desc:Satan verb (Saike) tags: Satan verb (work in progress) version: 0.12 author: Joep Vanlier changelog: Add UI scaling and add tag provides: SatanVerb_Dependencies/* SatanVerb.jsfx.rpl license: MIT about: # Satan Verb Satan verb is a reverberation unit mostly meant for diffuse and gated style reverberation. It can either be used without an envelope, to generate large ambient spaces, or be modulated by an envelope based on the input sound to give a sound more body while not adding too much noise to the dead time. [Screenshot 1](, [Screenshot 2]( ### Demos You can find a demo of the plugin [here]( ### Features: - FFT based reverberation algorithm. - Optional downward spectral smearing for creepy effects. - Optional spectrally shifted copy can be mixed in. - Steep IIR LPF/HPF filters for the verb. - Optional delay compensation. - Envelopes based on the input envelope. - Input non-linearity (dist), spectrum non-linearity (ceiling). - Dry/Wet controls. import widgets_satan.jsfx-inc slider1:sDamp=0<0,1,.001>-Spectral Bleed slider2:sPitch=0<0,1,.001>-Pitch drop slider3:mode=0<0,1,1{Maximum based,Growth/Decay (watch the volume!)}>-Mode slider4:sCeiling=3<0,5,.001>-Spectral ceiling slider5:sDryWet=0.5<0,1,.001>-Dry/Wet slider6:sWidth=1.0<0,1,.0001>-Width slider7:uAmount=1<0,1,.0001>-Unshifted Amount slider8:sAmount=0<0,1,.0001>-Spectral Shift Amount slider9:sShift=0<-1.5,5,.0001>-Spectral Shift slider10:lowCut=1<0,1,.0001>-Lowpass slider11:highCut=0<0,1,.0001>-Highpass slider12:inputDistortion=0<-3,1,.001>-Input Distortion slider64:NoOptimization=0<0,1,1>-No optimization slider29:pdcCompensation=1<0,1,1{No,Yes}>-Compensate delay slider30:envActive=0<0,1,1{No,Yes}>-Use Envelope slider31:sAttack=0.5<0,1,.001>-Attack slider32:sDecay=.5<0,1,.001>-Decay slider33:relativeEnvelope=1<0,1,1{No,Yes}>-Relative Envelope? @init MIN_ATTACK = 2; MAX_ATTACK = 300; MIN_DECAY = 200; MAX_DECAY = 5000; MAX_SHIFT = 5; MIN_SHIFT = -1.5; MIN_CEIL = 0; MAX_CEIL = 5; MIN_DIST = -3; MAX_DIST = 1; lastLowCut = -9999; lastHighCut = -9999; lastUseEnvelope = -9999; lastPDC = -9999; KNOB_FONT = 14; HINT_FONT = 12; TOGGLE_FONT = 11; gfx_setfont(KNOB_FONT, fontface, 14*(1+scaling)); gfx_setfont(HINT_FONT, fontface, 12*(1+scaling)); gfx_setfont(TOGGLE_FONT, fontface, 14*(1+scaling)); knob_highlightR = 1.0; knob_highlightG = .2; knob_highlightB = .7; function initBuffer(_fft_mem, _nSamples, _fftSize, _mag_mem, _phase_mem) instance(fft_mem, fft_end, ptr, fftSize, nSamples, mag_mem, phase_mem) local() global() ( fft_mem = _fft_mem; nSamples = _nSamples; fft_end = _fft_mem + _nSamples; ptr = _fft_mem; fftSize = _fftSize; mag_mem = _mag_mem; phase_mem = _phase_mem; ); function gen_window(_x, _y, _w, _h) instance(x, y, w, h) local() global() ( x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h; ); function draw_buffer(scopeptr, scopebuffer, scopebuffermax, mul, fill) instance(x, y, w, h) globals(gfx_x, gfx_y) local(lx, ly, xx, dx, lptr, yy, lastx, lasty, isc, yref) ( xx = x; dx = floor((scopebuffermax-scopebuffer)/w); lptr = floor((scopeptr)/dx)*dx; gfx_x = xx; gfx_y = y+h; isc = h; yref = y+h; ly = y+h; loop((scopebuffermax-scopeptr)/dx, yy = yref - h*min(1,lptr[]); lptr += dx; fill ? ( gfx_triangle( xx-1, y+h, xx-1, ly, xx, y+h, xx, yy); ) : ( gfx_lineto(xx, yy); ); ly = yy; xx += 1; ); lptr = floor((scopebuffer)/dx)*dx; loop((scopeptr - scopebuffer)/dx, yy = yref - h*min(1,lptr[]); fill ? ( gfx_triangle( xx-1, y+h, xx-1, ly, xx, y+h, xx, yy); ) : ( gfx_lineto(xx, yy); ); lptr += dx; ly = yy; xx += 1; ); ); function init_follower(atk, release) local(csrate) instance(at, rt, LPF) global(srate) ( csrate = srate; at = ( atk > 0 ) ? exp(-1/(.5*.001*atk*csrate)) : 0; rt = exp(-1/(.5*.001*release*csrate)); ); function eval_follower(x) local() instance(state, at, rt, x) global() ( x > state ? ( state = at * state + ( 1.0 - at ) * x; ) : ( state = rt * state + ( 1.0 - rt ) * x; ); state ); function initWindow(_window_mem, windowtype, fftSize) global() instance(pwr, window_mem) local(i, dwindowpos, windowpos, windowSize) ( windowSize = fftSize*.5; window_mem = _window_mem; windowpos = 0; dwindowpos = $pi*2/windowSize; i = 0; pwr = 0; loop(fftSize/2+1, pwr += (window_mem[i] = ( windowtype==0 ? ( 0.5 - cos(windowpos)*0.5 ) : windowtype==1 ? ( 0.53836 - cos(windowpos)*0.46164 ) : windowtype==2 ? ( 0.35875 - 0.48829 * cos(windowpos) + 0.14128 * cos(2*windowpos) - 0.01168 * cos(3*windowpos) ) : windowtype==3 ? ( 0.42 - 0.50 * cos(windowpos) + 0.08 * cos(2.0*windowpos) ) : windowtype==4 ? ( 1.0 ) : ( .21557895 - 0.41663158 * cos(windowpos) + 0.277263158 * cos(2*windowpos) - 0.083578947 * cos(3*windowpos) + 0.006947368 * cos(4*windowpos) ) ) ); i+=1; windowpos+=dwindowpos; ); i = 0; loop(fftSize*.5+1, window_mem[i] = sqrt(window_mem[i]); i+=1; ); ); function windowBlock() instance(window_mem, fft_mem, fftSize) local(fftPtr, windowPtr) global() ( /* Window */ windowPtr = window_mem; fftPtr = fft_mem; loop(fftSize, fftPtr[] *= windowPtr[]; fftPtr += 1; fftPtr[] *= windowPtr[]; fftPtr += 1; windowPtr += 1; ); ); function tanh(x) local() global() instance() ( (2/(1+exp(-2*x)))-1 ); function processBlock() instance(fft_mem, fftSize, nSamples, mag_mem, phase_mem, offset) local(ifftSize, fwd, bwd, chnk1, r1, r2, i1, i2, re1, im1, re2, im2, x1, x2, x1sq, x2sq, sqlen, isqlen, ang1, ang2, cMag, cPhase, outPtr, fftPtr, fftPtr2, magPtr, magPtr2, phasePtr, i, last, new) global(sharedBuffer, outputPtr, outputBufStart, outputBufEnd, dampFactor, pitchBend, ceiling, invCeiling, mode, sWidth, sShift, uAmount, sAmount, NoOptimization) ( ifftSize = 1; this.windowBlock(); // FFT this block ifftSize = 1/fftSize; fft(fft_mem, fftSize); fft_permute(fft_mem, fftSize); magPtr = mag_mem; phasePtr = phase_mem; re1 = fft_mem[] + fft_mem[]; re2 = fft_mem[1] + fft_mem[1]; magPtr[] = re1; magPtr += 1; magPtr[] = re2; magPtr += 1; // Decompose into magnitude and phase fwd = 2; bwd = fftSize; loop(fftSize/2 - 1, bwd = 2*fftSize - fwd; r1 = fft_mem[fwd]; i1 = fft_mem[fwd + 1]; r2 = fft_mem[bwd]; i2 = fft_mem[bwd + 1]; re1 = r1 + r2; im1 = i1 - i2; re2 = i1 + i2; im2 = r2 - r1; magPtr[] = sqrt(re1*re1 + im1*im1); magPtr += 1; magPtr[] = sqrt(re2*re2 + im2*im2); magPtr += 1; // Since we dump the phase anyway, don't compute it. // phasePtr[] = atan2(im1,re1); phasePtr += 1; // phasePtr[] = atan2(im2,re2); phasePtr += 1; fwd += 