desc:Saike Transience (transient shaper) tags: Transient Shaper Saike version: 0.03 author: Joep Vanlier changelog: Bugfix oversampling (correctly take into account delay) about: # Transience Transience is a plugin for enhancing or reducing transients. It works by using two envelopes. One is an envelope follower (short attack, longer decay; roughly follows the peaks of the sound), the other is a user specified envelope (with attack/decay). You can then shape the sound according to the difference between the two, making attacks or decays longer or shorter. The plugin operates in logarithmic space. [Screenshot]( import saike_upsamplers.jsfx-inc slider1:sAttack=0.5<0,1,.000000001>Attack slider2:sDecay=0.5<0,1,.000000001>Decay slider3:strength=0<-1,1,.000000001>Reduce / Enhance Attack slider4:strength2=0<-1,1,.000000001>Reduce / Enhance Decay slider5:compensate=0<-20,20,0.0005>Gain compensation slider6:Mode=0<0,1,1>Peak/Squared slider7:Oversampling=1<1,4,1>Oversampling slider8:GainSmoothing=0<0,1,0.00001>Gain smoothing @init dbMax = 12; FOLLOW_ATK = 1; MIN_ATTACK = 2; MAX_ATTACK = 120; MIN_DECAY = 130; MAX_DECAY = 1000; function setWindowLocation(_x, _y, _w, _h) global() instance(x, y, w, h, cap, meterSpace) local() ( x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h; meterSpace = 40; ); function draw_compressor_window(floorLevel, compression, gradBlitTarget) instance(x, y, w, h, meterSpace, lw, lh) global(gfx_mode, gfx_dest, gfx_x, gfx_y, tester, dbMax) local(stepsize, steps, dy, yc, xs, xe, cStep, ww, hh, oldDest) ( gfx_mode = 0; gfx_set(1,1,1,1); ( ( lw != w ) || ( lh != h ) ) ? ( /* Only draw new gradients when size changes */ lw = w; lh = h; oldDest = gfx_dest; gfx_setimgdim(gradBlitTarget, w, h); gfx_dest = gradBlitTarget; gfx_set(0,0,0,1); gfx_rect(x,y,w,h); gfx_gradrect(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, .3, .3, .0001, .0001, .0006, .0001, -.0001, -.0001, .001, .0001); gfx_gradrect(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .0, 0, .0001, .008, .0001, .01, .0004); gfx_dest = oldDest; ); gfx_x = gfx_y = 0; gfx_blit(gradBlitTarget, 1, 0); stepsize = 3; cStep = dbMax; dy = stepsize*h/floorLevel; gfx_set(1,.3,.3,.6); steps = floor( h * (compression/floorLevel) / 2 ); yc = y; xs = x+(w-meterSpace)+4; xe = x+w-4; loop(-steps, gfx_line(xs, floor(yc), xe, floor(yc)); yc += 2; ); steps = floor(-floorLevel/stepsize); yc = y; gfx_setfont(1, "Arial", 16); loop(steps, gfx_set(1,1,1,.7); cStep > 0 ? ( sprintf(0, "%2d", cStep); ) : ( sprintf(0, "-%2d", cStep); ); gfx_measurestr(0, ww, hh); gfx_x = x+w-.5*meterSpace-.5*ww; gfx_y = yc-.5*hh-1; gfx_drawstr(0); gfx_set(1,1,1,.2); gfx_line(x, floor(yc), x+w-.8*meterSpace, floor(yc)); gfx_line(x+w-.2*meterSpace, floor(yc), x+w, floor(yc)); //gfx_line(0, 50, 150, 5); yc -= dy; cStep -= stepsize; ); ); function draw_buffer_db(scopeptr, scopebuffer, scopebuffermax, floorLevel, fill) instance(x, y, w, h, meterSpace) globals(gfx_r, gfx_g, gfx_b, gfx_x, gfx_y, scrolls, dbMax) local(skipFactor, xx, yy, ybase, dx, lptr, lastx, lasty, scale, ly) ( skipFactor = 1/((w-meterSpace)/(scopebuffermax-scopebuffer)); dx = 1; scale = h / abs(floorLevel); ybase = y; xx = x; scrolls ? ( lptr = scopeptr; gfx_x = xx; gfx_y = ybase; loop((scopebuffermax-scopeptr)/skipFactor, yy = ybase - scale*max(floorLevel,lptr[]-dbMax); fill ? ( gfx_triangle( xx-dx, y+h, xx-dx, ly, xx, y+h, xx, yy); ); gfx_lineto(xx, yy); ly = yy; lptr += skipFactor; xx += dx; ); lptr = scopebuffer; loop((scopeptr - scopebuffer)/skipFactor, yy = ybase - scale*max(floorLevel,lptr[]-dbMax); fill ? ( gfx_triangle( xx-dx, y+h, xx-dx, ly, xx, y+h, xx, yy); ); gfx_lineto(xx, yy); ly = yy; lptr += skipFactor; xx += dx; ); ) : ( lptr = scopebuffer; gfx_x = xx; gfx_y = ybase; loop((scopebuffermax-scopebuffer)/skipFactor, yy = ybase - scale*max(floorLevel,lptr[]-dbMax); fill ? ( gfx_triangle( xx-dx, y+h, xx-dx, ly, xx, y+h, xx, yy); ); gfx_lineto(xx, yy); ly= yy; lptr += skipFactor; xx += dx; ); ); ); function updateBuffer(M) local() global() instance(scopeptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer) ( scopeptr[] = M; scopeptr += 1; scopeptr > scopebuffermax ? scopeptr = scopebuffer; M ); function initBufferNoReset(scopebuffer_in, scopebuffermax_in) local() global() instance(scopeptr, scopebuffermax, scopebuffer) ( scopebuffer = scopebuffer_in; scopebuffermax = scopebuffermax_in; scopeptr < scopebuffer ? ( scopeptr = scopebuffer ) : ( scopeptr > scopebuffermax ) ? scopeptr = scopebuffer ); DYNAMICS_IN = 100000; DYNAMICS_OUT = 200000; DYNAMICS_GAIN = 300000; DYNAMICS_BUFSIZE = 100000; inBuf.initBufferNoReset(DYNAMICS_IN, DYNAMICS_IN+DYNAMICS_BUFSIZE-1); outBuf.initBufferNoReset(DYNAMICS_OUT, DYNAMICS_OUT+DYNAMICS_BUFSIZE-1); gainBuf.initBufferNoReset(DYNAMICS_GAIN, DYNAMICS_GAIN+DYNAMICS_BUFSIZE-1); function init_follower(atk, release) local(csrate) instance(at, rt, LPF) global(srate, Oversampling) ( csrate = Oversampling*srate; at = ( atk > 0 ) ? exp(-1/(.5*.001*atk*csrate)) : 0; rt = exp(-1/(.5*.001*release*csrate)); ); function eval_follower(x) local() instance(state, at, rt, x) global() ( x > state ? ( state = at * state + ( 1.0 - at ) * x; ) : ( state = rt * state + ( 1.0 - rt ) * x; ); state ); @slider @block beta = log(MIN_ATTACK); alpha = log(MAX_ATTACK)-beta; attack = exp(alpha * sAttack + beta) - 1; beta = log(MIN_DECAY); alpha = log(MAX_DECAY)-beta; decay = exp(alpha * sDecay + beta); alpha_gain = exp(-1/(.5*.015*GainSmoothing*Oversampling*srate)); // Max gain smoothing is 15 ms curFIRdelay = getFIRdelay(overSampling); ( curpdc != curFIRdelay ) ? ( pdc_top_ch = 2; pdc_delay = curFIRdelay; curpdc = curFIRdelay; ); /* 20 Hz => ~50 ms period */ envFollower.init_follower(FOLLOW_ATK, 120); envFollowerOut.init_follower(FOLLOW_ATK, 150); envDesiredAttack.init_follower(attack, 150); envDesiredDecay.init_follower(FOLLOW_ATK, decay); @sample function processSample() ( ( mode == 0 ) ? ( inputGain = 20*log10(max(.001, .5*(abs(inL)+abs(inR)))); ) : ( inputGain = 20*log10(max(.001, .5*(inL*inL+inR*inR))); ); cEnv = envFollower.eval_follower(inputGain); cTargetAtk = envDesiredAttack.eval_follower(inputGain); cTargetDecay = envDesiredDecay.eval_follower(inputGain); /* Gain changes in dB space */ ldiffAtk = strength*(cTargetAtk-cEnv); ldiffRel = strength2*(cTargetDecay-cEnv); dbGainCur = - ldiffAtk + ldiffRel + compensate; dbGain = alpha_gain * dbGain + (1-alpha_gain)*dbGainCur; /* Convert to linear */ linGain = 10^(0.05*dbGain); outL = inL * linGain; outR = inR * linGain; ( mode == 0 ) ? ( movOut = 20*log10(max(.001, .5*(abs(outL)+abs(outR)))); ) : ( movOut = 20*log10(max(.001, .5*(outL*outL+outR*outR))); ); envOut = envFollowerOut.eval_follower(movOut); ); inL = spl0; inR = spl1; ( overSampling == 1 ) ? ( processSample(); spl0 = outL; spl1 = outR; ) : ( upsampleL.updateUpHist(overSampling, inL); upsampleR.updateUpHist(overSampling, inR); f = 0; loop(overSampling, f += 1; inL = overSampling*upsampleL.upSample(overSampling); inR = overSampling*upsampleR.upSample(overSampling); processSample(); downL.updateDownHist(overSampling, outL); downR.updateDownHist(overSampling, outR); ( f == 1 ) ? ( spl0 = downL.downSample(overSampling); spl1 = downR.downSample(overSampling); ); ); ); inBuf.updateBuffer( cEnv ); gainBuf.updateBuffer( dbGain ); outBuf.updateBuffer( envOut ); @gfx gfx_set(0,0,0,0); gfx_rect(0,0,400,400); floorLevel = -58; cL.setWindowLocation(0, 0, gfx_w, gfx_h); cL.draw_compressor_window(floorLevel, -cL.c, 1); gfx_set(.3, .3, .7, .308); cL.draw_buffer_db(inBuf.scopeptr, inBuf.scopebuffer, inBuf.scopebuffermax, floorLevel, 1); gfx_set(.9, .1, .4, .304); cL.draw_buffer_db(outBuf.scopeptr, outBuf.scopebuffer, outBuf.scopebuffermax, floorLevel, 1); gfx_set(1, 0, 1, .8); cL.draw_buffer_db(gainBuf.scopeptr, gainBuf.scopebuffer, gainBuf.scopebuffermax, floorLevel, 0);