function BeginTextCommandDisplayText(text)return Citizen.InvokeNative(0x25FBB336DF1804CB, text) end function AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)return Citizen.InvokeNative(0x6C188BE134E074AA, text)end function EndTextCommandDisplayText(x, y)return Citizen.InvokeNative(0xCD015E5BB0D96A57, x, y)end WarMenu = {} WarMenu.debug = false local menus = {} local keys = {up = 172, down = 173, left = 174, right = 175, select = 191, back = 202} local optionCount = 0 local currentKey = nil local currentMenu = nil local titleHeight = 0.11 local titleXOffset = 0.5 local titleSpacing = 2 local titleYOffset = 0.03 local titleScale = 1.0 local buttonHeight = 0.038 local buttonFont = 0 local buttonScale = 0.365 local buttonTextXOffset = 0.005 local buttonTextYOffset = 0.005 local function debugPrint(text) if WarMenu.debug then Citizen.Trace('[WarMenu] ' .. tostring(text)) end end local function setMenuProperty(id, property, value) if id and menus[id] then menus[id][property] = value debugPrint(id .. ' menu property changed: { ' .. tostring(property) .. ', ' .. tostring(value) .. ' }') end end local function isMenuVisible(id) if id and menus[id] then return menus[id].visible else return false end end local function setMenuVisible(id, visible, holdCurrent) if id and menus[id] then setMenuProperty(id, 'visible', visible) if not holdCurrent and menus[id] then setMenuProperty(id, 'currentOption', 1) end if visible then if id ~= currentMenu and isMenuVisible(currentMenu) then setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false) end currentMenu = id end end end local function drawText(text, x, y, font, color, scale, center, shadow, alignRight)SetTextColour(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)SetTextFont(font)SetTextScale(scale, scale) if shadow then SetTextDropShadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0) end if menus[currentMenu] then if center then SetTextCentre(center) elseif alignRight then SetTextWrap(menus[currentMenu].x, menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width - buttonTextXOffset)SetTextRightJustify(true) end end BeginTextCommandDisplayText("STRING")AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)EndTextCommandDisplayText(x, y) end local function drawRect(x, y, width, height, color)DrawRect(x, y, width, height, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) end local function drawTitle() if menus[currentMenu] then local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width / 2 local xText = menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width * titleXOffset local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight * 1 / titleSpacing if menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite then DrawSprite(menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite.dict, menus[currentMenu], x, y, menus[currentMenu].width, titleHeight, 0., 255, 255, 255, 255) else drawRect(x, y, menus[currentMenu].width, titleHeight, menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor) end drawText(menus[currentMenu].title, xText, y - titleHeight / 2 + titleYOffset, menus[currentMenu].titleFont, menus[currentMenu].titleColor, titleScale, true) end end local function drawSubTitle() if menus[currentMenu] then local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width / 2 local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight / 2 local subTitleColor = {r = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.r, g = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.g, b = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.b, a = 255}drawRect(x, y, menus[currentMenu].width, buttonHeight, menus[currentMenu].subTitleBackgroundColor)drawText(menus[currentMenu].subTitle, menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset, y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset, buttonFont, subTitleColor, buttonScale, false) if optionCount > menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount then drawText(tostring(menus[currentMenu].currentOption) .. ' / ' .. tostring(optionCount), menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width, y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset, buttonFont, subTitleColor, buttonScale, false, false, true) end end end local function drawButton(text, subText) local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width / 2 local multiplier = nil if menus[currentMenu].currentOption <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount then multiplier = optionCount elseif optionCount > menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].currentOption then multiplier = optionCount - (menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount) end if multiplier then local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight + (buttonHeight * multiplier) - buttonHeight / 2 local backgroundColor = nil local textColor = nil local subTextColor = nil local shadow = false if menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount then backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor else backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuTextColor subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuSubTextColor shadow = true end drawRect(x, y, menus[currentMenu].width, buttonHeight, backgroundColor)drawText(text, menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset, y - (buttonHeight / 2) + buttonTextYOffset, buttonFont, textColor, buttonScale, false, shadow) if subText then drawText(subText, menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset, y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset, buttonFont, subTextColor, buttonScale, false, shadow, true) end end end function WarMenu.CreateMenu(id, title)menus[id] = {}menus[id].title = title menus[id].subTitle = 'INTERACTION MENU' menus[id].visible = false menus[id].previousMenu = nil menus[id].aboutToBeClosed = false menus[id].x = 0.0175 menus[id].y = 0.025 menus[id].width = 0.23 menus[id].currentOption = 1 menus[id].maxOptionCount = 10 menus[id].titleFont = 1 menus[id].titleColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255}menus[id].titleBackgroundColor = {r = 245, g = 127, b = 23, a = 255}menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite = nil menus[id].menuTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}menus[id].menuSubTextColor = {r = 189, g = 189, b = 189, a = 255}menus[id].menuFocusTextColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255}menus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor = {r = 245, g = 245, b = 245, a = 255}menus[id].menuBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 160}menus[id].subTitleBackgroundColor = {r = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.r, g = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.g, b = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.b, a = 255}menus[id].buttonPressedSound = {name = "SELECT", set = "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET"}debugPrint(tostring(id) .. ' menu created') end function WarMenu.CreateSubMenu(id, parent, subTitle) if menus[parent] then WarMenu.CreateMenu(id, menus[parent].title) if subTitle then setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitle', string.upper(subTitle)) else setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitle', string.upper(menus[parent].subTitle)) end setMenuProperty(id, 'previousMenu', parent)setMenuProperty(id, 'x', menus[parent].x)setMenuProperty(id, 'y', menus[parent].y)setMenuProperty(id, 'maxOptionCount', menus[parent].maxOptionCount)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleFont', menus[parent].titleFont)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleColor', menus[parent].titleColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundColor', menus[parent].titleBackgroundColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundSprite', menus[parent].titleBackgroundSprite)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuTextColor', menus[parent].menuTextColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuSubTextColor', menus[parent].menuSubTextColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusTextColor', menus[parent].menuFocusTextColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusBackgroundColor', menus[parent].menuFocusBackgroundColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuBackgroundColor', menus[parent].menuBackgroundColor)setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitleBackgroundColor', menus[parent].subTitleBackgroundColor) else debugPrint('Failed to create ' .. tostring(id) .. ' submenu: ' .. tostring(parent) .. ' parent menu doesn\'t exist') end end function WarMenu.CurrentMenu() return currentMenu end function WarMenu.OpenMenu(id) if id and menus[id] then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)setMenuVisible(id, true)debugPrint(tostring(id) .. ' menu opened') else debugPrint('Failed to open ' .. tostring(id) .. ' menu: it doesn\'t exist') end end function WarMenu.IsMenuOpened(id) return isMenuVisible(id) end function WarMenu.IsAnyMenuOpened() for id, _ in pairs(menus) do if isMenuVisible(id) then return true end end return false end function WarMenu.IsMenuAboutToBeClosed() if menus[currentMenu] then return menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed else return false end end function WarMenu.CloseMenu() if menus[currentMenu] then if menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = false setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)debugPrint(tostring(currentMenu) .. ' menu closed')PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "QUIT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)optionCount = 0 currentMenu = nil currentKey = nil else menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = true debugPrint(tostring(currentMenu) .. ' menu about to be closed') end end end function WarMenu.Button(text, subText) local buttonText = text if subText then buttonText = '{ ' .. tostring(buttonText) .. ', ' .. tostring(subText) .. ' }' end if menus[currentMenu] then optionCount = optionCount + 1 local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount drawButton(text, subText) if isCurrent then if currentKey == then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, menus[currentMenu], menus[currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)debugPrint(buttonText .. ' button pressed') return true elseif currentKey == keys.left or currentKey == keys.right then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) end end return false else debugPrint('Failed to create ' .. buttonText .. ' button: ' .. tostring(currentMenu) .. ' menu doesn\'t exist') return false end end function WarMenu.MenuButton(text, id) if menus[id] then if WarMenu.Button(text .. themecolor .. " " .. themearrow) then setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)setMenuVisible(id, true, true) return true end else debugPrint('Failed to create ' .. tostring(text) .. ' menu button: ' .. tostring(id) .. ' submenu doesn\'t exist') end return false end function WarMenu.CheckBox(text, checked, offtext, ontext, callback) if not offtext then offtext = "Off" end if not ontext then ontext = "On" end if WarMenu.Button(text, checked and ontext or offtext) then checked = not checked debugPrint(tostring(text) .. ' checkbox changed to ' .. tostring(checked)) if callback then callback(checked) end return true end return false end function WarMenu.ComboBox(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback) local itemsCount = #items local selectedItem = items[currentIndex] local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == (optionCount + 1) if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then selectedItem = tostring(selectedItem) end if WarMenu.Button(text, selectedItem) then selectedIndex = currentIndex callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex) return true elseif isCurrent then if currentKey == keys.left then if currentIndex > 1 then currentIndex = currentIndex - 1 else currentIndex = itemsCount end elseif currentKey == keys.right then if currentIndex < itemsCount then currentIndex = currentIndex + 1 else currentIndex = 1 end end else currentIndex = selectedIndex end callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex) return false end function WarMenu.Display() if isMenuVisible(currentMenu) then if menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then WarMenu.CloseMenu() else ClearAllHelpMessages()drawTitle()drawSubTitle()currentKey = nil if IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, keys.down) then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) if menus[currentMenu].currentOption < optionCount then menus[currentMenu].currentOption = menus[currentMenu].currentOption + 1 else menus[currentMenu].currentOption = 1 end elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, keys.up) then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) if menus[currentMenu].currentOption > 1 then menus[currentMenu].currentOption = menus[currentMenu].currentOption - 1 else menus[currentMenu].currentOption = optionCount end elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, keys.left) then currentKey = keys.left elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, keys.right) then currentKey = keys.right elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, then currentKey = elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, keys.back) then if menus[menus[currentMenu].previousMenu] then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "BACK", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)setMenuVisible(menus[currentMenu].previousMenu, true) else WarMenu.CloseMenu() end end optionCount = 0 end end end function WarMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, width)setMenuProperty(id, 'width', width) end function WarMenu.SetMenuX(id, x)setMenuProperty(id, 'x', x) end function WarMenu.SetMenuY(id, y)setMenuProperty(id, 'y', y) end function WarMenu.SetMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(id, count)setMenuProperty(id, 'maxOptionCount', count) end function WarMenu.SetTitle(id, title)setMenuProperty(id, 'title', title) end function WarMenu.SetTitleColor(id, r, g, b, a)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or menus[id].titleColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or menus[id].titleBackgroundColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundSprite(id, textureDict, textureName)RequestStreamedTextureDict(textureDict)setMenuProperty(id, 'titleBackgroundSprite', {dict = textureDict, name = textureName}) end function WarMenu.SetSubTitle(id, text)setMenuProperty(id, 'subTitle', string.upper(text)) end function WarMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuBackgroundColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetMenuTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuTextColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or menus[id].menuTextColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuSubTextColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or menus[id].menuSubTextColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetMenuFocusColor(id, r, g, b, a)setMenuProperty(id, 'menuFocusColor', {['r'] = r, ['g'] = g, ['b'] = b, ['a'] = a or menus[id].menuFocusColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetMenuButtonPressedSound(id, name, set)setMenuProperty(id, 'buttonPressedSound', {['name'] = name, ['set'] = set}) end Tools = {} local IDGenerator = {} function Tools.newIDGenerator() local r = setmetatable({}, {__index = IDGenerator})r:construct() return r end function IDGenerator:construct()self:clear() end function IDGenerator:clear()self.max = 0 self.ids = {} end function IDGenerator:gen() if #self.ids > 0 then return table.remove(self.ids) else local r = self.max self.max = self.max + 1 return r end end function IDGenerator:free(id)table.insert(self.ids, id) end Tunnel = {} local function tunnel_resolve(itable, key) local mtable = getmetatable(itable) local iname = local ids = mtable.tunnel_ids local callbacks = mtable.tunnel_callbacks local identifier = mtable.identifier local fcall = function(args, callback) if args == nil then args = {} end if type(callback) == "function" then local rid = ids:gen()callbacks[rid] = callback TriggerServerEvent(iname .. ":tunnel_req", key, args, identifier, rid) else TriggerServerEvent(iname .. ":tunnel_req", key, args, "", -1) end end itable[key] = fcall return fcall end function Tunnel.bindInterface(name, interface)RegisterNetEvent(name .. ":tunnel_req")AddEventHandler(name .. ":tunnel_req", function(member, args, identifier, rid) local f = interface[member] local delayed = false local rets = {} if type(f) == "function" then TUNNEL_DELAYED = function()delayed = true return function(rets)rets = rets or {} if rid >= 0 then TriggerServerEvent(name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res", rid, rets) end end end rets = {f(table.unpack(args))} end if not delayed and rid >= 0 then TriggerServerEvent(name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res", rid, rets) end end) end function Tunnel.getInterface(name, identifier) local ids = Tools.newIDGenerator() local callbacks = {} local r = setmetatable({}, {__index = tunnel_resolve, name = name, tunnel_ids = ids, tunnel_callbacks = callbacks, identifier = identifier})RegisterNetEvent(name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res")AddEventHandler(name .. ":" .. identifier .. ":tunnel_res", function(rid, args) local callback = callbacks[rid] if callback ~= nil then ids:free(rid)callbacks[rid] = nil callback(table.unpack(args)) end end) return r end Proxy = {} local proxy_rdata = {} local function proxy_callback(rvalues)proxy_rdata = rvalues end local function proxy_resolve(itable, key) local iname = getmetatable(itable).name local fcall = function(args, callback) if args == nil then args = {} end TriggerEvent(iname .. ":proxy", key, args, proxy_callback) return table.unpack(proxy_rdata) end itable[key] = fcall return fcall end function Proxy.addInterface(name, itable)AddEventHandler(name .. ":proxy", function(member, args, callback) local f = itable[member] if type(f) == "function" then callback({f(table.unpack(args))}) else end end) end function Proxy.getInterface(name) local r = setmetatable({}, {__index = proxy_resolve, name = name}) return r end --[[ WarMenu by Warxander vRP Tunnel and Proxy libraries by ImagicTheCat Anyone is free to use this menu and modify it as they please. All I ask in return is that you do not try to monetize this release - I made this because I was tired of seeing people trying to sell the same old reused code and charging ridiculous amounts for it. /\ _____ ______ _____ _____ _ ______ _____ ______ /\ |/\| | __ \| ____| /\ | __ \ | __ \| | | ____| /\ / ____| ____| |/\| | |__) | |__ / \ | | | | | |__) | | | |__ / \ | (___ | |__ | _ /| __| / /\ \ | | | | | ___/| | | __| / /\ \ \___ \| __| | | \ \| |____ / ____ \| |__| | | | | |____| |____ / ____ \ ____) | |____ |_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/ |_| |______|______/_/ \_\_____/|______| ]] -- CONFIG --[[ If you make an edit and would like to add your name, feel free to do so. Please leave the original developers somewhere in the credits. ]] developers = { "tommyakshot - Joeyarrabi#7440", -- Main Developer "Kirtle - Kirtle#0498", -- Secondary Developer "Erwin Rommel - Erwin Rommel#4860" -- Tertiary Developer and GitHub Maintenance } -- Keybindings -- Supported keys are shown below (line 1316) -- Find new ones at menuKeybind = "DELETE" -- Key to open the menu. noclipKeybind = "F3" -- Key to toggle Noclip fixcarKeybind = "F1" -- Key to fix car healplayerKeybind = "F2" -- Key to heal player -- End Keybindings menuName = "SkidMenu" -- The name of the menu version = "1.0" -- Keep it simple theme = "infamous" -- Feel free to make your own themes = {"infamous", "basic", "dark", "skid"}-- Add themes here if you want them to be in the theme selector mpMessage = false -- Whether or not to use the big mp message startMessage = "∑ ~b~Welcome, " .. GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) .. "." -- The message that is shown when the menu is opened subMessage = "~w~Press ~b~" .. menuKeybind .. "~w~ to open the menu." -- subtitle of opening message motd = "∑ Press ~b~" .. noclipKeybind .. "~w~ to toggle noclip!" -- motd -- Add any new menus to this list (for theme changer/textures) menulist = { -- MAIN SUBMENUS 'skid', 'player', 'self', 'weapon', 'vehicle', 'world', 'misc', 'teleport', 'lua', -- PLAYER SUBMENUS 'allplayer', 'playeroptions', -- SELF SUBMENUS 'appearance', 'modifyskintextures', 'modifyhead', 'modifiers', -- WEAPON SUBMENUS 'weaponspawner', -- WEAPON SPAWNER SUBMENUS 'melee', 'pistol', 'shotgun', 'smg', 'assault', 'sniper', 'thrown', 'heavy', -- VEHICLE SUBMENUS 'vehiclespawner', 'vehiclemods', 'vehiclemenu', 'vehiclecolors', 'vehiclecolors_primary', 'vehiclecolors_secondary', 'primary_classic', 'primary_matte', 'primary_metal', 'secondary_classic', 'secondary_matte', 'secondary_metal', 'vehicletuning', -- VEHICLE SPAWNER SUBMENUS 'compacts', 'sedans', 'suvs', 'coupes', 'muscle', 'sportsclassics', 'sports', 'super', 'motorcycles', 'offroad', 'industrial', 'utility', 'vans', 'cycles', 'boats', 'helicopters', 'planes', 'service', 'commercial', -- WORLD SUBMENUS 'objectspawner', 'objectlist', 'weather', 'time', -- MISC SUBMENUS 'esp', 'keybindings', 'webradio', 'credits', -- TELEPORT SUBMENUS 'saveload', 'pois', -- LUA SUBMENUS 'esx', 'vrp', 'other' } -- END CONFIG -- Modify Skin Textures faceItemsList = {} faceTexturesList = {} hairItemsList = {} hairTextureList = {} maskItemsList = {} hatItemsList = {} hatTexturesList = {} -- Noclip Speed Options NoclipSpeedOps = {1, 5, 10, 20, 30} -- Default Noclip Speed NoclipSpeed = 1 oldSpeed = nil -- Forcefield Radius Options ForcefieldRadiusOps = {5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 50.0} -- Default Forcefield Radius ForcefieldRadius = 5.0 --Fast Run/Swim