2; ); ///////////////////////////// // Perform processing here // ///////////////////////////// fftPtr = sharedBuffer; magPtr = mag_mem; loop( fftSize - 1, mode == 1 ? ( ceiling > 0.0001 ? ( fftPtr[] = invCeiling*tanh(ceiling*(fftPtr[]*dampFactor + magPtr[])); ) : ( fftPtr[] = fftPtr[]*dampFactor + magPtr[]; ); ) : ( ceiling > 0.0001 ? ( fftPtr[] = invCeiling*tanh(ceiling*max(fftPtr[]*dampFactor, magPtr[])); ) : ( fftPtr[] = max(fftPtr[]*dampFactor, magPtr[]); ); ); fftPtr += 1; magPtr += 1; ); // Pitch bend ( pitchBend > 0 ) ? ( fftPtr = sharedBuffer + fftSize; last = 0; loop( fftSize/2 - 1, new = (1-pitchBend) * fftPtr[] + pitchBend * last; last = fftPtr[]; fftPtr[] = new; fftPtr -= 2; ); fftPtr = sharedBuffer + fftSize + 1; last = 0; loop( fftSize/2 - 1, new = (1-pitchBend) * fftPtr[] + pitchBend * last; last = fftPtr[]; fftPtr[] = new; fftPtr -= 2; ); ); // Add basic verb from magnitude fftPtr = sharedBuffer; magPtr = mag_mem; loop( fftSize - 1, magPtr[] = uAmount * fftPtr[]; fftPtr += 1; magPtr += 1; ); // Add pitch shifted version ( sAmount > 0 ) ? ( fftPtr = sharedBuffer; magPtr = mag_mem; loop( fftSize - 1, magPtr[] += sAmount*fftPtr[]; fftPtr += 1; magPtr += 1; magPtr[] += sAmount*fftPtr[]; fftPtr += 1; magPtr += 1; magPtr += sShift; ); ); ///////////////////////////// // End processing here // ///////////////////////////// // Spectra at this point are interleaved // At this point magPtr contains interleaved magnitude // Phase contains interleaved phases // fft_mem[0] = 0; // fft_mem[1] = mag_mem[1] * cos(phase_mem[1]); fwd = 0; loop(4, mag_mem[fwd] = 0; mag_mem[fftSize-fwd] = 0; fwd += 1; ); /* TO DO: Investigate why this peak beyond the end of the buffer affects the FFT */ fwd = 0; loop(4, fft_mem[fftSize-fwd] = 0; fft_mem[fftSize+fwd] = 0; fwd += 1; ); fwd = 0; bwd = fftSize; magPtr = mag_mem; phasePtr = phase_mem; ifftSize = .5*ifftSize; /* Normalizing constant */ (NoOptimization == 1) ? ( // Original loop(fftSize/2 - 1, bwd = 2*fftSize - fwd; // Real parts are symmetric. Imaginary parts asymmetric // Spectrum 1 cMag = ifftSize*magPtr[]; //cPhase = phasePtr[]; i = cPhase = rand()*2*$pi; re1 = cMag * cos(cPhase); // Real im1 = cMag * sin(cPhase); // Imaginary magPtr += 1; //phasePtr += 1; // Spectrum 2 cMag = ifftSize*magPtr[]; //cPhase = phasePtr[]; cPhase = i+sWidth*(rand()-.5)*2*$pi; re2 = cMag * cos(cPhase); // Real im2 = cMag * sin(cPhase); // Imaginary magPtr += 1; //phasePtr += 1; // Multiplex it back into the complex spectrum before backtrafo fft_mem[fwd] = re1 - im2; // Real 1 fft_mem[bwd] = re1 + im2; // Real 2 fft_mem[fwd + 1] = re2 + im1; // Imag 1 fft_mem[bwd + 1] = re2 - im1; // Imag 2 fwd += 2; ); ) : ( /* Optimized */ bwd = 2*fftSize; loop(fftSize/2 - 1, //bwd = 2*fftSize - fwd; // Spectrum 1 cMag = ifftSize*magPtr[]; // Generate random phase angle uniform on the circle without sin/cos (von Neumann1951) // Note that technically for accurate uniformity, we should check whether x1sq+x2sq >= 1 and // reject the sample if it is, but this is omitted. This leads to a slight bias in the angles // as this will be violated with a probability of 1-(pi/4). x1 = 2*rand()-1; x2 = 2*rand()-1; x1sq = x1*x1; x2sq = x2*x2; sqlen = x1sq + x2sq; isqlen = 1 / sqlen; ang1 = (x1sq - x2sq) * isqlen; re1 = cMag * ang1; // Real ang2 = (2 * x1 * x2) * isqlen; im1 = cMag * ang2; // Imaginary magPtr += 1; // Spectrum 2 cMag = ifftSize*magPtr[]; (sWidth == 1) ? ( x1 = 2*rand()-1; x2 = 2*rand()-1; x1sq = x1*x1; x2sq = x2*x2; sqlen = x1sq + x2sq; isqlen = 1 / sqlen; ang1 = (x1sq - x2sq) * isqlen; re2 = cMag * ang1; // Real ang2 = (2 * x1 * x2) * isqlen; im2 = cMag * ang2; // Imaginary ) : ( x1 = sWidth*(rand()-.5)*2*$pi; x1sq = cos(x1); x2sq = sin(x1); re2 = cMag * (x1sq * ang1 - x2sq * ang2); // Real im2 = cMag * (x2sq * ang1 + x1sq * ang2); // Imaginary ); magPtr += 1; // Multiplex it back into the complex spectrum before backtrafo fft_mem[fwd] = re1 - im2; // Real 1 fft_mem[bwd] = re1 + im2; // Real 2 fft_mem[fwd + 1] = re2 + im1; // Imag 1 fft_mem[bwd + 1] = re2 - im1; // Imag 2 fwd += 2; bwd -= 2; ); ); fft_ipermute(fft_mem, fftSize); ifft(fft_mem, fftSize); this.windowBlock(); /* Render the result to the output buffer */ /*fftPtr = fft_mem; outPtr = outputPtr + offset; ( outPtr > outputBufEnd ) ? outPtr = outputBufStart; chnk1 = outputBufEnd - outPtr; memcpy(outPtr, fftPtr, chnk1); memcpy(outputBufStart, fftPtr + chnk1, nSamples - chnk1);*/ outPtr = outputPtr + offset; fftPtr = fft_mem; loop(nSamples, ( outPtr > outputBufEnd ) ? outPtr = outputBufStart; outPtr[] += fftPtr[]; outPtr += 1; fftPtr += 1; outPtr[] += fftPtr[]; outPtr += 1; fftPtr += 1; ); ); function updateBuffer(left, right) instance(fft_mem, fft_end, ptr) local() global() ( (ptr >= fft_end) ? ( this.processBlock(); ptr = fft_mem; memset(ptr, 0, 65536); ); ptr[] = left; ptr += 1; ptr[] = right; ptr += 1; ); /* Very flat 6-pole butterworth made of cascade of cytomics' SVF */ function init_butter6(freq) global(srate) local(res) instance(g, a1_1, a1_2, a1_3, a2_1, a2_2, a2_3, k1, k2, k3) ( g = tan( .5 * $pi * freq ); k1 = 1.93185165257814; // sqrt(2+sqrt(3)) a1_1 = 1/(1+g*(g+k1)); k2 = 1.41421356474619; // sqrt(2) a1_2 = 1/(1+g*(g+k2)); k3 = 0.517638090205042; // sqrt(2-sqrt(3)) a1_3 = 1/(1+g*(g+k3)); a2_1 = g*a1_1; a2_2 = g*a1_2; a2_3 = g*a1_3; ); function eval_butter_HP6(v0) global() local(v1, v2, hp) instance(ic1eq, ic2eq, ic3eq, ic4eq, ic5eq, ic6eq, g, a1_1, a1_2, a1_3, a2_1, a2_2, a2_3, k1, k2, k3) ( v1 = a1_1 * ic1eq + a2_1*(v0-ic2eq); v2 = ic2eq + g*v1; ic1eq = 2*v1 - ic1eq; ic2eq = 2*v2 - ic2eq; hp = v0 - k1*v1 - v2; v1 = a1_2 * ic3eq + a2_2*(hp-ic4eq); v2 = ic4eq + g*v1; ic3eq = 2*v1 - ic3eq; ic4eq = 2*v2 - ic4eq; hp = hp - k2*v1 - v2; v1 = a1_3 * ic5eq + a2_3*(hp-ic6eq); v2 = ic6eq + g*v1; ic5eq = 2*v1 - ic5eq; ic6eq = 2*v2 - ic6eq; hp = hp - k3*v1 - v2; ); function eval_butter_LP6(v0) global() local(v1, v2, lp) instance(ic1eq, ic2eq, ic3eq, ic4eq, ic5eq, ic6eq, g, a1_1, a1_2, a1_3, a2_1, a2_2, a2_3, k1, k2, k3) ( v1 = a1_1 * ic1eq + a2_1*(v0-ic2eq); v2 = ic2eq + g*v1; ic1eq = 2*v1 - ic1eq; ic2eq = 2*v2 - ic2eq; lp = v2; v1 = a1_2 * ic3eq + a2_2*(lp-ic4eq); v2 = ic4eq + g*v1; ic3eq = 2*v1 - ic3eq; ic4eq = 2*v2 - ic4eq; lp = v2; v1 = a1_3 * ic5eq + a2_3*(lp-ic6eq); v2 = ic6eq + g*v1; ic5eq = 2*v1 - ic5eq; ic6eq = 2*v2 - ic6eq; lp = v2; ); bufferDist = 65536; fftSize = 2048*8; nSamples = 1024*8; outputBufStart = 2*bufferDist; outputBufEnd = 3*bufferDist-4; bufMem = 4*bufferDist; magMem = 5*bufferDist; phaseMem = 6*bufferDist; windowMem = 7*bufferDist; bufMem2 = 8*bufferDist; magMem2 = 9*bufferDist; phaseMem2 = 10*bufferDist; sharedBuffer = 11*bufferDist; dryBufStart = 12*bufferDist; dryBufEnd = 13*bufferDist-4; sigBufStart = 14*bufferDist; sigBufEnd = 15*bufferDist-4; sigBufPtr = sigBufStart; gainBufStart = 16*bufferDist; gainBufEnd = 17*bufferDist-4; gainBufPtr = gainBufStart; pixBuf = 50*bufferDist; outputPtr = outputBufStart; windowType = 0; /* Hann */ function reInitializeBuffers() ( fftBuf.initBuffer(bufMem, nSamples, fftSize, magMem, phaseMem); fftBuf.initWindow(windowMem, windowType, nSamples); fftBuf2.initBuffer(bufMem2, nSamples, fftSize, magMem2, phaseMem2); fftBuf2.initWindow(windowMem, windowType, nSamples); fftBuf2.ptr += nSamples/2; dryPtr = dryBufStart + nSamples; dryPtrRead = dryBufStart + .125*nSamples * envActive; ); reInitializeBuffers(); @slider @block /* Transient parameters */ beta = log(MIN_ATTACK); alpha = log(MAX_ATTACK)-beta; attack = exp(alpha * sAttack + beta) - 1; beta = log(MIN_DECAY); alpha = log(MAX_DECAY)-beta; decay = exp(alpha * sDecay + beta); envelope.init_follower(attack, decay); envelope2.init_follower(attack, decay); dampFactor = .99*sDamp; pitchBend = .99*sPitch; dryWet = sDryWet; iDryWet = 1-dryWet; ceiling = 10^(-sCeiling); invCeiling = 1/ceiling; inputCeiling = 10^(inputDistortion); ( lastUseEnvelope != envActive ) ? ( lastUseEnvelope = envActive; reInitializeBuffers(); ); ( inputCeiling > 1 ) ? ( iInputCeiling = 1/sqrt(inputCeiling); ) : ( iInputCeiling = 1/inputCeiling; ); ( lastLowCut != lowCut ) ? ( lastLowCut = lowCut; LPFL.init_butter6( .99*exp( (1-lowCut) * log(20/22050) ) ); LPFR.init_butter6( .99*exp( (1-lowCut) * log(20/22050) ) ); ); ( lastHighCut != highCut ) ? ( lastHighCut = highCut; HPFL.init_butter6( .99*exp( (1-highCut) * log(20/22050) ) ); HPFR.init_butter6( .99*exp( (1-highCut) * log(20/22050) ) ); ); pdcCompensation ? ( pdc = .5*nSamples - .0625*nSamples * envActive; ) : ( pdc = 0; ); ( pdc != lastPDC ) ? ( lastPDC = pdc; pdc_bot_ch=0; pdc_top_ch=2; pdc_delay = pdc; ); @sample inL = spl0; inR = spl1; ( inputDistortion > -2.9 ) ? ( inL = iInputCeiling*tanh(inputCeiling*inL); inR = iInputCeiling*tanh(inputCeiling*inR); ); fftBuf.updateBuffer(inL,inR); fftBuf2.updateBuffer(inL,inR); dryPtr > dryBufEnd ? dryPtr = dryBufStart; dryPtrRead > dryBufEnd ? dryPtrRead = dryBufStart; dryPtr[] = spl0; dryPtr += 1; dryPtr[] = spl1; dryPtr += 1; outputPtr > outputBufEnd ? outputPtr = outputBufStart; outL = outputPtr[]; outputPtr[] = 0; outputPtr += 1; outR = outputPtr[]; outputPtr[] = 0; outputPtr += 1; ( lowCut < 1 ) ? ( outL = LPFL.eval_butter_LP6(outL); outR = LPFR.eval_butter_LP6(outR); ); ( highCut > 0 ) ? ( outL = HPFL.eval_butter_HP6(outL); outR = HPFR.eval_butter_HP6(outR); ); dryL = dryPtrRead[]; dryPtrRead += 1; dryR = dryPtrRead[]; dryPtrRead += 1; /* Input signal */ absSig = .5*(abs(dryL)+abs(dryR)); sigBufPtr > sigBufEnd ? sigBufPtr = sigBufStart; sigBufPtr[] = absSig; sigBufPtr += 1; /* Envelope follower */ ( envActive ) ? ( inputGain = 20*log10( max( .001, absSig ) ); cEnv = envelope.eval_follower(inputGain); relativeEnvelope ? ( outputGain = 20*log10( max( .001, .5*(abs(outL)+abs(outR)) ) ); cTarget = envelope2.eval_follower(outputGain); dbGain = cEnv-cTarget; ) : ( dbGain = cEnv; ); linGain = 10^(0.05*dbGain); outL = outL * linGain; outR = outR * linGain; ); spl0=dryL * iDryWet - outL * dryWet; spl1=dryR * iDryWet - outR * dryWet; gainBufPtr > gainBufEnd ? gainBufPtr = gainBufStart; gainBufPtr[] = .5*linGain; gainBufPtr += 1; @gfx 750 120 scaling = gfx_w / 750 - 1; gfx_setfont(KNOB_FONT, fontface, 14*(1+0.5 * scaling)); gfx_setfont(HINT_FONT, fontface, 12*(1+0.5 * scaling)); gfx_setfont(TOGGLE_FONT, fontface, 14*(1+0.5 * scaling)); knob_outerR = .4 + .6*abs(.5*sin(time_precise())); knob_outerG = .3*abs(sin(time_precise())); knob_outerB = .0*abs(sin(time_precise())); knob_baseR = .2; knob_baseG = .1; knob_baseB = .1; knob_notchesR = .5; knob_notchesG = .3; knob_notchesB = .3; knob_textR = .75; knob_textG = .5; knob_textB = .5; widget_r = 0.5; widget_g = 0.3; widget_b = 0.2; widget_a = 1.0; toggle_r = 1.0; toggle_g = 0.2; toggle_b = 0.2; toggle_a = 0.2; knob_font_color_r = 0.75; knob_font_color_g = 0.5; knob_font_color_b = 0.5; knob_font_color_a = 1.0; pixPtr = pixBuf; gfx_mode = 1; top = 0; yvel = 2*gfx_h/375; HXS = .005*yvel*sin(.1*time_precise())*sin(.5*time_precise()); loop(.005*gfx_h*gfx_w, HX = .5*gfx_w; HY = .5*gfx_h; X = pixPtr[] += (rand()-.5) + yvel*sin(.03*X+.02*Y) + (X-HX)*HXS; pixPtr += 1; Y = pixPtr[] -= 2+5*rand() + yvel*cos(.01*X+.01*Y) + (X-HY)*HXS; pixPtr += 1; F = pixPtr[] += rand(); pixPtr += 1; ( ( Y < top ) || ( X > gfx_w ) || ( X < 0 ) ) ? ( pixPtr -= 3; X = pixPtr[] = rand() * gfx_w; pixPtr += 1; Y = pixPtr[] = gfx_h + rand()*gfx_h; pixPtr += 1; F = pixPtr[] = 0; pixPtr += 1; ); gfx_set(1,1-.006*F*F+.07*F,1-.05*F,.1*(1-.025*F)); gfx_circle(X,Y,5-.1*F,1,1); gfx_set(1,1-.006*F*F+.07*F,1-.05*F,1-.025*F); gfx_circle(X,Y,min(Y*.01,3-.1*F),1,1); gfx_circle(X,Y,1-.1*F,1,1); ); gfx_set(0,0,0,.7); gfx_rect(0, 0, 750, 120); gfx_set(.1+.2*sin(time_precise()),.1,.2,.3); i = 0; dx = 15; loop(2*gfx_w / dx, gfx_line(gfx_w - gfx_w + dx*i, gfx_h, gfx_w, gfx_h-dx*i); i += 1; ); knobRadius = 30 * (1+scaling); currentPos = 40 * (1+scaling) + knobRadius; currentY = 60 * (1+scaling); top = 20 * (1+scaling); kDryWet = 40*(1+scaling) + knobRadius; buttonSize = .25 * knobRadius; this.tPDC.label = ""; this.tPDC.drawToggle(currentPos+1.3*knobRadius, top-.16*knobRadius, buttonSize, buttonSize, pdcCompensation, widget_r, widget_g, widget_b, widget_a, toggle_r, toggle_g, toggle_b, toggle_a, "Enable lag compensation.\n"); pdcCompensation = this.tPDC.processMouseToggle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap); = 1; kDryWet.value = sDryWet; kDryWet.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY, knobRadius, "Dry/Wet", "How much of the effect is used?"); kDryWet.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0.25) ? slider_automate( sDryWet = kDryWet.value ); currentPos += 2.5*knobRadius; = 1; kLowPass.value = lowCut; kLowPass.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY - knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "LPF", "Lowpass frequency for reverb channel.