desc:Saike Stereo Bub II Stereoizer tags: comb stereoizer stereo version: 0.06 author: Joep Vanlier changelog: Correct display on crossover frequency and delay (sorry). about: # A basic stereo widener A fairly basic stereo widening tool. Widens the sound, but makes sure that the mono-mix stays unaffected (unlike Haas). The crossover is basically a 12 pole HPF that cuts the bass of the widening to avoid widening the bass too much. The last slider allows you to mix in the original side channel (which can optionally also be run through the 12-pole highpass). You can either add stereo sound from nothing, using the Strength slider. This adds a comb filtered version of the average signal with opposite polarity to the different channels. Be careful not to overdo it, or you get a flangey sound (unless that is what you want). You can manipulate the existing side channel that's in the input. The gain of the original side channel is scaled by the old "Old side" knob. Depending on the button "HP original side" this signal route will be highpassed (mono-izing the low frequencies). [Screenshot]( ### Demos You can find demos of the plugin [here]( and [here]( ### Features: - Add stereo to mono audio. - Control existing stereo in audio. - Use steep 12-pole crossover filter to keep bass mono. license: MIT slider1:Delay=8<1,25,1>-Delay [ms/2] slider2:Strength=0.3<0,1,.0001>-Strength [-] slider3:LowCut=0.4<0,1,.0001>-Crossover [log(w)] slider4:SideLevel=1<0,2,.0001>-Blend old side level [-] slider5:CheckMono=0<0,1,1{No, Yes}>-Check Mono? slider6:SideHP=0<0,1,1{No,Yes}>-Pass side through HPF? @init delta_t = 44/srate; /* Goniometer */ function initGonioMeter(in, sampleCount) global(sampleCount, srate, newUI) instance(rStart, rEnd, recPtr, samples, thisUI) local() ( samples = sampleCount; rStart = in; rEnd = in + sampleCount - 1; recPtr = in; thisUI = newUI+=1; ); function feedGonio(l1, r1) global() instance(rStart, rEnd, recPtr) local() ( recPtr[] = l1; (recPtr+=1)[] = r1; recPtr = (recPtr+1) >= rEnd ? rStart : recPtr + 1; ); function setWindow(_x, _y, _w, _h) global() instance(x, y, w, h) local() ( x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h; ); function drawGonioTop(r, g, b, a) global( gfx_x, gfx_y, fontface, scaling ) instance(x, y, w, h, fw, fh) local(r) ( r = .25; gfx_set(r, g, b, a); gfx_line( x-r*w+.5*w, y-r*w+.5*h+2, x+r*w+.5*w, y+r*w+.5*h+2 ); gfx_line( x-r*w+.5*w, y+r*w+.5*h+2, x+r*w+.5*w, y-r*w+.5*h+2 ); gfx_setfont(9, fontface, 12*(1+scaling)); r = .29; gfx_measurestr("L", fw, fh); gfx_x = x-r*w+.5*w - .5*fw; gfx_y = y-r*w+.5*h+2 - .5*fh; gfx_printf( "L" ); gfx_measurestr("R", fw, fh); gfx_x = x+r*w+.5*w - .5*fw; gfx_y = y-r*w+.5*h+2 - .5*fh; gfx_printf( "R" ); gfx_measurestr("R", fw, fh); gfx_x = x + 10; gfx_y = y + .5*h - .5*fh; gfx_printf( "+S" ); gfx_measurestr("R", fw, fh); gfx_x = x + w - 10 - fw; gfx_y = y + .5*h - .5*fh; gfx_printf( "-S" ); gfx_measurestr("M", fw, fh); gfx_x = x + .5*w - .5*fw; gfx_y = y + 5; gfx_printf( "M" ); ); function drawGonioMeter(r, g, b, a) global( gfx_a ) local(step, ptr, sign0, sign1, s0, s1, angle, vert, horiz, radius, xx, yy, cx, cy) instance(dgonio_zoom, x, y, w, h, recPtr, rStart, rEnd, samples) ( ptr = recPtr+2; cx = x + 0.5*w; cy = y + 0.5*h; gfx_set( r, g, b, a ); loop(samples, s0 = ptr[]; s1 = (ptr+=1)[]; sign0 = sign( s0 ); sign1 = sign( s1 ); angle = atan( s0 / s1 ); (sign0 == 1 && sign1 == -1) || (sign0 == -1 && sign1 == -1) ? angle += 3.141592654; (sign0 == -1 && sign1 == 1) ? angle += 6.283185307; s1 == 0 ? s0 > 0 ? angle = 1.570796327 : angle = 4.71238898; s0 == 0 ? s1 > 0 ? angle = 0 : angle = 3.141592654; radius = (1+dgonio_zoom) * sqrt( sqr(s0)+sqr(s1) ) ; radius > 1 ? radius = 1; angle -= .25*$pi; xx = cx - .5*h*sin(angle)*radius; yy = cy - .5*h*cos(angle)*radius; gfx_a = .1 * a; gfx_circle(xx, yy, 1, 1); ptr += 1; ptr > rEnd ? ptr = rStart; ); ); MinDelay = 1; MaxDelay = 25; MinStrength = 0; MaxStrength = 1; MinLowCut = 0; MaxLowCut = 1; MinSideLevel=0; MaxSideLevel=2; fontface = "Arial"; function initBuffer(scopebuffer_in, scopebuffermax_in) local() global() instance(scopeptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer) ( scopebuffer = scopebuffer_in; scopebuffermax = scopebuffermax_in; scopeptr < scopebuffer ? ( scopeptr = scopebuffer ) : ( scopeptr > scopebuffermax ) ? scopeptr = scopebuffer ); function setOffset(offset) local() global() instance(scopeptr, readptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer, frac) ( readptr = scopeptr; frac = offset - floor(offset); readptr -= floor(offset); readptr < scopebuffer ? readptr += (scopebuffermax-scopebuffer+1); ); function readBuffer() local(c1, c2) global() instance(readptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer, frac) ( c1 = readptr[]; readptr += 1; readptr > scopebuffermax ? readptr = scopebuffer; c2 = readptr[]; c2 * (1.0-frac) + c1 * frac ); function updateBuffer(M) local() global() instance(scopeptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer) ( scopeptr[] = M; scopeptr += 1; scopeptr > scopebuffermax ? scopeptr = scopebuffer; M ); function clearBuffer() local() global(MAXBUFFERSIZE) instance(scopeptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer) ( memset( scopebuffer, 0, MAXBUFFERSIZE ); scopeptr = scopebuffer; ); function init_linearSVF(freq, res) global(srate, slider54) local(g) instance(k, a1, a2, a3) ( g = tan(.5 * freq); k = 2 - 2*res; a1 = 1/(1+g*(g+k)); a2 = g*a1; a3 = g*a2; ); function sliderUpdate() ( chDelay=Delay*srate/2000; //buffer.setOffset(chDelay); lowCutFreq = exp( (1-LowCut) * log(20/22050) ); hp.init_linearSVF(lowCutFreq, 0); hp2.k = hp.k; hp2.a1 = hp.a1; hp2.a2 = hp.a2; hp2.a3 = hp.a3; displayFreq = .5 * srate * lowCutFreq / $pi; ); bufferDist = 65536; delayBuf1 = 0; buffer.initBuffer(delayBuf1, delayBuf1+bufferDist-1); gonioOut.initGonioMeter(bufferDist, 1000); @slider sliderUpdate(); @block delta_t = 44/srate; @sample tDelay += chDelay * delta_t - delta_t * tDelay; buffer.setOffset( tDelay ); ( forceUpdate == 1 ) ? ( sliderUpdate(); forceUpdate = 0; ); function eval_linearSVF_HP(v0) global() local(v1, v2, v3) instance(ic1eq, ic2eq, ic3eq, ic4eq, ic5eq, ic6eq, ic7eq, ic8eq, ic9eq, ic10eq, ic11eq, ic12eq, k, a1, a2, a3) ( v3 = v0 - ic2eq; v1 = a1 * ic1eq + a2 * v3; v2 = ic2eq + a2 * ic1eq + a3*v3; ic1eq = 2*v1 - ic1eq; ic2eq = 2*v2 - ic2eq; v0 = v0 - k*v1 - v2; v3 = v0 - ic4eq; v1 = a1 * ic3eq + a2 * v3; v2 = ic4eq + a2 * ic3eq + a3*v3; ic3eq = 2*v1 - ic3eq; ic4eq = 2*v2 - ic4eq; v0 = v0 - k*v1 - v2; v3 = v0 - ic6eq; v1 = a1 * ic5eq + a2 * v3; v2 = ic6eq + a2 * ic5eq + a3*v3; ic5eq = 2*v1 - ic5eq; ic6eq = 2*v2 - ic6eq; v0 = v0 - k*v1 - v2; v3 = v0 - ic8eq; v1 = a1 * ic7eq + a2 * v3; v2 = ic8eq + a2 * ic7eq + a3*v3; ic7eq = 2*v1 - ic7eq; ic8eq = 2*v2 - ic8eq; v0 = v0 - k*v1 - v2; v3 = v0 - ic10eq; v1 = a1 * ic9eq + a2 * v3; v2 = ic10eq + a2 * ic9eq + a3*v3; ic9eq = 2*v1 - ic9eq; ic10eq = 2*v2 - ic10eq; v0 = v0 - k*v1 - v2; v3 = v0 - ic12eq; v1 = a1 * ic11eq + a2 * v3; v2 = ic12eq + a2 * ic11eq + a3*v3; ic11eq = 2*v1 - ic11eq; ic12eq = 2*v2 - ic12eq; v0 - k*v1 - v2; ); avg = .5 * ( spl0 + spl1 ); side = .5 * ( spl0 - spl1 ); buffer.updateBuffer(avg); rb = buffer.readBuffer(); rb = hp.eval_linearSVF_HP(rb); SideHP ? ( side = hp2.eval_linearSVF_HP(side); ); spl0 = avg + Strength * rb + sideLevel * side; spl1 = avg - Strength * rb - sideLevel * side; ( CheckMono == 1 ) ? ( spl0 = spl1 = .5 * (spl0 + spl1); ); gonioOut.feedGonio(spl0, spl1); @gfx 667 160 function clamp(value, mini, maxi) local() global() ( max(min(value,maxi),mini) ); /* Hint handling */ function drawHint_draw() global(scaling, gfx_x, gfx_y, gfx_w, gfx_h, mouse_x, mouse_y, fontface) local(w, h, globalTime) instance(hintTime, currentHint, lastGlobalTime, delta_time) ( globalTime = time_precise(); delta_time = globalTime - lastGlobalTime; lastGlobalTime = globalTime; ( hintTime > .99 ) ? ( gfx_setfont(7, fontface, 14*(1+scaling)); gfx_measurestr(currentHint,w,h); gfx_x = mouse_x+15; gfx_y = mouse_y+15; ( gfx_x > 0.5*gfx_w ) ? gfx_x = mouse_x - w - 8; ( gfx_y > 0.5*gfx_h ) ? gfx_y = mouse_y - h - 8; gfx_set( 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, .8 ); gfx_rect(gfx_x-2, gfx_y-2, w+4, h+4); gfx_set( .7, .7, .7, 1 ); gfx_printf(currentHint); ); ); function updateHintTime(hint) global(gfx_x, gfx_y, mouse_x, mouse_y) local() instance(lx, ly, hintTime, currentHint, delta_time) ( ( ( abs(lx - mouse_x) + abs( ly - mouse_y ) ) > 0 ) ? ( hintTime = 0; ) : ( (hint != 0) ? ( currentHint = hint; hintTime = hintTime + delta_time; hintTime = min(1, hintTime) ) : ( 0 ) ); lx = mouse_x; ly = mouse_y; ); /* Knob handling */ function drawKnob(_x, _y, _r, text, _hint) local(ang, dang, r0, r1, r2, r3, rk, tw, th) instance(x, y, r, value, active, label, hint) global(gfx_x, gfx_y, fontface) ( x = _x; y = _y; r = _r; r0 = .5*r; r1 = 1.2*r; r2 = 1.4*r; r3 = 1.7*r; rk = .1*r; gfx_set(.3, .3, .7, 1); gfx_circle(x, y, r, 1, 1); gfx_set(0, 0, 0, 1); gfx_circle(x, y, .9*r, 1, 1); gfx_set(.2, .3, .6, 1); gfx_circle(x, y, .8*r, 1, 1); gfx_set(1, 1, 1, .04); gfx_circle(x, y, .7*r, 1, 1); hint = _hint; !active ? ( gfx_set(0, 0, 0, .5); gfx_circle(x, y, r, 1, 1); ); gfx_set(0, 0, 0, .2); gfx_circle(x, y, .78*r, 0, 1); gfx_circle(x, y, .76*r, 0, 1); gfx_set(.3, .4, .8, 1); ang = .75*$pi; dang = 1.5*$pi/30; // 31 segments loop(6, gfx_line(x + r1 * cos(ang), y + r1 * sin(ang), x + r3 * cos(ang), y + r3 * sin(ang) ); ang += dang; loop(4, gfx_line(x + r1 * cos(ang), y + r1 * sin(ang), x + r2 * cos(ang), y + r2 * sin(ang) ); ang += dang; ); ); gfx_line(x + r1 * cos(ang), y + r1 * sin(ang), x + r3 * cos(ang), y + r3 * sin(ang) ); ang = .75*$pi + 1.5*$pi*value; active ? ( gfx_set(0, 0, 0, .9); gfx_circle( x + r0 * cos(ang), y + r0 * sin(ang), rk, 1, 1 ); ); gfx_set(.4, .6, .9, 1); gfx_setfont(2, fontface, 13); gfx_measurestr(text, tw, th); gfx_x = x - .5*tw; gfx_y = y + r + .25*th; gfx_printf(text); label ? ( gfx_setfont(2, fontface, 13); gfx_set(0,0,0,1); gfx_measurestr(label, tw, th); gfx_x = x - .5*tw; gfx_y = y - .5*th + 1; gfx_printf(label); ); ); function processMouse(mx, my, mousecap, default) local(left, dx, dy, change, mul, over) instance(hint, value, x, y, r, cap, lleft, lx, ly, active, lastLeftClick, doubleClick, cTime) global(hinter.updateHintTime, mouse_wheel) ( change = 0; mul = 1; dx = (mx-x); dy = (my-y); over = (dx*dx + dy*dy) < (r*r); (mousecap&4) ? mul = mul * 0.1666666666667; /* CTRL */ (mousecap&8) ? mul = mul * 0.125; /* SHIFT */ active ? ( left = mousecap & 1; ( over == 1 ) ? ( (mouse_wheel ~= 0) ? ( value = value + 0.0001 * mul * mouse_wheel; mouse_wheel = 0; value = clamp(value, 0, 1); change = 1; ); ); ( left == 0 ) ? ( ( over == 1 ) ? ( hinter.updateHintTime(hint); ) : ( hinter.updateHintTime(0); ); ); doubleClick = 0; (left && !lleft) ? ( time_precise(cTime); ( ( cTime - lastLeftClick ) < .25 ) ? ( doubleClick = 1; ) : lastLeftClick = cTime; ); ( left && cap == 1 ) ? ( value = value - .01*mul*(my - ly); value = clamp(value, 0, 1); change = 1; ) : ( cap = 0; ); ( left && !lleft ) ? ( ( over ) ? ( doubleClick ? ( lastLeftClick = -100; change = 1; value = default; ) : ( cap = 1; ); ); ); lleft = left; lx = mx; ly = my; ); change ); /* Toggle handling */ function processMouseToggle(mx, my, mousecap) instance(x, y, w, h, on, lastleft, hint) local(left, slack, over) global(hinter.updateHintTime) ( slack = 5; left = mousecap & 1; over = (mx >= (x-slack)) && ( mx <= (x+w+slack) ) && ( my >= (y-slack) ) && ( my <= (y+h+slack) ); ( left == 0 ) ? ( ( over == 1 ) ? ( hinter.updateHintTime(hint); ) : ( hinter.updateHintTime(0); ); ); ( (left == 1) && (lastleft == 0) ) ? ( ( over ) ? ( on = 1 - on; ); ); lastleft = left; on ); function drawToggle(_x, _y, _w, _h, _on, wr, wg, wb, wa, r, g, b, a, _hint) local() instance(x, y, w, h, on, hint) global(gfx_a, gfx_mode) ( x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h; on = _on; hint = _hint; gfx_set(0, 0, 0, 0); gfx_rect(x, y, w, h); gfx_set(r, g, b, a*.2); gfx_rect(x, y, w, h); gfx_set(wr, wg, wb, wa); gfx_line(x, y, x+w, y); gfx_line(x, y, x, y+h); gfx_line(x+w, y, x+w, y+h); gfx_line(x, y+h, x+w, y+h); on ? ( gfx_set(r, g, b, a); gfx_rect(x, y, w, h); gfx_a *= .6; gfx_rect(x-1, y-1, w+2, h+2); gfx_a *= .6; gfx_rect(x-2, y-2, w+4, h+4); gfx_a *= .6; gfx_rect(x-3, y-3, w+6, h+6); gfx_a *= .4; gfx_circle(x+.5*w-1, y+.5*h-1, 2*max(w,h), 2*max(w,h)); gfx_a *= .4; gfx_circle(x+.5*w-1, y+.5*h-1, 3*max(w,h), 3*max(w,h)); gfx_a *= .4; gfx_circle(x+.5*w-1, y+.5*h-1, 4*max(w,h), 4*max(w,h)); gfx_a *= .4; gfx_circle(x+.5*w-1, y+.5*h-1, 5*max(w,h), 5*max(w,h)); ); ); x = 80*(1+scaling); y = 