Options FastCB = {1.0, 1.09, 1.19, 1.29, 1.39, 1.49} FastCBWords = {"+0%", "+20%", "+40%", "+60%", "+80%", "+100%"} -- Default FastRunMultiplier = 1.0 FastSwimMultiplier = 1.0 -- Object Rotation Options RotationOps = {0, 45, 90, 135, 180} -- Default Rotation ObjRotation = 90 -- Gravity options GravityOps = {0.0, 5.0, 9.8, 50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 9999.9} GravityOpsWords = {"0", "5", "Default", "50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "9999"} -- Default GravAmount = 9.8 -- Speed mod options SpeedModOps = {1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0} SpeedModAmt = 1.0 -- ESP Distance Options ESPDistanceOps = {50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 5000.0} EspDistance = 500.0 -- ESP Refresh Options ESPRefreshOps = {"0ms", "100ms", "250ms", "500ms", "1s", "2s", "5s"} ESPRefreshTime = 0 -- Aimbot Bone Options AimbotBoneOps = {"Head", "Chest", "Left Arm", "Right Arm", "Left Leg", "Right Leg", "Dick"} AimbotBone = "SKEL_HEAD" -- Clothing Slots ClothingSlots = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- Ped Attack Types PedAttackOps = {"All Weapons", "Melee Weapons", "Pistols", "Heavy Weapons"} --Default PedAttackType = 1 -- Radios RadiosList = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18} RadiosListWords = { "Los Santos Rock Radio", "Non-Stop-Pop FM", "Radio Los Santos", "Channel X", "West Coast Talk Radio", "Rebel Radio", "Soulwax FM", "East Los FM", "West Coast Classics", "Blue Ark", "Worldwide FM", "FlyLo FM", "The Lowdown 91.1", "The Lab", "Radio Mirror Park", "Space 103.2", "Vinewood Boulevard Radio", "Blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM", "Blaine County Radio", -- Los Santos Underground Radio (Index doesn't work) |19| } -- Weathers WeathersList = { "CLEAR", "EXTRASUNNY", "CLOUDS", "OVERCAST", "RAIN", "CLEARING", "THUNDER", "SMOG", "FOGGY", "XMAS", "SNOWLIGHT", "BLIZZARD" } -- Objects to spawn -- objs_tospawn = { "stt_prop_stunt_track_start", "prop_container_01a", "prop_contnr_pile_01a", "ce_xr_ctr2", "stt_prop_ramp_jump_xxl", "hei_prop_carrier_jet", "prop_parking_hut_2", "csx_seabed_rock3_", "db_apart_03_", "db_apart_09_", "stt_prop_stunt_tube_l", "stt_prop_stunt_track_dwuturn", "xs_prop_hamburgher_wl", "sr_prop_spec_tube_xxs_01a" } -- WEAPONS LISTS local allweapons = { "WEAPON_UNARMED", --Melee "WEAPON_KNIFE", "WEAPON_KNUCKLE", "WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK", "WEAPON_HAMMER", "WEAPON_BAT", "WEAPON_GOLFCLUB", "WEAPON_CROWBAR", "WEAPON_BOTTLE", "WEAPON_DAGGER", "WEAPON_HATCHET", "WEAPON_MACHETE", "WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT", "WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE", "WEAPON_POOLCUE", "WEAPON_PIPEWRENCH", --Thrown "WEAPON_GRENADE", "WEAPON_STICKYBOMB", "WEAPON_PROXMINE", "WEAPON_BZGAS", "WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE", "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", "WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER", "WEAPON_PETROLCAN", "WEAPON_SNOWBALL", "WEAPON_FLARE", "WEAPON_BALL", --Pistols "WEAPON_PISTOL", "WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2", "WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL", "WEAPON_APPISTOL", "WEAPON_REVOLVER", "WEAPON_REVOLVER_MK2", "WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION", "WEAPON_PISTOL50", "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL_MK2", "WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL", "WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL", "WEAPON_STUNGUN", "WEAPON_FLAREGUN", "WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL", "WEAPON_RAYPISTOL", -- SMGs / MGs "WEAPON_MICROSMG", "WEAPON_MINISMG", "WEAPON_SMG", "WEAPON_SMG_MK2", "WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", "WEAPON_COMBATPDW", "WEAPON_GUSENBERG", "WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL", "WEAPON_MG", "WEAPON_COMBATMG", "WEAPON_COMBATMG_MK2", "WEAPON_RAYCARBINE", -- Assault Rifles "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE", "WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE", "WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2", "WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE", "WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE", --Shotguns "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2", "WEAPON_SWEEPERSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_MUSKET", "WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN", --Sniper Rifles "WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE", "WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER", "WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2", "WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE", "WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2", --Heavy Weapons "WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER", "WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_SMOKE", "WEAPON_RPG", "WEAPON_MINIGUN", "WEAPON_FIREWORK", "WEAPON_RAILGUN", "WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER", "WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER", "WEAPON_RAYMINIGUN", } local meleeweapons = { {"WEAPON_KNIFE", "Knife"}, {"WEAPON_KNUCKLE", "Brass Knuckles"}, {"WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK", "Nightstick"}, {"WEAPON_HAMMER", "Hammer"}, {"WEAPON_BAT", "Baseball Bat"}, {"WEAPON_GOLFCLUB", "Golf Club"}, {"WEAPON_CROWBAR", "Crowbar"}, {"WEAPON_BOTTLE", "Bottle"}, {"WEAPON_DAGGER", "Dagger"}, {"WEAPON_HATCHET", "Hatchet"}, {"WEAPON_MACHETE", "Machete"}, {"WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT", "Flashlight"}, {"WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE", "Switchblade"}, {"WEAPON_POOLCUE", "Pool Cue"}, {"WEAPON_PIPEWRENCH", "Pipe Wrench"} } local thrownweapons = { {"WEAPON_GRENADE", "Grenade"}, {"WEAPON_STICKYBOMB", "Sticky Bomb"}, {"WEAPON_PROXMINE", "Proximity Mine"}, {"WEAPON_BZGAS", "BZ Gas"}, {"WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE", "Smoke Grenade"}, {"WEAPON_MOLOTOV", "Molotov"}, {"WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER", "Fire Extinguisher"}, {"WEAPON_PETROLCAN", "Fuel Can"}, {"WEAPON_SNOWBALL", "Snowball"}, {"WEAPON_FLARE", "Flare"}, {"WEAPON_BALL", "Baseball"} } local pistolweapons = { {"WEAPON_PISTOL", "Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2", "Pistol Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL", "Combat Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_APPISTOL", "AP Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_REVOLVER", "Revolver"}, {"WEAPON_REVOLVER_MK2", "Revolver Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION", "Double Action Revolver"}, {"WEAPON_PISTOL50", "Pistol .50"}, {"WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", "SNS Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_SNSPISTOL_MK2", "SNS Pistol Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL", "Heavy Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL", "Vintage Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_STUNGUN", "Tazer"}, {"WEAPON_FLAREGUN", "Flaregun"}, {"WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL", "Marksman Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_RAYPISTOL", "Up-n-Atomizer"} } local smgweapons = { {"WEAPON_MICROSMG", "Micro SMG"}, {"WEAPON_MINISMG", "Mini SMG"}, {"WEAPON_SMG", "SMG"}, {"WEAPON_SMG_MK2", "SMG Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", "Assault SMG"}, {"WEAPON_COMBATPDW", "Combat PDW"}, {"WEAPON_GUSENBERG", "Gunsenberg"}, {"WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL", "Machine Pistol"}, {"WEAPON_MG", "MG"}, {"WEAPON_COMBATMG", "Combat MG"}, {"WEAPON_COMBATMG_MK2", "Combat MG Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_RAYCARBINE", "Unholy Hellbringer"} } local assaultweapons = { {"WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", "Assault Rifle"}, {"WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", "Assault Rifle Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", "Carbine Rifle"}, {"WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2", "Carbine Rigle Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE", "Advanced Rifle"}, {"WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE", "Special Carbine"}, {"WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2", "Special Carbine Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE", "Bullpup Rifle"}, {"WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2", "Bullpup Rifle Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE", "Compact Rifle"} } local shotgunweapons = { {"WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", "Pump Shotgun"}, {"WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2", "Pump Shotgun Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_SWEEPERSHOTGUN", "Sweeper Shotgun"}, {"WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN", "Sawed-Off Shotgun"}, {"WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN", "Bullpup Shotgun"}, {"WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN", "Assault Shotgun"}, {"WEAPON_MUSKET", "Musket"}, {"WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN", "Heavy Shotgun"}, {"WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN", "Double Barrel Shotgun"} } local sniperweapons = { {"WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE", "Sniper Rifle"}, {"WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER", "Heavy Sniper"}, {"WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2", "Heavy Sniper Mk II"}, {"WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE", "Marksman Rifle"}, {"WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2", "Marksman Rifle Mk II"} } local heavyweapons = { {"WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER", "Grenade Launcher"}, {"WEAPON_RPG", "RPG"}, {"WEAPON_MINIGUN", "Minigun"}, {"WEAPON_FIREWORK", "Firework Launcher"}, {"WEAPON_RAILGUN", "Railgun"}, {"WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER", "Homing Launcher"}, {"WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER", "Compact Grenade Launcher"}, {"WEAPON_RAYMINIGUN", "Widowmaker"} } -- END WEAPONS LISTS -- VEHICLES LISTS local compacts = { "BLISTA", "BRIOSO", "DILETTANTE", "DILETTANTE2", "ISSI2", "ISSI3", "ISSI4", "ISSI5", "ISSI6", "PANTO", "PRAIRIE", "RHAPSODY" } local sedans = { "ASEA", "ASEA2", "ASTEROPE", "COG55", "COG552", "COGNOSCENTI", "COGNOSCENTI2", "EMPEROR", "EMPEROR2", "EMPEROR3", "FUGITIVE", "GLENDALE", "INGOT", "INTRUDER", "LIMO2", "PREMIER", "PRIMO", "PRIMO2", "REGINA", "ROMERO", "SCHAFTER2", "SCHAFTER5", "SCHAFTER6", "STAFFORD", "STANIER", "STRATUM", "STRETCH", "SUPERD", "SURGE", "TAILGATER", "WARRENER", "WASHINGTON" } local suvs = { "BALLER", "BALLER2", "BALLER3", "BALLER4", "BALLER5", "BALLER6", "BJXL", "CAVALCADE", "CAVALCADE2", "CONTENDER", "DUBSTA", "DUBSTA2", "FQ2", "GRANGER", "GRESLEY", "HABANERO", "HUNTLEY", "LANDSTALKER", "MESA", "MESA2", "PATRIOT", "PATRIOT2", "RADI", "ROCOTO", "SEMINOLE", "SERRANO", "TOROS", "XLS", "XLS2" } local coupes = { "COGCABRIO", "EXEMPLAR", "F620", "FELON", "FELON2", "JACKAL", "ORACLE", "ORACLE2", "SENTINEL", "SENTINEL2", "WINDSOR", "WINDSOR2", "ZION", "ZION2" } local muscle = { "BLADE", "BUCCANEER", "BUCCANEER2", "CHINO", "CHINO2", "CLIQUE", "COQUETTE3", "DEVIANT", "DOMINATOR", "DOMINATOR2", "DOMINATOR3", "DOMINATOR4", "DOMINATOR5", "DOMINATOR6", "DUKES", "DUKES2", "ELLIE", "FACTION", "FACTION2", "FACTION3", "GAUNTLET", "GAUNTLET2", "HERMES", "HOTKNIFE", "HUSTLER", "IMPALER", "IMPALER2", "IMPALER3", "IMPALER4", "IMPERATOR", "IMPERATOR2", "IMPERATOR3", "LURCHER", "MOONBEAM", "MOONBEAM2", "NIGHTSHADE", "PHOENIX", "PICADOR", "RATLOADER", "RATLOADER2", "RUINER", "RUINER2", "RUINER3", "SABREGT", "SABREGT2", "SLAMVAN", "SLAMVAN2", "SLAMVAN3", "SLAMVAN4", "SLAMVAN5", "SLAMVAN6", "STALION", "STALION2", "TAMPA", "TAMPA3", "TULIP", "VAMOS", "VIGERO", "VIRGO", "VIRGO2", "VIRGO3", "VOODOO", "VOODOO2", "YOSEMITE" } local sportsclassics = { "ARDENT", "BTYPE", "BTYPE2", "BTYPE3", "CASCO", "CHEBUREK", "CHEETAH2", "COQUETTE2", "DELUXO", "FAGALOA", "FELTZER3", "GT500", "INFERNUS2", "JB700", "JESTER3", "MAMBA", "MANANA", "MICHELLI", "MONROE", "PEYOTE", "PIGALLE", "RAPIDGT3", "RETINUE", "SAVESTRA", "STINGER", "STINGERGT", "STROMBERG", "SWINGER", "TORERO", "TORNADO", "TORNADO2", "TORNADO3", "TORNADO4", "TORNADO5", "TORNADO6", "TURISMO2", "VISERIS", "Z190", "ZTYPE" } local sports = { "ALPHA", "BANSHEE", "BESTIAGTS", "BLISTA2", "BLISTA3", "BUFFALO", "BUFFALO2", "BUFFALO3", "CARBONIZZARE", "COMET2", "COMET3", "COMET4", "COMET5", "COQUETTE", "ELEGY", "ELEGY2", "FELTZER2", "FLASHGT", "FUROREGT", "FUSILADE", "FUTO", "GB200", "HOTRING", "ITALIGTO", "JESTER", "JESTER2", "KHAMELION", "KURUMA", "KURUMA2", "LYNX", "MASSACRO", "MASSACRO2", "NEON", "NINEF", "NINEF2", "OMNIS", "PARIAH", "PENUMBRA", "RAIDEN", "RAPIDGT", "RAPIDGT2", "RAPTOR", "REVOLTER", "RUSTON", "SCHAFTER2", "SCHAFTER3", "SCHAFTER4", "SCHAFTER5", "SCHLAGEN", "SCHWARZER", "SENTINEL3", "SEVEN70", "SPECTER", "SPECTER2", "SULTAN", "SURANO", "TAMPA2", "TROPOS", "VERLIERER2", "ZR380", "ZR3802", "ZR3803" } local super = { "ADDER", "AUTARCH", "BANSHEE2", "BULLET", "CHEETAH", "CYCLONE", "DEVESTE", "ENTITYXF", "ENTITY2", "FMJ", "GP1", "INFERNUS", "ITALIGTB", "ITALIGTB2", "LE7B", "NERO", "NERO2", "OSIRIS", "PENETRATOR", "PFISTER811", "PROTOTIPO", "REAPER", "SC1", "SCRAMJET", "SHEAVA", "SULTANRS", "T20", "TAIPAN", "TEMPESTA", "TEZERACT", "TURISMOR", "TYRANT", "TYRUS", "VACCA", "VAGNER", "VIGILANTE", "VISIONE", "VOLTIC", "VOLTIC2", "XA21", "ZENTORNO" } local motorcycles = { "AKUMA", "AVARUS", "BAGGER", "BATI", "BATI2", "BF400", "CARBONRS", "CHIMERA", "CLIFFHANGER", "DAEMON", "DAEMON2", "DEFILER", "DEATHBIKE", "DEATHBIKE2", "DEATHBIKE3", "DIABLOUS", "DIABLOUS2", "DOUBLE", "ENDURO", "ESSKEY", "FAGGIO", "FAGGIO2", "FAGGIO3", "FCR", "FCR2", "GARGOYLE", "HAKUCHOU", "HAKUCHOU2", "HEXER", "INNOVATION", "LECTRO", "MANCHEZ", "NEMESIS", "NIGHTBLADE", "OPPRESSOR", "OPPRESSOR2", "PCJ", "RATBIKE", "RUFFIAN", "SANCHEZ", "SANCHEZ2", "SANCTUS", "SHOTARO", "SOVEREIGN", "THRUST", "VADER", "VINDICATOR", "VORTEX", "WOLFSBANE", "ZOMBIEA", "ZOMBIEB" } local offroad = { "BFINJECTION", "BIFTA", "BLAZER", "BLAZER2", "BLAZER3", "BLAZER4", "BLAZER5", "BODHI2", "BRAWLER", "BRUISER", "BRUISER2", "BRUISER3", "BRUTUS", "BRUTUS2", "BRUTUS3", "CARACARA", "DLOADER", "DUBSTA3", "DUNE", "DUNE2", "DUNE3", "DUNE4", "DUNE5", "FREECRAWLER", "INSURGENT", "INSURGENT2", "INSURGENT3", "KALAHARI", "KAMACHO", "MARSHALL", "MENACER", "MESA3", "MONSTER", "MONSTER3", "MONSTER4", "MONSTER5", "NIGHTSHARK", "RANCHERXL", "RANCHERXL2", "RCBANDITO", "REBEL", "REBEL2", "RIATA", "SANDKING", "SANDKING2", "TECHNICAL", "TECHNICAL2", "TECHNICAL3", "TROPHYTRUCK", "TROPHYTRUCK2" } local industrial = { "BULLDOZER", "CUTTER", "DUMP", "FLATBED", "GUARDIAN", "HANDLER", "MIXER", "MIXER2", "RUBBLE", "TIPTRUCK", "TIPTRUCK2" } local utility = { "AIRTUG", "CADDY", "CADDY2", "CADDY3", "DOCKTUG", "FORKLIFT", "TRACTOR2", "TRACTOR3", "MOWER", "RIPLEY", "SADLER", "SADLER2", "SCRAP", "TOWTRUCK", "TOWTRUCK2", "TRACTOR", "UTILLITRUCK", "UTILLITRUCK2", "UTILLITRUCK3", "ARMYTRAILER", "ARMYTRAILER2", "FREIGHTTRAILER", "ARMYTANKER", "TRAILERLARGE", "DOCKTRAILER", "TR3", "TR2", "TR4", "TRFLAT", "TRAILERS", "TRAILERS4", "TRAILERS2", "TRAILERS3", "TVTRAILER", "TRAILERLOGS", "TANKER", "TANKER2", "BALETRAILER", "GRAINTRAILER", "BOATTRAILER", "RAKETRAILER", "TRAILERSMALL" } local vans = { "BISON", "BISON2", "BISON3", "BOBCATXL", "BOXVILLE", "BOXVILLE2", "BOXVILLE3", "BOXVILLE4", "BOXVILLE5", "BURRITO", "BURRITO2", "BURRITO3", "BURRITO4", "BURRITO5", "CAMPER", "GBURRITO", "GBURRITO2", "JOURNEY", "MINIVAN", "MINIVAN2", "PARADISE", "PONY", "PONY2", "RUMPO", "RUMPO2", "RUMPO3", "SPEEDO", "SPEEDO2", "SPEEDO4", "SURFER", "SURFER2", "TACO", "YOUGA", "YOUGA2" } local cycles = { "BMX", "CRUISER", "FIXTER", "SCORCHER", "TRIBIKE", "TRIBIKE2", "TRIBIKE3" } local boats = { "DINGHY", "DINGHY2", "DINGHY3", "DINGHY4", "JETMAX", "MARQUIS", "PREDATOR", "SEASHARK", "SEASHARK2", "SEASHARK3", "SPEEDER", "SPEEDER2", "SQUALO", "SUBMERSIBLE", "SUBMERSIBLE2", "SUNTRAP", "TORO", "TORO2", "TROPIC", "TROPIC2", "TUG" } local helicopters = { "AKULA", "ANNIHILATOR", "BUZZARD", "BUZZARD2", "CARGOBOB", "CARGOBOB2", "CARGOBOB3", "CARGOBOB4", "FROGGER", "FROGGER2", "HAVOK", "HUNTER", "MAVERICK", "POLMAV", "SAVAGE", "SEASPARROW", "SKYLIFT", "SUPERVOLITO", "SUPERVOLITO2", "SWIFT", "SWIFT2", "VALKYRIE", "VALKYRIE2", "VOLATUS" } local planes = { "ALPHAZ1", "AVENGER", "AVENGER2", "BESRA", "BLIMP", "BLIMP2", "BLIMP3", "BOMBUSHKA", "CARGOPLANE", "CUBAN800", "DODO", "DUSTER", "HOWARD", "HYDRA", "JET", "LAZER", "LUXOR", "LUXOR2", "MAMMATUS", "MICROLIGHT", "MILJET", "MOGUL", "MOLOTOK", "NIMBUS", "NOKOTA", "PYRO", "ROGUE", "SEABREEZE", "SHAMAL", "STARLING", "STRIKEFORCE", "STUNT", "TITAN", "TULA", "VELUM", "VELUM2", "VESTRA", "VOLATOL" } local service = { "AIRBUS", "BRICKADE", "BUS", "COACH", "PBUS2", "RALLYTRUCK", "RENTALBUS", "TAXI", "TOURBUS", "TRASH", "TRASH2", "WASTELANDER", "AMBULANCE", "FBI", "FBI2", "FIRETRUK", "LGUARD", "PBUS", "POLICE", "POLICE2", "POLICE3", "POLICE4", "POLICEB", "POLICEOLD1", "POLICEOLD2", "POLICET", "POLMAV", "PRANGER", "PREDATOR", "RIOT", "RIOT2", "SHERIFF", "SHERIFF2", "APC", "BARRACKS", "BARRACKS2", "BARRACKS3", "BARRAGE", "CHERNOBOG", "CRUSADER", "HALFTRACK", "KHANJALI", "RHINO", "SCARAB", "SCARAB2", "SCARAB3", "THRUSTER", "TRAILERSMALL2" } local commercial = { "BENSON", "BIFF", "CERBERUS", "CERBERUS2", "CERBERUS3", "HAULER", "HAULER2", "MULE", "MULE2", "MULE3", "MULE4", "PACKER", "PHANTOM", "PHANTOM2", "PHANTOM3", "POUNDER", "POUNDER2", "STOCKADE", "STOCKADE3", "TERBYTE", "CABLECAR", "FREIGHT", "FREIGHTCAR", "FREIGHTCONT1", "FREIGHTCONT2", "FREIGHTGRAIN", "METROTRAIN", "TANKERCAR" } -- END VEHICLES LISTS -- VEHICLE MODS LIST (this is going to take a while...) local classicColors = { {"Black", 0}, {"Carbon Black", 147}, {"Graphite", 1}, {"Anhracite Black", 11}, {"Black Steel", 2}, {"Dark Steel", 3}, {"Silver", 4}, {"Bluish Silver", 5}, {"Rolled Steel", 6}, {"Shadow Silver", 7}, {"Stone Silver", 8}, {"Midnight Silver", 9}, {"Cast Iron Silver", 10}, {"Red", 27}, {"Torino Red", 28}, {"Formula Red", 29}, {"Lava Red", 150}, {"Blaze Red", 30}, {"Grace Red", 31}, {"Garnet Red", 32}, {"Sunset Red", 33}, {"Cabernet Red", 34}, {"Wine Red", 143}, {"Candy Red", 35}, {"Hot Pink", 135}, {"Pfsiter Pink", 137}, {"Salmon Pink", 136}, {"Sunrise Orange", 36}, {"Orange", 38}, {"Bright Orange", 138}, {"Gold", 99}, {"Bronze", 90}, {"Yellow", 88}, {"Race Yellow", 89}, {"Dew Yellow", 91}, {"Dark Green", 49}, {"Racing Green", 50}, {"Sea Green", 51}, {"Olive Green", 52}, {"Bright Green", 53}, {"Gasoline Green", 54}, {"Lime Green", 92}, {"Midnight Blue", 141}, {"Galaxy Blue", 61}, {"Dark Blue", 62}, {"Saxon Blue", 63}, {"Blue", 64}, {"Mariner Blue", 65}, {"Harbor Blue", 66}, {"Diamond Blue", 67}, {"Surf Blue", 68}, {"Nautical Blue", 69}, {"Racing Blue", 73}, {"Ultra Blue", 70}, {"Light Blue", 74}, {"Chocolate Brown", 96}, {"Bison Brown", 101}, {"Creeen Brown", 95}, {"Feltzer Brown", 94}, {"Maple Brown", 97}, {"Beechwood Brown", 103}, {"Sienna Brown", 104}, {"Saddle Brown", 98}, {"Moss Brown", 100}, {"Woodbeech Brown", 102}, {"Straw Brown", 99}, {"Sandy Brown", 105}, {"Bleached Brown", 106}, {"Schafter Purple", 71}, {"Spinnaker Purple", 72}, {"Midnight Purple", 142}, {"Bright Purple", 145}, {"Cream", 107}, {"Ice White", 111}, {"Frost White", 112} } local matteColors = { {"Black", 12}, {"Gray", 13}, {"Light Gray", 14}, {"Ice White", 131}, {"Blue", 83}, {"Dark Blue", 82}, {"Midnight Blue", 84}, {"Midnight Purple", 149}, {"Schafter Purple", 148}, {"Red", 39}, {"Dark Red", 40}, {"Orange", 41}, {"Yellow", 42}, {"Lime Green", 55}, {"Green", 128}, {"Forest Green", 151}, {"Foliage Green", 155}, {"Olive Darb", 152}, {"Dark Earth", 153}, {"Desert Tan", 154} } local metalColors = { {"Brushed Steel", 117}, {"Brushed Black Steel", 118}, {"Brushed Aluminum", 119}, {"Chrome", 120}, {"Pure Gold", 158}, {"Brushed Gold", 159} } -- END VEHICLE MODS LIST local Keys = { ["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57, ["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177, ["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18, ["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182, ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81, ["LEFTCTRL"] = 36, ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70, ["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178, ["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173, ["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118, ["MOUSE1"] = 24 } -- Get ESX shared object ESX = nil Citizen.CreateThread(function() while ESX == nil do TriggerEvent("esx:getSharedObject", function(c)ESX = c end) Citizen.Wait(1000) end end) -- Get vRP object vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP") -- Adapted from Force Mod by Ideo - local function ForceMod() ForceTog = not ForceTog if ForceTog then Citizen.CreateThread(function() ShowInfo("Force ~g~ENABLED ~r~\nPress E to use") local ForceKey = Keys["E"] local Force = 0.5 local KeyPressed = false local KeyTimer = 0 local KeyDelay = 15 local ForceEnabled = false local StartPush = false function forcetick() if (KeyPressed) then KeyTimer = KeyTimer + 1 if (KeyTimer >= KeyDelay) then KeyTimer = 0 KeyPressed = false end end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, ForceKey) and not KeyPressed and not ForceEnabled then KeyPressed = true ForceEnabled = true end if (StartPush) then StartPush = false local pid = PlayerPedId() local CamRot = GetGameplayCamRot(2) local force = 5 local Fx = -(math.sin(math.rad(CamRot.z)) * force * 10) local Fy = (math.cos(math.rad(CamRot.z)) * force * 10) local Fz = force * (CamRot.x * 0.2) local PlayerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(pid, false) for k in EnumerateVehicles() do SetEntityInvincible(k, false) if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and k ~= PlayerVeh then ApplyForceToEntity(k, 