\n"); kLowPass.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 1) ? slider_automate( lowCut = kLowPass.value ); = 1; kHighPass.value = highCut; kHighPass.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY + .6*knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "HPF", "Highpass frequency for reverb channel."); kHighPass.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0) ? slider_automate( highCut = kHighPass.value ); currentPos += 3*knobRadius; buttonSize = .25 * knobRadius; this.tGrowth.drawToggle(currentPos+1.3*knobRadius, top-.16*knobRadius, buttonSize, buttonSize, mode, widget_r, widget_g, widget_b, widget_a, toggle_r, toggle_g, toggle_b, toggle_a, "Enable to switch plugin to growth/decay mode\nrather than maximum mode.\n\nGrow/decay can lead to sounds that swell, while \nmaximum is more controlled.\n\nIn both modes a buffered spectrum is used to \nsmear peaks over time. The peaks in this \nbuffered spectrum decay over time. In grow/decay \nmode, the current spectrum is added to \nthis buffered spectrum. In maximum mode the \nmaximum is taken between the current spectrum \nand the buffered spectrum.\n"); mode = this.tGrowth.processMouseToggle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap); = 1; kBleed.value = sDamp; kBleed.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY, knobRadius, "Bleed", "Modify how long the effect reverberates."); kBleed.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, .8) ? slider_automate( sDamp = kBleed.value ); currentPos += 2.5*knobRadius; = 1; kBend.value = sPitch; kBend.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY - knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Bend", "Lowpass frequency for reverb channel.\n"); kBend.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0) ? slider_automate( sPitch = kBend.value ); = 1; kDist.value = ( inputDistortion - MIN_DIST ) / ( MAX_DIST - MIN_DIST ); kDist.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY + .6*knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Dist", "Highpass frequency for reverb channel."); kDist.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0) ? slider_automate( inputDistortion = kDist.value * (MAX_DIST - MIN_DIST) + MIN_DIST ); currentPos += 3*knobRadius; = 1; kWidth.value = sWidth; kWidth.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY, knobRadius, "Width", "Regulates phase coherence between left and right."); kWidth.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 1) ? slider_automate( sWidth = kWidth.value ); currentPos += 2.5*knobRadius; = 1; kCeiling.value = ( sCeiling - MIN_CEIL ) / ( MAX_CEIL - MIN_CEIL ); kCeiling.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY - knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Ceiling", "Ceiling in the frequency domain.\nThis tends to squeeze dominant frequencies away.\n"); kCeiling.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 1) ? slider_automate( sCeiling = kCeiling.value * ( MAX_CEIL - MIN_CEIL ) + MIN_CEIL ); = 1; kBaseAmount.value = uAmount; kBaseAmount.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY + .6*knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Amount", "Amount of base verb."); kBaseAmount.