Releases to your local machine
  3. Open the terminal and switch to the root path of the project
  4. Run the command pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple -r requirements.txt to install the required modules
  5. Run main.py to use

🛠 Command Line Mode

The project supports command line mode. If you want to download specific images from a text and image work, you can use this mode to set the image sequence number you want to download!

You can use the command line to read cookies from the browser and write to the configuration file!

Command example: python .\main.py --browser_cookie Chrome --update_settings

The bool type parameters support setting with true, false, 1, 0, yes, no, on or off (case insensitive).

🖥 Server Mode

Start: Run the command: python .\main.py server

Stop: Press Ctrl + C to stop the server

Request endpoint: /xhs/

Request method: POST

Request format: JSON

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Description Default
url str Xiaohongshu content link, auto-extraction, does not support multiple links None
download bool Whether to download the content file; set to true will take more time false
index list[int] Download specific image files by index, only effective for text and image works; not effective when the download parameter is set to false null
skip bool Whether to skip content with download records; set to true will not return content data with download records false

Code example:

def api_demo():
    server = ""
    data = {
        "url": "https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/123456789",
        "download": True,
        "index": [
    response = requests.post(server, json=data)

🕹 User Script

If your browser has the Tampermonkey browser extension installed, you can add the user script to experience the project features without needing to download or install anything!

After successfully installing the script, open the Xiaohongshu page, check the script instructions, and follow the prompts to operate.

Note: Using the XHS-Downloader user script to batch extract content links, in combination with the XHS-Downloader program, can achieve batch downloading of watermark-free content files!

💻 Secondary Development

If you have other needs, you can perform code calls or modifications based on the comments in main.py!

async def example():
    # 示例链接
    error_link = "https://github.com/JoeanAmier/XHS_Downloader"
    demo_link = "https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/xxxxxxxxxx"
    multiple_links = f"{demo_link} {demo_link} {demo_link}"
    # 实例对象
    work_path = "D:\\"  # 作品数据/文件保存根路径,默认值:项目根路径
    folder_name = "Download"  # 作品文件储存文件夹名称(自动创建),默认值:Download
    name_format = "作品标题 作品描述"
    user_agent = ""  # User-Agent
    cookie = ""  # 小红书网页版 Cookie,无需登录,可选参数,登录状态对数据采集有影响
    proxy = None  # 网络代理
    timeout = 5  # 请求数据超时限制,单位:秒,默认值:10
    chunk = 1024 * 1024 * 10  # 下载文件时,每次从服务器获取的数据块大小,单位:字节
    max_retry = 2  # 请求数据失败时,重试的最大次数,单位:秒,默认值:5
    record_data = False  # 是否保存作品数据至文件
    image_format = "WEBP"  # 图文作品文件下载格式,支持:PNG、WEBP
    folder_mode = False  # 是否将每个作品的文件储存至单独的文件夹
    # async with XHS() as xhs:
    #     pass  # 使用默认参数
    async with XHS(
    ) as xhs:  # 使用自定义参数
        download = True  # 是否下载作品文件,默认值:False
        # 返回作品详细信息,包括下载地址
        # 获取数据失败时返回空字典
        print(await xhs.extract(error_link, download, ))
        print(await xhs.extract(demo_link, download, index=[1, 2]))
        # 支持传入多个作品链接
        print(await xhs.extract(multiple_links, download, ))

📋 Read Clipboard

The project uses pyperclip to implement clipboard reading functionality, which varies across different systems.

On Windows, no additional modules are needed.

On Mac, this module makes use of the pbcopy and pbpaste commands, which should come with the os.

On Linux, this module makes use of the xclip or xsel commands, which should come with the os. Otherwise run "sudo apt-get install xclip" or "sudo apt-get install xsel" (Note: xsel does not always seem to work.)

Otherwise on Linux, you will need the qtpy or PyQT5 modules installed.

⚙️ Configuration File

The settings.json file in the root directory of the project is automatically generated on the first run and allows customization of some runtime parameters.

If invalid parameter values are set, the program will use the default values!

Parameter Type Description Default Value
work_path str Root path for saving content data/files Project root path
folder_name str Name of the folder for storing content files Download
name_format str Format for content file names. Separate fields with spaces. Supported fields: collects, comments, shares, likes, tags, ID, title, description, type, publish_time, last_update_time, author_nickname, author_id publish_time author_nickname title
user_agent str Browser User Agent Built-in Chrome User Agent
cookie str Xiaohongshu web version cookie, No login required, non essential parameters! None
proxy str | dict Set program proxy null
timeout int Request data timeout limit, in seconds 10
chunk int Size of data chunk to fetch from the server each time when downloading files, in bytes 2097152(2 MB)
max_retry int Maximum number of retries when requesting data fails 5
record_data bool Whether to save content data to a file, saved in SQLite format false
image_format str Download format for text and image content files, supported formats: PNG, WEBP
This parameter affects the API used when downloading images, not the fixed image format!
image_download bool Switch for downloading text and image content files true
video_download bool Switch for downloading video content files true
live_download bool Switch for downloading animated image files false
folder_mode bool Whether to store each content's files in a separate folder; the folder name matches the file name false
download_record bool Do record the ID of successfully downloaded works? If enabled, the program will automatically skip downloading works with records true
language str Set program language. Currently supported: zh_CN, en_GB zh_CN

Additional Notes: The parameters user_agent examples are provided for reference; Strongly recommend setting according to actual browser information!

🌐 Cookie

Starting from version 2.2, if there are no abnormalities in project functionality, there is no need to handle cookies separately!

  1. Open the browser (optional: start in incognito mode) and visit https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore
  2. Log in to your Xiaohongshu account (can be skipped)
  3. Press F12 to open the developer tools
  4. Select the Network tab
  5. Check Preserve log
  6. In the Filter input box, enter cookie-name:web_session
  7. Select the Fetch/XHR filter
  8. Click on any piece of content on the Xiaohongshu page
  9. In the Network tab, select any data packet (if no packets appear, repeat step 7)
  10. Copy and paste the entire Cookie into the program or configuration file

🗳 Download Records

XHS-Downloader will store the IDs of downloaded content in a database. When downloading the same content again, XHS-Downloader will automatically skip the file download (even if the content file does not exist). If you want to re-download the content file, please delete the corresponding content ID from the database and then use XHS-Downloader to download the content file again!

This feature is enabled by default. If it is turned off, XHS-Downloader will check if the file exists. If the file exists, it will skip the download!

♥️ Support the Project

If XHS-Downloader has been helpful to you, please consider giving it a Star ⭐. Thank you for your support!

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微信赞助二维码 支付宝赞助二维码

If you are willing, you may consider making a donation to provide additional support for XHS-Downloader!

✉️ Contact the Author

Other Open Source Projects by the Author:

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JetBrains support active projects recognized within the global open-source community with complimentary licenses for non-commercial development.

⚠️ Disclaimer

Before using the code and functionalities of this project, please carefully consider and accept the above disclaimer. If you have any questions or disagree with the statement, please do not use the code and functionalities of this project. If you use the code and functionalities of this project, it is considered that you fully understand and accept the above disclaimer, and willingly assume all risks and consequences associated with the use of this project. # 💡 Project References * https://github.com/encode/httpx/ * https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi * https://github.com/textualize/textual/ * https://github.com/omnilib/aiosqlite * https://github.com/thewh1teagle/rookie * https://github.com/carpedm20/emoji/ * https://github.com/asweigart/pyperclip * https://github.com/lxml/lxml * https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml * https://github.com/pallets/click/ * https://github.com/encode/uvicorn * https://github.com/Tinche/aiofiles