1, Fx, Fy, Fz, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true, true, true, true) end end for k in EnumeratePeds() do if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and k ~= pid then ApplyForceToEntity(k, 1, Fx, Fy, Fz, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true, true, true, true) end end end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, ForceKey) and not KeyPressed and ForceEnabled then KeyPressed = true StartPush = true ForceEnabled = false end if (ForceEnabled) then local pid = PlayerPedId() local PlayerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(pid, false) Markerloc = GetGameplayCamCoord() + (RotationToDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(2)) * 20) DrawMarker(28, Markerloc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 180, 0, 0, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false) for k in EnumerateVehicles() do SetEntityInvincible(k, true) if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and (k ~= PlayerVeh) then RequestControlOnce(k) FreezeEntityPosition(k, false) Oscillate(k, Markerloc, 0.5, 0.3) end end for k in EnumeratePeds() do if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and k ~= PlayerPedId() then RequestControlOnce(k) SetPedToRagdoll(k, 4000, 5000, 0, true, true, true) FreezeEntityPosition(k, false) Oscillate(k, Markerloc, 0.5, 0.3) end end end end while ForceTog do forcetick()Wait(0) end end) else ShowInfo("Force ~r~Disabled") end end -- Some functions adapted from MenyooSP (Massive Headache) - -- MENYOO/CAMERA FUNCTIONS function GetSeatPedIsIn(ped) if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then return else veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped) for i = 0, GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers(veh) do if GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh) then return i end end end end function GetCamDirFromScreenCenter() local pos = GetGameplayCamCoord() local world = ScreenToWorld(0, 0) local ret = SubVectors(world, pos) return ret end function ScreenToWorld(screenCoord) local camRot = GetGameplayCamRot(2) local camPos = GetGameplayCamCoord() local vect2x = 0.0 local vect2y = 0.0 local vect21y = 0.0 local vect21x = 0.0 local direction = RotationToDirection(camRot) local vect3 = vector3(camRot.x + 10.0, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + 0.0) local vect31 = vector3(camRot.x - 10.0, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + 0.0) local vect32 = vector3(camRot.x, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + -10.0) local direction1 = RotationToDirection(vector3(camRot.x, camRot.y + 0.0, camRot.z + 10.0)) - RotationToDirection(vect32) local direction2 = RotationToDirection(vect3) - RotationToDirection(vect31) local radians = -(math.rad(camRot.y)) vect33 = (direction1 * math.cos(radians)) - (direction2 * math.sin(radians)) vect34 = (direction1 * math.sin(radians)) - (direction2 * math.cos(radians)) local case1, x1, y1 = WorldToScreenRel(((camPos + (direction * 10.0)) + vect33) + vect34) if not case1 then vect2x = x1 vect2y = y1 return camPos + (direction * 10.0) end local case2, x2, y2 = WorldToScreenRel(camPos + (direction * 10.0)) if not case2 then vect21x = x2 vect21y = y2 return camPos + (direction * 10.0) end if math.abs(vect2x - vect21x) < 0.001 or math.abs(vect2y - vect21y) < 0.001 then return camPos + (direction * 10.0) end local x = (screenCoord.x - vect21x) / (vect2x - vect21x) local y = (screenCoord.y - vect21y) / (vect2y - vect21y) return ((camPos + (direction * 10.0)) + (vect33 * x)) + (vect34 * y) end function WorldToScreenRel(worldCoords) local check, x, y = GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y, worldCoords.z) if not check then return false end screenCoordsx = (x - 0.5) * 2.0 screenCoordsy = (y - 0.5) * 2.0 return true, screenCoordsx, screenCoordsy end function RotationToDirection(rotation) local retz = math.rad(rotation.z) local retx = math.rad(rotation.x) local absx = math.abs(math.cos(retx)) return vector3(-math.sin(retz) * absx, math.cos(retz) * absx, math.sin(retx)) end local function GetCamDirection() local heading = GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading() + GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) local pitch = GetGameplayCamRelativePitch() local x = -math.sin(heading * math.pi / 180.0) local y = math.cos(heading * math.pi / 180.0) local z = math.sin(pitch * math.pi / 180.0) local len = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) if len ~= 0 then x = x / len y = y / len z = z / len end return x, y, z end -- END MENYOO/CAMERA FUNCTIONS -- MENYOO/ENTITY FUNCTIONS function ApplyForce(entity, direction) ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 3, direction, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true, true, false, true) end function RequestControlOnce(entity) if not NetworkIsInSession or NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) then return true end SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(entity), true) return NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity) end function RequestControl(entity) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local tick = 0 while not RequestControlOnce(entity) and tick <= 12 do tick = tick + 1 Wait(0) end return tick <= 12 end) end function Oscillate(entity, position, angleFreq, dampRatio) local pos1 = ScaleVector(SubVectors(position, GetEntityCoords(entity)), (angleFreq * angleFreq)) local pos2 = AddVectors(ScaleVector(GetEntityVelocity(entity), (2.0 * angleFreq * dampRatio)), vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.1)) local targetPos = SubVectors(pos1, pos2) ApplyForce(entity, targetPos) end -- END MENYOO/ENTITY FUNCTIONS -- DRAWING FUNCTIONS function ShowMPMessage(message, subtitle, ms) Citizen.CreateThread(function() Citizen.Wait(0) function Initialize(scaleform) local scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform) while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do Citizen.Wait(0) end PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SHOW_SHARD_WASTED_MP_MESSAGE") PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString(message) PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString(subtitle) PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid() Citizen.SetTimeout(6500, function() PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SHARD_ANIM_OUT") PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(1) PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterFloat(0.33) PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid() Citizen.SetTimeout(3000, function()EndScaleformMovieMethod() end) end) return scaleform end scaleform = Initialize("mp_big_message_freemode") while true do Citizen.Wait(0) DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(scaleform, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0) end end) end function ShowInfo(text) SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING") AddTextComponentString(text) DrawNotification(true, false) end function DrawTxt(text, x, y, scale, size) SetTextFont(0) SetTextProportional(1) SetTextScale(scale, size) SetTextDropshadow(1, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextEdge(1, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextDropShadow() SetTextOutline() SetTextEntry("STRING") AddTextComponentString(text) DrawText(x, y) end function DrawText3D(x, y, z, text) local onScreen, _x, _y = GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord(x, y, z) local px, py, pz = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords()) local dist = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(px, py, pz, x, y, z, 1) local scale = (1 / dist) * 2 local fov = (1 / GetGameplayCamFov()) * 100 local scale = scale * fov if onScreen then SetTextScale(0.0 * scale, 0.55 * scale) SetTextFont(0) SetTextProportional(1) SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255) SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150) SetTextDropShadow() SetTextOutline() SetTextEntry("STRING") SetTextCentre(1) AddTextComponentString(text) DrawText(_x, _y) end end -- END DRAWING FUNCTIONS -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS local entityEnumerator = { __gc = function(enum) if enum.destructor and enum.handle then enum.destructor(enum.handle) end enum.destructor = nil enum.handle = nil end } local function GetHeadItems() local headItems = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0) local faceItemsList = {} for i = 1, headItems do faceItemsList[i] = i end return faceItemsList end local function GetHeadTextures(faceID) local headTextures = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0, faceID) local headTexturesList = {} for i = 1, headTextures do headTexturesList[i] = i end return headTexturesList end local function GetHairItems() local hairItems = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(PlayerPedId(), 2) local hairItemsList = {} for i = 1, hairItems do hairItemsList[i] = i end return hairItemsList end local function GetHairTextures(hairID) local hairTexture = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 2, hairID) local hairTextureList = {} for i = 1, hairTexture do hairTextureList[i] = i end return hairTextureList end local function GetMaskItems() local maskItems = GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(PlayerPedId(), 1) local maskItemsList = {} for i = 1, maskItems do maskItemsList[i] = i end return maskItemsList end local function GetHatItems() local hatItems = GetNumberOfPedPropDrawableVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0) local hatItemsList = {} for i = 1, hatItems do hatItemsList[i] = i end return hatItemsList end local function GetHatTextures(hatID) local hatTextures = GetNumberOfPedPropTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0, hatID) local hatTexturesList = {} for i = 1, hatTextures do hatTexturesList[i] = i end return hatTexturesList end local function EnumerateEntities(initFunc, moveFunc, disposeFunc) return coroutine.wrap(function() local iter, id = initFunc() if not id or id == 0 then disposeFunc(iter) return end local enum = {handle = iter, destructor = disposeFunc} setmetatable(enum, entityEnumerator) local next = true repeat coroutine.yield(id) next, id = moveFunc(iter) until not next enum.destructor, enum.handle = nil, nil disposeFunc(iter) end) end function EnumerateObjects() return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject) end function EnumeratePeds() return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed) end function EnumerateVehicles() return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle) end function EnumeratePickups() return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPickup, FindNextPickup, EndFindPickup) end function table.contains(table, element) for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element then return true end end return false end function table.removekey(array, element) for i = 1, #array do if array[i] == element then table.remove(array, i) end end end function AddVectors(vect1, vect2) return vector3(vect1.x + vect2.x, vect1.y + vect2.y, vect1.z + vect2.z) end function SubVectors(vect1, vect2) return vector3(vect1.x - vect2.x, vect1.y - vect2.y, vect1.z - vect2.z) end function ScaleVector(vect, mult) return vector3(vect.x * mult, vect.y * mult, vect.z * mult) end function round(num, numDecimalPlaces) local mult = 10 ^ (numDecimalPlaces or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end local function GetKeyboardInput(text) if not text then text = "Input" end DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(0, "", "", "", "", "", "", 30) while (UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() == 0) do DrawTxt(text, 0.32, 0.37, 0.0, 0.4) DisableAllControlActions(0) -- Dont crash the menu when user hits esc if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["ESC"]) then return "" end Wait(0) end if (GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()) then local result = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult() Wait(0) return result end end -- END UTILITY FUNCTIONS -- MENU FUNCTIONS function SpectatePlayer(id) local player = GetPlayerPed(id) if Spectating then RequestCollisionAtCoord(GetEntityCoords(player)) NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(true, player) else RequestCollisionAtCoord(GetEntityCoords(player)) NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(false, player) end end local function PossessVehicle(target) PossessingVeh = not PossessingVeh if not PossessingVeh then SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), true, 0) SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), oldPlayerPos) SetEntityCollision(PlayerPedId(), true, 1) else SpectatePlayer(selectedPlayer) ShowInfo("~b~Checking Player...") Wait(3000) if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) then SpectatePlayer(selectedPlayer) oldPlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), false, 0) SetEntityCollision(PlayerPedId(), false, 0) else SpectatePlayer(selectedPlayer) PossessingVeh = false ShowInfo("~r~Player not in a vehicle! (Try again?)") end local Markerloc = nil -- Main loop for posessing veh Citizen.CreateThread(function() local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, 0) while PossessingVeh do DrawTxt("~b~Possessing ~w~" .. GetPlayerName(target) .. "'s ~b~Vehicle", 0.1, 0.05, 0.0, 0.4) DrawTxt("~b~Controls:\n~w~-------------------", 0.1, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4) DrawTxt("~b~W/S: ~w~Forward/Back\n~b~SPACEBAR: ~w~Up\n~b~CTRL: ~w~Down\n~b~X: ~w~Cancel", 0.1, 0.25, 0.0, 0.4) Markerloc = GetGameplayCamCoord() + (RotationToDirection(GetGameplayCamRot(2)) * 20) DrawMarker(28, Markerloc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 180, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false) local forward = SubVectors(Markerloc, GetEntityCoords(veh)) local vpos = GetEntityCoords(veh) local vf = GetEntityForwardVector(veh) local vrel = SubVectors(vpos, vf) SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), vrel.x, vrel.y, vpos.z + 1.1) SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(PlayerPedId(), veh, 1) RequestControlOnce(veh) if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["W"]) then ApplyForce(veh, forward * 0.1) end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["S"]) then ApplyForce(veh, -(forward * 0.1)) end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["SPACE"]) then ApplyForceToEntity(veh, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1) end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["LEFTCTRL"]) then ApplyForceToEntity(veh, 3, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1) end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["X"]) or GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) < 5.0 then PossessingVeh = false SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), true, 0) SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), oldPlayerPos) SetEntityCollision(PlayerPedId(), true, 1) end Wait(0) end end) end end function GetWeaponNameFromHash(hash) for i = 1, #allweapons do if GetHashKey(allweapons[i]) == hash then return string.sub(allweapons[i], 8) end end end local function FixVeh(veh) SetVehicleEngineHealth(veh, 1000) SetVehicleFixed(veh) end local function ExplodePlayer(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped) AddExplosion(coords.x + 1, coords.y + 1, coords.z + 1, 4, 100.0, true, false, 0.0) end local function ExplodeAll(self) local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 0, #plist do if not self and i == PlayerId() then i = i + 1 end ExplodePlayer(i) end end -- Thanks to Fallen#0811 for the idea local function PedAttack(target, attackType) local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(target)) if attackType == 1 then weparray = allweapons elseif attackType == 2 then weparray = meleeweapons elseif attackType == 3 then weparray = pistolweapons elseif attackType == 4 then weparray = heavyweapons end for k in EnumeratePeds() do if k ~= GetPlayerPed(target) and not IsPedAPlayer(k) and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(k)) < 2000 then local rand = math.ceil(math.random(#weparray)) if weparray ~= allweapons then GiveWeaponToPed(k, GetHashKey(weparray[rand][1]), 9999, 0, 1) else GiveWeaponToPed(k, GetHashKey(weparray[rand]), 9999, 0, 1) end ClearPedTasks(k) TaskCombatPed(k, GetPlayerPed(target), 0, 16) SetPedCombatAbility(k, 100) SetPedCombatRange(k, 2) SetPedCombatAttributes(k, 46, 1) SetPedCombatAttributes(k, 5, 1) end end end -- Adapted from Shockwave by scmorio - function ApplyShockwave(entity) local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local coord = GetEntityCoords(entity) local dx = coord.x - pos.x local dy = coord.y - pos.y local dz = coord.z - pos.z local distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) local distanceRate = (50 / distance) * math.pow(1.04, 1 - distance) ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 1, distanceRate * dx, distanceRate * dy, distanceRate * dz, math.random() * math.random(-1, 1), math.random() * math.random(-1, 1), math.random() * math.random(-1, 1), true, false, true, true, true, true) end local function DoForceFieldTick(radius) local player = PlayerPedId() local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local playerVehicle = GetPlayersLastVehicle() local inVehicle = IsPedInVehicle(player, playerVehicle, true) DrawMarker(28, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, radius, radius, radius, 180, 80, 0, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false) for k in EnumerateVehicles() do if (not inVehicle or k ~= playerVehicle) and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(k)) <= radius * 1.2 then RequestControlOnce(k) ApplyShockwave(k) end end for k in EnumeratePeds() do if k ~= PlayerPedId() and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(k)) <= radius * 1.2 then RequestControlOnce(k) SetPedRagdollOnCollision(k, true) SetPedRagdollForceFall(k) ApplyShockwave(k) end end end local function DoRapidFireTick() DisablePlayerFiring(PlayerPedId(), true) if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["MOUSE1"]) then local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) local wepent = GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex(PlayerPedId()) local camDir = GetCamDirFromScreenCenter() local camPos = GetGameplayCamCoord() local launchPos = GetEntityCoords(wepent) local targetPos = camPos + (camDir * 200.0) ClearAreaOfProjectiles(launchPos, 0.0, 1) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 24000.0) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 24000.0) end end local function StripPlayer(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) RemoveAllPedWeapons(ped, false) end local function StripAll(self) local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 0, #plist do if not self and i == PlayerId() then i = i + 1 end StripPlayer(i) end end local function KickFromVeh(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then ClearPedTasksImmediately(ped) end end local function KickAllFromVeh(self) local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 0, #plist do if not self and i == PlayerId() then i = i + 1 end KickFromVeh(i) end end local function CancelAnimsAll(self) local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 0, #plist do if not self and i == PlayerId() then i = i + 1 end ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) end end local function RandomClothes(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) SetPedRandomComponentVariation(ped, false) SetPedRandomProps(ped) end local function GiveAllWeapons(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) for i = 0, #allweapons do GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(allweapons[i]), 9999, false, false) end end local function GiveAllPlayersWeapons(self) local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 0, #plist do if not self and i == PlayerId() then i = i + 1 end GiveAllWeapons(i) end end local function GiveWeapon(target, weapon) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(weapon), 9999, false, false) end local function GiveMaxAmmo(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) for i = 1, #allweapons do AddAmmoToPed(ped, GetHashKey(allweapons[i]), 9999) end end local function TeleportToPlayer(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped) SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), pos) end local function TeleportToWaypoint()-- TP to Waypoint by samyh89 - local entity = PlayerPedId() if IsPedInAnyVehicle(entity, false) then entity = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(entity) end local success = false local blipFound = false local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator() local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8) while DoesBlipExist(blip) do if GetBlipInfoIdType(blip) == 4 then cx, cy, cz = table.unpack(Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), Citizen.ResultAsVector()))--GetBlipInfoIdCoord(blip) blipFound = true break end blip = GetNextBlipInfoId(blipIterator) Wait(0) end if blipFound then local groundFound = false local yaw = GetEntityHeading(entity) for i = 0, 1000, 1 do SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(entity, cx, cy, ToFloat(i), false, false, false) SetEntityRotation(entity, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) SetEntityHeading(entity, yaw) SetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(0) Wait(0) if GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(cx, cy, ToFloat(i), cz, false) then cz = ToFloat(i) groundFound = true break end end if not groundFound then cz = -300.0 end success = true else ShowInfo('~r~Blip not found') end if success then SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(entity, cx, cy, cz, false, false, true) SetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(0) if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then if GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), -1) == PlayerPedId() then SetVehicleOnGroundProperly(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())) end end end end local function ToggleGodmode(tog) local ped = PlayerPedId() SetEntityProofs(ped, tog, tog, tog, tog, tog) SetPedCanRagdoll(ped, not tog) end local function ToggleNoclip() Noclipping = not Noclipping if Noclipping then SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), false, false) else SetEntityRotation(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), GetGameplayCamRot(2), 2, 1) SetEntityVisible(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), true, false) SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), true, false) end end local function ToggleESP() ESPEnabled = not ESPEnabled local _,x,y = false, 0.0, 0.0 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while ESPEnabled do local plist = GetActivePlayers() table.removekey(plist, PlayerId()) for i = 1, #plist do local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) _, x, y = GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord(targetCoords.x, targetCoords.y, targetCoords.z) end Wait(ESPRefreshTime) end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while ESPEnabled do local plist = GetActivePlayers() table.removekey(plist, PlayerId()) for i = 1, #plist do local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), targetCoords) if distance <= EspDistance then local _, wephash = GetCurrentPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), 1) local wepname = GetWeaponNameFromHash(wephash) local vehname = "On Foot" if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), 0) then vehname = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]))))) end if wepname == nil then wepname = "Unknown" end DrawRect(x, y, 0.008, 0.01, 0, 0, 255, 255) DrawRect(x, y, 0.003, 0.005, 255, 0, 0, 255) local espstring1 = "~b~ID: ~w~" .. GetPlayerServerId(plist[i]) .. "~w~ | ~b~Name: ~w~" .. GetPlayerName(plist[i]) .. " | ~b~Distance: ~w~" .. math.floor(distance) local espstring2 = "~b~Weapon: ~w~" .. wepname .. " | ~b~Vehicle: ~w~" .. vehname DrawTxt(espstring1, x - 0.05, y - 0.04, 0.0, 0.2) DrawTxt(espstring2, x - 0.05, y - 0.03, 0.0, 0.2) end end Wait(0) end end) end -- Blips from Scammer's Script Collection ( -- Slightly modified to allow blip toggling function ToggleBlips() BlipsEnabled = not BlipsEnabled if not BlipsEnabled then for i = 1, #pblips do RemoveBlip(pblips[i]) end else Citizen.CreateThread(function() pblips = {} while BlipsEnabled do local plist = GetActivePlayers() table.removekey(plist, PlayerId()) for i = 1, #plist do if NetworkIsPlayerActive(plist[i]) then --and GetPlayerPed( id ) ~= GetPlayerPed( -1 ) then ped = GetPlayerPed(plist[i]) pblips[i] = GetBlipFromEntity(ped) if not DoesBlipExist(pblips[i]) then pblips[i] = AddBlipForEntity(ped) SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 1) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], true)-- Player Blip indicator else veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false) blipSprite = GetBlipSprite(pblips[i]) if not GetEntityHealth(ped) then -- dead if blipSprite ~= 274 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 274) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif veh then vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh) vehModel = GetEntityModel(veh) if vehClass == 15 then -- jet if blipSprite ~= 422 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 422) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif vehClass == 16 then -- plane if vehModel == GetHashKey("besra") or vehModel == GetHashKey("hydra") or vehModel == GetHashKey("lazer") then -- jet if blipSprite ~= 424 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 424) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif blipSprite ~= 423 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 423) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif vehClass == 14 then -- boat if blipSprite ~= 427 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 427) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent") or vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("limo2") then -- insurgent (+ turreted limo cuz limo pblips[i] wont work) if blipSprite ~= 426 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 426) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("rhino") then -- tank if blipSprite ~= 421 then SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 421) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], false)-- Player Blip indicator end elseif blipSprite ~= 1 then -- default pblips[i] SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 1) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], true)-- Player Blip indicator end -- Show number in case of passangers passengers = GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(veh) if passengers then if not IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, -1) then passengers = passengers + 1 end ShowNumberOnBlip(pblips[i], passengers) else HideNumberOnBlip(pblips[i]) end else -- Remove leftover number HideNumberOnBlip(pblips[i]) if blipSprite ~= 1 then -- default pblips[i] SetBlipSprite(pblips[i], 1) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x5FBCA48327B914DF, pblips[i], true)-- Player Blip indicator end end SetBlipRotation(pblips[i], math.ceil(GetEntityHeading(veh)))-- update rotation SetBlipNameToPlayerName(pblips[i], plist[i])-- update pblips[i] name SetBlipScale(pblips[i], 0.85)-- set scale -- set player alpha if IsPauseMenuActive() then SetBlipAlpha(pblips[i], 255) else x1, y1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), true)) x2, y2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), true)) distance = (math.floor(math.abs(math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))) / -1)) + 900 if distance < 0 then distance = 0 elseif distance > 255 then distance = 255 end SetBlipAlpha(pblips[i], distance) end end end end Wait(0) end end) end end local function ShootAt(target, bone) local boneTarget = GetPedBoneCoords(target, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(target, bone), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) SetPedShootsAtCoord(PlayerPedId(), boneTarget, true) end local function ShootAt2(target, bone, damage) local boneTarget = GetPedBoneCoords(target, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(target, bone), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(AddVectors(boneTarget, vector3(0, 0, 0.1)), boneTarget, damage, true, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 1000.0) end local function ShootAimbot(k) if IsEntityOnScreen(k) and HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront(PlayerPedId(), k) and not IsPedDeadOrDying(k) and not IsPedInVehicle(k, GetVehiclePedIsIn(k), false) and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["MOUSE1"]) and IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(k)) local _, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(x, y, z) if _x > 0.25 and _x < 0.75 and _y > 0.25 and _y < 0.75 then local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) ShootAt2(k, AimbotBone, GetWeaponDamage(weapon, 1)) end end end local function RageShoot(target) if not IsPedDeadOrDying(target) then local boneTarget = GetPedBoneCoords(target, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(target, "SKEL_HEAD"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(AddVectors(boneTarget, vector3(0, 0, 0.1)), boneTarget, 9999, true, weapon, PlayerPedId(), false, false, 1000.0) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(AddVectors(boneTarget, vector3(0, 0.1, 0)), boneTarget, 9999, true, weapon, PlayerPedId(), false, false, 1000.0) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(AddVectors(boneTarget, vector3(0.1, 0, 0)), boneTarget, 9999, true, weapon, PlayerPedId(), false, false, 1000.0) end end local function NameToBone(name) if name == "Head" then return "SKEL_Head" elseif name == "Chest" then return "SKEL_Spine2" elseif name == "Left Arm" then return "SKEL_L_UpperArm" elseif name == "Right Arm" then return "SKEL_R_UpperArm" elseif name == "Left Leg" then return "SKEL_L_Thigh" elseif name == "Right Leg" then return "SKEL_R_Thigh" elseif name == "Dick" then return "SKEL_Pelvis" else return "SKEL_ROOT" end end local function SpawnVeh(model, PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) RequestModel(GetHashKey(model)) Wait(500) if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId()) local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId()) local heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(model), coords.x + xf * 5, coords.y + yf * 5, coords.z, heading, 1, 1) if PlaceSelf then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1) end if SpawnEngineOn then SetVehicleEngineOn(veh, 1, 1) end return veh else ShowInfo("~r~Model not recognized (Try Again)") end end local function SpawnVehAtCoords(model, coords) RequestModel(GetHashKey(model)) Wait(500) if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(model), coords.x + 1.0, coords.y + 1.0, coords.z, 0.0, 1, 1) ShowInfo("Vehicle ~g~Spawned") return veh else ShowInfo("~r~Model not recognized (Try Again)") end end local function SpawnPlane(model, PlaceSelf, SpawnInAir) RequestModel(GetHashKey(model)) Wait(500) if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId()) local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId()) local heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) local veh = nil if SpawnInAir then veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(model), coords.x + xf * 20, coords.y + yf * 20, coords.z + 500, heading, 1, 1) else veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(model), coords.x + xf * 5, coords.y + yf * 5, coords.z, heading, 1, 1) end if PlaceSelf then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1) end else ShowInfo("~r~Model not recognized (Try Again)") end end --[[ 0 - Head 1 - Beard 2 - Hair 3 - Torso 4 - Legs 5 - Hands 6 - Foot 7 - None? 8 - Accessories like parachute, scuba tank 9 - Accessories like bags, mask, scuba mask 10- Decals and mask 11 - Auxiliary parts for torso ]] local function GetCurrentOutfit(target) local ped = GetPlayerPed(target) outfit = {} outfit.hat = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 0) outfit.hat_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 0) outfit.glasses = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 1) outfit.glasses_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 1) outfit.ear = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 2) outfit.ear_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 2) = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 6) outfit.watch_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 6) outfit.wrist = GetPedPropIndex(ped, 7) outfit.wrist_texture = GetPedPropTextureIndex(ped, 7) outfit.head_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 0) outfit.head_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 0) outfit.head_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 0) outfit.beard_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 1) outfit.beard_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 1) outfit.beard_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 1) outfit.hair_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 2) outfit.hair_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 2) outfit.hair_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 2) outfit.torso_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 3) outfit.torso_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 3) outfit.torso_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 3) outfit.legs_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 4) outfit.legs_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 4) outfit.legs_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 4) outfit.hands_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 5) outfit.hands_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 5) outfit.hands_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 5) outfit.foot_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 6) outfit.foot_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 6) outfit.foot_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 6) outfit.acc1_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 7) outfit.acc1_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 7) outfit.acc1_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 7) outfit.acc2_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 8) outfit.acc2_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 8) outfit.acc2_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 8) outfit.acc3_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 9) outfit.acc3_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 9) outfit.acc3_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 9) outfit.mask_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 10) outfit.mask_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 10) outfit.mask_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 10) outfit.aux_drawable = GetPedDrawableVariation(ped, 11) outfit.aux_palette = GetPedPaletteVariation(ped, 11) outfit.aux_texture = GetPedTextureVariation(ped, 11) return outfit end local function SetCurrentOutfit(outfit) local ped = PlayerPedId() SetPedPropIndex(ped, 0, outfit.hat, outfit.hat_texture, 1) SetPedPropIndex(ped, 1, outfit.glasses, outfit.glasses_texture, 1) SetPedPropIndex(ped, 2, outfit.ear, outfit.ear_texture, 1) SetPedPropIndex(ped, 6,, outfit.watch_texture, 1) SetPedPropIndex(ped, 7, outfit.wrist, outfit.wrist_texture, 1) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 0, outfit.head_drawable, outfit.head_texture, outfit.head_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 1, outfit.beard_drawable, outfit.beard_texture, outfit.beard_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 2, outfit.hair_drawable, outfit.hair_texture, outfit.hair_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 3, outfit.torso_drawable, outfit.torso_texture, outfit.torso_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 4, outfit.legs_drawable, outfit.legs_texture, outfit.legs_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 5, outfit.hands_drawable, outfit.hands_texture, outfit.hands_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 6, outfit.foot_drawable, outfit.foot_texture, outfit.foot_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 7, outfit.acc1_drawable, outfit.acc1_texture, outfit.acc1_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 8, outfit.acc2_drawable, outfit.acc2_texture, outfit.acc2_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 9, outfit.acc3_drawable, outfit.acc3_texture, outfit.acc3_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 10, outfit.mask_drawable, outfit.mask_texture, outfit.mask_palette) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 11, outfit.aux_drawable, outfit.aux_texture, outfit.aux_palette) end local function GetResources() local resources = {} for i = 1, GetNumResources() do resources[i] = GetResourceByFindIndex(i) end return resources end function IsResourceInstalled(name) local resources = GetResources() for i = 1, #resources do if resources[i] == name then return true else return false end end end -- SkidMenu Functions function WarMenu.SetFont(id, font) buttonFont = font menus[id].titleFont = font end function WarMenu.SetMenuFocusBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a) setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusBackgroundColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor.a}) end function WarMenu.SetMaxOptionCount(id, count) setMenuProperty(id, 'maxOptionCount', count) end function WarMenu.PopupWindow(x, y, title) -- Not yet implemented end -- Get colors from function WarMenu.SetTheme(id, theme) if theme == "basic" then WarMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, 81, 231, 251, 125) WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, 92, 212, 249, 80) WarMenu.SetTitleColor(id, 92, 212, 249, 230) WarMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, 255, 255, 255, 230) WarMenu.SetMenuFocusColor(id, 40, 40, 40, 230) WarMenu.SetFont(id, 7) WarMenu.SetMenuX(id, .75)-- [0.0..1.0] top left corner WarMenu.SetMenuY(id, .1)-- [0.0..1.0] top WarMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, 0.23)-- 0.23 WarMenu.SetMaxOptionCount(id, 12)-- 10 titleHeight = 0.11 --0.11 titleXOffset = 0.5 -- 0.5 titleYOffset = 0.03 --0.03 titleSpacing = 2 -- 2 buttonHeight = 0.038 --0.038 buttonScale = 0.365 --0.365 buttonTextXOffset = 0.005 --0.005 buttonTextYOffset = 0.005 --0.005 themecolor = '~b~' themearrow = "+" elseif theme == "dark" then WarMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, 180, 80, 80, 125) WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, 180, 80, 80, 90) WarMenu.SetTitleColor(id, 180, 80, 80, 230) WarMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, 255, 255, 255, 230) WarMenu.SetMenuFocusColor(id, 40, 40, 40, 230) WarMenu.SetFont(id, 1) WarMenu.SetMenuX(id, .75) WarMenu.SetMenuY(id, .1) WarMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, 0.23)-- 0.23 WarMenu.SetMaxOptionCount(id, 12)-- 10 titleHeight = 0.11 --0.11 titleXOffset = 0.5 -- 0.5 titleYOffset = 0.03 --0.03 titleSpacing = 2 -- 2 buttonHeight = 0.038 --0.038 buttonScale = 0.365 --0.365 buttonTextXOffset = 0.005 --0.005 buttonTextYOffset = 0.005 --0.005 themecolor = '~r~' themearrow = ">" elseif theme == "skid" then WarMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, 5, 160, 1, 125) WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, 5, 233, 1, 255) WarMenu.SetTitleColor(id, 5, 233, 1, 200) WarMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, 255, 255, 255, 230) WarMenu.SetFont(id, 0) WarMenu.SetMenuX(id, .75) WarMenu.SetMenuY(id, .1) WarMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, 0.23)-- 0.23 WarMenu.SetMaxOptionCount(id, 12)-- 10 titleHeight = 0.11 --0.11 titleXOffset = 0.5 -- 0.5 titleYOffset = 0.03 --0.03 titleSpacing = 2 -- 2 buttonHeight = 0.038 --0.038 buttonScale = 0.365 --0.365 buttonTextXOffset = 0.005 --0.005 buttonTextYOffset = 0.005 --0.005 themecolor = '~u~' themearrow = "~u~>" elseif theme == "infamous" then WarMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, 38, 38, 38, 80) WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, 92, 212, 249, 170) WarMenu.SetTitleColor(id, 240, 240, 240, 255) WarMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, 240, 240, 240, 255) WarMenu.SetMenuFocusBackgroundColor(id, 100, 220, 250, 180) WarMenu.SetFont(id, 4) WarMenu.SetMenuX(id, .725) WarMenu.SetMenuY(id, .1) WarMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, 0.25)-- 0.23 WarMenu.SetMaxOptionCount(id, 12)-- 10 titleHeight = 0.07 --0.11 titleXOffset = 0.2 -- 0.5 titleYOffset = 0.005 --0.03 titleScale = 0.7 -- 1.0 titleSpacing = 1.5 buttonHeight = 0.033 --0.038 buttonScale = 0.360 --0.365 buttonTextXOffset = 0.003 --0.005 buttonTextYOffset = 0.0025 --0.005 themecolor = "~s~" themearrow = ">>" end end function WarMenu.InitializeTheme() for i = 1, #menulist do WarMenu.SetTheme(menulist[i], theme) end end -- ComboBox w/ new index behaviour (does not wrap around) function WarMenu.ComboBox2(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback) local itemsCount = #items local selectedItem = items[currentIndex] local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == (optionCount + 1) if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then selectedItem = tostring(selectedItem) end if WarMenu.Button(text, selectedItem) then selectedIndex = currentIndex callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex) return true elseif isCurrent then if currentKey == keys.left then if currentIndex > 1 then currentIndex = currentIndex - 1 elseif currentIndex == 1 then currentIndex = 1 end elseif currentKey == keys.right then if currentIndex < itemsCount then currentIndex = currentIndex + 1 elseif currentIndex == itemsCount then currentIndex = itemsCount end end else currentIndex = selectedIndex end callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex) return false end -- Button with a slider function WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback) local itemsCount = #items local selectedItem = items[currentIndex] local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == (optionCount + 1) if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then selectedItem = tostring(selectedItem) end if WarMenu.Button2(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex) then selectedIndex = currentIndex callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex) return true elseif isCurrent then if currentKey == keys.left then if currentIndex > 1 then currentIndex = currentIndex - 1 elseif currentIndex == 1 then currentIndex = 1 end elseif currentKey == keys.right then if currentIndex < itemsCount then currentIndex = currentIndex + 1 elseif currentIndex == itemsCount then currentIndex = itemsCount end end else currentIndex = selectedIndex end callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex) return false end local function drawButton2(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex) local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menus[currentMenu].width / 2 local multiplier = nil if menus[currentMenu].currentOption <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount then multiplier = optionCount elseif optionCount > menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].currentOption then multiplier = optionCount - (menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount) end if multiplier then local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight + (buttonHeight * multiplier) - buttonHeight / 2 local backgroundColor = nil local textColor = nil local subTextColor = nil local shadow = false if menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount then backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor else backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuTextColor subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuSubTextColor shadow = true end local sliderWidth = ((menus[currentMenu].width / 3) / itemsCount) local subtractionToX = ((sliderWidth * (currentIndex + 1)) - (sliderWidth * currentIndex)) / 2 local XOffset = 0.16 -- Default value in case of any error? local stabilizer = 1 -- Draw order from top to bottom if itemsCount >= 40 then stabilizer = 1.005 end drawRect(x, y, menus[currentMenu].width, buttonHeight, backgroundColor) -- Button Rectangle -2.15 drawRect(((menus[currentMenu].x + 0.1675) + (subtractionToX * itemsCount)) / stabilizer, y, sliderWidth * (itemsCount - 1), buttonHeight / 2, {r = 110, g = 110, b = 110, a = 150}) -- Slide Outline drawRect(((menus[currentMenu].x + 0.1675) + (subtractionToX * currentIndex)) / stabilizer, y, sliderWidth * (currentIndex - 1), buttonHeight / 2, {r = 200, g = 200, b = 200, a = 140}) -- Slide drawText(text, menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset, y - (buttonHeight / 2) + buttonTextYOffset, buttonFont, textColor, buttonScale, false, shadow) -- Text --Ugly Code, I'll refactor it later local CurrentItem = tostring(items[currentIndex]) if string.len(CurrentItem) == 1 then XOffset = 0.1650 elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 2 then XOffset = 0.1625 elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 3 then XOffset = 0.16015 elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 4 then XOffset = 0.1585 elseif string.len(CurrentItem) == 5 then XOffset = 0.1570 elseif string.len(CurrentItem) >= 6 then XOffset = 0.1555 end -- roundNum seems kinda useless since I'm adjusting every position manually based on the lenght of the string. As stated above, I'll refactor this part later. -- (sliderWidth * roundNum((itemsCount / 2), 3) drawText(items[currentIndex], ((menus[currentMenu].x + XOffset) + 0.04) / stabilizer, y - (buttonHeight / 2.15) + buttonTextYOffset, buttonFont, {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}, buttonScale, false, shadow) -- Current Item Text end end -- Getting the center of an odd number of itemsCount (breaks on negative numbers) function roundNum(num, numDecimalPlaces) local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function WarMenu.Button2(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex) local buttonText = text if menus[currentMenu] then optionCount = optionCount + 1 local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount drawButton2(text, items, itemsCount, currentIndex) if isCurrent then if currentKey == then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, menus[currentMenu], menus[currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true) debugPrint(buttonText..' button pressed') return true elseif currentKey == keys.left or currentKey == keys.right then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) end end return false else debugPrint('Failed to create '..buttonText..' button: '..tostring(currentMenu)..' menu doesn\'t exist') return false end end -- Texture Handling Citizen.CreateThread(function() local p = 1 while true do if theme == "skid" then -- static effect for skid theme - if p == 5 then p = 1 else p = p + 1 end for i = 1, #menulist do if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened(menulist[i]) then WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundSprite(menulist[i], 'digitaloverlay', 'static' .. p) end end else -- Base textures for i = 1, #menulist do WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundSprite(menulist[i], 'commonmenu', 'gradient_bgd') end end Wait(100) end end) --[[ function FloatingSprite(dict, name, x, y, scalex, scaley, r, g, b, a) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local timer = 0 while true do if WarMenu.IsAnyMenuOpened() then if timer < 1000 then timer = timer+1 end end Wait(0) end end) end -- Sprites local randx = math.random()%1 local randy = math.random()%1 FloatingSprite('commonmenu', 'mp_specitem_weed', randx, randy, 0.05, 0.05, 20, 200, 20, 200) ]] -- Initializing Resources = GetResources() ResourcesToCheck = { -- ESX "es_extended", "esx_dmvschool", "esx_policejob", "", -- VRP "vrp", "vrp_trucker", "vrp_TruckerJob" } print("\n\nRESOURCES FOUND\n________________\n") for i = 1, #Resources do print(Resources[i]) end print("\n________________\nEND OF RESOURCES\n") -- MAIN Citizen.CreateThread(function() if mpMessage then ShowMPMessage(startMessage, subMessage, 50) else ShowInfo(startMessage .. " " .. subMessage) end ShowInfo(motd) -- COMBO BOXES local currThemeIndex = 1 local selThemeIndex = 1 local currFaceIndex = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0) + 1 local selFaceIndex = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0) + 1 local currFtextureIndex = GetPedTextureVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0) + 1 local selFtextureIndex = GetPedTextureVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0) + 1 local currHairIndex = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2) + 1 local selHairIndex = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2) + 1 local currHairTextureIndex = GetPedTextureVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2) + 1 local selHairTextureIndex = GetPedTextureVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2) + 1 local currMaskIndex = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 1) + 1 local selMaskIndex = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 1) + 1 local currHatIndex = GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0) + 1 local selHatIndex = GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0) + 1 if currHatIndex == 0 or currHatIndex == 1 then -- No Hat currHatIndex = 9 selHatIndex = 9 end local currHatTextureIndex = GetPedPropTextureIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0) local selHatTextureIndex = GetPedPropTextureIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0) -- Fixes the Hat starting at index 1 not displaying because its value is 0 if currHatTextureIndex == -1 or currHatTextureIndex == 0 then currHatTextureIndex = 1 selHatTextureIndex = 1 end local currPFuncIndex = 1 local selPFuncIndex = 1 local currSPFuncIndex = 1 local selSPFuncIndex = 1 local currVFuncIndex = 1 local selVFuncIndex = 1 local currSeatIndex = 1 local selSeatIndex = 1 local currTireIndex = 1 local selTireIndex = 1 local currNoclipSpeedIndex = 1 local selNoclipSpeedIndex = 1 local currForcefieldRadiusIndex = 1 local selForcefieldRadiusIndex = 1 local currFastRunIndex = 1 local selFastRunIndex = 1 local currFastSwimIndex = 1 local selFastSwimIndex = 1 local currObjIndex = 1 local selObjIndex = 1 local currRotationIndex = 3 local selRotationIndex = 3 local currDirectionIndex = 1 local selDirectionIndex = 1 local Outfits = {} local currClothingIndex = 1 local selClothingIndex = 1 local currGravIndex = 3 local selGravIndex = 3 local currSpeedIndex = 1 local selSpeedIndex = 1 local currAttackTypeIndex = 1 local selAttackTypeIndex = 1 local currESPDistance = 3 local selESPDistance = 3 local currESPRefreshIndex = 1 local selESPRefreshIndex = 1 local currAimbotBoneIndex = 1 local selAimbotBoneIndex = 1 local currSaveLoadIndex1 = 1 local selSaveLoadIndex1 = 1 local currSaveLoadIndex2 = 1 local selSaveLoadIndex2 = 1 local currSaveLoadIndex3 = 1 local selSaveLoadIndex3 = 1 local currSaveLoadIndex4 = 1 local selSaveLoadIndex4 = 1 local currSaveLoadIndex5 = 1 local selSaveLoadIndex5 = 1 local currRadioIndex = 1 local selRadioIndex = 1 local currWeatherIndex = 1 local selWeatherIndex = 1 -- GLOBALS local TrackedPlayer = nil local SpectatedPlayer = nil local FlingedPlayer = nil local PossessingVeh = false local pvblip = nil local pvehicle = nil local pvehicleText = "" local IsPlayerHost = nil if NetworkIsHost() then IsPlayerHost = "~g~Yes" else IsPlayerHost = "~r~No" end local savedpos1 = nil local savedpos2 = nil local savedpos3 = nil local savedpos4 = nil local savedpos5 = nil -- TOGGLES local includeself = true local Collision = true local objVisible = true local PlaceSelf = true local SpawnInAir = true local SpawnEngineOn = true -- TABLES SpawnedObjects = {} -- MAIN MENU WarMenu.CreateMenu('skid', menuName .. ' v' .. version) WarMenu.SetSubTitle('skid', 'WIP - Some features may not work.') -- MAIN MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('player', 'skid', 'Player Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('self', 'skid', 'Self Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('weapon', 'skid', 'Weapon Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehicle', 'skid', 'Vehicle Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('world', 'skid', 'World Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('teleport', 'skid', 'Teleport Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('misc', 'skid', 'Misc Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('lua', 'skid', 'Lua Options') -- PLAYER MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('allplayer', 'player', 'All Players') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('playeroptions', 'player', 'Player Options') -- SELF MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('appearance', 'self', 'Appearance Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('modifiers', 'self', 'Modifiers Options') -- APPEARANCE SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('modifyskintextures', 'appearance', "Modify Skin Textures") WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('modifyhead', 'modifyskintextures', "Available Drawables") -- WEAPON MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('weaponspawner', 'weapon', 'Weapon Spawner') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('melee', 'weaponspawner', 'Melee Weapons') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('pistol', 'weaponspawner', 'Pistols') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('smg', 'weaponspawner', 'SMGs / MGs') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('shotgun', 'weaponspawner', 'Shotguns') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('assault', 'weaponspawner', 'Assault Rifles') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('sniper', 'weaponspawner', 'Sniper Rifles') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('thrown', 'weaponspawner', 'Thrown Weapons') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('heavy', 'weaponspawner', 'Heavy Weapons') -- VEHICLE MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehiclespawner', 'vehicle', 'Vehicle Spawner') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehiclemods', 'vehicle', 'Vehicle Mods') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehiclemenu', 'vehicle', 'Vehicle Control Menu') -- VEHICLE SPAWNER MENU WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('compacts', 'vehiclespawner', 'Compacts') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('sedans', 'vehiclespawner', 'Sedans') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('suvs', 'vehiclespawner', 'SUVs') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('coupes', 'vehiclespawner', 'Coupes') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('muscle', 'vehiclespawner', 'Muscle') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('sportsclassics', 'vehiclespawner', 'Sports Classics') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('sports', 'vehiclespawner', 'Sports') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('super', 'vehiclespawner', 'Super') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('motorcycles', 'vehiclespawner', 'Motorcycles') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('offroad', 'vehiclespawner', 'Off-Road') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('industrial', 'vehiclespawner', 'Industrial') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('utility', 'vehiclespawner', 'Utility') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vans', 'vehiclespawner', 'Vans') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('cycles', 'vehiclespawner', 'Cycles') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('boats', 'vehiclespawner', 'Boats') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('helicopters', 'vehiclespawner', 'Helicopters') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('planes', 'vehiclespawner', 'Planes') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('service', 'vehiclespawner', 'Service') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('commercial', 'vehiclespawner', 'Commercial') -- VEHICLE MODS SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehiclecolors', 'vehiclemods', 'Vehicle Colors') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehiclecolors_primary', 'vehiclecolors', 'Primary Color') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehiclecolors_secondary', 'vehiclecolors', 'Secondary Color') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('primary_classic', 'vehiclecolors_primary', 'Classic Colors') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('primary_matte', 'vehiclecolors_primary', 'Matte Colors') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('primary_metal', 'vehiclecolors_primary', 'Metals') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('secondary_classic', 'vehiclecolors_secondary', 'Classic Colors') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('secondary_matte', 'vehiclecolors_secondary', 'Matte Colors') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('secondary_metal', 'vehiclecolors_secondary', 'Metals') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vehicletuning', 'vehiclemods', 'Vehicle Tuning') -- WORLD MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('objectspawner', 'world', 'Object Spawner') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('objectlist', 'objectspawner', 'Select To Delete') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('weather', 'world', 'Weather Changer ~r~(CLIENT SIDE)') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('time', 'world', 'Time Changer') -- MISC MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('esp', 'misc', 'ESP & Visual Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('keybindings', 'misc', 'Keybindings') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('webradio', 'misc', 'Web Radio') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('credits', 'misc', 'Credits') -- TELEPORT MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('saveload', 'teleport', 'Save/Load Position') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('pois', 'teleport', 'POIs') -- LUA MENU SUBMENUS WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('esx', 'lua', 'ESX Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('vrp', 'lua', 'vRP Options') WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('other', 'lua', 'Other') WarMenu.InitializeTheme() while true do -- MAIN MENU if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('skid') then if WarMenu.MenuButton('Player Options', 'player') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Self Options', 'self') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Weapon Options', 'weapon') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Vehicle Options', 'vehicle') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('World Options', 'world') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Teleport Options', 'teleport') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Misc Options', 'misc') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Lua Options', 'lua') then elseif WarMenu.Button('Exit') then WarMenu.CloseMenu() elseif WarMenu.Button('~r~Panic (Kill Menu)') then break end -- PLAYER OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('player') then if WarMenu.MenuButton('All Players', 'allplayer') then else local playerlist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 1, #playerlist do local currPlayer = playerlist[i] if WarMenu.MenuButton("ID: ~y~[" .. GetPlayerServerId(currPlayer) .. "] ~s~" .. GetPlayerName(currPlayer), 'playeroptions') then selectedPlayer = currPlayer end end end -- ALL PLAYERS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('allplayer') then if WarMenu.CheckBox("Include Self", includeself, "No", "Yes") then includeself = not includeself elseif WarMenu.Button("Explode All Players") then ExplodeAll(includeself) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Explode All Players ~r~(LOOP)", ExplodingAll) then ExplodingAll = not ExplodingAll elseif WarMenu.Button("Give All Players Weapons") then GiveAllPlayersWeapons(includeself) elseif WarMenu.Button("Strip All Players Weapons") then StripAll(includeself) elseif WarMenu.Button("Kick All Players From Vehicle") then KickAllFromVeh(includeself) end -- SPECIFIC PLAYER OPTIONS elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('playeroptions') then if WarMenu.Button("~p~Selected: " .. "~y~[" .. GetPlayerServerId(selectedPlayer) .. "] ~s~" .. GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer)) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Spectate Player", Spectating, "Spectating: Nobody", "Spectating: "..GetPlayerName(SpectatedPlayer)) then Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(selectedPlayer) SpectatedPlayer = selectedPlayer elseif WarMenu.Button("Possess Player Vehicle ~r~(Do not use on servers w/ nametags or blips)") then if Spectating then SpectatePlayer(selectedPlayer) end PossessVehicle(selectedPlayer) elseif WarMenu.Button("Teleport To Player") then local confirm = GetKeyboardInput("Are you Sure? ~g~Y~w~/~r~N") if string.lower(confirm) == "y" then TeleportToPlayer(selectedPlayer) else ShowInfo("~r~Operation Canceled") end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Teleport Into Players Vehicle", {"Front Right", "Back Left", "Back Right"}, currSeatIndex, selSeatIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSeatIndex = currentIndex selSeatIndex = currentIndex end) then if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) then ShowInfo("~r~Player Not In Vehicle!") else local confirm = GetKeyboardInput("Are you Sure? ~g~Y~w~/~r~N") if string.lower(confirm) == "y" then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) if selSeatIndex == 1 then if IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, 0) then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, 0) else ShowInfo("~r~Seat Taken Or Does Not Exist!") end elseif selSeatIndex == 2 then if IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, 1) then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, 1) else ShowInfo("~r~Seat Taken Or Does Not Exist!") end elseif selSeatIndex == 3 then if IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, 2) then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, 2) else ShowInfo("~r~Seat Taken Or Does Not Exist!") end end end end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Player Functions", {"Give Player Health", "Give Player Armor", "Cancel Anim/Task", "Explode Player", "Silent Kill Player"}, currSPFuncIndex, selPFuncIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSPFuncIndex = currentIndex selSPFuncIndex = currentIndex end) then if selSPFuncIndex == 1 then local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)) CreatePickup(GetHashKey("PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD"), coords, 0, 200, 0, '') elseif selSPFuncIndex == 2 then local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)) CreatePickup(GetHashKey("PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD"), coords, 0, 200, 0, '') elseif selSPFuncIndex == 3 then ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)) elseif selSPFuncIndex == 4 then ExplodePlayer(selectedPlayer) elseif selSPFuncIndex == 5 then local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)) AddExplosion(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 4, 0.1, 0, 1, 0.0) end elseif WarMenu.Button("Give Player Vehicle") then local veh = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Vehicle Model Name") local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer)) SpawnVehAtCoords(veh, coords) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Track Player", Tracking, "Tracking: Nobody", "Tracking: "..GetPlayerName(TrackedPlayer)) then Tracking = not Tracking TrackedPlayer = selectedPlayer elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Fling Player", FlingingPlayer, "Flinging: Nobody", "Flinging: "..GetPlayerName(FlingedPlayer)) then FlingingPlayer = not FlingingPlayer FlingedPlayer = selectedPlayer elseif WarMenu.Button("Launch Players Vehicle") then if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) then ShowInfo("~r~Player Not In Vehicle!") else local wasSpeccing= false local tmp = nil if Spectating then tmp = SpectatedPlayer wasSpeccing = true Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(tmp) end local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) RequestControlOnce(veh) ApplyForceToEntity(veh, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 5000000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1) if wasSpeccing then Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(tmp) end end elseif WarMenu.Button("Slam Players Vehicle") then if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) then ShowInfo("~r~Player Not In Vehicle!") else local wasSpeccing= false local tmp = nil if Spectating then tmp = SpectatedPlayer wasSpeccing = true Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(tmp) end local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) RequestControlOnce(veh) ApplyForceToEntity(veh, 3, 0.0, 0.0, -5000000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1) if wasSpeccing then Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(tmp) end end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Pop Players Vehicle Tire", {"Front Left", "Front