80*(1+scaling); ksize = 33*(1+scaling); dx = 130*(1+scaling); = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; delayKnob.value = ( Delay - MinDelay ) / (MaxDelay-MinDelay); strengthKnob.value = Strength; crossOver.value = LowCut; blendSide.value = ( SideLevel - MinSideLevel ) / (MaxSideLevel-MinSideLevel); delayKnob.drawKnob(x, y, ksize*(1+scaling), "Delay [ms]", "Delay in milliseconds."); strengthKnob.drawKnob(x+dx, y, ksize*(1+scaling), "Strength", "Strength of the faux added width.\n\nA larger value will generate more stereo\nwidth, but risks hearing noticable comb\neffects. Be on the lookout for undesirable\nflanging."); crossOver.drawKnob(x+2*dx, y, ksize*(1+scaling), "Crossover", "Crossover frequency.\n\nDetermine above which frequency\nto apply the stereo widening."); blendSide.drawKnob(x+3*dx, y, ksize*(1+scaling), "Old side", "Side Level\n\nAmount of the original input's side signal\nto add back. Note that combining this with\nthe faux width may cause phase issues.\nHere 50%% represents the original width.\nThis slider has no effect on mono signals."); delayKnob.processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0.5) ? ( slider_automate( Delay = delayKnob.value * (MaxDelay - MinDelay) + MinDelay ); forceUpdate = 1; ); strengthKnob.processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0.5) ? ( slider_automate( Strength = strengthKnob.value ); forceUpdate = 1; ); crossOver.processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0.5) ? ( slider_automate( LowCut = crossOver.value ); forceUpdate = 1; ); blendSide.processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0.5) ? ( slider_automate( SideLevel = blendSide.value * (MaxSideLevel - MinSideLevel) + MinSideLevel ); forceUpdate = 1; ); ( displayFreq < 1000 ) ? ( sprintf(1, "%d Hz", displayFreq); ) : ( sprintf(1, "%d kHz", displayFreq/1000); ); crossOver.label = 1; sprintf(2, "%d ms", Delay / 2); delayKnob.label = 2; gonio_r = .3; gonio_g = .2; gonio_b = .9; gonio_a = 1; gonioOut.setWindow(x+3.6*dx, y-1.7*ksize, ksize*3, ksize*3); gonioOut.drawGonioMeter(1, 1, 1, 1); gonioOut.drawGonioTop(gonio_r, gonio_g, gonio_b, gonio_a); buttonSize = 5; monoToggle.drawToggle(x+3.6*dx, y+1*ksize*(1+scaling), buttonSize, buttonSize, CheckMono, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Test output when left and right\nare mixed to mono.\n"); gfx_set(1,1,1,1); gfx_x = x+3.6*dx+2*buttonSize; gfx_y = y+1*ksize*(1+scaling)-.5*buttonSize + 1; gfx_set(.4, .6, .9, 1); gfx_printf("Test mono"); CheckMono = monoToggle.processMouseToggle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap); sideHPToggle.drawToggle(x+3.6*dx, y+1.4*ksize*(1+scaling), buttonSize, buttonSize, SideHP, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Run old side channel through 10-pole HPF?\nThis is useful when using the plugin to clean up\nthe low frequency stereo image.\n"); gfx_set(1,1,1,1); gfx_x = x+3.6*dx+2*buttonSize; gfx_y = y+1.4*ksize*(1+scaling)-.5*buttonSize+1; gfx_set(.4, .6, .9, 1); gfx_printf("HP original side?"); SideHP = sideHPToggle.processMouseToggle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap); hinter.drawHint_draw();