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 1) ? slider_automate( uAmount = kBaseAmount.value ); currentPos += 2*knobRadius; = 1; kShift.value = (sShift - MIN_SHIFT)/(MAX_SHIFT - MIN_SHIFT); kShift.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY-knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Shift", "Shift of frequency shifted verb."); kShift.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 1.5/(MAX_SHIFT - MIN_SHIFT)) ? slider_automate( sShift = kShift.value * (MAX_SHIFT - MIN_SHIFT) + MIN_SHIFT ); = 1; kShiftAmount.value = sAmount; kShiftAmount.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY+.6*knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Amount", "Amount of frequency shifted verb in the mix."); kShiftAmount.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0) ? slider_automate( sAmount = kShiftAmount.value ); currentPos += 2*knobRadius; = envActive; kAttack.value = sAttack; kAttack.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY-knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Attack", "Attack time of the envelope."); kAttack.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, .8) ? slider_automate( sAttack = kAttack.value ); = envActive; kDecay.value = sDecay; kDecay.drawKnob(currentPos, bottomRow + currentY+.6*knobRadius, .39*knobRadius, "Decay", "Decay time of the envelope."); kDecay.knob_processMouse(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap, 0.5) ? slider_automate( sDecay = kDecay.value ); currentPos += 1.15*knobRadius; buttonSize = .25 * knobRadius; this.tEnvActive.label = "Enable envelope"; this.tEnvActive.drawToggle(currentPos, top, buttonSize, buttonSize, envActive, widget_r, widget_g, widget_b, widget_a, toggle_r, toggle_g, toggle_b, toggle_a, "Enable to switch plugin to growth/decay mode\nrather than maximum mode.\n\nGrow/decay can lead to sounds that swell, while \nmaximum is more controlled.\n\nIn both modes a buffered spectrum is used to \nsmear peaks over time. The peaks in this \nbuffered spectrum decay over time. In grow/decay \nmode, the current spectrum is added to \nthis buffered spectrum. In maximum mode the \nmaximum is taken between the current spectrum \nand the buffered spectrum.\n"); envActive = this.tEnvActive.processMouseToggle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap); buttonSize = .25 * knobRadius; this.tRelativeEnv.label = "Relative gain mode"; this.tRelativeEnv.drawToggle(currentPos, top + 2*buttonSize, buttonSize, buttonSize, relativeEnvelope, widget_r, widget_g, widget_b, widget_a, toggle_r, toggle_g, toggle_b, toggle_a, "Have envelope modulate correct towards input level while correcting for reverb level (on) or not (off).\n"); relativeEnvelope = this.tRelativeEnv.processMouseToggle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_cap); wnd.gen_window(currentPos, top+4*buttonSize, 100, 50); gfx_set(.75, .5, .2, .3); wnd.draw_buffer(sigBufPtr, sigBufStart, sigBufEnd, 1, 1); envActive ? ( gfx_set(.75, .5, .2, 1); wnd.draw_buffer(gainBufPtr, gainBufStart, gainBufEnd, 1, 0); ); currentPos += 4*knobRadius; // mode // pdcCompensation // envActive hinter.drawHint_draw()