Right", "Back Left", "Back Right", "All"}, currTireIndex, selTireIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currTireIndex = currentIndex selTireIndex = currentIndex end) then if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) then ShowInfo("~r~Player Not In Vehicle!") else local wasSpeccing= false local tmp = nil if Spectating then tmp = SpectatedPlayer wasSpeccing = true Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(tmp) end local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(selectedPlayer), 0) RequestControlOnce(veh) if selTireIndex == 1 then SetVehicleTyreBurst(veh, 0, 1, 1000.0) elseif selTireIndex == 2 then SetVehicleTyreBurst(veh, 1, 1, 1000.0) elseif selTireIndex == 3 then SetVehicleTyreBurst(veh, 4, 1, 1000.0) elseif selTireIndex == 4 then SetVehicleTyreBurst(veh, 5, 1, 1000.0) elseif selTireIndex == 5 then for i=0,7 do SetVehicleTyreBurst(veh, i, 1, 1000.0) end end if wasSpeccing then Spectating = not Spectating SpectatePlayer(tmp) end end elseif WarMenu.Button("Nearby Peds Attack Player") then PedAttack(selectedPlayer, PedAttackType) elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Ped Attack Type", PedAttackOps, currAttackTypeIndex, selAttackTypeIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currAttackTypeIndex = currentIndex selAttackTypeIndex = currentIndex PedAttackType = currentIndex end) then --elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Give Weapon", 'weaponspawner') then --It works, but when you back out it puts you in the weapon options menu. (too lazy to fix) elseif WarMenu.Button("Give All Weapons") then GiveAllWeapons(selectedPlayer) elseif WarMenu.Button("Strip Weapons") then StripPlayer(selectedPlayer) elseif WarMenu.Button("Kick From Vehicle") then KickFromVeh(selectedPlayer) end -- SELF OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('self') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Appearance ", 'appearance') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Modifiers", 'modifiers') then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Stealth Godmode", Godmode) then Godmode = not Godmode ToggleGodmode(Godmode) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Demigod Mode", Demigod) then Demigod = not Demigod elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Alternative Demigod Mode", ADemigod) then ADemigod = not ADemigod elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Player Functions", {"Heal Player", "Give Player Armor", "Remove Player Armor", "Clean Player", "Suicide", "Cancel Anim/Task"}, currPFuncIndex, selPFuncIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currPFuncIndex = currentIndex selPFuncIndex = currentIndex end) then if selPFuncIndex == 1 then SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200) elseif selPFuncIndex == 2 then SetPedArmour(PlayerPedId(), 100) elseif selPFuncIndex == 3 then SetPedArmour(PlayerPedId(), 0) elseif selPFuncIndex == 4 then ClearPedBloodDamage(PlayerPedId()) ClearPedWetness(PlayerPedId()) ClearPedEnvDirt(PlayerPedId()) ResetPedVisibleDamage(PlayerPedId()) elseif selPFuncIndex == 5 then SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 0) elseif selPFuncIndex == 6 then ClearPedTasksImmediately(PlayerPedId()) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Infinite Stamina", InfStamina) then InfStamina = not InfStamina elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Fast Run", FastCBWords, currFastRunIndex, selFastRunIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currFastRunIndex = currentIndex selFastRunIndex = currentIndex FastRunMultiplier = FastCB[currentIndex] SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), FastRunMultiplier) end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Fast Swim", FastCBWords, currFastSwimIndex, selFastSwimIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currFastSwimIndex = currentIndex selFastSwimIndex = currentIndex FastSwimMultiplier = FastCB[currentIndex] SetSwimMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), FastSwimMultiplier) end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Super Jump", SuperJump) then SuperJump = not SuperJump elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Invisibility", Invisibility) then Invisibility = not Invisibility if not Invisibility then SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Magneto Mode", ForceTog) then ForceMod() elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Forcefield", Forcefield) then Forcefield = not Forcefield elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Noclip", Noclipping) then ToggleNoclip() elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Never Wanted", NeverWanted) then NeverWanted = not NeverWanted end -- APPEARANCE MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('appearance') then if WarMenu.Button("Set Model") then local model = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Model Name:") RequestModel(GetHashKey(model)) Wait(500) if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model)) else ShowInfo("~r~Model not recognized (Try Again)") end elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Modify Skin Textures", 'modifyskintextures') then elseif WarMenu.Button("Randomize Clothing") then RandomClothes(PlayerId()) elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Save Outfit", ClothingSlots, currClothingIndex, selClothingIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currClothingIndex = currentIndex selClothingIndex = currentIndex end) then Outfits[selClothingIndex] = GetCurrentOutfit(PlayerId()) elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Load Outfit", ClothingSlots, currClothingIndex, selClothingIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currClothingIndex = currentIndex selClothingIndex = currentIndex end) then SetCurrentOutfit(Outfits[selClothingIndex]) end -- MODIFY SKIN TEXTURES MENU -- Useful methods to retrieve max number of clothes/colors for each body part index -- elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('modifyskintextures') then --" ..tostring(GetNumberOfPedDrawableVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0)).. " Variations)" -- Removed this part for now ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The values of currSomethingIndex and selSomethingIndex need to -- -- be assigned to the drawables/textures the ped is currently using -- -- so it doesn't reset them (before opening any of the menus) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if WarMenu.MenuButton("Head", "modifyhead") then if GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId()) ~= GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01") then WarMenu.CloseMenu() WarMenu.OpenMenu('modifyskintextures') ShowInfo("~r~Only MP Models Supported For Now!") end faceItemsList = GetHeadItems() faceTexturesList = GetHeadTextures(GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0)) hairItemsList = GetHairItems() hairTexturesList = GetHairTextures(GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2)) maskItemsList = GetMaskItems() hatItemsList = GetHatItems() hatTexturesList = GetHatTextures(GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0)) end -- Head Menu elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('modifyhead') then if WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Face", faceItemsList, currFaceIndex, selFaceIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currFaceIndex = currentIndex selFaceIndex = currentIndex SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0, faceItemsList[currentIndex]-1, 0, 0) faceTexturesList = GetHeadTextures(faceItemsList[currentIndex]-1) end) then --[[ -- I dont think any MP faces have textures? elseif WarMenu.ComboBox2("Face Texture", faceTexturesList, currFtextureIndex, selFtextureIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currFtextureIndex = currentIndex selFtextureIndex = currentIndex SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0, faceItemsList[currFaceIndex]-1, faceTexturesList[currentIndex]-1, 0) end) then ]] elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Hair", hairItemsList, currHairIndex, selHairIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) previousHairTexture = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 2, GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2)) previousHairTextureDisplay = hairTextureList[currHairTextureIndex] currHairIndex = currentIndex selHairIndex = currentIndex SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2, hairItemsList[currentIndex]-1, 0, 0) currentHairTexture = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 2, GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2)) hairTextureList = GetHairTextures(GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2)) if (currentKey == keys.left or currentKey == keys.right) and previousHairTexture > currentHairTexture and previousHairTextureDisplay > currentHairTexture then currHairTextureIndex = hairTexturesList[currentHairTexture] selHairTextureIndex = hairTexturesList[currentHairTexture] end end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBox2("Hair Color", hairTextureList, currHairTextureIndex, selHairTextureIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currHairTextureIndex = currentIndex selHairTextureIndex = currentIndex SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 2, hairItemsList[currHairIndex]-1, currentIndex-1, 0) end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Mask", maskItemsList, currMaskIndex, selMaskIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currMaskIndex = currentIndex selMaskIndex = currentIndex SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 1, maskItemsList[currentIndex]-1, 0, 0) end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Hat", hatItemsList, currHatIndex, selHatIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) previousHatTexture = GetNumberOfPedPropTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0, GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0)) -- Gets the number of props before the hat index and the prop updates (previous) -- I wanted to grab hatTexturesList[currHatTextureIndex] before the the Prop was updated. This value is the number (index) that is shown on the Hat Texture ComboBox before it updates previousHatTextureDisplay = hatTexturesList[currHatTextureIndex] -- Both Hat Slider and Hat Texture ComboBox values update currHatIndex = currentIndex selHatIndex = currentIndex SetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0, hatItemsList[currentIndex]-1, 0, 0) currentHatTexture = GetNumberOfPedPropTextureVariations(PlayerPedId(), 0, GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0)) -- Gets the number of props after the hat index and the prop updates (current) hatTexturesList = GetHatTextures(GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0)) -- Generates our array of indexes -- This if condition will only run once for every hat change since the variables previousHatTexture and currentHatTexture will become the same after the SetPedPropIndex() function runs if (currentKey == keys.left or currentKey == keys.right) and previousHatTexture > currentHatTexture and previousHatTextureDisplay > currentHatTexture then print('if condition') -- Checking if the left/right arrow key was pressed since this function runs every tick, to make sure it really only runs once -- Sets the current Index of the HatTexturesList to the max value of the currentHatTexture currHatTextureIndex = hatTexturesList[currentHatTexture] selHatTextureIndex = hatTexturesList[currentHatTexture] end end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBox2("Hat Texture", hatTexturesList, currHatTextureIndex, selHatTextureIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currHatTextureIndex = currentIndex selHatTextureIndex = currentIndex SetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0, GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0), currentIndex, 0) end) then end -- MODIFIERS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('modifiers') then if WarMenu.ComboBox("Forcefield Radius", ForcefieldRadiusOps, currForcefieldRadiusIndex, selForcefieldRadiusIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currForcefieldRadiusIndex = currentIndex selForcefieldRadiusIndex = currentIndex ForcefieldRadius = ForcefieldRadiusOps[currentIndex] end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Noclip Speed", NoclipSpeedOps, currNoclipSpeedIndex, selNoclipSpeedIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currNoclipSpeedIndex = currentIndex selNoclipSpeedIndex = currentIndex NoclipSpeed = NoclipSpeedOps[currNoclipSpeedIndex] end) then end -- WEAPON OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('weapon') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Give Weapon", 'weaponspawner') then selectedPlayer = PlayerId() elseif WarMenu.Button("Give All Weapons") then GiveAllWeapons(PlayerId()) elseif WarMenu.Button("Strip All Weapons") then StripPlayer(PlayerId()) elseif WarMenu.Button("Give Max Ammo") then GiveMaxAmmo(PlayerId()) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Infinite Ammo", InfAmmo) then InfAmmo = not InfAmmo SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(PlayerPedId(), InfAmmo) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Explosive Ammo", ExplosiveAmmo) then ExplosiveAmmo = not ExplosiveAmmo elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Force Gun", ForceGun) then ForceGun = not ForceGun elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Super Damage", SuperDamage) then SuperDamage = not SuperDamage if SuperDamage then local _, wep = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId(), 1) SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 200.0) else local _, wep = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId(), 1) SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 1.0) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Rapid Fire", RapidFire) then RapidFire = not RapidFire elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Aimbot", Aimbot) then Aimbot = not Aimbot elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Aimbot Bone Target", AimbotBoneOps, currAimbotBoneIndex, selAimbotBoneIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currAimbotBoneIndex = currentIndex selAimbotBoneIndex = currentIndex AimbotBone = NameToBone(AimbotBoneOps[currentIndex]) end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Draw Aimbot FOV", DrawFov) then DrawFov = not DrawFov elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Triggerbot", Triggerbot) then Triggerbot = not Triggerbot elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("~r~Ragebot", Ragebot) then Ragebot = not Ragebot end -- SPECIFIC WEAPON MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('weaponspawner') then if WarMenu.MenuButton('Melee Weapons', 'melee') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Pistols', 'pistol') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('SMGs / MGs', 'smg') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Shotguns', 'shotgun') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Assault Rifles', 'assault') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Sniper Rifles', 'sniper') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Thrown Weapons', 'thrown') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Heavy Weapons', 'heavy') then end -- MELEE WEAPON MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('melee') then for i = 1, #meleeweapons do if WarMenu.Button(meleeweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, meleeweapons[i][1]) end end -- PISTOL MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('pistol') then for i = 1, #pistolweapons do if WarMenu.Button(pistolweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, pistolweapons[i][1]) end end -- SMG MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('smg') then for i = 1, #smgweapons do if WarMenu.Button(smgweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, smgweapons[i][1]) end end -- SHOTGUN MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('shotgun') then for i = 1, #shotgunweapons do if WarMenu.Button(shotgunweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, shotgunweapons[i][1]) end end -- ASSAULT RIFLE MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('assault') then for i = 1, #assaultweapons do if WarMenu.Button(assaultweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, assaultweapons[i][1]) end end -- SNIPER MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('sniper') then for i = 1, #sniperweapons do if WarMenu.Button(sniperweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, sniperweapons[i][1]) end end -- THROWN WEAPON MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('thrown') then for i = 1, #thrownweapons do if WarMenu.Button(thrownweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, thrownweapons[i][1]) end end -- HEAVY WEAPON MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('heavy') then for i = 1, #heavyweapons do if WarMenu.Button(heavyweapons[i][2]) then GiveWeapon(selectedPlayer, heavyweapons[i][1]) end end -- VEHICLE OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehicle') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Vehicle Spawner", 'vehiclespawner') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Vehicle Mods", 'vehiclemods') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Vehicle Control Menu", 'vehiclemenu') then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Vehicle Godmode", VehGodmode) then VehGodmode = not VehGodmode elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Vehicle Functions", {"Repair Vehicle", "Clean Vehicle", "Dirty Vehicle"}, currVFuncIndex, selVFuncIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currVFuncIndex = currentIndex selVFuncIndex = currentIndex end) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) RequestControlOnce(veh) if selVFuncIndex == 1 then FixVeh(veh) SetVehicleEngineOn(veh, 1, 1) elseif selVFuncIndex == 2 then SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 0) elseif selVFuncIndex == 3 then SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 15.0) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Collision", Collision) then Collision = not Collision elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Speed Multiplier", SpeedModOps, currSpeedIndex, selSpeedIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSpeedIndex = currentIndex selSpeedIndex = currentIndex SpeedModAmt = SpeedModOps[currSpeedIndex] if SpeedModAmt == 1.0 then SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), SpeedModAmt) else SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), SpeedModAmt * 20.0) end end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Easy Handling / Stick To Floor", EasyHandling) then EasyHandling = not EasyHandling local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if not EasyHandling then SetVehicleGravityAmount(veh, 9.8) else SetVehicleGravityAmount(veh, 30.0) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Deadly Bulldozer", DeadlyBulldozer) then DeadlyBulldozer = not DeadlyBulldozer if DeadlyBulldozer then local veh = SpawnVeh("BULLDOZER", 1, SpawnEngineOn) SetVehicleCanBreak(veh, not DeadlyBulldozer) SetVehicleCanBeVisiblyDamaged(veh, not DeadlyBulldozer) SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(veh, 2500.0) SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(veh, 2500.0) SetVehicleEngineOn(veh, 1, 1, 1) SetVehicleGravityAmount(veh, 50.0) SetVehicleColours(veh, 27, 27) ShowInfo("~r~Go forth and devour thy enemies!\nPress ~w~E ~r~to launch a minion!") elseif not DeadlyBulldozer and IsPedInModel(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey("BULLDOZER")) then DeleteVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0)) end end -- VEHICLE SPAWNER MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehiclespawner') then if WarMenu.Button("Spawn Vehicle By Name") then local model = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Model Name:") SpawnVeh(model, PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Put Self Into Spawned Vehicle", PlaceSelf, "No", "Yes") then PlaceSelf = not PlaceSelf elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Spawn Planes In Air", SpawnInAir, "No", "Yes") then SpawnInAir = not SpawnInAir elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Spawn Vehicle With Engine : ", SpawnEngineOn, "No", "Yes") then SpawnEngineOn = not SpawnEngineOn elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Compacts', 'compacts') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Sedans', 'sedans') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('SUVs', 'suvs') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Coupes', 'coupes') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Muscle', 'muscle') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Sports Classics', 'sportsclassics') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Sports', 'sports') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Super', 'super') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Motorcycles', 'motorcycles') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Off-Road', 'offroad') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Industrial', 'industrial') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Utility', 'utility') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Vans', 'vans') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Cycles', 'cycles') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Boats', 'boats') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Helicopters', 'helicopters') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Planes', 'planes') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Service/Emergency/Military', 'service') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Commercial/Trains', 'commercial') then end -- COMPACTS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('compacts') then for i = 1, #compacts do local vehname = GetLabelText(compacts[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = compacts[i] end -- Avoid getting NULL (for some reason GetLabelText returns null for some vehs) local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(compacts[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- SEDANS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('sedans') then for i = 1, #sedans do local vehname = GetLabelText(sedans[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = sedans[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(sedans[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- SUVs SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('suvs') then for i = 1, #suvs do local vehname = GetLabelText(suvs[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = suvs[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(suvs[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- COUPES SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('coupes') then for i = 1, #coupes do local vehname = GetLabelText(coupes[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = coupes[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(coupes[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- MUSCLE SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('muscle') then for i = 1, #muscle do local vehname = GetLabelText(muscle[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = muscle[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(muscle[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- SPORTSCLASSICS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('sportsclassics') then for i = 1, #sportsclassics do local vehname = GetLabelText(sportsclassics[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = sportsclassics[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(sportsclassics[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- SPORTS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('sports') then for i = 1, #sports do local vehname = GetLabelText(sports[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = sports[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(sports[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- SUPER SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('super') then for i = 1, #super do local vehname = GetLabelText(super[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = super[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(super[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- MOTORCYCLES SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('motorcycles') then for i = 1, #motorcycles do local vehname = GetLabelText(motorcycles[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = motorcycles[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(motorcycles[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- OFFROAD SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('offroad') then for i = 1, #offroad do local vehname = GetLabelText(offroad[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = offroad[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(offroad[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- INDUSTRIAL SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('industrial') then for i = 1, #industrial do local vehname = GetLabelText(industrial[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = industrial[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(industrial[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- UTILITY SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('utility') then for i = 1, #utility do local vehname = GetLabelText(utility[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = utility[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(utility[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- VANS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vans') then for i = 1, #vans do local vehname = GetLabelText(vans[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = vans[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(vans[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- CYCLES SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('cycles') then for i = 1, #cycles do local vehname = GetLabelText(cycles[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = cycles[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(cycles[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- BOATS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('boats') then for i = 1, #boats do local vehname = GetLabelText(boats[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = boats[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(boats[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- HELICOPTERS SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('helicopters') then for i = 1, #helicopters do local vehname = GetLabelText(helicopters[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = helicopters[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(helicopters[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- PLANES SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('planes') then for i = 1, #planes do local vehname = GetLabelText(planes[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = planes[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnPlane(planes[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnInAir) end end -- SERVICE SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('service') then for i = 1, #service do local vehname = GetLabelText(service[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = service[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(service[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- COMMERCIAL SPAWNER elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('commercial') then for i = 1, #commercial do local vehname = GetLabelText(commercial[i]) if vehname == "NULL" then vehname = commercial[i] end local carButton = WarMenu.Button(vehname) if carButton then SpawnVeh(commercial[i], PlaceSelf, SpawnEngineOn) end end -- VEHICLE MODS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehiclemods') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Vehicle Colors", 'vehiclecolors') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Tune Vehicle", 'vehicletuning') then elseif WarMenu.Button("Set Plate Text (8 Characters)") then local plateInput = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Plate Text (8 Characters):") RequestControlOnce(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0)) SetVehicleNumberPlateText(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), plateInput) end -- VEHICLE COLORS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehiclecolors') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Primary Color", 'vehiclecolors_primary') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Secondary Color", 'vehiclecolors_secondary') then end elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehiclecolors_primary') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Classic Colors", 'primary_classic') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Matte Colors", 'primary_matte') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Metals", 'primary_metal') then end elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehiclecolors_secondary') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Classic Colors", 'secondary_classic') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Matte Colors", 'secondary_matte') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Metals", 'secondary_metal') then end -- PRIMARY CLASSIC elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary_classic') then for i = 1, #classicColors do if WarMenu.Button(classicColors[i][1]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local prim, sec = GetVehicleColours(veh) SetVehicleColours(veh, classicColors[i][2], sec) end end -- PRIMARY MATTE elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary_matte') then for i = 1, #matteColors do if WarMenu.Button(matteColors[i][1]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local prim, sec = GetVehicleColours(veh) SetVehicleColours(veh, matteColors[i][2], sec) end end -- PRIMARY METAL elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary_metal') then for i = 1, #metalColors do if WarMenu.Button(metalColors[i][1]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local prim, sec = GetVehicleColours(veh) SetVehicleColours(veh, metalColors[i][2], sec) end end -- SECONDARY CLASSIC elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary_classic') then for i = 1, #classicColors do if WarMenu.Button(classicColors[i][1]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local prim, sec = GetVehicleColours(veh) SetVehicleColours(veh, prim, classicColors[i][2]) end end -- SECONDARY MATTE elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary_matte') then for i = 1, #matteColors do if WarMenu.Button(matteColors[i][1]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local prim, sec = GetVehicleColours(veh) SetVehicleColours(veh, prim, matteColors[i][2]) end end -- SECONDARY METAL elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary_metal') then for i = 1, #metalColors do if WarMenu.Button(metalColors[i][1]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local prim, sec = GetVehicleColours(veh) SetVehicleColours(veh, prim, metalColors[i][2]) end end -- VEHICLE TUNING MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehicletuning') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("") then end -- VEHICLE MENU (WIP) elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vehiclemenu') then if WarMenu.CheckBox("Save Personal Vehicle", SavedVehicle, "None", "Saved Vehicle: "..pvehicleText) then if IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), 0) and not SavedVehicle then SavedVehicle = not SavedVehicle RemoveBlip(pvblip) local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) pvehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) pvblip = AddBlipForEntity(pvehicle) SetBlipSprite(pvblip, 225) -- Full list of blips SetBlipColour(pvblip, 84) -- Full list of the available blips colors ShowInfo("~g~Current Vehicle Saved") pvehicleText = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(pvehicle))).." "..pvehicle elseif SavedVehicle then SavedVehicle = not SavedVehicle pvehicle = nil RemoveBlip(pvblip) ShowInfo("~b~Saved Vehicle Blip Removed") else ShowInfo("~r~You are not in a vehicle!") end -- Whenever the entity changes, the blip and entity needs to be reseted. Lots of other checks need to be made. (WIP) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Left Front Door", LeftFrontDoor, "Closed", "Opened") then LeftFrontDoor = not LeftFrontDoor local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if LeftFrontDoor then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 0, nil, true) elseif not LeftFrontDoor then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 0, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Right Front Door", RightFrontDoor, "Closed", "Opened") then -- Is closing when the driver seat has someone RightFrontDoor = not RightFrontDoor local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if RightFrontDoor then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 1, nil, true) elseif not RightFrontDoor then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 1, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Left Back Door", LeftBackDoor, "Closed", "Opened") then LeftBackDoor = not LeftBackDoor local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if LeftBackDoor then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 2, nil, true) elseif not LeftBackDoor then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 2, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Right Back Door", RightBackDoor, "Closed", "Opened") then RightBackDoor = not RightBackDoor local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if RightBackDoor then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 3, nil, true) elseif not RightBackDoor then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 3, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Hood", FrontHood, "Closed", "Opened") then FrontHood = not FrontHood local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if FrontHood then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 4, nil, true) elseif not FrontHood then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 4, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Trunk", Trunk, "Closed", "Opened") then Trunk = not Trunk local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if Trunk then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 5, nil, true) elseif not Trunk then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 5, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Back", Back, "Closed", "Opened") then Back = not Back local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if Back then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 6, nil, true) elseif not Back then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 6, true) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Back 2", Back2, "Closed", "Opened") then Back2 = not Back2 local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) if Back2 then SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 7, nil, true) elseif not Back2 then SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 7, true) end end -- WORLD OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('world') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Object Spawner", 'objectspawner') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Weather Changer ~r~(CLIENT SIDE)", 'weather') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Time Changer", 'time') then elseif WarMenu.Button("Set All Nearby Vehicles Plate Text") then local plateInput = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Plate Text (8 Characters):") for k in EnumerateVehicles() do RequestControlOnce(k) SetVehicleNumberPlateText(k, plateInput) end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Disable Cars", CarsDisabled) then CarsDisabled = not CarsDisabled elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Disable Guns", GunsDisabled) then GunsDisabled = not GunsDisabled elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Clear Streets", ClearStreets) then ClearStreets = not ClearStreets elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Noisy Cars", NoisyCars) then NoisyCars = not NoisyCars if not NoisyCars then for k in EnumerateVehicles() do SetVehicleAlarmTimeLeft(k, 0) end end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Make All Cars Fly", FlyingCars) then FlyingCars = not FlyingCars elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("Gravity Amount", GravityOpsWords, currGravIndex, selGravIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currGravIndex = currentIndex selGravIndex = currentIndex GravAmount = GravityOps[currGravIndex] for k in EnumerateVehicles() do RequestControlOnce(k) SetVehicleGravityAmount(k, GravAmount) end end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Set The World On ~r~Fire", WorldOnFire) then WorldOnFire = not WorldOnFire if WorldOnFire then wofDUI = CreateDui("", 1, 1) else DestroyDui(wofDUI) end elseif WarMenu.Button("~r~Fuck Up The Map (Irreversible!) [WIP]") then if not FuckMap then ShowInfo("~b~Fucking Up Map") FuckMap = true else ShowInfo("~r~Map Already Fucked") end end -- OBJECT SPAWNER MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('objectspawner') then if WarMenu.MenuButton("Spawned Objects", 'objectlist') then elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Object To Spawn", objs_tospawn, currObjIndex, selObjIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currObjIndex = currentIndex selObjIndex = currentIndex obj = objs_tospawn[currObjIndex] end) then elseif WarMenu.Button("Add Object By Name") then local testObj = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Object Model Name:") local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local addedObj = CreateObject(GetHashKey(testObj), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 100, 0, 1, 1) SetEntityVisible(addedObj, 0, 0) if table.contains(objs_tospawn, testObj) then ShowInfo("~b~Model " .. testObj .. " is already spawnable!") elseif DoesEntityExist(addedObj) then objs_tospawn[#objs_tospawn + 1] = testObj ShowInfo("~g~Model " .. testObj .. " has been added to the list!") else ShowInfo("~r~Model " .. testObj .. " does not exist!") end RequestControlOnce(addedObj) DeleteObject(addedObj) elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Visible", objVisible) then objVisible = not objVisible elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Direction", {"front", "back"}, currDirectionIndex, selDirectionIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currDirectionIndex = currentIndex selDirectionIndex = currentIndex end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Rotation", RotationOps, currRotationIndex, selRotationIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currRotationIndex = currentIndex selRotationIndex = currentIndex ObjRotation = RotationOps[currRotationIndex] end) then elseif WarMenu.Button("Spawn Object") then local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local pitch = GetEntityPitch(PlayerPedId()) local roll = GetEntityRoll(PlayerPedId()) local yaw = GetEntityRotation(PlayerPedId()).z local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId()) local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId()) local spawnedObj = nil if currDirectionIndex == 1 then spawnedObj = CreateObject(GetHashKey(obj), pos.x + (xf * 10), pos.y + (yf * 10), pos.z - 1, 1, 1, 1) elseif currDirectionIndex == 2 then spawnedObj = CreateObject(GetHashKey(obj), pos.x - (xf * 10), pos.y - (yf * 10), pos.z - 1, 1, 1, 1) end SetEntityRotation(spawnedObj, pitch, roll, yaw + ObjRotation) SetEntityVisible(spawnedObj, objVisible, 0) FreezeEntityPosition(spawnedObj, 1) table.insert(SpawnedObjects, spawnedObj) end -- SPAWNED OBJECTS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('objectlist') then if WarMenu.Button("Delete All Spawned Objects") then for i = 1, #SpawnedObjects do RequestControlOnce(SpawnedObjects[i])DeleteObject(SpawnedObjects[i]) end else for i = 1, #SpawnedObjects do if DoesEntityExist(SpawnedObjects[i]) then if WarMenu.Button("OBJECT [" .. i .. "] WITH ID " .. SpawnedObjects[i]) then RequestControlOnce(SpawnedObjects[i]) DeleteObject(SpawnedObjects[i]) end end end end -- WEATHER CHANGER MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('weather') then if WarMenu.ComboBox("Weather Type", WeathersList, currWeatherIndex, selWeatherIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currWeatherIndex = currentIndex selWeatherIndex = currentIndex WeatherType = WeathersList[currentIndex] end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Weather Changer", WeatherChanger, "Disabled", "Enabled") then WeatherChanger = not WeatherChanger end -- MISC OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('misc') then if WarMenu.ComboBox('Theme', themes, currThemeIndex, selThemeIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currThemeIndex = currentIndex selThemeIndex = selectedIndex end) then theme = themes[selThemeIndex]WarMenu.InitializeTheme() elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("ESP & Visual", 'esp') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Keybindings", 'keybindings') then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox('Force Map', ForceMap) then ForceMap = not ForceMap elseif WarMenu.CheckBox('Force Third Person', ForceThirdPerson) then ForceThirdPerson = not ForceThirdPerson elseif WarMenu.MenuButton("Web Radio", 'webradio') then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Portable Radio", Radio, "Disabled", "Enabled") then Radio = not Radio ShowInfo("~r~Portable Radio will override any vehicle's radio!") elseif WarMenu.ComboBox2("Change Radio Station", RadiosListWords, currRadioIndex, selRadioIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) -- If Radio (above) == true, whenever a ped enters a vehicle, the station selected on this combobox will override the vehicle's station -- If Radio (above) == false, the values of this combobox will update depending on what station the player chooses using the GtaV radio selection currRadioIndex = currentIndex selRadioIndex = currentIndex RadioStation = RadiosList[currentIndex] end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox('Always Draw Crosshair', Crosshair) then Crosshair = not Crosshair elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Show Coordinates", ShowCoords) then ShowCoords = not ShowCoords elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Credits', 'credits') then end -- ESP OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('esp') then if WarMenu.CheckBox("Blips", BlipsEnabled) then ToggleBlips() elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Nametags", NametagsEnabled) then NametagsEnabled = not NametagsEnabled tags_plist = GetActivePlayers() ptags = {} for i = 1, #tags_plist do ptags[i] = CreateFakeMpGamerTag(GetPlayerPed(tags_plist[i]), GetPlayerName(tags_plist[i]), 0, 0, "", 0) SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 0, NametagsEnabled) SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 2, NametagsEnabled) end if not NametagsEnabled then for i = 1, #ptags do SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 4, 0) SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 8, 0) end end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Alternative (OneSync) Nametags", ANametagsEnabled) then ANametagsEnabled = not ANametagsEnabled elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Draw Alternative Nametags Through Walls", ANametagsNotNeedLOS) then ANametagsNotNeedLOS = not ANametagsNotNeedLOS elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("ESP", ESPEnabled) then ToggleESP() elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("ESP Distance", ESPDistanceOps, currESPDistance, selESPDistance, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currESPDistance = currentIndex selESPDistance = currentIndex EspDistance = ESPDistanceOps[currESPDistance] end) then elseif WarMenu.ComboBoxSlider("ESP Refresh Rate", ESPRefreshOps, currESPRefreshIndex, selESPRefreshIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currESPRefreshIndex = currentIndex selESPRefreshIndex = currentIndex if currentIndex == 1 then ESPRefreshTime = 0 elseif currentIndex == 2 then ESPRefreshTime = 100 elseif currentIndex == 3 then ESPRefreshTime = 250 elseif currentIndex == 4 then ESPRefreshTime = 500 elseif currentIndex == 5 then ESPRefreshTime = 1000 elseif currentIndex == 6 then ESPRefreshTime = 2000 elseif currentIndex == 7 then ESPRefreshTime = 5000 end end) then elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Lines", LinesEnabled) then LinesEnabled = not LinesEnabled end -- KEYBINDS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('keybindings') then if WarMenu.CheckBox("Menu Keybind:", 0, menuKeybind, menuKeybind) then local key = string.upper(GetKeyboardInput("Input New Key Name (line 1316)")) if Keys[key] then menuKeybind = key ShowInfo("Menu bind has been set to ~g~"..key) else ShowInfo("~r~Key "..key.." is not valid!") end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Noclip Keybind:", 0, noclipKeybind, noclipKeybind) then local key = string.upper(GetKeyboardInput("Input New Key Name (line 1316)")) if Keys[key] then noclipKeybind = key ShowInfo("Noclip bind has been set to ~g~"..key) else ShowInfo("~r~Key "..key.." is not valid!") end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Fix Vehicle Keybind:", 0, fixcarKeybind, fixcarKeybind) then local key = string.upper(GetKeyboardInput("Input New Key Name (line 1316)")) if Keys[key] then fixcarKeybind = key ShowInfo("FixVeh bind has been set to ~g~"..key) else ShowInfo("~r~Key "..key.." is not valid!") end elseif WarMenu.CheckBox("Heal Self Keybind:", 0, healplayerKeybind, healplayerKeybind) then local key = string.upper(GetKeyboardInput("Input New Key Name (line 1316)")) if Keys[key] then healplayerKeybind = key ShowInfo("Heal Self bind has been set to ~g~"..key) else ShowInfo("~r~Key "..key.." is not valid!") end end -- WEB RADIO MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('webradio') then if WarMenu.CheckBox("Classical", ClassicalRadio, "Status: Not Playing", "Status: Playing") then ClassicalRadio = not ClassicalRadio if ClassicalRadio then RadioDUI = CreateDui("", 1, 1) ShowInfo("~b~Now Playing...") else DestroyDui(RadioDUI) ShowInfo("~r~Web Radio Stopped!") end end -- TELEPORT OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('teleport') then if WarMenu.MenuButton('Save/Load Position', 'saveload') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Teleport to POI', 'pois') then elseif WarMenu.Button('Teleport To Waypoint') then TeleportToWaypoint() end -- SAVE/LOAD POSITION MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('saveload') then if WarMenu.ComboBox("Saved Location 1", {"save", "load"}, currSaveLoadIndex1, selSaveLoadIndex1, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSaveLoadIndex1 = currentIndex selSaveLoadIndex1 = currentIndex end) then if selSaveLoadIndex1 == 1 then savedpos1 = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) ShowInfo("~g~Position 1 Saved") else if not savedpos1 then ShowInfo("~r~There is no saved position for slot 1!") else SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), savedpos1) ShowInfo("~g~Position 1 Loaded") end end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Saved Location 2", {"save", "load"}, currSaveLoadIndex2, selSaveLoadIndex2, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSaveLoadIndex2 = currentIndex selSaveLoadIndex2 = currentIndex end) then if selSaveLoadIndex2 == 1 then savedpos2 = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) ShowInfo("~g~Position 2 Saved") else if not savedpos2 then ShowInfo("~r~There is no saved position for slot 2!") else SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), savedpos2) ShowInfo("~g~Position 2 Loaded") end end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Saved Location 3", {"save", "load"}, currSaveLoadIndex3, selSaveLoadIndex3, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSaveLoadIndex3 = currentIndex selSaveLoadIndex3 = currentIndex end) then if selSaveLoadIndex3 == 1 then savedpos3 = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) ShowInfo("~g~Position 3 Saved") else if not savedpos3 then ShowInfo("~r~There is no saved position for slot 3!") else SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), savedpos3) ShowInfo("~g~Position 3 Loaded") end end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Saved Location 4", {"save", "load"}, currSaveLoadIndex4, selSaveLoadIndex4, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSaveLoadIndex4 = currentIndex selSaveLoadIndex4 = currentIndex end) then if selSaveLoadIndex4 == 1 then savedpos4 = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) ShowInfo("~g~Position 4 Saved") else if not savedpos4 then ShowInfo("~r~There is no saved position for slot 4!") else SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), savedpos4) ShowInfo("~g~Position 4 Loaded") end end elseif WarMenu.ComboBox("Saved Location 5", {"save", "load"}, currSaveLoadIndex5, selSaveLoadIndex5, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex) currSaveLoadIndex5 = currentIndex selSaveLoadIndex5 = currentIndex end) then if selSaveLoadIndex5 == 1 then savedpos5 = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) ShowInfo("~g~Position 5 Saved") else if not savedpos5 then ShowInfo("~r~There is no saved position for slot 5!") else SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), savedpos5) ShowInfo("~g~Position 5 Loaded") end end end -- TELEPORT TO POIs MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('pois') then if WarMenu.Button("Car Dealership (Simeon's)") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -3.812, -1086.427, 26.672) elseif WarMenu.Button("Legion Square") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 212.685, -920.016, 30.692) elseif WarMenu.Button("Grove Street") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 118.63, -1956.388, 20.669) elseif WarMenu.Button("LSPD HQ") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 436.873, -987.138, 30.69) elseif WarMenu.Button("Sandy Shores BCSO HQ") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 1864.287, 3690.687, 34.268) elseif WarMenu.Button("Paleto Bay BCSO HQ") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -424.13, 5996.071, 31.49) elseif WarMenu.Button("FIB Top Floor") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 135.835, -749.131, 258.152) elseif WarMenu.Button("FIB Offices") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 136.008, -765.128, 242.152) elseif WarMenu.Button("Michael's House") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -801.847, 175.266, 72.845) elseif WarMenu.Button("Franklin's First House") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -17.813, -1440.008, 31.102) elseif WarMenu.Button("Franklin's Second House") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -6.25, 522.043, 174.628) elseif WarMenu.Button("Trevor's Trailer") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 1972.972, 3816.498, 32.95) elseif WarMenu.Button("Tequi-La-La") then SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), -568.25, 291.261, 79.177) end -- LUA OPTIONS MENU elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('lua') then if WarMenu.MenuButton('ESX Options', 'esx') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('vRP Options', 'vrp') then elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Other', 'other') then end -- ESX OPTIONS elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('esx') then if WarMenu.Button("~b~ESX ~w~Restore Hunger") then TriggerEvent("esx_status:set", "hunger", 1000000) elseif WarMenu.Button("~b~ESX ~w~Restore Thirst") then TriggerEvent("esx_status:set", "thirst", 1000000) elseif WarMenu.Button("~b~ESX ~w~Revive Self") then TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())) elseif WarMenu.Button("~b~ESX ~w~Revive By ID") then local serverID = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Player Server ID:") TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', serverID) end --- VRP Options elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('vrp') then if WarMenu.Button("~r~vRP ~w~Toggle Handcuffs") then vRP.toggleHandcuff() elseif WarMenu.Button("~r~vRP ~w~Clear Wanted Level") then vRP.applyWantedLevel(0) elseif WarMenu.Button("~r~ vRP ~w~Give Money (vrp_trucker)") then local money = GetKeyboardInput("Enter $ Amount:") local distance = money / 3.80 -- money is distance*3.80 vRPtruckS = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP_trucker", "vRP_trucker") vRPtruckS.finishTruckingDelivery({distance}) elseif WarMenu.Button("~r~ vRP ~w~Give Casino Chips (vrp_casino)") then local amount = GetKeyboardInput("Enter Chips Amount:") vRPcasinoS = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP_casino","vRP_casino") vRPcasinoS.payRouletteWinnings({amount, 2}) end -- CREDITS elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('credits') then for i = 1, #developers do if WarMenu.Button(developers[i]) then end end -- OPEN MENU elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Keys[menuKeybind]) then WarMenu.OpenMenu('skid')-- Change keys in config, not here -- TOGGLE NOCLIP (KEYBIND) elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Keys[noclipKeybind]) then ToggleNoclip() -- Fix vehicle (keybind) elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Keys[fixcarKeybind]) then FixVeh(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0)) ShowInfo("Vehicle ~g~Fixed!") -- Heal self (keybing) elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Keys[healplayerKeybind]) then SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200.0) ShowInfo("Player ~g~Healed!") end WarMenu.Display() -- LOOP HANDLING if Demigod then if GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) < 200 then SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200) end end if ADemigod then SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 189.9) end if NeverWanted then ClearPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerId()) end if Noclipping then local isInVehicle = IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), 0) local k = nil local x, y, z = nil if not isInVehicle then k = PlayerPedId() x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 2)) else k = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 1)) end if isInVehicle and GetSeatPedIsIn(PlayerPedId()) ~= -1 then RequestControlOnce(k) end local dx, dy, dz = GetCamDirection() SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), 0, 0) SetEntityVisible(k, 0, 0) SetEntityVelocity(k, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001) if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then -- Change speed oldSpeed = NoclipSpeed NoclipSpeed = NoclipSpeed * 2 end if IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then -- Restore speed NoclipSpeed = oldSpeed end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 32) then -- MOVE FORWARD x = x + NoclipSpeed * dx y = y + NoclipSpeed * dy z = z + NoclipSpeed * dz end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 269) then -- MOVE BACK x = x - NoclipSpeed * dx y = y - NoclipSpeed * dy z = z - NoclipSpeed * dz end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["SPACE"]) then -- MOVE UP z = z + NoclipSpeed end if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["LEFTCTRL"]) then -- MOVE DOWN z = z - NoclipSpeed end SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(k, x, y, z, true, true, true) end if ExplodingAll then ExplodeAll(includeself) end if Tracking then local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(TrackedPlayer)) SetNewWaypoint(coords.x, coords.y) end if FlingingPlayer then local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(FlingedPlayer)) Citizen.InvokeNative(0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 4, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.0, 1) end if InfStamina then RestorePlayerStamina(PlayerId(), GetPlayerSprintStaminaRemaining(PlayerId())) end if SuperJump then SetSuperJumpThisFrame(PlayerId()) end if Invisibility then SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), 0, 0) end if Forcefield then DoForceFieldTick(ForcefieldRadius) end if CarsDisabled then local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 1, #plist do if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), true) then ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) end end end if GunsDisabled then local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 1, #plist do if IsPedShooting(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) then ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) end end end if NoisyCars then for k in EnumerateVehicles() do SetVehicleAlarmTimeLeft(k, 500) end end if FlyingCars then for k in EnumerateVehicles() do RequestControlOnce(k) ApplyForceToEntity(k, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1) end end if SuperGravity then for k in EnumerateVehicles() do RequestControlOnce(k) SetVehicleGravityAmount(k, GravAmount) end end if WorldOnFire then local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local k = GetRandomVehicleInSphere(pos, 100.0, 0, 0) if k ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) then local targetpos = GetEntityCoords(k) local x, y, z = table.unpack(targetpos) local expposx = math.random(math.floor(x - 5.0), math.ceil(x + 5.0)) % x local expposy = math.random(math.floor(y - 5.0), math.ceil(y + 5.0)) % y local expposz = math.random(math.floor(z - 0.5), math.ceil(z + 1.5)) % z AddExplosion(expposx, expposy, expposz, 1, 1.0, 1, 0, 0.0) AddExplosion(expposx, expposy, expposz, 4, 1.0, 1, 0, 0.0) end for v in EnumeratePeds() do if v ~= PlayerPedId() then local targetpos = GetEntityCoords(v) local x, y, z = table.unpack(targetpos) local expposx = math.random(math.floor(x - 5.0), math.ceil(x + 5.0)) % x local expposy = math.random(math.floor(y - 5.0), math.ceil(y + 5.0)) % y local expposz = math.random(math.floor(z), math.ceil(z + 1.5)) % z AddExplosion(expposx, expposy, expposz, 1, 1.0, 1, 0, 0.0) AddExplosion(expposx, expposy, expposz, 4, 1.0, 1, 0, 0.0) end end end if FuckMap then for i = -4000.0, 8000.0, 3.14159 do local _, z1 = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(i, i, 0, 0) local _, z2 = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(-i, i, 0, 0) local _, z3 = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(i, -i, 0, 0) CreateObject(GetHashKey("stt_prop_stunt_track_start"), i, i, z1, 0, 1, 1) CreateObject(GetHashKey("stt_prop_stunt_track_start"), -i, i, z2, 0, 1, 1) CreateObject(GetHashKey("stt_prop_stunt_track_start"), i, -i, z3, 0, 1, 1) end end if ClearStreets then SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) SetRandomVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) SetParkedVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) SetAmbientVehicleRangeMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) SetPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) end if RapidFire then DoRapidFireTick() end if Aimbot then -- Draw FOV if DrawFov then DrawRect(0.25, 0.5, 0.01, 0.515, 255, 80, 80, 100) DrawRect(0.75, 0.5, 0.01, 0.515, 255, 80, 80, 100) DrawRect(0.5, 0.25, 0.49, 0.015, 255, 80, 80, 100) DrawRect(0.5, 0.75, 0.49, 0.015, 255, 80, 80, 100) end local plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 1, #plist do ShootAimbot(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) end end if Ragebot and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Keys["MOUSE1"]) then for k in EnumeratePeds() do if k ~= PlayerPedId() then RageShoot(k) end end end if Crosshair then ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14) end if ShowCoords then local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) DrawTxt("~b~X: ~w~" .. round(pos.x, 3), 0.38, 0.03, 0.0, 0.4) DrawTxt("~b~Y: ~w~" .. round(pos.y, 3), 0.45, 0.03, 0.0, 0.4) DrawTxt("~b~Z: ~w~" .. round(pos.z, 3), 0.52, 0.03, 0.0, 0.4) end if ExplosiveAmmo then local ret, pos = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(PlayerPedId()) if ret then AddExplosion(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1, 1.0, 1, 0, 0.1) end end if ForceGun then local ret, pos = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(PlayerPedId()) if ret then for k in EnumeratePeds() do local coords = GetEntityCoords(k) if k ~= PlayerPedId() and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos, coords) <= 1.0 then local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId()) RequestControlOnce(k) ApplyForce(k, forward * 500) end end for k in EnumerateVehicles() do local coords = GetEntityCoords(k) if k ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos, coords) <= 3.0 then local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId()) RequestControlOnce(k) ApplyForce(k, forward * 500) end end end end if Triggerbot then local hasTarget, target = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId()) if hasTarget and IsEntityAPed(target) then ShootAt(target, "SKEL_HEAD") end end if not Collision then playerveh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false) for k in EnumerateVehicles() do SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true) end for k in EnumerateObjects() do SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true) end for k in EnumeratePeds() do SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true) end end if DeadlyBulldozer then SetVehicleBulldozerArmPosition(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), math.random() % 1, 1) SetVehicleEngineHealth(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), 1000.0) if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), 0) then DeleteVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 1)) DeadlyBulldozer = not DeadlyBulldozer elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, Keys["E"]) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) local coords = GetEntityCoords(veh) local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(veh) local heading = GetEntityHeading(veh) local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("BULLDOZER"), coords.x + forward.x * 10, coords.y + forward.y * 10, coords.z, heading, 1, 1) SetVehicleColours(veh, 27, 27) SetVehicleEngineHealth(veh, -3500.0) ApplyForce(veh, forward * 500.0) end end if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('objectlist') then for i = 1, #SpawnedObjects do local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(SpawnedObjects[i])) DrawText3D(x, y, z, "OBJECT " .. "[" .. i .. "] " .. "WITH ID " .. SpawnedObjects[i]) end end if NametagsEnabled then tags_plist = GetActivePlayers() for i = 1, #tags_plist do if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(tags_plist[i]) then SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 4, 1) else SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 4, 0) end if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(tags_plist[i])) and GetSeatPedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(tags_plist[i])) == 0 then SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 8, 1) else SetMpGamerTagVisibility(ptags[i], 8, 0) end end end if ANametagsEnabled then local plist = GetActivePlayers() table.removekey(plist, PlayerId()) for i = 1, #plist do local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), pos) if distance <= 30 then if ANametagsNotNeedLOS then DrawText3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1.3, "~b~ID: ~w~" .. GetPlayerServerId(plist[i]) .. "\n~b~Name: ~w~" .. GetPlayerName(plist[i])) elseif not ANametagsNotNeedLOS and HasEntityClearLosToEntity(PlayerPedId(), GetPlayerPed(plist[i]), 17) then DrawText3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1.3, "~b~ID: ~w~" .. GetPlayerServerId(plist[i]) .. "\n~b~Name: ~w~" .. GetPlayerName(plist[i])) end end end end if LinesEnabled then local plist = GetActivePlayers() local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) for i = 1, #plist do if i == PlayerId() then i = i + 1 end local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(plist[i])) DrawLine(playerCoords, targetCoords, 0, 0, 255, 255) end end if WeatherChanger then SetWeatherTypePersist(WeatherType) SetWeatherTypeNowPersist(WeatherType) SetWeatherTypeNow(WeatherType) SetOverrideWeather(WeatherType) end if Radio then PortableRadio = true SetRadioToStationIndex(RadioStation) elseif not Radio then PortableRadio = false end if PortableRadio then SetVehicleRadioEnabled(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), false) SetMobilePhoneRadioState(true) SetMobileRadioEnabledDuringGameplay(true) HideHudComponentThisFrame(16) elseif not PortableRadio then SetVehicleRadioEnabled(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0), true) SetMobilePhoneRadioState(false) SetMobileRadioEnabledDuringGameplay(false) ShowHudComponentThisFrame(16) local radioIndex = GetPlayerRadioStationIndex() if IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) and radioIndex + 1 ~= 19 then --Los Santos Underground Radio doesn't properly work -- Updates the radio selections on the menu currRadioIndex = radioIndex + 1 selRadioIndex = radioIndex + 1 end end if ForceMap then DisplayRadar(true) end if ForceThirdPerson then SetFollowPedCamViewMode(0) SetFollowVehicleCamViewMode(0) end Wait(0) end end)